~I-ENDEN ',»Ig ee5lyWAI I MM WELY N £VOL. XXV -NO. i AMAN Commisuioner**v- mêles aÀ Reus fPOWIe for $0" 1 Waten a t Lake Fiwt .1 NOT TAKINQ AMY CHANCE. No Spbola Cause for AiarM but Officais Do, Mot Want to Se Fund Napping. The. Waukegan vatarr ouka Wle log guarde lir »«W al p LamU AermgIV te 4vtag q ýet iq bgg ng a*iiie a muidtiteiflb5tm tât .ayeo mtmvonvmeTe dar mftamuOOn decide thàt e uldl of Wau'tegan sheuildot -b. e tffl by lNnatlce vils mMit @Onk tee tl* adn 0Suyt e ocrligi.made a resueBi ou tbeiim eladeparmeut fer prute bSoa et tii City vater Worb& . ?kA chances ffl hi.s tina. la 4h. u* ter aremonde the me" lUCI9 n.ph a. th" the Proxlmty cg t- trainlng station. Pot ShOaaa proninent factorles and oubeequ* reports that penbape pltter ao b. more nurnerousn utâmeu S Ater hi requ.st va. Mme i v» vatar vorba and tbey.r t*t pla"t onwmido a" pictuVao tô "Yay nd Ilvmmbis »Y o'd'. note o!fa"Yeta<eV mUg. pear on tii.e ee& oilstatUg ami. boao s ha ha - o b . tbre ta real eauseefraU iI CoMnilgtoner OrviaIuttadgap liance andt ten lter resret; IMaure te be up andi bing. .- Iit l thepurpoeenov totuugar h vater vorke daY andi alibI unIS6the var lea ver. Sixty.On Licnses Have SM;n lssued Hom 0Dw gthe LastT mDayL ONLY let-TAT~IP aPLA T A ISTilON, W INNIAÂ OKALETON LA 199 IQAEUGRPLATE PLANT.' ixy UÉildPiu] Washizigton, D. C., April Il.-The new governmenf $11,Q0,00 armor plate and projectile plant *Î11l be.loeated ai (harlestone, W. Va. Apiouicement to'thifs effeet wai8 aleby the ,i 'al. coimitt<ee andi by SE-cretary of the 1ty Josephus Daniels.,da. TO ABDD75 -a T E lo? F LUET. Washigton, April li--The gQyermnent seizure tf al railroads a4id water lime, boats la provided for In the plan outlned by utepreBentatives of the council of national de- tense today. Such action would add 7 .5ships for use ini tiean-Atlantié coxmnerce and would double the govern- mn!t's afaclies -for hapdbing war supplies. -Aeastedauc, .ÂptUI U.-Two bu"rd ioswere -il~ iwoundéd ia rit ÜAit AU, ChsplII, aeording t0avesreeived this aftemnoe. The two hal l a mi14 to havre been >rnrned tdtiegroun., Springfield, iII, April l1,LFiIsuffrage was. banded a knoçkout in the senate this aftei'noo1when it «as Uet- çd by avote of 9to 6. Twentytéursý4stor re qr1e4me- ýtt. The Buck bil, whiech praetîcÀ1iy kià ln g'lervice, oqu'Td by a vote of. 30 to 15. APPOPEa TE pw_ù ' OOOO FORçmqARWtel -_Trenton, N. J,April:11lý-IM. Ajm eKoting.tlhis a r y u told fedeira1 qfiçi-1tbaton,.Xaeli 4th'he f o u tb4i.messge on a desk" the 4mw atreet èt4Ion "A ready to blow up Eddystoné çdhl. ê1&eag avk signeti by two foreigner Onehnnredan onle wo- eris were killed i the blast at the Eddystone planl~t.e CERMANY STOPS AU.. MAIL& AND TILLECRAPIl TÔO . 