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Libertyville Independent, 22 Mar 1917, p. 3

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LIBERTYVIlILE IiNDEPElNDENT. TmJUIM8AY, MAR(JF 22, 1917. IDII PI3SONS WOULD INDICI SUES gOM E FOR "JIN" WELCD ». TWO YOUNGSTI3RS -- 9-gC -iitn:d Proui gtOne.> Ceunty iudge Has Placed Fa- serious operatZ < md rmd #Mron Probation-Children Jan-8 G. Welch dld nt Avrec tea Taken From Him. j.ostvirienment ef the Goldbergcae lustead lie d.lumsded Mta the Coanl, H4E DESIRES THEIR RETURN. Phys.c, LI>. A. 9. Brown.,b len ________to Chicago te amine GléberE. WiN (iet Them P-_. it Hel Brwnva erted out them anar. H. ShOM lm--,-...iet-aos ifouni ibm Ooldberg vas la tend ShOW Im"~ ~MefltOyS eal'h. Ne louiudt! th"OGldbeg bai Are VI' riqht Fellnws. arrIved atthe haspita but a ev Waukegan., Marcb i fIl. lutes befere h. did, ntithre. 10 there any* home ln Waukegan diatbutera au the affidavit 4.- viiere twa brtgbt hUtte youngSters cl5red. would rerelve a welcome for the next Tht result. Au n Ijllt;neft charg- six Menfthtaoîihr niii'dco h " tirî' Ie County Judge P. L. Per.-lmGdeergadvt vltL perry 'OLldIl e tu have the fact cot.maeteffdvtwi eurwo 'uni, . Itta lm. for lis la ready to eund suPPIY h.t- Oungsters on shortiio- IAnd flou cames the sifidavit vblck lice. Tht o0yu. uho arP brothers,. oclihersbua amiote athe aliter'- am,-Il aid 12 yeare of axe, reapec- -;ne aa à charte of depeudeucy hlm Uven Sie r. umesioafsuthe taa W%044 aslainat the. tuo yugme henbme.wuamdoansiltt becuMe of a fallure on the part af attorney seuerail ii Mr. Bruaisme thil' tailler te plevide a aultable William P. Weotaban a desk lu the 96éýefor them. The fathber nOv battorney geuemsoffice. 41b, tebsti. Il he refrains f rom hsm eaoeta touiGn dtlUa for the. next feu monthe and t48 eeoshaAtrnyen gbff ~asin abiity te rare for hiem tle eral Brufidage caleti Circuit Judge q17. the çbIldreu vil!lie retift-ned 'Claire C. Eduards Into Chcago for a ta him a84ibm'end of hall s yeux. Ilf cooerence. sAndas a recuit of the se am, th chuliren iulfl ie sent tetaienou hcbu beea lrought hy G00W- Oum "lte lutitutiaa. atJae0.Wl lantrcl- 'la AU my experlence I noyer hav.p ~ Jms0 gcbl ltpate founi two more munly litle ehapa, luasi the bar i"Ys.meie Botnide- Judg Persolis sai. "Tbey are per- ksrrei. He laoarseMaon bis oua li- font gentlemen, have been tsught titive. and ho lcima 1ht ho vinl habita or cleanlînessanard vIl! vin a prove te oacandsan I lusoaCncece. valu *pot lus the, hearts of 5fly pou- Oue mtotaer5' uhebcho ard of the PiM ubo are vlling ta tabe them n..O~Ib:0Mer at '*Perthe lant feu veeka the boysAcin bub o «& id bavw e tu ai the home of Mise Ida "Thtelanduiting )n the vaillAn" liftmelrelcb, lb. probation officer. 'otheraitempt ta 'gel 'elch.' The At- but ber home n asupposed tae o ut îempt yl t atI. Welcl intatoc Dbia t.Mporary quarters for dependent ebldr. ansd besidea I expect titre moaitet faîl for suri dii't3 acta." viilieh more dependent ebildren plbam liti aur euxtody befor.' log.i1WANTS GRAND JURY PROBE. - Jo te 1 malte room for them. I__1__ rouS end thsetua liothrs~OWelch Wants Vindication From eau. tate lnutittoufor the period of probation uhldh ha% liten arrani Jury of Twlve Men, Not for the fatber, but 1 stamdverae te From