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Libertyville Independent, 5 Apr 1917, p. 9

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*~ *~,aV~ -c' 3 ~ - LAKE COUNTOMMNDEwEWb"*Tin co m l4WAUEGNWEKy SUN ïVOL. XXV.-NO., 14. PART TWO LIBERTyVI:LLE,, ILL., THURýSU)LY APRIL 5,1917. POUIR PAGES $1.50 PER YBAR le ADVÂNQt WacnaVues "Dry, Veen and FremontVoté'"W KIN(iS DEFEAT FOR SUPER VISOR IS THE BIGi SURPRISE Township Elections in County Created Litte Excitement in tiost Places. Tiieocratic party complts contrai of the Pliticai machinory ai Bentan township. T'he only office that re- mains la the bands af VlIvas op- pononts la that of thisltle commi. sibner, and considering tbat the Iný dopedent. controfled everytbing poli- tlcally abaut tour years ago. Vollv ' & Sainesare seen'ta lDe conldergble. The Independents held the. office of mayor, chief of police, anmd, ln49 evory Important office lu -w s;y. Nov the situation la entirely reversed QàUIET CONTrEST IN. ZINs1ud -th. victr>' 1. the Thiiu a.i - - J coUPlete. Rement. e aZio bave Chase Webb Unopposed in An- tiochP-Oher Resuits in Vaiious Towms of County. The sensatiocal part af the tovn- ahlp elections lInthe count>'Tueaday w.., the defeat ln Shields af Super- ~.viser James H. Kinz'ai Shieldts. for - pans aupprvieor f nain thena snd cil>' elorl ei Lake IFuest. Th~ o tesi tiers vue van by I. J. Monabua af Lake Forest. at on* time a reoldebt ef Wpnkegais. Thi. latter dafeslsd ir. Ring, according vo laie reporte. by ave votes. Tier. ls tsuk 01 a recaunt o ai bllas beeauso the trot reports gave King a majorit>' af 10. Liteblleld, Sales,. ivanton and Gar- don were elected co',stables. Viciier min won for' commislonen sud Hoff-t man for trustee. Thc tovnohip can-1 didates for justices ver. ail elccted.1 Tic vote In Shieldts folna': 0 0 egular Ticket,1 supevIsor- James . Kng, 462. ilghvay dommissioner- Henry Vickerman. 828. Justice ai lhe Peace--r, L. H. W. Speidel, 238. Joseph R. %lasonlo. 284. Guet Puck, 190. Coutable- Chaxles Ltchlield, 938. Wakèr a51.5-280. F. B. Brgiiomn 209. Scisoal Truste- Wiiiauq, Hoffman. 490. Townshlp 'lkt ,Bùpervlor- E. J. Monahan. 467. Highvay Commissioer- Oscar Carlsons, 158. Justice of the. Peso- Thomas Douglas. 367. H. 'W. Fitzgeald, . Frank Geragiiiy, t43. John Nelson, 259. Constable- John Recktenvald. 214. Barney Rosenbiagen. 190. -- Prank Svantan. 244. Robert Vlpond. 218. Sehool Truaee- Johrj C. Baker, 234. Ifideper.det Tiekel. Cosable- Jamqa Gardon, 232.* IN BENTON. The twvnsiplpsectios ai Izon Ciy ITuewday resulted te a comaigto' vIt- tory for tb7 Tieocra±i psty. MIMer office vas cars-led b>' a large major- it, thà~office of supervism ehing car- ried.by Bert c. 