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Libertyville Independent, 12 Jul 1917, p. 3

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I~4IM~TINGÀ NEW LAW TM(ES ffl FeýlT'INO APPOINT-MENT I>OW. KI3NOS1IA OFFICERS ER FROM Tuf ÀYOR 'Hank Adames, Haded as the Under Law Effective JuLy Firat Champion Biter of U. S. Council Narres the Mani to Navy, Bites Wrong Men. Spread Asse ssrnents. GETS HEAVY PENALTY. HAS BEE14 CONTROVERSY. Flned $25 and Costs b y udge Members of Cowioil Have Not and Then Navàl 0f4icers Aiiproved Mayp"s Appoint- Add Sentence t&Ohg.- ment for This Work. Ken-iàha, July ï>.--iiatik Adamsia1 (Speclal le The Sun.) may net hlititi- champion saloit of pringliald, I., Juir 7.-Tie.pB Uni le Samutriaval achool aIt Cr"'aeo anwlw itere tss Laki-s. hut a, a biter sud a nestersaaeanolwaIiercuss o! olficers lie îg inUne tor' unusual ion et the tate legiolatuleiUgeing distinctiou. Adamsu carne te Keue- te lave a tar-reaching oedc on ev- cita and tellInto the baudset the -r commission terini clty lu tise state polIce on Tuesday. Ater a cunidr- I et illnoi5. but partîcularly ou Wou- aitCe slruggle Adamns vas arralgnedt on charges, of rosisting an effîcar. kegan, Ill., because oethlie situation <Ylcen NNewman, vlio bd a baud- that exista there. The lav laeona sgt-i thumb, vas' the complalInm wiicb takes out ut the bauds cf the wlit n'- agains# Adams. - Tii. officer Mayor Uic appinaient of lise Man alleged rthal viten hie vent Io arresti binso et s1ti.th*_ezt ide electrlc i 1vie spraads tic assessmJ6 inluail tien 1 lie recruit turued upon hni sud local Improemesents sud places Ibis bit hlm ou the. tiumb. A tIreman. Ipoven lu tic handes of tie city coun- standiug near. won, caled te help sud ci lie vas; blîteu lu the knee, sud twO civillaus1;vho brukf lu to aid the ut- 1Il la uuderstoed tber. tbat memberp ficar vere repti led by blova trainithieiof the lty commission at Waukegsu faots et Adams. -csusad tise law Io 6e drafttansd aise At the time efthlie arrest It vail netur-ilpasg.'he celonb kuovu Adams vas a sailor. IBe b ad relspaag.Teeeciny oevldeutly heard of lusutrceatent etf M.ayor W. W. Pearce et Waukegau of tjie rule against dale et liquen te, sol - the man to spread the assesuant la sien sund sallOion uK«Mpaa and b-- said Io have niet with the opposition foré lic left the station tn go ta Ke- nos;ha lhe haîd Isguisad bîmsfin lu eteir mendiers outhIe commissaiou, etisillau clothing, Hile diaguii' ass -wlth the reslt t hat te-s-securet tiee affective for ie managesi lu secure passage of the iav thronsçh tIl i- énougit liquor luIn Kuosha le mt'îe sistacce of -Representati.e IE. D. hlm nol-ti, and il vas ou accqunt h- t thPpL-c facto Ihat lhe vas sought bY thie ofticerg. . 1 As enlglnsîly drafttd the bill pro 'lsuk" dit! Dot have a tirent many v ides liai lite sanie condition o? a!- exceuses te malte viten before .ludge tains shoulîl applyttulaes-dry cdrly lu Rendait, I-le hart a suspicion theit tic 'stale. but vas modi1ed au thai lthe aring lu Kenesha aonJust thé, u bagiuning ot il. troubleas u gd Il iuciuded mene-commnaslon terni lte court ta li' lenieut. Jusige Rauý cilles, te belle? iceing there vould doit decides te limit of leuleucy -ieajltte opp)osition tea ucb a Iaw. voulsi ha $25 sudd ess. Adams paid iThi- puitlug mb oexecutiou of the avr,* and wveOl bock 1o taele