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Libertyville Independent, 26 Apr 1917, p. 7

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Py . j. bAICE Phomni jr for Job Wovk. ~ f~iWOen epplilén. Tba Womaesu Club twi iteut athe bomo of Mir@. John Wanhburn, Pidai eApril 27th as w vb ic» tîIdMe. Dabei Pof and Ulme Olive Cleman 0f Wim»akavii addrem the meeting. Ie Winifred Woodiurd of Chicago vas the guest of Mrende her@ the frt of the veet. Mr. and ie. C. A. Miller motored to Lombard Sunda.. , . Mcula li a dded a Ford car to hie liveri. Frank Fention and moved their boume- bold goodu ta Veidrg. Wl.. un Tueoday. Ulm U ilian Adamé epeet lmt Thym- del and Frlday viiliug frieudu lu Chic&- go. Barry Getry transacted bueiness la ChicaGo Mondal. c4at'I Kpple and vie mmaved te IaiF Dow home juât catitof town whlch vae ftormerli owaed hl tbe late, George iapple. Unela John Book, gr.. vbo i. maklng hie home vith i son Oliver flook, on a psaes at ter ho Tuenday. Bart Thomson, loale agent for te. DBck car, toft Ttieeda<.lfor Flint, Ilich., ne vant accompanîed iy 1). G. White. T". Lwo gentlemen aill drive bomne two flwek P*re vhbbhave been oWl by th* Misia agent*. Fenlon i Tiuipeton. C. 0. Longabagb pent So)udai with li# Mother Mm. Serat .ougabaugb. Tri Oi--Waz on your automobile. Spier Frive witb earti galion of OH-0- jaci Peci vbo joined the uavy lame thon a veeb ago. lg nov on aainiuDg t1inam uuda& êreing ta Ma. aàgret ezetemant 1Mid ~Owh.O lite oemaney oaniffgoe misd t'O e grousl . 'à rovd qufliy andi tomei bucet ~Z for lb. jo"tm @,or* sud tit 1 om b ier îavb and boume. Tbei bai a bard Uebt 10 bave tWa, but eule moeideIe wdapaslmaa vh ealledl bon Imm u t bmg *0dudme tieai. Dl *0von a M&. tirM. lare *R, uumagem i il u eolhe th"g N o* ' w ýO v*d. à b evips- tB aiami bu $0 as raie- jgtdr.it nordtefa.lory haont b. eilt. Mr. Kelly remine vany low. ,e. M. Oorbam sud famliy, Ure. Fred Crawford aMd Mie Devilu calle on ri. savMd id Mndse Sndai. Mr&. J. ýL. Rleddlng eatertalned cons- pani rom Waukegaa Wedoedaî. Sol Paimroa called on Wili Cornle Omilay. Mr. Pltmau a former mlidter and tescher boa been calllng on friand. ber.. There van a amali attendanoe at the mbool meetingsaOturday ntgbt. John Howard vas re-leted dîrecer. CARS 0F THAFOKI. WVe der to extend oun heartfelt thanke to'sic many kind friande an*d nelghbbor vbo aeioted as ia any vay and for mîmpthî ethaon durig tbp ickoeu sud death ni oui beiaved buband and fater. lira. Auna Wlliamms" a"d amiiy. iTE IH l on bm*o FRÉE withOOmcl - eaof Oil4Wsx. g.im of O09.-w«Z. g Oil.O-Wax je von4erfol for' dating-ume i for cleaning, po ah. ing &Bd renewmng your autoi. traateat knovuî>preeervative kuown fer oarpetm and linoleum.. JUnequal for ue. gn Oit mopu. SOaraateed not ta gum or stick. Drie instantly- In nouriehes the fniuh and preeerve8 the life and keuty. Yùueanu by iLonly at THE REXALL STORE Il'ie Store Tht Saves You MoneY" DRUCE DRUG CO. Grayslake, 111. Tise danse. glen Fuldby niflhtva.1 qultm vali attenidd Limier Tboennn of Clfgo spent lb, val Miç #Soet Lox. Mr. and àMm. George Camhmove caie4 ou relative@ ab Muibrn Suay. Ulmar Curry entrainai Fank Ijan aveu Scaua. John tnapp vbo bae hm eetltlon at lb. L 19. fime hopminemRButenr..