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Libertyville Independent, 19 Jul 1917, p. 1

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ITYVLLEINDi La4 k=P -9 Big Weekly EPEýNDE NT WAUKGA WEEKY SUN VOL. XXV.--NO. 29. TWUJVE PGEJ mE WY VILE, LÂK CO1INTY, THURSD&Y7, JUTLY 19, 1917. ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PEU YE.AR IN IP4.VNVÇ. M5Y U« tho Mvy aTiilo l5today ap- aEI u, aVlty emmlttee on rAIEII the. iP#wovemnd eitare or mon - aet natal tsplalag campe andi stations, SENSTIONAL.CUMAX COME tIva g dlcleurset ofn.u.tion 1% CAMU O F YOUWG votln su ad fillaelphia consitiereti MA&SWR RAS FOLLOWEdtitaltotethé moral velfare of VARIERU EC RLQ-ealated âoa. vo 'm~b . m*fla h eueucsst fSc- wu ý-fO YEM RS rDE0 &&*lm atmZ .coniions a som TÇÇ~~jAE WATCIt- of the iinaastions hisa, nerater- VUME Ami)smet tWthe situation et os-et laks CLAI TC RYESCNDAL-. traln'-pg tBo& C&Ptab N ofetf o OUS COIPESIONS CON- m'ntainsdthetc moral environ- CERNIN S - ACTIONS. mont etf fiat station. Sebtref" an- WB.anaa, joiy 13. loie Pau.\* Probably the. ffl ê.otiea -, Clilforti W. Bannes, of Laits Forest, dai, lm the hkrtesty ef Wukean wuse IIi Md M. T. )Morsdlfhý of Des lad bars by th. paîlcset5*8S ook tMoines, la, are tvo momibons of the. kt loit IIJId, he a IRL flUV. fflo mitethisehaurmanet vhieh la Francia, hai ofthI eietye S edictine oomOunUiifthw m ~~ Raymnd B. londick. nov serving lu hie tueasmele t1,e.Do y-asimili- capaeltr:-as heatiof an amy priai ad Brother Plaoldus, were trataug camp committee. Walter pisosi une, aveton hugo In a Camp of ykjeCariles P. Neil, form-. atu" ilralIt .1 cie ODs ' 4t r qommieloner er labor. andi Mr. *55e. rive bEqy ilflL A rPnly 1.hiphrd trmrl90s 1,0,.7 t. 17 leu% m oor=.ulYJ Segr, omrl iM 0o0"0%Muei.<,laeosclt ste Helen Goulti, are, otier menibers. Ra 1, d MMlufS the snoSIAi 0er syiir0f, and fi blug hoid At the City The. raidenot S. SmdliVs bbey, C MOPS V E D~ dm 11a"efl orthe. stateat~oF-ÀS litas bova aus er. a"gthOlder fR.ïof7WaUkegan vertpkwd mderbo etor$5*00 Say fR *», Hardest Storm oaci by MaWstat.Tayior, sud flair In flTJg.Reolloton. esse cotnuMnt te Baturdsy aftor- noon. Deizig unabis f0 give bonisDA GE 1 DOE tetrio vas tkon t. tii. county lJO. MUCH DM G S M E On beins booked es lie polices roc Reprts lnd ti7 TliOusaM d ver tffl mie the iné wbe vam~p kay Have Sous lt..-IbtbW. au th abbott in tamllialp ievngave th ic ON" l* bt tenUS. hIaill torm name of Francia là theus; ft.eitev. br*ke ver Waukegmandmicertain Cyprian. AugwrallueHardun, andi Parts ot Leke coonty about 5:301 Brother Piacidus. WOU=ainBoutdon. cok Pndy vnn.dmg The CompWanarâ 'ntks." vulg amgn Th ii. bir. 1woVCE. glongcropes ad voigetables ta the.amonut tend thte three men to, the peiten- of fieusande ot dollars ttian are: Thot It vas the hardent haillptarm Frank Turpin, 7, of 1016 Prescot t o a dasen ot yesrs vas theS ptat.ment avenue, iNorth Chicago. Wlam Mlkts . il 1.