li r@. Fmd Kral a ld"-Jdeua Chicago, veretheb. v13end gaaat4a a the haome of C. W. Palett.n Maxie Petrick, Cor. lita.Ejanar IiaysrW as the guiat of Misa Florence Drlggm of the Levia Dormi-t (biue Kngg maatSoda laIv jtory, Chicago, Frdey sud Saturday . b vilà Park with bit brother. M.sdlr.RW.» tye u le Ur.&"sUnr. T. F. L. Henderson ot @on Alvil, af Clilcao, woe week-endd Chiffl @peta t e dasa at theîreu-1 gncata st the houa of Pr. T. L. Knaak. m ~bOIS. 3 !iaalIlldred Whtung entetalned thec Dos Wvtlaepet audy e hoe. Mu Sigima Chi it dinner and carda Lma Well me, wbo a aetçhodme. Thdrrasy evealug.f Luc8hoolea iculureai raus. derrthed Misé Elda Hoeuberger wa ta week- Sebol r griultreas rbaaarrvei ed gueet of Uv.. Cvlst Wlllu of hiome Monday tu @pend the aunumer. tCiaa AÀolaland businuess meeting of the haoa eabr aeatvvî Çbrbshi* Endaavav laie vili be beld et ip efr r n r. dTere lWi0la i M r. sud Mr%. Frsik bddle at'fo v udlr.îdTert :Cwstuvay -il. -Tharaday eveanin luthe' îw ball. M. ~9ststlC i 1l~ Therrien sud famly alîl move to Higb. FroNe a iii7~ e h ommua i'lad Park the firt a0Meay. 8-ôum au Thurade>' evenlug. May 3. Mdi'« Elizabeth Raichelt wasa the guesti At the eection of officare for chool o! hl-' BernlceTucker of Highland Park, divtaora beld on Osaturday ,Yvennr the Mo,Wi;y aud Tueed"y. follawug verte lecte'i: lermen Ku- PtvtoW-'oh Rue in& uaKnlgge o! Chcago, vas the1 blank, WillPreus onRuw week-end.gout ofber parent@, Ur. aud Mi.Elua Tegmeyerspeut Tueadeyinlu nr. Borman Katgge. k uksw -.MlilaoMahlai oreuberger wveathe guest n londasy tdrnlng at 6:8Q accurred ofbr ouIn "'r. <Christ DttatChIcago, thve deotb or lire. . A. Cramer, a wellWdnasay sud Tburaday. kuavu reflent of Are, at the aeaofi65 ThP..A.gvadncg rt i y.aras. 6 mon"ha.Death vaa due t> the P. T. A. gemby alldacing peart * heurt trouble af vhlch @hob.d been 1 ha oul hl at euea about a îar. 8h. vosa falîbtl friand, vug. ma4,vitia halpin an aud ud cheery W. A. Whtmng lat Suada>' evaulug ou af"t. 8h. havne momtrhluebaud, a baalnstrip ta Omaha, Neb. Osa dau Nu.r, lr. ek Knlgg. ai At the achool elatlop Satarday aven. Arte,bvomsaDabsIlof Chicago, sud log J. A. EelCbllt, Jr-, vsa rs.elected * w eta~ detUa, alo maay asialveansd director foratis f i Ib.jeana. -- II 11%s . tot" rvolId WoeII - Se . A. note atJemran, lava. vaé, hie des, 180 o'lo". Te rmevetaers gum of aiebi iother,lira. L. C. Hale lait ralé aS luhe a!" amêlar. $and"y. IIMos hIl$ROduaa »d 8,11 Weils Anumbar of Eddie Therrla'a friande w«Igto Ob.go Wdaosd&Y to atend atls famealparty at hl@iihous the. mMkdi> ot vlWm .by telb. oicg oune saturday sveunn. SfmgbDiY Orob*m stahei Auditorium. Havry Numayar sud faull>' bave A ista"MAo ss vWIi h.gitan at iDOTBd ta Pftuibarg, Penn. thse ch eShâ day, lMay i tis. lira.Grama Heaphy . vbu a.beau ta>'. Ch rclaSouda siternon at tng vîtb lMm. Hait--thwiffl tai-montha 2:1. Alvumbre uiWad toa tend. lhma gone ta bal' boue lu Chicago for a y ah Milet IwilI rlnd laed on ev VOabe. 