'nbompson b>' a ma- janlit>'or 601. Walter E. Petermau va. ,electec b>' 513 majorit>' for con- missioner of higbwa>'s, and AxuAnda Anderson. for acho1 truatee. vaIs vie-t toriaus b>' 570. The, vomen's vote onu Jthe» tîiree offices, oi course. madeJ considerable differnee lu lie voing1 strengti. but the majorities ' fan the justices«.ethle peace and for con-1 stable averagod over if O.1 Thse taoving ls a compiete liai ai lhe candidates fer ltie vanious-.pfflces1 aud figures slsdwing hov Benion vas carnieut iy the Voliva 1»' a very atreng majanit>'. Forthle office oi supervisar, Tiamp- son polleti a total of 1,439 vtes, de- featlng bis oppaisent b>' 601. For com- *missioner ofai hgsyys, Walter Peter- ma polleti 136 votes, vlnising b>' 613 majority. For *ehoo, truotes, Ameanda Anderson recelveut 1373 bal- lots, vinntng iy a majonty of 570. For justices ai thre peace. joseph L. BisiiaP Polleut 592 vates, beating bls oppouent, C. E. Have, iy 1611 Matiliosendail vas elecieut ta thls sans» office b>' 144 majanit>', ie ha- Ing poîleut 581 votes. Jamses b. B md vas elecleut Justice b>' 141 majonit>'. S ad Norton T. Keser b>' 144 majar- h>'. William B. Scisualfume made tihe iii candidate fan justice of thse pesce fot Menton t= ship a vue lecet ta office. Hie carted thle office b>' 147 nsjoety. For constales, A A. Wmker wu5 é leotedW6 t ?'"maorttx Caper Van Aliman, vMiby 1"" rad jieua by IRma3ortt*; jdM le Zg by 143 lIol40 4 l ylveter ILDO- seen domo great Changes duulux the. peu ave years, and cher. sesuis (o bo uoihing ln the. vay nov tu stop Voliva tram carrylns out the, Ide&]$ af th;.laie John Alexandez Davie and maklng Zion Ce~ the tmue home af the members of the Christian Cathio- lie A4eastollc Chunci ltuBien. Tt Ia interostlng te note uhat ln Tuolay's electicas, Bert C. ThisPOUo vas elooteut by 614 mons votes tsa bo receiveut Iast tovnsilpeletion. me carrled tii, office in 1915 b>' 97 majorlty. Hi. volt as auperrlso meems, ta have met wlth puble p- proval. andt &Il vho knov the mans perao.Sly are of the opinion tisat he la theè rlght man for the. office. A blaekamith by trade, h# la ever resut> ta attend ta tovnsip matters andt te, trt overyooo ln a klndly va>'. H. jea acompeteni servant af the. cotty andt a champion for ith. people no that he aimà aWtransact the. huai- ies. ai bis office in a manner satin- factory t aIL Jaeeoh L. Bishop polied thte hlgb- est aumber of votes amang the. Jus- tloe e ola ln bis 211h year and is stu4riag lav lu thoeoficeai27. dore "Y. ci>' attorney. lHebga bi upaitical caneer by succeeding lie laie G. tD. Chenovelis nonrIlheoffice et« gerelar -etithe board ao' educa- I N AVON. mod. ta defeat Superviser Andtev White b>' vntlng ln the naine of Ar tisur lÀusg. but vhille 23 ballots vere saUt viii us name vnliten -in th@ judies exluded a» Il lihée.but one as being defecive. Pter Stadieli of Round Laie de- feated, b>' s big voie, H. H. Perry of Tiie ticket: Supervio-Andrev White Comissioner-W. H. Dolitile. .lustices-C. A. Miler, R. W. Churchill. Qonstablea--A. A. McMlillan. Peter eHuail NO CONTST IN NEWPORT. supeivsor-E. A. Martin. Comsisslner-Tim Kelly. Juticea-A. H. Stewart, G. C. Nortiinup. . Cantable-EFd. Grahams. Tony DD. ble. Tr.untp"-oha T. C-afr DEERFIEi.DLUNO O. Supor(v@or-T.Id. Cak Assitant Suprvsor-Nfartin Ring- "hBl. GRANT TOWNSH4IP. In Grant t2nship 167 mo't vateti fr legve, tax, 34 againsi; i3 women osai ballots an tuis proposi- tian-aisu every one vateut for It. Messrs. Koeth sud Lernt von for justice,and Messrs. Mathiesen sud