îtElghttitade by many aid time residonts of etret. the. city. Lois Jusko, 1404 Souft Park av- Tii. Storm ftzeif vas lttis short deua. af a clbobnsi. It sesmed as if P)ank.TruatId,142 43Niâti sreebt a ia ie ea sti 3osob 1itouer, 17, 1483 seouxterit dmbdgie wy s h ian rood. river o! vater paured tram the skies. »0 pOil"damte b.oi posest- It vsviti thefi. reaoot dlfflculty a"0 Of lhe Wd1-et o!eeral other the. drainsaeu.iod orf tic unuauai boys '«eoae ai te have paUipat- tai 0of ut. Pl a ili.the 1 Î4 k Tu-wbl4 thoé The. hall vhlch tfe u iia steady 70o0et etfi b wu astaken la sh-etponnding grain and juif Cà"" *Y i" =ieflsrcel, truck dovu ote elevel ot tha soaitf. homm le aier bab"la d~e hi m ersrehopetul ft tiUJdr c=P coum«l t OM , hasnet boa" ismageti sgo Nly but indins boine »Muh~t to the It wllihb a fou dai" beteve tiieg are »lice. station, febeois had vsry lit- tic te 5M7 tier tbab dýeelao h.as ~ f~ Os mtu innocent. Wuu»Ici fer aate. g*ti W5VM* 401urt@ ien Mont iiy a Daiy Un reporter, ha tiay reluemite *W 1%sesi snd oali * bad 0 ~ toù the1 «I bave »0 tat.lme ta Rlae10- gramu& ouht. i ho*ve bern a 100 w m n-~~ofhall viticit fel1 vse Ms auey la the st Mdg se80 eavy tb is t VWU pileti up hItheo moite a statemout te ftheiie." strbets of WaflkOgSi to a depth t o Whfle the instu.»adi4 leaders %tva or tire. Inhone, reaemblig a have heen nudar Sspicion for »guaovbank. Small boys vers In their t'mne. the arrest etf ruanud hie giorY, for it le nof atten they are associatea follovod &fter an Investi. aegg uasobi tatuon lastunr tva dea Tiursay Ovee oegg nasob *atterpoon, flofteeve O'alboran waliaitt Inafit. mitdle of Jaly. anstructeat by Chiet Tyrrell ta koop la vrltbg up the hall Storm fri- a ClO"oseatch un the. building accu- day ovenlng lu preparlng for Satur- led by Paneta ant iebi assistants iysp~eTi u eotrm Tiie deMtctve hId himseit lnin- tu s aeTeSnrptrh -wffes,ut fur tram the building anti tht. paragraph: there rousinoti for tva heurs, ciase- "As long astvaw hours attsr the iy aheervIB hugts. viotered anti nain ceaseti, piles or hall vers ta be loft. On ieoing on. or the yoaflen geeu bu u ausiipaott of the sâoeetvictims coming butramansl poece the buildin.g shortly atter 6 a'clocksatltcth.ve.malnv lspt nfght, sud acting ausipiclously, banka ta b. issu ail ovsr tavn ap the detortlve approacicdthefi lad andti t 7:45 or 8:00 'clack." asked liii? if lheovisti te pea se e But If hadti tab. madufiedti iis band bMIS, MOrnlng vitit the atitional pana- Ater being 0eered a quarter for grapit like this: "The hall, pled up tite von iik theW edlle oomOliled, nbuii eti rtcaisos anti vas la tiis mana«ne oed t u fa , ncrti poe-e a te staf s aattorneyrf tics. IMore Was SIIion thetitound Uidbis (Satur- in the preonoce etofr. Wekic bjetii day) marnig. For instance, at tue af Police Tirfl p tie defective, Episcopal churcit, ln tvo or tires cor- fte boy-e AUato Whm> tld a revoit lng tae of! bMeà1ns with tnonstrvitere tue gun dosflot toacli, boad ci the inatitite. the". verspunao f le@sa ftong. ,police. maisDonneunt, The 5Mme Io frie a! otitenparts of Tb*e boy vas deto i euh iu-. Waukegan!