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Libertyville Independent, 29 Mar 1917, p. 14

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(6nthSUOd fim page osne) nomglik ioidbert) and endeavar ta up- »Mi bis tentimony and I uset my boat 5touta susison the testhsnay of Isaae Ulaierx ribis bcivil case. on the same day, anid efier th tg til vas Oimhaed ha coum t laac4 cioldbing came ta My officemuid wus 'my profuse tu bis ihaaks ta me for I getlaig hlm sgaint tiheattmao *0 ho u Oe aon bis testf1 ,i tu e owo*lm attarum, abd ..K. Goldberg, teaides thsnking mp. oaeow« me that if hie conit. do met *,e*viw ai »Y timebh o volad e *al lad te do $o. 1 vwstruatiy lu neet af moeoy at ti i re. sMd vithant givins the mat- tS OeudsItUM ei t tuaitishe vlci T 16w Lst abutSbav a, ivenIl ~ lee hit.rgas jeon f lau., 1914. gablng b taeaali t y oUceau idlx @vw« te ibat lotter Mir.- Galdb fl e a*Iai iy oci a Nov day, lateir, Oad I put thé proffliljon ta hlm plaway tuai 1 viahe teto 6or. rov nmmaeu o*7 f hlm anti fferet. bim. a cIiavi sorgaon MY la* Uibrary as weVty. Measaiprw se tiiOtUVt at tSix pr et iD a4 wu sall the secueitY bfl eqlg4 aait tait ùni agaire ta boai p me a knsdrbOiM and fty dollagc f«prg9#4«e s or-a$motla 14, Sa* W4 *ebontbag «e sar ta metut *s 1»i i tu'sua Bête, l in mo,~heo i thés iliving, vlIl My, -.*n ou wIa*bear bah ontWd be - !aIS W. s. e- came tu** qG t.Upi'%gsm ua tul the next cren3ng a"di 40ame»i% in u- staa*e, ât t». mga 1101 v"te pay hih e. oeme UMt %1* Il w bmt' Un. Oodbsit ! - lata4P*rk the folld*X hr Md st tUt t.gldbers vaud ltb e lthag 'd11 aoàieytanme st thc Plaza EtaIlà. tolewlna dY or bitng h i iluci Aitii. ameeting ut île Plau motel noa-oui but M ,"1 Oodielg aMd My, *kt u4 $* blift la Uic Plama le- 44attt bni tut dipet sme tlim and dit net knov they vere ibere. The folovin erenhng vben 1 te- bWAsai ram aMY lav du0IMS Wuke-. mai ta thieaaH -om IR çtCJacigo, J Squad a lattai-tiai lad bois pW lir ImastGaer b" omgb tue mail roua 111018A dPark te meaist Ib PMUs 7%*'rk laklemas MdOfr dall% an thîe tliu9 Ae t Amhbd Sot Clb hi tu 911: aid useS the uoney taeignre ni, snd aUsi mtiaastia thon exIste gbtme ha Chlgo. 10u1tiI, lette enciauinu Uic cheekI Itq mUrM. Guldberg directet zme ta fp4& oe fr ».Yen imtrot audm toyt o0.am t eltgbulsatPark tnd i ho d47 str I1casiedthife chic, (an De- comtwl2 lut)11, Miss Iwo, My amon apIOO . l'acte lUt. OGatr, st my tictf*onù. a letter ec!4ac'*gMry nate fai,g- #ffindre d n f My £01147. atam 4lëa tte vithe iotao mcsd W" u0iqp la hieicMail rex iv litus ebonea Uic nsulg oetOccon- but22&d;ansd thai lettter vlth my M4ile ott Ud 5foie"v: '~c.22, 1918. olue colntu for sematin ntolcatins hom au u U , orp ""t ort Ui4tor vithoit a 1100510 I pouishuent on a brUmer? charge I on Pebruary 8th, 1917, 1 rece.vcd Goldberg liasbeen gantot litaunttYM a letter stgne4 «I. <3ldberg" whlch the j<ut%.This *ras doun re rsta reed as toliova: f « teitfimony iln the bribe??1 "Blgblsnd Park, niI.. Feb. 26. 1M7. earge *hlcli ho laid at the tate's "Itr. Jas Ge . Welcb. attasyî doar ina tentifying before thé 'W&uksgan, Illinis. gr%»# jury t.oday. "M(y dear Mr. Welch: Tiie law gives immunity te Gaîtberg 1 am 'neyenaxiaus LQ make aLn aP because it te comamon bellot that brlb-t pointuient vlth y.u as I1liave -eAnia<i .iwvagit "ver h.lie llgdd if the important mtter 4o talk aver. Ibibirandth îe accepter were bath lia.: "Âwalting a reply at your salicit bic to prisan sentences of tram one ta convmnloace, 1 reinin. ,y«M -Yourm very tril?. Whou Oldlierg entened the grand. "I. Ooldberg." jury room