ismediclue1 at <reat i.akes,. t'.lisfigurei. wiii cause ue neal Officiselofthlie stalion ahnwed a change lu conditionss outaide ci villinoeuess te ce-oprate wvîhtlocal Waukegau. as tltiIissue aeldom ils officarq lu proper p¶nihuient cf ot- rainerd lu otites'citles. tenders sud this meruiug the local officas vere uollfied Adams had -Net onily doca hii. new I*w taki, been sumusarily ,enteuced te speud Ith ie mayer the ýower o? ap- trea suonthqIn lu lt. gsîard boueu olnpiuing te man te aprëad thse as- Tic- police suggeel lie onnly thin lrsâint.bttgî'sle uci thfy i-ouid desîr,- weuld bce an urder ýée]11btI ie h oni Io hase the tectet hite sailors tfied the power te, aigu, ail conmtrat and off se tat te next limelite cornes tai Ipartonssuch oeter acta as alvayg Kpnob ie.a ill net i'-o lard lta-hava des-olved upon thc mayer. bouie.- R W. Citurchilîljlatheba mn appoint- MUNICIPAL CANz cibY M:ayor Pearce ta :pread tic 1 itougi thlIav bPeame oPeatire or LANNED JuIY 1. ne mention oftJIrha% heeit FOR LAKE FOREST mie i -eucl etig People There Are Taking Steps D'YE KNOW WIIY IT ta Conserve Every Available N ' IIIO S ni in t f Cnien1t-DINILIOS MANY MEETINGS ARE HELD. Wide Campaign Is Being HeId to Show the Mistake of Per- mitting Food Wastes. t-ooit oftsensaltin mc-4-tnizýarc' gel lin g to b'-,iiif iOotît oIfar tuuni <ut Inîoor s[Konl Thiere bas becu a meeting 8 cheduied fer almoat ewery day tItis wssu-k, IuLai. Forest, Mr- Cyrus 11tcCormick wili presîde on W'-dnr-sday at eueetflite largaît medl- lngc, te e hield under the auspices ef te voman, commttea. Mrs. jr- tlisr Aldis. chah'au oftthcfooed Cou- nservation oommitteêei the Lake Fer. est War tmoency, Union. éha4 le addition tu ti,. ent eut 887 bout- cards contalulng "Hints te Houte- wvee," sud askinq thpm te sag up as s mamber 'if îtI Donscrvatlon army. 1 F At te "'us heur s the Lake For- est meeting tiare vll be another oeeIl River Porest et the River F. est Womas's club, lî vhkch tisa Oa Park Nineteentis Cetuiy clubla i aise co-opensting. Mussdaie, aud Evana- ton aise are taililg imb ino and are planning meetings for next veai. A municipal cannery la te b'1wop aucît next yack bulnIe*Foesit, tin War Em'engeucy Union aunouncas. Sud tie conservation departmnent of the vemanas coamttpee ta caling spbe- clal attention te metiedae!fcsnning aud dryag fruits andivee bes.- George W. It'ote eofCdicagc, aâgoî 76, .ho ded on july- 1, vas 4bri At Lakte Bluff. He vas the tather cf litrs. Ada uReeveeansd Lulu M. l"eote. A tact ot Internetlnet goierally kuovu Is tiat Burton J. Asliley, thea enginaer wlio has charge of thc con- structies ot the aWltic sever systpmï at tie county hospitil. is lie engin. car vio bad charge ef iayiug D'tAp"d startiug 1the con rct %t0fZon City lnfuer Devia. AL Lake hlOTÇat s City tmuniol" Mop4s" ighutrevoWd tic ordluaucerc9nbrra Sllcsuo«sicsbauffeur or vakF #à 4W ca. Wb il ~ç ~nerIS. 