-' ly 8 o'ciock, wbem .tyrrslfl, e . Was a ther Local. companieti by ftsestmUlve, ba.kti ii.Storm vas smevhat local, fie patrol lai front et the buildIng ec- 'a, th Nup" or IL At Hine copiai 17 thi.e : =s.ci 1ma ris uffle raqenste n n #0r«.. Prn'sI. fliio11allMsnortii et Waak.- d»ca -tase o sd ountil the. chliot i gan. il raiieed but tué mot hall; et Wsat@4> t -braik If deva, W io In City It sprnklsd a littin, 10tic donrtvas oço09»04 thyuBi Hal Noear 'Librtyvllle. 0 . shâtMu e r0 Pani1e At Llbertyville tie hall vas ot ~ cecb I$dla th,. robes0à m grat ais, but not goMatmch oet fesa 'sot, lu bis bedroom vltii ti.o- iiila Waultcgaa. TheavOrage aiseo f ès- ~ ~ ~ t dp l5al idsrob. anti hall !p Libertrville vals compared zzmrmwgis b ilug 6'. *t -- te bin vastwie- elius g M.ties>M,- aesés. s . irs .L CIAItE~I) B <EIRL Rodk Islarnd.II.,Jul 1 -il rescindai by future orier. no more Mhennît «rW tatIsvili beisstustiby. - 11au arolnt eiceeding 12,00 anti, If Marie Eier of Prairie Vme e fis appllcasunder >fie age of 31., Makes Chargh AgainsCari tue higiteat denomution of certift- Miller of Wheeling. caf. ho can secure viii b. $1,000. JURY HEARS THE EV DENCE. noaching action taken ty fte execu- tive counenoi !fie Society. vhicii Young iian Admits Indisore- convenea lp reuuar July session ati tions but Seeks te, Shift the fie heati offices la fila clfy. Blame ta Others. At t. session of ti.heaon camp] lnChicago lait monti a&ncv Section That Cari Mtller, a yonng man vas hncorPoriatedtu nthe. by lava pro- trom Wheellng. violateti the trust vlding for paymentt of deaft daims she reposeti lu hlm. anti then refuseti o! MeMbens engaged lu uny branci! te takp the oniy ihonorable course of the wan. ln vl.w oftfils patriftlc1 l«~t open ta hlm, Miss Mtarie Kisier, legislIefIej, if at once homame noces- ipretty young vamnan tram Prairie ary for the Society tna adopt pome Vlev, appeared lnt court Tuestiay SeIf-pratective measures vifi reter marninig andigave tsstîmany lu a su ecs ta the vntlng et ieu businsu , rions case site ban causedti tab. so as to guard againat a rush et ap- brought againei hlm. plicants wbo Muglrt b. temPt.d ta Soin Miller took tte vitnss .stand anti tienl bu alvongthi aurd ioccu- aditt-ti indiscretions wit thtie girl, inl avn h aadn cu but sought to shift the biarne on atit: Patin clause et ita certiflcatesas~ -r shoultiers. întîmatIng M a mtecflnt var isks Kisier vas a girl of 1005. maraisl Holding ber Infant !n ber armi vus, avDR WN AS Mie-q EiPler untiaubtetily createti an Impression on tite jury. Tho, e ns VIIIN but tva vituesses-if vas a case of! U O # KPN th grlsetryaaistt ai ofthe A T R C 1~ haY, for Miller le nafhing mure. lE N u IE Miss Kisle li. askIng ft.e jury toi E N T refun a verdict vitich it ii force MuI-.....-. 