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Libertyville Independent, 28 Jun 1917, p. 9

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Elon CJty W. F., WOW un.d . P ANNONCME REOULATIOU,. Tb Tia irft exemptcia o arinds 5OPnt.d foi laie coiiity, were ap- 114ovsd Tu"sdg>-i rsldent i WI*. 0Q iofIhesbords laolfor tbe sorti-1 cii hat off tliwcounty-tbe ~1c for tbeui souhein bal'. The personnel o! tii. baùds isa wWila . wouuil4 Witis. nol mev idwru4af»LI1.tyvili.. e Tb& fSOwipg t"' eare included lis Uie"Netb 'dIstict Newvport. 'Auatioci. W'aukfsn. Avon. Oant. Tii. lovEs lu the south distrit are'»s toi"&we * 1reomt. Deerfwcd. g' Wst Dcei'feld. Cuba. Cisege la Ucerd. A . .Chance Eu pOtedla thc ersenuel o!ftbe boerd for Wapkegxa «s4 the Ntorh dmarct. 1%0biakro for tue Nortit fdsrlteop aaaone~d ta the 8»et Piea. vsuM&4 tp as fllovs: J. P. irtini, A. N. Tlffay sad Dr. P.C lCalbt., The sante of Ur1. À- tbur, doà,so am,,e*P~s a meher of lie boaau a&apecysi bu Preslct Wilson, but lUr. Wndel. je ives as tbe third unlaer. K t lasu nterest *lutg cctadenSOett both Dr. Kslght and lit. 'Wandel ceupy the smue building ou ofpme exati MatftDrm 806 The, vork of drsflng i7r ul iUt first5.000 ft mswW i el c*ýd'for the army viii le ptrted very socit. aemtion.reseiatlous von. vippiied ltacape 5.1 tic ýBbInet meeting ôt Tuesday and It wp. *zpecfidfist Prouldent WIlson v«poul "mate ticu vithin touty-eikt. bouis. 1il4ut Do. tare. £Wlth tew exceptions the tules are $ -tic ame as castslned la the draft Sbitthd tle Presldent Wilson, by IProvet Qeseraj Crowdef. h h inl- -!-deretood tic pretdeut elimlsstod teritaib excutlo e >levEng every mai la thé 55410. jouet do is bare la Uic ver, viele o ti.battla front or nt/aad Von itthin tki 0005117 on verdatie. viii be toq' tor maw uItlubsIC a, 1go loto ticti ecie= laiefrpatiea emalitiog tr6m the. Wliiiê I«ou»e during the lust tire das lAdltss the. duatt IU !bu =c beavier lieu las Ies uoe làd h- M"te d ormerely pioesmue. <or thea nry awis vli bu drfted fit«-Otiier The groude on vhl&dh fleuiPIO wil.be made ou itc it draft foi- heart dIsease, fiat 10t e csdkfeOt W'jUch cannot bu oorronted 4,y lases. "'«bm*ios ansd otbqr cllt d0009904,' r, ider or lver afeefi00,va:- velus, infeqilouls bgnd dl: lantEnvital vr,1ndet silaldlg Oas ettic t police malfofl la lm, lni Illiaeis lhan juat issu adopl- cd by the office,.ailite mioCity Cilef T. W. iceker. Tie nutbofue t ibcief lta, tre, sas son bl eoulder, asaistant bas tostars ifeuegant iranc. Itles sotifed that on tie abeeve gpp«rm tie reproduction«-ftle counclils Mr. pouaIe eqa County Agricubtre Adviçer Urges AW- FornteAwafl 8.1v.,of Chance, TO -MAX£ AN4 AUTO TOUR. -Valuate SM[tInformad stio1,t Se Seooed-Should Inter- p8tEvery .Farmer. Thora viii bua meeting aIthie fià of D. M. White, tiree miles noftlwet or Antîoci. saturda5 Lune 30, nt 1:30 uacioci, for tic -opRcmqe of luspecung thie so11expsre tel P¶iie, Otlg. sMI! trèatmeut sud Me- curlug valuabie soi! "hfrmtan' that wobcsvrie.! out o au ieq POlt du lgtht paiiflfteen reara, by te Ililuoils iperiment titatton. 'Ail tie plots ara n claver aud tilera le so much dltereace lu tie grovtm, teat a trip la lie farm lt tus tintevanta be of value ho any £armer cf' Lake Ooutrwvi a Esvltally lutercatied lu the' iut metiods 0f solil -reatment. Q. C.Kibieten ofIlîlluobsUivr gaty b",-charge of! ts ezpftiflot4i nom4 "id vIl! ha on band ta ekiaia tle diffeemt metiods ofaiO ii-»ýtOust uheiaresults. Tte'gitetoon vil! i e en la tWc I .narnlng viii be speurrlaltIixg a- te*, Iarma, 'béteten Zman cltl in 14.wile'p-feu-m. Aak')M WbIte 'or - auplti Aibto of A- CiM .' Amespf.'