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Libertyville Independent, 22 Mar 1917, p. 14

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chanceted b ave îitle -Qé Ï.~~ tl asltdlu the biddlngi feelin'l Oli ii cago h w«. lo wa 8unday to atI det ibat tbey w uld l-iraIe d uttend tbo'funers.l f nu aifýt and i di Sia fabolous price for the pss- The marntagé o! f filletRoMCL' lr lire of eating supper wlth pratty of Siteenth etreet toý Ladimer R l.U it. upit kffl . w i"ld by Rv Jig1 aIsc of North Cicago, tool PhiioM. ber or e f CM -dertrude Braugitofi, for theY, 8r- 4 oclack ibis sternoon. Tlhe ceremofl' "nled that the box belonged ta ber. W84 pefarÎ 1 l1 wSi5n 85 M. Mlia Ladinef Roule are *"Three dollars," one of th-, rivai I0 ai 1,B4*Ota t e.O pendlng tArmoneyinom ln Chi- "Fu olS"rtrted he ter. brtida têrêaivê' «t 9 10. but 'il!ratura ta NoniliCM. "Four ollars" retoted te it e. familee.t bre 01*0 tm pnt of the week. ~; I yo la attnde e '*Five," snapped the tirai. lit the bonne a-aiets. If yu laitattndeda bx »W.«Six dollars, seven dollars. elglit. MMn "ad bld o; tea1950 (every 'Dent ane, teu dollars! y" bad la your pocket). -for the box T'ree eemed ta be no liit ta the Y"s kaev, beongod t.u,'ayur "best pice the *rivais vere Wlllllg taP ilrl" vouldn't nIn ake you inad I ef ddfotvs t pée hapj-ý your '1deally rival- ralsed the bld an- in the eyeeoaf the Young woman of otber fifty cents, and uou had ta ait their choice and they eally did denii'O back and see your rival ahd the ,only the pleasure of ber company for the eItl eat suppof togtber. dance ta- eveling, Sgther, and thon valk borne together? ~~- This la the ratber unfortunate po- Tevdolr!» Blumberg 's are now prepared tÎÎ show vou the aion la which a Young man found "Thole dollars!" bimself at a WaucoodL high achool l"Thirtdeen vrid eledollars!"-sze rgs p ar afew nght ag. i ae is StiU the betting heween the îwo agù n otvrc eeto nro-ic us Th ounglad ntecsMs rivale colilued. When the bîdding - '.zrud B'ogbtti a ! iereechel the ten dollar mr YoÜ can surely select a rug to suit your taste as e-asler, clamavs the icause of the nanhcm o ue ht well'aW peketbook, in Fre'1Whton,-Royal Wilton, .reclclesi -biddlng.lave beard a pin drap. The~ta*p The antyW55 ~ ~ --~ wgl tense! Everyone leaned fte Wilton Velvet, Axrninstcr, Brussels, Fibre and Crex TePrywo ragdaame-a Ilittie and clenched the armeof1itiesX. . . \i91,8xO,7i9,69 66,36 54 o! providing tfuds for the graduat- chaire. qaïis,1 n9l.,8.l' 'k?69 "6,36 x" lus exercises. A letton WL. L8iZliOd '-Bigiteen dollars," Schaeffer sali 3 t6 eech >Young Womnan lIthe clans. gamney. The ltter wu.s Lfflxed ta the enld 0t "Nineteen," was the prompt neotn t be box ef lundhviioli ahe prepared. or ODOI. ' Owe It To oreft Su- rLi . *beu these boxes venu placed aide In the meantime Schaef fer haî tai'- -by Ide on the platforn the letters e tc fhsfnne n o~ New'. Coniplete Line of LaWC' Txtains and Portiers epeled he ord. "Snio Clie.that $19.50 was every clt be buil TP7" lhe plan was for the Young wîtli bim.r m»en in the audiénce to bid on the ',ieenfft, esidee- 1 " Oo2biMation Çoâea" 04WG~ ai>xeâ sa they cauld be aold a axe- mmed tauie sanie ta tie1114t.' 6 -_ 1 y the,ý&t*houq&Umsio.The beat stove teu thelb. igbst bidder. Th'nie 'w»y," ered -Dlt iso4 *hee . Pi . Kïe t t t be giliwhq ba Irep.red thât Par. The aoctoner bai libU bol jgicmlee tia Ilrbt of uncth. t uuprvb alen sabye ias jijo-ia~ . ________________________ prnat er Jhno te oug enu u a r«iÀ-îz"leport wudjs omlt htlivin wnellof Chicago antd Herbet Schaef- compasure enongh ta cr7 àban room n n serve as an extra bed for company. Sep f* et McHenny, tva Young =en who csiiy: Our large seleetion. New car just arrivçd. Were paying court te Miens Bougtan. 