totay ta teil the *tory whlchf In angwer ta that lettor a o in r- ksbopé VO . gond ttchAttorney a07 Dtb. 1 vrote lUt. Goidberg *M -Am op j.Walcli te prisonlio 4id no N#ghlnt Pu*k as foliwi: owin tbt tige taistoattarDe? Coulde *Foi. ISthl, 1917. net I"zlck back." He knew that is «Mrf . IsaP o Gaithat, #j tory oculd stand fer ltm voruli and. ,«Highland Park, !linii. "MXy duar Mr. Iadhr: q1 bave yeu o erir o!recet dateo And viiihoepleaéd te ta ltervhew Yeu At 9:00 &tda"y morning aitar-y Of- - 1 O 'Y ru ryoure. (Signet> Issues q. Weili." This lette? vas gent te Mina iliougli th«- mail. Mif. Goluhuas noyer calilet et my afficc andi neyai'etme InhAn- swrrta ither a! the aDore aid, I ba*e nover iad azy canrrstion -o! aWnd wiittb bina or any lumbur o! lita tOmilacesth. ic veniag hlieto iss at the PlazaHaiel la Chicago la Deoember. Attorney George 19. Plillilgaof! Highland Park, for a urne represnat-1 ed PhWp QGuldberg vih areferencetao the Iumlctnut for seiins inioxicat-1 lus U14mw, sud ire viiivelfify î stattagent mhat My brother. Johbn W.1 tielelas meassistantattsm attorney, et the tiquent o! 1fr. -Pblllips, met PlailipsAndi ae Goitbergs et the res-1 Ideupe of Isias Gfflberg Ina 11gb-1 lant Park AtoltaIt tb thîe at- titude or ithe sates attoruey'a noce Wua If Phullp Gldbert mouid pcsd uqilty itheilt» meuit for sshinç fttomkitng lignas- vithout a liccuse. a lise of eethoussiat dollare and !iyrdays' iMprlsoument Ila ihe coura- ty Jl vouliehasked. . Since that tUne Phiip Goltbeng Ias beera intlcted by Uic grand Jury or Our canâriyfor penjum aneutas tbat matter andthtie in4ictment againsi hlm for ellig trtaxicatina lgeare sAD pouding 1 co»nu l broulki e Improper for me, as state's attorney, ta mabe sud alaternt as ta'b tha cas..e@metaned- 1 asure the peoplie of LâÏlo ouaty " atnotife1r! etaty ass1lant have ofor, la any va" or rnanstr pi-emisit of eXeu itilmatodthtuanuy Immrunlty br anu lcnency vonidht isre u - »p Goabers or tib ctueo! biis tUcs voult lie tretet aay différent- lg' troaIniay othar caeonue e. r*su. liIdoeet of aur ourt. Nuther I Wo" My assilstant have oser receiretl -7 considoratiosa, tram PblliiGold berg or hie lbther, or of hi# famfly or uuyonceeue. cUber. dlrecty or ina- directly. for tic purpo.e o!finfluenc- tua me on my ocace vu hrefarece 86 ilubor ef iliestvo «4ms 1 Sia geulre e a iUrne ta express t te people of Wsuegazand ud ae Dolauiy MY thanka lier coiray &axa- Jet the rusiat of tac Grad J=7 lia 8tgac .54ndI1taxoie s.opr I 'My tuer JUr. faldbera: "I lcevîwth ecloise rny note for #I40Aé payable aine monibs afien, *%te villa uteroot ai mix par cent. 1 - Mmpwt telSyoni hgv heaniiy 1 appro- - *6e ieOeurteoy a! the bau i ihî * Veny àhucerely YOMs-. - (ailget) lamso.G. Wech." The. noieuva a <fpevit4oa moe *d aisa taiaiadingobuomcv> alusi ueaiet"la lme. Itbut bti~ thm tnous haBor nohîe .*rai-o! laspeGqltbeng or smeone dlue1Iarn tualqleta Say- 1 never passet amne -vrt of canyon b@Moan viii Imm sc Oa tbe r ef oer 10 e ibits entire mater lefore oi *liepresence etCul'ija lip "O«r WcffnY ailer meupber a! the Galigg *anhl* o? alyoni cisc, ait i acre- teS a-' 11k - Isimsu COUDer:, vm.ti ireice tota iàs atter exeepl t» lOse above mentiaieti, vlen lic ta mlaIntla* o0fce ln Waukegan, andthetI evenlrag le camne tathe Pbaa Motet, usabave staiet, vchc bemid bo" mat b le 510ta obtain te as eveeyaue kuava, tle Dern-hor ' J~uETnove omihs=unc"t ilcr, 4 U*utlg tg om citomloha taxe lm*!r.eyui *lmme7 811, 1917, ait l-,,ýwa1s ecMutei mi4tue nilcmets tiat ho conid not licpromocted Un. lest lie resatu te perjnry ta carry out