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Libertyville Independent, 29 Mar 1917, p. 2

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T "j RtATES1 ceçnta petlin* «m 5Insertion.; M. Bgbsas 1 ". Bu. PhD EL. .IH.SMITH. flLAEOGuxN aIONAL1 te 12 a& M. anad i to D&LXY. QA.N. STEPlIENS. eaYSICIAN aad SUOGFON U beaouongiven ccteAe.01 EysWEtNo-', Thena OAWt4Wu au o. ?Te. I W'Lit L ~.E.GROWINS Optvarlst d WOpticisi soi 5 . t* .0 @*A" Vin Au WEIN! . COUH fiUSTVVLI... -ILL M L .MORM1 ~ "' tea u ine OMMe fifONTAv LAW. rt .1ri7- V.* Les than a linos, 25c tirat in- I-LSBsSaivt eJap àé 157-J. Roeenlanipart lot 132huit 66 High- * -. land Pt, W. ». $80,000. .~....:::m 0".Muiter 1 ta airy ta Mary E.j CremIn.' lot 1 bt i au4 atrlp adJoiti- ............. .+++++++n lâp lra t ato Noth SdeWWu. 0 Baux. 4. 1FOIR SAL + kegait. doed lg33.9.4. v ..p .n.. . ~+. .... .. Aug"e Voeltnog, t0 Abert Voiiing, FOR ALE-wedMselet: "d Ote,28 12 acres lu aw X-4 Dv 1-4 sec Io, FrO RoSAe-4utadish meel 800 ant.,Ela Twp W& . ib.$8J42.50. f rae 76emeb.,and oi Seed Wlea ad-Anguet VoellIug tu Albert Coeliing. 11. I goa mid, 75 eot u, adied Whs2. 0 er17.34 acres i pv 1-4 sec 10, Ela Twp. Mi the, bu. Albert tab), Wheelinog. 111. l .D 2176.c l23A«ust Voelliug 10 Abert Voeliing,N FOR SAL£-Tinothi seed oison, Ire 69 aceshIn sec 10, Ela Tvp, W. D). fromtile tra oui seed. Rudolph Epksr. R 2 $10,890.00. Wsui.ote, IEL. 1 p2 Ch.arles Yroelicb and vife et ai t0 - --- 0«wH. W. Wahoand vite, tract of land feOR SAL-oodbear7dôublebaesa la ne 1-4 sec 29, Ea Tvp, W. D. 812,- ONLY c1pJ .PisEeoi i-1. 11W654.37. 1 STOREmuna S. 1all-ta C. A. Nevcomb. STR~FOR OM.F-I9«&rO.d0lt ffl E e l0lot 41 bib 109 Norii Chicago. deed. ID. Looi l». e 11s,64hUP ]x0 , 1I 1SP2 Enit 0cf Cs.r Euglund, deeased, 0' 000 m11101,M. Baglutd. lots 27 ahi 2S FOU S -iWbI. >'OUe 5baby bIh iloyWds R".1Hlgbvood, deed. MA. cba ~ eh els, lu Aé%, d$1,208.50. Lbsrtyvihls. Mr%. A. W. Iil, Ama.s.lIn .P. Pierce and vite ta W. 1. Phone "S-lt-2. 10 %k.lot 2 bib 4, Shady Nook Sub one BY FOR 8ALg-A pair of Ogh-ss.vUI U Id~ . ay andhuebauji 10 RL. gaod barceus. No easonablè a&rOm- dieli and vite, lot "J" sud' 387 70 ,n os6-j funed. Adreis Paul R. &v@rJ', Laits fît:lot "in 0Si of bib 77 lgilïMod .LINOIS Villa, IIL É1c2lark, W. D. $10. i.a yDeooxng and vite to. Lena FOR 18A.É-1S 0J.'. otale adîs$a Iano*ttza e36 ft lot 9 bk 8, Smth &t em5flw .ouiy uo@4 eit2eos. utantisi Aii.6 oi b diWueaW.D goed 4,4 »W. cma le qas WsM. l"-*,. els coeb machiubopl -Match e, l- tate of Jammes ____________, ________ - lteJohn GrIffth, .0 UD ~S$-OOI*teybue bar- lots e76 sud 74, Grou B"syaddt.ln, - -muanA vagaU, ai.ed runneus and tl au uaOtl dt b ug.Wl» p6rts. W. W. lï .jcko OriR.Vn U iI4 t h Ï10 ;ft lt 4 b1, 2 No'iWest adO Wmakegaa. Q. C. D. emsd liaidbhumes. and vawouLs. ev le q mivista Peter MR cashou 10if. . E Iadd, phaone 4.it. tUSBosTae euh tes - ----- i. 1i Shuand mO vitu, 0Thuns LLIOI ~SAL-Pirai -yaroldIlelJoliamos. tract ef land SU[ il by 785 Maes uteed h-ne uds1ndrwlg lu Ina-, 1-4 sec ?2, Eentan Tvp, W. _ oopper 1. 