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Libertyville Independent, 19 Jul 1917, p. 11

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Z~ TBfU:RDy.J iT 19,. 1917. frspaa ________________ - --m'~ --~-ay-* Fgiher of Acoused Churchman Denle That Effort to Seoure Bond for Son Was Made. CLAýSES DISCONTINUED, Sohool Is Not Re.Opened as Waks Announced by 'Brother Plaold' on Saturdày. "1'bere nil ha noeffrt madeie t grisentt in get 'F3ather Trauicl' eut es bondi.," sali! W. H. Brethers. lb.' tather of the accuseti "ahisot," ibis atterneois. "There le ne reasen why an lna- 00151 =an a f rie ceountry ehoulti roqttiro bontismen," Mr. Brother, con- tinued. "* am nont prepaed te car jusaIKt Iis ttae hîn aau fert n he t"@ltote acore my son bis 1113. ërty." Mr. Brotai' thon vent on to dattIr. th.e tsdl>tt -la vhicb ha fl theI . atLtute at.,' Brother Piacid i-h inled bis liberty. Wbasl askid If aicthci'pret Lad hats en- cured inlecenuiet services during tae absence o! "l"ther ltraacia," lia ra- plieti thât no such action hati beau taken. .."le Brother Placiti couductiug tise cases lu the sciooll"'ha vas then "Brother Piaciti is nt,' Le an- wrered. Il have charge of avery- tiing Liere. and i have ordered Pis, cidt t do uetinig but guard the place anti keep eout ihleves an pOdlm-àn. 1 an runulug tht. case with the as- siatance of Mr. Miler." "Brother Placîi" ancouuced af er hmviug ained hie liberty ltai he would condaiuetth'e Classcm" la thea ausumer sehool ase usant.but ev- Idently Aecded on another course. Mir. Brthers la ln froquent conter- ence nitL bis $s'itat»MerieY.J. A. Miler, sud itla ,uldifutoo Ieena Addington, cf Lake Forent. on it th. lacomsoratera ut "Plathar ?rancia" church. bhm @pot an attorniey ftrnt Lake Foent teostais. Mr. Miler. R EESSAUMO Number of Locul AutustsSay They Aré in Conêtât Fear of "lglt Aosiion. ~2WOULD CURB TERRORISTS! Assert Iliat Majority of Aswi. denTgt Hfl wmu- TisaI the rec'tleaaneaa o!hundred o f automobilie driver, bas casaed ý number et Waubegan auto cuie' fret driving their machines at tslgj in the tatainalmade te 'lhe Sa by a ptmber oai iceatdrivers durtg the laft fer day-s. "Itlei.ffoilively dangirous for tan te drive through the count dIstrIcts any Urne, but te ogdq4J ta. -eipacallY dangeroua afier dark, oesWaukegan autolt sad, This-. esPectall, une on Sua4ay wbe thare a" aua unusuaily large nuasbe of machines on the roaii.- "Thire are huà$retia et atantla frot diferent edlesa nb drive ou te the lshi refgion sud theon riturtu hoe la thé. eveulng seent te -fors *that cthir aUtolats bave a low righti Tbey refuse ta e uthik1xhauiat and drive ai reakueck %" . i, - limea forcing other mile@$ai the ditcb. "Thers have heen a number cf a e ldints. tbroughout the county 'ai In tLs majoçIty of casesa Uay ared 1e the eesnaset tbe drivers, Other' locil auloata have exprepoèa t- era.ilvÉs ýIrOfarIy. ThaI' &&y the tnuch as tlsy regret It Lbey isav bien forcîdý te abandon the plan, *taking tbaîr familles for a drive lit th .euiry diotriei ai.i tîgif rtes *of accidenta tor their realis..t at r gardiensoof bow carefut )sy'may b tbentsalves. they are- hable te t matie Viites of ecideltt. One fthevonst p>a~ it i.a sIl le Mlnaukhsé senéfsmesvider trent qeuth;. Nar i'IIL.ile,,. a Wbeellug tisa condition ia a,4id te t particssarly dangerous'ter hereÏ raya are a large number 0 et àt#41a tbare. That sntetising ahouid ha doniè curb tise rechlesa drv 'es0ot more acéidafts eý&ur laise0 Opinionc a number of loctI sMte., OR VIS EXPA waukegan. uiy 19. 