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Libertyville Independent, 31 May 1917, p. 5

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~JB2RTYVLA . EOUN4TY; UMOIS, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1917. u r L~ n' bertqVi11e Needs Attention useourLocalI mnri PleseCali Use OUYTelephone Number 1.: Shady Sppt Lawn. b .Z ais l ilmtwt S witii Ms.. P. Mordiiorst on urâ, GRAS-SSLýD Ju il 1ev. sud Ms.. Edecard S. White ha,. moveri lo ti.eMrs. Matt.ie DeBoise Force Y o..ard en' At f ' large aumber fo bohre were vistors aItih. Gret LAke Naval Training $ta 1%!IL (lumeL L >T ' 1 . %Ça Ytfda&yl memôriiDeam. 'vagiAaO ur. FE- Theii.sEstiiel aud Editb Udprlng lef t fer CrecnIlle, Iowa, onWsed ay for atowesvisit wlhli thir snfs. Meu. W. Le. Whitney and littie son went tu Kslamasalo. MIO).. las Frid-Y LIIBRTYILLII LOISiR clé wiireldesadfin. Dowu 6F &a Old Deo opai. d -s.hu.0 -T@gadaàgeerileo teegt Phon 47 . A Bisop, gr. grade wlli b. beid ta tihe Auditorium ta. Phon 47.E. XBithP, M re igu sand the.commencement erercieal ai tii. igi echool tomorraw uight. _____________________-------_______-----___ Dr. J. L. Taylor went ta Wsttkegaî - ilent Saturday morning wiiere he and Dr. J. C. Foiey ai that etty periormed an operation on Ums Dowehi iii Vloa t the gw cau cAlister bospital. Bori Eoveland, wiiW bae been manager oi the A. & P. store here apened up l u.w store for th. compauy ln Waukpgan lait Saturday. Her Baye.ie Mr. Loye. land'@ succesoeor lu the.local store.* Laist Eriday eveing the EpWarth Leagea gave a reception ta the gradu msthe iti8gb Sebool and ith.etghli grade In th M. E. gymnaetum. Aboui one bundred member, ai tihe Leagne ant the graduabeA were preeent and enjayeî the flnepragraux given. Dainty refreel mnte were served alter the, program. li~e Coal we of f er is famous the country over for ità Prof- Toîtia@'bpw, whrî wab, tender,( free burning quajities, Iow percentage of ash, jt 'the appaintment a. Principal oii true Lt erty.vliile (irammar lchool et a recen f reedomn f rom impurities. ýmeeting 0of the itoarîl uf Educati,,î,. h accepted tshe appointînenit. l'rofeeet Its fuel value and our method of handling your busi- 1andMre. (lin-a have mnade., îary frin neas insures satisfaction. i uring their short resideni'e hbeaho a gi"ad ta learti that tbey wîll rerninfi- Ordera piaced now savn money for buyers. Take a the nýitx year. look at your cellar. TH EN A CT. t i . fi . Sw tiir,, î, , i i- i i. I l ! f r , IiI th î-firt lî ii, i- lîad iR., etfln vu , a fir ii,-r l l.- lei,. V W . F F ra ze n , J r, .J %d wni ltiat lie-r lrith, r.%hob AAa.~KA~~~a, ril& Fii iraîi..- sili tlivi, alaili Telephone 50. Libertyville lieop- d iceî kil-ed iii actioii. Tl Wodthat hlilu en!t o,, J Har tianiîiyliere iritaCanada thatM ilir,n hal -ir, iiii-d eas repi.rti-ii an .rtaiti n îd iii-Huai Lrf. l-iî i~i ..