3O,O00.worth of specïaily contractdm rhnie arraDaged4 for this great underusellini eeuiý!. AT THE GLB !We will xîot sit idie anq>.e content ith the usuial busiacss of other N o !. ...c going to start iý<oriethiiig that wîil be reinern- bered for years for theç rare values aftorded ourpatroîîs. tWe 'gre not des1p ate just because we are goimg to do a great #tQlumne of busilness 011 a nughtyv close inargili of profit. Our',terz' CbÏI 'Fas.tiolght at y fltth 1 n 4 W. Ever Made ai AirY.T tEADY-TOmWEAR Apparel Now Grouped with a Great Rapid, Clearance 11 $9498 Id more ihfý disposal Chai. ro m w h icistoa macyour and misses. $5art Included ln thi. ItaS auickly at this Chai. lection. Isinrludled at ths prce, ..,r taCfeta 1s14, poplins, end dark. Mi"ses',womcne' uSES, DR]ES SESý HandcPtroe sltl pople Dresses wtich aur buyer reeently secured in a awcli lNew York purehase et a price that Dcallenge$79 sale $7e9 And at $7.98- «ver disi you se. such a Dress value as this Challenge oftering. Taffeta, satin, c rpe anS serge mod- els la elegant styles for misses and woopen. .1ýDRESSE sale - e-$12,50 Beautîful .11k crepe de chines. georgettesa nd attractive Clj lnepi# 1.0 h oo ag ecmlt.ombination effets in Dresses well worth double this Reduced Blouses, at $l.69-China silk, erepe dle chine anîd sheer lawn Blouses ini uîost attractivw styles. Thle big range iuI(Is îany novel styles in ail cols. Blouses, at $2.45-llandsorne group of pure silk Blouses in advance style effeets. Models that would appeal at $4, but for this sale they'l1 be $2.45 I I -IM I i i I i i $1.50 Taffeta Bilks, $1.40,,4-ur î-(gulaiî $1 .50 grade of Taf- fetas ini blae' and colorg. $2.25 and $2.50 Novelt.y ~J Sillis ini sport and pret W. eoinbinations. Big selection. 35e Cotton Voiles, 28o Yar0- 4b-iiîwh \oh with light and dark ginllids. Stripesq and ceck.4 89c FANCV PONGEES. 59e YARD.ý-Uk and cotton tut, pongees in noV44 pat- teirns. 36 incIses wlde. - , 39c CH4ECK SKIRTI1N<lS, 219 YAaO- A pretty range of colored oheeks la Skirtlngs 1.6 loches wide. "4Purchases" .'of- GOO DS9, ETC - 75e Shepherd Check, 49c Yard --42-ineh black anîd white check dress goods of euxî- mîer weight. 15c Lawns anid Creped, 10ç Yd. -A big selection of these popular summer fabrics at third less. sEc e36c Topo*il&r vivid aport stripe 5kirtinki; e;Indian Head. .36inches wlde. Big selection. White Cotton Poplina, 1712e Yd.-2-7-iiîch Burton 's Dlixie Popinis. Reg. 25e quality. WHITE KILARNEV 8UITINGS, 16V/c-. 40-f ach Suitinga of fine lînen inSish. ltegularly aella for 25e yard., Q00 LOT OF WASH GOODS, 17,',- lncluding marquisettess. voies, orgun- dies, etc. Regular 25e and 35e qualîties Now forthe C4lenge Sale of- f , W cofitractéd îîîonths ago foi- thé, maiitfaetureî's, surplufs Whiech goes ipt< this Challenge evetît. The mighty slîipment lias been divided into two great groups and represents ultiniate values. JITS Challienge lu hbac* 'aiodd Nln b IsSuites i dependabtà quaiies of fine mixtuires. A Iliie soIoctboo ! lght tnid dîrk suaves. Not a uit.in the lu ot i legss thsi $15. A S cIlGroup of 200- ~lGireai Offer cet u e4chau fe-nge cpraw s Pineh-back 8uits, belt ed-back Suiti and pla In Iusiness Suits inii îew liglît and dark lmixtur es. suits of p#rtieu1'aî h\ finè fafiot uî>g aîd mîade to fit pi et etlv Ah sizes. FURNSHMGS BORfYS, SIJITS At Astoundiniý.Ssvings 29e Mesh Underwear-Ch8fttMi's Sle, 21c. Summer Shirta anSdIirawera. ail sizes. New Ores* Shi rts--Challenge. Sea, ei. pretty selection; laundered p"go: ail sîzes. l4eavy Cotton Sox-Challerige l, 3 for 25c. Black or tan; aturdy qtiallty,aRU sizes. Men's Union Suits-Otiallengo e Sale. hletie or tight-welght. balbrW*@M; ail sizes. 