'il tell Yeu why Mayor Pearc voted 'n, ne'eut ae »e0(t tht*10- bfopriation Ordinancea MondaI nhttbt"Comm louteer E. V. Orv Ix 5A1d te & Sun represontative tofty. "It's vait of a 666p laid soltemte ont his Part te attempt te force the' coul Cli1 te putHo ll24.~ l ne oe tion ols. e H bw tt~repetadteifi acl the oeuadfl Iatd, putUng cooetc a tatI Unitedi P'ýma Wasington , 0. C., July 1.-Jeace by nsgotiations anti porpetual reatn- ciliattan -amorg natins ia tise car- maon rtcfolsetagmajtiIty program, ae. cordn te 7ofts ta tise Mots de- An ouuino%. ethtie prograën of the nsalerisy, maintly iata,'a <Progres- sives ud.looiai ateceate), i. re- poiteti to..b.siftows. : îw worde were spoken torm a*ho theone: 'W are mp@II#d by ne tieught of "On titis plattems lishe Gmmcn Pao- pie sltand tocay, as they did *hlan the %words spore spolia-4@nrsanl* hbu 4j parme a e njy ujfene eofber #7adIndepeadenc and fer thse pfflobon of liseterritorial peau@.a The rrchata. aspire*s te a poec by magotistions and perpétuel rociiii. eliatien ameng tilnations. Wlth a Pesae*ssai os 1his &il anneoetlcns by forts, and alilpeiltichi, Indutrli and financlal measures undertakcsutby violence are lscompatibIý. "Tise relcisato.a- dippreved ail plans whisch iond 10 ern0fy Isolation anmd efmity' aaong peopias attar the 1,000 MACHîNISYS STRIKE, tily United rea.j Rock Isandi, Juiy 1&-4gnorleg tis arie Oftisa systueIts .drultm iS- claie tg postpone MPsprlko, 1A00 Mgaoilnlata M h.lipplsi* ' lsb, and carmen, nt Silva, fili, ah#14, near hers, tise largert aisoPé,au tise Rock Isandi sytem, waiked out at 10 'clack 0. m. A^f! ~oysex esppt belrmakers or# eut. NAME AMBASSADOR TO .IAPAN. Ir Unted Presa. WM*iingt6n, D. C, July l8.-Row. landi Marri .of Philadelpie,ia lib. nameti U. 8. ambaeedor te japan, hi ho la found acceptable te the govern. ment at Tokie, It %vos iearned offici. aiiy teday. BRITISHl FICNT ON RUS$ FRONT. Waahingto, O. ., JIË.I-Brit- lais &ruord Motordatublmalts ore tklug pulunls.""ai moffensive rueclp aec d aer ' tm Pe. travaui by thea Rusiann embaaiy hos. y 1~>tise ftriot .n 40 aitm pies. Brih"0 iltis I"tor Infuia and t afluored oars ar* cowoperat- e tpjvfly ultis clgau detacis- mLe fl t tiser. aeen,>fer thse war ILLIN018 l8 OELINQUENT. Washiington. July 1,-Seven dllen- quaent states are deloying thse draft. lug cf the, national army efthtie tit. 40 ttsfecIUIihei,-K.utaiaky Miels- a UfM *U4W Opei, aurk New Yok ai' Penna>ly!.sia havo'fsied te re- port te . peu~tUM"isl Ceneral rw#l e t tisee rsAMgalon of the local boards ln thoe stateai la cern VICHAELIS FOR PEACE, REPORT. Daei, wilzeriand, Juiy 1.-Tisa Neusate Nachrichten of Munich affl *M tisa dettar"itlot tti 1«tsaCor,- r»"a ch.4pfifUor, Or. Mchaelle, bafore tise relcis.tag't04 r" ',J. 1 I ha parc. isvlnom. sng, Iferai trend CMtsZ ealté ppae by tise partie. eft1h. <att.. PIOITING IMCREASES. _11UA.