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Libertyville Independent, 19 Apr 1917, p. 11

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T.TTIfle'VVLLF 1NTEPENDWEnW! fIUISAY, AI>IL19, 1917. ftELDIY 00,IRIENDS À! SU.41AR fiROVE SOME 0F LEA0IN't SPIRITS licioVs îwa course dinnér thé presi- IN NO'rAmLE REtUNION HELOd en.Mr.Jénnié llyers, Iniroriucéd RECENTLY AT SUGAR GROVENI hrsDgnatotise. After a little wtt and humar, in Thé follow- wblch, Charles taes mach dlight, Inglo.ontib-ibh alied for tire following toasth, uted y John "Thé Pionüer ot Kane ('ounty," iry ,E *Barreti '"f Mrs. Joseéph lngiam; "The' Faner of Prairie VIé. ioday," by Edigar Snttw, "Thé WhIima Ne t many 0 f Men," by Mrs. Carence ('alkinu: Veéka ago "Wamén ae a- tutiy,"byi.i.li Ma'. Baréttmer; "Home," by Mrs. Nelson %fyers. myself___________________ bail Ilanneti 1h. pieashret. --freturnlng, t'a Bugat Mrs. JoséphlfiIha'm 'Coming. the! oscasion teing the celebration of tbq, 25th anfiéetsuy of the I.. C. S. 4 >c LarIli " Churck Social Society) or-, gant, " inl 1892 with Il ciarter mem- ber Po' 10r Oft iatDuuMber are eaifS actk. trnAmbers--.%Irs. Mary XIIlls .%r. rs 'üRoers, iMrsThorrémi %Çcê'k. trud he ri président, Mro. Anna îiansIon. This wax thé Birst woman'a Organisation In Kane onnun, ty rural.dliltrit as Car' ase 1eu lmr.' It seems to bave been Uo« sowkon1 o good seed on fertile »IL It bbls ;er- ml1natéA anad grown. until tod» IL b ai 75 active zmelubés, et WhiM G6 lere, preft on ibis day of one of lis m ost joyous eVçgtà,_Srpr rove 'a flot a cit3r. as many know. <As 1 recalI#lutii las nts *as, 1031 nhab- Itants.> To buld a îZ5y banflot been the mission et ibis organiaUibubut to build a commnunttyaf Godfélaring, home-Ioving people. Yeu may sask, ls ibis hing accoînvilsbed? Let unl see. About 10 o'cloc'k to 12 the guesis weré reewlig acquaintances andi talklng over oid tim a tbé cbusch paf lor. At noon. 140 wers e ed a bountiful refflt In the cburch bas"c- ment. After partaklua Of a mont de- l'a thè . ..po4r Mr. and Mrs.'A. W. Myers. This clostng the pçrogram nt tht' din uer we returnedti t the churcb par- ler anti spr'nt au baur rin discussing thé prablémB of thé day, anti thé joy of séllitng hogrt at 15 cents pr-r pounti and buying potatoesata $3 per busel! Agaîn Madam Presiderrt appeareti. annauncing a program I0 thé chucb auditorium: Ail sang "America" Instrumental solo, , Mrs. fl. Bentorr. Reading, Alla Kleibaner. lialk, Réir. HeIwit. Vocal solo,.lire. ('iaribt'l Day- ton. Cioélng namber-"tIlest lBe the Tié Tirai Bruds." It would he néediesa for me to say ail enJoyed thé celebration of thé 25t]? anlversary of thé il. C. S. S. But iis was flot enosrgh for Our daas'. dotas of the eurgar Grrj'e farnr!'