"'fi Weckb EU~SDA~Y.~J~qE 7. 1917... 1 . .1 , - wMieIbm S vifloHgi mboolvu. bold ttu tie Audil Il jiauvia 1(t4ut S"t ru«ay vwnla. J ane t via o tei ree * » imet ofîp our, . NOm . Ton 'I'I Iontut 9 fi * v - -asi *Ïe iUlb »1 ieeorawii Wu eri ai ii. id ha il Oum Mssda,oire", hue uiot tlaid- i ad m "M. o'a Ablu Mism"a g » oiuck *et vi.. uy Sui Sm.,iimam. i " iia W" On aime y lée vje de et mm-ftu muvr- ii.d~5om rou 0*m. mn ad ie p lmlt im ~h d1bomi ami ta ibe lmwilin <l«4 mebee itwiohbmrlaua. Pa" br. Proisdat et se.schaol B6wad, vii Ob gçodu*tm vii.twur dîpoum. 15v. b'o $WU. 1. dcir thprummiw Lie beeodis*lo. PhiriluteQmawStie via ineM wviir bsloaedmo hng te dujpu va.l * isrlllipiimidaiNvms aimait. -£m liatrjur. »grue &nm, Mria a* fée isyliugimon *s on yeuem Obm leie.e*0 o e oï booa"que vMMW tg w ojot i et othat he »wet104000 -0 taelm mes ~ooM woh t au pethisvreWlin boom .the 4wfor visli ie shbq bi ut, te, scoie RW à@ Oa red, SaucallLg tii tebeeountamobé tirqb ruéui te, proffl, Taur Mr plI Ad mitour name m Romw yen taeuîiI*Wully ~hu4~e'plu'aaber iliere.' 2u1.dmv Seumi.ma.~~T~ Dawey boue. 54* le eng gua hy b" fts mm BT5 od.a'bMda, vires a. tInau bt1c M.ibu e chare & rntwl 5ticig»Wi cirg tut *o~S mne 0 tIe mc ~~alm-i, seuarcli Ti M1 viN md te ,mreim us h lgimi grade ir4N Iea wqOs -90 ,tie-K'Lji er" m IeeaMc"d a 6 orKra Wilia .uais bai ie115.Niwbdltw làoe ofLali Vlla, bviele a méti- po«leumme 0*"u Saoolw- d iofhe. of CaupeaiL, ltI lafanti,. C. Prof. Poblie. CvWv"iMaie111010 8. aura. bat be* a Uasafei rots hy tolsg blo adlSi=rou1~wu va S oPais, Tisas camp t. mev Yoe* dellveii t9 bis PaieSâti AuI 'Ils». vAW iii4ligbut îl earo et' au. *-ciam'uulora.e-8ti- - bé,ie ae crporal Sm tIe ibe'pabo tai9ii'n etediio*1L . U &. arxy on hb$arrvaI at 211mw Tb* prowmM a.u bUioi"tiOli Yorr. A pictuftet icamicamp at rais te UlgIa iseailoriu'.,1504WoWd gie Paea.Teaxé». lue bovuu intel ,yAn MIs aaiaee- Pe1%0 I e oSn tce *vinîev tedai. qumnttitis upupauoS UeofUds _____M" nàt, ob. vllssMd John GilEt!>has puncliaW edtri ai Mrq. tnimran. Te o*@nts aMuin Lae Fornt edhuaC.lA. PIrn Ood vw. velil erai aMd esci atumber w u aeoeitru.A.Btm. vatb 0ai secflSton. dProi.The eouneIie wu P vs ot given but Tabai bmvvi ba simipi 11et~Mr. GfitSigavea atrust dcci far bu highiy caPlimiiited au 19 M Isî'ai 4216 ils effots.I * aulRy. pumidetot tbeteiool boni4, ' Bclls-Y'floto cirbua As billea. toi ptss th i iiplounas, viiavvl S WNkOetmonJune 15. ebowse outile ta ihe grsduatom.hit la _______ '~* bu hoailia vhm ahol cme oSate >sLândrti Fraimon, lloyd Detsewss *ve Tb.y. HoId Ib I ManiWh U$ew Arn Safe - tmW. WsakAgo, board m for the .tlam einffltuUIs as Jam fon b NoulOnof M#I*Enn of 01en 1 'WeeOI1'fl ' CoÎJntYy. tShio, A niystery i MM 11er Liest at dy PrairIek du ChlU., Wlm..