- ermdi4bv (iiiLmn>, ).Jaly 1&'-4réed~ alvîttXon'tishRé in.ta ront, la raportei in 'tloya IIffI0I announosmnt. Artillery fs was ravivai lu tise actoraý o t br duk a J*e pan sd Field M e r - @000art f tt ie OicPfotl more severe. e. Poieh iAidebion. e sorma wbip4do opi. eal>ze that sa be qa$la shoea*ei" Lttr ~d Appears a logea teif h f iqat Id le **084&t A aew ' stmqs0 = tooghl, ré fltQ beworu Iucit until t inla-o ~ f~O4 c, fo wýùioit tipoliah il Ie'muds mon. habla te hascratchad tbaà &h'a oed pouah. Espaciaiti tthuot.of tan shoca.. toi 'tti PoMttf(n LUt-bs-etailid. 'Ha lu not loatne a ainleiaomrtuuity to show hls dlapiaaaure at our refusai t6 deoau ha diclatga. I amu net stat- Ing this se isaarssy. for h. Is a 101 zqlamf hl$Uthat if Hmener Ceokawrr obrperatti coutael that evarything wok1b * 1l rbt and niera weuld ha 'p 'ifhlcause t~, troll 1 9. ,1 a ira t encerieprson- at.I n flo elgte purchhgo »aace oItprlce. If a mta iqM golng rFeuld rather ha«rUltdeo # froua the outaide, rathçr th>u frgm -'the lu- aIdb. ]Ktu ed*éoka nerfdiei a con- ftne iai ' hAppe 'y IV<à lîs'l b ld Wtvy b e t erAd fstirMitIiat W »#a f» e u Cook@ neyer riw 4 Ifl wt AýtwD M*a t l1 l MARKS CLIMAX OF CAREER. Witli J. E. Gorman, Mr. Cham- bers Rose From Lowest- Ranks in the Santa Fe. Mr. Ciambers left Ibis moru. Ing for Wathington te assuma hie ncw' Position ae head of transportation ofthtie ceuntry ln isandling war troops. Dteora l0avlnq Ciicago ha caiied' bie sistera, tise Misses Doeil andi Louise Chsambers, ot Wàukegan, and salti "lm leavîssg Ibis morn. ilg for my new job. i may bc Gene two weeka, posalbly twn menuisa. I don't know bow long." Mr. Chambers wiii %titi make Chicago hie ieadquarters for thse Santa Fa, but will $pend ail tise lime necassary at Washington. lu conuect ion wlth te melction or Edward Chambers, who wam b6rn andi ralised ln Wankpgau. 1 hi' the bead et trenspor tien on ail rail- r0eds lit the lUited Statces for the faderai severumeut lunliii, war, it in lnterestlng te know that %Ir. Cham- bars aent mauy vears lu Wankegan and bas risan te bis present proml- neut position In the Sauta Fe rail- rosd andtinl the U'nited States, for the' fedaral goverumeut. as ,t rpault of close application to his job, hlm- sailf. Ha bas attaineti the hlgh peint ha nov holde Ibrougis personal appli- cation and Iune case through it ail diti ho hava a pull. As vice presi- dent anti head et transportation for the Santa F'e he attracteti nationý wldp attention anti iL resulted Inluhie helng chosan to hsndle t.he transpor- tation et ail ralîreatis fer the goveru- ment durlng th3e presput criais. or nme tinte Mr. Chambhers ha, malde hie home lu (Chicago, living at thç,Southt7 Shore Country club and the Btackatone hotel. Since living ln C'hicago it bas been hie practice about twic<e a menth te coins te Watt- kagan on Salurday atterneen and speuti Satorday night anti Sunday vith hi, isters, the Misaes Deli anti Louise Chambers, of lielvider,' streeL. Mr. Chambhers ha, three sens And oe daughler. The daughter went