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Libertyville Independent, 10 May 1917, p. 16

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TATE - of c"eesns of a! 0w smiwa gp Sun suntative Lookcs On. TC TAKE A CHANCE?' of Car; Itowever, Seeinc ýr"OB n , Doesfi't seiiIk sULfe. Wauk.uau, May 9. ïnVernue accdentsansd nuar- a eptorted bW reaideuts cf iS.tu The Dally Sun at rail- i~~ the tit -lubulthe ïal moatha bas caused a eeatigatiofl te be conductel 1bafs flie Sunt staff., ,uy eu«. h vas found the. t iver. apprently unJuetifi- iii, aelsclomed, bt lu a sd# bmmtemit va. f ouni) tiie it zrVe basai) on gaod A~ istane afthe.latter ti.personal attention 01 the. *rbyreofsenily. The report- etpde b holi$ i teot asug tii wUflO r b liii vt e lIapng t$ectnlc mrrei)about :46 la th* . entat. A train vas itinu front the. nti. The. w- -vb*>attends the. aety gaies «"U hlva busiiy engagai) la *U it a ltaboy of «P8 1#e Mo 'It ii amy. >as the stioelid the. utoman oMiered ete, lever the. gaies. Initeai)of d« te the *ork binis&L Atter 'dota! osed by un m~irty :wai4idMa.thé boy sdaod pm4gthe sat-s ently tie crooing vas tiiec lunt *bout fIls t4» -an ate- pro.ei) the eoisiaafrem Tb*, pbana. i Whobai) W e-penimi) trm is cat!. iA bm te bigmomtlila osi).r tbe 15o.t#Wgangine, mai WP enatt Wtatoke a à4. tear ,lIe up> Ob-thM -boa di) 2atrU) fI4e eanrepmftai oué g; g.fNy!Doyu ts à hlaowminst gOIM Oravlag et theGr. aM~drmentsletched froinmenton by the. mestéer .1the "CiaSa Gonnaud" vlt aualslacaeo thai, nl.aed pîrnira et the ,»M.. That the. Grman cemmeru. r.Ier Secadler, vhich han destrayed many .ll.W ahi» et thi.e cast of South Amreia là itili ut l" s i.belef of maritime auhoritles. Thae 9«adl« -la 4 ciaptured Arnerican ua Pts of èimaha, and la dlaguibola». a harmIesa uailinsà vesse- TO A, WALKOUT Waulcegan, May 9. AboutViiirty employes of thol Brown Portable Elevator ComPanY cr 'Nortb hlrcago iert their jobs this moriing. tht. nhimber representing a-bt vas tae) *the nov em- pbo"e." It lbit about the same num bai* et "id eiloyes" ai their t*sQg Md a-bile thi e ation of the pleut la na&tqrail>' anicapped, neverthe- l e" verli progressed lua a atlltac-. tory .manuar .taday. iiiort liadi) t titat the m« ide- .maudod 10 per cent lncr.ý»e '..d 60 heurs pby for 55 heurs -oU., and that, anager Harrington refuaed tl datly. M. Harrinutn stated tm)yc mhat b. bai) not bam any propostion ed "war' or foregn orders. The men aiso compiain ,hecause the compati! lîoiRted a $14 fiag over the. plant, and then aBs-Od the. work- lugmen td subscribe ta a fund te pay for Ille flag. Faith. ie--"Darling, you don't baie ta put on a nov dress eery time 1 call.I hbave faitli la yaur extravabaace- ]BRITISI AIR HERO AMERICAN VISITOR ast- ra tad: th. auo e- put up io hlm, chat lie la) beard) 0o ,har, t b" hoppei d Mroquant vbatever and bat the. irai kii h* asaei) tii* gat$a*ver.ho mev ofiitwas aheu lie vas tlId liai) . ,that certain meu ver. dissatiblleid $tai ta uatexnaa.-em: and4 b.d tried prevlously to 'anicaiili tir thepele purpos. 