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Libertyville Independent, 26 Apr 1917, p. 13

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COMPARE MüWfOSS ASKS Our Great- DRU NATION IN WAR nqe Signed Memorial, Wth Others, Which Was Presented to Congress Tuesday. 1 LO CAL CITIZENS FAVORJI Would Mean Al LookerCls Would Be Closed-Many in - .Waukegan at Present. Reatherbloom A memortl for national Prohibition I PttIc0ats, $1.98 organlzed by a comutttee Of the 'COIh- A taffeta. ruffle gîvea mttee of! clx'. bearljttg e lb igna-I theni a good look. Agil turc o! 1,000 protulnent Amerleans. oecolo0re. Inludlng congreahmau George Bd- Io« moud Posa, Vas preeented ta Cor are yeAtrda,. eignera belleve the Urne bas tome for the federal governullent ta talle stepft VV u-: V Ku loohiig ta $he prohibition lu the. Unit- e states, and looklng go, the probîbl- lion tu the tlnited State o!f1the Iman- ufacture, sale, import, export ande transpor tuf sicoholle liquors. The memortal boa no reference. I, la&as- serteel, lu the undermtood exceptoflz for medical. sacramental and indu.- trial purposes. The signature& are collecteel in two hound volumes, wlîkb yierc ýpresented te Congreali for Inspection. Congrecîan George Edmond %8a4 Vas charman of the aub-eommiuttee on the meiorlal. "0e passag<e o a "1dry nation" bill will aound tb. dcath knell for th lociter clubset1 WauLegan antd Nort'I ebîcago. At thîs tInte.. il e -iil, tLere are lxteecn Iceker clubs operstiug In theie two etles. The police do net poalese the power go0 VI"eont lhesa joints, andl tbey are beIn.4 operateel under Protection of a recent rullng of the Supreme Court. The keepers or tupe club are gel- tlng rich. enormoualy rich. They adt- mt that thie profita of a lu"'lcer club are freater than from LC ll.enaed sa- loon, and If the quPeIof lcense, Vas ever broughl np ae:iln the lbd- er club keepera wo)ui probablv vote "dry.,. lt,.-nty an aùeldî-nt Iook place an ene o! the main strie-Te «fWaakegan about il o'clork ir the evenlnç- Witb Special Lot of .1ii the exception of a couple of poice. atreet car eollideel wllh an autome- bile. The craek of the compact coulel 1e heerd for a block. in a mnute a lime there were over 200 men on the * treet and' every man of Uic crowd a Sur came freIn' a locksr club. -manlah serges .-g;r -..gabardines --hi su-poptine -U CC -velourse--na OFFICIAL LIST' 0F REAL ci.W . present this pau E9TATE TRANSFERS. % off ering to you w c.i knowledge tht a st FuW1iIbeId bYextremoly big canair LAKE Co. TITLE AND TRUST CM. d. The styes are1 »e.oe 5 RI. TMe$ MSUUSi d or in chic st<Zle efi Maeele emBe UdO.Psoe .4. April 21.-P. A. PetersOn, tu Goal Nordeen. lot 4. block 3 I.Ànox e Waukegan, W. D. $650. John GriffIth andl wl!e, t0 Davidl Wlson, lot 2M.-Washington i Crcle Sub. l.aie Forest, W. D. $1. April 23-Helen W. Gans etr-Ial,tu J, I,. Przyborski. lot 1. bock 3, Coul- mlssioners Sub. North Chicago, DeedO M. il, Evans sud -Ife, to Dora A. Conklin, 21 acres in section 24, East AttIoda and section 19, Newport townshilp, W. D. George Smth sud vîfe. et al, to Adelis . Carman, east 25 feet, lot 21. llke Bluff, W. D. $750. J. C. Bartlett sud wife. et al, to Jo8ephine Vacek, lot 5 block 2 Dia. mond La ke Park. W. D. $1. S. U. Trip)p and vife, 10 Wm. Crop- ley and wi!. lot 3. block 2, HaM- monde Âdd ta Area. W. D,. $20. j. 1,. przyborskl and wîfe. tu Mary NI. Przyzorskl, lot 1, block 3, Commis- rionere Sub, North Chilcago. W.ý D. $10. p. 1. Blatzek, tao tliana Ander- son, lot 29, Lyou$ Sub. Of PaIr Grrounds. Waukegan. W. D. $10. Jacob Goldachmldt and wlfe, to T. H. Duret, Jr, lot 14 Schwartz, North Ave. Siib. Wsukegan, W. D. olive S. MeCuliam, 10 DaLpnevang badge No. 182, rast 40 feet, 10! 