18 we- 4;w, lutg. In lreaildrver qg 14np lèie hOi , .C. lis, oo-a1 'ter vaUOued saen the 015 erdinaliee " %Obo t "sI VOLIVA ASKED IT Oterseer of Zion Explains Hoti He Uttered Earnest Prayers That Were Answered. AND THEN IT RAINED.' While in the West Little Rair Has Fallen, Overseer Asserts uHe Brought It Here. i lP!D~T RJ&AY, JULY fl, 1917 F~TJLÀTRO WEARS LASSES, WOODMN NNAMED 1,400 CARPENTERS PRESIDENT CAN BYWAKX A ANCU I-ÀND LIMPS RÉEIIVER, FOR THE WANTED TO WORK CRMATE DRY 16NR ____KfiN A SO HIEUL BE EXEMPT D ÀA1IL Y GiAZElTE ON BIG IMPVMTS.1 20 MILES IN SIUE ______'ontînoied Froi Page olle 1 ontinued From page 000.) Paul Hogan, Just Back FromnILocal Man. Who 'Was Not Court Action Cornes Wýen the telled bat Il e îbughcth I.,tile sas around the Creat Lakes training sta- ast St. ucuis, Says the Haif Raiýedtq Be p Soldier,'Lives Mortgage Ifôlders Insist on flt far dlistanet when scc legisliion tien anîd Fort Sheridan la the aincif H-s N.- Been Told. in Fear of Cail toA mrs. Protecting lfterests. wilI bo nacted whlch wiii jPerrmit him se-îeral fore" working iodependently t0 pu rch ase t lhe land non i h fIîe on the north shore. u SEES CHILOREN SLAIN. IS VIÇTIM 0F DRAFT HOAX. PAY PART 0F THE CLAIMS. station, whîcli lie ieis should ihîconi, [Benjamn n P, Epstein, asistant s part o the Gret LaktUnite 7ird States district attorney, Mdl Many Smnall Children Were Gets Word Ho Has Been Draft- 1in the Meantime Woodmnan Is 1%Accordfiiîg'1oofficai-lt,aile' rî- Dan J. (hapin, revenue agent, wese ShtDown in Windows of ed- Companions Add to His Receiver IJnder Orders of the .aXýes station, thec imtrovemt-nt b ic n extunded coîîference yet8trday Burning Buildings. Terror by Comments. Circuit Court. niadi.alstihestation in teiminiîdi ate with Catît. William A. Moffett and futre n cmplanc wili hp ct Col William J. Nicholson. They saiS Wsukega, Suiv I. Waukegan, Jîîly 8. Waukega, u. JU3!.:t ised hy congress reetei illtlhe somethlng would lie doue to clear the 'One-half the atM'octies *EmmýItted ,nbIoes <aïs local pitliait con- The affairaeofthtie Waukegan Duiiy iigger in the total hlan an « nfihe tcrritory of îlernîraliilng Influences. during the recent reign 0f frtghtfiii' sîderable amusement a il, a feiiow Gazette sssumned a more serlous na- canloomients wtîîctî are hi iig rected Keene Aildinglon, mayor of Lakce ness at East St. LetesWUILover lié cmploye Thursday anîl j day. The ture tUlsafateruucon whena Circuit ttid. sld au Hga,M ete x mî~ehs~~ ~judge £Edward appointed James M. In vlirlous parts of the counftry. lit Forest, bas saidlit e 'uit sign the ptol forth Pal alder COUex, emel aout bs poete o? tng rft- PlWoodfian *receiver for thse paper. tact. it is salît Iii i the1wcantonment petitiozi, addtng t l have personal PrfothWidrTanlng cýP- se bu i rg t fbigdat Thus, acting under ordera of lthe caîiîp at Roedford wilut li soi-e or a kuowiedge of tlie conditions which nywh ha jst etrne fontMed Into the arrny and hlu -ndeepiy court, Woodmnan, who hale been editor *'hai;y camp" M.t 'oliired toeh- are trying Captain loffett and Col'- kbustness trip te tbe mob nldden city. concernied In ail new til it te piaofetii papler, becomea officialiy kviawf >Mr. Hogan vas ln the down state for conscription. asn the recelver rather than editor. one that wili lie t ni llen wi lbonet Nicholson 10 the limit, and our cit duln th etir palo G rit- 'l'urdayhovascaiedupon he At the same -lime $14.424«6 wss the nvat two or tiîre ion'lis. whoie cils 15ii ack of ibis Opinion. eltydurng he ntie prlo ofrio- Tu mdayho as illd u ontheturua4 over 10 Attorney J. K. OrNs. T'he plans for builI:ýng ths, bau- Lake Forest clubs are ail haine dry." eIng anld the acte of sheot bruWalty telephone fresu Chicago by a frlend rePiWseltIng the Eastern clients who î-ack-s wii eslry tihe. construction al- Samuel