- turmeadin, Chicago Saturday. liqi. Boumeh buu mluvued to berhom bersalater vsitieg foiçome lime la CM. Mm. J. Caebmore lamameahat botter, althongh setilI unable lu valk. Mir. sud Mr. (Louis Radioensd cblld- rea viniied At Mitbura Suuîiay. Mtméee Miaule and lUe l..abie of Tay. lor Grove are vlaittug their uieter IM ru. C. 0. Canbmore. lire. M. 9. Lux eitertained ber iter Mdra. Broya oi Lnocha on Moaday. Mdima Býleu Galleger of Chcago @pont the veuh epd at lihe F. D. Futer home. Barbara, ittle daughier oi Mr., and Mur. Bol Detmaîr, in Cry 111 vlth dip. theris. IlesMargares Bogan of Chicago vtlt. st Mre. Fomter'm from Tboreday to Mou- l..eele rhleviuted rende ln Mill. bure Mondai. Clarence Lui luab"le te ha ont again. Mru Mejera tfe eci ltb rbeuinatiom. SOHOOL NOTES Alvin Taylin. tu b coot again. fRe adli not go ho Chicsgo fornme urne. Tihe pupitm salute the Gag eacb more- lug halai. bcgiuing vonk For opentug exercleo en uara roading "-Tobi Tyler." Nm Iele ln Galager of t2hlcgo vleltedý echogol Frdav, and Later Thoman et Cblcngo vaited ut on Mondai. Tb» boym lu thecl4gbh grade have ba- gua tbir revlev o? e.ventb, grade vork. Adam Mililer bhan uated sisrd grade. Be coma. tau from the Progressive mcoii' LW.nov have a dalli attend- aie.ofithirty-four. George gattaIt aid Fred ohma are the mmv dirtrlore. ,EliaU ia llie. hmeretorvci 10 mebool aertah« venie Wk'svimt ln Chleuo. Theomotitla avitimoehleilimi.g vndlm m pmmaieblp for tbm lova of 1N4vper vms beld et tdu suool Vsi- Boner aiap3on Seves muoole mte,- ad wtwtl%.Thai van the Wet lnvpovt' BRuiel. tovnllae. reove, Wratmrtvnaid Wadovortb. Tise foi- Ioviag von nlb konm: aeading-lei. prise,,liandue Amie., Ovwe Seboot; 2ad. Robat Lus, Vade- vorth smeosi; rd Jeanle (lrlnvotd.Wma Nwport. Arttmt-let prima, Lobat Les, Wad.voutit echool; Pnd Alice Sveeay. Tovulie ebool; Brd Grarefflocum.Weet Newport uchool. Speling-lut priae. Abert Amos, Bld- diecome cho, 2nd Aile Bveenei, Tovuline mhool. iird Georgm Leabia, Brove neiool. Tbo penmanlp papera vii ba met te M. C. A. Fmestand the avarde vIii hi maie Mmvr. The vinniraia lb. del ad meool paem yl compete in the Coonly Coantet. L.AKEVftLA T. IL Shemvood van lnathe dli o hoidm e. Iis veek. JaýMillher Who in atieuding meool la Chicago a"nt the week end vith hi. Parente. Uime Mabal Falch enjoyed a week's va- eation fIm hejmcoot vork la chicago lut veet and epent a ew daya vith her parente. bor.Margaret Miller le pauding me tIme vidihber childran In vaukegabn. Mre. M. fluber oi Autloeh vlulted her ulal.rs lre. Roy Marrie lut veei. lir. aid lire. Handricti of Ingleelde @peut Sdaa it Islre. Bheunvood. lire Cliylon Dixon tarted tant veu fea v iait vltb ber- people la Poeei, Mu. and Mus. Sidney Wallace havre rnored Into ihein cottage on Fox Laie rosi and viii reut tdu bungalov. The voït of gradlng for the neovn gar- ap nthi. oeipropeti 16 dons and ~ ut4 budlag viii egfa. Ur. e6" »Ms..B. L WeIé enterwaned lyS nacua fom DuriinglonB-el- , lNir. mmli Mm R ues h EmeÉ atteoded the