09 adjust uatter. qong t,pubIc. .aad et k Lait veoir thon., vas talli of agita- a-ltkii ha floeatly beau the. tionen lathe.plant and,, the repart lW E'an eeihat a-ch ect tva North Clcago la uliat the discliargot iinally DARM 49anautow t W of tva men thia morning iWho ver. i line aai bis machine la a reportai) te have oean aunspic»uu it ant el-Ctn tainPTOO4 ithteiagitation.,a-as wbat cause) Oii foir the i. VtUeOs 0fthe thebuncli te quit t su tii.>'coul) saot rI'ri.s A delegailn af tic 'ptnukers" caîl- er a. 'he reoetai)on the at The. Sun offie this martieng and >enoMe bldthe. atoat beaunthIrsripokesman made this- tate- *y -ff o~gi tala the gaw- t"ewoi me ai)"tako a éhzc* ".W. laid dova our tools vien Mr. a *!;Ittle adwautagela in lrrngboxt-se ar .adfo lw i i4u, i mtoà ilf tii.>'"Poau dm Wao ttmim Ut té1ai10 per cent incre ineats. eda 10 Der ceatint d56 ho.s cadi a-tek ett $0 houri psy. Mii gela-av inuton i)lsbargêtd twu tiu $~ -~ '~ bers f the. committee naine) ta pro- - - asent pur demnanda, and wheu he ne- ~ tused aur demanda 39 of u» vaike) out. About 12 tmen remained an te ANiTIJob. Tios. a-ho remaine) areVi Dany for many Years. Many af us £et Oui I'I1.d et ruggsts'but 12.2E a day an) that le net eno:-li .- w8w ofDrggaw muney te keep aur faitlies. Tiiho . . hlGfr'WIU SU 000<18 higlietpialma n ucte company's lehity Iafer. impbay geta but $326 a dey. Min) ae .W ;Re yau, w. belleve Mr.. flaringWto o MjrL .B et Waukegin, May 9. b.o a klnd.lican,ed sud efficnt mon, Major Lý W. B. Recs, cf thie roya o>effl drugiaot a ameeting but a-e de helleve tiat hi. shoul) i noo lu inthe-haro c e B rft- .~ftrnonluthe cty councîl inset ar4td'"-hanedhe tougiitte fiaSig- ga tokti. niIaiv l ~ Thie itnukera dlaim thut the Brown . . dwnrve L~~*e-> »M ooktheiniiatve n aPortable Elevatar Company basl oui- d g4 etây.Io" - rnent vas vitmiedDy bis cenrace., Seat ~ ~ " '0"' Steyar t oifcent ondene ou baud ta keep tiie aho repae'td le ocurre 3,Re 1~ ~~~o t&. ureinecdu. uplant lu eperatian ion tvaia»,su civdti.Vstna r Xý.te qm b. urbase atthiyaleoc dam that tblg percenteoag. . tlu ,frnavoi- ~ »I..an4 ch. srvete 1i~cftliordrm re uaimigit ii~tet .hknee sustalue) i the anfUitor e et a teiepr uien a-oui) _of __________________re_____________r, kt - uu'poviing t i)niugetMili il1 t~te o ýy aperataly. W. J. __________________ w» *ooacairman. A. J. vleeiiirmn.an) Conrad tW écooir fthe d. i- h n i gP# the Cks<.ber. et Commierce. I il W uk g 4M*Or tMer plan in te keep .....,T < T t~ elc <i drhias inucbas I hT 1 .3 r..:..,î- .. 'pgt k~h 4. emnittee kupei) afflue NO ait 'or Wai ter* &.4 ymaef~--B"ùything in r.ach James Jujn.-$htlutn 4ra<ougtfth &wede.ýg PINS 'CYCLONE' TO THE MAl Looal Iean Hi oe. ept In a-batvas poitl'fly the, fatst aud moîst slîfl rmatch @ver stag. ln Waukegau. "Cyclone li, a BWedlsb wyeatler. defeaied Jamnen Jar sclever -Chlo .sýaï tek fa t1i final bout, on tii.h- aqard at Workers liall Tuesday eveninu. "'Cyclone Bill"wvan teo met Augnli Putkanen, FIuniab champion. ln1 bout for a $60 ide j,.t. but the Fini InJured hlmself in a training bout lu Chicago an) aent. ardan la bise itou Jardan outwelgbei) "Cyclone Bal hy 12 pounds, the. veigits belutu le and .140. This differoico Inu vsih an) the lac, that *Cyclone" did na ieem ta ho in sncb superb condIUî as on hiw