Tht Um o pu bih ( o sosu people the more sSeed thtg gee--hi isi not (rue t of 1.1k. bowever., I.oecIlqa@ t ouw door? M.' we equal W the . oe.IO? tii. a ofýthbe itg Tile or P. )L Hupet., hm u As My posýition VA bthe oompORy laoto oeil Ronde, 1 - uppo.e- v iii b. int.nod to knov ubat my expoutiso s beem nbukle dolng se.. lasfew word, 1 womM a«y hbot 1feal #are tut, lW nothlng casier to se»l, ai ouk materlols almout seil tjiou*ilves. And vwhy slioulda't ibis be truc.? No matter what sort of building vo deir. ta> have oar tileti nor in, thers are always a large number of slmlImr baildings in vhioh they haie bee n leuâeoter seveni wviere tIa.y are glving e;oellest service, There in no"& n o oonvineing usoto show ou til. heing useti by othearor tho sans parpose that our proopeotv._cu@tomer bas in mind, jut se pue prefer wo bey a pair -of shoew made by the. «Me mranufacturer viioée oho.. I*ve giron gond service ini the pot. 1 have mot yet foUnuti&olgle pereoP Who dostBot believle ourti4à ot only dessable ad erviceoble ie Mvey @mmo 0the word, but *lac heagtiful in appeau- Maey people O& y bcannot undeustanti how sach aWo pefetiih i. put on &aior, tUe,,as tii.y do flot raines the-tlme, mre anti okni nord jeont preesfl of msanfeolniag, nor the. posibitities witb this combina- tioa, wbioh places ont eompeay fer amati of sny otltrt Who might like t imitaste us. Oms of tii. but sýrciuisla 'nAnirc i. aei . OaiIlVa, vho Pl»a C a uaIMay :ft Iý I. fLM for the. P9lRtiiours, and r4en tel, Y" e l h t h'te sort ofeseopuWho hboa lamge prirate S» . geais b Iorida, leil t. o b i lnabd O tW*omsfor lwkia9M*lofor ilé spew dsod boue lb.é venu over M ~'OI~v.sqt. rnMa oU" yoe vWi roulieas. hbl@b ;ýtonsat uadl». ous iii. weà. " C.rsoo ir. &t té amdy et "ba uding vould b.-urwa ca. it *l: ow us7 uefffor W teo ldou% 4W ov u mm@ unformr gooSUs. bj wqÎsslalproemviSéle h oomesd b) us, 10 va bake juses §menior longor for amytody ais. l ueatsudi umworuoemfl r ult urpiqe produol. MWditri eu mmceo I i.10 wM b. madsen mm Mb-ibs " it le today, ami oour0019* bars. b. erà l n iib. reduesi. mabuigl thposltils for 001e. b otir M»Sel"ooss.fliy uM veof us buairs.mnàllbwd nd o lango. eo vo maqius mate no" "» gir. goodouvie, mo ose cao take amY busness avay trom es. as résulte a bthe. sbýmp cf Ibosnds of flimioed ijobs, couât more thon all tbat talkluk ever Scmplobed. De Smetà Quartz Tile Wittux y « . i auPreuident of As cetrcoruls momue ladlsate., tii.bas. of cur lmie la quMsla. 1 iscisi om Ibis matela isehieffSI k hst it t vas tilleresé» lim taI vold ont b.ected fby eter cold or - A.Md l vos er 'i. moa r twistonsat Wer, gong tb. IW stue buat vouli <lv. It a dltlcuve #ffect Ihat conid m-et b qulsi byamy othr malsrWo. ,AU minoraigsaraded obuI qMi lahUno. 4 la boudaeseasddlh olysprpesi ty top«a. cu ilu gd dissoutAi tie tirm limt maisualare rater 60 4imdv foa ommercaiproducî. ludoptedthtei W Cive thes mllt, Mdt *isdecorators ailtihe colore tii.y Tb* Quarts tii. anspoilifl under our specliProcus and citea ry7dot«ms sufrée trom Pite. W have Mmuy oaffs wbrsour qjaurs tii. yens osected ovIer mmmy ogive. slpy bacon.. bey tood better tho tiie 6*m this et re qutumi for tii. of qualltjr. Tii. princip poite ssid a. lrda..,te~elt. olong, large cfl o1 dhâbbloInts. miformite of fnses lalg impervlcu. QM ub4u Souumitone aabrasion. Tii...are the. qualities kvery dollar to be rauaed on stock got" directty into the. business. No oue is to receivoe epeiy Thse D ntquartz TiI. Company owns, free aud clear, over S$15,000 worth of machlnery, man foured producta, raw moterial and trade secrets, formulai; and the. good viii of the trat.. The stock in fully paid and non-asssable, the Freforred being cululative and par- ticipating. The. orders are coming ln alarmingly fast and)t iii abioIutely necessary that we sn- largm our factory lu order to take care of the preeeut ordera. We bai'e now closed the coutract for the Cleielaud Hotel for 25A000 square