tuaetslof lUr. Buueî'e aister lu EvànuMin tise fret pari of tbe veai. *Mme Wm. Webbeureturied theu Brut of tihe veei f rom Chicago vbara mhm ha. he n ailng treaitmant fatrbuhumatilm stone of the hompttats. UIr. and Mre. Beci ver. Libairyville caltere ]&et veei. 1Chas. Harnîlu vai r..electud an mehool dtraqtor for another terni st the oebool meeting lunt Saturday uvuning The en- lhamlanm manifeutad by the tai payer@ oi the dlmtriet wva, vonderftil" ibere betsig alght vota. ciel. MiseMande linyden wai ont front Chi. cago aid speut Balurday and Sonda5 vlhbher fatbar. She reporte bar moibei la doiag ncely mi viiil buhome nexi month. adapanant raaien' BIC014E. Thé muehert othlb. Foi La evillae boasi for lte nutyararc: Wi. Negle, Proidalt; and Muera. Tweed, Ad7 Spieek. Johnaeîî, Rnehmora, F. Paede. loup, Coonclmeu. The #rut th rue mon- tioned memhdre have oua year yes on Ibeln prmet tarin. AI. Moyer@ le th@ Tbe Dolbm o f Fox Laie beid Ihir annalmocalidaice snd banquet Batur- day venlng, April 21. Over 100 couple attauded thie private dance beld lu the Plilea Auditorium onu Bi il Ave, near 161h treet, Most of thooe attend- Ing ara frequmterç et tihe lakre bore. Emtly Blanton eteriaiued Margaretj and- Ilrnice Lane, Maria Newtonabnad Mary Grahams Suuday afternoon. Father Lynaji i 9 ay maiea et the aine O'elock mrvicctht. lMary'meCatholie cbarcb neit Sundey. Confeeiou aid communion.wlll hagiven ta tbechildrenl having taien ilîcîr iret communion withia the lat three yeare. Medamne Watmb. Howard and lRay-i moud calied et the homee of relativee %n McBanry Souda. The father of Mri. Wm. Newton, lir. Brein of Aurore,, vu marriod tu a Mre. Lavay, Mondai niabs of tie ee. Mie. Wm. Newton returnmd Monday tehm a thrme day. mlii ln Auora and Chicago. Sentiment le beiug expreened coacera- tua a union graduation service of the four chool. ln tovu of Grant at one central Place the fore part of June. 0f thooo ta wriia the extmiuatolon luMay, Brick choot hem ane pupil; Fox Lake el.; and Geviti four pupilu. Ide Mary MeCormick eutertaanpd lust veek, M re. CbAsa. Ktnney and Mre. J Mctartby both of Ch"cgo Tb@ tatl named se a iter-lu 1ev to Hervey Blartley, formerty of thie place. Mime Margaret Bley, daughter ofMr Rlley on the mat shore as Lipplucott'm ratunud Wdneeday from a tvo yesace lar lu Naw York. JSb@ van the gusut o1 Mir. and 'ire. Peler Jghnen over Soaday. Mise Rley la quit@ veti no wa. bavlug 1The Pater Labi fazniy ara bavlug thein hemuiold afue movudDInto theu nwevssoe.r theExchaiu. The boum lu lust acroe.th distrit ie aid briffl tir. LagheltoaUnbmGavin ditrtict. Titi. yll maie a vacaicy on the Foi Laie meool board of diremtr. 