0- IÇB y UntI Prese Berin. U ,ny Aprtl 10 (via Lon- don, 41w11 1)--O.rUMaY h" toppe almail serice boti trect and tu- direct beveen thum couatryad the ulillet *ate&. teleacph service ai- noh4ho m UppO& H AKSD AT lie plant. leHOvaWieMm, vtth*I viet ce mmee m aeclal. preel. dent or tii. Tdbytone-à-mant" ooppOtaUofl. lat pleU*r, causeS th@ WASi4OHps 0F ALLIES 1IN1U.L PORT. <Hi unaitel Prsm) ..A UilaelAa«Ueruport. APUt X1~tk'Pl~h fututed OmoiU couty Clerk 10v afodes. i .e Oe 8600Dm»Uiana;Wvh1aila 11111ai wOLThe ¶It e theles't ' bereo! ilcensee isueti bnrtng te laft , d elm« wuvapiaeeese Ii pi s.scH thre. tdeys, or is th ie rush . ter vWh».preauena tiers vu.dee cm licensee really blan, i brkon an duirnueura oe taetaeeto moeeutody. SIIERMAN SAVO: CALL 1.OOcOO.y' mors t.helodal OMO& IIStheo!li tee omaa. l <y the Uniteti Press.) 6 daymlb.numer ! Ilen wu v. iported today, bave vote t b&0. taaued bore shovsau anucres-a. o! ever 0091 ne turtiier eider, from lthe al- Oherâian t iw: stroo.m SU >per cepi p!oer the nuinhar e! 0. leunQeinnt .cot on odl- Irodu»e L= = = =;u'4 sane..s diel lme biothe iicor- tho im tbtiey mmy bhocanoeeflet a"aY r-mi-, 1w 44iiaý 'ori ,if ooevla- rempondins el tâaayir. lme m-stiihevish of the A.mrlama teers.'i i ,ýr'éIWtûm-'*W «Ver e The anImber1 Of tdç@9t* . @ÎUM avtoerumeat. der the mies. lm tsatOu"yva 5 en liendiy 6 Homa« ver.tesued SAY 'PLo-rTrERs URq.OU*%Y #NEUTRAL. t anti on Tueem' iers ver. 1 4. 51.1!Up PAN! l 1ga Tuataa ota e 4 ~~oe.o g C I.IIi1 'Unted Preul UM uur~. £PM -t - hislaaeotal01yIl.- '«trPi. April 1L-PreelienlTiie Urugnayan ure.iontutabt.-r6 h U eLr od"Ys.ii.ao Albe >sB.Johnsoni of lb. Baldin La- ijiel a deeree of maiilty ta th. wu 'b Hett h aodmo"te ors RUev voks changetihlbeybev1le ntl aIà m e pouding penid In Airil,1916.. thit lit. Eddyitene qupleeten va. de mamW and bet*éoa0" - 1 saÊd iV OQn Saturday 1 meone; on, M0.4 te san accident at.r a viit loday té0 ammw. 4 lense anti on ?u.may à llenaiei, ora total 01bt*olSht.. . -___ _________ Dulthlb eti.-o! APrIl 91« m it . servants va. vng t. bmv.bhe a ototalof 112 lices ee eoie liaih Durtag lb. lut.t hme dytk i mm alaIlu navy andIn oidd to mes ber of liceasos laitietibar la 81*5 W tII hal ho LOt.ý te b ?valTralnl* han ai!vha Ilva.fortJ~e eu~e WI~i'? LUIstation 'e'ttut amy ttoxible. bâti Ïit inth lutait OBLont sny' lconYdutoee to himmel!. hO And the bqt Part Of Il la týitI lie1 ' detlasg1 l c-' l1 sstedmorneset 1 oggbie- col.orei uhrent vt rush conptuos. Couples ft" - eA0 aruèmi, are - m Ofe othe acotdasilsvalet dulg hie. trtp cego andi Ctusea la Wtmonln cotin-à. M4s ue to fhock hue e t Sot 15i; n" '&d:554 1 -1e_1,1 58 1 e!o- -ln ir.Ti itv > u 1ala mnalorit? ain effortteeuspe1 -Il. mlii- tM, '1* I. le * thIW to noté tal u500frspir-it anld, 'snOlentof! hue clorel lai-y