bus purpose. The ardér gi-antint Immnity on t tp-hborychffge taeIloue Ooldherg, Phil, UV -OiborI, Roberit Odberg and Bol, bfoisr -Gabers. vas entsrii W' tihe court viie the assitant attorney gin, oral Pi-osented tiumPetition: "And »wnovmes thc people o! the piste af Minois, by iidward J. Brunt. mge, attarneyi, cîoral, and James M. Wilkersan. assistent attorney geniral., &a tiacame Isaac Galdberg, Phullip, Goldberg, Robert Gaidberg andiSy mont Goidbrg, pensoonslly, atdby11 ter.tt -1 ,and It Ï>bang to, ic gourt thst sala are maternli itiesacu ln u an ti'osigtaino"Vpentias and au licunini butane Uic grand jury, wîctefn the *Ies anti tiinga. o! ane 44men G. Weli, -tato's attoney là ant fco Lacocuniy, ane aider laveâ. ttigaicu lpon section 31, chaPter M8 statutca o! Illinois, and uhercIn Sait grand jury h»i nvet*telg a charge af biley gablias alt Itines G.Weich. "AndIt hfuthef aPPoýrin9 ta the court that thcticmiimomay 41 ibmr, smit Jusge Qoidlerg. PhlHUp Gltiberg, Rob- et Goldbergand Seymour Goltberg, tends ta lnaimbuaate himelelcdi ev- erally, ithla ordeneti by the court ibsi maIl4 lsasseGoidberg =4nisono le,ad are hercby reicased tra al hhlabltr ta be prosccuicd or puntiht an so- caMaio!f any motter to vhich iliey efl eu buequiredtotatestify Mdu ht nl. laeliereby enicreti aganât oaci of them ant they are severslly mauinci ta appeas-befanutil.grand jswy l>a staiter and ta testiiy ha the laveigaL- tion aforesaid.-Elnter Chire C. Bd- wards, jutge Circuit court" This aider dae not mean thai Mr. Wclch caînot brins action agalasit te <icitherga icase ho ia froid on tue tanbery charge, but it /prorldes thie Gahiberga carnot De prasecuied ai a charge o! glvlng a rtb tui the evenit Weldh privas bis lu- nacuace lhc can Dring action agalisi thc Goldbergs on a charge et PerJuxr,. aor hocoulnd anceiliem on s tefamation ot charmoter charge. The ordcr enteretd. y ihe court proves It je a briDes-y hidimeut vhidl the isttanaaey generai bibi agansi Woeib.0. 'Ite Ilitis statute uih di tols yu bribery aud ic clause vhicl i gves hua- MSity tt bcesvlio teuty butor. Uic gnsam jury, follava IURY, THtE CHARGE RUDE AGAIN*T WELCH. ertU7tOti ai my mua tiOn.' oCiapiar U, section SI, statut$ a! Il- bave ateeS ivly ymn l"Iismat-binels myeo:. toit; snd cm o<ii uystbum1 sah «l WbmercorrupUly, dircctiy or ln- clontinue tt«iieliange tis tilas a! dituciiY, gîtas auy Me4 anOr ilier icy office bonestly. fahniy and foan- bribe, tevant. presout, proe, cOon- UiOY. Na ,rUlsë viii ai sayU tisetobligation ors secliy tai tIc Sitft mes ttom psmcutig la cMe«iaaiFho de a moncy, pruient, te- Phoere I cou@aldir rpmuhloe prepor, vu-t, or aMW ailiertblagta auMY Juft. bus ville 1 replxaxslee's atto u slatica!etiihecPm". sheri, coroner., bl L.akbecoumuly*-1 dIaaI nerrt eI îitbu m~r tonyg 8"5 ébtino -a aunjustlyaeuW o rmi, statea mattorney, ocuam ttaiorney. Or placet on 'triai l ia heo o4t nai momben of iU..general aaernly. or ta lie, er officer. of aly hnororaiid tovn. Vry roopeetbafly, ty or rlIp, orW Iorlet, (Oignet) Jiines G. Weldli. or apWelated 4y rit» « oaivof - ib~tis ame, itar ls eccnane »pot- vis membes ofthIe &pa urai in-yvIa Mal, tliobelror anallr ho i. he0o to opeteoare: qSle, M& hiotWiktc 1 IL V. lxpio, l4p* AXF. set, vote,oiiloni, idlm iiorjutg-, 3. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mn l.Tepa mOy iih a ties-. gmastloncause or *Wpaé y , gq. promocilOg vidaImW boIlin pont- 0. -N*Ibw lpwm, sC"i~. Ing or ag ho law emtso r fhobroug t Timr MIerce, ~té ua8poo lléas esieSe uy o! the John Sta«, eobmtG .povetula bis W ti 'rta lierform COlivier oba, D"». sy urte et blne quk* , ItI partial- LeePlaam*, Grt, h.i? or' fair'o ~o debise. la are- PritJ. allafiy. Wakegm. uirel by sav, or là £ ildnaho 1avaronie tia91Wîp VO. W ban. liat Wsncci" abig OfflabhO»d ln 0. Toulouse.