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Libertyville Independent, 19 Apr 1917, p. 9

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*-ýTÏÏIY-'VILLR ý ýINDE-,PENDENT Lake CounWy' Big Weekly WAUKECýAN WEEKLY SUN LI LAKECt 'YOL. XXV.-NO. 16. PART TWO MfERTYVTLLE, ILL., THKJR8AYPAPRIL 19, 1917. FOUR PAGES $150 PER YEAR IN~ ADVA9M~ To Free ..o W ~î ? ehê eterChrtlana.n eIeoffd May. orl s of Northi Chicago wth mocnt thr.s vote@ majority over Orury. Hill? Government Offipiais Ortier -Swayer Sarh City for ' Suret ton. STEAL I.S. M ESSAMS? Fear la, Expressed That M*es- sages Are Being jntermeted by Plotters ln City. That Waukegan la a nest for Gier- man war piotters anti thât tiieso spies are operating a viroleus tationl anti are recelilng vireles. messagea Intendeti for the naval trainingata- tion la the fear expressed by local authorities fllowlng the receipt of an order froni A. M. Stlckei, of the Hydirographiet office. U. . NaVy. Chi- cago. te searcb Waukegan for a eta- tion lcnÔwn 10 ho in operation. The order to the police chierftrom this agent of the U. S. Navy la as foUleva: Hydrographie OSfce, United States NavY. Police Chier. Waukegcll. This oMrie tha Information Ihat a wlreleas station i. being operated In ypur cty. i wouiti requet tltat you latestepa lmmediately te order dovu ail &mel anti leati-in vires, and the complote disnsntling of ail aenting anti re- clvlng stations found. ln compliance vith the Preslient'a Proclamation of April 7tb, 1917. lasuoti by virtlto of the authority of Act Of Augual 1,1 Kndly report action taken to thia Ozfce..1 A. M STICICEL, 0e1 Brancb Hydrographic Office, . S.e Navy. s Immediately upon eeceipt of tbis 1 order, Commienioer James U. Sway-h or, 10 vhom thé order vaatdeesiet, orderédthelb.police ta make ahbouse ho bouse aearch for the vîrelesa sta' lion, andt wvredk tbe station vith axes if il vas founti.1a Becasae o the PrOXlMity Of Wau-s riégan ta thé bugo virles. station t tovors et the Great Yakea station.l voulti be e camPae-tively easy mal-c ter for German apies; to operato at v ieléas recplving station in Wauké-t gan andt t obtaio al Messages re-- colveti ove- the vires at thé Great LaItes station. ThéeRien knovs'o f threes viréléa stations lu Waukogan. !t ls sai Ibère are four, bt Thé Sun, aPOn Investigation inta that thegesations havé nt been nlu as. since.Ihe Pros, ident Iasueti bis proclamation. Oneo of thoae stations la locatéti ou the, roof of a dowu tovn jovèle-y store;1 anolieer et thé W. W. Pearce home;1 enoibor at the Wright home, anti1 stili a Iird cI the Aldon home, The polie chit t~Oaa rdenet that1 thèse dtations le. vreclÇed, and ti I10 possible thal tire receiving anti senti- lngoutltita ovnétf by privaI. ctiiena cf Waakogan vilil e. contiscatéti hy the police. MARY JANE BACON DIES *AT THE AGE OF 77 YEARS. Wauhdgan, ADril 18. Mary Jane Ba@01sOneaOf the bét kuovu Waukegcn reaitienta, paSsot avay aet the home of ber daagbtee-, Mes, Marrelt Spaultiing, ou Sevarti steet, sohrtly &fier 7 o'lock Iis morning. Tbe deceaseti vas e native 0f lhe State of Ohio, bat bail madie Waultègan be- homo for over 20 years, Sho lapgta moue-n ber de- ms. une danglter, Mes. HanIflet L>paltitng;. t'wo goa, Grant Freléigir, orf fltohdl,1 >a-d j".B« andcOtie stapson,,IBlot Byion SON LOSES RIOilT M ~ASIRE STEPS IN FRONT 0f ENiINE Parents of Yauth Dd Not Lum af the Accident for Two or Three Haurs. CARRIED PAST OWN DOOR. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Locke ' Heu af AccidentiThr= a HospitalSuperintene. Wanhkegan. &PM l18. Deepite the tact tbat bit; aged par, ents Ilveti vit hin a gtonAs throv ot the hospîtel, the identltY Of ;he on- gineer vbo hat i bs rlgbt leg Ïevereti untier a freigbt englue in te Northt Western ratiroati yards vas not sa- tabliabeti antil (va or tbree hbaiea.t- e- the accident. Then it vas lend that the engbneer vas James Lochei son of Mr. anti Mes. Richard Locke. vho live dilrectly scros the street from the Jane McAlister hospilal.> Engineer Locke vas Dreparing bis locomotive for -a ru W Chicago ln the local yards et 6:30 o'clock tisl morning vhen the englue automaUical- ly "blev off' anti the engineervas envellet inl a clouti of stesin. Heo stéppoti back ta escape the steern, and lu domS ng h acket iota the Path Of, a huge frelgbt englue vbich vas heSr- Ing tiovu frm the portb.- But eue foot, hie rlght one, croped over -the steel rail, andti Ibo eg Vas cate'oft Ijst above thée nkle. -iýocke feil ta the çe-ound anti vithin a fev minutes vas placçd in. the Iai'- sou'&' Holland ambulance anti rUsbe 10 hie Jane McAliBter hoepitas4. At 9:30 o'clock the eaperititoendent of the bospital, Miss Hei11. rePOnleti thel the Injureti man vas astil inder the aneslhetic anti that hie lOtisty bcd net been estebllsbed. 1. ",We vere tbld. bovever, that -bis naee as Locke," seiti Miss Hell.j Thirty minutes later Miss HeU r&- porteti the Injureti man vas Jamàes Locke, sou 0of Mr. and Mrs. MuEaglid Locke of Franktlin Bfreel. Loche -.0 marrieti anti bas a familY. Hie fhèhee la lu Barrington. For yearse letie vas caretakor et the EPiecOP4C 16 but bis cge le such that l IW ldhe Le nov dependènt upon'relaUvas e«d ou bis many triende lu Waukegan. The injueotmen's condition la M. porteti "ce gooti as coulà Le expect eti." lHe bai cpaseenger run coi of Waukegen anti vas due to leavo hère aI 7:06 for Chicago. WILMTTE TURNS DOWN TWENTY YRe là, R. FRANCËI Votera of Wilmetté tiécîiéted t thé village lection Taésday Ibat the 20 year franchise approve tvin vlage hoard. meeting Ape-il 4 ln faven 01 thé North Shore E]octe-t o od -flot- go bte effecl. Thé prepooîlion vas tiefeateti 1,424 ta 1*112. Th antl-ratlroed forces clamod Me night -thal thele- oppoents-b&iê4ut ât I $2000 duing the 'day h- týy- las te, gel thir "Pe lotot2 pla 8B11e. ffty venhera vith-aIM i~l ~ft 'SITS'ON,1UIM WED. T~ CLOSE Chairman Kirsotiter, as One of First Acts, Gavels Dady ta Seat as goe Spleens. ON BERGER CARLSON CASE. General Feeling Was If Cool- Headed Màq-lad Appeared Ail WouldýKMe Been O.K. Swedltth regldents who sncerely Formner Mayor of' North Chi- Interpsteti themoelves ln the, Berger. > ago D)efegts Patrick Drury Carlsonl case. wbiftii County Physl- by Small Margin. clan Brown bail been accuse o f neg- ligenee, appeavotibeforF the county WIL.L NOT STARI CONTESI . board April 19 t» present Illeir cote- plaint but made0 the mis4take of bey- Drury -Denies Report Started logeas their spokeaman Rflph J. Detiy. by Friends-ls Tto Good j a forner stata' attorney, wba. w>en h. attempted te Btjong-arm the board -oLser for That Inmb listening te hlm when the board ..On ofthemos spritd eectonsdesired ta have the malter referred * . ne f te mat pirtedele tet a commtte andi then reporteti ever helti ln Lake county took piace back vax Practicaly kicked out of Tuesday at North Chicago wben the the supervisora, rOOrn by a vote of 19 Republican ticket. beatiet by Peter ta 4. Cbritenseên, vas electei from top ta Tlhe Svedlsh residents after the bottm wth te ecepion f San.Meeting could not help but feel that. botoinvit th exepton f San-had they hait a more resPectful andi iey A. Palbicka. candidate for aider- tess deflant man rePresenting th0m b.