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Libertyville Independent, 19 Jul 1917, p. 6

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i r , J-A 4 F4 M M » te PJRD TESTiu AJE4 E M15ICURMUD )SILLINReCW3FOR Co rt ny Cares J. J. Ku- Whieé Hundreds aoftien rBei kar and Throatens to Iîsue ing Relasedt t-Fot beri- a B&no Warrant. danlF Local Mien Romain. FAVOtS GRAND JURY QUIZ. LOOKS VERY, FAVORABLE.' &iants DorEs'la Mft.Kukar Indiation 1'A" t Tey Win L and livè' - LandSoq*ot- Positions monyonSh41he-ltdei nas Ariny Officers. aftér î«4effla lrie eveela the Tllhaexuvuni ovar 1Fort Sheriean ike separate mainenan* case. training camp Modai anti loppeti off M~day afturaoflt Circuit .iudge thse chances of about 600 students for d CEara 't. UlvaWds&Mato»ty grantte ooimlssofl. Il vil swing hecit, a-dacrea le 'Msp. Kuker anti fiel the aida todayant Iralost 200 more vitI bmmoU i et er milmoni et Sie par b. apamteti fron thle opprtunitir aýe«tis but tUeuenO -ttuIloue a to serve as officersiln tIe Unitedi *hIci varratforthse *matet fla- Statesaramy. ">4' Kuker, -tise déenidenit, on Up to, the présenit lime the Wauka- taygeoft aving given perJuredfti i. g&» mèn ln training tiseRaiey F'ovl- l~soy-or, Tom Kiht, M. Hackey, miltan «MetomwlMycnoging -thte iat cal>nn c»,! iHmer Cebringar, wbave duerée and 160 c.monts emoni. 1but rarecelveti no as-ters 10 retuma home' I a temptet strongly t, igue a -Q*rafore they are 01111 la the rRa»- ~ncs arro<M~b 4*ff e.te lliî?* aM seaaemlim bave c chance to ~st e lis àm 2fs0 rsa u b M ail uoffice M. If they don't1 ~ thcle 'd , = i m ,n-fait "der thse ex Iodai,,their ch»-o -isal by h aQaoWber gradluly ces are mntm favorable. The tact -4u ledUards "salI ater iavin Ibal they have beau retaned lisera t»l b.ffle -.orn"ismla a alerBaerai huniueti bave beau ru- teabl muý mimd tisaKaiser bas tesati a&Mues very atroügiy for tisen. il ilip0uit. am"u 14r lfiltiI e They ait have ha.» on thetaions AbOM be ounlsisd. Èl>' inr utb- st fot a long ime andt ie tension ~nlgaUiIitoo common in crimi- bae Increse te breaking point dur- 09Ci *Bd 1mt Ithuais # le about t len.lng thé.9mput ev days. tmt a Unt vas e&%&el1 Amnngons Whvio ver. rellevetiofo! W#Omosd for lire Kuker, wiso duty ver. the tudent ducs shootes .vus u*là for sepate maintenance caught- lnac raid Tbursliay. m tb. m i làtisat ber isushanti vus Ag OPPOýritit0apply for the laflnta* *" dosa DOra, ullpu, îes- aviation corps vas efferadthotse. - '"Me tax*YSUS e» Içuhar andthtsa eased. llPa anntoe b e a gt Those left atter Qds w eek are gifrai ocaion aa aapneartY sure Of conmissions. The te baxin feaaltishotiser 1» la aPrises, reniai front captai» ta se c- MvMeuaItIe Great Nortiser hatet la ondt lieutenant.,yul ha about equal. monte. The. atudents ver. elevieet tom the la lise face eft lis. évitdnce Ku- lirait lime today hi Govemnor Loy- »br th. msesodl n tsud tlUfMait Idan. Tii. evlavlng party Inctutisi ** D b bau»out ith .th@e wisin-Governor antilMtre. Lovden, Colonel »ma von tis aI h. neyer isati haan . anti Mis. Nicholson, Captai» Moffett fluRe t vlber. of Great Lakes, Colonel Reitly of the It 'î~ i ~ s .