Oaam i iii. a Spm et *OIi bi?. f mli tbe taXM.fubPdlt ivim da Il ettd 1r- Tt la thée moio*eW*1 b011g'à Tnc food box viii b Mm i t 4uva.*I~ ~Ua4WhN tho makug Sihi8 ýa. $7hue yoât tladditin, t oir aBiBy by Sallovad a fao. 1!.* allo*el a prfi,> 6 Qustion.but Wu th. .oêrptvinia'tasi l vorti5,Kuaý j J i pdw d *~a misaion fro. Waiaiaton Tt î tew day.. ta taiag ia* midycar tavo et stock. tray cuva are does d4àAe c maay ofth1e local gadeua. hmliaight geilas a warmant ont * th Ul*< «,w' thot discoulging ta a gardlier Wo bavle bit trop destio7e u % i ov. NORtTH I-I S10140 AT NO' T TIIE s4liLOs .uuda Mothoiéwt Mdut pru*yteriaa cchmb id 2q*hcam *O % iodf eti la aa1c=i*S Mlrs, *M.. «o l4kemsud*p#.lc11 0$ dlum for <Sm ,v.aeétr &0 Nortb Peope, *ré wclly c quartai, apeewla=900 yciba Chorus. * tnder dlr.otion of X, Wký Oo* mât~. etleu~ a"N la thi a.v h.fl ur coua ri tile4s 1 O dL wpü p 0 Onle of tii iuoit .Jodormi. soeIa cveminfgsa var ivcrg1W 1U Pîcfbyt. i tailoos. , &à oaaibour The ree3bl~ ahicil four ta.u minuis b'or caous- The atfalr<ý&#~ geof, fhda edl*Otml L b Tb utL, *1" Viosct Kik@u labi. istfyto HMa- îor at Lalcé 0Store. 7INDEFINtwm "en He uIti hèr Bouft,' rtli OUILTY. Wakegan, June 27.> The, ýýnh - wPnt to the Jury et 13: . l* Obotly after- 2 o'clock the, im wet*Meé averdict fIndîng i îlé emùoe ROt on (ne couint. 14à hat'I Id$ n tFn copflU, but titthe 1p e to secure one af litsMont un* $p it -altr s. Attor- ney flid -Ma>, Motion for 5afleW trial F'rax;c W48ê a Lakê, Forest druag 1t, l~ n coufty court tade OnAi ý Lcof iaylng goiti il. quor .wthi alliênsee The state preueét ""'- îî ness, oe lameti Odýenudntb*v'dt*r fDickinson, wito te«tifled te purchaeied Uquor nt !the Wen e. e.rmi mi l~ ndafitp 4n bIs attpente. Ue-aatIfléed that 1e hat p rell$ 1#4wr, five or AtX tîmnea du1 là te 19~.16, but ahefi ex- amined .bp-4*èUcy George i'elds, via rpaggw < ,Weflban, hae Suld flt Ws It was durinig 1916, «e~ of tS.u âddiug îII t mîgt bave beeu M d that1 l Jolley and bv M Nt" Ia ois-itias 0ulloRdoy. ac- O-Na'.. Quartitte. h_____'tg___l Uft Mil éed Nesit ureolveti a tala-si, a id*o ~ y evehizuifauuzeing SaysShe Dwd ildba, s t b' tubw te* 111. wlléeve <qr virin- sent P tifons. te a 5* $Iét aith bler gon andi éaaghter jWaukegan,. Juil. 27. o Huo Th 1ar ltangie. or Dr. -cari . cot .....Y oung. ieati af the Washington Park, Alam nu Ilooptti ln, Cicaga. A4 his vife. ' ejy ¶ Mis. 801011* Yoiiog, abo restéea lu' À HhifdPrk, 113 tili occupylla Üe~ ie.attcntlan 0f Circuit Judge ClaIre property that * C. Edifarda. Mim. Young toak the ame of ber hd@bi tow_ c lft09 upllIsI tbe gram- Wtlasand shortiy &fier 'oon n Mrs. YoungIo aý mwseîl<ia cf the ety etablilshd a Tuesay anti testltled ail tii. rest Of.,-andthe taiLes miueb of belng uai*cr absent star. the afternoon. 