'VIEL> THE FORT'; CAS I I SSEI) Lake Zurich Woman Agrees to Give Possession of House ta Spunner August First. TRIAL WAS SET FOR TODAY. Dismissed When Attorney',for Mrs. Mathis Anounoed Her Wisties in the Matter. Mrs. Mary Mathis. aof1Lake Zurich. admltted herselt beaten when qhe appesrodi n court Tue8day morn- ing and_ Iwrmltied the forcible entry andt detainer suit wbich hati been startea again8t her by Postmaster George W. Spunner, or Barrington, ta lie dismiseeti. She agreed to -iur- rentier possession of thte bouse site now occulpies ta Spunner flot Iter tbn August 1. The boune is une Mrs. Mathis says5 Attorney Harry Weber, of Chirago. gave ber about eight year« ago as a pre-nuigtial prouient. Site recently oued Weber for 450,000 damages in a breaci of promise suit. About the samne time Spunner. who claimned to have secureti the bouse tram Weber lait gPrtng. startoti another action In court ta eject Mrs. Mathis. Tbe case was tried In county couit bore a few weeks ugo andi sithough Mysl. Mathie admitteti sie neyer bad receiveti any deedto tahte property, the Jury returnei a verdict in ber ta- van. Judze Persoa net thte verdict gaside and granteti a nov trial. A change of venue vas taken ta CaUnty Jutigp Davis T. Sniley. af Waodutock. who vas ta have been her. tit merniflg ta tr ythe case. When Il wus laaed. that l-MmMa. titi dld an cars ta cantinue thteiti- gation andi was willing ta surrender thie bouge, a mesae vas sent ta, Judas Smiley telling hlm nat tu corne. Pastmaster Spunner vas reprosent- eti by Attorney Benjamin fi. MIllor,ý af Libertyvîlle. NAM B..fB. MILLER 0fCAÀIMSIN STATEI Govemor Lowden Gives a Po- sition of Honor to Resideht of Libertyville. A teiegram trou Springfieldi lte Tbursday, july 12, ststed tut <Goy. orner Lovdn hau given a Lae couty man an appountmnent. He had namegl as manglees of the. stat. court f Claim.,, RalPh LE tan of lMt. Coi- rail, chitf justice; W. 8. Puililpe of itidgoway andi Ben J.Miller eofLUi- ertyville, as members. The exact nature of the --court af daims" lanflot knavn In Waukegan. »s #, in sainiwat changed aver vitat It 1111Wta li before the state depart- monna*1ge r rogniset. Havever, its membora Oit agi a court and bear cer- tain caUM that* are taken befaie It. Yen, the. members are cailoti "judges" na, frram nov. on it vii nfit be amisa ta Cai Bsn Miller "'Jutige" viten you moet hlm. The court of cdaims of the Unitedi 8tates la One vbich hears daimgs Aaost the. tedoral gaverument and the conclusion lacally la tbat the. court a! the s@âne name in lithais IVsA likely creaoti ta bear cilail11- cd against the state. Local attar- neya seem ta knov lIttîs about the. vark of the court, in tact, sorte of themn did flot knaw it vos ln exiat- once, but canclutie it mugit have bon] eregated by the last lefflslàt-r. The aary Of Mr. Miller 1a8flot kuovn ber. NEW WAR ODER MAY CLOS% ART.: Of LofIPSALOONS United qtateâ Attoa-upy chuei, or Chicago. T= .rsda, bfn«d that 5 soori as this anthorty -le givon hlm, h.gg wlU take stops ta, closo aiil houssaof il1 lame and regorts or saloons viic ssU iquar vithin fivo laets &y mIltai-Y rleaprvtin, compilate have bosu mado that liquar sa behng. moii !Isar 1Fort'gheridan sud Great Laires. Once titis ardor la lsued, it la aise toit la Chicag it may resuit in tiua loup duwOi-lct bbngmdo dry 11eqtiluie et« thoim sist-~ ~ si tataunï =» m~nov baingsoe««Wo. onthe laà" front in cicage. Fort Uh.s-liýbJuIY 13.