1lita. Mony S. Povan audebildren vho i.emunpendba a.week-end vlîb home Io" iajjrei a molor trip vitb ther Mmre.Mar Mrpî, voa uboeal- tmg aettheb J. 9. ]dmt home bas ralomumi tu ban home ta the. cltî The. lmchom a e lomaritinauimated .poila opened ai 12:80 and vere oumd hi 223 votera. Mml. i4descewvan op for ,leedon, but F.fli OBoybe reemled ,138 of b. votes. Thiegive Mu O'Bo le ga tree jean termu; art Muahuora tvao yeoirs and Peter Laigbaln one Isar. Robert DalIsi wun elected mechool director aitheeWetilon gaturday evening to 611the avacancy ac»cecby tise iAroval of hie couse, Robert Cism Laniiuu van reelected fora teri of three ieams. Tnuman Wliy le. a hold over membur. The .glu*oâ deriday. k eMe1 au If v a oi maÏ: lnel tra couple oi veek ni acuuool hie yrar, bat aine inontho letun"row" Wth fnab and lovera they cay vs nepd a cnri bird aid oq achool roua iyl ha comploe.. #abaèotboeblldren mlght take moule Wleuon lu thie way. The1 mnggmtlon vii haonuideed. Wethauk lon. We eujoyed the 'gt ta gether" sprit Tuedny. flov vould frequentsmach muemilugaho,muoroly han.Bclal Wtaili thome The iouaplr papile a uslDg Most o? their langoage paulod. learnlng thei Ma jPole drill. Tbay ovant to) give th!@ at Our Mayp"rem. Lent veai va added thpir itood eîzed iraec to our uchool grouiid. Flery Thalen kldly donatud thiese priilg treeand va hope tbci aill iineujber Mr. Thae je'aInfermait la the ,cho-l. Wel weabhen ttiudarad oiwratiouff laëti wveek bo, va plan to1 Bul.ix I.nln,, the yard hit e eni. 80 far the clhanges are au Improvement. Mamie Skaid and Erniiy Stanton bave a perféet ve la apelling. Mie Aile Jaminon left Thuruday for1 Byrvyn. Ill., vhena u&ho vii matie ber home again. M ro, GeorgeJamaluon bas gone to New Jersey tu ha gone utiil Jue. Mre. flalph Weaton bac returned ta ber home lu Whmtop, fil. Mit-@ Maggia Watson returned home Saturday havlnpe@pontaflew ceekm vztb trieuîd at Hinadale, 111.' itert Trotter bacn mtorned lrom New York vbera haoa*ont &abuoi t time on buonme Mr. and »nr. J. W. lonner ident Sun. day with relatives ln Laie Forest and heard Gordon Connor. botter kaown au Rapb Goaor.pean . - Mues. C B. DunmaaepulttTueeday wth frimudu la Chimg nué -Wiinetua Mr. aMdIlMn. e.A.MIarll *peut Sun- dai vlib Mr.anid Mrm. Fred Akein ait Tb@ LadimnAUISod@V i viimeet May 8rd lot the Ch"n. Mr. and irau. L. It Taux tranuact&d b.tuehamm làui âdmatiday. 1009.Topmoè toide 10 Wanku. rgum for I. 5 céîamie.bie metueuIII. Dns.ulin a vshe rv 1 Caot MffeiiI Îtes AMens in Darred Zons Arb iniNo Daniger of Summary Act. War orier, to tise effeet that ail "îlien eneien" living vfUin a baiS toile of "Yn milta5y rseM Uowtn < PLAN TO TRAIN iNCNERATOR a M00FOIROFFICRS II4IND ?AU AT FORT SIIERDAN NOWCORMEI V Supplies fer Men Are te Be Because of Plans Here Local o Rushed Mms With Least Citizens Are Muoh Interested ca Possbl Delay. in the Details. ira fi Colonel FFP.neirnan, arai, dPPOt LOCAL PLANT IS DELAYED. eu quatermaster I Chicago, vwas eum ___vit_ Moned ta Wasbington yeterdae to Indications Are ht Wili Not Beth conter on contracte for supplies and Buili Until Fail or Possibly na the cure ai the E'000 Men wv i vîi re enter the officers reucre camps at Next Spring. W Foart Bheridana.o Officeoaiflihe central deoartment Whtil le ixmprobable that Wau A are ruablng Plans tor the lwo camps kegan vîll be able ta purchaue a gar ar ai Port Sheridan and the four other baie dispoain plant thisaepriinc ,de- c ponte lu the iddle West. The campse Bita the tact ttiet the ctty last vear a Wiit open May 1.t elerted ta corne under the n-w stalp h Candidates for arm omî os hlch providcd for the- c.,yinga vhoenerollcee raning campos lof a speclal tax. Highland ParK haq vii1 do so et their Own expense. gaze abead and built ts :ncluerator. Un Anuolincement vasnmade yesl-rilay thecompletion uf which cl taki- cs ta Washington by Adjutant Genpral place in s day or ta. 