* LBEIYVI LAKE CoUtY IN,»CDEPEDEN IL] Lake( OmIiIm~iE INDEPE.NDENT uty -s Big Weekly a odmeWeeklies in é«Mny CouNia WAU KECZAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXV.-NO. 21. WWELVEPA ,GÀ8 LIBER.TYVILLE,,TLAXE COUNTY, L -IS, THUIISDAY, NIAY 24, 1917. ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEIAR IN ADVA2Moe. NAVY.CALLS FORMAEN Ji FORT SKÈIIDAN MAY GET c 17, UNITU!>-STATlES EDUCTED AS ENGINEERS. JWE rWit TO L ~EAD BANDm.- MARS1IA SRAI1~ i f Yen are a civii, Chemicai ciectrical RE(iISTIATION OAY; lnhf uniaixr t'Muieor mecbanlt,&l engineer and you W suit n't iiÎ~u vww1e $ the Sh, e.'ridan ea taL A1I) 0serve your country, loin the nav I.NDE LAJCE flUUU a I band atâd 1t Sedni'itti ________This la the advice of Cati. W A. die West int.tAàted in rh.- urnishing Aww inWakegn 9G'iuo MofeI. ommndnt ! ti. 'n"îAil mon Between 21 and 30, 1fl lb.. best of .fld8 for tire men eta El AriIWda NIgtarm90 " W fftt .'î S"teaiij o . rh' clUSiVe, MUSt Appear Onl îioned at the tort, are known to hoe States navatrday he astatin xat L TedaJn . back of the MOvPmenlt lo interest b" nMauls and rGuns. Bouge.»eg~ t fornao AL NB N Now. classes are _"iilaplaclns tber Patriot-OLO MEN, GET PREFERENCE. Iàs h;D evup tu 1. ÀLL OT ON_ ONDS_»_let-m"bi enllsting &% common rooliesI erg*aouientfth Fux.,Anieed-One Chaied lu"ten y e hoSre s l sa derltaila ene me -&de. Whou que.,A WII Asaullnga Ult MeU n w o bave those quaîlflca- judges at Last Eleotion May tioned, on.e 4 the leaders sald that Saes DM ng y a Uhal. ns, nid th@. eapfkin. "are badly Mth.ePNs leplnow-,0Shoe,.dY ad1announe need sainoe branch of the navy manhe___ .In two or t1fitn days. mt. n-tii. shipbuiiding yards, nav"Y rds, By aer 01 President Woodrow WiII-e a ee eoae NEVtfboum OF or on board siip with the main dleet. so TUESD)AY. JUNIS 6. RAS BEEN PoesI5 ashe eoae @y 82M syU COMMI8MIONER in_____1311. giuman rance. d MADz RDGISTRY DAY. iiEnlnd u m (Spelalt.eThe Su".) LB YVLEpresideut Wilson hbaset La motion-t CMcap, U ay 2.-Wiltlli Mccan- LZ IKL Ste1ý e ywihli000mn M W T Ee unr M 4f . MeCani, nid Abert o tel ied Statesby I ho îeginte00 1'9 11 ~,ensreasdon hage o mil liià B D A fIl ed. thug creaUtng the bbcd>'tranwhich IQo a d on carges ofseilbenitua2Blut Aes rica e re in, qer wthffl s faderai .hcense, e 1TC LY wllbeoseo by e RU LING 0FTIP wore hld In bonde of 1Z0 b>' yCom I -RUAnrouan ndigtner Louis F. Mson this after-_____ Under the proclamation Issued tu- U %E KIMU L night. every maun who las i the Pre- no« en & contlt'uslce was grastad Fully 1. 