-, , thîe niso? bis duiy bU aspInscfor su,- T'homas Steebe, Lkice atvertislsg. or ftastA unimahing of Warren Miler, Lake Uu. labar er laterli. lIa!. àreciiy or lu- Thamas MoBinie, Llbeityoile. direcily anralie te reeglil' or ablil m Josephi Renie, Arsa. ceive, an shal h Iilimlrom Mie par- C.L at .riWamuod. ltie oeienaui.i,4 «Wgprtion Louis Millet, Barrlngion. o! tic contraciet prie, vîçîler that Chiarles Kebiqgg, I4 Zu#lcl. pricc ho lxod liy iav or liy agroereni, Mort Hodgbhns,PrIdrie Vlev. or ina consiteratian thai anal Offloor WtillmPnâ tgge, Deeleid. bahinominaiet or appaliite May pet, W. &. Br&@& H iiiid l'as-J' son ta a-Y offico, or ezcoeMe a@4 pav- William Wittena. Highand Park. en In lim vestet. or perfomuet amy tuty of hlm reguired t, vhtlilty or tS ~ ~ ~ ( <M NI BRISERY. favmor on thervise oobai ta loir; melelgai, Mlla 30IL the pore on %6 girlrganmd ti offlcpr Altéougia liemstu fths e Mp ate Of 80 'recong an>' nionr, brie, pt... Soat.g elVticthât tue MU ube gives oUi. revard, promise, comt ct bl4a, OW ol- 08% U Oi r.t$ueur. Wl'LliJe r or tâtîl ~ Zt~00000151t, pnleOrpuinOeeancasIenat f.ata ldi, *6~ &lthkfor a t«* feS O!nt be Uiea 2 "0 rernor Soum th" a vIt T* PAU«UNDIRtWII THE CQOLDUERCO ARIE Htelt4& -Wlaenever, ln an? investigation lie- tore a grand jury, or the trii o an? persmla bfrged With an 0505.0 mon tloned tu any of the tour prcpdtt $sec ic»is mail appear ta thé omilt that 1 oobtherpersan thali theéaie uburpt 15 litd&l and neileeary vitueu ln Uicecase, and thet hietlioe?' wôiM Wtetua incriminate htmelf, the tanMay> gaue an aider ta lie en- tel 0! «egogtd ttat snob vitae-s li rqfilog gr=01ailtithelitbiliVy ta le ýprO ""w~a or punlahed on account of, Su? motter th vbich h lie51l ie.equhr- et ta testity, and upan aucli ader shall tft'Vet atter lic a bar ta an? indict- Ment inormatIon or presecution agaiiist hia for sucli matter. And. ýwbmuitob oness i.s dmltted ta tes- ,tef m the trial, and docsa* 0tstif7ý but hie negliect or refusai to tesitf. @"aIl riat croate any pronuDhtIOi agaInst hlm. non ehail the court per- mIsl Mny reference or comment to lie laê*" ta aor upan aucl negleot or te- Iusal.* 1Waukegan, Match 3St Lakte Çeurîty Court I4cuft, 8 e'lolc. -7lmuiu oldberg, the meccy4t»fder, a"i Phifto'odbe, fîlebipd havi _qtepored befor. tihe, "1110110 iwYý Su Iiv toi ium tory cf 1*0e trans- he tt»' fsd with tat'à Attorney Vueo ii h they alloUeS cOpted a W»oII0wrgêethum- At 2:30 ts qaflen. UO*MuOrt Goldber won sheret Iln- te 80< pipi jury om .Seiyueur cdaM- be* tg,« ywp r ofita!the fnmly, wIU Ne 40. *Mont iit&cs.t Vesrepetu tha th 11e daibrgs were instnlod flot thoue "w *9 court hous, »mceile pre. ..J*l-g4 y 0.'wili &il 1e uMmomd béfeel te grand jury smala Wt>.OM MAS A DEFENDER. misua UId Cole, stenagrplier fan itaiusAttrey-Weilib, vas calet ho- fore île grand jury laie ta e ftui'iora ta teD l]iai sIc kaovs a! UicWeleh- Gohtberg transaction. The OualIinter- vevct Mlos Cole a fev day. «anad mie sali themevl remernbèrc having wrlIton tg Ooltlierg about a hoau uhidli W" ei at mate.BSie aluo recalleti s.atlng Gldbrg Wcicb'n noie fat "Pprget yaur likes and your di.