Inte couvantlun(Californiea acouple of years âge. One soen, Walter, aga 19, tgsn uen ouhisway to France. vhera ho vil drive a Redi Cross amu- bars spent a great ticai o(rt ime lai Waehingtou. wbera t he liiittioffici. ais have been ceinlting wîth bleu ln reference to transportation niatt,,ru, Tells the Court He Looted lice and bis subsequeflt seicetii ta,>d ,rec Boxes When Hungry and ter of transportation bas lien the Wilhout Work. result. lit qa& EMIla)>las? Iliat 3e decided te go tel W*shingtonas a ireWikgn iy18 suit 01 a cati. from tiie capital and ho akgn il 8 phoued isi Étalera la %Wauk-etan that John White, 19, self-contesned Inet he was leavlog At that 11111. er of north side, Ici, boxes, wag round In eeontectiOn wlth Mtr. Iambps' $200 by Judge Taylor ln poiwe court recognition. It le lt'tereimting furth- tht. maruug. White watt arrpsted ermsore te know that J. E. lo'-man la July 7, on tii' comiplaint of a num- now living at Lake Bluff. Mr. (or- ber er north sied residents. who man la presîdent of th, R,),, IlandIime t have been vlctlmlzopd. H-e rallroad .and a peurfletal frî"n I of Mr. I 11 Kv na hearingý' iuiy 1,nut hl, 1ýhamher;s. He le a broti,-t 1I Mrs. case continuedtotn days. I.'gan, widow of the lat. Or. P. C. White, who la a rouletto, apparent- Regan. or Wanliffn, %irpte.uly haitbahldne fixed place of restrdenc, moved back -to Obimgco, xhere site land Lad heem employed front tîme te lni living wlth ber .<.i i l tMme by north aiders dolng bouse seenja that Mitr. Gornat and i Mr. cleaning and odd jobs about t4e hous- C'hambers botis worked f(.,- the Sauta. es and yards of that iocalitv. Vomn Fe ralroad many yeurs ago. and plaint« of petty thefts hegari te float bothrahave rimanIn i railrfld cireies lnto the police station andi with as a resiuit (iftlseir penosnal efforts Whlte's arrebutthie thleving la sal(] ,withouit the leasi. PUl.MK. <lrman te bave stopped automnatlcaliy. The drove Up te IÀtke 81-.fi on th. 411 of boy in alleged Io have confesseti to .lgly wlth Mi- Obatu ters, andi the a nunuher ofe n ts whilc he de- bath of them eallcd rt the Chamber nled othersi. As noue of the persong 3et Commerce- oisBividi-re strect. whom 13e had vlctimlaed signet] com- Theetfve tUait. Cg&* heada air two ofplaints againet hlm, ha was brought 1Ihe blggest rallro5da ln this part 0f jte court today ou a vagraucY .the country, havt kept ciosely lu icharge. ýtouch wlth aach eotar ail these many Ha admitted- havlug looted subie or ryears. because they eutered it te m- thîe tee boxes today and Ralid ho hail tploy of the gganta -1% about the samne found 50 cents on one refrigerator. -jtinte andi were personal frleniîs than, which he approprlatad. He daclared tacquiring a frledahip whlch neyer 13e stole because he was hungry and ha, lagged stàQ,. unabie te get work et the tinte. 