'JO People Turned OtA,_Irbed age limita and Who la net ai- le-&O A-aReoporting Agoncy1t <mtii Tru.Say, May' 2911. H«r ready In the service of thse nation must No ice ~ Werner, of North Chicago. was helZ Frday Night LO nuar Bandl register on Tuesday, Junt, 5, In the Tèll Mt ve" ts mat t abonde of $2,500 on a charge o 01 . nd«Il-ChS e amaprmnetlent.ovme quq iquor wARE URGa)lTOouEdandSTnThe law under whlch the proclama*-tl~ bonmW of $2,500 for reasting a United AE * lT ELST ion tla sdmaies îî plain thal thoseACfEt FGRS$00 t 4entss faderai office r. Who regstr muet have sttained theirAR ç~F~JRS$00 Pointed Out That It Is Better to I21st irthdaY before June 6. LUke- i rttRle yCniae Wankgan Ma 21 Volunteer Now Than Be a.aIl oa ii "1e11latan Tfhe l'hand of the nation." Dvfe ae.,tiroir lst birlhda>' before lime 56r When FAe Ur Board Figured -tretching ont from the Unit- eiat wr i- "Ail persans so registered," 1the îaw i ê«>t $5,000, Ueioi flhprtyville wrtrardde, "shalf be and remain subjeet to u» olr frtermd edStte mrha'sofie n d rda *t bn ecuisfront draft Into the forces herebY autharized. Ten hsmdolrfr theeod CdMag S tates fur hl'Wffcau F'i 4~lwe rcih unlesexempted or ezcuaed herefrom eding ari 1h. Lubertyvile gralnfler <heg tokfu Wale- tti.' Naval TÎalning Station d@s.cnded as In tais set proVided.",hIl &gb oftenwshlt an men Mn its iron grsp to-j1 on thé tawn and conducted a big pa- Orders of Prealdént. bcod l.l t."a1io!ie nev scsand ryt ~~~~raids ee u sld ta have beau the bgsat P&triatlc quotlug th sasatàal sectionaflS th le vhlel In a sùgoeoftetiU elyi h owhI ti TePeiet' rcaain. trýg atatementbefore tie ü* pceardeipontratian ever held luIn Matown. 9. W l odo son rsdn !dae .onnc fa r "le t 1 eondueted on afleged boow ze yee e rtet-. odo #UNe% r Tvsty~vsme o th ssmn'ho- *Unted tatqa. do eauuponLt 60e h( Celapd.of the United a S,-pj.s" baud gvero! efgachocu( sveistates f OO li. v1ch t rme 8Touriffn s. v.ille. Hundrd» tuifbd Outt h asMIen5 ofth*5 Ditlfat Of Miuba, fura for thét*'aveDet8 iaaind Four lien AroitOd. jaoniqupardaithrough theogbst$. and an offiers a" d g.ufthe sortirse- sm ie u IL Wolrer Bro , r« . t , f-1 oral statues andterritorles, et thi. s m iesm fedoeal warrante aile: lw"thie "druse~ tu he toaeand-id iiUli tl" tbWb 1 teor- would h.llee WtbOô -fflt Ui ~VFIOMA~ H. McC N - el«ngbuta calied au, b> lm- cuwn inoetes la th fe tor the~ l e eetO~you i FPoemer alderiman; arrested He anked Rh>'s G. Thackwell. farmer. omuudteW to thom directir in r.pias. yet ties r, Blau"t la Dodgs ,dw e «f sllig -liqor ' o hoC11lMoHeraid, but oailt*ticm eof aa ev, date hareith. "fRsporttng Agoncp êldd* e informa- <El - hreo ehglq ormuucted tlhti publict>' dopait- Ragltor on Jus. 5 tion ubt tise bam goauplates the witbout a federal lieense. Ment atthie Great Lakes station. ta "And i do initier pioclainiai give epniueo utgiibuada 'wi L1AM 'MeCAÏWNEY Tacveil bai pot maie a publie tration in tise scierai states and tu thé $10.000 for altarallins and imprave- S Arested on eharge of seil- speech since bis hih achoal iays, but District o! Commia iW accardance menus. i orderà are riers." snd 1k. a good with teIbmaoe la, tiat the Urne an0 pFoUovlng .la a p>'of lis report .ap- iug liquor wtholit a federal saluer (or saliar) ho aboyai. H point- place of such regstration shalh be bo.