5 MM otti. J..FL hoOd.~ 1~ 07 âwrflt desesAve., 38mumnorth of 1lisr*y ihe p e- a vire ho ; i., 8p IOiqIFei si ite, 40 tores la _____________IL________Uau__14, ruat TvP., W. ~UO8.*~3-AiAki-lbsuothy OSud . w. *D ., Pie YOR ~tMu.ie se ooésoas.e.. VLci-WiMOp., but Il Rois.. ab, - 3~~loh@Wu fietfros al battoe. ., $M.. 054 tlver sed R.F.So8ol, -! .XelOiu AUa vittee les. lotte, la" ma, M dM North Culo, W. D. oer u~urq so.T iCoi yî.W.A p. Md wovito Samuel io00 ---- Ota uMd vite,.ipan lot 294, 1.oke SU 030*OuZ ~eulnts-P. B. fleistola, LlbertX- , l ~UClk-i»Ye Éln Sfmid orks>'ô 1 a lb hmrySoî.se, UboolîvlllsPloion Ou UAL- oratliylné clovsr P ï4sd, hre.tron, foui u.d. m. c. wrts. "xe PliY. . . W. . A. . . . . lS.. p..S + FOR SALE+I M=~1 MOIE ES . . .. . . . . .. . . ' 0 PsRd fer %d HkdÈe. Whsa FOR SALE-be ac sres at $15.00 aun là âssd or 3" le or emut sIle acrelu Wlounsln. Rleh, arable "t4m 09 Me.land, 60 ts o lar. Bain, 100 sObe PhOno Ï292-11-1 bouse. ehleken hanse, cors cribi = 4ws gry snpîu .Tulno.NSCbcgwkly43t iiaclsus.v vas . in AE,. fi K oland bevisa oWSmiio __mg,_______ Qu__ vit- tS.SO-9u,7 &79fîs . onMil A :. WIMivs~0v.W.loosoi t - EXOMIANOA-49 0 ar, la . .oisla I..bous CIO* la Wpte. * F0 84LS-qu#o, an &Suth Porh Av. â».I f l.i,.A* 0001. lwmuoaittla *v* au 0ft long09Ma &Y PSNSlJ6foolet leur MA et <,Oèo toas. The eo S*se.fil erm age. .~dhSALET ~om bous n» oani "Ô.M n4vnlpo~nsns esn * Žb ýd; MW. _à 21e s i i FOiSALtr-w.lbuve a numsber or tune bones fobias or relt. Dymand&AAutn. + OR RIT FOR RVT-100 tomsDary larsi 88 nettie or yl fhi m a rtou soni bitlft artse.. Ittm Ozina, wIt W. B. 30 MarIe V. Duvuan mi insbud to Ir DUEga. 37 1-2 acesmco .100 kiu Dar P-0d".!la.se1-4 sec 29. bMim i. êp W. D. $110,M0. ]p. aC»lueo ntuéi vit laHormis mèibb NoiseBWOI04 calot# 1 ma" 2. boua's -'Wut lido so, Walkoe V.D0. $M*. : I* Keli mi viféte t. H. A. PfMrasmors n ase 1-4 ee 34, emflOu Tvp- Q. C. it - nulo cm-,-go te W. -InCo- ninuM lot 80 bDb 7, Hhgbltnd Par-4 W. D. 810. Ifoga n te c. . 13 . Carlcu, so ft -la veat part lot 48,.l-lglivooi, seei. $100. Mamch Z3, l9l7.-Daiel Pease and4 rIte t0 Mau&a A.Mayer', lot 6, Peage's Fubivlslan, HlglivoOd. W D. 3650. 4~ J. Pritaker muid vit 1Samuel Paimer, 10 acres lu norllivosi quarter section 32, Deu'ffeli tovmblp. W. D. C, A. Nowcdmb, Jr..te Alexmudbr ikwarkavskl. lots 8 and 4, block 78, Norths Chicago. Deeda $180. Pocrtaïhtc h-ua- ~eve b~o ~.¶.b fflAbom~S is bd t 0 v s U idw bt'ta tue NewO* rlYtltdn'VI. tic-, FtOU RENT-flôut. sad bar. on Mil. yauliee Av. làIre of Id. GoMi, Libertyville or p..., 2$J>.U.2. MId I. + + + + + + + MON EV TO LOAS-00o, se.OO mi 0 Om000 10 lo. on lAks (In. brms m- 5%; T J. Oab &ACou, 226 Wawl#u. toh st,. Wants h,IAI. 1>,5 5~~~ ~~ ten L1ENXTLA FOR RENT-2 bu a olo . le hIb. m l-i oFhoft deillig ta horri.. mofl. 12tf 'Bank. Lbstyvilo, Ilibot.. 