Powers That Be. tabing tis top If lu cao lie avolded. Il would lie much nirer If the 1111e With suspicion- fefluva ould lis'placet! In snme pri Ta ahuWuegn n at vste hom for the ucît ffe nnthe. To nhaWuea.adi at i hiave tabsun a been itereat lu these Giietf aite counfty. veued tht lads and vould flt consent ta their charge of Isaac GoîdbprK tuai James being plaeed in a private home unions G. Welcli hati accepteti a bribe et I hue-v that tliey wvould'rrecplvi'goed 5lfrnhl rare, vould bhc ln pleaant <environ-$5i rotlm menta, sud vauld lie pprmitied t t Pepmtve as the vay one tebd achool' mnan put It. Thte plaring of deppndent 'hildren Jm to big a man ta stoop ta la p"IYMfi home, la 1frno0eas'a tSIlat klnd or work' sald another. unique <ourse ln Vaikegan on.5 v '1t trusthat Welch miiliehoable te Pr&] of them aitelielng arêd for liy familles along the narili shore. The ut out tho- instîgatars of the plt.** plus bas been found ta lie veresat- raid stitl a third. lp#betory> In fart. Judge Pîrsons That gomone. la plttlng ta "get' says h.- much prefers i t the pro jame G W,lcrh t h 'e h poeSpl pin of haislng a regulation uea a ai n t o! vi% ata home litre for deppndent chltdr.-n. %akgn stk, ofiqlet Jude . terBans vauld h. pl-attd ta efiatiofi. isse orre tamnl >v uha are dpevrous of At that Jim Wetch vak, doun the caring for tii,. voungýrers ummflni. aîrr'et of Waukegan wth lishieod et%* wlth hlm ai ounce as h is ..de ln the air. Fit aaya he la "innocent Satru a dso, tter aeli etof tht charge.' and oeebas but t) T'WENTY-- SIX ARE E! YEN NATURALIZA= TlIbm DADDC purD cerf, lu lm statent Il vas oit tht llnd day of 1-ci-ni -ber, but thiep dtaym iefare Chlristmuas, that James G. Welci negotiated tht loin of 87Ft0 tram Isaac Goldlitrg. l'h.- amnt>' wâ paid ta Mr. Welcli ,l 1JUN I r l rE J' Il.IAL lby .check- Tliechecr vas draun on -a tlightand Partk liant. Welrb Forty Are Examined but Otherassieu Go.ldergs rimera. Hts name Fourteen Are Instructed to appeurs matit canpliatsly un the StudyMore.back of thte chec. JliWeleh made Wauktgan. \[arm h 2d. tal it ndsof havlng liorroved $760 New çitizens vert madeienlarapid frani Guldbetrg. Hetotalaattorney* o! fire acier Ini circuit court taday ulitn hlaving made the sanieJuan, and nov uaîncalizatloa papers ver(- grani.-d ta tinht has sou fata a penitntlary twenty,-sm-ix Lke onu ie rns. trêsentence.Isac Guldberg atikies il wert tari>' peiticfl ta lie heurt! but t %sas eieS afar an .xaiinatian ha(,lier-n maSde liatthteailier four- teen petltIonmshouit! mabe a furtiel' .uS>' of elvirs and UnteS tatta lits' tare hbefore they lierome fu fledged eltizena. Mr. Scilotfeldt af tht nain- rallsation bureau of Chirageoy'aduri- ed lb.- ezuinstiffi. -"nut&Uatton V&D"s vert lueS to ens voman. a Misa Aluta Kiara flesuinger of ZIOt i .Y, a native a! tseimau astat. e Pfeuutuu. mnuelibet and Intet lierui"an ln uet caots, ta- aint!Austi wbetir man>, Ai lu rast c tries. TI tht>'Wvo Blstes. ' awre regai the imp. It vas ail lie i k»lnvedm tom. Mma Latt county's state's attorney. Ht accuses Mi'. Welci of grasfiag. Ht lutimattethat Jiai Welch promiseS i. "lie bouiht for thé pallry suni of $760.