- Fi-si Ilinois arilltecy. «et liséfnendant vlslisuno Incaeti Major ROnaYnue. ln charge et -h tisa cout andi causeti lm tt lâI»e PPlccnts o! the second otficers, gran$ d jury investigation on a charge training camp. ennounce,! today that id peiury.4,669 applications bave heen receivqo Attorney George Fieldi intercedati 1 _______Illinois. for bis client anti urgadth le court %lot tetne ay uch drastle action. 12 M I1 JUg Ewarîsfinely retenteti. anti112ICENTAU I i 1 . iai escapeti by a aqueal. John Kuiser, brotber o! Use defenti- POSSM ILii'Y FOR . ot, teatitiedt Uatin'»bis opinion his tve.» Sioo anti $200 a wvek.is. l as QU'thi8 h isvng tisaIt Qlecourt tizeti théa ellount aI$40 a monts. REASONYS GIVEN FOR BELIEF Local Garden Direcor ýgy Wla4oea People Should Make Gardens Work. "la yeur piton bSeraluthe quns- ti C. U Albae, titrector a! gardons la Waskaws, askentheUs.local People tIodai Ibraugistfiamedituamo tise prs. «U n," bMr. Ae conllsue,th"ie "ine la bore le plant crevatefotatI t viater usa. Tier, are a nim- beret a!vgtables thatetM fl eu b. 4mat d attises-a he ie ltrt !hie - ~~iivlolc bern ad»oah ta- VoDoWln ara sut ftisavegata- ble Mv Ateurge. Waukesau Pee- Pbu te plant vithout tietay: - (e arl reti). os ohfa (let s.a fr transplant volea » ecriy vearly theou RIiittsoto & p. ndrei lla5y-on t= e tea sra- ppl 7 ruttlly h Onnsesc Expeot Producers te Raise the Price-Dealers Too, Have More'Expenses. Tvelve cents a quart for mils may ha Usa pie charged inluWeuka- gau. neit falilanti vinter, eccomtilng te tise priae»t fiutlook, vhich la non. toc encouraglag, accoring to local datryman. Tii. retait price o! mUkInStaWatts.- gan t the prasent tinte lu nia. cents a quart. Lest vear il vus but ei;hl cents. In a n»ntbeg of citlez fi. prie. chargeti nov lu te» cents a quart. Dealers predilct thft the «iW nation hem. do.. not cati for opti- mlum. Tisere are tvo reason., ucfiortiing to local dealers, vhy it la more than probable tiat tisea vlI Se a siiarp increese la prica. On. o!flise roes ons lu practicai assurance Uat lise' poduceru v1i dentanti more for their poduct wvii.»helia e their neri contrect. Tii. other reason o Usai the Waukegan rait kordinanee. vUch bacante effective July 1 01 lisis yemr. matie It neceary for saves-alolac deaers t10 mtait ddfllonsl equlp- MOnt ssch sia teriliuing oulfIts tor bettle. anti pataurislng isppllances. TbeY @& at thIis eQuipnent nas Il Morexpeauve te supply mils 1> COsUMeOrt. Tii.», Ion, thiey ane oblie,!ta pay-a Ileeete@ 10 the W. 3. Knttla, Bcralary o! the dis] escgo IMilS Produers lslallaonz thuinsuthèiser ultie doubt but Usa etise pretueu viiidemati mores ta <Sels- produot. t 7é urýoo."sai lt. My.Kis, ua oïâoa& Thé» a a spreact ca s tfr esl rie irolaem a#* mm fw utbSin qgartbW.. *ot IougM» or Father Zajkowsld, an Alie Plotter1 Says ranoIs MD fensel# Wak., 'HE IS BI~1~N ois, rslte ~ SC istt and -Anarohsts. Wauisoiao, JulY -if nyi talenelishbor bss * i lefaue han thst, I1fitey' 51 îhaa avIbeKay >tien Ibis t bos-hoodi= 0e lie. dUse C. Zajois aca-o! Bt. ni yben hal rdcp Ihat Pathêr n~ was elimiai te be th ii el co»plrc. Tii. priext - lm Isertili eh lise chsarge o! an at isîttiaI plo nate hy tiese a cisurcismuli.St. Bcrtholomev' the