'lmO Waukefla. Mary T. Cremin tg*l tIlle aMer foroclasare procoodlnge to the. Con- »Dly proerty on Not .Shelitu rosi for 33.77194. John R. Pllton hanglit a 100-fl. lot ont Prospect avenue ln Glon Flore SprlM madditton -boa Robert Dm*<o for nomilnal conimrton. RichardA.X Wyn"n bouglil a 50-tt. lot on wet ide A*Oox avenue. soutb of BluiholE a&"nue, trou Ferry A. Peterson for $550.00. Lm&t Jàsovftz bought the Hamr DeYoung xroperty oAn natb -*Ide Sec- ond ehiset, est of Poplar stroot, for nominal comsierstbns. lienton. r"nhip. Tharo Joismo bo«blt tihe Rollo W. Bssa property at Bechla S. B. quarter, Section 32, for 86000.00. . lAntiesi Township. BannerKaty -Co. of Mlwauke houglit lot 8, Woodbiue Park, on Chamnel-4.ake tram Amy B. Glenn for nominal conaieratous. Auguat EWotldb bought 3 lots lu Acitrmaniasusbdivisionu ou Lake Marte trom Florence V. Vaupoîl for iWsal-à 4 ' '2 ssv A. - A.Dim0 A»ea, msaenced td mal 1w", In Ie Cli ntLeoeU.ÜqtI and &ied that It ho prtnted Hore Itla*5 Tise> vil lity 10o out our executIves, Ifl la teir power hhey eu; M4ot only our triendms, Wolcb or Hoyune, But WJIson, the bond of our lani. They &lm to place them In an atitud me of gloon, M en vltb dlgnlty ani abillly; Who " esuccesafuily trom boneit 101.1. But they findIit an lmpossiblly. 1 27 AoûeÏoo Gren Bay ad ln Lakes Fomet. .QAN TOAL $5,,274. One Hundred Twenty-Three In- strumqits FUed--twenty- Two Loans Made. IlUsineas of the»recortier'si office for Lite veel eoudlng Marcit Z4, 1917. hY -A. Y- Baves. assistant secretary Se- oumity Tltle & Trust CÀ).. Number of loane............ 1loi Number of lbans ..............22 Total number of tInstru- , mients filed.................123 Total a.pount or bans ... $5E275.00 Lakte, orent and Hightland Park mntmis1aý.lfia st deale of thelve.0k Like Forest. D. FrTan Bllunge hought the Marte Viauce DOisMaestate of 27.6acrez ou 1he «UI aide of the Green Day roasin1 8ec. 29 for $110,00.00. The pitpet, bau'twlo bouses on il. but it la =mdort" tc at a mansion vili ho erted on tlie sme a little lator on. John- Qrihfth & Son o! Laite Forest were -thé brokors. John OérifIth bought 2 lots tn Graon Bay aàdition on Woodland and Ô<jok aod avenues trom . 0James Mur- phy osatb for a nominal considora- tion. Samuel and Annie Sioman. boutht a lot on îorili aide Washlnýtoa a'e nue in Speldel's subdivision . trams Wm. 0. paape for a nominal conai-. eration. -, Hilghland Park. Jo"#> Reasesela bouglit thoLouis Stgol prjet3'on. Sheridan rond. vest 0f Fst avomue, for $30,0M.00. ««»7 U- OtiIddon amU vie bought 2 lots on sonili aide Linden avenue. Jat wetot f Dcli treet, trou Ulue M. l)ay ýfr nominal considération. Thea. H.fleoker and vite boýnghI a lot on norti aide