-' Wall Pald Aun Proeutor. ney $5.000 a year. Iltai doubiful if ihore la a lavyer practiclng before lte chi0Utcourt liari-nlu ke county' ubo emrns a ttum a yesr. If se liste are but 2ev. P-me.. vieved iu Waptkegsn. If suriehlie UiiI FIU' IItf dfrgtf< ir ~( nio Pucn, athoaugi thmlatter baS c-ne the grand lui-y wlIIInet bcliei-- C4IÀIAL A SS FEUl L)CASE U3 enDIS-lSona imlA"bag -~ " Whe. tht casesiv.re nIieferain caldad no Iuvestigation viiilie ~ <*5tl<i "~fll IV DqRUIP>MiYar the cii-cuIt ta tht count>'court the uftS b>' iheni. OFrvuI0 SHOiWS ÀA Iil111U ED slalom attorney filet! au Iuformnation 111tht grand jury la reraled It wulliT against Fegene anS his vife. Purin lie servet! vînt notice ta appear at fKV!rpITCas a bCondeV CURT usboftr#bais te taîtnt hause aext Manda>' morn- UIIRmeLVId UV~Itti-theft ste'sanE>'rfs!t It Il lvtrlet -arcept bha as suret>'. Mn Wtnhvil as Maorit byWhih te F ofthe easns s Tat tanFaetuten ,heami o! tht IfItI i(raid r Wlh il é MjriybyWic heFan-10n f teRaos sTa;,e fcues Terminoal, tho'n of- t ii. r, thon dite thue praserutar. Hie chise Carried Reduced From Ber'th Fegers, a Party De- t.ed la stan lie bond, but t4, aiso vili art an opportunitt o g before 1870 to 1865 Votes. fendant, Stillis1 Free. vas re!uetd because ivusto-tnt! ho uh jror tadefet! umaî!. elci _______ ls lots ret etat aunr l iVt'e- -- uor odeedhil. Wel i l noeau. Al este werin haii* la A- - o h-ve. t. -fvo uy&auuuruiL.Asrnav ntsuiiî Fiîîrî UI1bKl di: in (x re IL te ai Pl ci ge m ai et cil a] et tc w or CI k lu t', a fi lie a U FI sumbling block lu the patli o! any1 ua ho la mseeing justice. Al that Next Stop WIH Be for Railroad State's Attor'ney Refuses to Ac-i hasia la bit due. He velconies an thi Pay to ibis City the Sum ocept Andro Pucin as Bonde~ investiation, ,o týat his boueur ould b. eesblbhed in a court of i~xy'i~ad a o ees 'ecord, and no that Lake couuty aud Waàuk*Ma, March 16.Waukeffl, Marci 14. ta& people vould have au ooetuniiy The, City conhefi met lunprta, se,- A auddeu Change -umxe 1 thi. Jo.. to lsine up" the Statemeuta ar the alan liridzy aftersom e t 4 'ctork for Ftellr case ibis marnlug vbes accuser, sud of the ma uoboa. the purpame of casvaastag the vote fila. s Attorney Welch suddenly outcsiet the b*Wabhse élection Weduse- Buel) prousse,"tht case aud immedi- praveu an haneti faitbfut sud «t-dsy. The chevmsreveaiet! a differ- aiel thes'efter ffled au IufOrmstlou cIent servant ofithe Public la more tuce 0f bW Ut tVotes In the total tla com . utye t Mmist Pegers aBd thon one respect. cont Betha Mesurs. other-vinse kuovuas Jae .Wle a eve spi- Tht officieI vote la as fotiova: .Bu Vrs. 1;0dt b1li v# Jse . ee hssrvSa pt-FOR AGAINST eut luhoni pMaeege taosldbeta tdeelareë ipsi of the Norh schaol. H.e1h« lie.Women. Men. VWo-' n, tOis 1e690u ite. Fm'thormoS 1 erved as toucher of geametry ln the lot uard .... .242 103 142 20 Mfr.Welch lmmedlately bud aIl t» 1 Uaubggan hgh gchool. He hu - gd nd vErt! . 