-Tvenlty- tve *1e be MiBflittt ffleons of th4i hIX0. .pve arreateti tonIgu ta"u , e ti.guard hou»e. They tacs 5Me.The raid on fie limcevsW" yCaptain Troyan. Tic dine eboobe ver. caugufhiaa dense thk*al4 eli ner o! vilc bat beau The location had ben it lûly ndezvous or- from ton t fity ta Windlug -petit bati beau made 168a the. thiciet. netj more tia 0 fâP ram fis homos of reota" aflydsrs. The. tudete aiesuteti vOn. march- ed tis'uilte *ioe eamp tte isard hous, LuSor it vas tecideal tu, release lieuUit il the examiing b0ardtI mesip 4610rrov. Nany de- clan ti r lntéilton tn reslgn be- fore the. inittag. The. badina qtitit n fte gamnes stateti he va.wu' atofthe scope of camp autiiority-bàving nesigneti. Coi. Nicholson a bi*h*even, that a ted- enai lav bat teet vIalateti andt fui chargeas w m~nadie agaiiat hlm. LINCOLN C84AUQUÀ 0141E 111E lEST EVER Eleven aatSoodsd witb ehilinren anti1 fioatlng iiaotusalens matie a tor ai Lilhetyvnils lase FitMay anuounciug ft.e openlng 0aithe. Uacoin Chautauqeta for 1917. - Thte entertalammettiiyesn ver. ln many ways u"Perie o t Sitesprevlonmly1 iilti anti notwIS6eiading ft.e tireaten- ing veathen vitiel prevailidst oftheti lfime thon. va a ood as tendance anti evony nohaber vus hflgly apprwA-atei. The FioltiDay jpgram iiciwvasan atded attractlea ton Sain day ailernuon wos ludulgsd ta by atisties oaail age anti tram a&l albeeoet Ub. [n tha Torg-oWgr ltaeBuiness ense tesa i 10k Oci #0n1dm Mlling ibm panly's boys lon enoUgi tuta tilsoven fiai thqun trou e eusi ofth@.'flavory lIrm anti tender" pgiit vers sndowed vitit toa mach '0'4 Tbi. lieu tram tue à moean mWlreehes plant di ot abov op an if v" te SIbe Fouide team ta tacll he tshaa&SaeY Itoptse lieu- thon,. Caninandti ti. asmsr boye car- rieti avay the box of clgiis, lit prise lu ibis contest. [s fisrunlug bo iglo sp (Gien flo@- Hoekins andi W. G. Wa*i i ti for tire% Place vili Chartes HosilbmSacu. Barring acldeafs, 0. C. GrlUlev"mlght bave won" In tfie@e-tor-4â 50 id. dash but as If vas Chba Resalua m came lu first, EU IlcOonalti second and Robert Floyd hhirdt Charles Hoakina carried . olf orsi hon- ore la lhe mos-ton-al 100 yard dasii vitb EU MeDonalti second ni Robert Floyd thiou. tn the runang bros jump W. P. Wat- klns va. iret, GienRoubl esecond anti Charlee ERookntinti. Strange uhoughit i ay o.senoDomnu took part la the "chlnlg ossiset anti Walter Werner von tiret plies vlth B- Jaien second anti Car-oit Qlidey ttid. Flrst plaie IlaUthe 440 yaad>tlay race vwas vardedto aft, FouldtihIing Com- papj"s ism. the Filr N.asioea Bank gettlng second andthie Lake (iouuty National Bank thinti. The lavlag cap given by the. Ciautan- que Assoiation to tl itvînwesoaithe inter-clam scioul nisef vasevardtut thte second ysar.bigh mhool beys vita liaiti a total of 16 pointe ta their credif. Thte Indivîiual wirmsers voesas follovi: 100 yard tiai, Allenu Lndrauii tiret vith Richard Sctanck sud William Stap- lin lied fon second. Rnaning brosti iuntp, Allas Lîntroth tiret. Raymond Lintrotb second anti William staplin thînti. Boys chlnning eouteat, Robent 1les. firmt,,Willinm Staplin second, Hago Mion- tenus thîrti. 