Btglam for conetable. Tii.'vote: Juicee: GeorgSXoeth, 106; 'Wil- liam Ernst, 84; Henuan ICaPing 80; Hsnu Hendricks, 58. Constable: George Bingiain, 94; Mati Mattiesen, 89; J. Bl. Daiziel, 84; Cianles Skala,# 52. LI BERTYVILLE. Tiie slnaigiit Republican ticket van In lhbenlyville, excepting that Dennis UAmbernyl Democrat. fanrconstable, vas addfd la.lie lisi of victons. Oomnissine-Frank lussen (ndv). Trusteo-8. LUTnlpp. Justice-W. E. Davis, Lle Marris. Coutable-J. T. A>ers. Deanns Limberry. VERNON. Commiioer-Krause. - Justices--H. Abuect, . A. Knopf. Constables-F. freiss, Jr., W. A. Bock. Commttesian-A. siancliff. ANTMOC. No opposition to tuse ticket: supervisr--chae E. Webi. Commissioer-Bernard Triter. -Jusice",-. C.,James. ConstaLbi-ooortes boier. WARRaN, No oppositiou 10 lhis ticket: JusIo.-Jses onner, W. H *ra-rang,-oôk Oo.tabes-. W Cra>, 1. 100 SNEAK TilE VUS 1 LOOT BARIISN THEUTRE 0F $35 "iimmied" Open Two, Doors Leading Into Private Office MIJCHdayAfternoon. MC ARING 15S SOWM Fact that Several Actors Were in Theatre at Time Shows Boldness o! Thief. CONFESSES RORBERV. Bort McManaman vho va. arenat-1 ed mIodan ususpicion oa- having heen1 conecteutviitiith robbery laie Tues- day atternan af the Barrison tieater, inoke Ilovu andt made a comlet. con- fesison late tuas atternon. He had1 mont of the money fh is us ockets viiel arrested. He nid i. bunned ail the chiecks, contracte andt papers In the tin bcx vhscy'contained the money. Vollowing èhe robiier>', he sald, hë vent ta the rof o tise Bar tIson, smaaied open lhe box and then threv the empt>' box betweeu tva buildings. 1Suspicion vas di>ecteut against the ypung man because he iad been lai- teting about the playhouse far the nom tew veeks. Sneak thieves entered lie Barrison thAater tame ime Truesday aiternoon betveen the. time lhe matteee elosod and the theater apeneut early ln the evening and aser "jtmmying" thein va>' hrougi tvadoors loto lie priv- oite office, escaped uth &i bout $36 ln. ceuh, tbgethér villi x nun*beI oi huA«k and vaudeville bookIug con- tracta. Tii. intier bas been turned çver t t i, police and h la reposted. that au errent may tske lace befor- ths end ai the. day. The police are rlkaring on a clev vhicii uiey tutuk vil Btual .Ithein. When Manager Edvard Schneider '[eft the theater &fiete matin.. per- formance he lefitie afiernoon ne- celepta lu his privae office, as uouai. .The roiabery vas ual dîscovereduno- tii b. arriveu aitishe tiester ln lie evesing. Then h. iound that the auter door af hua pivate office haut been forceut open. A moment iater he founu.thte loner doar ala had been forceut open. On bath doors vas tie heavy inaprint af a "Jimmy." Tiie mark* lookeut as if lie>' mlght have been caused 'b>' a scev driver The fact that the rabbeny aparent- iy taci place te dayllght anduthte Ilmnmying of the outer doon ai iii. private office conlut have iseen vieveud -~mthe Street vould indicate Ihai 14rouber vas possessed aofsnoe boldnesa. Severai actons ver. prea- eut ln the iseement and this tact aise made lie robber> tise mare dar- log. Got Seevrul Checks. XI vas leannedt