-. Alter thé chores were doue about 40 teturnedti t thé mid-week prýayer meeting helti at the homre of Mr. Charles Dugan, Who bas recently re- tlrqd from the farmn. Sugar. Grove Township bas other clubs that are doing a creditable work. Thé girlsi' clubs; "'Thé Joliy Girls' Club," talring as memnbers girls fromn 18 yeara ta young women; "The Camptire Girls." rom I1-Ita 18 years. "The Boy Scouts," an(Tthé ugar Gro',e Fermiera' Club." organized ilt 19i4 and Iîaving about 1U30mtrér'ý. Also a threshing club-the farmiers own their on threshing machin, andi the 'mémbers think that Itithlb only way ta thresh. And la»i but noa, léas.i they have thé distinction of baving the fi District iligh School aud, as far as t have been able ta learn, tihe oniy oneé in the Uînited Biatesl. It waH my gotifortu*ne-to be a I téBsident or Sugar Gros e for a few years, .f1 can scé thr'y are mot gutng back in anything thr'y trave under- taken. Thé lecture course tbey prît un ten years ago lias béén contInur-ti aIl thèse years and-les mach aPIîr-ei- ated. Théetrrogram rentieréd at tire Home'Coming wa.3r.y thé young Ito- PIe, f will stseak of tire réspons"ýs ta the toasts sa I irnow éacb oné it Beems but a tew years &Ince they were'e ildren In that neIghborbooti The acting président, Mrs. lyers, better kuown ta us as Jennie. ,trs, lnsham's paper on "The Pioneér ot liane County," 1 ihought how nit' to know tir s ntrasi lretween ther pioneer day. 'a« thé prs'sent day. 'Théel'armer of Today," by Etigar Snow. Edgar wis just a boy In sr.haol, aur nearesi netghbor, row marrieti and bas chargé of bis fat b- er's farm. "Thé Whime of 'Men," jr .%ra. Clarence Caîkins, a young womn an living In thé home wé movel from. "Womnen as a Study," by R. D., Palmer. Mr.,Pl'amer was not a rési- dent of Sugar Gravé when t liveti thére. 1 bélleve hé knew hé was ihaudling a véry délicate topie and deait with It accordinglv."om, .Ira. Nelson Myers, anothér home girl and a home-malter, saiti somp very nies thinga about thé home. What dues ailthis mean? To me il stands oui as an éxampie of whai can be accomplishéti whére threélx. a ce-uperative spîrit. 1 am pleaaéd 10 knùw thérq la eue rural communIty! qtirat is living thé new communuty sririt Ile. Anti no îrogram waa états- Live Longer T Lo)ok Better T Wék Btte0ime iath ers Happier -To Get the- Best There is Out of Life - You Must Hlave theriPro-'l per K*n-d of SlIéep And,. Renmembel Your Ïs'WI WTHAT good is a $50 bed and a $20 piat tress for sleep YYif your.bed'apirg sagB to the middle and- doubles you up like a jack -knife in the hollow? Or, if your r--- upribg creaks and groans ail night Ion g ke a barn 'door on a rustyciinge 1 Or, if it is so-stiff that it is really no spring at ail, but merely a mattress plattormI Wheli You close your eyes at night, N~ature doeaii'L sare wheth- e r your bed is inlaid mahogany or yellow pine.. But she at does demand that your body has that r-gnI1y - ielding, at body fitting, luxurious support, which in givenornly by a Yoéur Béd Leggett & Platt Coui Spring Tbée are. R.êason: ryYas' rdc'oumd LBo.*dRMQZMSTdONBD LEÂDEIR of ail springs., Themanyfea-- tures whlob make the Leggett & Platt dMrebre protected bypateixte and aetIQueW*'4tke LoggQtý%nly. Only the finetit materials obtainable are siqd. tbpoughout. ..