8 -118 77 le remaaiug Il~ etcaes effliidto as n ultan spevioiroflAe rd ward .M90 01 49111< the coulutr' court from théb. ircout is n ssitat apevisr f [b.4th yard SN3 ep 39 ?7 ourt. TII).stp vas ueesiary be- ounty. Hehbas erved ns a Justice Sth yard .1«0 1 46 28 Cause of the tact that aU et thé Jur- of the pouce of Waukegan tavitp. z- - - - ors bave been exhasted lu the cfv- and but receutly he w-t siec Total% ..1272 942 353 96 cuit eourt sad te ludoes not Pro- Total voie, fer. 3814. vide for the calNug of sny mure. Tht etae'. attorney. Ht had been &C' Total vote. aataaiW, 449. la« Sd-m r',de, bovever. for the1 éorded the greatest bhor vhlch Dies Majorlty for.M,8<.caWut of JMNMa ite çOunlý Court1 in the pover of the people of Lake Tht 001Y changea In ft'urei. came and accordiagly Mr. Weklh viU try Ht -. ~ ~ f thiei.rat a" -hirt! ards. iail the remalulng lUquor es l inbth couty'He e'&e"-td t th hlh-thelie rsii vn ibhetotalnumlter o oimLty Court T lrst ou. ohoCor- st sasarieul Posiions tAke' rounty liae votes cast bY vomen for tht franchise -1121. there la tbe one agaInat' Pgers to e.«er. as reduced tram 104 to 103. lu thé sud Bertha ]rogera. vberen thei 6dît!Jtm Welrh prove dlshouet tibid yard th@ iWomeu's voie for the alateaatmtorney, flIed 36 coatp franchise vas veduced front 202 tu 201 againsi theni on the matter of Illegal s-len servtng Waukegan City Or Wou- and the vormn'mvoe against tht sae cf liquor. gan tounshp? Wcàs hlm ie ever franchise wua lureased fram 16 to 1egers bas endeavoredt! t prove lit lnktd vth that vhlch talute.! af 18.Thi adue & total of but fOve vwas uet tht proprittor of the AnSi graf? Wa heevermenione asvotes iiffereuce froni tht unolTirlal torlum bolt lu Northi Chicago andi grtt Ws is eermetint! sretflrn. the vituasa ail seem ta bear hlm cris of tht crooted politicaus if Lake Naw that the coanceil lias canvassd oui. Hovever, the ulinees évidenice CountY? NO, flot unîtil thtenioner tht votes andtie report of tht rau- furher shoved tbst ibeir purchasea tender ftrom Highland Part. vboe v-aatg rolmitte hua heen' approve.!, of liquor vert made from a voman, son acesà peitenia-yepn Mayor Pearce vatlng ta tata thîs uho sa supposeS ta lie hlme"-tfé snd ion facm pelltntaryset'nce action. Il yuil ho Possible, ta prareet! inquiry shows furihor tint the les se ecause Jtm Welch damsflot fear the aith ailier Sétua. Withtn a short as ibhe building vas madt ouita -gang whirli Is trytng ta get hlm. " Itilfl tht ralros compauy vli puy lBertha Pegers rathor than te Fegers appers n tle lmeilhi t f a 1a! aer ta the Ciy temu mof $60,000 bimamif. appers I th "rnllgh wlb Sn& -and!tht vork of miproving tht tracba Afier Mr. Welch lia. latnta h- fîdavît lie vants the attorney genaral litre vilI b. atartm S teps ho dii thie morulug Fegers vas et! Illinois ta ronelder. .1 t- jl ae lt usayb James G. Wtkch vas elecied ta afruesthe sholff sud romiîns nov taulie f ire on the 7th day of November. He . - Wt -0 -r twsre enwehe ewl e bet was ut ndutedlât oficeuntl t e Prtot!that Guldberg voult! "get bonds oi' Dot. fira ofi ide. mb offic e untîliM. 'elch" Another reason for tht change of Welc woldnt daw ne entor ol- MOnda;- Tht Sun toIt! how Goldlierg the lquor rases froni tht crcui W~lr vouda' dra ontren of al-ta county court vaisdue tothle tact ary for servîng as state'm ttoru'v, hadl prêserrtei su &gffivt to the t»t-lai begiuulug Mouday tht tue mur- untîl fmrelilme ln January. toruey generai aabiag that lie ral * der trilsh, uhevein tvo iftereut Christmasa wa.draulng near. )Mr. aPerlal meeting « the Marrh grand Greeks tilledtueu at itereuf Urnes, Welrh lied but rereutly liecome q Jury ta Lake Oouqty ta heur a graft vîliliho startet!. Thetifret rase uIt hfneict Tht mantmuc tohim chage hic howOud lY