.9t Pâcy a! ZlidOltyZ ft J. A5, iteeveis et Ruasei. ÀAny '4f fisS e n, cas aire ou ,therota' 404,h tltm* each firiuvl!b h. 8* 'yd l lête. ig 'ï r dlnsar ad ws vil!Au ailaet oo tii. iememsier. li' MI -ou N e fer Wt Offiairs Tiere are live regular officers on dut ail thie lIânad Ln ail there are fryegtspeclale. sua reccive psy ols' os dthy.-Mayor len en o Motnday eveýsing nanie.!tventy ad- dîtional o aicals, ralsng the total 10 forty-elgil. A . .9lef Becker la lie -former ider. A A. Wabker wiio icI.!tie place for iiau recently nanse.! hosucce.! Capt. rRemor Has It ýMiwsnLwr WiII Plot Ret9tj ewàu-ý gan for Many Yurs. AIL WILL BE REPAID? Fneènd of Jorgensen Decares Creditws of Missing Attor-, ney WHI Be 'Paid In Ft. That Peter L. Jorgennen, miasling WIaukiegan lavrer, vIll haSe up lf's Ifiborz tu field1s foreign tgiiinmslt as veli as te tiose via vers iesclients here, la 'the 'rpocrt heard today. "Tiose vhW trustea. Peter vitb their.savinga vil! notbase one ceet It 'Vl ls erepal. ta lihe penny. Peter *à" 0 vitiloul no that bie dcii. WiW ha pa.d,",saicL one frlend whvô 'Ygnowa" .iorgansen better tilan saU atiers. Tt Eiss ald no message bas been re- clvd frpin. thc. ui.latg. lawyer thEp vd.il la geucrally admlled liat bu 'as taken up *sldescê Eu Mci- iqau--periap«, at Derot-An.! i lai ais. adiltte.! no attempjt vill be maie te have Ix ia lbarrd tram lie Vraetice af bav. Tt -ias made kuows todsy tiat ltpe via trusted'Jagdnsca vit> [eu** ranglng . trom. .$400'ý to 81»é06 viii ne«demand of tic state*-ÀwOk> I!d.iat bh . é,oiscted. Thier' no ispeciie cisys vhici mlgit hi laid et lhe attarneys door.- 4 lBe vas trusta.! vili moisy, aut vlies'aile ha V"I retor= t tea XMisjorgeusen vIl) rem" fli J ý'ixi ud wvies askng -fiat ibi t cie vil! uso. le e nue wm r eii aliqhktgl aiVes b the 4*e reblle 44 Jê arti 4 4) un 00a neot PCO6 l shouw ftm e we . oui the owup M fo6da lor -lbo t minable. t A 1200 tom. White &s" Plroduce, Q~ e of eMille amdeîk', ta do eno*..* Ç1 - te lished by the- ,giIvers Rota. Kansas lit" éàA cuil a lilgh Premlt iota conivared IHa; attu, solide. ~ Prie alr be aei Wýý RUetai u 'àlk Var from I1 Retali beer'= 42 cents »bcu g feat atgcents -pet, la enerà rgilug 1f4 -Blk imequal teoe Ir es of foy!. il O* States devertmneut n(le bundred pound#t -VIII mAàd l to Il tage ciles«,an,îd i1.»" ebe«ee equsi ta i p steak. 1111k snd other dalry., »lt- OIoed the tena ing pDl"s.of food.' mowth 09 june the l1 riawae received $1.00OI tor, ther it mliir3.M tel Tb cotestot price foe" aMtis Prlod la If poVAn or 4.6 cents PO Dxp@î ysSceves les tlWe~Menit prices pd ltf9ienît tor Ln seu i4f.i, riesud tiers ttdafi IWter adverbe eVflatl that there m* Jsstaae- 0f rvalues or da Vtii.*II! go out W* bave 7»00 lecadati th&*.- ve*rportedih: Metpqoe fail 10 fOO4 fhe -ofetdairY id e175 Mutomsrs use Oum ut q, atit of milk pe t Imm, gM . &bout f00m ýbýg~ e 300 famille letomte 1ý quart per <flm .1 pnt to 3 quai x*gi$.'ielg uséd 1> 3= lou fmilles of tA «0 .aly.a plut Of M IL, tagr conditions ar TTEN It yFarm Advleer.