-psigi h @gtu pyjunl liieernI d 1OM1t1Mtuoe. are but tva courals tvoen 7 a._ni. and 9 p. ni. ou i.~ ern n the BsSthgAsc lunl w O pe te the men-eflust. ta 'enlist nOW day of lune, 1917, eit the regstration May 9, 1917. ChilW osaa. 467696 -ARTHUR B R OWN -adgtth, f. fpas t Mona; or. sne place l1. he eclnçt viierein lii.>'Plans a luprqee Keepr ofthe ath-Wt9nliS5*.*ttSd sP09M ud hioveTliairWher0"uanVhlDiiEs. their Scheel Building Aitarotto, $10.300 Locker Club"; arrested onflet. ne, urged tet a " gth (Coutiauons ii t tug ree Llbertivinik Dment. charge of selling liquor with- vhtIe remer tlIaSamur<- 11050Ovuer-Boari it_*etetiO, Paul Wh ae fOli5Cit.i Thaciveil s iaodui u>,peadii.Lbst u. L Out a fedM era iense. '01111 convictioni sud crottt!dedsp Ra, refIUL'àbwFVUO >BENRY WERNERR - A IulpisaIoO,, t1AIR S M IIArcitt-l. N. CiObOpa 7100 South Ind"s mla" Wetch ai Chicago alooOiesuaavenus. Chh.#'. - North Chcago resident -,ar- gava atant la whifr h ho K DIMoldlTth"OL Prowecîin;duise 1t et istair- rested on chàirge of resisting TacivU eh avne ivon no speech AJi IVUUdV AV 11Pb waya, new heatini plant. ventitg and aasaigtig fa Dted dOli*hoirput 1»' etibsungta £gtt- i IU J JjJ<aytft anetGvbltuae. States niarshal and with lit la far tic otier mm ta d the rta&t. M BO5ii aIN sellinig liquor withnut a fed- He prats'?ped e ra_ Duinth em Magmny erllicesne. -On 1the platioru wtb the band ndPins Erskine Bank at 11gh. n aiof e ac*hool oet ri ofJuige Wéeh vers 1the fotowîlolclandPrka4a xap e moa i tsofe l«bos l baout ad The .spxetaeulai rai iOf m»: W. P. Mililer. chatrnaa, BT.lanPr s es.mfé non fteeili t-sae Saturday ntght WaSceonduct- B- 19-White. BOv. T. B. Boum and Paul 560 in the State. tIaj. the. aid sciiOqiboit a id lateVfd edI 1 urhas iedp i"« .Tbse gsntjsmenn. vlîh tb. exe9p- lAxos-t' tise amosut or IsSAOOau- - ~ ~ ~ ~ Io d i17 arhlnndp-iofai R. .White'maie excelleti* hors Senalor R. R. Swift la Oppoged ta tt, t P>'ter *fùandý iiyseif n he radessseand lie,. Whte off.red a th, operation of private banka u in ateraifat i ~o1bIdn, fuy shoers.dthe oAmer. atate ai Ifliois ani points t h iete same article promiss voiemaiej f or nlokrs ~"tsand Deeample of thé ' knebank at Hgh- b>' the.candidates te the. pope a! Deputies Are S<orn in. reesissi a verY hsart1y aPPians. At the. land Park as an Instance visere Wý Libertyvllle tisat tii. '. lb caudIdates 'lb. eput> Uniai Sttes a ialcl of tis meeing1e *'m 'tmalu <ho rate bank la fnt Stioiactor>'. At the seing electian, poulEleige tiin- wsrkout ar tise Unted Sates die- B er," 11>5 bond PIavlng vit SU te i snie tume 1holavais peilfllltng bSiks selves ta an eemuSaUUl adinistre- trietattorls cRfic in CiblasSMd ami lod th an i ie satIesdjims ucsigig. lausmali towts ta ho IflCaiPaited tian. Below la the st4tamentt mae et th nine deput>' sherifs itO àà* t$ i.