'ta MoCala "the prospective offîcers A plint large enough for W'auk' co mut serve vithaut pay. gan would co3t twicq aueuîucb as cantih Tbare ia no existing leglelatian be raised by the specil aex luincet vhich permits the gavernmnent ta lia)' yar, so il lo probable thati bis clty lu ruaerve offîcers during thelr tbree vill net bave nlcnraa ni menthe' traiing. nezI fait or purbape next pring, t .Preparationu are maktng ta put Wbill Waokegaa le not to bave lit Fort PSeridan lato shape ta be u8ed oaa ncinerator for saine Uîme, tét for the training of the 5,000 civlllans people lîsce are lnterested In flic de. vbo are ta be tnrned into off lcern for telle of the Highland Park plant.,h tbte nev great &flti. cause tbcy sbov viet the local plant Major William F. Grole, paît com- wiii he lîkp. mander. vili confer vitb Major Ceeu- The plant la made of ccd shaI. oral Thomas H. Barry. commanderI brick, 20 feet In vldtb by 42 tedt of the central dcpartmnent. witbtn sa long. There lu a furnace. 13 fet,C àbort time ta determîne jîlat what luIches by 17 feet. 4 luches. at the action te ta ha lakeu for the houslng side of tb efurnace te lte aven. vblcb of tbe ofîcere in tic training camp. bas a smaîl opeaing at the ttop ta The tort le noie occupicd hy a bat- allow the garbage wagon. la duunp tauion of artillery and part oif the the1 matecial dicectly Ittait, thua engineers' corpi' of the Ohis Na- elirinutlng the neceulity of handling tionai Guard, about 800 or 990 men th@ garbage more than once. Therc lu au. 'lua apart of tbe building vbicb le be- iCen Housee 200 Men. lng Bitted up vîth aehuover bath and Fort Sheridan va. hulit to bous,- tollet. and a place vhere sleeping ar- a regirnent of inatry. a squadron of rangembentu could ha maie. cavaini aid a battery ni artiltery, a There le ai 8-foot maite stack of total of îpproximateîy 1,300 mien. ln themane building matnrial as the tenu nrly 2,00 men caus be bous, plant. and la couiiccted vtth the mil la the pont bariiets. aveu. Wbether the barraca is ilha ueed The feuiece la képi at 1700 i.. go aimiloitratioa building andte grena, il t e heal vhIbiclt hathéGi M Miye la ubacke. or vhether the gabaeheata a 200 galion tank et m«n vWitb, boisait! a tente, or vater wvic in la ancito cean thse vbeliar tbey vilb. pieadIn t.ber-. rbuég ensaga suad endu tham raei ban not yat baun docided. trou lhe plant la a perfectly matary National guerdamen are to b. de- odtm ipledin1 guard the camps visila « Tbe plat nt.mp*ble of turalmm llnt 0.00,'etamea to be T >e.3 SUIltome of gaftanion 160 pudo es officerm la tae Midle Wtot.are coal. &fieta e ta rea lutarted. Ci being pruprai te 1mai the propoueé ta keplt in a bn, OuS fel. eapaelty new rmy f 40»0 e».40 tonm. BOftCa bUisla med. Thc nev ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "o* am