4. (ex. north 4 feet>, blockl 23, MeKays Sec- ond Add., Waukegan, W. D. $1800. DR. DAVIS DNTIST 'C. 4 las Sud lu Petticoata, 59C Blurdy muelîn petti. coste with wlde flounclng; full length. il saé Saiee tt u Ral Mney-Savng forYuI f Value-giving whlch repretsa the remarkable achievements of our buyer who has been shopping in New «York on a colossal sale. Notable is the fact that we are able to present thes. rmr bargains so eauly in the season. Every section con- tributes to this forcefl.speclal seliing with the most excellent spring and summner meachandise. Anti ,ipâte your needs-buy noiv while priccs are so attrscti've. ]Breakfst LI 50c Auto * Sets, atl cC aat35c Light and dàrkper A epledld lino of new cale Breakfast Ses, cae ln aiml colore. 134g Uevally1.25. IValue.I Ghigham Pewtcoats, 50C Fln. flurse-etripe a nghani Petticoate for ovoryday wear. sûmWer Vestsat'21lc Vneck orve:ata1.wIlh short orn levea. All slzes. $1 MuBila Me Pancy ICurtains, 79ë Pr.M Voules, at 29c Yd Ruffled muelin eue- Pretly faney voles, 40 tain*, 21 ,yjarda longe lnchee wde. New Limilted lot. s pring range. CoVersfl Aprons, 49e Glnghfln or percale Covereli Aprone. la- omparable value. M preare fo tis rernarkable'seliing 4oppael as we hilve neyer befr rprd Merchandise on which we gt- ---- great price concessions bas arrived to make this a timely o'pportunity. DRESES'DRESSES S~prin G E rou Sping~ rP aies 7.4g of 459aes U4 of 28 Taffeta, crepe de chine andiunored serge frodka in fashions of Notlu ng ha n r ntln Ucmpre wt soe priua the latest. Ail the lesding colora are nicd.rose, apple desofng we want to inipress upos y]C. Inludcdne l rec, copenbagen, tans, navy, taupe, purple. etc. In compar- c=m e s ne combmnation, georgutte, crepe die chine andi aie.crepe metéor ____________ I4ew Superb Group ot 3.71 SUITS 11.1l Lors: Tabric&: colorn: reens ---gabo er--tant Uowns -manniah serges, -gr Ont nt -POPlîIne -,.: . navy, etc. -velourse -«tavy, etc. articular suit M A splendid range of coat ith the. fulM vomen or missestbaSt ar suit value soU cominon in style efgc4 -Aî t, be repeat- Min colora. Tii..h vItr plain tailor- ly arriviednd & att 'ecta. M newest tendecies inodt a Breakfast Fibre r ma I iajn uAt qe siteas.SL Novelty cape tattel for 35e usually. New selection. Women's New * SHOES *$ A ý4'5 Glazeci and mat kid high-cut lace Boots ivith popular leatiier Louis heels. Ail sizes. An ex- cellent $5 value. Patent Shoes-Special $t.98 Patent-leather Shoes lu laee or button styles. Gray eIoti tops. Al sîzea to 6%. $3.50 value, ,ta for re un- Ld nov"' recenit..- ;ethe shions. Z"-nchsit SUIt=ep Iprîeed rSi.80 uul Weil made. Spring Sale of< TOILE? GOODS Veolg Cold Creani (16o klnd, 9c Campitor Iles(10o six.) et. .7 Petrolouni Jelly (vgf.iIne) et 4c Palmolîve Soep (106 alway) .... Se Lstorine (Sec iao) boMOe...19e Mennena Talcùum (Io aIzo) -.10e Cortified Coenplexlop So.p; 12Vy2c 85e Truax Face Pewder...19 Torchon LiceA (8c and 10c vaimmes4 A notable offerlng ot trlmmlng laces up te 3 ineheq wlde. Bg selections. Three DAYS LEFT - Three Tliureday, Fridyand Saturdey are days of exeeptlenal opporunltles Mr furni. ture buy.ra. We closln three days polt4voly. Furntur. Annex. Our Greatest Underpricing o, DO0MLSTIC NEED CRASH TOWELING-Unlon ENGLISH NAINSOOK-Afl LONG CLOTI-The regular bleached crash wth bue bon- excellent quallty of regular 25c grade of elbeer long-cloth. de-r. 18c quallty 1 , 25c nalnsook. lm- U S.. peclal pur, , 6 at ....-..*... «.............ted cuta ........... IIM c ch as.................+ c ORESS GNGHAMS-Fauacy CORSET COVER EMB.-Em- MARQUISETTES - 6inch tub glngham--our sprtng brolderlea of good wldth that curtain mal.rlsla i white and selectlon. 1560 3 B ell for 26e usu- cresa. 