50 yard tiasb, William Otaplu Sti-st, AllanLlinoth ant i tchardi Schanek tieti ton second. Ou W.tiuesday tonenoob a comiittes ira. the Local Commnercal Club coin- posei ot Paul Ray, 5EU Ttigge*0. C. Gidley. Senator R. Bi. fvift, Attonuùey B. H. Millen, F. P. Dynsoni,' J. B. Ails- mmandiChas. Averu ieartedti ona antai anti met the delupetton tram ft.e Uducationsi Association ai %ie Chicago Citamber of Commence, tii. party tbmu dlvlng f0 Ares wvithetrec> ver 1sd by lheBo ln. Richmiondi F. Hobeon anti vwrs gueste ai Artitan F. Siedon. Prop. or Sheldon Scitool ut s lunebteon aitheI Camenon Rotei. iiany atber machin. vent aven aller Doontf0Meainlathte w. ception ta Mnr. Boboon. Tb@ Pageant - 4nenlca Yterd&y s ai Today anudthie speech by th lian. Air. Bobuon vers te lb ing dors avant. ,The regulan meetink of the Women's Gidil th i . .Lawrence oebet vli ho bd el lat Wsdnosdy, Juiy Sti et the. reaildance otUmrs Loiu Mattoks. Fermr Remeu eTierc.' FTnk Hayon, a fariner vitose home la usar ft.esacons. board th ie crash anti tue serosusue offie aule- lots. Ho prIedthefismachine up viti Jacks anti exncate thfe body of Mtla Duekier. Thon h. took Bar- kavsky,lin. -Autel anti if d to Witeeling, vitene they ver. given finit ald for their muan vountis anti Enlistment RalIy Sunday The Lake Coaaty C. 9. Union viii itolti an enlistinent Bally ae;tihe Preebytonian chancitnez# Suntiay. A aoi&Ltlime vili b. enloyed the ft.tenoon beginnlng ai 3:30. 8upper viii be serveti by tb. local society ta tcisiter. aIt 5:30 anti ai 7:15 te svsningvwill begin wltt a sang service meti b> Elmen (Griser. Scriptup sM dlg antiPrayer by Bey. Carl Saonne.- "IRai s. Report ai Nominsîingt Commit tee. Installation af Counfy Ofilcers-Rev. W. L. Zahel. Bolo-J. U. Crosby. Adtir.as-Rov. E-.tL. Ieimer. SDoa4ý y. Crosby. Titis rally te nat conlipetita ft.e mem- boesofithe Christian Entisavcn aeieiy. AiliYoung peoplesaé valcoinst. Delegat4e are extsocct rtramHighland Park, Lake Foresi,DuOselt, Waukcgan and other Nontth Shoar. cules, STOLEN CAR, TURNS TURTLE. Witat ta believedti tabave becu a atolen car belefgiligte a Culsago phi1- aiian, fui-led lurtis af fie Dince Lske maondo Grant avenue about mudnlgit iThuraday night. r TIwo mon la Il vee oh.rt, ene rafler mruayftite, wvoers- stl tThe.mm n ahenloathelb.car asdut. la still on the lusé& TELLINOOWÂUNGI CLOSE UP EU Chairman Kirchner Reosves Wod From Trawi Cam Commission of IL . AN ANSWER IS SENT BArâL Officiais at Cour tHouse De- clane Misinformation Was Tendered Governmeýnt- The letter slent ta Chaîrman Fred Kinchner'. oethe Lake County super- vison., trom the wtt alsartmont et Washington, glvlng the board the. op- tion o! revaklngfithee