1 Chief Tyrrell tolti the court that WiOFWia li. White's inabllty te get work was r A Jut ln a lp"ç>, wblch has neo'due te th3e tact that ha oivercharged sili, msrye ha mmd.te look attraictive hY1 his employer, ometimes charging as 3plsclug a box a la ýand by proper cov- '131gb sadla n or a n ering ha traPaf0c$oS4Lutte a %wldow- ah ase a te arayteineur.poe, Wunt sat. A cever may ho hluged oit the het a h ieIped ht front, sud th. Interior useti for ster- will serve nlnety days lu the couuty aile purposas. In amalt rooms such a jaîl. nooek la lnpmèéý It takes up tee Lmuch maca. uuw mw m -»ionew V 00u ne ; eqa 1 ljsaug JO e psu Usd upa-pua.mq elu 1Uaqaà .81hunq pasUdàxAJuloje uadNorth S8hore iron snd Matel Company -oece selIO~ud Je suopu 11111011111111A pays highest prices for olti ne pe-uepun l stJO a~ .au *PiaensIron, Ragu, Rubber, listai li ýqc 9 tutu Dn'i je nenss u t AU Kinda. Speclal Attantion te JMUl~450 .~UOLD AÂUTo[loEII5EB I-igbest PrIcea Paiti. AWorth-WhItiiO Ibitt CALL US--F4ONE 2012. -it la worth a thtuanti ponds a year ta huva the habit of loeklng ouen* W M ~ the hright sida of thtu."k-.amuel ~ ow r O. f The T~e S* ~ir~Season 1~J I I - î\~ ~ - I SURt-and WashiSklrts at S-harpU rpîîg Special Purchase Lots and reWuar stocke are combiner! te make this a Skirt Event of rare values especîally important te every woman and mis#. The styles are bratd uew, and are se varicd that they leave notbing to be desired in ecaher kind-silk or wash skiu'ts. Join ini on these te$npting'roductions and sasy handsomely. $U~SKIRTS - $2.98 to $7.50 WSSKIRS- 95c to $4.98 SILK SKIRIS in the newet plian d sport figures of îaffeta, poplin and novelties. Also the favored satin foutAutumn Wear, inc!udcd. WASH SKIRTS thatut unconmmonly clever in evey detail bf "uer make-up. ilncludeiare the iâ1ýeti~I b rdine, h.$ttad~ue ordweavea. beauifsi éinov- ~tl~a~-i'pamwhite and sport moàk WP NWakgn's Foremogt Storel 160. JUIP IN TUE LAKE' IS A TRIJE SAYIN61 IN T H1S Man Who Lost Purse and Valu- ables Informed Now Me WiIF, Have ta Dive for Themn. BUT STOLEN.I1 Little FeIIow Picked Up Valu- -ables But Other Lads Rellev- ed Ffim of Them. Waukegan, .tuiy 18. LOST-Between Larsen', boat bouse anti Northwestern depot a note- bookt containing raliroati tickets, reg- i8tration card and sone. receiptaq. Fintier please returu te Sun office anti recelve renard. 163 :, "ie young man who Inserird the above adverlisement lu The Sun on Saturday. if ha nanta le geL back is reglistratlon ard sud railrosd ticket, wlt litcraliy have te "go take a lump ln ibe Ishe." Ant iIf ho lÉ a gooti dIver anti swim- mier he may gelt tiem hack; If not, ho rnultt as neil seek another registra- lion card, hmmy a uew rallread'ticket anti niake lime hest of It. île actually lest the purse anti contents-anti thay vrrefounti. Btm, Lte laner, risose Intentions were geeti, vas tbvartei In hi, de' sire te ha honeat. Il sean. that Louis Vemparys, ageti 10, son ef Mattbew, foundthtie purse demn on the heics. It happenei, herever, that another boy living on the sents aide anti conalderabty olalar than Louisi, aise maw im Isiu d hat appear. cd te ha a prize. Ha ho lust slntpiy look the purse away fret Louis, look- cd Iule IL anti than flndlng 80 cent, dîvided ti Lamntog is ciiile coin. panions, gave Louis hi.ssare. sud calmly anti "vitheut malIc4 or fora- lbought," thra tae purse, raliretil ticket anti regist.ration cartI nto the lakte. Each boy got a tilme--tbere ware eight te divisie up Lime spolsia arong, IN POLICE COURT John White, 19, Unable to Pay $200' Fine, Must S.