teet and have been advised by the Coln- tral Mo.iac Tite Company at Memphis, Teun., that tlier order for 10, OGO square foot cf ecru til. for the. floors oe the. Woodbnry County Court Bouse at Sioux City, Iowa, would b. wauted in-Juste. - Thiamakos 8b,000 oquare feee Ïfi idditon to the. rogular orders that wil cornein. Wo4yebosides that many jôosprpmîs.ed to us and lit is absolutely nec- essary ta ee ormtuatrnfadilitleS.. It la exp teËy prowldedtint the. Uoniýa$bannot moftgage it8 plant in auy way, issue bonds or suI7ut to any one. This le a 1*uXoturing Company which numbers among its oflicers aud share- holdora some of the bet men and womet ii lake eounty. Wo haýe on hand more or- ders than vo eau posifibIyflAU, andi ve want more money for the ppurpose of fillung these orders. The supply of floorng is diminiahing and the. eut i@ iecreaaing. There il; a mnar- ket for every square foot of -1looring w. make. 1 nspeet oui plant in .&ra viiere you illbe agrooabl. surprlsed te see the proceesB of manufacture. You are welcoxne at auiy timo. The. Suporintondont, Mr. C. (J. Greon wHIi gladly show y«u hov the high-grado floor ttue are made ready fot the, but of buildings. The proposition combine. mgre good featuro thau any wo have ever seen. - You canut fed to miss looking into this before It la toc, late. W. have Laatinfled soune of the cloSet buyens and careful professional ad business men in Lake couiity to the ex- tent of pattlng their own mneney into the. business. %1 Seo our photographe of some of the jobs put iu on the North Shore and in Chica- gotôr ii811better, go-viti-t atmste the« ~bosetital-and servicable flo ursfr joursoif. . ' short tîme ago wt' advised the. pnretwAse of shores iu- the lie Smet Quartz Tite Company.. A number r*ieponded and thia sit was the sale of a substantial amount. W. nov oaruestly urge you to'purchase at the. prevaiiing low price of $10O. Ou petr shai'., some of the remaiuing ieue of the ireferred Capital Stock. Yon mnou about the. enterpnise. It tatee quiet tinkiug andi courageona attion to set in nov sas ou ôer lo bslmg wvecliecut ai. rot 1th rîter was tlmi4 about skng you wvile yi> beitateti ta lairo holti. But vo have gainsi conn- in yos ad 0ô%Ilaum. %l e -.du * utu busistacks o-both oins. No eiamrgersd promies; just the roai tuovispe ou roer part lis Conm aeytov viol they are doinst. tdiat ler have the proper experleece antie, oui the reputation, wa creuo uhg munemoaudif lq dovinyoue-tI6vIn tit àseetyonr c-op.ratton cour. becuuse the opportunlti is nov. Thie h pseiiy rscommi.met.investono homuant mlsty li a poas'billty <f oui o uderus. Erery persan fntabe a liis sn.eautumot%. atd suci dollar inveti] vili ear*eetk tl h suife aout-no more, Do le«. W. haie trorked cetlievbi. ls casfllyontIlhal ngli. on a, e sl aot m t part 0f It ta the o<Score ont tîrectons. Tii. Unitd St&te«sOovrnment reports show the fol* nnur m e cpitailalvested In dmi folloviug classes: liolrcade ....................................... .8per cent Iss l peu ceat National BPonts...............................: ...6% per cent Lumbsr [n ..........t......................... 14 par cent tianufactunlng Industries*.... ...... 2Oper cent Tbé, u$ acS osaib. oser that Qeorge W De $met bas a a ranarrable cares! in the kbouldlng material buelum efdrasl ogt ol S26 Il lstoufi ilIlthons in unother moa n tii.ebuilding materilibuelsîni n Ibis coutry wbo oy rsa bàà tf l«sainmous the.builden. for honssty mmd squares tellngt. BRhatrice ln eought alten bylis but of thsn., ilebua l Me «r«dt amang atchitotmutndbulideriaà reputatîons an authorlty on cernent vhill bies tanding as tw honorable isellnMont srvieels uelI aud faror*bfy inoun.1 1!s bjaisribus osithe Prospeci t ige mmd us uareskng lb. public lu join ne ta fully equlp th. factory ulth the. oessmrY mssa titrnîs"Ibosuffeiesî v orting capital ta carri on tii. busnesan a large enougb irais ta mats il payigueuoriIl%2 r.Tii management of tht. Company aïe hmusaI. campetent mnd of long ex perlene in thia line. Tiie Company i.ainorporot enter the. Lave of the. Blte cf Ilino. - Featuea 1.