MJaresviiilit ethat of ui Skrevanoa and heneîct.Thatmeai muli t hlm chrge litr liev<>ld ly LtJi le5yl lie folloved by tht rase agaliast Ht lia. but receutly gene threugh G. Wtlnh'. feet. Paul Smith. tuo expeusive runipaigua. Ht vas Hus. or dtd James G. Welrl i gvm The dsmmisSai of tht Pogera came Dlot a mllonatre. Ht approarhed Goldberg and bita sons the lmxnuntty to457 tact place vhen tht vont of Christmas Ila arather mnylisthat vould hb> pfloifor$75o? atrurInga ajury vas practliMr rom- pleted. Thetfailure tu serure service n'anner Guldberg escaped prOsecution dur !Brha Fegers, or Anna Fegers as And ibis Isulat Jim WVeIrb dit!: ing lhe years thâ a hia i.. = y >' en ane appeared In ithe linitmnt. Hle negotated a loavth a mian serve.! as tates attorney. Tht grand vas another reasen vhy tht 'csme vas name IsacGulderg Isac Gld-Jur's Ivesigaion rovd, hat dlsmismed, as mie vas a Party defend- nsmt isao Git!leng.Isar Go'l- UWsluvetigaionprovS tbt îCon t . lu ta claied that aie Io in Cli- berg bears tht reputatioti af belng a. berg hllS een oporating a blut! pig1 caga at tbrt pret tinte. An attor- mouey tender. Mr. Welr tarrovdet a Highland Park for years. Not ontefitey for Fegere toda>' said! Bertha aone('Y Out Of WaUtegan for resuons nr tus yesrs.hu for six. moyeu. and Fegers lea stslter of Fegers. of lits oua. Any mian of Waukegaýn pssi!y cîgbt yeara. Andro Purin stgntd Fegers bîond v.ould rte v îha. ak__________ fer $1,000 In tht tiret case but was rathe owea Hihlan Par Ditpermîtte.! tu stan a bond lu tht nan maney clian owe h ta its neat William Burkte, premdent af the i ut action beraume he himstîf ls un- door nelgibor. That in hwnan na- Waukegau Mlit Praducera' associa- der Indîitment on a similar charge. ture. tion. declarer thai tie local milkb Fegers vas mablig a desperte at- Then aurlngth laer p a prire vil!libe gutt!ed entireiy by the tempi Ihis aflernoon ta serure a the atte Par OfChicago pri-ie delvrtd. * Ne gaysi b go ta lIt. Tht Jury terniIn court iclirruaryv tht grand jury. af wuihl W. tial local menibera belonhs ta th. big houdaman. If hbelfals he vît! bave E. Miler won foreman, returned an association and! tht>' muet sdhere ta datasflot coerur ountil April. aen the li- ietmenlt agatuat tht san of tht tht saine rules as to a£<Prion as Ian ur cases viii not hoe trieS untfl tien. ma tram viom Mr Welch had bar- Chicsgo; thorefore, If the price la MRS. FEGERS STILL FREE. rowd ony.ratsed titre., It will lie raime.! hore. Joseph Poseersa veS ils reluei froni tht Late county joli frit!» Did Jmon . Welh drW Up à C. R. F'arman, aget! 72 leur., a resi- at6rneafl about 7 ive o'rlqCk uben Isult>' ludict.sent, *0 that Goldberg dent or Zion Clity, parte.! sa>' Tiers- F raut Mioulton signet! bls bond fcr ttirough hita attorncys, rould have îu day, deali being due toa sCompliea- $1,000. lHe baSlbeen liehini thtebava quahet!? Dit! Wtlch mate une at- tien af distants. F'untral Ilunda>' fer tuenty-faur bours and ball bogun temPt te "aôtetep" hie du&yte 10the. uternoon. Mv. Forman vas tther tu fear that -he vould have ta pepdl pubicbldhe ttmpilu lsyInt ,O! Mrm. John B. Kesaler. Mr. Kes- another alibt luaisu. Publc? id e atemt t ply iteer formeri>' vas a Sun reporter, but Whou Fegers vas ledIrtOS by the Goidberg's hands? NO, HE 010 