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Libertyville Independent, 22 Mar 1917, p. 13

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>1 as.' - fl4D ,. ~SflAY. MARC~I '9, 1917. Pretty Blouser Bewitching new styles Do beekon you to the blouse section, eîîtîcing yoî with théir daity elegance andartistie newness. Georgette Crepe' Blouses -at $4.95 to $15 An a8sortnient of marvelous variety; distinctive fashiona re- vealing the mairent embroider- ed and beaded effeets. Corne in the foilowing shades: --Mai»e -,r« Rosa -Cltroa -Apricot -FOlash --Bitter waet -Apple Gren -White Lingerie Blotties -at $1 to 86 Beautiful blouses in a mryiad of new styles. French voiles, or- gandies, batistes and, etriped voiles, prettily trimnmed with filet lace and daintily embroid- ered. Crepe Collars $1.50 Clever ne-w coticéts In cllmrsof Une, eob- webby Georgette crepes, hemtitchd, hafld enbrol4eried sud othets plain; speCia val- ses, et 1.60. -Others et 59o to $2.25. T T A Display Which Emphasizee, the',Style Supremacy of This Store- You are eordially invîted to attend this inaugural opening, to corne an~d make a critical inspection of the ncw niodes-garments which which have beei assembled not alone for their authentic beauty, but be- cause of a certain \\orthy quality w-hich they possess. Speeial attentiou is dire cted to our window displays. Individual Sprmg Suits $25-$35 and$4 0n13 at Rubin's wili you flnd such beautifîîl suits as these. They are gar-mdnts of individual style, Scopies of high-class, exclusive mod- els, giving definite expression to the cleverest ideas of fashion. ( Mterial Include: Gabardines, serges, poplins, t jerseys, silk La Jerse, tricotines, -' and Poiret Twils. -'-~ Coloringa are: -Quker grey, navy, citro, l gold orose reseda and Copen- Loy( Stunlng nem coats for wow misses; made lins, and wooc ln ail the prevai ors; loacc and modela; priced Glo ely New,S$pring Coats 50, 22050 135.00 c ýw sprilnt Distinctive ncw coata Hlgh-class coats o uen and cf handsome design. exclusive design; fash- Sof pop- Mtade ila the prcvallng louaid of wool velours. Dvolours, apriug modela, of pin- tricotîne, burells cioth, alling col- nebarrel. poplin. bur- poplins. etc., halt or full id plaitcd la cloth, tricotine, lined; large convertible .d $1650 and serge. collar; $35.00. >ves for Spr(g Wear Mik lve Niagara Make) - 59c, 85c and $1.25 You can rely upon these well- known gloves for style, fit and service. They are of the fineat Mil- anese silk, xnany with hcavy silk Sembroidered backs - double tips and Scornei black, white and colors. Kid Gloves-Smooth,, perfect- fitting-gloves of fine sodt kid; white and colore; 2-clasp; ape- Phoenix Pure Silk Hose At 80e-Phoenix pure isilk bose of fine, servicea.ble quality; lisie tops and feet; black, white and colorn; pr. 80e At $1.10-Beautifully fashioned hose, of supexrior quai- ity silk; guaranteed to give pse1et serviçe~; lack,, whit; and colona; pair 81.10. At $50-Poefl~ bih-gnde Os f etrý qUàfity uI;N.to fit the wke;c I0,whes as -= J=%ai$U~. Spring These new millin- ery muod es, wliich comprise our Opening assortments, may lbe truthfully eca11e d 'l geins of beauty," so smart and chic are they in shape a~ trinuming. Millinery They represent ihii their wide variety, a ..