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Libertyville Independent, 5 Apr 1917, p. 12

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% NOý.- L xK .i s E sth erT U . ItE~a cTI3D SUPT. OlivoCarts.. Y Wlian Guatson. But woTeaohers are Dropped daAneron from Staff by the Baud ma"y Polinateer. principal. of Education. Miramn Hathaway, kindergarten. KNOELK TO- GEV RA1SEý îaraBow. - Katherine Heg. A. 5 Miton.manal rts. BoWden'S Resignation US Ac. -iMldrd IEby, domeetlc&artsi. cepted-Teachers Commit- Rari starbuck. musie. tee to Fi Vaoancy, Ruby L..rsou.aut. Mary C. Minich, truant officer and William C. Knoeik bas been r*- nuse eiected superintendent of the Wau- KaeCrmodpyiclt-iig Caroline Pope. kegan township higb achool and of G. C. Raflas, physical. the public schools of Wau>.egan. Tihis Clura Thorsen. office asietat. ing of the board of education beid, on Blanche Coon. . Tuesday nlgbt, and atliougb n As- Catholte Pope.. tion was taken ln the matter o x ant- Martrude ay. ing hlm an incresse Jn salry, It la Loretta Burke. uinderstod ihat is ealarY will be Edith 1. Davis. iacreased $300. May maison. But two mmnbea of the . eachl4g q rgIMAdages. principal. staff of the cty mbool wére ditmisa- Clama Hoffman. ed froîn servie.. ,"We *OO ,loar ii<>d Holen Dayle. their servkee,e was the oAW ex»3iiiia. Aile Kiehi. dion freim the board. Belle Doeaett. G.A. Bowdeu bas resigned bis po- Charlotte B. WhiDppe. atijP s a amember o the-,teecituz Amanda Lldbeck. eta* ln the blgb achool mand 'thee uth saimon. teacbers COIflUltISa was 51yen ta-e- nrouas g rakine.- a4truèiiout a o41th. e arnep lfi t0 Collue nkifte. -Tifs teachýeîs or the' cty -% cf Deboreb flart.. tbe hlgh school who wer. z1t-fleqted Vera A. Phelpa. lait nigbt are: Ruby X. Barris, HtS H e acool: Mary Derilin.principal. Varie Morrow. Isabelle Carison. Grace Warren. May Mclasky. Florebee Brumnack Georgla Ward. Helen Cooie. Emma Peareail. Mary E. MClure. Aenna Hall. Bertha Warren. Aile. GlUan. Margaret Johuatan. Elmliy Miler. C. C. Itanne. Matlda Powier. C. F. Standisb. Aima Dietuneyer. principal. fllnX Rees Evans. Carnie C. Shank. Lucy J. Koehiqr. Aile Drew. Ida Ak. Powell. Cors B. White. In& McCurdy. Fprin. Fulkerson. 1. U. Rogers. Hatte B. Lindsay. itdith ilgley. Loretta Keho.. 0. A. Jicflng. Margart Dady. Naking Klm Talc. Exercie. Ruby Larsen. "Tou Boy my busbond needs exer Rte Cramniond.. cie but hie wont take any, and 1 don't B. C. atanbuck. knaw bow ta make hlm," said a womw Relen bmen.an pintively. là then a»Y way la Hee Tase.whlch we ea force hm ta ,ezercisefr William C. Knoelk. "Did you ever try, on windy danu l'esche,. City schools. rnakng blin w eai' a bat that wIU lie Mina R. Foulard sure ta blow off?" anked the docto.- Amy Marshall. Biuffalo Expresa. benev a Namara. Gegrude M. Carmien. FOR SALE-Leke Bluff wooded cor John 5. Clark. principal. ner lot 125x225; paved street and Leura Johnson. rayine frontage; rive rpom haonse. Farence Dietmeyer. porch. bath. bot and cold water, gaz, idrs. Eva Brand. . $350. Addresa W. X. Rees, Lake Lgilan Lain. 8luff, a! National Ban% of lbhelRe- Ma.be A. Hubiierd. publie, Cbicagoi Wkly Il Waukegan, Ill., Aprif 3, 1917. Hon. George Edmund Fons, Congrasé man, Washington, 0.ýC T'he United dental and medIcal fra- ternities a! Waukegan, conisting of 13 dentiste and 21 phynicians, raquent- Id Mon, W. E. Maman ta support the 'Presidlent in the pssent merg.ncy, regardions of politise Ths la sont te you to show the unanîmous sent'- ment 91 the dental and medical pro- fesluons in Woukegan. Dr. Roberts saiti Zbat'in reqtîesting -the signatures of the physicians he raturaliy exPected aa ttie -oppo9ition sud vas mont gratitled ta find the perfect unanimlty of feeling, ail be- lievlng tiat the entire country should stand squarely behlnd the Prpri.lIen*t ini whatever