14410,4Fb ly. l6pht a. J, DMetz un ra. i.htamlhb a o.Villa va. ilagoas i Mr.liv.sdlira. Frau#k Smth ý4wvboilb sud M itu habehtDob- nêw-uae umaiwftet Thunidy s ta If moaomiOholle, ebumcb. Tba@ane aipm wvecoide ta Misa Boa simpsue bpes. Anl ateed hrly counrtula x». flesry Kes.0 pmad .v& at ber bo" lu Ubarhvîlia aturdai a îelg »d v"WsbeOge'Mfor barlalTu"aoiy uwanoo- s.Ira.emruapsal bhW aauly 108 u lea ovaebI4i fer ôud's Cor- BWaVs. Uboteeqtu LbaityrIIIeab@ bahm 5 lt tu aivtb fien mauî hed lu Viis wu4 d osa blov.d mai. ~~~~~' ~ ~ A brohMsssyoaa.AUmouru bar PmSOir Md olar aur mot incare teutl»bumbaeeimly. ur&irf lme oévd the a bd paRaai the d"emtitbar aelgr 15.1 vo. Me. Avis Payne epent the week-entd at JaSolu am»diaaalhi re Htgrblian Park vldlom ai. limýra.umelAmsa valaid taO rsal la dt O-km. oeb Wymoaimg. h. vathe m' * m Of MMa Miô. Nasl ige vba iv.d hais tb iave'mi jef . l. »bsraaed taui1 baies l. eyptby 'o01a4l. lilam rO s msdrbh. apoltinat #»»Kn~alg Istiarit luaLihertyvill. Il- An»a Gilmare ai1Biolol Wl.. wm a caerats thea. C Payne bau.e 8d". lieN"ayONasgrqatOnsî Church ChutaIt uhacI1OM .80e.m. càhgb.-vle.f00p. . li. Warrein 0i Ohicago, Wpremclt und*y evanlng sad am sthe l. hureb ool. Ali14104~y profinssi vli h.giren by tims !OaegLdies an Vnday avaulno', APU27. "Candie Llgbl or Sun Light." !ousg" mivl met attheTovu Hali r SuJ. J. Tvckaî, Pa.tar. i Kumorlam la Ioder paoon afour buahandaMd iulut, NOgaN. Hlt, vho Poèed avay Apail27,1906. lie..maimortoai "Y va mia. you, FutamI& iermay ilathlb. vcmd ls bu&@&d th"lb '111u. boy [ha arrov Nea Us vtilnu ar b.mrm e oaaee Pamasial hall>' rut dear iatb.r; Ilta o lbbreafb h Senma, -là k tro loiad yau dmrli. Is the se. Mmno.Peter Holit sud Psu l,, CARO 0F THANK&S W. vIl ho sxhsad Ulsivr"ts ata or'~lve, riai sd noihhora for t* Mbi asiamos ud Ruaaioffamingu *0tm fMr'alla,' d Fauily.e kTSTO ÇOUfWSPONOENTB. w- pseràpois4ealne em es"*" .10 wâk thns. a# l v Ouiur Mis. Aduansd Dis are vstllg E. é. Adam of Orayslaks. Mmra Andrav Suidar la very mick st the bau. of ber dsUgbMe.ra.A. H. linîke. 1MrWm.. Peters called on Mr. warnec. te Bunday wbo le quit@ afck at Miay- wood. The ileer chool bad theraunai slecion saturday evealn. Ed Umbden- stock vas lacad t a ii vaancy sud Frod L. Tuaes ,a.ehcted for 8 ye.s. Quto a aumber of Younjg "opte tram hore.attsnded the entertainment given byth ai Palaa turday. Announnemeta valu raelved boem Batan1ay et the blrhh o a i tti dangb- ter, Lydia Je*a to Mrv. sudlira. Edwin' D. Staimay, vira formerty residad blie but nov at B.ran. 10.% Mia. Clara Watman vlio l-employed at River Foarest caitad on ber parents the Birt of the veek. lira. A. V. Nicloet iClitaga clilad un friauda the paat waak. The. Berudâteaa and Friedlund jamiDe antarteined Mr. Bergeon of ChicagCea fow days tant veek. Amon« th. Chicaga viettovs at tweek vwrn Min X"E eu rs, Mr. and lira. C. E. Flefdlund; litie Lana, D. and EUla fthwrmian, Art Rlail, F. L. and eo. Thias. Oea. Thlesabaippad a car load of cattla trom bar@ tait vi.k. 8. 9. Kaedoi rsud lamil>' vlited at Ravinta Snnday. The Saxauno faru bai recenîl>' beau said ta Chicago partie@. John kuopi ai Eria, Pa., ila ependiug a ev days vithfrIýdê.. Ivr. aud lira. L. L. liaetbejvlaited at LaI.e Zurich Sanda>'. 11ev. Hauptubrer sud famil>' eter-j talued lire. Barroan saon ai Plalnfild,. fil. lira.Gilmauanad chldrejepent lOu. dar at wh.sfiug. 