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Libertyville Independent, 10 May 1917, p. 11

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-t- I NLmIIOI "Thîs lu the 1f," write, lli "r" ruup, Waslkdgan, Jacki." etisae iu~i15 ~1dt-Uniued stai flt#y DIa. thea United IOWtUit he '18 Statesa ilp ProtIeus, oow moor0i lu Npw Yonrk b"t. DoRAI crsmmp la. the sou et Ms. and mmd W L . rump of Il11 Coûlity utrwand bsut .&~*toi làt ilavy aI <buetGreat Ldkab'me ,is ;So t tise station é e 1*4 51ho& pu, a, da th, 30649 fM h 'E£,Ot tc, be ailsuuita work di aUIUI lait ounaàiattMMD rbhpo mttaé IuI~êcfl,,CrutrwI±hb he Ùis «lt IhW djae mnid the yoishg jaoklS b2t Wankuemi I~1Iê2i0S *~ui1 lai a lttas to hi, mother. rouaulio' ~1~1ii Upon luqqulry at tise naval station jg ~ TIsbe Sun RaaSthtithea Proinetheus he., luaose ofthe iioatlllg mhina shops ', .1 tise U it tateî ay. On thli bel of1 al tiseUnited - Who amuît asu ma- is P1OBO~J cinies get tisaitrtlamfll. îe* . u wi*~ Gwrue ~w4.atOBy."ou ttof the. Naval theihbii*of tépmttiO& At tév-mtz one abott tii. Uiiat -ifiStaOtion, Utin no5questin but * Inluother wmes, becail uISfe tuSbI = thecoUfttry at thtl.WltI w upou 4itj là -uodëübt*W,,«eer but tbat th 1g18s- laturul d. *lm e I " tàlme b aid in the, genéral moenplto10pI¶Qbtit the IWp !Ilquor auywherO unr a tbgt ~ gvecnblin l««00 o be .utahllsbed about the. io sd bufo Wauxin luthe. Of!Say posaible Move tfrt ustt spilug to uni for mmut wblcl %r tý a rseJ..ction, on eM ~ Ise ucs i.ml e Me<821 aUtomicaly would become dry permaaeftly and nô effortt 10chaiige thia wmü~d b. sucesul. Wlth the. ftve-mile dry 0sie estat3- IàM It would mae it,.1"orpenbaps for officials 10 eu- force lie. lquor laws for the simple reasontbat it -would hlvl violators Irththelb govermmenit, and the goveru- nieut 18 never lenltetWU sucii violators. * ***.. ... . Tise ptitIon for tise prabate oi tise * *illi Heurir Sheridan wiso dled Aprfl * Waukeganl OCai" 28, was ilRed las CaintY court tOday. 4 * t ,saowed Mr. Sheridans et an egate ... **** ***..Consiitai 1or.000 oWorth oiruaI es- ..f .d 1 O orh f uer ona ra- Word Shm been recelved that Mis$ Enthel and M. Ray Whtneéy vi11 loave Clîfarsila for Waukegan ounbise 15ti ai MaY. An informnation ciagini bise sali of lîquo n lu atl-saloon ternltary was. rImd In CointY Cout 151, attenWsoi «Alosnt John Ritiner orai bertyville. Rtnir forment>! caMued a saloOi. but bas bien running a paf t drink place ion coma lase. Ten violatiôflS are ciargd. Comadeof Waukgan Post a. A. R. venu lnvited ta attend G. A. R. day at baSe Bluff ffidair. MaY 4, The Scisoul gave saflnuat etteCRroWtrm. Atter tise prograilltisey plntod Oa tre. In memoriam ai tise G. A. IL. afld of tU@,îoccaa.. Tise comnmander af theQ post. lvin, Wait, and Cinraâes lmiler and Assiincaegsot tolite, viilil tise scisooi gave strict attention and Mm. J. W..imàp$an Of tise W, a. d; gavetlasort *bd Itenemting 1* visici s ei lI eceircd, Tisa îcbod fumlhd' an escot for tisa vte froim tne cars ta tise scisoolý and 1 MaIsn, a oburtl'tiiviictt *as nmuh~ preelaled-.bY tise ldrueta. P. W Commander Wait and P. U AuEin. patrWtbl notuctor. john J. Page.