oda>'liaItishe thief. besidas securlng tise cash, secured ne- gotiable chsecks ta the value of-$150. Th.ue chsecks haut been made oui?'to psy,tise salarie. of the Barrison em- ployes snd "g%, been endorseutb>' liens. Ih ould have been compara- tivel>' easy fan tse thuer ta have dis- poseut of ihein. The bankè- ver. notifledti ts marn- Ina, havever, mut payment. an tise checks vas toppeut. WuffDONT KNOW Editor "-- I nate thai Jins Wbodmann as'.P.. tér MeDes-moti vas exîsecied ta make au aduresa for tise "vel" ai Kono- ehaeenil>'. ltct le. I vasn't even Invite tot make a taliand haut no In- tention of gaing tisre.ta "buit l." BUT, 1, do notice Miai Woodman vent ta Kenosha aud ta Vennon tovn- shilpand tal thtie rtera vhat tie>' sisoulut do to be nie s aut pure like he va-anut bath places vote4WVT. Hav do yau account forn htia? PETER McDERMOTT. N.thugte Beut Or. No os eaualugslois admiÈalios aMongthinklnag people th" the men via boasbtat h. bu nevr boa ki.sd.-Oiiia tatt Journal. - ee anith a $M OinSThluis Tisere la no me 1.thlig nsUe 11111 t causal ho doue vihis real iatisU*k SALOONISTI IOAVEZ TO JULY 1. Not until July frsi vii lte saloons ln Wsucenda andt Pleasant Prairie Townships close their doora It develups that itie saloon Il- censs in thase townships do 'lot ex- pire until thalt date. Seven saloons will go out of busi- rien in Pieeaukt P,-.me and six la Waucaada oA tisa date. Il is under- stood that the gsaicaumen of Wau- taudas are plannlaW Wt malie applica- tion for a ssJ901 leensee ln fe town- shý2 oi Fremont, Sud 1? ls an ecaba- Illahd tact liai Uere viil l ot lets than fou r mo pênçed in Vernan. Hait Day vili have tirée saloons, it lB a "À. Because ltpniisfield wcnt dry the *'"r 'are mahIng a determlned figlit ta have the. live Mlle 7one bill brougisi up fo a\Vot5,o and In re-alla- Uion lhe vets" hAve ttroduced bills hilci, If paased, wattd cau.-o-the nemarai of thee 'sIate ÇaPitol 'framn Springfield ta PeMria.the. dîvîlllery City'. Waukegan lavwitker# bav e heemi asked la support bath thse wet andi the dry causes, »nd la Rodney H. Swift ia the mam 'utaintroducedi the VIve Mile Dry Zone bll t le ex- pecieut thal ho yl ca«t bis lot wIth the wets. Thamu Orsham vwiii vote agalusi the Vive Mile Dry Zone bill If It la brougait up for a vote. Reports froul Springfield dlaim that nio dry bills viii ho passed t i t altting. Thi e MllXe Dry Zone bill cannot be breU4ht "i unlil thse iset day of the session, an" t la utxpeted tiat there viii b. more important tisnga-irOm . "the, e st standpoint- ta oceupy the *Mton of thse Iaw makers an tisait,ý 1,20-OMRSDRY r But One' Precinot lin Kenosha "The Silk Stocking5', Gave Drys a Majority. PAINT THE 1 CITY RED Many Waukeganites Went to Assist the Wets in Their Celebration. ]BtJLIETINI Dy voing PMassant Prairie dry, the laks shoe f roiS Chicago rgMito1 the city et Kenoohe has baon made sslooales, The roadimouse, et the. »Ute limeno grth oi Wlthrop Hurber, Whioh la on.eofthlIe mot flotorlous liraI parlers in this locality, vwIi closee Uts eJuly f. Tiospos *. erai Salons n Pissent frlairI1, rThe "Oevi'a ElboW" In the tonshlp