centrai avenue. east ot Sheridan rfr trm Fin SavingeBapýk 0f Chicago for 35,200 Praik ILmmilAle M. matimi houglit a 50-ootî lot on s,outh sue tikokle avenue tront Geo. 6. Scbval* bacit for nominal couulderitian. i Antioch Villag. Vida S. Mooney bouglit 2 iots on Park avenue tram Couread Buschman for $3,000.00. Grant Townàhl p hu Michael and Margaret Krapf. oj the Wegoner faim, of 40 acres ln sections 38 and Si for 3,0.0 Ave oit Tai"-I Jeppa W. 'lTlomppM, loegit k, 1Wm. C. Cuemin tezvawestf e W»e roimoatu 8"schlmttSfor #11.000i i; Km sTtwaohlb. - Augut Vogt b05,*l .eHtflf alecliert tfai eOf5 a00 s.la bec. M. for aoimutnll baumIim l uSM gave lack a porolisse oey mort- 9fago r 11,1000.00.- Aibert VolBin; bejot thes Aunt1 Vollng fAim of Oô arestn SC10.1 fer t18,610. 1 HiamryW. and LIBIam Wmsbo boashe Sec. 29 for 313,05437. Stevens Vicamn HuIeC. bouglit the Percy C. Loonail ropeiti on Jaunes street and the M. J1. &Ri., Samuol Palmer, ougli t hoLouis . Ptitzkor I0 acres lu M W. uose Quarter Sec. 32 fer nonl coctUp- ilion. FrisndslsipOie Rewrd. Tlhe cni Kt I eaudo f« Ù1117friencs loi fiiuply le* be lus ftlenl. [f ho kfidWIs I am t.8npîîy iIn vinS hidi ho vili vanhû n0 allier rewurd,-i!bOrau. FO THE LAST CHANCE.JJ To Buy a Lake County Farmn With Immediate Possession. A, Number of Farms With or Without Stock, and Implements with Possession on or Before April lOth Never, in the hiatory of this entire country, were prices for al kinda of farm produce so high as at present- and the country at pence with the world. Now, with the clouda of war threateriing the tranquility of the land, wbat may we 'fot expect in the way of prices of faim product> But if by sorne favorable turn of fate, war rnay be aviéteci, it wiil be several ycars, bof ore pri.. cecrease to any appreciable extent. In the war, whicb now seemae highly imminent, we are not likely to pt2cpate ini itual maJitariy servic. Our part will consist largely in feeding the contending armies and starving nations. H-e who cultivates the soit will ot only profit greatly thereby, but will rendez a service to his fellow-men. almost ifflot equal'to that of hi, brother in the fining line. 1 arn oftering for sale with immediate possession, the following describ- ed Lake County faims,- with or without- stock and imùplemenU'ts. hese farina a4 well locateci; constitute deairable property, are. reasonable in *price aud wilI b. sold ontaay, terins. Qne of 120 acres; one of 30,-acres; one of 70 acres; one of 5 acres; one 110 acres; two sets of buildings: two of 20 acres, Detkiled information concerning any of these farms will be sent upon reqiet. F. M. HARDING Arca, Illinois, Suburb of Clxicago UM fa, edhlma "ceapbut80h o r" aD t theyco m, nd1 eer o , they*re. Hed lmaut lote pack edabn pgt&Rmlie'"e »Mt butt fallI aitt. aehi. e- tumned tathie Inside of the store ton Isaac Goidberg, te noney-leii.Ior àe minutes later and founi SaMPOusB- ho stood u th* batik corner a t .; - 18 Ho upbralded hlm for running p m husa. al'lgwlhTii. vrlth bis whlskey and demanded that Tyrreil, assistant chiot pouice. Tt be..returned to hhl To tits r.