- ,1,te; otgst yeur sympathies and yeur prejudiaus. Oo ycu- doit> ae yo e. icef,4and do mnci Iceget your cmiii as grand jurera." . Wben vitha these tgv varda Circuit ýJutgc C. C. Etivards sent thc Ms*chý grand Jury Into lis secrot easabor at 10:,29 o'clack this mariing, lassa doIt-, b"eg face biaichot andt he muscles of Ieface mtnand»tsliock vtU treinulaus motion. To ail appoaraucos the moncy-Icsmtcr vas ai the verge a! a li'ekdavn. Hia sou, Plhilli,sami pi bis eISc. tvisiingbtieLderby liai by tue liant. Bath mo'. oyom vote lied in- tently oupon JsamesaH. Whlbensai. as- bîstasmi aitoa'ner genetal. apd hi vas not mai1 tic latter lsd secret a court order uhîci granitd tles n uaity tram proscutién on brilieir charges that iley ast lack lu t relmiot utaner on thie benel in the caurtracu. felore thc grand Jury rgilredtotalis raam. EtivardJ. BUnt*g, attoney generaI of IMinois, ptoatlpg Ilineta, aébed the court ta pqngatbis assist- ait, Jamop H. Wler pl, tý contact Uic ivigtl. m O1drtbé jury- *If your hann pep 1 Icarne oui o! a sick bet today, mandI1a net able ta give this maiter uny ponrti atten- tion, ma I1asb ihai James R. Wllkern actin lury rtead," vas the attoniey gênerai's pisa. As woon as Attorniey G(baerai Bruant- age hat steppet tramt befaru Uic bar à(n. WlbermaaatresseotbUicocurt au, taleva I ask your lionor ta eunta ordor oeMltm a*as trtui* lgbefor# il. bar. JiYa#,onvas1 ê ,scussipg hiie ops- toldet9i cirg againtiMr. Welcb. tsa bdbcg vasthe iri itu.ss cald béfori ihe grand jury. Attorney Wilkerson. wau the trot to enter the raout qfter the jury met, and a#fter &Mou eDgabut lOve minutes villa tle Jury hoe r'niere the ccauttroom and tegocested thc couri's aider vblcb l'agit <tntGoldbergs ii0unity ah char'ges o!i rfoery. mr. Wlkerion then retnrned ta Uic grand Jury roor, iakhag bImu di-1 bers wlt bbhl. The 'Imninlty order", 1fr. ýMhkei- mon pracured tram Attorney B. M. Ruan- yard. rt àiïià iothat Uic clectric ralirOa41 management ha tesirous of gctting the1 greatest passible officient tram lie irainanont and accordingly for mverai days the motormen and canductors have beeu Put ihraugh rlgid examina- tions as ta tîhr physical Matnss. In came they are fouit not ta lie of sucb phymical inoss ais IH le believed shoulti tenccamary to succcssfully operate thc cars, itsa aidt tey viiili èeloas- cd in due time. With tive deaths at the naval sta- tion on Wedncitiay, tbe tiatli lii,. thene bas neacîcti a total o! twenty- four sinco JanusrY 29. Twa deathi occurreti Wcdnesday morning. twa Wednesday attennoon anti one Wed- nesday evening. Mn,. Margaret Daderer, age j7, vite of GattrlidDatierer. a gartiner living on île fBeachi noad, tied t i te Janle MoMisâter hospîtal. Death a us Çauset by purpora haemhigacae. Tiie faneral ilibc be hld Saturds y at 2 p lu.> ram the home. Rer. Hollinger vili have charge or the service. Bur- tal ln Pies Vev ccmctcry. Word reccivet in Chicago Iu tuai J-m Parrm the 'uig .-avywgbt boxer Whio fppeered ini a bc~ut at Waukegar. sev-trai years agi, wa': billet ln e b % 1 i a' ania d .cra iys ago. Uns. Howard Ames waà the guesi or honor at a Party given Thursday night by Mise Dora ClIne £ai er homo 114 Edison court. Thc affaîn vas in ,honor a! Mn. Aines' retcît marriage. Thc affair proveti to a e liglittul anc. Tflic crning was spent ln the playing O! games, etc. Mrs. Ames was Presenteti viii a set of "Commun Ity", silver. Oie fanihlar face wilIliec absent tram the lino-up of the West ide 1 aebail team, this y car, for "Bill' Harly. captaIn of thc West ti crew for thc lami two ycara, ha-' ,signe iup as captain.oIf theGunthert o! Cicago. The Guntiena arc necog nize aaaceo!filie fasiesi semi-pno- feamlanai baseblItouaspîaying ou' a! Chicago. Onec a! Haniey's firsI acta as captain vas to sigi up île apeed manvel vha pitehet sucd son sailonai bait for the Vohaska Bravor a! Chicago lent mason. Stamford anti PerdrvaI Pearci> te tunastifrday evcnng froin i Lutisas vicre Uiey vent oamo veois aga. The former b"a'a ery serere colt vhen bic hefisu dihe trip vas plan- ned an ilat accouai. He la now ail lght &again. L. C. Blshap o! Etusrdsburg. 