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Libertyville Independent, 29 Mar 1917, p. 5

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-. .. TRURSDÂXSMARCR-29, 1917. ______________________________________ - ~ i WHY fNOT Select your Field Seed, Clover, Alba1a Timothy Sead Corn, IW~ee Vetch,' and LIawn Grams. Our M~ is large and complete and is Highest Test for Purity and Germination. Ypu will malte no zistake whent4,,.. buy early and we asure -you perfect sat- isfaction in qualjty and1 price. LIÎIDIIILLE LhhI O Phme 47 F-A.Rshop,MUV. D"'M 4' «M a* Libertvle- Cleaners and Dyers Price Listé. Soifs ...............81 -W $3M.0 Suits ............ $.0up $.00 up C M.............. 75 1.0 Skirt................... 150:: (vercpat.........- 1.50 3.00 Jacket.................. 1.50" bannet Pants .......... .75 Dres..... 1.50"300 " Wub Vess........... .35 Dcta and Drp. 1.75" 3.50" Sllkand Pancy Vest -.50 Waist.................. 150 - Cravanette ...... .. 1.50 Lned Coat.......1.50 "250": Sweater .............. 75 1.50 nlinedCcmt . .1 .25 2.50 Bathrobe ............... 1.00 Velvet Suit ....2.00 Colored loves ...-.-. 15 Velvet Mres...2.00 " Smu Boy's Suit.... .75 1.50 Veivet Cloak.....2.00 " LargeIl Suit .. 1.00 2.00 Kinma..........1.5" 2.00", BSh" O')Ct ..... 75 1.50 Sweater ........ 75" LW0 Lugce .......LW 2.00 - --- Si ,Cotton and __________________ ixed Drapes...*75" 1.50 up Portiers........... 1.50" 2W0 Plush and Veivet Fred Crok....orti.r..1.50" 3.00" Fred roker Couci Covers....1.25 "2.0Oî" hlLflagOf Single ankeî. *7 Double .25 LURTYVILEComiorters .. 100 up 1At Your Service For Groc - E When ordering groceries ai this store y'ouecan depend oni prompt end courteous service, quick deiveries, honest weight dependable gooda. Our experience in the busi- ness maltes it easy for us to please you. wlW1s aaver a personsu-tOui icr $tomsFm ean Lel 6W' dsmlif Ily«ne cycmr usas ae,«u pa M.. Deinlein's Grocery Prompt Delivety Phono 31 sssurod ni - - - - - - - - - - - A 1goaring-,Fire in an easything when youbura the sort ofcawe seEL! les seleted co" free from clinleer and suiphur, which makes it an ideal coal for those who are particular to get the mot heat at the least cat. You WiI Sve Money By D«aling Hure. F. Franzer, Jr. Telephone 50. Libortyvle i YQII[ -I If You Knofo!Nwa of Locai ut.rest Pi«» eCali Telophon. Number 1.. - - - - - - - - - T»m village board wIli mnet MSonday rnlght. A sun was barn to Nir. antd Mr.- Cham'.i Wi.r..nberg oar-Motdsj. (harle.sparlîi i NVîî. ai v.'u'd ai tbe Lewism kieck,,ffl bornî'uver Sunday. Mir. and lira. .wie te huivlAiied friende fn Mlwaukee Satnrdav and Sun- dey. lire. E. E. Élieworth is able tu Le up and about ater liing iii wth pDeurnanla for tee days. Fred Buchiey of ai Reue clent Bunda>. ber, wilé Ieparents, lr. and lirs. B. W. Buckiey. _gév. E. J. Randahi wiii ha ibe speaker && et. Laàwrmee' chureb Frida>. e.mint as eughio'clack. ((ciTuusdai theusonnai town élection yuil teks pla..tbm polis halng open ra. e Mu. tu, 5 P. M. lits. UFI* yFla ud Mrs. Phliilp Vlary ul Round Lake,,woem Lihrtyville eslflru him waek. Mir. ad Mis. chas. Kaiser wenita C.hcago Wdeday ta attend thm ueral or a frlend, Mr. Myer. The worneu oflit. Lawrence church wililid a Baker>. Bale eai Walrond'a mr. Baturdàa4tumflaguApril 7. 