-Ka :outtljii nfiiormaiti oi nîiirei.y mn'.ati ip ('I~XT A f (h i 'r v i i p uiiaada. The eiti Dr. we I-I lig was ln -lI It. orle Cirt t,, NI 'J VV IL L NJ S/ IFore-mai,, abkineg for drtaill. The pi-upu- of Llbertyvilie utarumuli are ta havi-aan oppnrluuity oif attendi baud concerrl on the treete ai Liher GiA R R E N ?7 ville every Wedinetrday eveuîng duri the cuunuer.nianthe as arrangemei bave been i mde ta have the I iberty'i band iurnifsh sncb entertainments. Il I pianned tu bolî tiiese ýoDcert@ onN waukee avenue et the corners ai Stire and Bigb etreete alternateiy. The ha W e avea lr e L~F..B ofmembers are agreed to tuori l tiu i g h veair tcko y numbers every week, eurh Ia lhe agi 'J ment amang tbem, 8o Liberty villev all knds f Vigeta les.b. favored witb plenty ai music to mE Vie wýould advise you to Iii warth wbîîe for aIil who eau ta ahie .11 lieïe concet. Furtiier annaunceni cal1 as woOn as pouile---wlhi h given lu future luenes. e i Lait lianday evenlng at the M. at last tome and sce church 11ev. T. B. Ream preached whatwe Iave.Bacalaureatq serman tu the 1917 gr what welfave.uating lass 61 the Bigb Scbooi. T wasan unuenaàli, good attendance tbis servie whicii vas sttended by Vie a4s have- a large teachiers, membes oitieioad. gradnatIng claie. The. sermon wat stock or Bd iffing Plants of happy tbaughts for the. gradue j tu do the. littie %bnlu ie ii, the«se] and C t Ro ers.tblngs being impqrtant facture in ni log eblaracter, succussi and bigb bot, The patarinu Ilustrations pointed many great asuucseseiulmeu aud mon tu Ihie world wbo- began their 7 ta fpime by paying strict attention the. lttle thInge lu tChir eariy sud & ears The music for tuis occasion ;MEREDITM H FLOWEN ver, appropriate and Mr». Ella1 Istgrabam sang a solo. Tii.service, ~VEGETJ LE ÉCOMPANt&Y apened wlti a prsyer b> 1ev. Co Montanus, plâtor ai the Presbyte Phone 10 _(fromf 7 to 6) Libortyvill, Iflinois. - burcb. Bey. Edward B. White, pa of tbe St.Lawrence Epioepai ci gave lthe benedîction. M tIret grand dane ai the. ssa« Hertel'e Park Pavillon, al.Day. Se Cbac Planta ,0Eggplnt, roattoe'Asteta, E246h 1 dAy, ibné 9. vaut JiGs 1-00 LATE -170oL.ASSIFY LO t-IaC brachet Iamp npud license No,. 65264 from automobile on Milwaukee Ave., Libertyclille, Tneeday, May 29 Finder leave at independent office for reward. . 22pl TUTORING-l shali b".peaeed to tutor Rlgb echool or firammar pupilo dnring thecummer monthie. E. 8. White. 22el le beh,.lf of the0conmittee ai the l.- b'ry Comcnittee Club webereby wleb ta aiteud ourhearty tbanke for tbe kind *Mtâmm 5that*5 given ne by the seooil cblîd ren, tbý G. A. B., tUes Ohard Md4 nul sud a&l tba»qlped(ln aÀY waY. B4ukd9te lw BS Lom. T NE M DAY TO IOLD ENOPAL MEM~ SERVICENEXT SUNDAY SO C ELD Snnday morning the Libertyvil Camp Id W. A.and peveral other local org inizas O NWIDNESDÀ ti Os wii acht tecete:y v1h lu adrizzlIng taln.ttiemomrado of John departed mmeso the orderei. A n G RgsaPooU AE te M W.A. approprate service will b. held at the dn. tam ti.Peult A- R. ithe M. W.ty- emetery ln whlth aliloladesrepreoented ville villaile board, the mîhol ,tildren wi on witb ther tesebsteald others marched Followiug the decorattni of the grave i ta Mm eeceil.A1t7 aortly alter orle o'clock the meenbere af the different ordere il - Wednse a sirnoon aud decorated tiie go ta the M. I. chureh tea .attend Ile gravel old sodiers.on acc uUnion Meorilservice et Il o'clock ofthgra e in ai ti i ot l dP i e ton la n t T he I em orial sr mn on w iii ho delivered s fe reaiD t b imtery a d ai o n bol *by e . T. E. ReIl . Special musiel . ail tii. rives .bal beel decurated the b. ixrnisbe by the chior. H o mie P Match ta thlb. M.