'Ntlehl whe came ta Wauékegan a aboritti. aga ta dlose a tisai for reai cmiii.- liai purchaset a carioaito!f pppaîil o! thc National Phosphate Fenillizei campaiy, Uic contera in wvîl a' men are Ilaieretet. He lhed plainee ta, buy tue pliosphate lanFFloride, bui changet hi, mut ulhen he smev îl iupctlor grade a! fentihlr tic Inca cornpaay have, ta affer. Thte matrone' siver medai contest Icîti Suntiay aftea-noan ai tic Daptlsi churcI vas veil aticudet. Ovlîg t( a mniaudraiandig ouly tîre of th£ dhretiag-tIttic ttamey genenallcaniostants voeepresent. lut tiey be giron complote charge qo? the grad 1vcre epclaiîy able. Mns. Russell 54- juryamut ven iiteinvesdUia,'»sait Mr. Wilkersoa. Tis andin vms senet Dy île court. pef are my WaaniadesVers oui of ilOIt bei ide bislllung the OblyiCk Maicy-lcnder of img>fflIg Pal, va. ssii an thc stresof wtUxega. Bé- fone g o'clacb hoie vas so te enter the offies -!e slpm J. fl a ndatEu-- gne M ny~t Ho dit naoar ive toicci0Munili Attorney Wiihua-S Au at inhaWau. d oltbcrg ddtl ,OUi sh JlMn- Wibk- Orson or lit. iyii'et tu 14ooit- i'oam. HeBami amoni tc etmi urn and spectators. very lIme le lad the chance thc mmou-oteV eyes ver. fixet upon the atafl t'.tOne>'. Ocipi. t115, lssu q4,dweg dîdtnoi scein aile ta o oo 515iw'.a tos-u WeIoh Ia thhtlace. UVer>' UrneWsblih tumred u inIs tireoft o tbatg i'O't- et ieiface. cdlbcrg ajaeaitedyeriynnrna, as HI» inters ivitobet. biseMa4W quivered mmt te -abS. pqeweA +S én&s Goitberg vag 0b4*t. *0ovO His son Phlilp moàisuci Lutiemt yards reeiti "Tic Faciory Chimney,' Mye. John Wells, "'An Olti Mai's, $tory" anti Mrs. Herrey CouIsn, "Thie Story of Patay." Mrm.I Couison von, tIc mdcql. Misa Cana Anderson gang tva solos viii .grcat srneass. The jutiges vere Mn,. J. W. Fuistai, lim. David Carmen anti D. Tilts Evans. ?ms Craco, Pearue vas mcmory jutge. Mns. EMim Clarke via lias beon ver>- slck vlth osehatorhcumaisrnfor sagne tîme loft totiay ta take the treai- meni ai lit. Ciemene, Miel. Mn. Çianke aceompenlot ber buitvl ne- tutu Ln a couple eft ais. W. S. Kelhl bas ignedth te commtrl yulh Mas. Bd. Iimgalbm ton tic putebase a! tht Racslte Urdry Iproperty on whiel le Intenta cereinag a big haiel. TIc finaI papei's nov are being driai aidth Ictransfer vil! soon ho mate. Thc consîteratihn ai repatet ta ho Phlip Malman han returnedtotaWau- kegl.b affr apendig uaaithiihl !ailicr-hn-iav. M, L. SIIIUi. The latter la qulte sqrhoushi 101. -A maou vusbonia afev 4YO g egata Km'., ant 3irs. LeaMalman of thé North Bidte. Waukegan Town 894pd De'-1 aides Job Has Rufë Point Wher. It't Worth Pay. WMAS NEVEu PÀID BEFORE.1 enton u #m Paylng Poor-1 j , '00 for Enpense. The town board. wliich consiste of the justice£ of th, pesce maid the hishway commiasioners andi the town clerk, ati ts-meeting Tuesday aîcer- noon votedtô ta sow Edward Conrad, retlrins supervisor, $900 for his wora as .poormuter for Wanksgan town- ship during the past year. They thum, estabulishod a£ 1cmst for lthe rOfnt tUme in Waukegan o! paying tie poormastor for bis work hInlooklng after the paoo. LUp to now the poarmaster bas ney- 1er been palq In Wsucegan. In Ben- ton the pas me time.ago wax ftxed at #500 and later It te salid It wus raisetiltu, 1,.000. The goor work in Waukegan