'Dma Hauptlnalrer vlihad hi. parents SOnibY. -, lima.Barnoy liason. vha dlad at ber O=u Frei'. lu Chcago va. braught ta' Ea" Dal by auto Frlda>'. Ri. i. . b.d charge oi the service. st the IraIt Dag4uarch.Thaeiromains vera laid at resl la Vernon camtery. 'barbon training tudy st the parsan. mga ['ridai avaulug. Aprîl 27. Bat.- auptfuaitrer lebt Taday moru- log teastteud caulareaceata Wahngtan, [IL "thora yl be ne service lu thînorn. fagibal .. ais aal. A unlos ue.tiug wUl hob had lu the chorcb s1 Hait Day Botudai ,vening. Geoae Herrick sud son ai Laka Faret, bave mo jd Ibain labor aavug sud monei makng atqsm ahovel ta Winualka, 111, vIssetbay bai. heea sardad a iaa.on conwacl, Fiasdahil'a Bavrd. Mua mcMl 1 oa d« for my trl.ifla MoUl to be iflg randif hbaluows I. m en la oivlbo ho inil e Po OUMas wvnd-4%coMu, e VAUt A - j' eOa. sipuaner ai Barrngton. dias'ouad j cap>' aiyour speech adsudvas deuat- ai hie propertp lu aur village au Mais e1d vith yaur vote against Prauldout treel thia vask ssliing the uartb 76 test Wiltaau'ff ar measura. la Blackburn & Brongliton, vha art "Tltirti. 1 erlaitly sm lu favar of nov rautlug this ppvaperty sud the a draft or conscription ratittr tIa soutb 56 fait vlth the aav gabgeta, 1 the vluntear ayalem. Tht former Brown & Bohbmsr, the promut oacup- bitaetaepatiat. tht lackar, th uer auto. Thie la a valuaible huelm itese lo i dai Ik;Wleteatr andourloal usies mmdidwiell tui;tsaliezbis home tht patriot eloxte. B>' securvaug haîr permanent locatIon. R. ail menus give us Ina conscriptian. C. Kent conuunuated the deas. Wante Qulck Action. Wobucnda goe. dry nazI vaak, the "F'orth. Asn ta ahana the arMY la fit tlme lu Ita blator> ine.saoona ent, once au aru>' le alai i tîaave vert icenaed inaour lncorparated village. that ta, the zmilitar" men, vho aienT- Accrdlug ta the local option lav a: dyko kmr bu uhtIg saloon bai 80 day. aitar h.iug volsd out adiyou orl1. 1 m t saût litlng lu whkb ta dspoe oaitla surplus stock ts uo .i-au Cen hr conaaqaaontly Thursia>' ulght, May' tI lrtwlil Sud tae enani>' le qulceat et 12 'clock viii oae the cîaîîng ot out sud bit hlm tithebrdent aend If Our thiet mpoium fr tenettwyeas.genealss think best toa eui troupe Tb@ four saloons lu aur village pald & s. tyo ut'heErpa ilcaat i $60'ech. akig ~ aitrencitaa, titantat ta just vitere i $240eof60 vhlch m iiava tta ha vant tbtm ta go. made op b>'1a taxation aud pute a.'ncnlsoyuyuelvU sortonua ilancal quaition up ta the1 your negativa ver vote sud your ahi>' vlllýgé board. Juet abat action viii be îranked ltter vithItîe mavitisit tead- taken bas uot ai îat beau tlacddd upon jiug questIon, eut, a savry spectacle but win ha takea aup at the dret meetIng Ge cdown ta business, quit lrylug ta, lu liay'. bicli l. the begiuning ai thaemaddle i luuitarY2affaira, a tenikfor nov afi year. w vbch You bave no aptitude or train- 1 1 iug, back UptePrasIdent b>' your l, at Ia n lfluence. snd icu May yel SDIAJEoND LA"E Ji bhaoai me ue 10 Uta etate ar Illinais Wmi.r smar udfaui> war.gueîsJ.aui tht United lStes ai Amerlos. Walbr [wke an faitrwer gu@ta "Sincaral>' youra. ailleorna Thatchier Suaday., ,cARLTON i'ROU'TY.' The CehstryBSaety viii meet vitb Tht ltter val