L.It C bg.n ht iCMor s M»IeetIrailving Park, @Peut lb. Fomiub bm awth lb. former'. grsudparuts. Uma ose Al0u1i* ua t bhome stq apemdiug lb wntr s t *ool iDsroIt, ies. Mwms and Claa Kloigge were <sséssaitii. hom .of tbeira@iter, Ui WIu Bnsblm at Lelgton, Suudsy andi 'rimit eiLong (ran emerv ~~myer le lew daisâ 4191r Penny iluap.udlngesfow day. wvgýîn toter, line. . CrPleY. lgsay àbût ahbufdred Y. M. C. A. bops Cm sanmd proceoeflto tDPastat Le@iga v heuy inéend -ta @pendi a short vacalia. 'Tb.y campedti iere lat lWr. »diKra. Albiart toder ,ntertalued xt Tturam, JulY Io, the W. C. ir. I. viii boN a Local Intitute lu b. 0ouragiuamial chuté,la iii. sitar. »es*tpB tii C0:u»V upsriutodeft VU ptasàôtbîfl otdom. ly i. DpAte DadusalTaupae pF jihào5. At tii.evenmu cissgglgiephtram uiisri.il Usk SjUrs dmIÀA C"dIail vita- goI" l a a a a e opla of t0 Bo omt amiàPr«mnrptiob. Flue t«rblack bobisecema and &I roug *15 au Cearomplexlon. A remi akit touaIt. (t a Sic trial bottPa t thc drus stemi 'ag ir. ow t Pa*I Vlav Vbm wUaWr a i iaughkD. tL Omet sW boUsboue Tusaia. o- s &I VvÔê'..L aii.mveUl * Io it oai le qe"In * - - wl Mr. sud iram' Tbm. Semi r mu iivss Tommd ie m etk &d a vte .-~~Tushr5e ~«mthe #M tmi ofDarlng M~~oytleary wva acbiaga ilgrMn Lartansd daugbter' oti~X1ve, vere bumin.,., ,lsie ini F. t ~r14tr t. taraiRapide,i tqv<, ký>myal star ipeudiug evral dýe a vil iï I~fmly bars. .4 am6r froia bacc attenticti b. hall-i suas a dua un ia ia acon- da vas dmissite la oie.game hi at score0& o a .a Mis-s1»LillisuTidmarsi aiAiexander, S. Dsk, tel ie&tiaab Lb. boni.e lfMi"' *.*W mmsIL J. Cook reurasi%0a W"vituestl WooduSto. *t-ýet "r.. R.&HP"asu MW ii 0§ Llia'ire, visisai rasivea banc fl.. a.- flsimm aimati@eauof Wvi~m.'vi9siatis home oi Heary D~OainSOtl5l assi isabir of "d~ mm'I a.L -. Whoerli varamis ou bUiiPa4m v tell&su *st os Mr 1%abdg * val uslla amarrlage to JohaWiarJoas.oI Chicago.on Don.' day. 't babridai oupla cma ont ta lis bMs'i " « ou I'asd Mi vs mui si *lia$PM by ta1. D. C. girb elub of vb"m.l ps.Joa.le a usmiar aMi Uey aiqgrei tii. vitA riee a"i gaci uvius.We jolta axtendins cougrata- Istiol.. DO you geL o, Ai igiL? anal la surclitliabut t«feraU i »nY Mudbliai- der trouba a ud g"lsveerelmi la 24 bumt m Uaal bsckci and blaidu laa umauteed tes- uni -m 51P00 a' bttie sitih les-e ut he «Aé bim fmr às mmte dms lraaMb*s '~~e~dusr b«Mr e la Tb@. Vae Oamq.ea'wjg iii Mr@'Eham. Abct bum ateéwno oJlg 9 irltb Lw'gciàm P- &Psd fm c. OIt oo6rtan.d hiei breehar'tram Wl amtaiovar Sadaf mt:,k -dru. Sui6~y omllta tlir .^eiSra Me ai 5.1SIafDO@- Plainas oiaday lili w4..l lloa Kuedfer qeli sa weàk àt Fox Mr. sud lir@. Cbah. Oit aud ..oà nf lsltic,'asStnsy wtt P. Wells audt jamily. Aima Kieg an sd tva of ber, friand. apant Suiid*ywvih !ihmatr., Wn.i..rad " Il. 'v t ai Cigu, aput iii fourt t iWtU itnh Un%. B. Albrocht te .tertmilug ber eloter &s tv cidran tram b. ctY. Mir. .LadS.h tchlaga acaded ber fot 'pi. liadly viii vatur UIiôdsy. Si. le ahIiogauvi crutch. Car oow.la vi,, . er i puisai. ir. iniatt Of Rapar@ Parkr. Ilattug Mirs. P. UStcIli. Chas. Aibvac*td ,a" ife ol.. cli oua nslm slb. fourtb., Tai aW miW. Kuedisi speat aturda$ ai Fus du Lot.