ý Shlgh treàd o gh attentýJi* ?fanily ta th' of our dîfferen. dairy prod attention the. e L.ake coat nillk ie verT rductA used rlease athew7 sectione whir.. BO easily at Vo Pso rom Ws (IE U~ LITES !awtng Many Flnpn.lei INIJTTLE At the requet of the edItor of The ]YI~ Sula and Lbertyville lndepeuit-, -Joseph Ha«s of Wauconda, who ed ouly rccently tram the bat- '?Mut lnFrauce, iiap consented'ta ive a detiaed account, tram time tc, 'o.eof hie,ýxperlcnceà. No ne la 4eter 'Wl &o describe, batile scenes, IReaueM Mi'llaa a vlcwed theni trou. *lcrane.,, occupy-ag for a dîne 6 ie f the F'rench second Une tren- ches. lesieer uspýally 'unds of actuf ('0W Raually 4Y 900 *Pounds .' ~NO< 0 figures ptib- e& Tilis 1anc wvy af. meeting ibe' rit. of Xinne- national foo d .sit uati1on. Let faood conservtion continue ten Pregi.jent of the be aur boni pollcy. tural Collego, istein caw vas I j ne Producer 0f f 68", pounds no- Bolids; augar, tunds solIds. reghing *1,250 POunds salida; 8sugar, noue; an article of ion tic block, >roducer 0f sdi- ft tvo yeua rf [à Laie couaty 'y troi 15 ta &M arertai!-' quart cf 10.7 aun- if irlolu ~4stease. W UIite.! %wuture). Wi mllk -qt( col- ptUtae « t be- *Q bave chaet- S the l' dai. "udo »Ont 6 let tic In theti qeuyfanas. I1 dalir fermera 0f dairy cavas *.'- Tic overa9e.ý wus Ave. Mtili Wlt*ta 5 quart llrta dally. arýt et viols mli kW1, to e iuaodi4 , optIsL la SOS 14, erop'rtldj Trwo et Lake lioret's anti shcccP doge vere passed ta tir rewsard Wednesday, vien tbe.y vere, ý0l1edj by Chief James Gordon of ti\Lai Forest Police. Tiey vers faune 'o be atlacbed te the Sacred Heart cou- vent. A thîrd dog, accuse.!uto!is.- ing kllled iine shéep, belonglug ho Wlliam Sweeney, ia the praperty o! Rev. John Sîgatter atIthie couveit, but tic death sentence on thiltdog wa vitiiel.! unltil e seturu of lét master, vie-le out, of the eity. An Acccsumcdatbn "**tome. louis, vos to bsve ber frtbirthday- zurty. néi gueats had not arrived seM lier motier vas inathucling Louise boul -she uit be pl"at and! steeht ( o lttle gueta, and se maieerbie * a cood ie. Witcn ber motier béd fin- iahed. Louise raid:- 411tbey ktiock me down. 1ni gris. CITY'SSY~ ALLOIEN $ MNER LAST IYA Of thc $38.706.70 receive.! frein the alate for distribution aunong lhe sehools o! Laka county' the Wa ukc. gan City achoole have ravelved bt 18,832.67, about $t000 leas tien let Yea.r. Thiis la due tzs the tact that the last gehool census of Weukegan siowe.! a amaler population thin those vich orecede. IL. Tiose la a position ta knav asert tiat tila"t0 neceasarily' mease tiso the papula- tion bere bas fallen off', but they eil, 1h Indicatei tiat Mia. G. C. Ranne, vbto made tie laat census, taili more pains ta mske ber report accurate than pame otiera via toak the ces. sus lu other yeare. Th'e amacunt wilch the achoola ln each community recelve .le boue& upon thie number af people under tii. age of 21 yea'7a. Mre. Rannc's ceà-1 sus shows there are 6,717 sncb psg- T. A. Simpeon, caunty auperlutnF ýdnt aof ,.h-10, bas J,01 competd the. varbc aidislributiig thie lIste fond. Checks have bee au iîed 011 ho tic varions achoal boau-4 throughaut lie oouuly. Tiche 4 scileol eena s hove. tiers ve«0 22>3 personsPinder 21 ycara of MW lu Lake county. Tie rate for dl»A, tribulian la $1,51! Tic falovlng report vil!show th# aumier af pergons enumer*lti .In esch districtlin thie outrsoid tig alotmcnt to esci dIstricet «ut ' sion. ,e