has lnerease cdiyoar 3 idthUi request was made by Mr. Conradi that 'Waultcgan emuitie Ben- tapi because. lic explainet, lie often. Urnes hati ta pay out money frori his own tunds ln carrylng on the job. Fix AssssorpeIF. The board aima voted to allow thes assessor târ Wau"egan 42,000 for el- penses during tlhe coming ycar. 1Lait ryear lie wax allowed $1,400. Hia sal. ai?. Ythe board members shate. le $1,000 and Uic $2,000 la ini addition. jNorffh Chicagoj Tic LadIes' Library Cuul andt tI Progress Clubi lare both appatuteti cammittees.ta, attend tipi preiimaar meeting a! tic North Shore Sauitary District ln Waukegaî bl April. The 9bjeci o! tic meeting la toa amuse ),jbl!c sentiment agaiast uepostiag îcvagc hn the labe. Northi Chicago ià oe have a meeting later. The Unitedi States goscrument ln md- vertioJag for lits forUic furnihaine of sultabla, quartera for the NathCi- cago pastoffice. Dide viii ho recelved tp ta April. 16. Oie membler of the Plosa Park board la ta o e elctcd ai tic tavra .lccttoi April 3. Charle Gartbcy. aie o! tic prenat park cammiasiaiers, la the niy man ma fer a filic a petition. - J. C. Hale las tic contracitanortic crection of thc 0ev tollet rmna ai P'ose par k. Miss Harel Leiby of tic Central ichool vas unabie ta attend ta ber lttcs Tucsday an accouai af île se- 'loua condition o! ber father, viha. àeca iEt for many veeki. lira. Chas. titcbilebd vas tic auppiy in ber roos. lira, W. T. Nelson ait lira. J. W. '31111cr atteniedthetI Parcit-Teacher meeting ai tbe bigh aciool hast eve- nig. T. A. McKlnney lad tle anhfontaiac la bave ane of îhe vIe!, o! his %uto truck smasbcti ly a cereis Iniver .Tuesday. 'rîs-e orl:i clool ai ght aclool Îll lose Thuraday iht o! ibis vcek. -Tie school las nov liecu in sesin 'Our montis andi iga lad a rery good ittendance durinai Uic enitre urne. Elle winter vamemi as vei as mea -irve been ianattendance andi lave matie an rapid prugress. h t ocs ipcak ut-il for îhe fukure o!. North 'ýlIcago to osec 50 or 6Q1 men ait vornen caming out i ngbi ater nighi int tryimig ile!r lest to master the English laguage. Ineteati of living île regular chiltiren's progrern for Eastcr aethîe Pr9sbytcnhan cîtîrcli iley vîli bave % apeehl m emon by îhe pastar aid specel mueie. he Central achool viliibave tîcir Sprtng vacation next utck. The Norh schooi ilîl e tlic veck foi- laviug. OFFICE 0F CLERK Toil M0br fTw ord Thatfltslnablet oPer- form the Duties. MiONT ACCEPT RESIGNATION Meabus of Bpad Tell Aged O0ftoialThat They Wili Perform the Work. George Hutchinsan, the Maiu ho bua hlcîthîe office of tovn clerk a! Waukegan coitinuously for thelet 44 yearm, le anxbun ta remlgn the Do- aliinant turn lt ovcr ta same ane who la able tarporform jthe von., He matie tiîs plain ta the membors or thc tovu board VIaLi ait him a visiait th Leko County Generai Hospital Tues- day mornnng. The members of ithe board, on the ailier hait. mateiehl uit as cîcar ta the vctcran township officiai that tbey would' not entertain such a proposi- tion. Tley assurcd him tînt If ho wlshes to rexign at the explratiôn a! lits torm that t]My wouid lie guided hy bis wishes. but liecause of sentiment- ila~~Ul iizz: ot otcrtai bis retignatlon at the prescat time. Not oniy aid tliey refuse tu act on the renigustionf, but they assureti "}Iutch"' tbat tliey stand reatiy at aay dîne ta stop ln. and pcrform thc duttes of the office viii thc exception of sudh lit- tdc maîlers as eigniaig checks., reports, etc. Tlîue. vwiîile llî.y vouî flot lis- ten to his proposition, tlu-y agreeti ta slouidcr ail the responsibulityad work connecleti vith tic office. It vas plin t talic een tint Mr. Hutciuson vas piensed at the attitude taken by hl@ fnicida. 