malled ta Congraau- Mir@. J. Eruckuafi st Lhetyvilie Thuya- man tason lu Wauhington. day aflarnoon liai Srd._________ Win. Frasier of Chicago vas tht gue-tt iflPE C ai iraisBartiett lait veek. C4IftsiWl> CER Dr. Craneansd Ismlly bave rentai the*ir honelrthe sommer sud hase moved ta LIMIT IMBIYIDUAL John snd Hiram Sartiett atre valîrd F 0 U CIS3 ta Wankegan b>' theoerioum illuesg f O DaiCH % tbir mother. Pearl Rayin luesta be ont agsiu siter Dealers Put Sugar, Soap, Can- haviag itie meiasîe. Mr@-. Cia, laun ned Goods and- Fleur on lgiàtbnaon ha. theba mne.. the Restricted List. -sueur iFrontthe Sinubua 'lb. salives ofI luda eay centulte Om tbDlmeroi a swavot aubitanos oold b. got trous thambou. sud ?baplraatus retos ata It os "houg vItii ta &hou bamnboc." Anther vrf 1er cae uI ttnilen malt. Se oboh aortes,. "TIees lefourniamosg Ute lailese s honsi cmolst u lte r«&," end PU fl e "ua'Arable, Pro- incas a auzar, tut ltat of.India la ls A4raoabwe Tht tie art oain« gagroe sle 5 Ippean veu l peaai itii IL nth a is psu>'. sud nater to cemss vsl etes- ta1usd vlit Ihotem tô abrng aent- lainusul taetoin.A m-- lIna dà' Posed mai hava bt mwàinct rulng nos a&DY vit; but Il ho bas comnmon snes and somotlug tfrSadilu bbaalor, It concUlatemen'@mi-ds mors lIa lte brigitet 3jute aitbins i il poituoe.-,Aé,iu&o Chicago retali grocara Wednasday 100k What le regardad ad the mot drastic foot auppl>' and prie ragula- tien atep la the iitorn>ofafthe cIl>'. Thvough streas of oedudians lunfte whole4aie markaltlte> voluntarIIy es- tahiished limtatians an certain food- sîaffis heyoud vhich Individuai pur- chaser viiil tePermîtte a uy. Tht' purpose aiflte ardr l la efai] conaumers vlia.e panic-strl'en hoaavdin'gof fondaloffa la held reapan- priet' of certain taple cournodilîe. Theu transition tram normai market conditions vwu aiactld radimsily titroogit orders iaauad Indepaudentl>' t>' the rarlous Chicago iabbekra vito bave udoptad tbe'expedieauloaf huit. ing grocera f0 the amaunt of ordere placed under normai conitllins Sa far four stIpes hava ber'n ptac- 'ad on the vèitrlcted Ilet-canned goods.sugar.s« e ad fleur. Pur- Phtlueophy T' ra ol& itsaof tae" commuodttes haut I dont ses Si Penkluu Unimors et mareIa rpe aapi etosp l"a graceri liCeumtsoe hntipe u gesctosg "SI soviet îoatstat. Re VU-etting the City' durlng telent vaek. Ms a cracker tsri arscusitbat lit wa5Itl vorth living, A taeP Uplodg, Js a ýss.1h "Sias.11 BrI mu ut'-Luk tra vt feiaa t wi te lla Cao tmwn isdI Clark decllued the position with thanks, luqur>' faile ta shov abere there vue auy vatld eason for the North, Chicago board ta bave taken iucb action. Mr. Epep haslild the p&- silon for thrte yausansd la said ta have heen varv affichent. Haelield ý almilar position et tht Atiacit schools betore gaîug ta North Clii cage. j Common courtes>' lu ail cities Is tae gîvp a teachar or principal an oppor tunît>' fa reaign witau theîr services are ual desred. se Ibal theve walîl ho no mark againil thair record. ln thit cave It la sld te raeords show plinl-1 iy that Mr. Eape>' vas dlscharge4. Sa uv uss tht goas Itla sai hat Mr. Espe>' plauued te vaslgn ah the close of thLt. achoal year as he plan- lied