Township 46-121 Townahip 4&-101 Townshilp 46- 0 tTownship 46-11 0.. tKonhip 4541 îTovnaip 45-10 'township> 46-9l SToOnàilp 44 off mliii Ss tncb t nWhi fimWt t eao It WUWite In ¶iis trenrh that Mr. A ffsas Witesed the CaPltvie of <plil J4's OttardKi er '267. His description of the batie l13 u te -a/'Gm ýZuPie, àuid inteuicly Interestig w:-Marcet. ci bcl'olng la the Mit off a seuie a '. iew Y Of artîclea which :er. -Haa" *1i1 i'rite for The Sun and Independent. Dr. X. J. il ' ovky Watukesas CaPture o01 IMill 257. aician and, 'e e«lie'moa t.uE 1 vea silowed. vhiie ln France, ta meditmen 0f -lhe Ito-il boi"e 'lait the betil ne #n the 'Chm.i tendered bis service# te thé goq Payne districet, viere m1 aId rE- nent, and testa b s Ï4u nent vas engagea uinneof lhe bloo- Fxeïbier af tie *attar a 00L liest fighta that bave takqa piaeg luinca and food distrIbutim oel lhe lut t i iD0lt1ia u 15 fortu-wib. ntle enaugh ta- .gel -Lito a wleegobdoced t l lite trench, where 1 remaiued .a]. once iludeisttc ausIce. etftUic .Most tva ;uIl days, accouupasied by (;'09e, i lijeutenintcolonel';vb Wh o r.18#Zu Ui Ba"s, ' icltth s a s econd lieutenant comaa4u lIb4 tht. psipi>eh. Rue.4m la a section of the eawpauy c0'( a u<lo , FL ft SMudWI- Sle jWa then a m«mbce. Thrniuab baw r Pm oi aen tbe Obmaes ils Influence t securei auliarimal, avin! 8cCoap*y fie oiliig* 4 rom tic var office t. the command- ton. Tber inget 40 »AQt 1wd r Of th, e 8etof hloronvllers, HI lf dit f eumwtk NO. 251'ta go, la that' section of th4 J IM,!pve USse I efve 'ouutrY. uieXer expecting tq do ,molre etsay go~d.c~ti ew sttiontofuthe men lntiouand te lioa. Of coure, Il le acauire a general knovlidge & i1 -41 Set lie »mm. 'tW5 do bilngs at thefront. But aui oten*W'cTe4~ qw eveilt but. ies. na that sect' - iid beeà plauued and ItWdI I Vii b0vet das Iltoc lot pce Wvile i y, tice, lithU0, tg 8fa4tsMid r Wbich 'urn* e a to~ des of W.b,$t Atp eta oat.e At .4ct~ -si0a. tisiml! vas giv*g- &ur tic Ob"ge vileb va la vont regp thce ow" ,tic 1b tau nlscpes 0f1 Hui 267. The -oth eumtlade *blch precedeà lie. at- attack wale Mott orid*bie and to 4u Ma 0"ue apliqpaed -Ui tea'u-M5lg. lt "eiedastef ail th' e, i nte h coutry ii bus rdbd -Et t - tha. ectlor oet * country laua a m r slaceaO aut ene anud ene.ialf MU»- iIn the artceufkuCh eni;tý, imd tikt tiey voes tr 1siet gjoue off 'Atoe. Tie r~ WUvas ootli id >d I 'us sud it l;dcnet seesi uAt 1- . ve ting coulitponibîr live under, stusi. -re ait re@4y sud eager te rat out vi or twaittreficksc. 'muer abeeh in T k l exct miute ciimedout c« theuf~ l ittS trueches Md-the manaiw* astaut"f. Thes air w"- unfet 0f roplanalimaai lg baOk* aud ýtirt ike se 450 5if fris ~ ~ ~ ~ o *!'r, i'rle0fmackie guet octili 1iý tiser 1&.U di wato4be 4 g ae pip Iv. bth U1ve thet tiieïr countryaUt ec sgvsd sud th6ir hases be save frmIe fie inge, vise o u aki of se teWry witch thorhAýofy "r eatiy teuwvered. il va mauinter,, batu stlug uÏ41. ,'Ont elsoa i"d nue, iLUVd e bu"y *aéle eWho lsrted inlui a.Uu$bts isuveet W*itlt t i* ma fdeath anq 4eeIuoylsgR.rasça 0< v4Sleui # A - ût l.iu ~ a.hm aàar ..4l... h..t i4 f.i d par, L**romdt Ir tiche sAa hoe nM-. 8~ leaq si t.. ................ 'et tici...... .. ..t....................... .....il .................. ~...... .............. ................ I............ I . il

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