ý Mr. aMau . F. f ..s r tFrkllà pari. aM t ti ort iib ihber panais. A »w bar euc». laava nMouday staisOO. Juiz Ma, ha chou. tiiboune of lor.Mmm r.Wtlib.r iota bord. tu #mausdl via" a il Memou.Jr. othai M nar » tgu lslal. Mr. ksflm Md Ni97metyou L t,.v. vpidsvfii Ors Whmebve&M F.a~th M tmaly viatoa i v IM cb bui f Mr IL Sciroadsr. 11» La~s'Aid iii mor iat iiatmi Wu Prsy vho %» hetib"ac$mi of tSist arqiora Ford cou. uluhy i ms sMM by Susisute achilstha arUNa TiceatMode»&coecl of Dutuse wai toks a conplite cosus et ail tice feasl a tboieWptrt. beascu tia àgas et 12 sMd llyaaxa Tic beoel ceuscil effiobis ve r*Cciva notie of the plan of Lie naLloOl Smmittcc. but me f ar-bave r9Slvgi no biaIs or'regulatiaunta cover thc cenuss. velnteers yuL le se- cuieti for the vore and s bOnI ta bause earas viili e made lu the city a sS coas5ail piepsistltis have been made. i j~~idecp af'>the defenfe iesgue uta <ecie data, og wici ta voit vien tic males of thec caiitry aie dratted i nto Lie army. - Tiare sre may vomnnvia bave brank engigeti Lié "ttri -vot prevlousi ta'- Lichir mîÎa.ft -M d tbcy vlî-be ciosen to tal tie pLace oft ben dlxvii nto'4ie si'ny. Tic rasoitfor Lithe betigplso. 1f~Y~s2 7mars. Il laaMidlan dups vii avatu b. takon lua ecviqut the vsr rÏaafor *«Ovral ycas. Tic gStriéetof3 ISl .0Mb. girls et 13 an# 14 yeàsxg. sud aile tu tske tic plsce of men drsva Ite crmy.., 'The, efmgus wvii bov lest viat trtsin"alu aineicgorarameni vii tisa b. abl. e it '.teo «M -tic *fouper 1mb'etfdlty lna' evst Lie oe- casaleêrequire i"' *t Away viâ t Le cclittol* Us .It tie I" , *eçed novm- Gqofl ait qe tevelexpansive sud bharlgtI ,oL*giirt front. Aieu. flue hQ.ega, I <lSP'W A. Noftat. compnander o! tic Grantt ales naval tnu&ulug sta- lieu,' felievim an crdier alogg tic sMe eisu » IMM bm the vy de- 86MOnstt haoil 'usai- cly tia 5cr- Vice umlfrm on la oêaslcm *vien evensg rems oul odimrfy ho worm ausu =1Ltt. o f hieboue. ld viii vur lftvnal flreau vihere tbey ordluurlly voai .-wesr eveuiag p ri. .T'iso viiipply mot on»y t tic naval Station bûL laevicrc. Te obaudaat's action la * bai,- ai oi bis ies tiat the vearlag o! eveult C lotica in mt coadaclve ta sanal Uomy. IL la is aeset hffls, i. dlii.tia thLe mmmuaamn- f o e icserti mreictleIcwlse aster fÏmb tic Spirt ofthLe timésansd vlear iqmpastracvmlugdree. NO RACE SUICIDE, HOWEVER Figure Show a Sligbt Gain in Number of ChliM*r n ide The achoal ceus s 3ul.4 calupleted for North Chicago sboysa Lt Lier. aic 160 less Peracus lu Lisi City La in 1916 The figures are: 1917..........................5t.494 1916..........................6 ,.a. ...................... 180 Other toaleI for pryuvos years: loi .................... 4,8U3 1914................... 4344 Thc figurm es t* Som*picted by. . z. ]»Toc, àbov s a mafl lare»as.t thc <cti district »d mai s aliida- cri as.luthe North, ibat la. for pe pIe of ail ag«.,-Ticé illren of Lb twe districts bave lacrmasai Thc totaa for tic <cti district, No. ". for lth ibat four y7" tlov: IS14 .....1............... 