H-astings, mayor of fRigli- etIb moli which hie wituassed al- 'wbo Informed hlm that hie had mest forecloséd lte $17.500 mortgage un motdfe h nslnto.h.nui. ~.e mu bs henvlae îatTuesdî.y afier most f rom the stalîon.down souttbta land Park, aise lias signifled lit a la 1 othdefie e magteinto.hupnbs ibr tdamong of emon. Tbe balance Of* tbw$ Ir La 'lAke Bluff. te tîen'of sizitnng. Wiliam Xeyee "Th rit ad te ihumnit Ofto a c onsclptied frem Waulcegan. stîli ln the hands ot Circui.Cierlî _____fth_________Par____1cè the nloter, la w1tBeut a patalle In The Chicago friend told the local man Brockwsy and wil be held iiy timu hfo h tglu aky>ib the htstm, et the cou a~~~~ss clerk of the court until the mut.,r si he'EEEecen neer is the ~ ntY bitr1 tth OUlIy. I5w the detaila Iu ai l 8rcrity, having E D US FIRSsi b ct s e ueeysù 11111e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l chirn umkn nefr en iltm<fti rf slnally adjutdicateal In court. As a of thseword." Ilte hlde, nmaig uefotbena lti f h dathoax, vhich result oethIe paymient of te $14,41-4.66 D s~fi William W. Pearci-, nayor of W«u te scspe froin burning buildings, vau related inlumlitvening's Sun. 14 ut the 17 $1.000 notes wrere ceniceli VI.JLCAIT TRES~ kegan. retused. because lbe regaais approacli doors and windows, and as immedlately upon reccipt of tbe ed hy Mr. Orvis as reisreuientaive for Tlia~ te petition as a reflection Opon tbýe sbon as thiey were observed by the message the loca man had a bail at- th; Easterin men. oftumter -'A ONamisain.TmsTrnl,1e mobvee sotdov ad fu ackla o "tseblo.. li lrne tamcame late this aftennoon afler an alt]. 11 5I4VIUJLdchier fe-Police la Waukegan, said* iute lie fianies. The mob consider- lic telephone vii a Muost woe-begone day conferenibe In whicli titre vas _____ "Ths, federal authoritips av~e cdft- ed neither sez noir age. At One sec- exprlesion on bis face, moistened bis considerable wrangllng and whlch tnt tie o th 'iac bll' le otea arbedlIs vth11e u u bi tn-a tîme appeaed miglit precr ,t.Gafener at Lake Foi'fst Ar- ducted iveraids lu Waukegau, and tio o te bW& el,' herites arhe lps it te iPOfhi t nrioUS complications- rested by Secret Service round do dans ut vice, though tihey aPProacbed a amati coblyers hop gue. heaved a deepi sîgh su and Aoreport pirevalled today i ' l Aets1 ioe ewIdr lb. and aPPlIed the torch. Tiie &geléte sorne ut hi, companious lu tbe of- foreclosure on the Gazett etaild1 Aenso rluay. H. S, Vail, cireulating the petitl-, slioem4ker ralte thealdoor. terrer- ice: -Boys. I hure heen draftad! 1In lu st evenling's Sun reaily vas due "eusaliea-orehot-b erc.endfailing o bskneeg -"go w* s..".. rao. ld-tr te wdemande made by Peonard Saw William Rayer, a gardener for - iietc fm-hout su nbs h uI wr hcg loivel, former owuer of the Plant,-aun ie. C. B. French er Lake Forestnt. hsoe W aepoo n baggad Ibe me fer God's sae lu aI- bye"net by lte Ivo men, Davis aud Mer- membcr etftthe 1. W. W., aud a devo-dmndgtiebclsd. 