ta take s positiounaitructor lu ont of tht Cook caunt>' achools.1 Hie fnituds are Indignant etaitat1 theY &euert vas such obviously unfaîr trealmeut Oit the part ai the Nortit Chicago board. Oua man made tht tatamaut that lte ramaval of Mv. Eapoy la due te Politica. Ht sald bis abillty bas sut beau questloued. FRATI3RNÀL IN- SURÀCEOBDIRS TAUE WARI1151( To Pay for Ail Lives of Memn- bers Whieh Are Lost Dur- ing Present War. IS AN ACT 0F PATRIOTISM. Royal League, Maccabees, Woodmnen and K. ofC. Make - Arinouncement Today.. Eullatmanu alu thte army or navy vilI uat affect tht Insursuca contracta ai maev ut ofmont af île fraternel organîzitions. - WIlim E. Hyde, supertor arcitas ai tlie Royal lmsse, made tae fi. lawiug aunouncemeut yastandsî: "Ait>'member of the Royal League v-h o 5es ta var for ltae United States viii receiva fuît protçctian tram the aiaaclatlou. Enlsatmauts wîll flot affect hie cautract a bIV" The Ordar o! Maccsbaaa viii aime puy &ailvr daIms. The Woodmaen of the Warid ase Promises protection for those Who aswuer tbsir county% oeil. 'lTe Inlgbtu of Columbusa snaune- ad savarai daisaâge titat ltai vouid Pa>' tue'fi iamaunt aiftaepole>'for var lasses ai mambava. Heur>' Tank, assistant manager oi the Traveles' iAte Innn uce Coin. pan', at saumeetng l1mtaI ngt aifte Executîvea' Club lu the Hatl eStr- man at Chicago, id et te old lin@ campntl.: "lu leaulng inunrauce -paIIcIep dur- hng thte preaent var thora viii nat hea siangle Amarican campan>' tal vilI ual go lte Umît canstant viit thte internatu of Ils prasen Ipolile> boliers." Q"MSma =y de 'wat e-e pUm amas s Kl le t a l iglas i blonsa ta, mm-- TW. uoetom, lias i" EU laM#hbao! 0Elgin, spaut Satiftaî sud uidai wltb ber' grand- "'4~N TubRs ÎKbni>10RR UT. su ad lira. Jus. Taulis yand daugb. jW .j 0 5tJmid KA1W 1 6M 0F R IN IA ter of Crstal. Laie apant Bunda>' wlth- Mir. sud Mrs. L. Pratt. Miseam sieWelik of Chicago apeut 8un. His Plea to a Constituent for Frank Espey, Principal of the day vltb relatives. Opiniop Drings Forth .Scath- South Sohool, North Chica- MWia.Fscw Brinipre of Chircug a 'lled tng Crîilism of Acts. go'ýl,aotirged. or frlndl'here Sunde>'.ASA SPET RVLGE Mr. and lira. B. J. dcbatfer s an o fai IiPET RVIEE NO n REASON IS qlVEN. f'IcHent>' v4Ited reative@ here Buds>. Nortli Shore Resident Begas Ma- Attempt to Hire Principal Clark Mv. C> L Pratt rtuvutd Sunda> tram' sonto eep His Namé Off o f Waukegan but lie, De. a waek's vioI% at Cyecal Lake. 1 he à daughter was boua tu Mr. sud lir@. the Free Seed List. * dines the Poaftion.- Ray> Seymour lait Thureae>mornlugr. ' William E. Maona, cungrtssa et t The' auddenand ud z~j.ctd îs Mr. sud S. J. Case>' speni Sunday wtb large tron Illinois, ha braUglit acatit- sal of Frank Espey>asa principal at' lir@. Caey'a brother, 1ev. Murphy. Mr. aud M re FloydGtidire>' aiChicago' itng crtîcena upon iis ewn band tht South Scbaol District aI North sjpet Saturday aud Suaday aitthe Jeuks' thiough a lette, ta Carlton Prouty, a Chicago, bus resu ,d lu canaîderable home. lawyer ot Wlnaetku, and Rapublican rtia bng Zce*athBod A ver>' aucawseul bakerysuiae was held precluct commltteelban. Mr. Prouty's af Educutian whicb look vucli