25o value, 74 quallty ............. I&T*C afly. Big lot . .....16+c yard ..... *........;71 NEW PERCALES-lght and BERKLEY CAMBRIC - A CURTAIN 00006-Swlsi;es dark percales of 36-lnch wonderful savng on theae and scrms of 86-luch wldtb. wldth. Speelal b~ics. rnîecta. * L5t ar............; grade ..... i........ 12*c g-rac.Umdecun- Reular .1.......v ..lu; c PEPPERILL. 8MERTNQ - TUI85ISH TOWELS-Wancy UNBLEACHIED CRASH-18- A apeelal purchase of thîs fa- lowelà thal actually Bell for Inch crash to*elliig that sells mous grade. 9-quar. 65o alwaya. ThIs jl for 15ec regule* O te.r wdth. ....31 gle ............. 9e yard .............. Blas SOX40ý-idt Taf eta, etcas36 Amiehtybig peticoat value arranged for L ~ dismae These in &il the new colora. Fi- est qualiy taletas. Mucle welI anélmade fuit. _______ Smart Styles in Ne Fabricu: colons: -mixtures -mbjturea -.4erges -jtan. -"Poline --gleene .-nov on ee-navy, ele. The lowest price alftempt.d tWol season to give you style eamnd god quality of fabric in upring coats. A notably varied group for woeu- en or misses. Wbile the lot of 42 last--choice at only $8.75. Matchle«s Values in ç-w rIveoure -elxtur orset Collapsible TrqX0 Falii" ~ah Covers 19C c Carrnages, $13.75 Bag, ati Battlng, 160 Roll Drives, 19 Embroldery ed be- andeome coiapalble 17 Inch> blaoI leather On mcle e -E*bedr n lrimmod covereOf baby carrîages, $20 baga wîthli lnen'lining. elîler - and It wlit trlmmed 4sircwg heavy muçqila. always. Oxford shape. soon advance. dede Splendid Values i FASHIONABLE WEAR ..for children DRESSES, 5e-Girl'o !rom 2 to 6 yea".s. Pretty tub !rocks tui new glnghant designe. DRESSES, US-An excellent value In tub frocks ln sizes 2 ta 14 yeara. New styles5. GIRLS' COATS, $3.98-New coala of attractive styles ln mixtures and plain fabrîcs. 6 ta 14 years. GIRtLS'COATS, 55.98-Espe- cilly attractive values in girls' coats seeured in s New York purehase. BoyS' SUITSe, $598-Newest mixWlres and sturdy serges. Sises 6 o,1 18. 2 pairs knickers BOYS' KNICKERS, 59-The beut value of the kind in towp. Slxes - 0 o17 years. t I t Spling sale Of NOTIONS, IETC White-Head Pins; per -paper. ..I Dlamond Machine 011, botti . . . . 7 Zinc Machine 011 Ca iet... 7 10e Hand Bruah«-ap*eIia at......7c Me.lal-beck Comb-4pooMI ..... c Black Hair Pins (aeeorted) . A Beoawax Stick for Ironse. e.I Sciteel Pencil blt-pca..e Fmnbt<deries.71 A gepeclal lot o! sllghtly nolled 'em- brolderles up to 6 taches vIde. Ope- ciel tjebleful. -1 Crepe-de-Chine BLOUSES A new group of silk crepe llouses i prctty colora. Attractive styles. Ail sizes. .A. special table-choice $2.98. New B1ouss-Srci Voile, tub .11k »d c repe de, O 1OU. i very specI1y iyprce for tu sa"le. Thureday, Friday end Ssiturday, th Ur Furiture Annex ci»n~h e 00Mff good. Btter buy your .werY ne",dn«. Furnîture Annex, Qnffe. m aiwnt METAL POLISH-Stovs e k EL.ECTRIC7 IRONS - "Lin- OýCOAPt lsh or shoe poitah o!f1the fa- litla Own. guarauteed elec- uier TCaidB 1 mous "B. Z." 8c trie Jrona-4% 51 7eJ¶OSIuNo. brand .....................Ib-oomipltO at... 261" CURrTIN Qo$-Eraf CLOTHES BASKETS-Large GLOBE" PAINT-A guar- tenaiont rods WUthkII* and heavy 'willow Clotes aiiteed ready mtxed paiu.'t In rtait nde. 100 Baskets 1.50 nM very deuled 00r;I f *vry*leo. ... kind ...............1 C galion. .. .........E.7 sAUtg PAN &U-41 COFFEE MlLLg.- Crystat W1NOOW IHAOIS.-ColtlU ailtIfiali 5mu"C 5IS1. wall mille (large ase) et W5- bIasahades ltu excellent " 2 nd3qar ln lUniversal Coffea 5c* seconds ef "oc euafty.- 39C m e Moaue . Mifle ...............TOIET PAPER - $phinx ALAIt CLOCK-Q 1U WALL PAPER-Room lots, roflet Papr he best alokel t ec& aiuc~ a U .ai. ElhI 2 C Igbw " .... I Lot Of Noir aise -4 it 40. style. - Kiim New Sport and Dreu $,Pkhls-4.98 A special group, of smart separate " in many unique style efFects. Taffett and " models in stripes, plaids and plain colbes. . Il 1

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