- Godbprg, te bihitii.pgkep queet he saY$ SamPOumakis again Yen they are callirg me ltat, and I accused him of belag a **cheaP skate. wanît toliii 1you ibat Mrny sn es Thoroughly exasperated Miivanos made a statemnt vblch evidently not keep à blind ijig. lie se9s be-,,r dlsploased Sainpousakts, for lho strack on tbhe mail ordor plan. ',Ile% ma ai. hlm. Okrlv&nosm tuc htck bllnd.pig k,'eper." moaned the, mos'q- vheieupon,, hsesgys, Sampousakul îeiier grabbed ujt a pool bail and'hurled it at hlm. Por sevors4 seconds ho vos saa~c eays that h.- la flot a liteSOS nMade the targot for 'these mIssiles lender. In bis tal it yulMr. Tyrvit which wmre hurlod by his er9ftiwl9 and a Sun reporter ho safid that hm. 311 atofe wtl tis ie.as.ced the bank o f Mgbland Park a Sampousaktns grabhed a bilard «* lot of Monov. and4 otartsd tovard hlm. He 1,100 htaTes ett ibs lin,. tbey hol owm gel: awa. fIrai thi'ougli one 400, and aote for aouothlng lko #2,"00, me thon anotior but bothl voie loeked. Thon l ln oto s a ,ld W;Z thy ouMea "onyWader. l'ne o lied ont bi. RlitsMmd stabbed bis sa.s- mny'iemde." §Mid e. sallant ln the breut. . Ooidbers came tW WS8lem Tholim- SlrlvanOu somrts that both le sud jay 1tuconversewfth ais lavyer. Me Bgampouails ers mater the influence ~ dô>~*~ « lquoor vhec th. fatal <iarrel tol lvs. ov 0 Igé«. it. lavrer.Illta ealb vas ooafewat At the clos. of Ibis statement t cf ith anoflir lw lWY i toagoK. , W&fIrs the cul mrhpoMedPenalty tu Guldberg gays that hliemliasussn- the Iooin w ords. lhe vordins o ar b be..rYQnmMt les à verliatns statementatairen tij"od tb g b.Aliret9eealt dowu hy the court reporter, Pani3N. hoe lrObared hog eçoqth.ewa Babolos: ' jury at Wankogn mexi MOM -1l* Court le tImpreusod vlththie -Jmng anaCtol it isye. *VkklW là x te Gfflbog came toWattesgan*b on ent 500sor. lNe SSt fM7 Wr ho 8 -@ondin he bang$s doàr $&M st~ lidstâ* otM 116Wt t a t ins, but lhedid mentiDa Ilp À% m.*L - -r4 MIS1hlut . the losa wv made for uamnh a e2±Sê1that drnkea- lhat lhe ould have to par lutemss aes leola gIaldetfue hoa erime. 1on ou lsmore>. fielthl ai a P1 fof guilli. thl 1e pw "d4«0 vtg t. court itould taubetloto 00Uèstdon bu oeo* ett hefc 1 tblo.dltlef cf thiI. utsthâtat it ~ Oedt i at i eter or mat lihrevwude-. àb a iu w et te. To 0 Ilberation. appearaamC.e elbeg ltaks tht to JAnothor thiag 1h01 lfliltsi e bulasM"aanoms erfou aelf. Ud$ eb u ae tu t tai0Do eliene liai Wotla vi is chla isW beauabsovu of sny trouble, eora"Y feelng betvoen the defendant and the 185 Woeh vifli Pm? wby* tu ieeased, prior tu the aiglit la QestaO iilu 10 lltmint0* lu'IMSMsaler tioiD 1 lituaon -*inlu