-vha bau been ba tentatlvely -idetlfed bY George B. Mis.r D 8artleti. eecret« r ftire Wimnt OsuiiraÀ latou.,ai .1 in NaiS, regaric as e mr0ftue mnat expet àatebiovera In îthe cauntry., ay.b. connectid viii> the blovlng of the ClUMen b»a t Are&ma mai b.may bo brouubt back te tabb caunty te afhver ta tire chargea- « the robbery of $2.M0. ~Wb" gBarteti vtld ChIeago hi- plcei eout Noi'. phographinluthe rona' Mgey &t the detective bu- rae. A detective aergmaut yulgo I4t rii u Chien vlth Barl- I f tta ttempt t e veirthe Identl- rto station. The priomer vasa rreted Ilve days ige by iw bm ierf haa hi tteed Op 4 sb llaa.Praiie du Çhlem. His Mm e 't*e » s ou Ied vitirMie "Wa igvreie Wb ell.H.iploysd At- b7he t ariSelt eeeoolhie reliaje.A tev daya later tiea m torlani Cù- Ejt onga ihieve. arrivea. ai Prairie du t Chen affl pla aum aIýnO l 1mio t M"uetp. The smm eof1.>0, e(poaý>a wuets) sabIn rou itbe o habatk t"M Wlazi ewl g fiafliailie CI "Sais 1%leUa imus 01 mulr tfiný eftw am mvlu a oooal hbn ntire JaiL heThor' mWiis.truty primnjer a. large Imyieuaentsa ni gtve thom ta thee un-. souc itîlivilder ta efici a Jail de- lvery. The tiuity betrayed thiri plans.t te b.erlff., Noel. if t-laI la Maia"me, sud hie enfederatea la Chicago. am beileVel hyil Icpoilceta obave iov.a aMber ef bo* s.luInIlinai. Md Wiaooe. ala tovge. Tii total -Seat la the lait tour cmul., At la atiWd. ig bamonnied ta, $1000.e. statea attorncy Wele bas virei the police at Priie du Chien aat ta' relaios il ouil l e h" raUtie t.e*" for s«tradition papera. Thi Laers Asioclatlos itectvmes ae Mtrylag toemeec e elnce vhlel vIfl 1prove that Nos itirhe Amcsjob. eMnu vMi, vWaoi"yther PA* fi-enu gmsleave th. laul t aiAiM ý*tt« ftnaging thecatiMay 1>e taè?m ta Prairie du Chien lu au ef. lmotu te tfy ticprimeur. 4xiaeàý ieciatien iaoffelug et Sm rai P heercent ofthe so .,~nt beu, IaMliiSaiSim 1 i i$utau te Mlag yéer ui. MAgoM* w l egal a lopiâIf yen have w yMhae csstlal.yuitsorhoa Da mOS *W yn i a atais t ofmy au hbin, Pâoibii.fWti a avuol &fflivh*m nir ebil a sudihe tieloal achr e Uuiivflis le bfu baciS.d bis.la uei ve caumtîetim é ar ale mteug eia le hclas e at e et an. yul *11e man fbor udmmn, bth<rMWPand4Ltmanfacreramif mol ata alatve att otbe hir motter 00, thaled,-of i il b li *1. dt s IorcIaln~ubmbools. 9,i b 1lmuie-a", eOttbe Red Croe et. tbc To, eo mm t 2 a'cloch. Ti. ommttee t10 rportaet tIag, ipafrti of mg coinciltem vil OW'dfor tbe foiIow- pwolg vfth &arequet 0 Se U. B. Chatrr romea @peut iho re- "qSn lu praibilmg mode for refflitratian WCl Mid.ia. Joli @MW toa dbut*1bte Ms et.