aut- lat Saturda>' et tbe villaeye ll for' the views an conscription and upon Mr. mu r>' action for no annaunced renssu. beniefit ut tbe Librar>'. Mason a stànd in the' var criais are Tefc httébado ietr Mr. sud Mr@.Vt. A. Bapl.e and tunil> contabned Jx a letter vent by hlm t oIt thie action ai a privat' Tut aud Mark Neville ai llbertyvllm. were the congresman tridav and muade awir v ae wsptpr Waeconda viatars Sanda>'. public yetarday. ît tolowv: mtted ta lié present. and the furth.'r ,*The Old tichol àt Bick'rv Bller" l ml r .Maban. Canrenaannact that tht scUon vaslaiton barely tbe titis ai the [11gb achool îplay ta lis t Large f-r Illinois.a e'bfo t shlbaree, givtu b>' the pupîte ai the Waucouda; 'Deer Sir; 1 haur ytrlettzrrr ai tion ahen uew members vereto 0h. Township Hlgh ichoolatthegyruneiur ; i 4 wtrt 'UoSrm edadded ta the board,.lhus udded. 10 an Saturda>' aveulug, April 28tb Ese-e.làa ta &aud ume yaur speech an the feeling ai dlasatisfact Ion over tht ex: bod cordlallv invlîed. vrl<asd a eI avr sr1.ltiflg situation. Ex-Govenar Chai. S. D)euen wîli bO the lng aur baye, ta Sght lun te European Thetirt Intimation NMv. Espey ha1 guesI of the Broothevbood Caumunlty tranchai.' af the meeting, Il le aaid, la ahen a Clubwnit Wednedsî evénlng, May 2ud " I asten ta sanswar yata, e.pcalfly member af the board catiti hlim up sud viii litre a lecture lu the auditorium the înterrogatory as ta the dratt the day atter the meeting sud linoru of the nov Hlah achool. his- cubject vhlcb 1 notice you hava very cura- d hlm bis services would flot be ri- aelated viiihe "Amaricn Ideasa" IC fou>' iramned su as ta, ha nure ît vil, qaled atthe' eud oi the.present lndeed a rare trematutahave Inch a pro- lead up fe the anavar you deaire. achool yeax. Pressea for a reasau far minant man riait aur village sud ouas A^$mile Patty Privilage. thbisumost unuusu action thte chool éhauld tail ta hear hîa lecture, Doora s îu.Ke yDm iuaae board memiber la sai tu bave replîr'd yulha panset7:0 ociok sd pogr lat. The caugresalaual oaed distribu- that North Chicago canant afford ta viii begiu st 8 a'ciack. tion ila s ally, uueles and expeulve puy as.big a salar>' as Mr. Eapey ha Thebeaboi ataction lest Saturday ýeformance, sud tht United Statea betu recalving. evaulng proved quite exctlug, 106 votsa vin be ibatter aff vhau Il la lei$latad Ta coutradlct this tatement It Il bing cenat. [;. E. BHugbm hait iarvad an ountit lUtenca. Thia critlclîtiaokuavu thât ont membar of the North the board for tva teruiand did not vîeh aU etefakn rvlg.o Chicago board calied up Mr. Clark. ta h. a candidete for re.elaction en ihe. sppllai ta te favnluge p rîvîage.iniaofteSuhcollnW - naniea of J. P. BlancIt sud R. A. Prierviik o t1 avntg l ri g prnIalai tt o utb c hoolMlu s-e ver enere su raultd l li. eectonthe$@ circular ltter. tu me snd oth- kgn u fea l v ae weeetraadrsiti nteeeto rs, Position st e salar>' lu excesiaiftht af the former hi a vate aofi1tu 25. 11.A» 1 ,..,. a abeing rectlvmd by Mr. Espey. %I,. t . 