t'0000mi Oatg ieh recelve. taegarbage le. Margebsouis 1 recel" gayi SLACKER2 azwlf"j3et mateuIal. Mi ied 8* Tin c»an W eil au genbeueca W'LLI3NLITANl> ha urné u the1bplant mm teprou"m *a eprinelpieet burnUiS le from l-%bai 50 WIL DISBRU>!top in1th cbottis, t11ev.lt.potivelt 9 WRL fls BM'no Oder, et ani tImel. Miiiter boy b-v 1h. etack aiMb. The. appreach t te dumping placé Wm.. A. Rech, ChNet Electrician vi hbea a iatlmg Ivelve tapi drive. et Milwaukee, Marries Pret- on One nid.eand tae @me Plan 'ru' ha canuliedont ou thésa eit aide of ty Duluth Girl. tae plant _____. Thte vaen vili drive dlructly la- Waukpgan pnil 1. W ta heplant from ethis alunit«gait. - War sglaciars bavé kept the mur- proacb and vien ebove te oven vi ra&ge licenne clarke attce court damp the garbage. Then thse va=13a bouse on the jnmp for tvo vemk.s vii ha vabaivith ncaldlng vater lime, but tbia mornung vhen William aid b esent out clean and neat in aP- SA. Rech of Mlwaukee, appiied for pearence. Tventy.ane voter. attended the (lavin - ~office dld ntc amtI lnlnunttug re- meeting fuom thusa ta faur o"loci. The fort Oftae United tteUMontmaya mar',u. vnIng candidate wan W K. Kimbali, ont vill cause an exoins nair the Bill Recchle no alackcr. He served tbloclgnocan ad menit mainet prc- grant iaken. Maiiy Auttrlfin, Hon- la the United. States navy during b lb.the Bpanleb-Amerlcan ver. and bu w puletor, vho bas bean mach a promînient gM=as. Turksandi Grmans twoft in boude an honorable discharge tram pi supporterrlanSecboolacUtkttise tout te mrea teland Wr li-te navy. H. lest nav service on the g* year. lire Nettie Stanton luetise retiriag UaAeta batlibp Floride. and vhite an that aI memar.O. . 0Boye hn o. yarpaie splant ait1NorthOtLo"an audslip *i.coinrade vas rnone ther w memer.0. . 00019 bs oe ya i ve vltisin hait a mile aof1the traning thon, George .111.g,..novradio chief lm more on bi rsn eni .9eeat the Great Lakes Navet Training tuyabluW'K-prmsamt tom; J eaie station. station., T OvN ye r ; . i bt i bE n a lo vuer. if t ey b elave Ibairi. M r. Rech m arried M iss Ethel M il- b TON OtTEs elvea. gCcording ta CapI. Moffett oi dred Leadeit. daugbter of Mr. George bi Tburad cntet S d poli frmGrnat Lakte,tey von't ho moi«et. Leader ut Duluth, Mina., in Weuke- 81 the echoote la the tova of Grant van sem tievmt re ie w gan this morulng. Tbc wcdding nt heid Toseday morning ut the Gevin Ase fh was toolrte e a ied by Walter A. Taylor, and echoat. ThelIntaretof boihparent@eand mOVed iromn the barred tuns'e Caph. 10 George Reiliug fen the bonor of of- cbtldren wu hovu by the membere Moffett sald: "While Itlal descration- ficlatlng as 'best mn., brides attendlng. gupi. impeon bai charge u.cy- for me 1h handling thin malter, muid" and tiaver girl. of heconese. heintrutos, rIarn 'net lucllned te met m~l~iY Tbe groom lu chief etcctrtcaa for ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iihtan tiegnet.Telmrcou c.the city ot Milvaukee, and lbu bas Shrvood aid Mime Thomson ci po, oulena they misbhave. LMI thonsme. served as chief lectriclan on tbcec Laie oecoolq, éin. Loy of Big Ilnliow, thereanea no use starling snyting and dîfferent bttleships. 