1lSd The Prs.hytmrfs a Ldle' AId wi h ave aBaksry Sale ai Criit A Fiiedmnlck's àtaie aturday alternon, Mareh 31 1e Mr and lirs. B. S. White of Ravens- waod, usited iheir a 0on, evý. Edwaii1 S. Whiteanad wiie last Wedneeday ansd Thursday. The Presbyterian Ladies Aid wifl meet st tbhhme ofIdre. Charles Hoa« Aptli 5th. lire. Buese andlire. (rabbe ai beip mtertain Mitesniinnie OliphanS ie conducting two weekes ervice ai the Bthel M. E clinicli, corner ai Rdgeway and Cullo. &ve, Chicago. A ninleal and litera!>. eniertiluieni wuli e given stithe id E cburcb April 26tb hunder the auppicea of tbe Earmot Wortere 8. S. clasm. O1 Tb@ Wumon's Guild wilil rueet et tbe résidence of Mrs E B. Whie on Thurs- day af&rioon. April 5. gMoLre andl friende are cordialiy lnviea. Roberet Bond, oi Bruckway, Mni, ar- rved bere Tuméday for a wemk'a vieil wutb hie@emier, idi em Beeie Bond, and in calling on hiernany friande lire 1T A. Reynulds hae sent word that hi ezp.'ts tu arivm, Lame traiCaffadagra Florida. Wduee-day ar Thurgday oai bel week. lMr. Rmjuld@i@emieverai monitht llu frida Tbe pieu.i for ibe uew St. Lawreuae Epimelupal churcb bave 'ht-en snbnhtteî tg Bihop Aiiderpon 1.); approval and work afi commience ba he ibmbiu approve. tOalo. Cbsîniee Woolridge ceebrated hie! 8011 birîtita>.Bat urda>., thte mpmWb,.of ili family being ivlth ble tu , h.lP hlm cvii braie. A dinner was given in hie hoaoi aud a pleamaui tinte wuseasele. 1) 8.Limberry le again a candidt for iauatale andt ihre wul bu muni comuilwentar. voie ca@t f r hlm ai îh ..l..tion neit Tu-.day Mr t1.imberrj ht«salwaye l fled the office witli go Ilcrédt. Mie@ %labiel Buigbpm o! Librtyville. bac limon 4etsd to nîrmbership in tIhe Houai tSou imi> at Woterri Cuih.gm for wtiiu oai Ozfird. Ohlu (11gb ehilàrmbip a' d am.isimpartilcpauti tlu etudent achitie Jite bta@ieaifelecion ta unumbert.bip. Th& Tins ChasPtet' OfWeetinilter7 tild met wlth Mms.BoIn Waalrid@e4 Tumada>. evening - This wus bthe stE meeting in.he old ehmrcb esr aiid the8 nese affleu r reaoiy letd took charge oi thé affaiseof tf cbapter. Themfpast year hb. bien o»« t b m uoet uesclul in point af attmndbmcs.luterest maniest- ed lnibmthe isce a dy and mono>. ralcmd for alilsion*ry work. Bilas Wright of l1bertyvîlle. seas a reaint vWsiir as ihe big exhibi of Bauthern Caiforuiea peoducie rnaiutained ire ta ibm public in ts Las Angeles ChamberoaiCominsme. Beaieoattended ihe letkres, moving piciaree and concert that are àa part ai tbm dail>. pragrani. The ex hibit le ihe largeiltpaf an>. in ibm country 'malntalped b>. a commercial organisation. Beore returning borne Mr. Wrght ezpmcie io viciti everai 0f ibm man! other plam os ai nterffsi ln 6ouibern Caioria.