1 Appreprlts tae t4 Occiti. A corpulent tenon vas abont ta g0 on ln the oratorio et "Elîjait," viten hlm tnausevu gave ws>'etathei [lamerons pinsa vetbvougbl luto aerv- Lee. eud fBush>', di l rusod up, ha veut upon tht stage sud sang, "Ta People. Raud Tour Ilesrta. Rend Tour Hearls, sud Nul Tour GIsi- mente." Net sncb à Fait. "'a sstRiait CU." sai Xms spolerta bker huilisi.«A mus tai caflo Itavu f001 uIVluaMN» Hemp&liT ditansd thW velgboiI liais. Ilana hoavier Ilan tesu-m .h" alau iiit maye about hie?' "Tos-aKOSt ltai le va. foi mm dOM roltlts." -tdmwéi 'obe-la va. sDo Ll.eitpu ahm vWlOU4040raistves. 'liua r buis." Thoodare H. tiurai, Preatdon. CN WAUKEGAN NORM, IC6~ Despit is Own Opinion, His Frien Are Said 'teHave Persuaded Hlm fferet. NO DEFINITE ACTION YET. Report That Ballots Had Been Lost Cau Drury to Con- duo an investigation. That Patrick Drury, dateatéd can- didate for imayar alt North Chicago, vOl conteat tht' eiectlop oet Peter Christeusen. ho won hy the narrw margin nor .e votes, le ltae prsMst~ ont report that camtes trami North Chicaga. Drur y, tht repart saya. ut trot aaîerted pos itiecl>' that h(- wouid not canteattae electn but It la sald that hi. triende bava about pre. vsiled on hlm ta .rîart the' court ac- tion. Ont oi the thingvlthaI le-udea au- phasi. te the repart la tht tact that ,Drur>' îhaaed canaidevable concert Wblmti lIa-"Wlprt became .riraitlatad that the ballots bsd become llent lu samintnexplicable imauner. Au lmes- tlgmhîon. hovevsr, ahaved thte ballots te -be lu thansde of Bohus Ras, thé cticl.rk. 'Drury taak bis de«eat la a true atrartamanlike manr." ont Northi CihoSgo man sait! Ioda>', "and h. vauld nlot bave consîdered the prop- osition of eoautating tht alactan liad not, bis frîenda trilted that h0 do sa. Although i bava uot heard that ho ba id he wotild taka court ac- tion bis continuai Intereat lu the sait guardlug ai tht ballots votali seau te adieudctâ t hhlasnanie sucS Intention." , MOGWITH AN IDIVIDIJAUTY Noveliota PMt ed Man>' Pacuîliealtion torne of Whtctî Wore the Causé of Ernhartaaarn.nt. Duvtug àa ummer a aojauru ln bar natIve houa lu Taxas, lira. T.» P. jO'Connor, the talauted wf f«a 1>. -..vrara,ou.tue #-fi. ha "If u',allable" rookira ailracalva service- buta. coats. breeches, itanet abirte. leggings, anld marcblag ahoe., but because of the Iuadequate aupty tbry are' udvised t bring tbeir ova unîtorma sand two bianketea. A $10 depaelt will be required Iaoasver damagetot equtpiteut and the ilms- lt will be $20 If the gaveruieutémur- niahea a unifarm. Transportation te camp vii be pald by tbhe wsr de partpn t. ~Avoring With Corncoise. lu making auccotatb. actais*9 corn trou the coand sud aUMa cold water ta It. making It as CrU 1 c posslb!e Titn place the Offl O the kettle wlth the beausa"udbâilS-1 ril.tlme ta put tn the coru. Tbiter*M e wi b. sa aweetnessansd eveadM 1 wt usu.lty found in aucotul. H. D>. BOYD The Wisconsin Land Ma. Wisconsin Fairmé wit and Without Stoc. LI"ealTerme. HM D. Boyd Lubertyvfle, Mi. Phone OS. to put a switch in you' Eletical inst a13Ia t ioa which wl control eveu'y lighin uthe. bouse Cii- cumstance-0asiy un-' deistndable - m ig ht arise that would mke it a bit thîug. N 1umerous old instag- ationsame net equjppýed wfth modem drt sucii ms dist em cotro outis for %vseai pliaPPesand Porble the. Work Pubfic SeMvie Co .f N4lteau mina.a W. S. Smith, Vice Prosidant. apital $125000.001 - - ILULNQois/ I. .1 F. W, OlhurhJti, Socrotery and Manager TELEPHONE 81I SECURITY TITLE'&,.TRUST CO. ABSTRAM O F TinLE TTIAGUARANTEED b 1 MANY ROOKIIS lm man, ely ANplyingL or Po; sîtions Pendi7,Ation on Their Pay WILL BE WAR CAMP. Barraoks Provide Acomm.