8 Miten White oi Brick ochoot aind Mr everytbing yl bc peaceal. Itcli de- ' Wben the gune begin ta orr1 viii returu ta the service. t will ans- Becillh of Gavais choolu ver. presset pends an boy the atiens livng lunte ver Wiîson's cal. 1 scrved in timne and aenieiad lu the vonk. The peuman. zone behave themuelves ani ta vheth- of van and ln lime ai peace, and i nbtp papate bava beau ment ta Prof. Fant er tey sheU b. torced te mata." yUll resigu my position in Milwaukee for gradlag. Thom. vrltlag tleesurciue aI.Mfet tte wta ithin the next feu, das's." said Rtech. vere HeuletaGîl, ox aie Edtb aptle dcttng vltb the rneceof "Yeu. and vhen Win gaes baci tot were Herieta ole ro L«; Ey t h@ a dcItrin wih te 0 en Ofthe eblp 1 i viienlint as a ver nurse" Falselr, Fox Laie; Evlin Tonyan, Bgtae land north and souli of tU ta.a-said the beautiiul Young bcide. Bolo; Kmily 8tamiton. Ravin; Lillan tionIn l hopes o buylng sutea for par- Larknu. iyn. manaent use of the tation. lu neamare Appetixers. Thevîncnn laRadng on thelit ricase, that te tenorth, lilale ucd the Dr. WI1frOGrenteil, te abrad«l ibrea mentianai. The otbers conteted pria. lu pretly, teep aid thc govern- Pbyulclen, telaete tatloving ---ifn for the honore- . 1 un@evieve Walh, mn a e oudt M* h tory about oie of hie tripe on a koUb- 2ud, ftvari Uenne.my. Fot Laie; Brmetm>'b oce 0cods tise ,.or dot; siai. It ougbt tu hacmê" NeM. favii, lg oiiv; 1hMame ropenty iln canee y koep IDthetiert of anl tIsatDocton Grmanf» Nri" . banmempBig Bellowr;mea os Mamie Shanda. Gavin; gracm Norton, Big pie umepu rcmrse.«M lloilov; Carilon Knahmore, Fox Laie; Itlal CapI. Moffett'il hope ln limeanad nonineàmnbie foode Sent 10 hlm. Editit Couveuse, Brick. 10 bavea uffclent landisaltie station Heaid bim guida e ou01tae va Tb@e cildren la Bpellng recelveil the mteisat lu Urne t.eentire navea=Ut- te m, cstant viniaga vharsa ammafl bO floiggrades: it usvivWUs iac i ecîn ansaig- vnreportai ta bava "tfonnd iimaiW lo, oîeIveWls.ovif ni ecinn * g-.Dola hie toniac4. vhich -an thlie 99, Gaviji; 2ttd, Edwinauttr, 94, Brick; eu bu accomrnadated at thcestation. nam-chauceriu diaieci 0t Labrador' ,f ra, Carlton Ruahmore, 92, Fox Lake; t havas wu flcted vlth ladlpptiOs. lfiaunis, 82%, Gavtn; George Stanlay, Noetty Turnett The guida 'cieft te Split" (opli.lis aFox Laie. An attorney, augered iccaune of San oodi. and prepcrud tae uncbmet~ 1lite Arilnetic van campiuted hy one idyprie uling by the judge. loft the atuaming tes aid park hune, one oSt tb ecoutetait lu 8 minute and 20 @emoud@. coufrtroomr rmarking tea asothar liv. iav natucal toadu thet cedlly dam a«n T1he honore vepe awarded Ibue: lut, ycr tGt "the Judgc wuau ansupandtrese. Carlton Ruebhmore, 81, Fox Lake;, tis, uhoui't b. on the banch." Befone "Wher,' laquirai Doctar Grectell, Mame Bara, 6,Gavn;tir, dwad te came endcd the judge hearid ofte ara te comprcscd-toad tablete? i Mami Skrda,76,Gavn; 3d, d w ru rmark and calted the attorney betare gave yao a month's Supply ttsuero Larkit. 