course he may deemn thie Sliled Razor trep. Toclepju a razor sIrop, rub the atrOP w dt a te solution of ammonla va- ter 1111 It la dlean. Rock Island d HERE is the tractor that will do ail yopr work and outlast any other tractor made-the famous Hoidir 4-wheel, 4-cylinder, Ail Purpose Tractor. ,Prout ed 6y aine yea>t, of actual field work. Come ini and ta&k over the sturdy', durable Hecider. With its feW high speed gem running in oil-eno'clo;ed in an oil-tigAt, dir*-jI S case-with tbe famous H eider friction drive which means more ~ powerwith 'leu expe -ihtepo*'erful heavy-duty - Waukesha mnotor thbat erufl nwit 2eher low-priced kero- sene or gaolie-it is the Iow"s-priced tractor. when Price is ineasuredby service. Comin and g# dllthe dctilsois the tractor-the one, ival aU purpose tractor. Lux & Al1cock L.ke C.uotw Agéats Wadsworth, 111. iA LargyeStocks of SprigA! IIbr Women, NMses and G* Qùeen Quality - Shoes Srl Ohrin ew footwear taffeta novelties in plain leathers 'mf- mop - plaids ai and two-tone effeets ; IéBa "o Vam ors o; speq prices, $6.00 to $10.00.... B8uy Your Boy's Neé<V Spring. Suit at Rubfn's -The.Store for Boys You are sure of clothIng your boy correctly âeri you huy bis elothes at Rutbin 's. Ouîr suits are smartly designed, and made of the Most servièe-giv'- ing materials. Suits for dress-suits for sehool-suits for play.1 M4O~TO 6"STAND Telegram Signed by EverY Dentiet in the City WliBe ForwardedTonight. SEND *MESSAGE TO FOSS In thls Message Mr. Foss WiII Be ToM of the Messages Sent to Mr. Mason.' Watikegan, April 3. Dentiste of Waukegan bave slgaed a telegram whlch will be sent tonlght ta Congressmaa-at-iarge Wm. E. Ma- son. urglng hum ta "stand by the pros- l&ent." This action on lbe part o! the. dentiste faltows clasfelv an the. kendng by Waukegan physicans of a imilar message. Dr. N. J. Roberts wau instrumental la securlng tuesaslg jnatures ot bath the physicians and dentis. The telegram foiiows: Woukegan, lit., April 3, 1917 Hon. W. E. Masçn, Congroeman, Washington, D. C. T'he satire Dental Frsternity re. apectfully tequestu yau te $tand Dy the. Preident-. regsrdleuu of 'Poili. tic&. Slgned-O.ýocter@ DAVIs,, Ooerbecler, old, Norlander. tgn, Woodwapd, C. 's. Johnson, TbltAisa. AibteehI. SIýugrt, W.W. Johason. Robeftu. Dr. Roberts yl send the. tollaWing telegramn to Colgressmafl George I. Fosa tonlghîta show hlm howt. medicai sud dental traternlty fe wti regard tothe national criais an the stand Iakeh hy Congresman Ma1 son:1 Dess $kirts ing new modela of silk in stripes, and chéàk, ail eol- cial, $5.98. Juvenle Suitespecial $ 5.95 2to 8 J years Nobby litile suits that wtllIinstantly attract the attention of mothers, they are go clever la design and hai>dsoine In pattern. Mlitary. plnch-hack and belted styles; bave patch pock- pts, and i any are finizhed wth white piqne coilar and cuïta; serges and velvets la iight, miedinne and dark colora; agei 2 ta 8 yemr; spectafly priced a( $5.96., -MY$' WASHABLE BLOUSESm-Tbe Kayanee 'nake; plain colared chambrays, bea uUtul stiped madrah, and plain white matertale; 4 ta 14 yeara; priced at 60c. ,- l v 1 Stunning 9pring Côats for Children Special Sale Offering Wonderful Valuçs Coats at $4.95- Coats at $5.98- Coats at $10.98- Cunnlng littie coats for children 2 Newly deveioped styles for the girl OarmIng. indeed. are tbue fSw ta 6 yesrs; made ia the popluar Em. 8 ta 14 yeas. . Empire. beited andi aprlng coatu for girls; handisome wffl pir stlewit oremetaton f parl gathered elteets; poplina and serges, velours. :puplna, serge.s aud corduroas pir stlewlt oramntaionaf ea Inl the popular colora; salao cecks; la tii. leadng »W4ewhae. Gathereti. buttons; serges, sllk poplins and cor- nicely llned and anî*inente1d wlth plaiteti. belted, sud Empire styles; durays, la rose, Copenhagen, apple pearl