10w hlm a tew minutes ta pray. as 'lic Knowing bis dcep-seated tsar et bc- ris.'The report turtiier prevailed that__________ tvas net preparai te dia. Hi' vas sas Ing conscriptcd, bis cou panions rc- BawviPIlîa been lu close proximitY tee eft he "F'eed Amorlca Piral" swerad hy a volley ot builets aud fell solved on the spur of the moment Otoale W'ukuegas ever since Tuesday, oeeed, vas arrested friday, stoIitly C I usss wbenOrs a cme l Wakcgan. In pursutug, villi s number of trliis, ~ 4 D ~ 4 moauing into thc burnlug building. have seule fun, se tiiey locked around fart, itltilsid he vas lu saine citY JhO "Thc moi fellowed on Its mad hlm, grasped hiseiisnd sud exclaiuied: hetween Waukcgan and Chicageou te"famAeîa"iesTeybr Course, aPppying the loruii or shoot- "Ply gosit, yeu're a lucky gui-' Here that Attorney orvis met li heri' dining ou the follewlng bi et rare-.f~~ lng ta dealli tha haplesa negro vbo you are draftd lu the very first drafit atter leavîng Waukegan after havlng Alcoiel-------------------..1 quart crossad -ite pali. -Anuge negro waa -whîîe Yîupoeva viii bave te sa llild the papers. Juat vhy he did net Alcobol (empies)---------- 3 quarts T fOlO i lb ae eidsa corne ta Waukeas, or dld net ss'st Peacis brandy (goingt -....1 quart 8 flld y cubaslie l'au trem a b vii wile. <le.! you certainlY 10 comrne n, la nul kuevu. building. l'or a lime the police and are lu luck. W@ suppese you'rc go- îi vas stated alse ibat wbile nege- Whisky (gene)-------------1quar thie lettar element ps'ot.cthle man lng lu stand Irestant u ?" tlatfons vwere pendiug halveen Oi'vis Bayer was aeuudly iactured hy a go ta ~ sflt -ro tr he b.rage eoftthe mob and sa lamn- The.man vboi they vene congrat l- sllpedGazettefcrv uay twha ere evc ueatv e i.po g to e jablM"U- sti 'W ' Ig d.ýY bulnc w» clld.Atterth r- ulating. alroie ertsckad o- t get samine ers signed" sud tisat Gei'maii utteraucasi gave sud thon 0fAUcWâFetiEh *jà bulance vas clltd.thhe placeslck and$er- "tetseijudtice3'oferaetepeheurs egaa, bèfo. 'J»UtS 4 " val efth11e amisulanre the mob again ried. could ouly f.obly staggcr over te lu titat perlgdhafentte iplace flu ied 5 ytahee utceo! 111e p a on a chargé, et àbaut 111101110 gaith tI"uppar band and laktng the a near-iiy deal tfS support. Then lhe vbene Savvei vae, waitingfrhm u nie olsv eu.viîyt a±Oulv.~ centerred witbhlm sud later retunud - reason whY the- Officers ver. hse oMt iedvltq, -InJurad man troun bis pretectors fired luquIred: Sai, telle"s, visa cheut to rasume the torecltisire action -nra h uic a i a hait dozen bualaets threugh lisa expansion do" s s have te have wbhich. it senlus. Savvelinisted san gevere ie tbat Bayer .. ..eer at ti. AitILakeau bead."liatore ie's siê.%Cf for tie army?- sbUOld uet bhadelayesi au Instant. Foest emilttingsaboutis for 1the 1. W. 0gb vas asm.ted Ptfdoy twy4 W., revillng Presidant Wilson sud Constable ati11181 villageml That the cvil authoritica ver. "Oh. about La bof and s quarter,' uan mnci 5,Wk esltcag is ant~m~ tal Poverleas before tii' mo Inlutheir resPonded 1the CeI tormeuter. ftIAAerca aw 4yjn si t Wuegnlô tfai efforts te quail the reling la the lmmadltely a démlo ripplel acres, 4 s -a uîto ad disorderly conduol s.jil ater jalftaq gftee mdebyMn. IHagen. The thie "cndemned" ? ma' face snd A EILE IIV~ I CHILD PARALYSIS AT ZION CITY. entered bis ple* o et ity beV4 1b btter elemeut. h(- declares, made an excltlmed: "Thst lst's me eut-l'Ve LAE IEFECIV I N pigll t~y6-iercr d $50 sud coats. filevag'renmau4d efrtaassiat the Pellce sud are getles lian an Inch. Corne on and SpriC f nftiedIllrsly ô r ecoîort h out a frtndPsl o jthorenghly aa e rthtii'diagrace m'asture me.'Hia raqitest vas Cein.' STATE aayseiILLnosfrIete ony al o endy I e asiiamedOfr IINO I oe first six monthe of 1917 sisows 60 [suit ut thedi.. 