-Los Angeles Cham- ber oi Commerce. Tuemday ai ternoon ai 3:30 occurred ibm maîriage ai "Chàpple" Tyrei ad Miss Mazzto Cle. Mr. Tyrreli ic ibe on aiftMr. and lir. .Jazae@ Tyrreli of Waukegan. and Mms. Tyrrei leSmibm daugbi.er ai Mr aud lms. John Cale au flbetyville lMr Tyrrell bas owned and conductied a barber @hop on flenemaee jstrmet, icaukegan. for ihe pas% ibrey yeam anti im well kawn in Waukmgszn Mmr. Tyrrelibahbemembcesir aud Look- keeper aitibheiudependnoMficion @me- ttime. * The c,remany was 1erioîmed by Be,. Chideter and ibmeui>. attendants were Mr. (iehrinig and Miss "*Jo" Cale, a g cimer ai the bride. Alter ibm ceremman seas periormpdeti t"ev et tnit lr. and t lra John Nauta'm iter orihe ibmgoom's whmim a eupper seas ln witios. ThieW. W. Carroll& Bons Co.bas open-9 md up a 00W departument ln lis dry gon)ds I store and commenceing ioda>.twill bave a I bg ton day "e of a spring coate. dreeme, wraise. ekiris. lingerie, corseti sud peiti-g cuate. thome oaih ibunos ueniow dare brand nev/ tut i store aud until toila>. seer» Dot abtilable lu ihlc vWagef. The compan, reeTiily 1sold ie grocor>.store, and &ai li energiet' are now daitoted tc ibm big store in thee beari of th businetes dîm.ritsud ta make hi tand out as ibm aone Place Weber@e sean ad chiltiren cao huclotbmd coniptel>.. Ldertyville bac long needmd a ladies' ready-lo-wear1 estabIisfbment aud un tbm openng oi thie. u.w depart[uîettoday ibm carraI) ciore ba@ giv.. u liti'latliiesotaislcumunitj au apportunit>. ta Mate seleciona f rom I ,rge lines righi broetaihume. The com- pany seicotuejour inispection aifibm' new iuge Lu Le îîtw faunti lu bth eiru sales roum ou the seeoisd fituor. A large an.iiet'."' ir.eted ibm C. W. eeat Ariiets, ei the Auditorium Dlarit Frday 7:80 lu ibm Bol ' vWftk, wahlth(buexcu-l.pluded ach Dua0sie oib ire arimi, au itonut ai300d Frlday Guî'd Friia>.r« m er. iM". riubiljy Le lasm*d. game wilh- vimeswilllho heid nt 9 a M., 12 olSP M.n.at eaing usai ever>. Oc v as mont aiud ai 8 pr nm. Viltarc are@selcounietai hartuly plmsm'ed b>. tbeevenlug'c enter. ai esrvicea. ialnnment. Tbie concert iras ibm se<oad Wm, P Bafemenu, onaose 0-mla of Ia a eriec ta lu iegven for ti@bm haeft uf uUlk dealers. anitounce- ln aqother ibm Lîltrar>. andid bcbbas bieu arraugei coiuinu ihat ou acctof ai& dimsgr b,.he b Alpha Club. The club ver>. fortu. ment hetwes -tht- dealore lio would fano el>dy cidati upon a companY Ofienter- rames Xue pnhcm ui .11k as -adve-rticed bh, isiners seho hy ibeir remarksahle t hi m. He maacthe former pices of pinlncIi th lirci inumbero ofthemcciles wll ai 4o anti quare et Bc vould remain la brlng oui a ranch làarerowd aithe fie. nUit concert. The eitertalueni cou. Fred Croker ban pnrt'beaed ibm bus- uted ai eveî'tbitgre»ffued lu mucand nt-m aud equlpment ut Ibm Ladlosu as'ie. (ranehs Allen Wbeeler, haniti, G ,îtei% iiorlogeèsishlllcbmeni uWieh baUMlits LOÎS Brosen. platmet, and Winsrona îl oile aertieParihurot Coriauh, Wllsavolnm, aeude.uch a stoiatid bat umo eil i itursu t to118duop iuPrebduelon ul llbOrCvvtile PeOPie o-mi plcm crue ie -regttr .Cielty. ibatI bo.