servies. lit la mal thst tin li s eIs etfSM8 a ird éinu caing lie enas gie th atrcean.ffilaly Il vi l h ,aW "o. bad eM .tell amIeo atgtedftrom, th* lotIbvpeW" r un al lie manriageaperfor**'elt ç Nau7q e*Whoamatved sI lie train oe*d.culèal neeta al.? ver vho 'ddiée *111 dot git éovw : 4m--Tismdy afr- lth. fp eAt bo%,d ow o a Tonna met'=roua oiiptOf uwy qIaç'p qi Amqaesce à-0 un thir esorlata pe lWn kle W laaIL. 9" i~~~k aacq eIerdaty re- - secret set e- L1,12, 1917- guil- n. or Gov- t 3 Days LEFT HERÉ WlkYERS AGO. Believed te 8011mW Prsoner in Chio¶o-0d Arrest Tuat a Lake. "umti vman le un- der arrent £4. *Pff «mi a charge of bi.O U5Ue xorvealeti by a Unte eta.", service agent b# àya- i~~u n la a hepen Ut.ia toow*, s pcaadl la 8la~idPre4iapla hbt le eet~l4 iziaye the. large cf(4ek 4 ilhnited 8ttoe nhe vra~ gp ie ubon inlak ca > x C oo~ Ibr pqea mii. ivetian -W * emil« e outii West ofWa ~ ~i farstly namne la one o!t tio,#O«'kuown la Lake cJbute. but J t le salti, vas Teseoret peatialled on d egive tbe a- di S4Aor Ufl l luitn-att oreak up tIeIeh~ t rust tt Jaaila eald., F e*lffzt iU bàtljwoal 11444 prl>ônérin <IIXIr #»lOuth tléiePéxt vw" !ar,dep!k4,abt lé wji ". psut bq MW~~~pl a, tbuW a~belti a primooo nerâa'6 .o! the loigeat 04 .ot the. Hut .,_1 à*! aUMDX tas m*46 po hepthé WeOt.'e erreeta .ecrt, bat ie min- ute liaS t eecret *à"tv ii*ii Ae- Vin 4question hli eaqua1nlanfem II vÀ.sfaiuluioed liaIt he vro Mbai ctn4sd ,the.trail of!htiiSvmosat FOU»W PAGES $1.50 PMR YEAR IN ADV"4x Ap ounglWomAn pliesJ " For Job In ThefJI.LNa PIPf iOLIJBERi 14UST ENTER PLEA IN COUNTY COURT County Judge Orders Capias for HWialand Park Man- bthE~~fass Issued. IKE FRANKLIN IN COURT. Put» OGoldberg of Highland Park. who vas indictedl by the grand-Jury on nmrn 60 counts on a charge of seing itocattng lquar wthout a lcenie vil b. brpught loto county court neit baturday ta b. placeil un- der bondis "antt enter hts pie&. "0 1tn4rent la the Ooldboeg amati va eertffle the ti.cotty court. Jli4 -P __e . s. tha.-.orig O e i ~1 ta Xiss Cecila Walt, a blgh school grailuate talle the hanor of ho- lug Wanik&Ma'a tiret representative of the. gentier nez ta make aflica- tIon' for a poulttln ln the. Uiteti Mia. Walt made appllicaton te loin relia n fhak U-. .Nu W114 storo deereu!a capiasa, re- tlte IAvY st BSnay, #d .arayipn ,t foretebitb. Tbl caia. wah pie sPueamegreatly dlepponle4 4wa irpoti over 10tô, hesherl th w.1Ma -iMe a Se iaed Ibat bar pa» fit I ýstr*cth 10-,brtag ooteerg au . bffl ment ta Waugen' ow *W nkegan peopte are much inter. ."e, ant ta bel» rMy counIi IétD ithts ca. becaus. af the »Asea # i gr o! eed. I bave msa p ti ýA4lonaifsturs that bave tievetoped %àtIoIeý for a position a..a firat Yoê oui* ia la tue-.,xavy Reservea. and 1- iI lnclU4Ug he effor onthe putof »Vi ,îz1vM eao eti,"..