Lithuanien cisurch is et Lta Ulgitis strealS uni lis recto: boa» retarre teta hiaher Un a 'roy friendth ie eneill.," "Thse fellow nover harn.d Valisa Ziiovsi ent on le a abouti neyer have Mindai bis once la the nfigisorisool ver., tisat UieSo caltadI nstiItt@ publie c antet. Tise f ev tamit succeedtln1»brInzing t te i were the anarobishlc anti Boci element, wvisa Sd been axceux eti ttom tlii.andtihie #iavBs neai-by. BInce nicomna, Y hep~ haet tvo or titrs Muferait his ciurcis. 'Ts vas due tea I liat eltser PaUser Anisa attise I church or misaIt isat refus ,give sucis peopte a Oatisoll buri Usai calleti on tise self utîleti dictine as a torlore isope. or egutie couple thal I1isnov ot .mar îrie, hi Francis but uhel v isheàte taretumu la the C jchureii, t.hhabd te ha rem ' Repors-t tetling of thse kiui Institut, Francis vas cond have he» conting te me foi tinte. SucS a fellov 18 benesl templ andtihie cammuiity w bveîlte 1gelt i of hlm If tiese a s are sustaineti andi 1 have nc but they viilbe." "Falier Francis' Institutsw one block tram lie Lithuanlai elle church. When be vas vieve e*tse-d4ay hy a Dalty1 1Porter ise charge,! Fatiier Za. vIts belng the. leader o!an e 1 iica plot ogainstitl. lHei Lithe Catisolle clergyman ver. 0f bss succeffislindravlng prt :fromt tise ltiuanlan endi churchesteb issovn anti ,so à, p the chargea viicis led s-eust Tiradcî»ibht. kSTATE AID1 ROM> M fiVU YSL '~WÀU*NMÀ JAILENT~CF~$ NEW, F011> SWIO VENUE CIIMiEIs 1ALEL~ aIR(ED OR OTUBRwmN NEAtS COMPLETION eRANTl1>IN CASE IN, ORÎERY cAS QM.ÇANE Y -140PERN PLACE 0F ZIONW0FICER ba Charles :Ando nis Arres teti aà ..s Fiied $10 And Coots Wilson~ & Ohm Have Rearrang- Case o Msrs -w n mm dLoko Opinla bythtaa erve 20 ed Entire'GraePlgns Casperson WIII Be Heard ln AureraPolice. Dàys In County Jait. in Wau= a. MoHienry Côunty court. T o befalzly accused o!f Orgery Waukegan, July 14. .An tnayetliet tise »Ow Ford! ai-10àSiE JUDGg SWLEY. E rndigeoked UP ilu lau ta stand tri&' Joait-sentences of tiWO»ty daiS esoCh *cy in Wsu'.iegcfl. tart 1ed lune il. Son, the higlu the exPerOrlO ver. given William MicCanfly' and i lcloses that the work of maRDY 'me Court HuIdThat Propondlerance lbOul vlc~Chartes Anderson of lobart 1D. Erevuitis mortinla1»for lthe naîtmonth heu rouai.,! out af Poolw p M.$fuffloient tWaukÙgun e must pasied, et Ars- oounmtY Court. vh#u Judis P, I. Per- a -wootertulIy .tipt>.d 1sd veil o m. ndrso potete bi jana-.sons denied thea mtin" for new tri- *iamand service station forI Ford ovu-ta i e. Ance bt iruo pteits feU sa *la andIimPia udi tigeut. In éB- ers. 'lylvester H. DePav snd Mart Ca. does"- aur- ntl.aInvestigation hi dition ta Saivia; Iventy duis lui Every modem mçtisod of sclentl- proIOçeilplcmni th% Duo. tilirtment au.hoveti ho »0 JMIuit h bdatandant vu. orderea Atefc Ford repar voris la 1hbupMC"- CiCty. viso ver.plcad under spea"<lng theatrétb. a cfine et $100"d antiCsu. Uach toti. No-axpenue as eu » aimiel aut ,a 1 e hks 8 U o na arge P T' s Auromre DUllyBeacon la lis mua âbe h..»founti guity on n.s to sae Ibisplacetihaubet bOiveen»or bavlnassaultel Jacks,vers andi Issu lmjbtMay igh, cntài$d mt f bsving solti itqglcatlf l1- Vtbiao