111 heaith bas madie It Impossible for hi to perforra the dulies of the office and ti 18i doubt- fui If hie bealti ever viiillieosuch tînt ho caretura ta histicdsk, but after lie liesperformedth îe uork o! tie Office for nearly blai a century he dillirea tu step down and ouitni tItis trne. la ientiering hie reaignatlon le daubties s bed tu leave the vey dlear for île lova boardt taselect hie ouccenesor if they are mu inclacti. lMr. Hutdhiaisan bas serveti but une Year ai lits tvo-year teru. His fricots eay ibat et the election Oext year l hol not lhe e candidate fan re-ciccilon anti ai that limec a aev ma eau lie eectcd ta flliitic position. Anoiben very bînti aci perfornact hy tic buard wusta aliou the touai cicrb $100 as a portion of lie uncai- lecteti sniary for tiec]net year. Thc office paya a saiary o! $150 e ycar. In addition lu this sainry Mr. Huiclain- mai has been recciving e pension o! about $27 a manlh for iaving serveti i tic Clvii van. Sereral hock pny- menti; lave flot licen madceudthte menibers o! the huart latent t secc that le gets tieut, They touadthtic get toua clerk liing la a cary litIle cottage ai île general lospital viti eveny possible cars sqhovereti on hlm. Tbey assuroti hm tiet If ho ever tesîres anyihing ta soir them nd t iey viii scethat le gets it, If It is hn their paver la do so. WOMAN WAS A DIME AIIEAD But Sh. Futacn Lemat Bit Uncom- forishle When Shu Thaught of the Fat Man. Thc waman alippeti a dimc unta thc glose ounlier leftiband. OIe voulti ho at île inliva:- lu a moment, andtt lime 80 placet vaulti faciltats, met- tort. Arn rle passedthe c tc thUi bridge exension ly thc city hall tha ring Of e Coin asni arucb tuas pave' ment reachet lier sans. She ma dîme rallIrag ai ber test. A fat mai, ubway Dolant. alma beerd âmut savht. Bath rtoopct ti. phck h up. Shc vas Oiret. Hisebud only tanie thlie tuit ram thé sldevmlb. «I beg your Pardon." lie sahd as lu atnmhht-etuap, rather rot in tic face. S"Netôt a i," she sait. "I thaili yoi for yaur Caauntery."' Thon sIc hurriet Pour luntreti jeekies viii Icare îhe novusîaim Girent Laites Naval Training Station Sesé-d il e train, bar gbovet hait ?4arci 30, teetiuaiion "nai given.11 dme dOlunet li et îca- lir lhaïr. A Commanant Wiliam JA. Moffeti saîi Maîerioadyouthp la Tn rnbc Maaitay necruis vere arrlving ait tc rate o! hIfiy a day. Tentage aedoni- psu>' Thought modatios ta beîng mate ta cane for Wlîen we look lita tic long avenue 4,000 mei. of lIme futuri and ses île gnod there ln Wthlut coiaubtlng lie faculiy, for tcmdone00o! un ta o oe realîze af- Lakc Foarest Callege stutents ycsicr- ter aml iilint a b"-autI!ui Uing it In ta work andt iv Ie and ta lic hippy.- day iciti a mass meeting and dei-OSt-venson. claret tor mlitary training. Unter 9bIe commant o! iraet laies, a senior, tiey maneureret aon thc campus. Rogmiar. Keudalia, Wirn., liardh 28-Peitions Thc talior n ld eicld ta colleci bis fo a referendum ona île license ques- billici-y frequently a!fline, but wiUi- tao bave leci flet Inu Bomrs aidt(ouisuccess. Pinaîiy, ili despennîlon, le sid , îehemneniiY: "Mr. Sift, I Pleesani Prairie anti thc quetJoh l i muni Insitthai you mîke saine defin- le umtteti' a veek. !ram Tucsday. île ira-angeiaentith me.. , Wby, BatI tavs uin OUichelimita q« Kenoalia, 1aur'eîy," repiieîl Mr. Swift, Mooes.nc viere Ue laistegt license Iglt everlt cly. "Let's ses. Weil, suppose yu 1.1

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