%edoeltt for the. ratI>' ver. vorked vti a minimum capital stock ar $15,_ tisaIUie: inthcuid. ntby lis enflstng commitevhich lirlise ra ve ArmesarofDavideetB. In a letter Mr. Swift expresses hlii. "Becanse 'of 0otail statemnta b> Hutten, Louis P. ruikne, CianeaM. TO eya as tfolawg: sRome Peaple and il Và tle u" ua>'n- HIrks, Sherlf Elviui J. GrifflM d n A E 'ITTise part> viblhua begun ta crack feondai rumars emiinutlul ram ln- werie assat Fl renJh . TeL JR C .1 ,ifandipoliticO la shavlng Its bdisnd the plred sources, wCe em -it due the 'ot ers" JohnW. Bawellprvale bank iîîi: In commiattieait votera aitt lit Ure ta ean>' 4deflue W.B.s Kitlh J. Preston Arthur, WiI- wu AIU vsdecided ta confine the. regniatian Our postiOii qu .acta<lia aid ta liani lF. Weiss and hrank lust. of lii- ei 'AThFt » of prlvata banis ta Chicago alan., an declare aur attitude aý .6 dsahidae- erlyvilii. Jut and Wess are saii ta ~A EAJUrîvitise thear>' thal In a big eît>' thc liting Yeur soppoit'Cp lie pald investîgators for the GOOd W inandiai resPoMility of< unker "We stand for botter sanitar> con- Governmeiit Leagile. cud - iefurao- i t ndihonein the sciiooi bul w. do ual Tho Uninted Stites iharrivait lisae yHibayte country -an lie la'p sold, hloebelieve that the exfflditffl a! the n Waukegan on lise 9 P'lock train Comnmisi Showing Coun fore, proîect tise depoaitor snd tuas. 600rie y h mt&adl %.tiirday nigisl. Barvell, lCtth, Ar- tY Gets Fair Sized Sumn. vio do businffls vill the priyaI. neceasar>', even with théotua. in- itiur and Jutat ere eItishe deota ta_____ banks. Tsere are soneting lk, 'bt praventi they cauienpltefncluding i meet tise officiais. Weiss aise vas Acardlng toaivicea tram -epning- private banise In Illinois and but feu, praper tire escape ai the.. banling. wib he.fild teState hlgbvay commission Of ubeni vant t bo euatd e "W. pledge ourselvea te judielaus P'rom lie depot,tise niarabaia vent astlinales that liera viii be ailated ta vretabe4 falures dozena o! themczpenreastifni schtllable an 0. te lie sberiff's office and vîtisin ive the. building af ro&is in Ilinois tIis 'Made and the trend and isaodwinitng #m eeig"bntu ef minute Sin!Griffi hai avarula Yer tram atOmobile lîcenses tise tse>' bave ractta e<i caused lie lastIing liaI suf talent Monter la islsed ancl 'sevn etisaI under praper lv»sigenmtana eende unty abortifa ta. accolipali'seni of $1È,2315.000, whiscb representaitapuRican ~atr acuau~titl eie'o eaur't .a tisemarisai antisor rid.tisa1100ns8M olectcî in 1916. pareglrapis saylflg tiat t1êtséalprîpte caupiiased mai bu dose- ir wi slover Thie deput>' mansai>' veut imb 0v- Te'li cUoiatiasrou 'Laie count>' concerne mugt he laoei after. l, orryas satier rosr the.$6.000 e'part af Wainegan and Narti Chi- I 90ta uoicnc aaed Mazi baikera rame bore te speat ai1'lepssn aaifrm caga. At s previoaly i>' siesi Ur.