-today i01.4 a ilRInl circuit court dinected a taisi 5 1%~ 'rage. Canhanrt et a1l l zkise ee te hivi tise court cOtsaIMietise IMaM *111 aisd- testament of! bsI ge vws Mis. Mary J. PâÙe.' lis hbtwli , iiWb r as'adpittad te, Probuta SituMben i1, ýl9j8; VMn. lPi5i baqisetifid m&Uof- ber propertY, *lth tiseé etlolti f'a uto for 18,000, tu 1EssisBa 1*9 on. 'uIpa seauriS by naemat u.-t F64n'O"0WWibis ta foneclaondon; tI0 trs d4tirotsghis hmautisonitY aï e»uxuc of;hlm wiwf'uestais, but hie autisorlby la questioned on tisegr*Sbsd tt lise Droperty vas Itestat$ eitate. ~r. Paga wvihes tu have tise RIc- trued s6 tisat this lpece eai rlsrxrty v'l,-he included in thé resteto!tise Théadore Dunu, son ai- Byl'an A. ljsuuCtWau»ig5fl, hae necelN'ed bls gb~ll~*aio. iret lieutenant I' h VpI~a~ ~tat s perve army, and '13 muhiac t0 0811 for active dutX at enY tt~s& ifsq~a as ud i a tmtclae %WM. aus, t #tes- enty. %Ilra. L. P. L.amuson bett SundaY for Mettoan s outhensIlinois, visere ase wîll epend a montis or monoeain bsissfonrbise Marnello caM'panT. witis viicis îhe bas becamnenAsmaciat- ed. Bernant B. Btsng, vWho for Reren rine aupervised tise v-ctionL a m"nual traning deparbmenLt Ofili City scisola o1 W&UkegAis. but Wt reigned a year go ta atCaPb tisee %itCil oi uperintendunt of VocatioÙ éducation and tise engineeinng %bol et Hilghland Pari Collage t It Mýoînea, la.. ha reelgned hie att psimtion, accardibg ta word jutr Celvud In Waukegan. Attorney .Ray , Towler on Moisi liBiaed tise examinitti<o tran al 01 l tise V.üted Staten arrîy. ind1 lins ,ecied bis Intention (I joinl tise rfficar tralusîng camr. et Fo nfsrda.le *Ili ,epot' a-. tise l Fmé me mlu UaY. Lx the rho t-j Lte? ne- Tise iolowlsag la thIs 3orb0foin- mhittualn theaTurilons dapartmuab Of tise City appolntedl by Mayor Chiai- Lensen: nane--Mead. Kolwltz, Opaisa. bigiting-Kelth, PaIbîchi, SColwitz. Street and lieyi-- McLean, 0O> eka, Me"O. .lublclary-Palblcsl, Opeka, Me- Lean. Heeth-Opeka. McLeais, Keltth. l'ire and Water-Kâlwltz, Opeisa. Mead. Public Bulldlngs-McLuan. Palbiks Keltis. Police-Mead, Opeka, Kalwltz. Rallraads-Keith, Kalwltz, McLunf B3ullding&--Opeka, Keltis, jUelAiin. Ueense-Mead, Pablica, MeLL. ?rntbng-tPalbicki, Mead, Xltlt. Election-CaIwlts. Mead, Palbiekt. Auditorium - %IcLean, Pablicisi. Keltis. Principal Espuy of tise Central Séisoal vlslted tise -igh ischootlul Waukegau Fniay. Frank s Ctzka han usat received a carload of bottions for thse Star Bat- thung Work». ln tise crn wene z4,000 bottiea. Tise Rake bluff juit north afi lis naval station, laa,'i like a war camp theze day,%. Tise choir of tise