~' varied expression of,. artistie ideae in de- signing. Sniall hats, medium sailors, and hats of, ixnposing: di- mensions. Trimmed Hats £4 S5,$7,5Opnd $10 These three values in trnimed hats will tem'pt the woman or miss who copoiders economy along with style and quai- ity. Handsome cîations of fine etraws, in blaek and eolors; artistically adorned with fancy motifs, and bead and floral novelties. I iSew Fashions in. Dress Skirts -at $5.00 Upto $25.00 Strikingly-haxîdslnie are thie nw dress skirts foi- spring, and they have becn assembled hiere in a variety of surprising extent. Sklritaof plain, stojped and plaid taffetas, checked and strlped velourt,- khakl- kool, allk and wool jerç*ys alk poplins and moil poplins. PIaited, yoke effects, druMe and barrel styles; tailord titchiiog and embroldercd. New Ce1aet ~oe< Saturday and the Following Week A Fashion Exhibit of premier interest, introducing in a display of wonderful magnitude, styles of ultra charm an~d distinction for the spring seâson of 1917. With Two P.ýirs of Trousers stunning -sprias suite ta dellght tueý fancy af boys. Ne- plnch-back, balted and Norfolk modue, In handiome mlx- turcs; mediumi and dark coloriuge; an extra pair af knick- ers wlth each suit. JUVENILg SUMT-CIver suite tu the Tommy Tucker, Pineb-0ack and NorfoUr styles; serges a.nd mixtures; Pique collar and euhf; $3.9ms dac4.95, SprigNovelties'iii Boots Qucen Quaity shoe represent the bxghest developruent in shoe grace and beauty, just the same as thcy represent the utmost in comfort. ad service. The Queen Quality shoes for spring arm here in ail th~e newM and faehionable noveltis-two- tone effecta and plain leathers; prices $6.00 to $16.00. Cl<weé, Queen Qality Boots., $9. 50 .~.new spri#g boot of ultra style and beauty; niod- ishly fuhioned of Rusis calf leather, with smooth vel- vet finish suede tops, ' inehes in height, lace style, plain toe; leather Louis.heels; a remarkable value at $9.50. Girls' Nobby Shoes -8;iYs8%to il, $3.50 --BliS i 1% to,2, $400 Designod of ptent leather, wj*h-.whiterid or buck tops;, welt soles; ful and romry; recomnmended for comfort -and su'vice. Infmnt's Shoes asP l$2 Corne ini white buck, al- so brown and grey kid with white kid tops; na- ture shaped Iast, with wedge heel and turned sole; ses -3 to 8. Charpn New Si&k Frocks -at165,%Og 225O and. 127S,5O There is a defipite èharrn to theseý lovely new 'frockjý which can -on1y' b.' appreciatel by aý personal Üipection., Their' graçeful Unes and orieInid style touches defie tbéni as fashions' of a highly exclusive-type.' Potchlnelyd.veloped of sea- tiful chiffq, tetai, sofi% b crepe de 4Jb%#x,' WlthGorg. TIaaah ufloewith )i -ka Pockýts of- novel design form one of their wiiming style features, whilW Or- entai b"&é, and goldanmd silver t4vrsds have b%UsIed toprodue igo- broidee fet. e lete eolorliO*iý Children'sÇCqats $3.95. to . $14.95 Youthful, indeed, are these charrnn new coats for chl- dren. leverly douagned or siik poplins. mar- ge«, tricotînes. vàOo pOPIln. !Empire, gathcred and novelty pouket styles, cal- lare of Georgette crepe and batiste; corne lanDavy, rose. appie green, Frmnchi blue snd gold. White Dresses $3 98 to' $995 The glrl's spring Vardrobe vould b, ln- complete vithout ane of these charîring new white dresses. Mtade of fine lingerie and net ln plalte l ad empire effects; trir-imed with organdie insertion aud colo-u'.& suit belt; 6 ta 14 Years; $395 to $995.' Children'a and Misse' Hats FIne chip straws lu aIl colocî prettily trlmmed with rihbon and flowtrs; 98c to Boys' S»ik4 .a '4.95 and ,:*7.'95 le àmÉýýAy. MARÇU 2MME M il M

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