à- tions For 2,00-Ma, Erul Many New__Buildings. Fart Sheridani la ta be put te *P. tast of Its blatar>' begluulng Mai S. wlieu 5,000 men Who hope ta esru commislelns ta commîand the itrat quarter aoftJncle ftama propo»ed avmy oi 2,000I,0t00.000 ldrehiermaurriv- fol training. . iGen. Thomas Il. Batrry ba orderod .%lat, William F. GrlcU. oi- mandor ut the' fort, ta submut a re- port on the' changes c'<-"ssary ta ac- coutuodate the would-be majors, asp- tals,, anad Brut mandscond lieuse,. sats., Applîcat loua for trainng a 811Msa sud bas'cete .ýn the oflice of Col. Ar- thur Thaytr, head of the mUlai>' traning' divieion. Arify ollicera le- lieve the two campsaiutFart ShrMn wlll 'be flillerIto capacit>' 2,600 ascIi At prest thera are acconmsâ- tians far flot mare than 2,000 mon nt - the fart. Miglt bundred membera et the Ohio national guard ase 1h.M us>' b. arderpd eltewhere. The affcers ta be vîll probably b. honsedInlutenta. SubvlateuCe St a colt not te «"-f" 60 cents a day. inludlag the cmora lpreparatlon oa!foodahilh. iuralii- Pd. If aru> caaka are not avatiahle civilisa canka all h. hlred, Individuel characteritics f ai rloua daga thsf ahehanas ned or kuovu. While lu Nav Yark, on tha ave oi ber ratoru to Bugland. aha vas lute- 'tieved b>' s rapreaentativa of tha Nev York sun, ta abam aba tld ltae toi- laving atory ai s dog aWUrad bY Bai' nie. te fasious naveliât sud dramatîat. The ing a vievidentlî the protatype et ltae Naviouudtand lu Burrlasa*'Lit- le M'bite BIrd.' "Mr. Barrie told me iliS atori." said liv.. O'Coor. "He said that the dog badl s craxa for doula. They vouli pa s s op, sud the dog vouli sam a dal dleplaîed lu tjke afudov sud mauifest a vish far ont. Mon Mli. Barrit priced the jolis, tbe clerkt would Invariabty suk itav aid vL tbeý éblld for vliam It Wah Iutauiad. AMi haraume le hamed to aY >'that the dol1 ai for the dag, ha vauld repi>': 'Pour years.: as that val th@ age ai thea Nevfoundluni. "'One Sunda>' thty vaut ta church lu taecountry. Tht dog bai beani laft outalde. But ha reiused ta he ne>. aritad from bis fatullî At the Birut apportunt>' ha squatzad thraugh 1he door. sud Mr. lBaie bhbeld hlm marcb- iug up the alale a. the cougatoei vara valtlugtfor the service te beagl Wit a fseciuated gaza bis avuas vstched hlmx malta bis lumh.nlng var lu taepulpit Itaîrs sud thoa scau tiien. Ha laaked ail round. turniag blabead ttisaansd thatlunsarcb ai is master. Titan, ta gain botter xantaga, ha put his farapava on the, Bible dock and call' utood tIare an hie blnd lu%,s, urvelug lh. aaaemnblod cosgregatleu. "Mvr. Barrie did ual 'W15h ta estaîlSig liii respanoibiity for snchbehhavior. &"udat petrlfied lest ltae chancel doon ahould apen sud the radaor appooir, vha bated aud wvàal aid of dogu. lilas BarrIe.Is .151er, aoivad the dit- ficuit>' b>' goîg up aud gentl>' laadlug 'Portiie.' doan.'-Youtbm Campanims