70,Geuvin; Everett Bauecs, Brick; hlm. -'lisear, bh sali, tat you lng." Genevieve Walsh, IJavin; Henrette CRll, caiiei me an aseam ald id 1 agbt ual -Oh,"enewered tbe guida impenava Foi Cake; Ed Benneey, Fox Lake. ta be onthe bcnch -- "Bure" repledly, 111i e theai atter breaýfast," and The tirmttwio lu eaeb suhîsci vilbave e Uta quick-witted iattorney. "Anybody. he bungrily bit into his prk hua.- chanc.e to cOmPete lu the counY couteot. vltb yaur profoîind kuavlcdgc of luisvaYuthu aCweanion. Each ceboot fuel thet Sey vou good ls an aos to bc on tebeich *You 'honora lu proportion tothàirenrollnieut. aught tae2ceraticlig befone tise bar. I Nt $lececd Eaeuly. ,r vborn yaur taletis could lha cashcd, What 1 don't undcrstend lm vhytey t 80tiOOL NOTES ita big mioney.' *coni a big gua tîhe",Whnlt cUn ha Malan Lumber ha entered 0cr ibe- - - ilnced -FromntRichmond (Va.) Pub- glanera clame. fndevendeul: Mare reaire ~ lie Service News. Repart carde are imued Ibis week. county vecillu coobned CAUSE tIF tARIN ItUUIiU îvetlgtne in Soulth Afrie Hava Fovnd They Are Tro«eble te lte Work of Mon. Mine cyners la South Arlea bayeé tter lnvestigntlng carth tramiors IX tlcr districts, Mnvea t lte daitfl cnclusion that they art caued 1wle- mi cevlngs far underground la th*0 mines, and ara tharefore diraeb tceebie ta the baud of man-litI Bu ound, upon comporri notte, liaI each ehock conslmtad of a sngle àuri vbration. The committea bas coS te te conclusion that the abocke Origi nae ln this aay. The remoyal of the etf aver large &rems tbcdvu 82W weigbt of the supencumbunt Maene on the unexcavated portions or piliera. Ab depth of 1.000 teet or over lheaw are unable ta bear the welght and que cruuhed. If the criisbing takes plyca sudde-nly a rock u hrst accors, and tae bhock is transmitedtetahe surface, !hough thie cffrts oft hO rckdIbarste ugr round are sometimes di.-astroos,4 causnk great losot lite andl damiaga to tbe mine,.fthc surface effects are ln- cous1derable. and theictcmmittee ha- Heves that, tbougb the violence ofth11e tremocu le liieiy ta luccease, il. vii never be sufficluntiy greet teo mdiii the apprebceain ti aia'iîdiueutrous 0 'mots. mkilncal advice la gîin e te tha heut methoa of Meeting the. roc- lThe Older Women. Neyer dld voman of mature yea -fl bave »v muet attention liai!to Wber riabe Mlont martorIal linan ani ai tii prenaant tUme. "AnytUdng vHii do br granDmoUmo" ban coased t10 Wthe slogan eluca taecapable mlddie.qga roman ban evinced a dmaire, tovent ecoving clothea. Couturiermn, aivays vlIft t0 ai feittIai p1u"maav bazy mamian thngs for the quilokeal baating of Ulth aiofthe vomaet Wtltlng 1to Lot Watt Enough mAono. "Ever ince day doue put muh hbu-s band in Jail." mUid comeiy Bluter blondie Woddiee. "lsm noasived an, uuch nYmPatby tom de etotahe and o0 manY compermunlz tua, de brui- lare dax; ru 'bout umode up muh ainci meeyoaoue lo leave hlm utay dar!" adfer wpedo wmnt nitas THE. BUYLNG POWER of the readers of the LIBERTY VILLE INDEPENDENT is enormous. Are you. placing your advertis- ing before the men and womnen with the BUYING POW.ER? b 'iý liciense the clerks ln the 1« p ti li

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