- ivey-çpring is abaolutely, and unqualiedlv, G UAR- ÀNIBEP.' Try one Por a mouth ot bur- risk. We take it back cheer- fully if you are flot more, than delighted. Made, in Waukegan. Sold by J.Bývmberg Whm Fuýture Co. Haala& hd&son A .1Qtrnrr ,'.t Bowu~B r rénderéd morct cretiitatriy tliair thé one givén ai thé celebrrait o!ortihe 25th anniversary of tbe iL. C,S.e * WaukegaaLocals* M rs, Rugil'O. Woodward andi chauffeur, Wliard Ke- (r k O thtis mornlng for Toronto, ('atrar!a,' near where Mrs. Wogdtard wtill take Oc' cupancyo et new s nrltrrrrhoe, itrat being completeti. Mr. John W. ;Weirir. absistant state's attorney, bau mari iris fam, Ily f rom l-ighland Par'i anti are o residing at 1017 North (truri>' street. Bart Tyrréil. son -of Arts't Chirf Thos. Tyrrell, has resitrîr-i ts po. s itton as policeman for tht' riîyv of Waultegan. r VOLIVA'S TICKET "IS WITIEA-SE, IN ZIÙN CITY TUESDAY Tire 'oliva ticket 3w(,Pt uthetboards ln the %ton City electrrrnTri'sday, every candidate trr m aor down bétng éléctéti as \oliva hati pianneti. The' viciory of mayor tiendinen was markéd hi a 1;5 inraltrrity. tast rtar bais majoriity watt579tt 50 it i, ser that the TheOCr'ats Irae natir' otesi durIng the year. T'he victariou't ticket: Mayor-W. IL. ('errtirîn. ('jerk-John D. Thornas. r Treasurer-Allison Iliidiée li but Biddtléwrve rt' é ierreti. Aldernen-F'irst ward, Theo. Beck- er; second, Arthur Snelling. third. Clyde Stewart: forrrth, Ralph Pihi, wanrtedti ta nilsi as a cas'alryman. waé Robjert Thonrirror, son of lir, andi Mrs. Dan S. Tbomprroi, of Hick- Thé defr'atedl ticket: ory street. Mayor-.1. IL Sayrgt Thonipson went ta ('hicago Satrir- Atty-'-. 1l. Licr . ray sa nerlistet i n the' First tîlinnie3 Clerk-lCarl Vr. ltotr. Treas-ti. S .Love. cavalry. Hé was aceepteti anti tias 1,_rntn :.iI srrler. 00w rùéed de rira ta report for _________________ on Sanrrrday next. aornlie tira s i the fitrt Watkegan man ROBER T ufTHOMPSau t. entePr t ho ecavairy durtng thé ré- ENITEDC CAVALRY; "'"'to eet i~Ifl <rar',, the' r'gbt year ol aid te TO REP RT ONSAT.f Newè:Lamb,or Lamb's corners, TO R POR ON ATOsý,tc'ýa stel in ireelast Fr1- __________day. 'Il la feareti sho'may i,,cthé Oneé Waui«gan young nman who sigbi of ber eye. alippéti off ta Chicago without any Mrs. W'. J. Snirh, triýo wa-r takr'n to Strestor Iroipital, Chicago, an Sunday notice be'trg madie about bis planté is getting on slowly for she bas been trut wbo riti nrt nake the' nîo'e withr very sick. She iv under the' care uf sopeclaliats wbo assurre ber a returfi ta out bis parents' knowledge tirat lrr'god héaith witbin a few wéeka. W'AUKEGAN, ILL. Womea's Hose, 35crozmlÀ« "'New F'ashioîî" lirse îof finie inercerized lisle'; ll;î<'k oir w-hite; regîîlaî' and extra sizrs; extravîalues, a' 3<.".i.es or On 'J rth<,é Girls' Hose, 25C Blacî<k tîîd whIite le-nlIlonne rl ti le, î>t'ifeet quahity; sliaputd bt te iiiklan e li1i(- iiIrt"lspî'tial, pair' 5c ApilEveMas' of Comimaniding Interest 'c b oie store is il, sprifg-tineredes-ead with sok of ndless assotnent, with mer- cliandise of ro4ect st yle and w'orthy quality. Speeial ApY'il Sales are a coinunanding featute of present itîterest. You %vîi1 cýeounter incomparable eeonoînies in every departmneît-Saviugs tliat are ail the more iiýportanit hecause of the reeognized quality of the meî'ehandise. AMJMatchless Offer of 'Beautiful New Sprmng cnDats t $16LJ-50SitRç-$2O An ,ExcepU,*rnal Value in Dresjs Skirts $5 No prettier àkirI styles havire eîî shown this seasoý, and s'uîely ni) bettet' values