suti-Milwauksee. and ti w ould. Bonp,M, Ivo &elact utry ont- thse folimvig. moont of thé &fair. 5110f la sutîSualoon territori. Bot **sgréait Ce«ito emany .sirfteL la Q16von thiai ght for a change ,, Chae& u-Anderpon. is îears , tatetend l. l@kMestOLDco.tula loket' lise. cills tâ ba" ve p.te u, ocu eof enue Ibis momnlng vb.n County " W2euem a formner Unitedi States eluhu coaktucteti by the d*.pdants. sur o oul sotatBion., Jidie P. L. tPersonastransafarred, tha eoldl« oasel by water. 'dumn», McAuféy tit i nol theieon.e AÀ iaiî oday through lthe sisoo casea b se McHenry couîtty court, 122 ous Broadwvay. or! cas0 "lSeviso» tise case va sà*&el.Ris sove at .he proprl.tqrs unIe- wbeme Il viii be tied beltme Futile 14. forgde cisa Itisýe A. U. H&%en .uc attorney this morilng dit fBot arge stand tsar >»uslse#i ud tesait -bIavid T.Oela. bote tou»a,? South Broadway, vas va- & motion for a new triai. Aàtt lu»gIaift tàMiS mati AOornayafor the. ivo poteemet mach leamat om jait lest night bordei U¶.d arued for a pevtril liati o.th* atpi"k. Otti * *0tôa d, p «W n & '&i. l nelgi- o!f uStIl. Vortes Dutton. Wiieus s . et O, 9ra09»otse trou"ulth"aI mouracy.. a"d ik~ve ob"Alut m« siis ItWb$ cii*mgad tisaI tbepe.- 0Rav saad Otinmenu vw" mitaken la hislisais vuSné otmonî laliolucel v*ho cm me 55thit -ý1. 1 pleOetLais. coffly vara npreju. Brtisa- man. Auderson's home»lala t»Wauie-MBthlie trial visci s boya the dafenti- No smaltai wlit&Unt.ah .ld III 11icedagMint De'eandi Casporu #Urbq l. Mt vu.gulty of is 1evvilation. ne carui le»a ha rebut lainIS is ho- tisat ilvould ha impossible for tison 'acia The police are nov uesrcbl8gfor P01*td out tIsaI tie. jdenoe &Il C@nplefe>y evermented admatie t. o aueafi a mata ra c f a a maa.,,isuv as 'JameS mulor.w'teUigddto sow ble clent condueteti rua elclenti. t eueafi n mata ra wg"Tisa unpeot vent to Cdem.». home bsslocker club te uccordence vils 'l'iey s". equipguel 1rebors ~*Id.ato'u Attorney 3cm.. G. weich ctosd -xveaisffloYeterdaY antid ii ielu.ameu 15erMcsllt ivletro arir a for &a-veek'iI-àarti ln atvaflOW. Tises Just what the IWO mm a iliide in,~I4l i~ ~-itoe~ . au-nées uio wu.scet F5 la ho sot Casme»sho endorue a ceqç about Iheir cases la not isuown, but O-6." 5d w . l 1 se aki col»'Y. Tisasmms ave .tIsa i at fo - $1. ireosnting himel!sau a tiser. lu a repu.t that -th" y-walsot q , eye t U . b Mo 10 t, v a n th tis~I ee ftise". ohaa illeTeesoonPaBy. tae.an ulpeal ta a&buiher couita fq mumWajjt V4 reuimOletth w 518Cienens vaut vltb tbe tr5aer t Thlu ishe aacondsentence of a mn eataWtmm is 11t-ehaa.aa a th" wsarecou- tisa Kane Coutr suppli cmpO- liai4autre tia saI he ha. » mp Osai Sllqps 1$ tbe af lhave~vma ia ietep olib ne." sambon, but Etivard Hotte?. tise pro la lis.case of Mccaai. vitia tis bo t Whtiv.s dlo-uois" a . ar 8&' - prletm s ald'ha titinot have e»Ousa at 1ev motsO., Reaiu "Oklug teA* 0 de-, tg4ia trlf!lnt la emîtr u mp gpria- money on band tb cash the csecs. erompe tise former sentence on a p.