2.123 1915..................... 2»3 loi .................... 2.479 1117.................... 2,492 For North district. No. dU: 1914 .................... = lois ..-.................. ,200 .lt.....0...........i OÊS1 ......................3,304 Souti district. ciliden unur 31 ft Lia garni tva yuaa: ,Beys. . Wk loi#................ Md 1514 1017 ............... U7 OM Delvacu 4 sud 21 ycira BU& .Oms. 1914............55 31m 1917 ................. 34 407 The telar àcrmaac £or Fyaa IL 3 Il l ta g ttis bu Item Liai ti ceu- m s b akas. sas tiase se tic chima tiai dciv tb. public myh thle saté a md. TI%. save figu rashLe North iw tric tar e asfôRomlera, 1917ii: . Ail audi as 321: DaymSU4;:tirés, ou. Bevecasc u 21: Boys Tiece- this-year vas tfsa wilt n mnarpretarfr hebOtru tl... Vary Utile diilty v»s a-I couterci lu getiiag tic imalaê 15 formatia.ln soveral csaesboomer, chien or neigibora umu cecliii lu te ielp. Asketi bow t happffuui tiare bai beeu a decresse over last year. -Ur. DeYoe declrci IL vas due ta the tact that qute a numiier of faille. bave lateti marci ta Waukegun aud a nomn- be-r have movedt ta ther cItlIe. Mr. De'aoe states that be tilete t 'enutuerate aI the boardera andi roMm- c dat belleves ho foiad' moet nf them but felt.that, because afi 50 my farelgutra. b. migil hbave malaci sarna CONDEU M l» U UMR9i BgoiE toigd Take Authr omef« omaieTUMe Boeieofet lseztyonsely dauspaus Condition tic aid wUc bridneon Dusie raid, ashaoatS dstiace pauti of Diviere etist, l aumacsm. 1bus basa conduffus by local officiais aMi vas Cloas ils mnieait b of necosty dosasheiecati rondla ta trameluorfaIuth , ati Liheolh veam b" scmu b. replàeai by s aoeutucaivurt iL vl I. flooooésbeatituiitrame. te takeaa iiffcrntý 'R I roibly viii oacuatse tkeic c fpwisau'ee avenue liy aIU morlsldtravellng bet-acu haewi ud poinsta e tic CommJislauerDietmoyer sagum- ed tOaY LMat a prociug viii b. sarted at anc. ta bave S cosotat cUlvert put i, but admttai liat tlii vîli tWle saine ime daspite tbe ,haite thât viii b. usai. 1Dugiale rosd may romaiu clometi à large pant a! Lhe summer. "The bridgq viu becomimg. Try dangerous,11 Mr. Dictimyur psM& *«sud thc aly thins loft fer ume tu do von ta close IL befoe om. bei acci- 'dent ccurrei. Born, cf tic' plal Itai becone snbadly decaic t" Liera vas danger dcim ngit giva vmY at aay timen. Tiers la qgUet a re. tvine at tiat pintLsd'aau edicuet Lier. migt Prove tn b. very ssii. oua!, The alate cbargidthat it vassa 'mere shitt or device tg ensie tSe! Iaw. e persSeut camp et vblah Troop 1, eySgutpStWauhetksfl ii bô abirle ami the enie smiiun- der ceaPs Mud eijoy ouIcorlt,, vaa anictai by tic troop Tbutisy ffli. villa rtrtwo boys plai 1» hishi wud Mêby AsaStL t.scout Dm., Wtl io mme ib ta- sathe aboutl »0 4c5ir m th Iwisrc trtbdMr Perisson t e Oi val obeIMmd trusthescernerof th* pr M'tnodlprobabllty thc 0 14 "S"was a ms n ouiimg pae The über thîtwaop vii irc Omk ploedmila Whusawm ilii stura ta tic ety q i %oreng vile o *Wmebers ti mcp viiibg to ai es aOlsP sthLe camp Tbe ctp i"tag mtr iiBua tuor piay a *river