- re O'oldberg ta have BaIes.Attarney ~ Wl amuaisvî u a Welch lndtld on a charge o! per- UWl 1%pakn ihaat Jury. The. Prasecutar vas exaneralt- MW ,t alt. ntam y i. e e b ed by the grand jury vhich invest. - z hiitio"a ln bero!fItheWaul gated the charges% and nov Qoltiberg iàtOu clami ool. e aukW**a mnut rePly t the. chargea whilch baige à*»iHibBoliq.# heen preferd azaist him. t),a tUm.e mab la efoployetisa. bo.k- Frankin In.. Cort. per ,Sfor the Crewn Sadding 0019r Frsnlhn n Curt. gn. -but sue la villtn«g ta reetigq hk rnfn(IkexheImmuilane) tp 111 polue. 1! taiecaii bp uerle- m smie. trvs>'jb,4eceihel azgned lb 1 bI!è ii.*4~O vwa. demled.., Me. then gashétifor ~ bbhie~~ bill oi partieplara. be courtbuhmIr a ln.true ted the . aai. attorney ta turnish Franklin'm attoiney vith a litt ai LIJTIERANS TO P addreea o! the wvtm.esem tntie caaem " ANNVRmSY I"rniCaplases. aanlvsary o thcwko! lIe Refuv- The court otarmi an 'aider for Of tbe 3 D r. Ma t thte R S capae. la thée foflovtasEca g tq ;;;Parulftions "0 ei.halamé wic> have been certlied ta the coue. ip9fve tii e' j in e ty court for trial: ttn jon l.atum dvlg al 0a1e and Malvini SwetIsrd-HigtL b: kqmS8mIiy O' 10 e blti. landi Park drugilots charged vtth eh@ seing liquor vliout a license. Ban l «ýértalou Umseacharg.. fited elt 500.tuouî lIci Frank W*Mmban-Lake Poremt drnj opife,4uqr it. p A ié glet Indtcted on the. min.charte. I»W o1-$4 cames a; bond& or John *ldwlt-Iake Port eat e ; 1Wdefendanta il La~e< '4n~yNov.-'VaiuL.W. A. motmandanî t olb.he reat l&bfes mý val 4taing 4Ation. l lat iIotlla O&hke fl*leer naval iebiumil *lla^ ho, ,le.l.expecta teo btatx oSAgô M rm lie Greal LAkes Davas IhIkolqtlbithei.nexî mitit. ~ ~raçaastaor esIQlibis wi~aMpsatton.ln elv« ogi 0"psu j~ l~ te be manned .nliely t57 ittsm. Dti.mdoctore ilmli el ti -'ane lie pecrults. TbURbanua.bea aoporatiln by ll -,Smmle. 'organised hp l«. ExBr& IL Z "»B Mnêalr. Lvee'lds uLhi ni. Wldsnla a--i~u. m in Viot ~fer any giveà olhj à1&1d etc., .ûxîm. 4h. S.W45>~4office sudhbave I ~ PU arilû oc!Worn 10.1-ae aa otenqet nava ¶e lmavai ml for li !Al , . -Rxed at ZO CHARCEU WITH SWINDLÉ. Alexander Spini. tndicted4 iiilte ~4ber grand jury on a cb*I'. o! oU t a 82.100 b y m c à a o ! al *eg frattdulenW reprem»uttn.sud fer tutitttWF at tbe aU5vu up4t 'a Lw ;r t fo o t htIwIeýïè,ii por. boa corpus hktsmlm, 15W .a -lamie .hve*rl *Mh b au41ropro.a m f tji su té!hova, .,r 46 -th e o elde ab, e.~ i1yreUp ~s '#Wb '51 À Qénuine Fibre '& -,Cretonne covéred* rocker for only . ... 41 ~hou1dbevery oie.Imeane leoff *o~ rk th~e house- WIe0 t-Unenot çom. 4Iply.W&now have. on, See the BEST' Cobiùat6 oT~dGi tv-h lmr ered Over 175. Noý Only the $8.00 j: the BRUT YFiup.So a à