Prefbyterian ohurcis wllmuet VitIs lru. Jahb Galteby Frday evening a-ofiWum vai. C. A. Kingsley aofZton CltF, lu pilanning ta ereet two more plats ou Brositway. Norts Chicago han a new ive ndu. autate filrsin J. L. Przybomil & Ca..I intli offtea ovar tise drug store on State minuit. VhllIiàn Kalwltà han hisa pramût- eW firom slit clauieyoema sta chiai l'aimais et lisnaval station. Rdsiald Banr and F'rank Meat bave ay 'Thàe ltreUiYt9an u scis wIl give. ýr a reCe~Ption lto ti4rnew paitonsd bu med4uIserAWdn.day vnn ftiI In& wèiS. A tsont pogram yuhi begiven. ,ult Màyar Clrstensen bam auneuncas1 trt tisai bise llegall sale ai Rîuar lu Naq. Ch"cgo muet stop. ý - Tioe Central Scisol al d a vsmttng da90îatt lday. e lt,. Barl IUtua. tiachir a4 th e4rtIË Scisool, leain tise eck 'lst ta- W. Shai iald that North Cib4ag, Ia. ptiobic. 8She len uly otu',vR . fatlan'm calion Mien. Thse LiisotyIlS- OMar at tPise Times.Revluv and y tfond darbiy "e two newCnes arftly iltud s a trucS driver. IdoYil Nha ibave. atweniui tise<ali ç4 - Uule.Samt. Wlami lwIts, J*Ç P&a rml k 8jsc ianvsi.RoySiserwMs,ý liSank Ctrk, Ronald4"rCUIffaA *Gttduy sud Richard Menr.Llst.' #6t11W TIn#mAtvfep wiso wtw p4 dCLiY ho li ý,e.btmhta' Jjs o? aasy p la Nntle tha lia ýëiêWlhiers for Wedneiday ét4of tbis week. Xb* 06t'Ude echumers of Nol-th '"àlIa. a marrled to Phlilp Smltis «f3uAloiu, Batnrday. Tisey ex. ouetA# rMuftarat thelr honme ln Min.ll ffhe:Ur Bard met ln vugulàr sU.4dq a y evenlng and trut iUt~~~U 1Wti businless. I*mt eve. Will.tluscampieted the OrIt tthe board, Three new mhibpfot tise board are tebebu p- poltaed tit pig Th& membenu liuàê tuoiaxpireare Ex-Mayor Md Mr# i M. James Thompson rtN & usaèburn. er. Befle. nee Muri* ?acelving a vîsit <10111 * h o tg a tw ldIe r 'o n th e Unld Se*1fl8 Cifle "Lerno0n with Misà 4nuL smitz were gêtsv It hat Clarence Sailli. autYlue 1ty. He boda 0"_v isere. and thOer C A R Iy l R i e d e s r t h t tis usoiR rcelve blai ad Facts YCYvu May 1t 1iolw: #lie, Fire olthe Rubberfo dsr The dernand for all sorts of rubber conoditïes io in- Ceasing on a big scale every day. Riibbèr tg 'iradually replacing leathel, in hundreds of instances. The price of leather is Boaru and iiibber and rubber compositions Sthe mont likely and logical substîttes. The rubbéÊ and rubber tube braneh of the rubber,. lniizos is in it4,fI a tremendous institution. Bût there are"; al8o such ebounxdties as horse shoe pads, rubber to<t*ew,, ruk- bfteloth1ng, rubber belting, steam hose, weAer hoge, mis- om1aneouo tubing, rubber tile, fruit jar rubbers, garden 1qrubber, packings, plumbing supplies, typewriter to ubber soles, rubber heels, rubber drug Jndries, '.0a rty'omolded rubber goods, and various offce, fac- toryM ious6hold articles that are too numerouis to qu~~adp There is not another. industry that prom- r laqs pssibilities of the rubber busine-t3lere Ï8 