of Boros viiimal close on Jual>'1. Kenasisa S voleut ta retain the saloons. The "vets" van the mant spiriteut campaign ever conducieut Ifi that cii>' b>' aven 1,200 voles Tuesdm'. LEver-> yard in the cily, viii the exceptlon of tiie "uilk stocklng second" valeut In favor af licensed saloons. As the pols dld not close until 8 a'clack, il vas almasi midigit belote ths elec- tion returnusver. given outt Pleasani Prairie aud Samens'vofi ".dry." A score or mare Wauko.an men vent ta Kenosin tlst nlixt taassiat ln th. celeiration b>' the "vota" andi It lu laid Kenosha wvashli cene ai histr.rv Tuosuts> ulil. Tisero seemeut ta be mare inierest displvryed te the Kenoaha eloclian ln Wa'skegan than tier' vwas Ilu le l eal tovuahip electin-i. Thse Sun te- celveut hundreds of Ifuqulrnz ae. ta hoi c'.*me oai*'la 'o. lu Keinosha. Froin 6 o'clock anti; mîdalist tise p lss n Tiie Sa office rang. At 5 o'claoe tuis morning lie>' began &ain, anut once more Tii. Sun bu demonstratedtb al if Waukegmniies vaut the accurate neya anut élection returna liere. labut one plac ese lia>' cen get it-anu thtat iu ai The Sun 0000e. At Kenasha, lu appears, uhere vas mare "amoke' ihosu 'le." inl Plessaut Prairie lie dry vivle bas biti the -Vee Inn sud the* tW'u roaonl at lie Site huie,,'muae sTaverft. sud anothér saloon- near 'Tiiestisl sud theotva saloonsa lnthe iulee e ?loeaml PraiilS1 DUMqOCRATS ARU AUTO TURTLES; NO ONE HURT. HOWEVER SNOWED UNDER AT Miss Moore, forxnerly itrivate secre- tary ta the late Andrew Cooke. and THE TO N ELECION a art o Chicago frlends badl a TuE OWNELECION aculusescape tram lnJury If flot death just yogi of Wauk.egan laie Candidates for Ass't Supervi- Tuesday afternon wen the Fordma sor, Justice Peace and Con- chine in whlch they were rlding tnrn- stable Beaten by 2OO. ebd turtle. The machine was righted iiy six young men who ha ppened by and Miss Moore and ber friendsecon- CRAPO LEADS FOR ASS'T tinued on tkeir trip ta Waukegan. George Barstow Frèceived 829,U WT EC U T Votes-Hoyt Leads in Jus-l w TE OU Y tice of Peace Race. ÉsOND Y- E Wauhogan, April u e'Y- Eý Far Lbuprvsor- Tiare are but live "wet" town- Balrstow ............829 hp # lLae*utatog Assistant Supervisor- 1bp ati aeuutatiu Crapa (elected) ................ h eetanTsdaisdfo' rn IluttonL (elected) ........ ...... 678- ýf#t changes in the total. There vers Kli'patrlck (elected) ........... 537tait "ver and 12 "4krY" before tlte Jacson(dfeaed)..........314iletema-and wville the.electioii bas Jachen (deeaieî 31thei.statue ai three. tva drY Justice of Pece- i __t wV n n wr HM(ee«d)............ 0 !1 the"det," oln te otl tnise Hcytal (eleted) ........1: gi ntae vet sudolupl ais-qt Basal(elected) .......... 6714 el.- 8 a - a."dy.l. t. .. ... _ Masan (electpdi ............... 523 Parmor (elected I...............507 Couflson (defeated) ............ 282 Canstables- (Electeut.) Berry ......................... 56E- Cashmore ...................... 519 Hicks ......................... 503 Adams ....................... 51t Weale ......................... 481 Behnke (defeated) ............. 234 HIghway CommIssioner- Blanchard ..................... 