preyleus chngement lier made It extremnely dîfficult for hlm t tvImk ib Ilg, the o teu aue.itn 5 the feu vie n "cyclone" claz n e ait 'ubnaakbie ta. holfi. The nai MRwet oJardIas et the.ead et là fanven tOenit bWing aÇccçcolie) ~ ~ O~OA~ vith a banmeriock andi body acl41.ees O 81WOMR Wheu the mon Camne onto thie mat for RIOOk&&U MOTI<4R IN '94. the third fait theY vastefi no tiri n -r adMx luy .0 ao lii maneuvers but vent ai It hamîner 'f.adMl ar .Ovso andi tonus. For 28 minutes it va. a camp 1*ke. Win,4 announce the. mar- lic sa tuli lter, ii. .re lu eîgilago o i lu daulbter, LuCile ta aTo tixue an d i) u e, again b>' is, 'YM al The on lg f A n teC Ol i. efslo tacitcs and wrndrtlM!.'l. eisnvsperforme atienetii, ville -cyclone BIIVS" lin the bride'. boe êby the Rev. Mut.- mat esperience and generaiîhlp'pro- burt of Wauiato6i vho aiea eflilat- vented landau from, emergtng thie- vl. .4et the uarriage ai lier parents ln tor.-~At 28 minutes "cyclone" again 1894. uecued the -Goth ol el, and- lardau fer the second time conceded the. fali, the- ound cominu at 29 minutes., Jar. ti daWâP challenge for a retuili engage- Another taie couuty boy lias hean bd mnt, vitli tii» ta. hl aI)bord vas inlurci). VhstbJy hned, in th@ bat- & ulckly laeopted by "yclone' on a -lgbeing woagad ilu France. lnr-take-ali baste. MotornmtThomas N'aî t fthe. vic- anlPocisd CharleRautalokil trie n.îroeai11 u a thl'Ida format a' ta a drpv. ment annoUMI4l t thi sou "liai Net InThese een is.riaualV tajuta) white fflghung l t anuu'p no dpmnnf for tragedians n rac.1de tith iujI a any -more." "Tluen wliy not v.t ,sapoai htof n the. tle andl ho a coxuedtati. old ïar ftrtberi«mailar not given and n "Oh,1 I ouidn't be funuy If 1I iii.." ithe preaumu*ion .la tperliaps tiIs d "That isn't csnr.-LlSlI message wai-,merealy a fereruner cr CorlrJnrnl a later message hich witl.arry th@- 14 nevi of hl« de4tb.. $tu" ACesIqowi*. Nai enI1Àted. lui a Canadi an reui- 0f course vu.uid"O"d4 hat attors tot drfnk cati) tes fer hluhbalîs. but thon. ment some ime a9o and bas been in On bas never beau any .atiafatory sut> France for soma -turne. He han Ma14Y 's. ffit efor the. cigartte.-LoullylUe Mennde alo"g th,- uatth mshore a-ho ta Cerie>JoM&tL it- 11regret ta hear a -i .-il .acd,,t. 'ET US A VE YOU DOL- N)W SP#ING- This le thieprice w, 1ke te hold up for cern- . . pbecause muet e know what a reiIIy#ood suit is at this price.. At- a tinte whlé' e-et statua are wonderlng how mÏuch- i pile.à suit wMl stand, we are attractnge th tii moa urngsua1 amount of buying ýwlt Ouir$1capgu It'q no secret-.our ablity ta Save you Inm o n clothes. Any cloth- ing stbr. that ateminimum rwwng ex- peniew. jive could oeil you as wondeful coet ' t our priçes. -If you haven't been wis u. offl h to investisste our good clothes and their kw puces It la up to you ta get busy. Jf,«instance-- Or -Pinch Backs -Double B&easted '-SangeBriasted 1 -New8tyes I ~-B ig Seâlection -Lioghts, or Darks -ý-yoùng Men an d Men -Pit o:rfçctly r 0 -Guamateed'Satisfaction ahato pjOur stae '. .xgnaee thaw iw. ' ca Ire» 'i ru- vi y. aI' b', 0~ St Ip n. v in te v pi p -GLO'

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