not .bsiness that offers sucli a general line of useful -dae y needs that can be manufactured from the saine Tlunk it over- and you will decide tWa if., you .h available money that to invetit m' the rubber b tae 1 the wise course to pursue. Looê,j k T hese Enormous I>rofits! $100 oniinally invested in GoodMecl made $,.8,00() $10~ l1yinvested in is'iakmade$12,400 $y invested lu (*oodyear made $M',000 $1 INALLY INV1MSED IN DUN<LOP 0 ~AD> $50,000 ýgSz few iuvestments, indeed that pave brought suh > ffle returns to iny 'estors aWs the rt*ber business. KMiuiMek hap been'kniown to produce big returns- ve > egt«tmajo1'ity of minng stock 15 worthless. Ini- .~ î~o~eedby the Genoa 1RuBbb seactr- iug~~ op cax4ot, be c:Issed as a se<laonb- c&M%~p~~flLf te organization M i a.ed yfd and uithQls It. is soun2d, practical. advice when we sa~-PJTOTJR MNEY IYý RU13BtIt. a SoSuth Dearitorfl atrat, Obloago IOSepi4 A. 1SERdER, Pretidant andGnal Mane r. CARI.. SOMNEICt«ï Vice.Presld*ilt wid. H. JACKMAN, S.cretary * fARD OF OIRIEC-tOR4 H. S~AHRhNP4L0.FRANK W. 01i$ihOW, Braisr-idi 16e, J8B1M(~ .~Ke Ais lp Preeldesit FQniniY iti <bell. S..Rub>ier Ca. J~*~W~Ulcamnpauy. ROBIAT B. HUXSTIS WII4IA k, UgfiAR, M. D., Rubber,BUltifrTaa ~5sureon. S. L4 .A~S0 Âtto10e$. Um, uu t. W 1L LIAt A0 k. 1Lr,tr Caantrsd Biilden. DirectarGU$TiAV )INDAHL,, lcaniet"BllduuAsocatlan. Réali Bute sud meaCotaa. aoldes a afuid te Purchusau anauto trùck. Thot lu Patriatlsm. hNorth,. Chicga's new chlet of po- lice hie tarted out wltis the Idea tisat the laws are te b* enforced ln mail parts of tise city. Hi% mtte lu, desti, net vordt. He la makîng tours Qt investigation inlao these oit drink parlora. He doeî fnot watt for an IDs- vitatiofi but luit entera and loaksa oV or tise plage. Hie went lista a Pooe route on Tenth street Tiieidsy, look- ed over their sait drinkms, went ta thir elrIe box and made a thorougis lnveqtlgation of tise Place. Thse eates attorney made four or- restp isere gunday andIsd eabill inZestti; Catlng. Mayor Chliltenien bats$- tilat hi Intendis te put a $top ta la* vIoatIon and will uîîPPort hi@a chief lni every movekment te that end. 1 ýULâ0 2unu- 'm vaîtinh a c.lnétvativ m lobUsthe ,ublion~i FM INU ~~I NU à propéitteimt twsa to m l ilss~~4 ,siWttlE o4t. rg- ge the 0aiV u i ara Woth a foflVIta of uilfri.iiS i5IS 1 ha# «K*aýn'sti twentvY 4m'l5o.,#s- paineIn"thu Iebp i OiUg" -l thea Geisot pr*J.t a .ertàlrày. Fae. toi.>! No. 2, lat Conneotiq ail wPi- t l k usaallalal 0.4,. tisatI o tlnuaIl>v mour. ln. M. i6 trahs ii fWfiue'" "*pe4anbbpt.Iam pgijol ias :Inuit sé o,.ta U Uiê Mào*and faotry bu-s W111, lwSIn r.wht on 4;â£~' iomomr ésodsire MU à bé4ý i"iWwdforil N11 su tisi lit lo m yospaw I1I.ýhUi bMgger, rutr omllls. 15 ove- 'p aie.............. . ' s . .. .. .. .. ........ "w', c r -- N .~ê- Il SMA»Qffl

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