$13.262 and, tise ibXMent ai 'ho ta- 'bdtaw thec bng cammittee, a ied ve heut viii bond s or ita-s tise' snic. Tie>'sntiedevar>t' tsInle sIXtO licOesele cifons as su. ciaiued thsi lie>' ba fi l:t go le' u ueeca b.l Roclker club, ever>' suspectiIIU.naet aecut> e3940 uSC Jt10 i UalleSl'ptuiiaplfis a ubSd tr ls o, ltItrOur th ar., Ya b at tfkptl oie edtchlb> OMuomreglation ontauY>M ua11.sssdl e ~t$ af0tes go a lroverents tii.etU basaBOeS Lba euil 1t5 mé I s~ia buines lulit aosUIt verira alaeothed 't I. <, mil 119.1 ulca lb. l*bii - le ruuoys t. ils uaP quarter RACKSMA ADMITSBÙOF 17 WILL DRIVE SABOWR ORACS14À ADIITS AMBULANCEIN FRANCE. ROD ERS AT AIEA Artijin Spencer. i7.year-od Hlh FR EAIAI AUD O IR CRIMES laicek lut eiffiewrle n SA ; (iTP nlshed by tise Exusor (Country CÇ'i'1 Imner MoGuire Admits He Biew Whoeu tise .mahiii- and th.. funda'! Daring Robbery Is Wti Safe.in Tripp Lumbe Corn- t maintaîn it 'or a ) ear vere tunnel * by Z' Famgies LivInAM Pany Office at Area. aven by lie club te thse Red Cross.. Street FmB 8 S. Yoaung Spencer vas seieclai ta taire IS0UEALS' ON COMPANION. charge etiti. lH, spent tva veeks et flHIRR RBERY F.*11,Ë" th1e ttatry in fDairait ta tamîiaise k1ao AdmbtsThat Ho 5h01 an( tsluvthldetpu f E.a!fthe car-2àI4Y mo WoundedBaggageman ai via la a, eme of lhe stock six-Dyuihid-fl _1 iye~oarAgo change. , "ii aone brother ln li li Ara e n, ulkosh F T ers g. iMrt Cavaîr>' aud anotiier lu tise avia- lnA inFe , . ______lion corps. A ulster, Giai>'s. ta aer- RCORD r o in stem A blood trait, exhibiting Ing in te Roi Cros ln Parla. N fLTLE*505*. etails as evidence to por- &i Y AYM obtu ék tray the portentousness of iJi open doTADof-té . » k of4 rmsad ýrimes committed, wspon-1 SL I T R-to yeiebabgsé,0MI ;d out to rffin af mohe I- (ET FOR LANIIS currslicy sSi r» ol h:à "l "of ern "%,. Jekyli and Mr. autoA Hyde," whose arrest as a IN ÀA I7E1'W'!NIAIIN MONO 1AY, Ms>' i ftobbrs hiew ieggnîan rnay bring to jus- th1e asie i.th11, L. Ts'ipp Lasisher tice men who did not hesi- iudge Landis Denounces Mil- >'rq o',ud 9o1t nothiag for, tate to pres s inger to a re- waukee Elleotric Plan as a PRIDAV, MAY 11.-niobbrs letai volver trigger which mo-wed 'Slimny' Affair. t he. Bofine dspot al, hki4 ewma1 dw th noetadsent t obf.4butter, afti bapet so- tow the innet and mnSCORES ALBERT C. FROC.utfagar.vers, thousoaislgss'a.s, ~o th grea ~beyndgmelf»* of wtiîaiey- , Whose e;Îrthly careeFi were,'Asserts That Frost Swindled Ai TWO YEAR& AQO_-Rcbars' blew just begun, 'men who hadj -Makes Stîging Remarks' the sale ai hsnk of Ar'", but %»ee faxnilies dependçnt upon Abou Insuli. unabls te glot Inadssi e i theni for support.,' . ln auto, whlch the>' tâter abaidoute Ellmer McGuire. emplayed until ne- Stinglng commenta utterei toa>' *11e.'gallflarau out. centiy as a car Inspector by the 1l- ta Juage, Landis in court piaceedlugs FO -UR VSARs AGo.