2 pairs lined Knickers $ 9 -regularly sold for$ 7$ .9 A record Challenge offering: Novelty mixtures of pure wool quallty. Sizes 6 ta 18. Boys' $5 Summer Suits--now $2.98. Pretty mixtures in llght and dark. 6 ta 18. Boys' il Wash Suit& (2 to 6 yeare) ut 59c. Boys' $5 Top Conte (212 to a years) et 1&9&%q Regular 75c Khaki Knickers (all asres) 4t 49c. egular 65C Sport Blouses (l0w neck) at 46.. I l i IM M I Purchasesof immense uantitesDChA4F0MTIC challeneale-Tlable hInens __________ RT GOGos I5cGinghams 2c59cBea. Sheets49c' BLEACHED DAMASK EIALF Ou sarn rli n 7ak Lmi2x9 t a ceeriSheet.. (68 inch) (75 Value>)Y ~~At roie in haif arigioalvy 8c Gingharns 6c IPiIlow "Cases ,2ci Aproan ,Gtnihams in al arizes 42kS6Anch Pillow Cases . o! anS aIl colar checks. 1heavy, gQ"ity. Limi ed Il ot. Tije .lig lot. incildese cans, Cen. toruwfes, Uaderwear. etc. Whiie tbey. lat theyll be priced at halt arlWuAlly. > . 1 8c Percales 1 21c Tho beat ;ic Perçceseaon the mualit. -Lightsa anSdarka. mask. 1.25 Damasi! -ai. 69c yd., A speciai plirchase lot ai full blended MerceriseS I)amask. Higb cnt lace Boots of the latent style. AT $1-Worien'a Oiftdé, in a great dlean-up lot Tan, pat- ent 'and Suit kid. Montly small".lzs. Valu«. up té $4. AT esa-woews Pumps ln dull, patent and strap sllp pers In a big clearance lot. $3.50 and $4 values. AT. L28 - White popli Pumpa and sta'ap slippm- Hlgh or low heels. $3 kind. AT 98c-Chlldren*,awhite canva satrap Sîlppers. is. 6 toe11. At 8I1;,igies I11% teo2.ý Whltnor's Quickc White PoI- ý lsh, 7r- Trafita 11 lilack and blue allk okirts lu plaiesî and s tripes. At le.s than cost ar nMat, r ials. WOOL SKIRTS, AT 81.98-An ex. ceptional value for novai dres skirta worth $4.60. Fancy Parasols A Clea'nce selection Of silk 'l linen Parasols In plain anSfa. cy colora. LUrnit 6 to a ciMtaMero 1of 3of SAT 39o--Rekular fil Union Suite', with lace knes. AT l6c-Women's <auze veets. The 20e quality. AT 15c--Children'a shirts, vente and drawers ln an odd lot. Values -%26e to 30c. AT 12!/c.-Wmen'is black stock-. Ings ln ail aszes. Limit of 2 pairs. AT lOdeChildren.s stookings, 18e Coverali Aprons the 59o kInd et - Percale Aprons ln light or dark.%J 7 Plain or rubber banded. Challenge 5.1 et of CURTAINS -at 59CPr. Muulin curtains Z2à yards lon&, Deep ruffles; wet made. 26c and S5c Curtain Gooda. et 12!/2ç Yard-Plain afa cmy ms- teniais in a big Challenge Sale lot ai hall anS les.. ause ahl igh our. -WEWL Trauffl,- hat mcId prie. A mi. aim0 Sa, hat sold - il greup il )ré«O, $16. L -lqp 'Sa& r botter ai Poiret tw eu; pr-etty4 )lcal Cba S Blouse 1.25 orig ach. xquisite ially an e item a ,les up to SeIdkfs. 3 fo 5c A notajilè Handkerchie( t fter for a, subi bnyer-6 the lýltiL tes in SS 1",