lieuse069 lu Vernon townsip, or havlns fie gavennmnt -atep lu snd -dei u tt., sti. ant isle n Mn. Kirchners bands. Tii. letter vas tiated ai 'WWOiington. July 10, anti it vas fiat day the Ilall Sun falti iof itavlng beem malled, The letton faîlova, belng aignati y Raymnond B. Poudiek, chainmain ofthe commimsion an training camp-actlv- If le, "W. arei n ecelpt et aitomber- of complainte negardtng fie ",oaIs&t l quer to soldiers sud saHiess la eu1- eS-m by the !ellaving maloona iu Yosur Bdi. Kelier, Hait Day. George Stanciifs, Hai! D&y. John Zimmer, Ldong o-e., Ferdnd i Frsa, Frais-le Tlqw W. arc infoethfit C~osiNid. eoocomma"thngut Frt SiI anti Captau Mofisth le 0Us* laks ilulf tsluaeau * two youn body same ves qam 5ý4 - angedthefi. nvocalea of tlieefows1% tint muteseset thee& lsam IW -g dtiiusti te the heaM « sd uoPMIu of fhs troope ontruateltu te tfs change. This noquesl vas«reuo* 17 your bodiy 17a vote e! sixte«n têUi W. " e trtien informiel tbattbe proaedauting at tor-ney ef yens- DOWYt, MnI. Welch, ativicet yau i th obos.t» ty boardi hati tie leSi pever be -. volte fis liceuses ln questtos. Au yaa are prabably avare, Ueoo« 12 o!fie Aàjmy Dliapproveé 17 the ps-salient liaY 1&,1917. sItes t.py enunisu thfi. nlbt tadel viWitt.t tive. W. vwouldin"tac gourain teaccre fie oopuioQ1jt te local safos-ittaala illh ht situation. If. beeer, sueifcoe0e- allen caRot b. sCed At viii.bl aeoeeaery te use tbcpovere Wv&U Ï eoeh»c confs-i WeomOM reu-etwuy $veu ,"oBa you recenatdur tic maler etl, txi Vocation ititib taseboel»mulp 14 smrneveake &go.,, Chainman Kirchner, vies wita bnlendedtotedo la ltchegt- maid «I assau avwrt es-li cte«S" shalt endeaver topaa th& fe cua staîqe o!fi.heVeon amalter, 0s it hme beau- vieveti hi me analse pi-s- sontedti f ft.e cannty boat&" Anofleneoounty etfIcýIéI 804 heà Ciairman Kirchner ldia6u«te mie tartuen comment "If la vosy ,0s eut ftaf ftiecommission iba beqaumia luformeti, because, i he it, Ut ag fie letton if afates fiat la noubas- et cemolaluts ibave been 1uad.e it th ae of liquor ta oiWdiereand sqlleA ln uniforin.' "Theteact la titftiens vwM1&Aata, iota o! evîideuco at fthe hearlag beUn the ,upenvisons ltaateveda any ias lu auntorn ever got a drink lt any o! the Vernon places, lu tact. if wae, Proveti' anti fot ceistradiefld, uhb oy ery keeper absoluieiy nsfuad t. "0 fa unnlanmed men. Ant, f t ste*, fhe aime ot Mn. Zimmni nye"at- 1-1 ereot the ho ietIg at *M pl ç Tii. letton shovs fiat the ommIs. oieon mnuitbave bee of1 ia tt OM evideuo. shbow.! sales HA» »Me matie te uniforméc et m, Ti bwt pnovidlng fie oemuaio& ~ * t surance fiat 060k Conty li go- yalt. liconses Lua hres ~ wieiing andi toit tbmaltg 058er fon fiet. oULdpr# feu go te Kenosb& and i,= auto, th e ase 'RefuiM si the lattpr,1!