MOT, nov reports forthe Chitcago Tribune.1 grand jury bis bond wus igne.! by aithcugh ho won in Goldberg'i, ets-____ lor delit, ý ole ulbeg irtGRAND JURY IS RECALLED 'is ita la laiJames G. Weirh did. lie Dlard 'tht Gldbterg case Fluet on tContiitied P, rom Paie Ont.) the trial caml.i. f ho had vanteS ta mhield Goldberg ho ventSot bave conduct the iiatter ot the presentation of the evidence re- Piaced Ition the Mairit trial rali. Ht latin ihereto to said grad jury. etrold have donselits and gai avay "P etitioner furtb)or rpl'efents that ini his opinion it vtt It for uba Ww« evei' knovute Would be detriment te intereets of peace and to the eiture a proseutor for taig hlé cnforcemeit of -tiié I>w tK> stg-tt iore sp&eci#ally the na- tilin in pvooeuttng an aliegd ClMInt-teo h ~ z îie ~ ' - Mal. CCSm9euaeww i i mQre .uupî Weîrh ddSnatumute onaeifove te y-rôtect tht mani fmoni vie. ather . Bitit er Itess 5were Mm Welch bsd heen eletetd ta lie baS bormoved monty. Iu reply ia a Question Mis» Iis five thousand dollar jol. His When the Goliberg came wvas er saIt! abe liteS Amertra tiection meat 120,000 la hlm. for cahot! for triai Phintp Ooldbeg di ter than sie data Gernisnv nds t ani'e ber home btrs ho vas elsted for four yars. uoî puîtln an appearunca. Atorney' atly.WoulS ,Iim Welrh face a prison Jeohn D. Pape afpearè et!leoru Hou.à ýstlouia& aome af the apl- sentencoe,'soulS lie nun lie chanct a! Claire C. Elivard. ulth ant affidaVit îperlail>' tioet trom.Genuany ointu lt 120,000 tor 1750? rigneS b>' a Chicago doctor lu wrhlch nia. Judge Edwards tnquhi-td WouIliah'? te a-Miton vau brougit ouitlitai they virai.!fliht for Gar- You vould't! ta iu reasouabîetîo Goîdberg vas sict, sud Imat lie "« utria or the Unitedstates bl-leve liai a man vio ta servtug as SvaitIng au oprIlon la a dulcago f a wam bçtvten these coun- puble proserutor at the requesi a! hospittal. ». le reDl>' lnvariabîy wss that 6959 mou o! tht county vault! toop DiS Jaunes G. Welrh tacethle af!!- i.! iglt for tht United to auch pttty graft! 55,11fer ias face valua? No!' Thes. Questions anS aumuers "It'. teaIt!machine," mid onte lRt demandeS that Judge Eduarda ,rdtd se signfkPantln vitu o! n1aDm ln atiemptilug 10expla th e ac- sent! thtcoeunty Soctor tu the Chicago endng national criais. tien o! Isaac Godierg. hopital to, examineu Phtiip Goidlierg. q qitenotceale hstnpaly Waubegan beleves tint Jin Welch Dr. Brwn adse the trip and ho âDpilcanis aliovet a splendid vIl lie able ta pIrove bi* innocence. foutid (oldberg ln btS uih "bis 1boote go o thecounry ad m abèocounul>'bellevem I, and iutil 01." Ht hadJut arriveSl ai lhe.has ___________ lai fIvm oonvction hi siteS i y mli- DVtl. YGrMifaasd son. Alpha, î.n mIaulai ratier thon b>' mure hags a 0.~mchfltappegred 1b.. ibq oiwtm, IILii. v'S ho viiirtila htqh ab ha blm fori-e grand Jury lin p«" oi u ., oo >lIli"htue eltupf opi9m ir,,*wW pear. steS ébtt u i~o*ntaeu la iifflsh ma eut 11riwe* VI" hei9bmi t.7 ie -"0 aaq mdes- b r t * im 18 ol e h eDU nOe v iiiyvl ew h t 4 5 , t i W l iWW, U g M M ase î t t *. s aupl*m ob[ t W5vu 1eTub * *44I" u,'at m eu*e te- "4 o! the evidencé e"ci will be presented to 881<1 graiia jury. "Wherefor, said petitioner prays an order mray be en- tered directing th&t ti rnjury nowempanelled and i sworn u in dLac f1ny, shaH reconvene at 4suc dante as the court shall fi.