buttons; a large group pAlced large rail collar and faner stitching; green, aid gold. etc. $495. at $5.98. int 14 years. $10.04. Girls' and Misses' llrimmed Hats at $ 1.49 Jaunty littie shapes of fine straws in -natural, rose, xiavy, green, (3openhagen and black; prettily ornamentéd with ribbons and fiowers; $1.49. A Sale of Jaunty* Coats an-d ForSûits at $e22-5ore Frreal value-giving, this sale of coats and suits surpasses any pe vious offering of its kind this season. They cu'ýlpare in ci ery particular w îth garinents regularly selhing for mueh higher prices, for they are individ- ifal fashions anld beautifully tailored of higli-grade materials. The Cots- Materials are poplins, serges and wool velours, in navy,.reseda, plum, French blue, apple green and old gold. Styles are Empire, gathered, plaited and bele oes pateh pearlbutnfimd aP and$2J0 The Suits- Materials are poplins, trico- tines, broadcloths, taffeta silk and serge combinations and plain. serges, in leadillg colors. Styles are.semai-fitting, natur- -ai waist line, yoke effects, -box- plaited and Norfolk moela;- dressy and tailûrMd dsI. > Z7~âP~ Il " .. , .. ' *North C1cg The following pupila received the highest standings at the third hi- monthly examination heid last wepk: 8th grade, Tena. Kaminlaki; Irene Harasinaki, Eyeiyn Oharvin, Beatrice Jackson, Frank Lais. 7th grade. George Wolf, Heen, Drust, Carl Swanson, Gunner Berg, Victoria la- tok. th grade,eorgaE isenberg, John iabarac, George Peternal. ?Iary Brunett, John Kagsnik, Charles Cerk, John Hodnik, George Dackiewicz. 5th grade, Anna Berger. Francla IPodboy, Ludwlg Cgaikowfl'i, John Makore, NMary Hodnlc. Mary Stehia. Nearly every atudent of. the nght sebool wae out ta the final session of the school Thuraday night. Sehool closed a hait hour earlier and the students gathered ln the large as- sembly room for an Informiai receP- tion alyen hy the teachers. The time was apent ln songe and gamnes. Re- treshnits were served. The teach- ers of the night schoal for the past year were. Prineibal F. K. DeYve, Editb Morris and Margaret Ward. The students ail exîressed a wieh tbat, the work cquid be tdken up again next year. .Noehgth Cbog* ha.excllent prog- pe or o!tticg $ wWjtlng nurse for thâ 0#7~. Tb*e mbmOCetthose ta- be rtised 'te gt "a ýonle. Jsle Cu. Y's Lar ' ' iet qand Most Keliable Furn1tuib*-1tore -offers you five floors full of Fi.ùrnture, the larest selection to bc found anywhere, at priees much lower than you can get elsewhere. j Eighteen ycars of knowinghow means not only the oldest, -but the most reli- able people in the businress.e1-f Do flot fail to se and learn our priées before buying. - tou aa mreto save money. A NEW BEDiOOM SUITZ Wood beds are very popular just now. Golden and funied Qk, old ivory, mahogany and walnut Dressers, Dressing Tables and Chiffoniers to match., Our sale smen are always ready to show you compiete suites, 35-. 0 from...1........................................... .3&0 - 'Týe Alcazar fils your every waný. The 12-months-a-yeair atoe. 175 satisfied users. Let us explain why, it is the béat combnnatioir range mnade.- TEE EG ~ZABON is herean e r peared t4.,show you over 200 romrugs in eVery size and quality. Priced up 3.95 from............................................. HOW ABOUT À NEW PAR LOR SUITE ]FOR EASM3? ql' Lt Two Trouser Suits * 6-..~years. l'au wyul not ind il easy ta duplicate these sulits offerêd spectl at $696. They passesa every com mendabie Meature lu good ciothea making-stYlish la cut-serviceable in mater- lai$, snd expertly tallared. And, what la lucre, they have two peta, a!kuickers. whlch nds gréatiy ta fteelite of each jarment. Plneb- bacit and Norfolk modela in serees and mlx- tures-.rich patterng &Md coanlg; 8ta 14 y*"" $68.95.

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