- Md * 10 6 ifforeseilWei note ia tiil ii en, I, not Thon. Ctamens tooc the etranges' la IUOnfor babo"s cOrâ dePrpu. s ou0s ai'ew aau bt as a h ls Rgea »salon» anti Hage»ncauhati The detendants bave Uirty dars T1isa 000 h 1auý w» sàmivw - oJtekde rnsaev layer a amt l1- ho it. Both Huttey andi Hagen uay An- ila vhich to, prep ,cre an appe;ai th» li ba*e$" Momacinor. é 1é*hamlerslr duaeah cismbi tieruon la net lth@ man vho camte end of tiien if thby bave Dot fed, o0~~#nIh 5i~t,~ ' mneh i eWatliS alstiO vIth Citinens. The. latter pejtiHagen they yl 5,ve 10 enter jail. »~,~~iélu Id he fait theaI lie iueeboeuae uàUt. bueS thu $15 viien the check vus re- -overbauiU frontales. vagusthse of IWoof boulti not hé taken loto churcs tuneti ce..- = tsnterctin letin oprts, tilasernhliag otoM %wit-conaltiemallon If Il eppetretithere ch -ltme.Afe adlieatonltigovr- ý» - 1- --jvas ree.onbla tes- tisaItisase miuist he tact Ilavieb teal anti 1Bene- ne ren- fr Vers n tisey atholle arriati." d o! an iducting r somne %t con- OUI do ko doubt as luit n Cath- i Inter- Sun r.- Lihovaki celesias. clalineti jealous rilelyeq siavisis frameti bis C- Extreme Wet Weather Has- Made It Impossible ta Con- tinue With the Work. Thsvos-k o! putting ln th.e* t. ai,! oati on Gs'anti avenue la psogres- sl»g t'es-y sîovîy.andt tss. visoare eccustomedt 10uso tisumain cites-y o! Isavet as-e nov obtigedt t taS. a round about route, anti- as-e ecoming muci discour»Ageti. Tbey exirsea tise leur tisaI tb. actuel vos-k of pour- lng concret. vilI not ha tated untl caîti veatiser. t Cantractor Ç. P. Mosan vms handi- ceppeti the fifs-t part of tise sesson becaune he a ia a numnhus of otlser contracta on han,! anticouiti net gel es-undt tastart vos-k c» Grand -av- enue. Wisen i. fiaill i di tart thoý Vomis thara tise vemîhas-vas agalbal hlm. Hie gaI a flylng sgtart and got Use s-eu,!torn up aiti igt, but the iseavy raits that have prevalleti mucis of the lime bas mateie t amos1 impossible la naSe any heativai. Peopleviso isave beau la tleaitsî Of usIns Grand avenue nov are obig- ed te go by vay cf Green giay rau,! or go etillI utsler veut 1 thsaeutd ef WasisLngon treat, andconte ont o»L Grant avenue aI the guh*ei. air. More» lu incline tho haeîishlnjI -k Md s-»»arte hat vftise atci 0 Wolvah sb ih a aisi abe.lato~ l e fer tlmttin a ulWin naSina bsa4vy anhblu important rma&. Tise tories- stayeti ah Clame».' houae . fsa»Turstiay unhîl Schussday. Clemens msa i elasure Anderonxilu tise aie man, but liai he vare & brown suit of clties lise». Ander- son 1% nov vearing a black suit. The police failed to finti any atiser clties tu Antiesson'a suit case. Andterson la MALY TRUCKTO MRTEST 0FKRs OSENE AS À FUEL, Local Truck Left City Mondaye on Gruelling 500-Mile Test Drive to Minneapolis. Wbah mnav prove la be an epoch making tpst of platn, eves-yday lier- osene as fuel for motor trucks start- ed 'Monday, wlien a Many truck left the facas-y in Waukegan terminal forÉ a 500 mile ru» 10 Minneapoi. Tii.] truck was in charte of 'Ms. Manly himself, This vehiie i li e fis-t in the Uiled! States 10 b. regutarîy equtPP- eti for burnlng pure kerasene. Tii. navet items ut construction are not In lie cas-luîsetor. but in tii. engin. desin.h. latter having. amang oh- es- ihingu, a special typa o! manifoldi. SmalI quantittes o! gasolîne are cas-- s-led. 10 be use,! for sterting pus-pos- 's anly: no one has yet devise,! a successful methotof a!elas-ing an en- gIne on erosene. ;nasmuch as the Iowly coat 0it sells for i 1-2 cents a gallon,. vile gasoline, Rellin.g *at more than 20 cents viiolesale, andi promises 10 amount tu stili fustiser heights. as the. United States get Ith the war. tie M Inneapolts ru», If t teissuccess- tut, siiould bave an Important beur- i»1 on the motos- fuel problent. A difficult route, by vay Of Mati- ten and La Crosse. heu been ciibBen pus-pose to make lhe tour a reat test o! endurance, andtihle snuit.stm'l i. crie,10by d Isn erested Ob- serves. Mr-. Manly expects ta te- tus-n to Waukegan tise latter part o! tise week. Il la saidt lat lie gpt'esnment has b..» walehing tii. operation o! the 1Waukegan-matie truck for s.ont. tinte and ps-ovidilng the. test lis succe.ssfut a suuhtanttel os-des- yul be gIîven for thi. trucks ta b. useti duriug tise present vas-. 1.s- 1.n .iuaas egkna, l Io Kivuys rdenier. l a1» c aeoe!g ittan excunabie ati uoeaatluu utt- avoidehie. ItlaI.covertiCe; "ce- «aId 1 sSiakeupére talla tt*, -die ,à~l tines bof ora e ur, lu ul ~ IuI A- pr.t U b pdg*e. -Tis b$ ,sle~SshS eigisî haurs c Jury t»tY -Court breualst In a seulelferiict Rt 8:00 >'cloce Tbureta"y lib. flti 11Roh- ert D. Broya, former kepeof aI boiser ctub., guliltiof isavlng soe ln- loilcaling liquer tn anti saloon les- rltory. Tise mIceisati esiet for a eonilcionos tbr.. caua. Tise tact tisaI tise lury as ouI o mc onAsdUse bUrIber tact tiset tise defOlent vaa boual guli* on butone eot o! tise tbrse 0ousto, causa the betief UsaI il veasa compromIse verdict. Tiseeisargaaginat Broyna u v asta bo departi f.ettith eaimeulai o! co»ductlag e locher cluîndcaisolti linuo-outriltis nuteati Of ceussîni tise memhare of tise club to sendti tr orders to tise hraverie. Tise evidënee ahovedthUst bottles of bees- vere laisen tram locisers anti placeti onAle before theY ver. ssrv- eti to membars tif the club. It va. chas-gel that tisa.. botîles Wres-e nat label.,! pmoperly and. thet Usey coutti flot be Itientifled. as tise Individual propes-ty o! eacis member. ttnder tise 1ev. accordini tte sta1,ueAttornley, Ibis constituteti a violation of tise 1ev. Il vas ueen fs-ont the stbrt tisaI Use case vas a yeny close one anti ln- doubtediy vaut,! establisis tiesetatut of tise loche- club. Il la saiti that Brown meintaing is Innocence anti viii appeal tiese du 0the hugiser courts ln case a nev trial lu nal grented. IWAUKEGAN LADS PROTETINfi AN IMPORTANT PLACE Crew of Dickey Assigned ta Task ta Help Locate Pos- sible Spy Plts. The Waukegan young me» on the Steele boat Lickey are iaving a fine tillue. They as-e attoned "saine- where on the great lakes,'" jual viiere The Sun isoovu, but, ln line vlthh il Policy et complylng vîtii goternmen- taI requesîs, refrains front saylng vies-e Itis. 