%nIll ho aectirded a.gOsbt anîli. ai thp o dtiti i, wli movw hi; family ioone- wbsebenver îLe>. appmaî bot* lu ibe EB tusClair., .. I.fr 1Toourriodand ctouvrraf t.lberty,- filu an4 vi.-liti7: Our tït'lo$tgmînrel nos v o op e iial ioiuerei. I:pm-ti ta h le 1 5 liacif la Limrty ,ville April 4th or 5th. TO AE1 QLMBY 11.A.Rmjio GIRLo.WAMTt ID-For ktchga mr lu 1»&!I U~N. We.wt ho u~~.t'i'oa t aDuré. Teleptipea I7f.jd qiurVyof bo i fesla t r'sà*?Jiitt.iuis *»sP ~ r4po*iaeQo~ FOR SALtr-Bed noiuiirnptvr > $a ~ fre~04~7uql eeS.16'c4,I t- t 6liJ2 EASrER vIS?!ISEXVIC SAT I. L. UJCH SIJNDAY The ]Ramter Vouperifmrvice uilil e beld at te Libertyvlim M. E. ebnrch nezt Bunda>. atternoon aithbre.. u'elock and an extra fine program bas been ârrangmd. Idr. tester Prime ai Evaneran, pipe organiot and carnpoeer uofîeoniderabie noie wiil render the orgaii numbere lMr. Price comjioeed ibm music lu ibe Christ- mas number oi thebLndiee Honî%Jotsrnal fur 1915 and ranke ver>. highi amor.g rnnoeia The pple of Lilitrty ville snd veIcniy art, looklnw fraard with xreai inîvreet t Il r. Pries cutming for next Suda>. aitprnotttu 1i. Organ Prelude-Morrnung, Nootu and Nght ..... ... ..... ..... Stipe Mr. Pri 2. Responsive Reading, l'rayer- 1ev. T. E. Reamn 3. 'Suvicur, Riessed iour..-- ........i gOn account of- ja disagreement 'Ibetween theI dealers 'The Price ofMfilk Will Not Be Raised. The old prices of Pintasat --4c Quarts at . 8c Will Remain in Force. *#m. F. RIW ia.&Vom* l IDownere Grave, la eiddltlm ritvsa M ud. bhre. Hlm Hosi Buh'. 1b Uinhtraining at them Halinoassboppittnl iniChicago @euat "ifa;yulaM ber home bere. Mlies CoýrJà <lbad attanded the prest- denrî'@ recepion Mud musicale of ibm Art anti 'ravei Club lu thé Rote] iSbermain, Cbicago, Taemdey. 11ev. J. #,. iaiack, Di*b. Superîîîtetid. ent.proatebd ai the service beld ini the bd. F, churcb, Wednesdy nigbt, si nbich. a iiew member wam talien iLu ithe churcb. Mre GeOqrge %Wrlght wae pi' amaiitI, idL taintd Bt ber houe b>. nietuiber.i I her family Monday evenutg, tne' bciiJL. tcg ber birthday. Ail bad ar..j able eeuing tomeber. 'Saturday eventflg ile-stiAI iA Piatht antI Jolin Woicb wer on oie'l aa nj.uuit tirthuday pari>. ai the forme.rs e t.A tineduinuer wae smrved amIiii. suuu WB" wPent Mosti pluaatly. The Minute Malde wCrm e et..rtauuwd.a.- thie home of Mir. and lMr@. ueo. iB. t,,lett birtbday af an@ of lte members, Mie AliI'e loken. &IAi ha muetsi .ujoyable trne. The fiaonds ai A. Chard af Austin, a brother of Mias Cordes Cbard ai Liberty- ville. wll ble pleaud tu know that he le netilng aioug uhly>lu the Auetin SuL- turban Boepie, wlisre he bas been a patient for &bout oa infth. Paul-G. a Licenaed'Embolmer anid Fune,1DfwSwotr Automiobile Hearse an~d Auto C riags Furneished. Wheu Desir