-Ponety oidsaOlu nse Lu, hnnI, ilinis.4.-bsouheelimination 0f the gamble. The investient i. P -ieptale aS(TooetutManscrnet. n icrese natspcnlle ut 3oumcontilaie. Von yl b.rouardet lu olpu, oruaion. e ot pupos en a nnlnl diisin 5.H~~ enorcement of the Iextlng architecte, con- aI po0ts rantrs, uIlers'sut satieflet cuisomeni. cote suenthilolie acmer oi bcomea snctbtde. Bo Itocteas h ou 'on libave ta b. prompt. Irbllol. eoVeao cusne uthsadeis.nn l o gaa tesI asbeen obtained tram sources whlch 0h5.ct Of ti ) ae WsUts8pIwawd IL. Phhej 8ésUia7 .1 1 visb t0 teil yon in a feu word. the generol pur. pooe anti posoibilîtio fur onder for an industriel conceru to flouniob, It inuit produm u nter the very bust conditions for ail .onoerned the beut possible article st the lovait possible coo, in ordor wo ploce it vlthin the. reiiof thie guetest nember of peoplo. To, Icompligh iei, the varions essenuiel# are: The enfui article t manfacture. A, properiy orguai-et oompany. SuSfcient capital t. exploit and carry out ithe pro ject. A losa sd skilled ougaîzaîlon-. i'erfo tjon in the devigu of the prodmnt and a efficient selling force.., We are monufaotnringeg iii.ul article fur sale, the. desoriptIon andi hisowry of vblôh vill b. gises to yen by onr president. The. nezu ensential t"ot1ihave mentiometiàlea properly orgasiaut oounpany. Our perposoin foruuing a oonsaey vu twfonhter extepil is operstim sant perpetut. the. 1f. of itheentorprise. la doing ibis, vs have aoooatsud vith ne mma who, yon kéov have sucoesedt in *aeir individuel, beolmso, mai vice exelec iii prove insalm oe ii.1f. a igrovtii of otoupany. Under their mianagement the dires- tion of the, busines ii b. condueited nou bat profit hhall acoure toall concerned. # Ou? faesury le locotet lu the grestu" ta market 01 tii. country. 1Tii. cýt 0ofotalnlplng lis ro a mllahvi and i atiough utt he PremtsMtlefrsht rats otU ila. hlgli yet ou acount (if Our lomieto *0tii. moites, the. boulah sort and thefrelah dos Pot increosethé cmolmaisulal. TiItem cen undoubtodly b. riducet uhen ou oulpet sahlst..,a Sb. ltostt. CoAMMerce Commisson o&tPubic lJtUtissCoin- mimlon anesi ucys feadt'O wentesnialane.for te.proper ajuîtmenl 0f1frigli: rates on differant cmimoditisi. I'rom my long experience ulti cur prosidot asud our good f rient tMr. Hipter. 1 mm empiatcajl"Wsta h bat"ash@ a Premier saismman of lbtoe clans. Ouprsadisel bu. bai the Me and force hebio&tlmiq«utailo, madt h dus lobS. farsslgbt$thtbejrojsct be. no* mreobsili eussut sues .Th.suommnhm bailisa "lt upc. bis Wrepetation 1h01 uhateser la raprmssted and soit y Go. W. Dainesin tii. prensier of ItralUne, and the uer h le oj ays rosti ide facuin. officers Pres. George W. De Smet~ Vice.' Prea. WiIl Knisge; Tien. H. A. Wmtson; Sec. HowardL Fisher; Supt. C. C. Green. DIRECTORS George W. IPe Sinet John Hodge; Wil Knigge- H. A. Watsoni; Howard L Fisher. * FACTORY Areà, Lake COuMty, Iflioî Toisgu&susAron 8au. SALES OFFICE Chanober of Commerce uBnu&Ccagof, REPRESENTATIVE BUILDINGS C. D. Peacock's jceiuly Store - ICiflo, Danois (Staté anti Adamo Stuecis) Sciiweppe Reaidence - - Lake Pansai, iltinoba .F. W. Pericins, Arcbtçct, Laite View Punuiping Station - City of Chicago Cook Côunty Detentbon Hospital . -. Chicago .Schmid, Gardon & Martiu, Archîtecta r4o1i Fontenelle - .Omnaha, Neb. Nortiiern Illnois Stte Normal Sciiool - De Kath, Iii. fiboatnory of Board cf Fire lusurance Underwnltero Cicago 500,000 oquri tet of flooro$Pace coveret vitit De Smet;Q=ar. tile, Carbotie andi Coloret Portand Cernent. I ____________________________________________________ I __________________________ t, Are s--Office 16Z U. S.A,.mmSuburbofCh-1g Indiol Ani SWl. megal of Au bo the J cigo. chars 't, i mou vernu ber tified of et if arifl cSai 'rt gan let au 0 o et ab lu Bc di til lx fi t