-E. eureh il bel - Water A.L teçlerk oit'ieWoodmeuI ______ ID the. chureb a Mr~at patrotïc, gn Camp, maiied fie fololiî notie to ail service mmbere. of the libgrtyvillp Camp an saa held, it blelng attended by a very mna:Tinaw large nuniber. The, patriotie muni lcas oDar Brther- Evrylx d fnrnild by tihe mised chorus led by YoDe n rir:-l rqnstdtomet t utDîng Miss Carris Citard. Solo@ aiea were ren. YeuW.a. halely netdte. Junetird, bod n dered by Mise Chaihi, Robert W rraht andthId-WA.al eSuaJn 3, bo Arthur 9. Krbekman, and the entire pramptîY ai 9 a. M., te Iruinl rani.s audience Mneud lu allveral, oi the hymne, u ac atecmtr dCIB. Pluning, Steau AttovU.yà$#MCGtelàu" 5d charge a i l egraves ai ont departed Brothers..4Ail Hot Wate H« illemeeing d wth hm mstedon hearders ilu ýIberty vile wlii oin us la tufe pitil me tanrs, d f ie I lE. e taed &n v él ervi e Yu are a iea nvited t o atterd Roo fingam Cari A. lMéataaD5, Bev T. K. Gal ofthe Union Memoriai service at the .- E.ISotu i Wiimette. tbdbter deivering the Mem. cburc Dit il o'clack. l u no avuzdl. y oril da addel an Mis Floence The. orders which wiiîoin i b I orîîal rsad lee loreu eml ,,,aservice are thé RoyalNeîgh bore,! Tin Wo*kand G, Tii.program luluded the reading of a thetic Wloes Ibesad h b paem "Bal a Bond" by Mie. Forence Il Wree Goldenberg, the. readîng Il ai 'Theiet OIE IlS H *Memarial Order"hl Courade Doremne, NTC.i C A the reading ai "Lineoine Ueetiyeburg Ad. net settled foîr cheap. Joh KelLak e dre" ,y Comrade O. E. Churchill, the treet, Libertyvle 22P2 nreading oallW i ofi ii înor' by Con-. le mander Joh Dalard. ltemidee; the able sermon dei4redhiythe 1ev. Gall, My. etMcOuffin maavery god taik ou the E P N Importance of .very perlln n mthe cet H LP N th PUI(CBSI F3E TRUICK; lu TIT OUJT ELECTRIC SYSTE14 u t A a epecisi meeting of the ilg board idbei Monday vight the matter nf pur- d chaeingan auto lire truck for the lire agrel e tvprciiaéee Ilthe- Lux Motor ed (o. loi Waukegan a& 'îillitruck, ftted l-up (iv the Peter Pi-s(-, hIlg. Co. of tlt qw4ofila as a ire trurk. Thim, trul i-wli la@-1î-îuipped tacarra 1hw , rigular quota or beýi, i6dder,andin aidtiîîn aai.-galiîîn 2l Iiliîi,al tank. The ioillaniy agrî-cd ta re 1l.îr. ii.truck lu ihîrt3dal nI t i for iiiý. liai ai nb016oard t, deîe ft (I iii-Il vi i..seiing it tîo sono, îiLI.r 1, r village W lii ýu0auld ujaki- gol lis,.(f it .i a-l. t i n il Icont în [11,g .t,.l lr-r',tter ieî ii- .Il ý e utlaii lie electrîrirlil r tWhn1hyt , .alilril,. I i ,tmwillIli.-tr iýýiliiiW e h y N 'h. h-ii i.. tl ..