620 Echool Tnuaee- DeYoe.................571 A 8trolght t iepqlbiCSilViecy. ThIS l enmUr-a caud1dates for as- istant supenvisar. justice of the. peace and conatable vere actuali>' "sneved under" at tise tovn election Tuésday, deepite thse tact tliaI Issu than one-eighth oi the. vote wR, out. In nearl>' every Instance lie Dem<>- cratic candidate vas defeated by 200 vtebi, slthough lenstiian 850 ballots ver. polleut in ail. Charles Crapa led te the race for assistant supervinor, witis Huttan a close second andt Kirkpatric*c bac$- Ing cose ta ils he-els. Jackson fell short about 200 votes. Harry Hayt prowed hinliseit the moat popular candidat@ for justice ai the peace. andut a that lue receiveut but 13 mare votes than Robent Ptuarsali. Jullus V. Baîz vas ti-u, sud silon ane atolls ta cansider that Bals 4lt4 net do a single tap ot electian vos-k he madie a vonderMu rua. ?Maso% vas foui-th ii vl523 votes and Lia ralmer vwu rigit au hi.e heels vitis SM7. CoulsuS pollout but 2U2 votes. Hie vasaven 20M votes bhhntlimehé flfth Republican candidate. AI Berry led la thse race for cou- stable. Cashnone wvaseond, HIchu vlas ihird, Adamns, founti, sud Wmule vas Ifth. Behnke rau ahead tva te one lunithe Noti Chicago procluet but vas unaile to ovencome the. lead the Republicans gauiiereut in 'Sauko- gan. George Bairetow, via, vithout alsy question, is the moat popular cani-i Idate via ever graceulthtei Republicai ticket wt viii ne, led alailiers. IBaistav polledt 829 votes. Nerly overybout>'voteut far "George." 11,755 'JACKRIS AT NAVAL -STATION N1W; Y500 TO LEAVE That ithe boya oi the Middle Weot have reapandeutita Commandant Mot tett aIal for men ta mais the Davy cannai better be illustratei tisais y the siaiemefli uat tuere mre nov 1, 765 Jackies or aRpreuiice eamen lu training ai the Great Lakes station. From an autharative source Tko Sun learna tiat tisere are, 1,75rf'&D.- prentiçe seamen; 216 seamen of lthe secondt cia8s; 170 finoinen af the thhlr clasa, sud about 600 peu>' and /4uisi offîcers nov tationed t th le station. On Sattirday as utcimeut aif1M boys vOll leave for pointe $a the lasi andt West. Themeestfanedtapprelie semen vil ho pleeodem Sabrd tome of lie largest d1,a I a sd va> ships. Otber. mru ,o pust on sans et tue smaliei' ulise.' 1About 50 beys. Bu ocelveut ai l som tation*va* mw uplIe NM sr ta hloMa he tEe M dIW4 id o0" snd reduced on. ln the. 'dry." "dry"l caumns ln tic county. 1%9 plains ai tii caunty by tovn- sups, nov te -: iletos-Dry. 4(vrtu-Dry. OlMait.Vi-Dry. lÀevll--Dry. rsinnt-Wet. Wsueand-Dry. DRYS 6ANTWfO STATE CAPITALSý IWOMEN WIN ONU Illinlois and Wisconsin Cen- tors Prizes of Dry Field S , e mine Vote Swaying Springfield. 2&0 ILLINOIS, BARS Hi-T. TvoataeCapitals voteut Tuesuta> te Irive eut the. saloon-Springfleld. it VISa, laId day for the. apti-- 1 ma terces snd lu 1h10s tateit'l bq»ioaad kat 2E( sala i., iiiW.tfortc- e4 eon t orbusiii.s-On Mal 1 4is . r*uluIlof the._votIU&. Maeny' 7ther ple0 voie on tise question AWii 17. *"eu aideu thlb.Ant$'Meoan Lib"lo te vWin the greslest vittory la lia htoy-tie triansph af the.dry çaffle la the capital, lu a totalvate gr »ýj4i' Ils. 