-fiabieIs ke gin. Joliet & Ilasteru raili-aad at Leith'11 before iSi ln Chicago regarding a- tan, ha cntossed tiat 'he* uel Insuil and A. C. Fro5 sa il a iI.el 4Aeasgl PIRST--Ofl Fridey ay' M>11, iootei mo ov bk, the Soo fina deoaiet Aria, conuPsoat- iensation lu 1h. Ioderai building. ><*cesbeêg.t ing paeasitub. of butter, eveaiallea fefern<cs niai, b>' Judge Lidsta frntPutim o.e0 of a ugasveral thousend clossud ifrM. luumll, audto 19r. Prout ver. lua liarai>'doas tue atmpogie *W 102gMé ! hIIY conection vits tie disposition a tue »M!auiis a robisiT alu MO s Wk 1Socomp-QniiMeedAY, Ma>' 14,1hé bâcaw the osftlit,**S. L. Trlpp ut»i. 1iicsam of Attorney YPraniHILoK- 1lefiteAra.4 tiacte&t"$t veèt et ber tpeepefloe et Aras, >9 t Ç1811-1oc1sta h. slli.wed atteouy's loies Llhert>vle clour &vuy babr t, l swtlgfe of sferts. tu comeuton Viti bsMan lk u thse . bpsi. pOlutudtdsnv Msrby hlammwnword of muiEtii0 Organilstilaittgaln of lb. chiesto, o! aimiar 1c5a«ms àebos for the g.ltomery, but NrhSki"A. oleW ONsan, lUeou-iircrirîas oi ir.A ii o~Ueth .ii ep ie-fse ~.~ prpoup htg, et,* ea aqa=lsd -MI whlseet .ar taieO«Juthl ess mIe Calte thé Miaira *wI." theny- i Mas -drcitness. been une af tu h elt 1155thisaIh b ».iu t hii,1 e 'hic la visat Jedire bas don»: @ver atrucv tls court rocu." saliis à 0ERodifor FIR8T-140 hm nansd 1he mon Who Juige Landis. ,in couneotloê vil Thpas hsu* reihorla,. ' soe a iatrdlýy and murderous aie the reorgapiaatian plani ail afraite Ons depet relier>' .iuit on Datettys CharisàMéfiera Of ment vas mado vils Samue Insuti un- the 1. àJ. & E.,wh.nthugast on 1>im dern viiciha vanta tri ta fiet an un- QOn t mbOi' off. robbui>i. and bout hi, lot. unconalçiou*a nesltramce for.lie raadtb Cisicago overndAsI ftl: I h peai.1la 1he fralght yards at Rondout s few the NorliwesteMrlteevated. Perlid.o four yaan-s. years &go. "Nov Splmuel 11haull la lie elevated &RCOIiD-H hm ateid thoe.e-ra-atîroadaiuelt. Thearrnangemnxat Anea. Nlay il -Tic latent rae~ spensibla for te.murdermus assult on lie uvas tli h% if Suaeil 15 ai lieo thébani ati Ar" lisLoft.. ýc icCmtbuuedOn u ag tes.) aunîndviduAl ceuxl -maie ilus tasmosî stia a the ail Ia. uliqiq - elevtidraflroad permit au ar- antialo&I 2eet lb. th nftmu 11160- o mm e ofathle 1ai l: â il UONW , $3» QIIAiS tricume the el.evate idift e utino lailea li -t tva aleie W*~ê Chicago b.vge l IM$71.000for'that acroffi tromUnlebea enu aik * accosu i cSms t. 8Bo i. lia li Sa- ne " " thle entirs 11110o e q t4, celdthli go1 ah ue ~pI rW c oi o i q AS»ED IN 2 SUITS isota o aeiadi q telio Eeget toue.im bo, i ffl 3Ox MAY 22»ND5091.. 1owi a w u laye Preet SWlnd4ai AI& Uit "As ta praloi aîlgU me seM le, h T e >' 100ok Wi*MIl8$ eVolo Man Asks for $25,000 kmvlAIeà overybodilab* 4 dletL.H.la thé. Moaing but il vo Vett ,tDamages. for Personal Injur - IWbî is M 4:0 n ocalai mdlg, Ia ts ies--SuesChiagoan. diîe people rlght sd&" lietL Th e s b.ofciW en otlg ts - Jvan unable ta ieepup ta envier bis rallier>' ba takmen p ' la -U I y .î.