à lit1I LI er ta assîst la the. suppart ai the 'Miss Oueen D -uokier of 14inne- chiii. %'iiure on bis part ta psy. apolis la Vlctlm of sunday an the event of a verdict ai guilfy. rgeya Hl a cannies a Jail sentence a! at leait geya f a. six manlts. AT A PEI The tesfimonY shoveti that Miss AUO-S .SPEI40 [Cimier vwas achuinof liimon sîsterivrDdNtSsRiiao anti trequsntly visîtod t bils home. 5,priv u dNSu 4.FRàno n a Ti«e ver. ma90Y- sisments wvitici R Ka madetis t.case partlciasriy « «V BM IS4h able. mi"s Queen Desekler 0o! Minneapolis a visîtafi t.e home etriter cousin, LATIIR-weduestiay night the Mns. Emma Anssi, af 157 Hill afrset, jury foundi Miller guilty; h. must psy Chicago, vas kilieti on fhe, Whoellng $550 ta Miss Kîsier ar go ta tte pc- rati, ou. mile aouth a! Hait Day, ln nitentiary. an accident eariy Sunday mornlug. Miss Duccler vwiti Mr n,. uss, UEifl lMeyer Berkavsky, a chausffeur. anti 6 ES TO U PM. Rutit, vers spesdlng nnti Just S betors 3 a. mn. The tilmsotiheat- AUTO VICTI, s lîgitta an Berîavmky'm car made ids LFtI ipe t ran nailingm on a bridge INJ'REI>aven a tnlbutary creek o!f t Des- plaines river andtihfe car piiIWs oven. .if overfunna tu midairemti. Everett Marab of West Be I',I. 'ta< la ssanges, Mi"ma Duokie dere Road Meets UnusuW l" at 65 utic 5italioV ib« «tii. creei. viens fie car pla»otiber dovra Accident Sunday P. M. anti trovasi ber. The.Sr tW Iruvel That tite lot arthte rescuer i. fre- op fi. embankment belsu Ils nqag quentiy Idetitcal viit tiat ofthe mail hava ebeu tTtvewllg néq peace maker. can neadily b. attestoiforfu miles anuitear, la the opinion et tn v Feret Mri-- af*.A ri. . tien motoriste, t .- to by Everet Ina. v, a farmer res S- log nean tue Belvidere noté ant i l wauke. avenue. nof-th o! Lihertyvllle, While standing lu front of!bis homle Suntiay affennoun, Manch oh- senveti an automobile, soutit bondti andti raveillung et a rapiti rats. Ai 3the autolsf approachedtihie Inferseo- flanofiMilwvaukee avenue anti Bei- vider. roati lthe machine aklIddeti lIta ftetiitcb, turneti completely aven anti buriet Ilis four occupants he- tneath the vneckage. Marsit, observing the mensa pllght, anti believing theni ta b. kilistioa t leasf eerlously Injureti, hastanoti f the machine, anti as he rueidevo- the roati, trippeti anti tell, suffering a rupture oi theo muscles of bis leg, that will confine hlm to hbonis for twa or titres weeks. In lthe meantinie the four aufolsts emergeti froni ieneath fie vi-eciiet car, appnrently unscatitet, andti flo It trit weut ta the0 aid af their vouli-be rescuner. Mansi vas- tl- en ta bis home anti Dr. Young vas calleti. The autoiets ver, aUl canslalcably brulseti but not seriaualy hurt. Tioy nesumeti thelr jaanney fa chicago vhle their vouiti-be neacurer vii ite ln his home for tue or tires veeks pantioning aven iemexperieuce. The chances ans he ieem: "Wiiat'a the use of fnylnÎ ta o a goal.i boul" Frank Howard, 2800 BoUfi Trùmbeil avenue, Chicago, was ans of tic mon burt intheitautomobile Whiceh turueti tuntieeonBMilv*Uake 'oed uer the river Sunday *voning., RIs arn vas badly ninJarqd,4 voua i th lM bad ber hëa ti llity inrtTI je &Mr tvaOOccupants ver. acratchol buc rnef badly hurM 1 If

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