- man lu the firet yard. on thie citizen'& fore the board, the termînation of ticket. Peter Chrîstensen defeateti their case againat Dr. Brown voutti Patrick J.' Drury for mayor by the ne -aecm Ihsc udn uesst talie everyboy off their feet. narrov margîn- 0f three votes. It vas Dadys dallant mooti. bis de- fflenda of the tiefeted candidate mande that the bos*i do so and no tbis morulng aaaerted tbat a recount vbich causeti thé boardta to st pre- et lhe ballots vouiti be demautlud. cipitiousy anti fotet * U#gh suy desire They aaserted that where tbe resulta ta offenti the twedlsl foiks vho wr wete so close t wouid hbexetreniely present ta prevent t3aelw cause. easy for a sigbt errer to creep IflSj Dr. Brown wae pregent vith hie soc- Nt te Conteat. retary anti the proeance of records. That ho viii net start a content etc.. ln is bande aa veli au in Dady's and cannot be inducedte t take sucb Indicateti that a bot tiiscuiqion woulti action, vas the satenent matie t0 take Place. In fect, bolh aides ere The Sun today by Mr. Drury. reatir for a 8bow-dovn. vhich surely "Two la a majority.' he salti.'pet- wotld have corne had Dady not trieti er Chrstensen ant I are gooti friandss la "bull" the board of suisevisorein anti ueighbors. 1 arn a better leser a Manuer sîmîlar ta vbat ho diti vben than ta content simply becauae bu ho vas atates trnýY. von by tva or tbreo votes. Il migbt bè diffrent if thero vas any Indica- tion of undorbandéti vork, but I cmt convinceti that aIt vas square anti1 aboyé boardi. Tliero vilI ho nô cou- test no fer as 1 am concerneti." Thé vote for mayor lu the thre verds, abovipg thé vote cast by botb mon anti vomen, folova: Firet Second Third Warti Ward Ward M WM WM W Drury. ....... 141 112 110 93 42 31 Chrittensen ..- 77 53 175 126 56 45 Han en . 9 40 27 18 3121 Gobi-----------3 2 12 3 6 4 il lea àfact cf considérable Inter- est-that the vomens voIe securoti by .Me. Drury in the iret yard vas at. ment enougb b meInure hie eleclion. The vomons vote lu the tirst vas the latestcuutéti. Witbout the vomen' vote lu Ibis yard Mr. Chris- tenson badi a loati of 60 votes. This vas cat dovu by thé majorlty given Mn. Drue-y by the vomen of the iret. 0f ail thé candidates, May Przy- boraki, candidate for thé office of city ~t"ruey, heti thé eas)Oet limé. Ho wg'unopposéd, bavlng beso ondorseti hiby ail parties. ltbougb .he rau on the republican ticket ho roally vas tbe non-partisan candidate.' lu oniy oue instance vas an incum- bent tieteateti for re-eléction. Wil- liam Kapbéim, candidate for alder- man lu thé third, vas tiefeaeotiby Etivarti C. Meadi. The vote for thé different candi- dates vas as follovs: Myayor-Republican ticket, Peter Christensen, 632; citizens ticket, Patric'c J. Drue-y, 529; soclalist ticket, Jorgan M. Hansen, 196; Indepentient ticket. Abert A. Géehl, 30. lu the follovlng liet thé citizen cao- ddé e ilI came iret, thé republican, canddite second anti thé aocialist last: For City Clerk-Walter P. Wy- qoehi 464; HBus Baume, 606 (reelect- et); W4ter Brebendér, 85. For çitî Troasuler-Antan Zllik. 