'whlch bas befailen lhe city. It la piied w1ti vils grave eC nu. SHe cases of lte dread cdisease andi 12 ne-- believei tt- East St. Louis Cbamhar draw a breath lu the aisilest Pos A great many new îaws are îîow in suItaut deathe. Cases have bée r e- Ir îî's et any nova value. Yeu viii o? Commeirce and the ' ciziens Iill sible extent and lb. tape measureafet having beeti euacled by lte pontod durIng lita ast two days et nd il a Inte tibertyville Indapendeet 1hn ii c- effort to findib te ring itultcd ut tic-oni-n chmark, mucli te ls eff l asm..On' wpo Citicago Ion City, Joliet sud Quincy. lerc o? thenb indul s it thi-m hLisatisfaction.i Niides a vers ha-avy fine for îtîy pi j wit popr ,ui.huln l a efot ý iO samuci worrled 1for fear hi' a11i1îînder the' age etfl ,Years dris t 'rCI( -- j s"n,'a~ xsl as"1s te viicot tii siue or Illinois." ss-ilI lie chouicu for service in F'rancei' i utmbl. e lwal - hetati-tvtuaitake 't wealugri-gclatï,- leadllglitku for îu1 su bI i t ho____________ tIin weaigatî(i Itcreaces the' liii ltit. fi-ij V'IVOMAN IN MALEÉle, -gh and ei. lis dwlaith a scîtp -( Ai, o turiag preIdo-cttihall li su;- $ ST u n-lusud~s ulk viti iiftp îiîtlitie Irniotithiely Illa e iij. ~I G E o uea etn 1 lamu If lie cannot csr ndalwd hi- th(, uî,(iiiivd i', oi-Ic -<f teglstnatio11 fti"Ituj rect. This aluoliabes the fee esystenti ATTIRE S C E E I aI"ilgt e bit i i,,-ouwaucehf. .,.st 11bey the n a INI T11 TIITT C MP? ic- ri, lîsu-d aeth le registration lit tîte pricoueros ai a daily per i-satil ILF~~~I lnî-tcad of belng theî- utmber estinated la to lie worktej et luiniakc1 n b> gos erninitexîtu-nîs, vas loipi-r!'ulerift la uncerlain today'. Sensational Story Cornes From cent greater. -I ________ Station That Officer Detect- It fits of ani- news vaine. souW -~ i.' - - a v ~ afiud It lu the Llberlt ville tudependu BY . W. CROFT. eu Woman in eri. BAN UIJAKtIb Citizen,; of Lake couuty sud o!f -CASDIIIGTCOH SW r Issola ougiti te tcel gratetul that WII.A IA I11',fi bur Glenn Voliva. suecceesor le John Captured Finally Near the Line .Alexandern flve, is n hermmIdsa. -Locked in Guard House EI bR jHe anouincesi Sunday aitteruou ilt lb...tabernacle tliat he haît pnayed Until Next Day. tic >.tmighty la vatar lie land eof al ttevman vbo, in maie at- 'Cofin Nails' OÔci Illingis, sud ti@ people liemacîvea tire, slippcd lt apPaJJus S om, fFv< t le w ould bear vituansa10 tie tact tht Great Lakes naval station sud vas aý o#shndaut raina bai laion on the tiere for tvro or tirec nightta, eccu' 4U #hi tho P . rm hda f tha iattpyig iii great secrecy eue ofthlie faru lndaot hissla~,and esiieci- tenta lu 'a certain quarter, vîlck AcPOrdl teaW e ,110ibS ally lu Lake counly. proved tu be the maguet tor magmiW iebnn cisycg~tu Wil webv reports comiug lu latda durlng tise early and laie bours aé esenbaiatd r4 bGreat hhat lakes val Station. I fro wstenatatea s"~In tattbe ot tic nlght? The tery la that an utticer P88- Investigation choya- tbat such la crois thare wcrc ail coic ftailure, . g n e - particulan tent. uîîaerv- not thse case. No order portainlig 10 lie. In Maisate vo have had abun- cd sevenal yeung muen- eing to sud clrsrcttc bas beei 1 " f-s4 tjie et ram.I haveasked led teth ~teit ý; liat- he llsteni'd ott- uneI(hmi te9ft Ob si blWyour