'rie Waukeîan lads, àder s-Ensign Chasles Steele, are aktng an active pas-t t» psotctlng a certain plece o! gavemnnent propes-ly on tise, great adakes, and, accortitng ta yard tram, tisenthies-e ilI i. coneiderable vos-k for lisent. Il develops liaItvo boata bave been suu'k 'mysterous3ly" o! lai., andt lela hy tiey ver. dis- patchedti t the partîcular point-to, help ps-avent fus-lies-l"accidents" o! tisaI sort. a lRad Il not b..» for Usaesnling et lise tvo boal., tise chances cre tise Wauliegan me» voulti have beau Sept aI Great baises vls lthius-sylfi mo- tpe boat, but Ueir cemstanc va more necesuari- visqre,IeZ now %re lia» ei the naval station. Tber V * -& =&yea80tWMots. Tieraaawi veeUa OC"0 Indcate WWmaismy tu el itocla -la oub. »euwe w *m futvi tinter blcs. testlag uMeànto. und colla, ovenisalflng mnt.., noms- Sembli noter.,aldC ofu0rse vils letise, giulq anidut Mpies.. etc.. for speciai vork. WeWi vilI go Ibrougis tise $hop .yatamalicctly anti on scisedute lime, no tietth1e Ford wull habacS rua- naig"on the streal" la uervlce t- In a; fev hoursafater il Ses reacisel Us. Ford Ispital. "lEves-y device for upeeti undi ccu- rata vomislalu netallet and ail wvans vilI Se cisared for ai a set ps-ic@ Ver opas-ation or job-nom le- an bourli mte-uao evemione tien tellint»ativanca visatieislabo- vill coul, net cs us bu prejulice. Hé prasathelisetate's attorney for Use zeal Sa exisibitei ln trylag te iseep tisa case ia Ibis couni ty tor trial. Tise axpaits deciarete If a lot ot potalaes lu net nifem Il: la ata verth white tu sort lisenta"tiuelthe large anas vils recul meuts or et oliserlmes vise» ltheove noetil nt be speciaIly healeti and mve lthesmutll Ouen oser tintas vie» quics coa.gla LUme ovanient vorkmeu "by lie Seur"-probably for tinte "stb"all'aay or expes-imening or 10 hunt for tonîs and ti ler vaste molio».' t! Wilson & Obu'samon do not vos-k efflclently. Wilson & Ohn to., nol tise custemes-. Consequetti Wilson & OS,» ese entploying thse RB B 'es-y haut men, tois isai et ac isîgisittrlu scele o! vagsS. irmyuqikyg Itla lu qteresing la vi3it Ibis place ïue 0-elàd anti anyone calling ai et iaagency , af.v a*hmtehouais ci anti as7ing ho hovn lise plant l.--Su vili ha cousteously treataetd hi allier Mr. Wileon or Me. Oint. Ccli anti gel acquatutati vils tises Young me»nviso have recenlib.- coula Waukogan reaidentg, mnehs, o! eus- Cisauner o! Commerce, andtFo ec! boosters for tise loy». '1iey isave taise» a usianti one-isaît yaar r tese no are permanent anti tiss-va Poe a.vqustt tise support of everyone ln Wauisega» anti adjoining tors-Itou-y. D&W l ubmdh IIOLT STUNS 18 -- AND SETS RMtETO 1_a" CLUB 0F OFFICERSK m R Fort Sheridan Scene of Great Exeohement Duulng Stormn of Friday Afternoon. l du105. MEN AND WOMEN gTUNNED. ]Port Sher-idan, July 14.-A boIt ot liiistata tisat Bîrue'k.andt ie tet the offices-s' club, onuetfthe Iergse4 buldingsBln the tort, gave tutiant attiem a * vas-thsili during a dont-I bus-el laIe yeuterday atternoon. ElgisIn noffiees atdtiseir vives ver. eh supper. Every persan va stunined ftos a fev moments, but nloue serlously bort. . D Ul W FY A second ligbtning boit atrucis tise AYRT EN grounti and,! rea ois intatise tril f. f '. . lald lilty teet fs-ontheatiquarters la ~ IM Sl ~O lL hadti m assihlsepot. Ha vas eliaisly atuap..Ev, Tise Sconia éf lt01e4miaer,t,: ire" amulte arivMy* i isonqI quutlu re eqsu~il iU~f' tra w lea ttisee «PUl if Oum 94" o th 1 ne Tb ye u 0i de 1 lu bis bu e Tt Pr it e

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