ika boy viii bé m*;,eclt2m40ut IU*t<w II'41" rai. mail Eb. gIvex la ugi owotraninig, Thar vi lie obi"Ili-,40 0»,k Lisir Oav&lasal ad aru tbc otiar dut$cg abouti ~Duta liiet» the lu!op vii tomt= 'hiafer tic twve vcig hia lia later artof lily or Lhe Bret eSt&peguatA  om.rip e- paain-viii a1" bQ. iasigati"d. beyn et t» IW ilyvi ro mot mm- basset ltoe iii b. lavi«aite commia-1SU tet thes esthLb gp*U m tRe'ua..ipete-teiay bIbato lt 04-boya tb«om"uuhiy emm ue up Uraci oui st 4 - s optm* wiuoA ln«g. ud aftt pFm smu bualmtii.. ueet thu tru wbe Vere touui to reltumte Vai. hegmu cimo te the Cty 1à»atcom Wukum YT.l natthie &W&,ReoognmLbu 1 diilutW» s rc uaL Toum Kugit.o6 »m et Dr. I. C. Kntght, of Vs.u'4wc omit vii a aeagtaimcy ta tic amm as 9005 as arringemment@ ara ma"e trou thc Officere trslift OMaia Fort Shexidmu, a tev vecmh uace. It develops tiat Kuîght served for Lvo vmeka as captalm at tic traingn camp, bavlug charge ofis comitan ailer Lb. direction af'Lioe alive Reccutly the tien vuregiven the privilege of chooslaag ticelirsuch tga vhlch they a ished la lie assigucti. ,KnitalhselectedtheLie nfantry, Ha- mer Elabringen tic srtlllery. AI Mac- hey andi Ray Powler thc cavalry. light'a selectlon toacaets cap- tain for two aneha was qulte a rc- ognition for the yeuug man, ant i hl frienda sec in It'e sure sigu thit he viii b. given s csptatacy, later. By i# sciection it meuas tiat Iete a -senior ittident'" ln tic training Tii. gpraia p bas gon* forth Liat tiulisof tva veck he Lie un vI ' b. kmownà vhetier tioy arcte le made, affleu or toli ta go homi sud vait a M ie&-liThe. Wmuhagsa ma rp igfm-other tisa thai they yull stiyanytimg PLAffTIS * U.. Rumor Has lut atyW, rnnu t Has Take rsWTak Over IM Nl A report lis'h bee t hLe goverumenî o le glaiste otalc over or buy. or air.ody Jbata«n Mur sud bougbt, the D" U "mifubboqlag pisat- ci Wsulegatt, fer the 4urPose of aaufactingstpals 'Effcrt Dov, vi«sa ais If tiar Vas &nyting le;,ts reIport di mot dSay aur sflrm Ift. #M vaded. an- esweri4 'hoe um'.requet for In- 0 ititlnou. a matter vici matUrai- ly voulti i.qulte suaiaportant busi- mass change, If it vwu.tris. Foi ycasathe Dov plim bubeau one eit tic luaiug eoccrndOS ita bulous lu gwooivcl, ScIt4a si, icors, tramnes, etC. Olx1540 tiai bav gdevotei m"t of Liait las.tc.iflnlg t ablng m macta.rL* 8blg ObIEs concesi t la jat s %We l « à fatery vici .0ew ý mmea Pe- tqui»ra q X#la sigtm r se«'- J04 aviation 00»e« letO e b. gobiftur Cbiiege:tbm Whvo 05rqij »ac i tarytlb-.*e tegroimi fer the, PosIS. sulla,Ot- ticpera- Veuagn.JUIF 9. vmtar H. be»vZ îtwsépi#au po&c mcm luZlug Qe , sat ubot lfor t»uM iwibvn sale Jac'c Us- toury employas, cn atj s faiaii d bm@lal -àtial lu alc oeouty aM els"evr,,la -the avora attummat s about 700 Wookofat snd LaI.e taaty mone vi s au 04 affidavits olvoiativeuuheuat l*9 QaeUP hi*tstas Attermi, Jaum 0. Vêlé, vie la lbtlug Lb.eff~ Oft' ia ttorney for ticen0pouIe afeer te ta". a Chamsa of Vanue ta mmsy.. Cosuaci hiCaap.rmaendmi DPev pfto$Matisut 2»0 sftliultmot-. tug tist tic Pepeorf tle eunty «eu go uUOb'ptIUiiO agmsi tii