44p; Elmer Atkinaon, 637 (nov); NOm. ILBabka, 129. Fhr City Atorney-Max Pryabor- ahI, 625 (re-electoti)., 4diloned Viet Ward-Séta»boy A, Cerk Hentioe reail lbe ptitions of thé Vikings anti Polar Star lotiges in wicb they asked for tse dlanissal of Dr. Brovn anti expnueoil Ibeir rea- sons for 1 splaint. Immediatay Birstcv moveti that the pelitiona ho referredt 10the propor commttee for Investiga±Iom anti re- port back 10 the bo*d. Stratton soc- odeti the motion. Dady thoen sait! hé viahati- ta cd- dress the hoard. Hé arose and loch a stand la front of the mexubers. sterl- ing 10 talh vbilo Bwalntov baît thé gloor. The latter inasteti ou being recegnhmeti, anti Chirmnan Erachuer. vben Dedy trioti ta interrupt bum, gaveleti Datiy down vltb sncb force that the sounti of thé gaver coulti ho heard tu tho corridors cutatile thé room . DADY: "'Unlese 1 am Lurdby Ibis board nov, l'Il ativiso My clients not to appear hfore any coMmuttoe. I repreaent a lot of folks hors, anti ln- oint upon being beard." BAIIlSTOW: "I dont ses vby Ibis mater eboulti take any différent course than otb,£r matIère, vhicb ai- vaya are retorild ta commftteea, lu- vetl4led andt Ien reporteti back." DADY: "But 1 Insist gn presenting tbe malter nov." BAIRSTOW: "If you'eO loohlng for batil, no far as I amn coucerneti, I'm <Osanuéti on pae lv..) wics. 106; Anton Petkuti, 89; Antoni Wasomeraki, (Ind.) 10. Alderman Second Ward - Etivard Vlack, 235; Jloseph C MoLearu, 264 (nev); Herman Panhoke. 10. Alderman Third Ward - William KLapheim, 61 (defeateti); Edwin C. bleid, 128 (nev); Frank Wagner, 41. Peter Christensen, the .uccessful candidate for mayor, la not ,new In North Chicago politics. as h0 bas served t4vo years as nîsyor, being de- feated for, re-election two years ega by Mayor L. B. Jolly, vho won by a amail-margin. North Chicago, bas a habit -of eiectig mayora by a ."vques-." Mr. Obriateasen made a popular mayor-And-hi. trl.ends, pet up a toîig5sot~ for hlm, Mr. Jolly ira a5d*afor Jêg.k B. ý* Pied Kiîcbneîub spevi Cul oun y borfo himnI197 Billd Cuba Superv"sor Is Unopposed Cheoce fovrLalce CQunty Board of SuIervisors. HAS MADE A GOOD RECORD. Election Is Frst One in Same Years Where No Opposition - Has Develaped. RUSSI3LL IS A Marmony merked thée pening ses- SElLIV~I gian ot thé county board of super- S - NSa I - 4. visors Api18, when vlthout opposl i TRFO TT tioPed Kich er of hébart fr 91-18- QTO ot t hut an oppohetion anferve91-1 npeti. lit vas the iret tizne lu yeers that tirere hbheen no conteet on tbe board for thé chairmansbîp ant Iil be- spea*is for Mr. Kirchner the osteom tu vhich* bis colleagues bave bolti him that be coulti vin the bonor lu Ibis unantious manner. Mr. Ktrchner bas representeti is township majiy. yeare In a moet faitb- fui manner and baî been one of the stronk members of the boarti. He basq been a man of Idees anti of deter-1 mination at ail times anti the feelingj la he vîll make a vortby suceessor la James H. King vho was chairman tant year, anti vhose defeat by Mr. Monaban of Lake Forest, for super- vIsor vas one of the surprises of the recent election. AIl members of the board excepiing Hutton, Monab&n anti Vercoe vore present. H. C. W. Meyer vas chasen tempor- ary