ftglilMO Park fer "Thete l* no evideace of amy old Yoam., Knov11101? Yom bot 1 de. scores ta h. settisi. On the cotrarY lor.blnt a m u a Mgbuaul Pw tlis detendant lias testltled ho 'lied odm otmI4»dth b *"or bai aytroublé- wlth the de- v.d. o io l. a t efosed. It appealp ta me liti Sie e isn vlo happesed t. lump eelo ps amondefrma Md th"s ietd wvtthe moxery-lendor troudoa ite but thia day uLagt ibsthis laey .ad Mud lieu ntndebeau. u l6medad No'rM-ooldbeg aya thai lieoses 1thmtvifter vgfoAmsfimans, poiih thon wvoild beaooa ifçw bila*limet operéttoa blini plg. lHe soya Ibu ayue iiiout daq, but thèe-eu one.Ie son dose not operae one.. "m tmg of man ecltafle naturo. vohave vlmy vould hoehbe1 peylnotrem, auner a deatb. Tilu1 lte ludgment of the for immnlty. » lhe charges? 1- court that 3ames Blrlvanos ho taI- tu trois boreta0the couaty Jan 0f "NHov lu your ian?' asîsithelie- IAXkS cnaiy and that yen ho cou- lie chiot of theo uoney-lender. veyçd fboni<lie couuty Jli of litIe "Oh. holouofte flaosr eouty au soon ai possible. 10thIe *O1 n ft e iosplai o Lpenientlery locted at Joiet. lui. O hliaaPPendlc'ttl but libvuift mois. thai Yon le thero couftled for lot the doctors oPerate." a period of toures roaro and that At that minutes the 2:16 Ro*- you spendi oas day ln iach year lun n rdroup1tlecnrma *soitary confinement." o crdoept heonrad tho mouey leader valkid Jotalie independect rendort RE 41W. sileet. 1> ý 1 1 1 m Sucit conditions date tar baek loto the dsys aofh.d To score vlctory over their heails For saelfleh pride or gold. W.-Il be thanittul for ltee torever W-Iuen hmsrin le al=ues- Lke Weleb, liDyne and Wilson.ý Who 10bave triepI oc hard 10 boep peace. 'lasafttrnoaii oceurreil the mar- ring.of "Chappie" Tyrrel. a veli bé0vu Waknke.uYoung man, to Mi"s *a" opCols, daugbtfr af Mr. and 1r.John Coleof lbertyville. The bride bias beoen cashier and<, hookoep- or at the IbortllloIndoeudent ef. lice for »me tim andm bas a vids otreleor ffriensiln0 Lbortyvtll. Tboy are not 10 go ta liousekeeplnt for tisé preeent an m iirealdo vits Mn. Tyrreil'a parents. BprnUeld. MI., Mircli 33-Modd petum reawhib hovw lynchageor lianglmpeS vhlcit»4ài h incte h race proedbce amebarrai iblise tema ô£àfat ISpu$" bu1v li. lions yitr and sent ta tlie so»t&. ws m sr vas lalfoiuee*by EproisisrnteieRob- eut I.L;cs»m of 0ICaqOens ft i e w tvopgo mmule cf heMisr" s selly. The oam sbih vas seoei h thse lia.. v» Yom.samobu;*vasde testei la the . mI-Iý ef Ilbooum à làv it *1i1 Pioillt the slio*img ta il Knobi cf oaCh.piclures as -The finI et a Patton." bat in a"mob m0 Wlt4sDll m gIL It e stmdote. Mx etle q.vi »Il . sut Aw *hmu n 3 out% mmete u atut, esd la tisett biluga i ieI ooM m mWmp. 18 soU pu wàk24 vsAr. a mier. m Thae g podamsale e santli on. ly logip à»sayi-tor for ai- JOSftiAEW.ETI rw~ G;Ïqa-

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