* (Signed) 4"EDWARD J. BRUNJDAGE, "Attorne~y General. "James Il. Wilkernon, A4istant Attorney General. The jurors who will be asked to return an indictment charging Wekh with receiving graft money on the evi- dence of Taa' Ooldberg are: J. D. Thtomas a.nd J. ÇF. Nieh- oison, both of Benton township, Eugene Reeves, Neprt; GereWebb and Homer Pierce, Antioch; John Stratton, Grant. John Strang, Lake Villa; Oliver Ilook, Avon; Lee Flood, Warren; Fred J. Galloway, Lawrence Doolittie and G. Toulouse', Sr., 'Weikegan; Thomnas Steele and Warren Miler, Shields, Thinas- McBride, Libertyvie; Joseph Hertie, Fremont; C. L. Pratt, Wauconda; Charles Kellogg, F41a;* Mort Hodgkins, Vernon; William P. Plagge, West Deeeleld, and William Witten and, W. B. Brand. of Deer- gel& These mien compose the March, grand jury and re- eeived orders from Blierift Elvin J. Grif5s te report for Béiviee at tbe court lionse nt 10 n'clock ftxtt Mimdayi morn- spen nîgh lu lI).ià Ari-angeents tien vare mat!-ý for Praab Maitou t. aigu lie bond.lit prompiiy acheduled auffictent prop- trty 10 couviSte the precuto-. Fln- keistein offered ta plu Np a caslh bonS if ueceas.ne a atured tir. Moulion Maiut poulbi,8 9ý amo e nom'Ut. lmU. a Il#u to, or ilis4AutdItolimU, rhirago. he n., ~ service hbe:. sn Il Io Mid, novep, am r lies have gta uem nla-, ber sud have reeivedMasras. vilI appean ln couw» COn&Me Monda>' mrlan sd viilfûiruýh a biond for $1,000. Thurssy umer"*a a bed il,.q eurl'ed on Plsk Ras uai Wr wood, the Higbvood dearouopb' ing unrable to efflwXin" m liaving to seb HighJsud PaWks 9W- partflent for aucaaats5 i lbe property daaisred belau.I tvo ftailea, JaM" es mm b,ee &o cak by selgibors wh. e SMU easmeuva defoctive fINe4 ta iw esar of the ho~a. PINOT 1#siLAKu couwïTy-mVb 1moe"n MRS. FEGERS IS PLACED UND.Eg lopPMP F *1,00. Jolil' WIh h ;b b m uied a% bMI propflrietofa a place la orti Chi- cago uhere liquor vas»siS bLUviola- dion of tt6sntllaàm »W, *ew- nived 15 coaty çom t tiSay *ai.bh« bond w»s iledut $1.000. This VUs signeS b>' VakIgn o-lion. via Ver- e formeS a imilsi' service for her bas- baud a ftv dasaaga Both ]Pege»r w snd bhW vite todar causeS a moUtioo lie maSe to quash tht Infarmatiesi sgainst theni and tl ilv be hmarge lu eoutt' court next Plida>' aornu st 9 'clocb .- Nfvs. Jane Ormal, ie. olives vei 'l1 of Gurue. fteill]sI nit sut bmoi ber arm. Dr. Yag w«s altii.t attend ibe inJurtes.- The vo.oe Of aPiym .c cordihg t < endar t'wiII es b. intheà. t Now dioe. am edala am hina<at .veywome knows- muet b. domn ithe hm»ou.na priai as wm sat othetimes Eiectric Vacuumn Cleaner e»«e the burden of one and the Electric W&sIzu Macdhine tala.. over te. toil of the. othe. Both-and aIl ther .lactrioeI appm«Iasu or thatemattatcou b. put in actieu by asconesctiez uith »Y7 Iàmp seejiet it la trf ieUd H4ous. -ý - ý j w- »lsL Ygm'. wv aé pezing bahug-y1( me aîyçd mahuuiw pefcmeuk. Caumet» - cml.ta une msa other l I...b.d ilh. um PbI__________ W 'REN answer- -~ing the telek- phone., avoid speak- ing harshly or'ah- ruptly. An abriýpt atiswer may tutT away a telephone customer.4, Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Andmem, Ianagc TukphOSS N6M 1 lu

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