'ta louw' 8%ign lurat- rvd ivoy a bmg aon the. dora oi 2 It esalb'amajani>' of 458. Wesuu.'s Vole@ Decide. T»4 mon of Uprinafielut gave a mt lootiy pi1,877 fan the liquon business. bUt tbai 1usd vasburiedut oder a1 wo05Wp Ulmejonit>' of 2,335 againatthue qqi9m, T»«yse yors , at tise leai om»gt belveen tthe vet and dry terc,,tho Vomen gave a majanity of 818 for the. aloan fflison votout ta drive out lies- "em and Il viii be a dry ci>' for lie tla ime stucs the day it becume a viquis, Tie vote vas 4.554 dry and Other Illinois tovu vhicii vilI ho- 4eso déserts sfitar Ms> 1 are: 1uar Ishe augamon count>'; Ai- &l4uo., Henry counW-, Danianub, Ir>- qbueauntu; UnionLiviugston Hoau;Iighsland, Grundy couuty.* (35,0, Bureau county., audLako. Clite- * totuy. WtuAtkinsuandry lion- 1oopSt8' ilI have beau cleareut ai »pf oui>' tva tovnships reporting a% hsvteg chisged from dry te vet irag Vernon, 1ake ieaunty, antd boute, Fisuklu couniy. Des Plaies lay4Dry. tg Ms40 owenship, 'vih lact udes tue Vides, sMd 1UdOIsa ins te TUd bygita galatfr r,#j up ~9W ta 79.7 hi hhe v.h. b. l i ie oe zehd -WauoondaPt pry Vbw of to Wt b î oy*4 FREMONT WE'r. FMNST T statue; or lTfes T*-mM-» b 1 0 u ti 'the statue eittfe lilko001004 towuslmlpe auregerds thi.0llqvor -ues- ien wu s aLaed la Tuesis.ls*)o-. tien sfolOVu: Weuooudé W&$ wet--welt dry 'rusé- dox hy UWmiJBfty. Veinon vaudry-went wet Tue: sy.r,ýj4 upajortty. P Mtom u dry-lt woted we tM ruegly P¶r na*~lty. ~bqp 'etp.pe bar , j.b ay lou by o' blg, mgloelty.ý M#ÂINÉT SALOONS-2b1. W#omen'a vote: fr, 127, et I& Mens* vote: Dry, 114; wot 10. Thuý the.élection at WauofMd*te I'uosday means the wlping eut et the tour thdiftt arlors wbick have boss eMtablithod there for many peu. sd. a one ln Vole. The eleettu, pu oe et the moat mplied ever heW 14 tnsipand vhen It houass kueà that the dpy, bad woon tIi ploh.by but la vote,, tiieegs ~Alng u"en the Dat et tES tot~tthe. drys held a resub eamp fire oeebmuaon. SVIERNON 0094 WET. v n.wlc ent dry tht.. ye- mad Wud wh wuasprevueatd.terni. m the on ii.ueutas. Mm st qe ýý the. a tru y wuilu et M a &Ide * u»Ix ln Tuuedayýg* deies y 1, as jerlty qt but fourves.rbluse,, bans viIiagàln apgr At mantDer land nelsbborlng rmthoum sua they have beaun mlsslng for the. Peét thre years. The vote ln Verne. WQ Ri LOON . 275. My14;Wet 78. 1; e,201. 08KWONT 50W WET. Neyer betotê had Fremont veod on the. qnestian and. up ta Tueday s btons nover voro leonsd. The veée Tueuday bringt liquorsals thmg 8 the firet urne, by a m&ioeiy et W t votes. Froant Includes a PwK t Ares, (part of the. vinslai *ln'Ue ertyvilis). The vote la Froment: FOR SALOONS,. i. AGAINST SALOONS, 153. Woanen:, Dry, 71; Wet, 8". .Men: Dry, U;: Wet, 14&. SupervIse-H. C. W. Noer. Commlssionu-Ed. Uoffla. Ju&tlcu-Frauk Sfth, John G jWirts. Constable-Asa Joies, . . .Lbbé., Thistie eommnlstcmr-jobs ssioes, but ocly U »e Il Me9t tE vouestbeught Ilkewlse. Lout et 1un14 vmon votés. 1.8m vuwe nul sai t uaes -thstESw0le, 8ýt16 UW5 Mi Ie" i 14 ý 1.1

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