-' tidse1 - "' à Tva partianal, Injury ' nts. ,aggre- tW'151. ad the!W 1gatlng damages or $30.000 vere liled *viteonait tehave. wftne@W tti d l Crcut out fiethi atenoo.liOf the .roulie« s isthE f» t à hetileo te uisareaufollws: EI> R PL#f AT t Ybd W t*a0 ýý t' 4 Haleu-$5,00 damgeFR« T IfRIJTRÂTED distoverci liat t hid a Leialsell 1-anlin vs Chicago, Nobrth .w'aronbb erta eaI va 1Sbore & Milwaukee Eieclrlc Ry.- AI& I BE1Iy According ta advîles, lb..t v$5.000 damages. - ileauantly "W 'thvél i Te plaintifis lu both casea ire l h ai reproienhed b>' Attorney' A. P Bau Prowler .Neir Fort Sheridan m"ou t-"ld th bien Meelytheprecpeswer Ilabofut but later sav tioffl W bien.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~rRW erltiepeîe lie. AsflFOOaidEoês building. sav tise Suiset- IL a ies lu said ta ls0a venus>' Ci- Bullets Flr«d at Hlm. Md t.n hourbdsthe* jcagoau vith a animer home neun ý Vole ln Lake cunt>. Jepsn resides Fiet siots ram a s otn's gun ouaitl ni lt Thur«da> nigit tivartaiisàtaI a» wm t e*dtIlulo [ near oVlO. On Just what graounia be fciaIs be4iea as an attenifft ta mon,. %mstii., b> ' w ,adaims lie ebannidamttgea of Hia ies vwUP the aseal ehtair ot e- set, paruttte .robbset t D- s net 'inavn. don. 'lThe stîampt vas tiche tird theur getoaa> Miss lianlin lm a Waukegn oung maie l he ttis 5Io ves. v mo an ho as njurd w ile ri Pnff Vate Les, Nalsa' of !tliseOhia A illiman. p ssulg. l. la )tin wonanu wbo v ras ii r e wlo i- ngîIogra vasou n guard dut>'&taIhlog about 4.»0 tsq MSb - lngon u lecrii cr 1 br aply. arsenal, in vich are starci quai- cvrila osuu s lement at the envelopa isctar>'faut titl.s af amaunltlon. 1gaeittt mmr W .è 19aember. In la aaii liaIithe car KApl<gki's attentton 'ai attracted inside. lHe rpoWE lite 0on visici sic vas niding buiped itaby b>' tIiremendaus speed ai vics an iatgatlo giovai tisaIt» anoter e whch ropPd InItsautomabile vast approiilag thc fart .bai. ibea robeaiff tue i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~r taihcrvlitpe i nle naad rnuing parattal ho lie polt and Miss Hanlin viso junpei np Chicago & Nortisvest.rn tais smaie lieïresofl ma 115 eth aise ing olli I rAc dtb ot:f top for AltiOW111lttuo>'b M iut u*' j v-gon as tiravu ta tetat pe nsoi oar ihln aisi omagiW4&1e Injuries are ssii ta havelaid h U p A minuta lisler, according fobi vor w otsoore eotKalmmr a*Pplsi n le ie u i~vu BrNAVY PLANS TOTAKE I.l, ehn bai uiaibeate aan u d . tus» tii..>' isai MM àsearcb part>' vas imniedaOh'.ecmm sm te otiv*i. A temuponri yOrieor f Secretar) tirovu out 9oirlieft ansd sr iim Tise atle r Danlels. trasalhted ta Commandant rouuilug frouims. mlutute marauder Ial"* eb,-C. ' m Moffl eta' he Oi'st Laiées tajo. Vasu Ra ppréend é&. Ou Ma>y ' t a - 1 9 1 - te auth oisou. relp **wneah 'piSa e n t gr>' red tou iblut a -ma isu wia trial l>iy ~matal !detrrs, rognWus ai su e èa olitage À WAl ta----- ift!'b ied on proba- bseS$ at*W&.qitaua 3l m o i-vu gl e at er lo01va ba â Wm* i ru lion fer ome YOM..- tnletituteiasm t Uv - -pdt us wo and mt ia