8h., reaumnet the t i.the boaptal i lrdy turing the sacool yea >to19M6- sadtt ouu.fi anan Il. tT l l coaded a very goot Mms. Young la .eeklng ta prove W ludipalimauy. Sw *Pffld M c 0 thoce Who> Vere the court tilat mile la eutitted te mê be, the. cuita4y1 illier absent ,,for tarwiy- durlstiihehan $150 a month allmoiiy. &ex.dOL aire cieatly UW cbt;ô aar hav,* mataluet the wîshez the property rlgbtp 'd$u Dr. "Young, tira '80"> re6orE for thle lant severat as aie cofitents that sic a até lgetii Och11 1 A mination compafly. ahîci halds fhrdaIor mtaa rmtile'U. S. ica«Maut la séeklng a site for a ,~ b luaWaukegan. The jnunUi; -A ÇQQ fiavkaIlzeti at $60090 nud ,*,r*orted'that I. .hos u. s. qpi.raets for thiree or four unies thit .5* iOmdb l wl hl<ancirtmé 'Maramcikdrtv4,rby anae oflbi m»U waj »aýy wreked late Pid ,,Mewiau 'N aidfitObi- ae!e tlhp radine rod ti u1d W#*e6 n M ti .jined for t» j 2611 mM i àrm dhe W juia&4thf917, a hiator9 WZVMii &better vitpesa è élquailficti as a OUX liquor hy caY- dbank every Intoxi- ianufacturei4. . lsk- ire aipeifle ho Men- via, hant, ,cog- ,otil-and ail the' »i a, pint of vie- Mrf whicilh. aai The perchas. 1e a èlerk abo cîne gi4àued that the. v4d agency. M s4Ue bail.d r pi enrnl r.croationswnr ALVI.â -nd lut dl9lre o ~ Jegiur4 *Md$ iovM M41 1Okavoe. miO i ti4 ov. latv8 ç». tàt- 4f theti ti bAqbco aimonmouth' mI. itev. lui Sthe fIrt 5undsy ln Jun*qýl sa oooipjd t3w lacuil olpit dur4 kii thr« ýIi ta;sinade a.lm% F' 1*d..bou dithie Canrt aI ùm ââ uab l fâr wr& tlà la f ExMdJr-Save the County Pt C~i oveing Cftts. Beipre ho wet to Jail lst Satur' ar,, Thomas H. MOC&nn went ta fC9uaty Cerk Lew A. Hendee and g5Ve"hlm ails peirionl Icheck c9ver- l4 the $250 fille a"d the court cetse. ltV la salitithat the check amouuted to smethililke $600. 'This meana that Thomas Il. Me- Cdlii ahI llot i..ek to gain illa re, ~l;slBo from the county Jail t'rder the "Upér, act. it meahia that when lie 'ooibuiies hie thirty day sentenÇe .helhIf the steel bars aci the couflty ý'U1 hé *Ill retuiru ta bie borne au Osir dtreet without - -ain nu- nemm iitaacaulfeted on a charge of aelhing eider and near boer, Mlen ai- Wuk*u vilo aïe IntiPrebted ln M&ldim o have purehased ba ý <tbÏ6e' dtiis at and la goy- erflrnt tstationse utLa'ce couD ty. Tiiey dlaim that but recently the govd.ruaoe gave Àj"Our & Co. a coatftè* for a cèarloati o fcider. 'Tisl Mier, it Ia- sf14, wvas eîppeil luto oua of tne, goveramew tstations i Lake àoÜht,#. Ift ti la lgo50thon11eider and the fleur boer la buing sold to'oine and ail. whil. MoCaun la ln $11. :An lntrnsiigaionu la beli£a mat by men *hlo aà't-uterested la the wuelfare af thé '*aukegan- baseim}1 team. an bs u 0f I The X"u I *The new style,.be4:Qié in Queeàn Anne, V.llW Mâry and C~d vëry attractWêUId véry popular afflstô4h wehaVè A Wilnut, M*ah, suites as low aà See Our Selecti$iýefôÈè j Attrtactive Living, 9n ~ &*~~.I I at Npecitz rzce5 We Are SéDiIng Ohailenge lIefiget«ti-, every ý'day -thq coat more, but t1diëy atù ioet a- you ahlii intagae ;- Beby -GRnrgès in ail f*n-,.; ishes,es low as The IÀ t la ý !yOf Tru GaûM I - -g mutainci a.but 41 tes, accu Take lml»edf M4,t eoft he.besâ TOURING -...... ..... . 7 CHASIS. .......... .......... . CHM SISP. O. B.....T..... Waud 'Crh hi' 0o reatLk8 BIu~~~t Zibn ity Wuhs tt *arrenton WGnr2ort Rosecrans -andi ajWl451ït'