peeple ot Sica Cty that it ~uê b. iUpo.aiii for bis clents te seCure bhttiai. FPl& mWdimam e bu to " ete hei i foar foritpiay. Ur. Vcici czpcnlmoaemnetti ulihisidlffoulty ltu sounlagth. iaisriss 0£ atfldaVIt*vcci. hao &W lu écauty court mie moraicg. Sean sitarari b. au-Oi nticS M theat- tfty ho iareprumOtei tic Un po- uice ofpm o t saMla ecoty ceuri tii &aUmmoos 1 -:$0 coulncksam bave the chaugcofet veuemata dis~esie. TIc evati busiredmen vho sigEn- ci th. affueIante f«i- he statusa alLr- amy asseri positiveiy tbot luatOn& *nimm-'tb-c Si cam am »Met @0-i tsAr a triailu a l. couati' sa »Y pia. mU WM SIJLm Wauhegsa, July 9. MUs. George H. Burnett,' ageti 76. sustaineti a seTure fracture of ber le! t Mmli vitia alkiug acroca Lbhe floor o! ber home, :corner of Washington sud West streets, Manday night ahartly after 9 o'clock- The c ause a! thIn - jiiry Is bard te underïtand,.sas the aged waman ,iid flot stutuhle. Her, firat Intimation of daug or came vien htr lefi 11mb sperned te crumtple un- der ber andl she f.'l lnl a h4ap ta thé lier daught.-r. Mis. Herbert Wilder, happene te tabe in thebeuai et. LIme. 8h.. rushedtiet ber mother'a as- sIstance ant i fted ber upon salied. A physician vas summaneti ant iIt taoh but a glsuce to se Liai Lie 11mb vas trsctured b.twten Liehe seaid blD. A trained nurs. la i ta sLLaace tW- 1*' vsbut littI. avft s yerau 8 Lisi Drs. Dumett alippei on thc le sud fracturai ber rigit aboulier. Tic lnjury vas slov to miami hoMrmc- et recorraitic ft lusem ofbarrisit Cau.(on. eIL. Drnettbband et th. vlctim, bas besusOing Wfoi" . Lime am la confli to bis beditoca% ef the tine. H. amt o,emuatfer iSo fiut Lime luascv.rmiday. la crdt tbst i. miit eomfoetis igowe.i MEcy uW is Amooycie accliant. tic nature of boy or'vbcu It bappeitsi lu not kwawn, vas iscovorcd Tiuray at mnc by J. J. lar, ve ms on bis vaY ta ltlc BluM% Ticulctiac tic acient vastola ta Dr. loi- lors Mfie, rbere- IL vas Icirndi Liai té fortunate youug mane nome as vg roldIrF. ltuatra,.bisa honte b.lug in Cilesgp. Mustrve oceliuci-telboy beys. tirova trou bis cyci. or boy long ho 'ig MU ila thc rcsday a&Mr-te seodeat mMi il a im vure «a retunat trm.Dilvaula, - tie frimi h nue qtia a-dstec lu the laid. ~ f: Timl I'uiit vga, hap- trSin m sua ie home la Oit' 1 t tla l t butYYMO Ia ipeàsst. ForeM 70f e11* Forest OnIy25OPuI 0cmto W.t WIth Peu-j hIWS SJI >0 - co àSWMnd by Many.DIPq t4 YW The. iflteeu tMlle dry zon, about RES WIE,0FEIT >. aflir Juiy 9. when lu Wsshilgu.n m ll WMlI= amither Lewis, former Masyor Of taha Forat. pretedtg t? eaI- pau dent Wlisopdsud te flearyto,Wit , , 1 JulyS ~kar atitima R htose officiais Recoda u in '44*.e1 Ofth«iM«ty tO rOuLe s flifeen mile zoue about clark ami et thie amtyL ruescur -Ume. two ry oIà.show a bt fallit «la Lb. dala- queut tsu si. ttIs yasr. A total of Tb* PctIUOIt provideg f artier the .SgEo iaeriptlom vesali et Lb. T90ueet that the ezecutive officcra ase ttsiui.ala opia AnilaW.) Chue U, ail VWicS &Il dons of vices, mii . srumSas . i t.Tii rua ami Oteèr 9Pmeeaviesthe gatilg.sou for tit la "n go te .lu the 'fet