&hai &&Wsr 'tbey uer. roqunt- rIi Youag ladS.. la li. ?IMl . blWd aet Ii i. Mffl aobi omd to %0 Town 869 ISM, J~ATI 18 isrLia M ho thé Iace RUNJANIN ' M80,etu ploYad ai Zàen baiPlad & *'Co. au s Tiese tvoa ol *àappan sd clubbed lnuç<h ban oner thai a thug vould 4t'"l),hanmeof vealti,*r.a edgiatd voua,. vers ie deaiuti ibeir fnlb ai bcb h hica. Plan theî tutu g&iven maiusi topP l M a HaSS ire pp fi ta"ï iheve- v a5 '1 ,2 At*r«ý 11.1 at loo'~'ta la amogii tvapwg i lAi JSack ieer bsys, ilel thsu htWo e t. t bli temPI»n fi. sau Ir i teraôtaO Pi mat tftIée d Wh blv mrmc0' Obletas bisrlltamT is~w atune pic» inicîa a ie rut 4db ie va pla S.tahemtw lim " a ,piIgai sud tg&& tir hilleY ici auo li lad +htil bl 'et"bai o110 a aï -un ntt he hit hat piw'stmedla the ob of is «M i el V bawiu eu rme ilt teAsei &0 qp" thé ey Tii euolhb i e 011 FIftMY IP 110 riA ti l ~urclm Frqm Ail ~ ~ 1 e ak onty Snd SElWIM 1 WRESSIVE. Rhv. Tdloey,.'the Pastor, Re- silaétMWooptaPasorate iiinerua Afte ic ervlng thre Hat Day Congre- gattonai dirrh tva aud a hait yeare, Ur. Tilekey vas ozined 2t'liay niqht by utnll.m ansd repreeeSta- tîvea tront the dirutobe of thre Chi.. csao Aialtlcn e of gealui Issu. Tb# eventwvasaissaàgala day' Sa the village and, eomuty. At 5 p. ni. thi e mmil vm «1104 n to examine Mr. Trtql* am te hiefi-t noma for Sgaipels aluta. Pro. R. E. Walker of the Cekage Tkolwicll Beainar9"aa eltel lup*"tor a", x«r. W. Câsitai lll iqWmvaeeg vau choie, criet "le flSim cirtarcea amiverea. roU.ealk Arai, Barmtide, Itosri Port. lvamhao.. nS -weCougrt*auail cbu014New »W»da Wilmitte. Wnk@«as IM Pâftai, MUhIeL 1be dvhéry eti mltime cf thc Chicago associatswvu rip-ieted hi delesteimai tii fui- Ioulas ye acillaita the omtm. cil: priolioni0. S. Devia. Sipial.- tendet meell4 ,Prof. Word. in tory 9m4erm.q. liv.W. Nnuil Md: iL1. iMe *81WiCK ont * dteoutbatm * ~$ e ili ~ u~*sifor nos The indu., < et ulegero tisuet» apalU buga$gsf It miptuqII reput vW"' "'a- W,1bu t ho excelent. la a vr paolsu âpe",eh Dr. Daisri, lu boaIaffo the couneil, thanked thc frimais ifortimirc eutertalumaunt. SThre. eveuiug exericesa taxed the es,- paclty af the cdurcI. A veli-itina chorus rendered sultable modeo durbg l the eveulug. Tire folloving Sa thc ordination pragram:t DaXalogY. Antiram--Ciorua Choir. lnvoctin-Iev. A. W. Waotrd.- Reading -et Cunucil Recard-Etev. W. Erneit cordie. scipture L4s"=,PMI= 27-1ev. Autheni-Ohamu Choir. Ordination SWiscs-Prmielqt O. S Ordination- Prayr--Proi. Wxri.ga-. aitai by Dr. 8aaioms a1e. IL IL Baversa .ani1v-. W.*R&ldmatii. R4MthLRani of Vilovahlip-Rev. P. IL Bavera Antiem--1horus choir. 