-vom 90 Days in C'ounty Jail. ,69 'Wash Skifts to 4S. 98- Here are skirts of silk. wooi and wash fabrics Ilu tise saason's very newast creations. Ail aises, Iol- con ant istyles, at - At Close-Out Prices 79c9-1. 9m2wAAB Waists to S 1.50-- Pretty uer voiles, larus anti celoreti effeacta lu wanted ty les with large coliars and plenty of emhrotdiery trimming, at Waists to 32--- Thi.s pecial aaaorinent ineludes any numbet of realty isantisoma styles lu plain visite andi colora; etaborataly trinimei, s-t Walsts to 35-- liere are silk crepe de chine andi georgette or.». blouses, as welu as those of pretty voiles. AU aite htaptifuiy ttnareta It was Bot tîntil feaig rtbwtL*uls Seing the bd. la Thé ifs,,, teld hi.. la- thÉr about Il sud-lte latter callid sp wltb: ".M-igbt as Veil take, the-adi. out fer bhall lever get the purga or tickets bachi agatn-and, the mouey's @Pont." Ha thon tld ef the son findfng it and of the neighborhood boy who took lt frein hlm, sas chief- tain of the gang, andti dvidadtae plunder. 8e, ais stateti aboya. there's oaly oua wst' te get bis reglstration card anti ticket hack-go and lump lu the lake. diva a littae, swim a lot, and perhaPa halIl get thes,. Tha ad. was Inserted by J. H. %far- lin of the gas office. Atoryf or Wteit ôt Man akest 'oti nfor a N*, Trkd tf Case. Carl Miller, the Wlieellng young man, wbO 18 chataed with having ho- trayedth ne trust reposed lu hlm by' Milss Marie 51.1er, a cemaely yeung gi en Prairie View, ts gullty. a1r- cerding te a verdict returneti by the JurY la ceunty court Tuestiay night about 8 e'cleck. feilowlug a detilbgr. ation lastlng uearly nine bourg. Be- cause tise JurY- was ot tgo long wîth- eut arriving at a verdict it *a% feat- ed titere vould ho ea. disagrSement. The caue was onle vberiin te girl chargad Ibat the yeuth deberteti ber when sanahù ~mi.~lt apparently turned ber love te batte. for lt le a «dabah.bas decline tu t ,narry hlm undar any clrcutustantes. Wbat the asked wae tbha cha coin-, Palleti te centrIbute letae support of the Infant chlid sachel inlitber arms whlie la th. court romi. Yaang 1111 1 M not dony that he bati beauenite witb thte youug_ woman. but ha seught tusif t the re- spealbililtY te et.. ehoniders. luit- malng that lmas1(1er was a girt er IO e.,mr&l, and aeektag te maite it appear aheba hbem t imato wltb others. If the verdict whLch vas returneti liq allowed te stand Miler muet pay tise yeuisg vman 169 or serve a sentence ofet a enit six menthesflt tha county Jli. Hie attorney bas ap- pesledtheUt cae. The arguments bab o eard 'by Judge Parsens FM1. dymenting. VICTIMIZED NORTH SIDERS. IFOUND A few barwgrns in our- At Close- Out Prices Wash Skirts to S$1.50--- Nice-iooklug shirts of pretty waab tabrlcs ln dozent of uer styles. Ah aizes, apectaliy pricati lu Our July Clearing Sale at If ash Skirts to 3,3--- lu this lot are glnghams, a varlety of sport tabrica lu ait the wanted coîcrînga. A geeti range et aises anti style, ai Pare. Thrm, l' -- 7-91,-

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