Store Phono 9. Reideice-Phone 12 Libertyvilie, Illinois E.ECTION NOTICE Notice le breby given, tbat on Tues- day. April 1-j. 1917, nexi ai Villagm Hall la ibm Vllage' of Liberiyvviile. lu ibm tCbun t>. aILateau tiale oaIlinois, au Eleetion wili ho bmid itor lcilon of a Preideni aud tbree Trueteec o! eald village ai Librivvllle, wvicl lection wvii ha oppeud ai lovea ' tu monuine, snd @iaib v o'clocî lu the $Tabesugai0 ~ Datmd ai Llberi.yllie ibisli.b dayà"9f Match lu hie ysar oi out Laid oabe shois. sand nîne hundrad sud mavuteen. J. A. Tgptow, Clarkf. Te Ind*eadeut l.ift 58. I TEN day merchandising eventalong new lines. For the Lf ofour Spring. Coude and the service 'Of the public we w94 VIJond floor of our store and will place therein a splendid uti Spring Coate, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Lingerie, Corsets and Pt will be our aim to make this sale one to remexuber. We waut to geat Easter business we have evér done, and to this end we axe sae.W oeyuwl loueti potntdisplay of goodq that are sure to appeal, and have priced them ti needa in dres. goods, trimmirigs, notions, white goodea2L'i IWe sel - for CASHI, we . give you. the, W. W. CARROLL4& & ,%U -o o dielay "on. vvILONS. ifdolIa rx are ~~jbtitduleni iftv</i- nimentx'. Do noi ke-iie L) xL -r I[or înfor- * h vill te I,~1Luu GrandS 0 Sale. of EASTERARMENTS aSpecial . Commences on March 29th, and Ends Aprdl7I 1 . ... ......... .... -Rubi nstien 1 Mrs. Ingraham, Mrs. Harman 4. Organ (a> -Prelude in G. .Rcmbaul j Mi'. Price- 5. -Like as the Heart Desireth'*.. ........................Allitseli Mrs. lugrahfim 6. Ottertary (a>-Bercense. ...Batiste (b)-A Merry Heart .... Balle (c) -The Cal m..... ......iront "William Tell" Mr. Price 7. -Hark, I4ark My Soul". ...Shelley 1Mrs. ingrahans, Mrs. Hirnia Benediction ....................... 8. Organi Postlude in B flat..... Batiste Mr. Price F. Lester Pnice, Organist. Ella Ring ingraham, Soprano. Augusta Harman, Contralto. OFFICERS LICE PLAUS FOR FARMEES IMMITJT The officera (if tbe LakeÇounty Farmers instituts and the im onceboid ficiene D.'parimenî met in ibm Farte Adviaors office in ibe Llbertvillm fiiae bail nua Wednesday ttaiik verl'aihtere periain. Ing ta ibe FarmeraI stliuite ta mbeléd tia jear. Nearlyi>attbotawnshipc sere tepreeented ai ibm meeting andti hers waw a epirit ai entbneiasm dieplaàyed whicb pressages one oi the besi merle@ ai of meeting@ for ibis ymar that wa@ ever heiti. The officers arrangeti for programe and edates for the. meveral meetings andtheib >cammiitem wbicb ba*' this work tu charge believeg thai a ane day Intiltute gilho heitldin every township iu ibm dcantyis eyear. mai - 1 Capital, Surplus and Profits $60,009.00 TOYOLS YOU WILSýoN,. NE E.-." rows, 'Disoî*%~owU. ing, Ehàng -Plowu Der ad fsoWT~¶ Nogul and "ti r Wea oa omplote sk of!4 TàmIplements at aftractve prieL. SCHANCK -HARDW-ARE' COMPANYi Libertyvie, Ifliojabo39

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