*-try it out a Mli f -itit- %% . inr.', : ile" ,nrtrai-t iorii r . ,iii AR<lý ~~- 3ae 1,ox.re î'I, . imi iifferent lc iii:.c ;ti,iGtR -AIl ai e l-i 1- tir. , ciartni fleturoed laiiiail Ot h-'2 ort largi-e i,,, fieh wîli b,, l,,j i,. i-d- on 1i g. i-Itln.po4lil îîii. ' VI 'CE hlf\f ' iii. water ti, h r. uppased ta fIe hIlard,, qulte a î,î.iki,î- Tbeequipment arrîî,-ri ity il eMondaî, and mav be ready t' , I ine I tried out tSaîirday or coon tberi-aiti-r.~..---c id en WorIi louerai is alwaya surrounded by guardian' mascots, wlu> guard and pro$cct your iritereat inevery purchase. The mascots typify tthese ad- vantagea of homne tading. Inspection bidoe .punrhai. Seluti.. Ire..bd à"~k Perdsonie.Vice. W"thchar eadevstadiu of parcbaie. Goodi reteirmable if m»t s» e.presented. Conserve your intereetu b ttadiuwtb h«»n.cowna NCK HARDWARE CO. PL". 39. Labertyvilie. HANDS I ded Uncle Sam- ~. ~gr~Y When-Uncle Sam Needs Them. Those Who Cannot Fight Can Buy a LIBERTY BOND. Your Country Calla Today. FIRST NATIONAL BAfNK Libertyville LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL Libertyvifle CITIZENS BANK Area p -mum - z.:..;. au .u s ..sp~Z;:SUSUSO.U...~..~S~ SýSe es Sh.ý Ladies' and Children's Warm Weather and Outing Shes KEDS ýtexiýis elippers, white canvas with, rubber soles% ladies' sizes 85c, children's 65c. The Leisure Line Canvas shoes for ladies. Cauvas, wihribber soles and Ljouis heels. HRigh shc M. $3.00 and puinps $2.50. Martha Washington oxfords, 'several styles for house and street wear ini lace and strap styles $2.69$3.00 and $3.50.. W. W. CARROLL,& SONS ,COP4 Plon.29- -t-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >urchased lHar do for Any. Manday ivr thlere vas a largi gatberlng ofi the friende of Urei. iattie Taylor Duikie at the hôme ofi Mr. aild Ure. L B. HanbY, t;91ve the former a fareiveili urpriee party. Tiiose precetîr were ether nîr-mbers ai the M. E. churcli choir or frielida of the. members 01 the chair. tire IluBois bai been a iaiîhiui menîber oi thii.choir for years sud thi- choir people wii6ed ta nivebera bearty fareveilibefreleavion for illings,àMont, viiere ebe will jain 4er dsughter, Mises Rath Taylor, the firsh part of June. The entertainment programIlncinded the fol- iowing: Piano eelecions b, Mie. Dora. tiiy Davis andl Miss Mdadulyn Zook. Vo- cal slas hy Miss Eva Wiliam@, Mis Carrie Chard, Arhur E. Krackman and Eari Tbanîliean. the singers befing accom- patled hy Mr@. Loin Mattocks and Mise Rnhy Willilam@. Rcilaliane by tire. ii Mat îacke and littie Kathrine Grid- ley. 1ev. T. E. Resm, lu behali ai hhe choir and the friends, la a ver, ahi. ad- drese, preeented Mrs. DuBois viti a gold coin s a token of lave sud re.imbrance. Mr@. DuRais responded witb worde ai thank. For refreebmeuteIce cream and cake were erved and alter ailH ad itbl Mr@. DuBate "goad.iiye" the. gatiiering bruiteop. (One ai the novel feature, of the program vwus s epeclliy arranged ftareeeli gong sang ta lie hune of liii- nais" by the iriendb gshbered tbere.

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