chairnian. Belrstov moveti that Fred Klrschner ho electeti permanent chaîrman. There belng no othor nom- inations, Bairstov's motion ltaI ho ho electeti by acclamation vas carrieti unanimouely. Mr. Kie-chner, ln accepting the hon- or, sali: "I tbank you for the bon- or you bave conferreti« upan me. ,I cannol xepres lu vords my feoei anti grtitude 1 ove the board, but 1 assure you Il611il the position te the beet of my ability anti hope 1 wilt bave the assistance anti co-opor1s- lion of every member of the board anti trust that vben my termn expires the goati feeling tbat nov existe AIl continue thon." Mr. Itirechuer bas been a super- vison eight years. Beîov lesheovu the personnel of the nov boaid. the newly electeti membre' names appeerlng ln black type, the othere being halti-overs: Benton-A. S. Burgess anti B. C. Thompeon (re-electeti). Newport-Ed MartIn re-eleCteti). Antioch-Chase Webb (re-eIecteti.) Grant-William Strattan. Avon-A. T. White (re-electeti). Lake Villa-J. 1. Barnestable. Warren-George McCullougb. Waukegan-Georga Bairatow, Jff Klrpatrlck, 0. A. Hutton (ré-etecteti), Charles Crapo (re-elect>, Frank Webb, Ira Hoitiritge. M. P. Dilger. Sieitie-E. J. Monahan, Thomas Murphy. Lihrtyvile--Henry Eger. Fremont-H.nry Meyer@ (re-elect). Wauconti-Ray Paddock. Cub-Fred Kie-chner. Ela-Emil Ficeo. Vernon-A. G. Meether. West Deerield-OGeorge Rocken- bacb., Deerfeid-Theo. Clark (re-elect), Martin Ringdahl (re-elect). Prebident Barrett of the Plarmors' intitute asked thehourd for $300 for thé instîtute. The reqltest vas grauteti. Superintendent Apîy' of lIhe coun- 10 kesp the speclal nuese nov et te county tee-mheceumo et mach sîcnus. The malter vas roeeredti 1 the poor commilleg vilh .power -te &et.' County Surveyor Ip Appoîntedi by Seoretary of $tate- Seeks Auto Violators ÇbaLrles Russell, county eurveyor andi county superintendent of goo4. mçada, la wearlng a badge ho receiveti frldy troiS the aecretary orf state. The badge abows'him ta ho a sPeo4a1 aomoblls nyestigator fnr the statiP, He haq necelveti a rger badge qVrbùicb'leta ho piecetion the front.,nf is car, bath badges showing ho pos- aespés autbority te, make investi- lIon witti regard tb automobiles. Hie duties as inspecter yl ho 10 Sund vbet autolseshave 001 complieti vlth'the 1ev anti secureti their 1917 liconse talis. He vîli ho requiretii- go 10 heep a close vatch for viola- tions pf other kinti.- that 'mîe te, bis attention sach as seeiflg that no unoe acteau as.achauffeuer vithout belng ereg- uiaril 'liceuseti by the etate. Insteati ai reporting sucb vIolation', tg lte civil authorities ho makes 's report irect 10 the sécretary of etat. andthte malter ls plicéti ln the bandes of the propér authorltieta oses tb&t tbey are prosecuteti. SIl le gaid Ibat other represtatîve men througbautItho county have beau *gotf4t 10sinilar positions ua the gQtAl7 0, f stâte desires la, gel a Uns on aU violations. il la probable that tbfos vho have boon slow lu tek- lug ,out'their lMcensée ylhoa purreti to Irmedlate action, CHIEF ISERMAN 0F KZNOSHA IS DEAD. It vas vitb sorrov thet Weukogan learnedt Iis morning of the death oif Chiot lafe-man, 0f the ire departmént of ICnomba, at bis home0 ln thet City. Baerai veèek ga Chior Iserman colitreteti pneumonIe anti from the vary ire t il as apparent Ibat hie a a deatb battie. This man. vbo bad l&lrsed bis lite