'utbld $20-who'll maie It ý2l; »kch hbîd learned ln nome imanner I'm bld $20-who'll mate h *20.50. PMathte box labOUe4 '"r belonged ta Are yau ail dons? Once! Twlco: $8»O Feit Comnbination jlWtzu-In heavy *eu yopag voma nao tboy. votre nt Tbree times! Lait chance! Sold ta ttriped4 or art tieks, roll edge; 501b. Nev- OU Oblge tta "buy a can l biigne le eYoung man for $20." eiree t M o rce q oTw. $1. maWfrty of bidoror.fre i hslo rct« = .. I Tiey took De 'ntettin té Art Card of rhinks. tbx'e boxes whilcb vone auctioued. We dsire ta express our barfelt thanks for the aympatby. kindaeso o nyteIags utteBs untr tr 4tact thoy did ntmot in a 8.bldBut 'and fl<>ersduring aur raient >- NoOnyheLretB tte etFriteSoe *bon fthc ne4 box vas offered théy 'ýrevemet ln the Ilnes and 4eatb of in L&k5 County. aonce hecame active. The. avorage oui beloved child.. »MMc paid for a box vas beiveen $2 George WIMcutter andS 'amily. Ta this -prticular cause the price WorkiflO te MuOIO jeeped tu the $3 mark almotquieter Ttla1 clnlmed that muge uiokes o *ff b '$,ittais tateUtt. Bore o th casier. A Ciidnnati dry-eoàfiflg oe tablblîîuent bus put Iis ibeoi7 4 t1 [Yptborspreantbail 19--ulausplcoua test iy înstnîling n gool îpeaâ bffltiO th tw oung Ma n t i laiel, wo,'li-u'oipi. rtat camlta vuS nteotir I er4sa .. saw,,s* icus h epts ~I 44'~5. S. try, boa, N. - *~~*'~"l ) Q PItOPERTY 0F GENOA RUBBER MANUFACTURING CORPORATI0N,~With- o'ut ineuxnbranee or mortp~ge otguiy kind. Land area, 3 acre".Bulig modern brick, tw,È' stosy'and kaeme nt facêtom1 b)uidin g, 50 x 2M0ft.,.with e xte nsiîon 5Oxgl5 ft. LAok àtiti. tollàwing prlcea, adjustmenta made on 8t50Ô mùle basi:-- aie. amooth. Non-Mkd. Tubes. Tubes I ...... .... . 00 $ 8.41 $1.87 $=.2 sw034 l 10.89 2J2 9.46 318 .........10.81 11.37 2»3 2.58 ........ ...8us15.61 2.90 3'2 -.. . .. . . . .17»2 17.12 1M.fl Mm- 3.04 3.07 Sm2 3.464 3.69y ........23.51 &95 4198 m"172go 24.70 4.06 4.57 wQ25.3 4.22 4.68 35X-5 ......... ... 29.11 4.50 4.91 375 .......... 29.66 31.17 4.72 2 IREEGUL&R I[E ........... .$8.22 $ 64 $1.83 *$Log MiW ....... .....15.41 l&119 2.46 2.60 35x4........ . 19.21 M20 3.14 3.67 3W1 .........31.39 s32.94 4£61 5.10 7or informa tio n how to semure tires and tubes at aboye prices, write Genoa Rubber Manufacturing Corporation 8 Soutji Dearborio St, Chicago ~re: get at this Youig M',Vsr li tr.Value abQye evrytlup is what you store, ad Our Rvaraiitee &~stsaton or nfçppey cherfttlly refunded is anmyonemay wfsh for. iU LI~VJ.A*ULI Vif as broad as LJU>r WOoeewhothinktbmy t4rd téffto tell you that OUS SPRING o r v qrla r eefutp o ~g ' ê a4 y n t ' H e to.ft" pi f tP S - Siiits a~i Overc ver$1-to $4 Axýe You Ready for a Sprn Oecot -OID botter hav~e it early; first you know wUl corne the dairs when the heavy' winter coat V tqOc jmc.uçàd.no overcoatià not*anug.-This is-thi..tme and here la the.,place to pritons for such days. Lýook st th~e nwble rh models; vry~o 1ookin~Nl "1WbéïCoat8 from London, véiij EýngI1ij qute&drent.fr ooI#er afyies. Men 's àShoes carried, in tsA. tgEE Wo iP 'SoeI car widt4 A A to E Bo, 1lod m 'ses eàwdhs~t Our sprngUne of Shoes for the whole have, nothing I,ý.!t thie best niaterin them family s uw-ce. FW' itivite, you'» àomdeh of theitn" é co4el a '-tIcthm ôrugh oQI# ,suck asi(CrOsett H forsigt ~<S~ yu hoes at aido Î' pc. h~eIlw>kere. These Os,~~e If y ou buy your nev pair of hiere, you, wII ,Save 50e toQ 10 a Paii FI b L~ tu- l3oy's suits Witte TWo Pairi ,of -Pants- Thie Iirgest line of bôys suits everý shown in this store.ini pineh b4çka, Nprfol.ks qa-d bite& bace, gî4,s from 6 to 18 ytars. .'ewe invite àil xpothers to b*ing in, their boys to Nec s toselect - L on accolent Qof W.. erly msd w-lll6 &0 le%

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