solietorMAI mgh b deri 1tht uaLbmreds of descrptions Liii s! sldlr. o sara mgli l eury.r er. forfetate otiheii"tt mental teu .th lol~ency. townsa or te te 5tote b55uu th& tex K-- «Wgtn. ayerof drlimiuer. di not 6tisaiathonis àguif Prrot dl bwinteogm a" Wif teîvttancnt, diuete tieMtact at Farct, a *wlu ic aat Md vii uslutauces, the . ilicelal MaU. us thc Pr*siiat Mai scretary meule vere n bigh tiat, Im l. et Var tomorrow. ugglmgti Uto40. probable tbst tLea-preporty meqe I vu iezert ui.mah feum- toeuray % vii. i't&r*~ M"t maie t h* e pe. r aftt ~ ~. ~.~- i.. Theiimaiarity of the tex ayes are It a eleve tm hegorul Pe-; 0@M.,la10*11<. ever the * 1pg- icutation cf Lias, petiti@Usin tLhe:LlMmethaipusgiite fWai . siaCitIve orricers vîli bave tie of- am Lb.th Àrebum. .W. 1Ctdlli a "i'tthbava basa thc to'ct o! brlmglg Immadiate action Ou «,beubyer, tia amouat iiimg as. tliit part tovarde creatnltio dry thoatcd mit ew 4ffl. W. if. WWUs use.~13 wui~va OMAMuirblc bW'r, the As smouaai scoupe afda> a monot18 bclm24 aosast»movor 81». 0 - Md copleOf ays&go The taex . jviq DM e bcui Ut !la Tie %agi, i. prouldcat bas thé tié mcxi Lv. vk ambau i bPever ami.., a kv recently Passai ty Sà t I l às À i4~h by eUma e, ete à adry 9e-.0- couas_416000bi8~9 m . i. saYvber r* R 1. ton tvtwly mS veau MWbe ..Iiuty IfSrih. cque-vau a bout aMr gevermuent resiratlôji. 4P flco 41fra alt ibalesu 'lad D.Lasmv Poi for the icatdpticastbey pu, i svy luagufeth c f l atatoe, uIssl m fl*m h 0w ami beoaesee t bk» preamiat pg-jo W M.,Wi j, »te«$Prou« la n ti. Mpatstatesrtamt. tie théic Nag-tà0leusiet tii 15ké vithia ich el cmthat tihe roeaîs ofa ~~Short dm5. t aPOllUe by hlm te the président ihe~,a. -OI Li Isubve a TUFy importunai t noaci usMS thecatiom's aecuive. Oaa. thâtthe@ proiat l4«isthe H D O'I crr d ed fer la Lb.he min.tiere iI L D la 30 ioubt but wviat h.e t«tery W La- o~jCfdJ a~ r 011d" viil b. bousdry vithout-aayLa -coola.OptaLa Dorett of Graat Who.uia F«a» wM Md Lau&aahComw i cholson, or Fort g~ Ouhisa boti amre vry doclsive la LIiM Sitoc.. ultg utit if tic geveremasi giveso" m e tic. autborlty tîireugi the. arcaulo. RoniDsFumS. Of a dry scue tIey vi iauly usec L Liat thc Lrrtory la a.idry au the sa IL~ D. Boývd bars ci.r. [JeywUs DL Phefo 5a. bain Paul1 G. Ray Licensed Embalmer and Fun"ra Director Aukomobile. Hearse and Auto Car-. rlag8 Furneished When Desir.eci. StoreT hone 9. Residence Phtone.112' Libertyvilie, .Mnois Affl..alpremium Per $1000 WVholeIdeLf maonParisai8bàe Age 20as-$VlO Ag 0sa1 7» Otitur Ages In Same ProportIim. We wmite women on qqual ter"s with mmn. Get more pmotetion for your dependentsat a price witlii your meach. CHtAS. D. PROCTOR, tCENfiERL AGENT 1g~reM uest. Preoalan. W. . smit, Visa Proeadnt F. W. OliurcbUl. Secreltry and Manager TM£L & TRUST O. ArSACSigOF iITM£'TLVS QUAAUE C.p~l 825,00.0 70 vo eaid cons, the §'hall élii'iI Cles i for s 'Pli shahl anl Date( gChoc Hlgh Waut i gh Tlowr Blarri ltîg I Ing the 1h1 theî ahlp mail1 go fa .scho Judgî thei In di ti Pr The Pire The S-W, Pr parti ln tI ailI In 1 the plac. -4 U ký4M--, jçmý u ti ti :1