Innumerable limes to eao t~ lire of oters ls -its eu iitIf, anti ho tileti eaely this morni n# I je la veil kucyn ln Wau- kegan, vbere ho vieited trequently eauh yeor. Manay of bie friende bore ara planning ta attend the faneraI servce. The deceaeot lsa acousin of Mrs. Graion G. Cameron cf North Genesee street. The funeral vill ho held on flday. RusseIl D. Hiil of I.ale Forest, Tuegdey announed that ho bati pue-- chaid a 71-foot yacht for $30.000 ln Nev York anti that il bati been ac- ceptet by the goveroment for patrol service. Hill, vltb the rank of on- aigu, wyul recruit a crew of ten mon te-cmUniversity cf Chicago students. peîioeio b d.Kll1nt eog etaenb of Ili Day, anti John Zîne- mer'cf Long Grove. and Fred Priem of Pratinlo 1(ev, The maltervas r.- fere4 toi thé uev licous. commtto. vhon n&eéd. The >*raedjue ln the efforta belng made by souie. sol for Philip Ooldberg to fies 1the alloged blincdfjgar from é8land Park on the grounde that the IiMmu. nlty order grautad by Pîrcuît 4kw-t Judo* Edwarde vhen Goldbeu'g tout Iflid befor. the grand jaerý ' the Invstigations ho caued te hor bruiih agaînst $tatua Attorney jauq G Weich, la a bar tapeeotngii on an.initiçtmentcarjsl.4a sais of liquor, <Monde of the county prosaulor 0sê.What I~ be. conoeoted smess*ver ina.vtut*Ila any crimiel, Ps-ceedle. Mow"lnl a bylef history ~ h situation, vbich frionda of. wekc* à" makes a comrplote cycle' Of eba sc 10 prove lheir.euintntiona. lat-PhUto G(oldhorg tediet hib thé December grand jury on a ebMigo of conducling a*hlind pie,'. 2nd-Phip Qoltiborg preton ha' os agailial Statq's .4ttorney 'fflh anti succéeda l» getting the. atleeney general to caîl a 'graad juiry 'to li. vestigatf #j&.mfge cf brUme'ybroUlt against lhs.7iroaecrlor. 4th-Phýl Goldberg andi relatives gnie b-1 o' fer atogei gra u ry vas concernod. 6th-Tbe Goltibergs tu almostat 00 sant conference vith ]Former St&Wa Attorney Dady andi hWa aaigtbt, Attorney E. M. Ronysrd. Oth-Tbêtact thaLt AttrmWy Rien. yard hilusoîf b i.cut~i delîvereti ta .Astb- #ine'al Vil kerson a oepy ofýUie Jnsm>aItq Ovrt vblcb ho doubtleia haé dmafIsO ?îh-The tact that A$Urnoy itun- yard vent on GoMldhe'bonLd £wmm Saturday, April 141h 10 Tuodag, Ap- tII 17. 8th the fact Ihat Runyard appea,- ed là Ooaais'lth Goldberg and tbe laI- tees, nov - nsel, Attor-ney Love.. 9th--AitàýLoves files a Satial pies. aettlng UP the lmmunily créer. and lnaiating that Ilfi broad ee 10 exempt Ooldherg trou p9rose- tion on the indictWnut returnedt h the December grand jury. prou. the opinion that the bribes- charge brought asainat Mr. W4isk was don. wlth a two.feld mtlwo- firet, teae-in théebte%' atra but second, t e emupt G"dber& 'the friand ef both bady and Rum>'erd4 Itla ispoînteti oat as a moalainl icant tact thal lite mjerity et lbo alleei violattinachargsupaaut Goltiberg, took place turing lhe lime Dedy vas slates atatorney sud R» yard vas hi s sintant. Assistant StatO's Attorney john Wolch argiles hefore Jais, ParsM Tuesti a ernooef that lua Cmtiai. the 14Upnaty order 11% pi'geuahly vas enly vîth regardte proee«U.lo for. the crime vhiclt ho cdaims b. commîtti, that of brIhugin hS sIai'5 attorney. 1ne points otest itavlm- lty on the charge etialiag ae itelaaly vouIt have 1 ggf te al aetatutes oevelug eq*S ' torm me re hlIfue s doues, etl4 WAb« 'V à % . 'a e

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