8edaIotea-~SivB.TricIsi. Oasm Pootn" a Té poo <théi10ova llk Coagro. gatWaal durpI, tg vhoMrN. Trickey 1 bolamged. vas preait ani broucth&a suilttaniu t i trom the yaUli; piogl of the eurci. Ni tibutou *«e paou te mAe ««Du mgWorth of mils date for ardiatios. Tbe veelt WM buas f ho..dme nuleg mis plot ta remis hau shova *U»epois. le&-Ag of mach pramise. N. Trisobo a .01- oepted a alU ta *0 Pliai CaNgnig tioual cdrci ai AIbio, 1mb. Re Io ta be succeoed i hi 1v. W. Warum The Wauligau rebgmaetatib aet ihe cauncil ves1Ro. W. Ureet Col- linean sU J. WiSmaai *Patrotlo CuI*AOatliuIy 4 A amting va. iil ugLi LSvitivSe 3ommirclalClub roussean Mudi" cvasîmg, ondeie .dhiecon oethle Ares Lnd LibrtyvIlfi Cwi5.mtir9 Clubs, nue le Couaty Ciodît sud atin a mela. dontan stdhe ls e omtini Paes- li provomeiu AmwelalSan l Io ium tbe matter ai bollng a joint 'PamSo*i çolebrslan" os Juiy Voflhh. Alter a coumlbsamouat af Rouad Table discusilon Il vwu deulil t1» be a ceobratan ei Kea"i Poè*«ami s .asomtlve oq ieo hvmauhaqm- rddo l0 01 L)horiVillsdh4 ai a hoipWInallbWLo- »Mi ivSbe l. iesidiii, cauqmpt.ý lm. Fumnor#l less eteid ln Cheo todéa, M mi. ni ad yment va. de&8i*b*@"alu oarnt«ry, e.r. tO Chkidi»auColwe tin;Imm"rbIsotfou b" gatu to ti0050 Sa anobmobloe. floe~ni4.qla oQrv ber. lmi.a uub w o 40411e éi.slathar, tva bbsf= Wu ufa SLlbertyvllbe MWdt Rut Ks* 1ehca, ad a "tlr Uri,,stuâl uoflÇbbagpf beoSie othur YSaiüvm s a146#Met i flsed. nbo"o rômia 4Iikqb* oatéomis thébuw Im orie U . lié ïif LsSamm of Mllvsnkse Mr.' ma' sie. Joie Sel. mmlii Of Souti Dàd. tblonsloi. au Mm. John Vlary e* 1ro4kllh. Vis, a"d ire daf.uwsbd'.et tbe b. lM, Llm, I~KwtjI~In '~NOf4 * ;i 'g PlPVOV wRi TEA~H The Pru m poveoet Aseo of Lake oouutv. feeimg 1het it, retider calmpobitlipuSet PaadC bu' aeat ,tio* The tollovlg1te~p thé peutviol t,6ar0 the ebtuut, xlai thre ixovimont: Thbe Pau miovm getting toplw *0 00 1*.qiotp ouath# * ', wt ivory *m-i ilS S amrswwluaZepole0à Ire y« .r 2j P«« rof the reo*. lie. 1fegi I"r dacarded the oukomU *aW$"Miog of lber gfrlhoodiOhé ahnoiape p taag htthe out utle. eeti>.do bout Lui jobeneyer vldbir, eny thtfig ta 'do wlth the -ftf sSaim" th On ber 97th irtiiday lira.IROY.t vas tO thre guest of bonoar t alarga bbiti- DO var. epajt *04 Ougço ProbdlY tint *obai d, lpubt o .4Ouà*r mmuem& I won" È à*Inoau a ~yaf ie 1m ber.,. vas lýauI5l f Imm th" chu&,vdl 5.t du o0 44 a» aSsthtef, u, uistwm «a héioa avrtWim mie *hm tLir 01a 10 é c-uai entesta Mdn4 lim hm la bor 40a ib . oompty h b"olm MoO* of Ita da-iX.U545*«eut& M isiti lae-feoi i* the oldermP'r i atht1a«mV# WâD hve lk»»a be 2 10r, Ii am ___ -;;;i:«ime. N~w 5t~ ailé* c r fl LY ïM 0i lae oI e lob efftie MM Ogume gf