gardans, your tarms and ide.,sud theft made a raid. hitoti- for soins "Me. ouu~n? Result: A vom spansels' ctad lu atiee totAie status of the Cigarette's -Yqur cattle. and te gise averyhody said tO have ruan but ofthle tent, andSi hows tWia aptirontlee 4îahf are von sund malté you prospérnsu. (ld upen bcing oliaeS tovard thce dg. the OUI 'open vWhe re nd$j eamltted ha. ansvared that prayen sud the of the camp, vas captuned. Iocked up te smocie cigarettes vheW'ftmIe tie gardons look fiue. Tu these lant days Iu tiset'uard houee tout until more- groundis. TIhec mIe aPPI#'Wittoa p- vies pople ave daartsImueitis nfuruishesi vîit siitable Prentico seamen la thit tb. (are net whn eol bve'e pr- muhclothilg anti bustied lu a train m altipoacle a mokoe garéeg *t ail fMmeu GOt tere In uit mach 'atten- route teCcacgo. visile thîey are sppl'Otga ou. tlssl>it l 1. rseretlath, but it la iteueraily explained auieug Thsis pla oolid ~~ bnds femeutmherfit vas A'Mary Qcp 0u 11è, mn u u!tle camp.,vitichIn i the. au eil an Inalde. Frowi 0 li e- Scet vli sad Uit s e Iar of' tlet ofty .noe'tfth e icstation propos tieer* admit that the. *Mg-mon af- 8CÔt Wh sal tht sh lered thttiie oman haîi easy accesato tlo t-*9vingthe. grouais pVl'chse cig- prayers ot John Knuox more than ain tie grcunds thrcugb asspearng tiser. arettes and se ict-heM, Tthy. in arusy of aci.diers. We bave muoiste lu a man's suit. Thun, valkiug about hard Io preveut IbIs lh*donc. bo thaa'kful for intu itese ticilouït the oulids la *ale attire, -she disi Hove-er, wheu tihe10515* monn e. liesasi qdlis ea ged~< ot attract at ïuiad Ïskovn tumn ta thie greunds tbeytfesimme- tims ag qd as ee god t u. oly ethoe wo a ate vit fi bar dlatmiy gen-bcli d pu5(uWIs auy Be liaspromiseS tebis as lu bas- lReport futher has il thal abe wý cigarettes arc touud.la t É,r,,peckets ket and ilipStore if ve Serre Hlm. literally '"klcked eut"' et camp tisa tjey are tsken away frozial4m. Tiie io'latbs ibe graîtfui forth@ e siovers Dlernulig aftcr her'arreiî. rtie on smoking, hc1'jsmt H. ~ ~ ~ ~ T ba ot"In 1said Liat ottictals uev am tic apprentice seali èlWhci- He __bain __________ cenductiug aqe InVegtigatiou viticti gars or' pipes inalde 1the ~igude as Walt~~~ May fod bIn aTat cf membier. Wlltii'85tbO>' ish. ui-î 11er. W t Rutlieittpd. pester of0f1cfhq camp, ý0 uusg jiave aelped the o~ire hau been no cjas oae lu n he vint itiat Chum% at' mon. O~ eiUM t« re itîd [p camp. - itter cf CIga-tt#, goking mnou t 141, e=S t*unt -'of g111e fffrOf gutand Wil fl ame bu i4i,à Uml.1» . pMY te mnst e tthse contra thywl 96 wPhiii imag ifs psaîw _: It.te fili.t est la ail tbing it4 mi fot h k- C- jl at the Oropsroad8 la usefl t ______________the traveler Who knows wh.ee enoe amari D h~s~a~y b o win to go a i Ip Some advertisin of, the "Signpost»vs ---it informs the peple that the store m ii buii but givea no reason why they should trade t1g'& T4 test qi safflui adver;Wflin uadded b"sness No man eau begridge the coet if the advertimlniProdusos luffcàm unt 1n' ed business tow the expenas and louve a profit INDEPUNDENT ÂDS willdevelop, uew businOM ...-not onl hl pesrt usus.Hnest servie aad aýr>ices will take cmreoi tU~. To grow you muat 1U"M ssp ,'oouu e hvkt s6vo*lag wlWdo it i.. i t~h -~ i * u.L i - t -- fi'iafi~ç - t-~î~u'l --d ]m AIJCU "ý *ý

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