offeî'ed than these ixe are featur-. ing at $5. Reprosented in taffeta silk, La Jerz, ivool popl.1ns, serges anîd wrSteds, in handsomve plaid?, cheeks and st.riles- ail colorings. High-G1lss Skirts $ 10 Descriprtions cannot' dbfull justice to thé charni anrd beauty of ihese dresaassrts. They are> the cleverr'st productions of the ssgsz.,,ai actually wortii Up to $16.00, Designed of 'Weol Itport Plaids anti ttrrîtes, in wondérfully attractive colol' eomhlnations. Satisfaction In "R Fori' any years "R.&G." Cor- sets have hield a foreînost positioni among the fforsets of -recognizcd inert. They have imaîntained a lîîgh pr'estige because of tlîîir correct fashion, their excellenît quality, and tîte perfect comfort whieh ecd mîotlel permnits the wearer. Today "R &~ G" Corsets f Are irq'Creater Favor Than Ever Before. Beeause 'they have kept paet' witli ehanging styles-hecause tily lîtterpret the fashionable style lites iu an une.qualed mantier, andi heeause tlîey continue ttî îîaintaiîî a uniformi higli stanîdard (if quality. Women who are hard to'fit wxill bave -n troubuler in seeuring atn "R.&G." model adapted to their î'equirements, Boys' Suits $4-"~ j -With 2 Pairs of Knickers There is servie to tiiese suits that ilvvilleisrjîs the expeetittion s ()f the paretnts, and there is style to their eut that will suirelv deliglit the voiiigster. Piîtelt baek and nîilitarv uo idels, riehiy taWorod of hiandsoie novelty inaterials; 8 to 16 years.PiGd special at $4.98. Boys, "Fadelqss" »tMouses at.,50c Mothers, pissase malte note of titis 'taet. that, If m'te" ib "oSes we will replace It wth énoiher. Beautlful styles of ginghams and 4imrays in str.ffl and plain colora; ail sues; syé4lal. 6fc. & G" CÀorsets "ýR.&G' Corsets Bell at $1.00 up to $5W Ail styles and aises here. Rich Taffeta Silk Petticoats -at $3.98 Ali exceptional offer of high- elass taffeta silk petticoats. They ar'e attruaetiî'ely fash ioned, and of a riell, shiîîuuering quality;. tw'o-tonii effects in~ popular high- <olors; shirred and ruMfed flounces; values without au, equal &t $3.98. Stunning new spring styles in, 'm~' cats for w> imen and misses. D)e- sîgned ini the popular belted, and gathered inodels of sel'\iceal)le poplins, serges and velours, ini leading colors; incomparable val- ues at $16.50. Coats 012.5 0 -at Iligh-class coats ini a wifde as- Bortînent of pleasing newiv modt'ls. Belted, gathered, îùaited, Em- pie, and< loose-flaring styles. Materials are wool serges,' ve- lours anîd poplins, in nax't, green, magenta, gold, tari anti rose. Ex- cellent valutes ut $22.50. CH'ILDREN'S COATS-Nobby Empire _ptles of potrtins and serges in é'.ery new coloring; button trimmeti; 6 ta 14 yeers; .mecial, $695. La test spring styles in sulits of excellent quality and c!are(ful tailoring. Col- lectionî embraees at least a dozen distinctive models. fleveloped of taffeta ardinea, mami1sh serges and poireL twils. Beit- ed, Empire, gathered, 4 plaited and Norfolk ef- -- fects. ' ?avy blue,.4hielî is now the leading shade, is well popular spring eolorings -~ are also ùi evidetwe. Un- equaled valutes. i,?,ý juk- -x Page irie

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