NÂPPININGIAT !raysake I lihdbv f.J.ORUCE PhOna ili Od-r Taken for Job Work. I Av^rOIengrtas on application. An sais large erovd fia. Grayala' atm4ied the dbaatersansd oô"erattise- tiàii aI Wbutagn Sund&$ eventng. À Iwo il WdaM.Dacid thae De lAkeaide =botaiietotrday .veaaing. Caab -Noter hua aoeptsd a pMstion lu mea offc, ui the. Wlonain Coudafing UMneem .Rosatte af Chisago. viai.1 ed at tb. home of Mr. sud lire. 067 Eves Book sud Cléfhnt Whimorte a1 oeflg, $peut Sonday have. Mr. aud lir. ILW. Cbeoblil rnalored tu Midiâigaai O audlit. joseph tb. peuti era&end veunig bomea Mondor. 11 Mma D. 0. Whte W".a Chcago vhista Mim Alsa bteh @poynt Banday #lth1 f rimda 6 aiWaka MI& 1 Oaa W* apaiset tbi. fazil aloie ceonlg »Fsida.. i, . Lord D11i-i .oa.lbm .vaiig payai and two pach-m aff cdl avlops for 189c-e. Ti.l o-Diom Ping Go. dap from Mami, Mh . wbars .be ayant lii. putSià.b The. .trtairnt Lcoiltt.aof thal fl Ced WB[ayu ge a dance st tbe Opaa oau., W.dmadayav.sing, Ju!y 26tb. Tuae wil héa Bdan.fur bth o adu yu g ad.àà osla eurdisdirlg lvid tacatuand dblp aog agooe an.. George Ct avaa aseIhd 10 Clicgo Teday oanaec0nDl 01 the g»Ver ilas.. ut hi. brutbar. Ch».. E. Halene of lâChiago, tisa- aacted beaimusbar, the. Brut a9 the. wah. Mm, Mmà ofutChimaaa. la viitilas ber. i . Rogers tramIL . . T. l.ut Voit Sheuidan vas lb. week-end guestutt he houae of floueromn. li" Elizabeth lichait va. the. vaak- end gant of Idin Elizabeth Llpa. of li. ~w. Patti »put Ta.aday sud --Wda.,w.- - --Wt.r- l,-- 1 - - A Kls»rm Jr., eoierd -houa viii lirm lbop svingo vili asaak lu theUnited Ev**WWu ibch " Btbie 6-81819aO Jane t aQu Md Adel.l llr of Arilogflon Melit.. ae tii. g.ta of Min ~ ~ ~ i flosa Ma ub 01 b«ail biwubd8* Mies Eaab;rel<ai mastha gaal oraiw MN.Oblt -B fiat ichicago, Fridai Mud haerl. <, «Km..of aRglasd Park. va. lb. v.ekffld Ognet aitii.bom o ai ilim Seule. J. à. Bichat "md ion Maurice raiurnad bona atadayImFror ot àMadi&on, lova. shai.tbey bava beau vIitii r15Mvelia. #Mt WOOL lMe. Mumdd Lovaln.d Zimmats, aud.Mus. ràes.r "» td mZme 01 Chego. eiven.u Snna-ogud01 lir, end mmn. V E400. . Audrav Lana. aitflisailili. . ar vWiitlgtbuir ad««s, lira. RavI Vmrar. lMue J. B. Egar sud d.nghtei Katbryu, af Aue, wvug» bgmtae o M-s.Robert E. Papi., T«..d Edwvd Tb.rrul m Md vue0ai Hihlud1 Puk. Tt.itad Mr. and lira. Bd Lndau Their ae 91 Georff lauwffr'e Iuda, aciiocî i»a-. çitba Prabjirtîl chrci gvYe aen lm.eresu social la tha Coin- mad e .gbs dollarfor Iiniooa. 1. A. Reicet. Jr., reurued borne fl- urday from Jui.aburg. Coio. * abe b £ UU(U'.JUI tL , e mypyEND»T, WRZA.. 9 ilisud 01 iciao, formerIxofTE 1 staking a vacation* reuewog TAKN6 MREB4 R. Stewart. Oese pae Invas- y forn Tbraa(Oak@ lichigan &C. ion of Eamt in 'Drive for Re- iby MW Sand. I crultVte His Faith. ». o ws evoa foay r ARNS 0F END 0F WORLD.: 'muradaj!,nmOhio. ViDWtaIPoo*t= Have but Little rai e N a n sd ëbaJack re- T 1e - ~to Preparo kana. froà Charlotte, Mkichgm for Coffl ofo Christ. avaulug.Voliva, Budy, causecrated .ixty- wagbl.e wer, bain 10 lir. sud ni"e babies pan 1received nluely-aiz ak cramnin JuI h.lt] eo nt tiowship of bis chiarcla. inoan Md faauiY 01DasUletAbout thrae hhbnand persome were et Thureday aBtt he (.B. lDen- &tia athe iDO eeting and many liré. W. E. Davis et LÀbuqvllWe ayant by cilles. a 1v as.it lre.R.E.Jamlan. During bit affegs the overseer q Jude .DenuaBrS. aturnad t ta il- linted ai *%plan for a big evangel- tend Parkt Saiurda". lzing acheae. Ra wauld personallyr WuL BardIsi., formerl oai llbuin, conduet moethln large cities ar dird as Meabho u luShiaton, WiacSan, the United 8t$Wfandai aerhaps for- J.aly Il. the tnaral iels bld illi 13th. elgn couitrilas the 3maler ci- Wmédva a membai ai the. Tuba of tUc., lov2aAs dfIUagPes wuld ho la- fig. ~ ~ tUr fmLnils4oxNo. si. ken car. ,ot lay evangelile who V.d tbdii. rompmsada Balai- vanld be yri>vidad vith Fard road- sters and vouX db. expected ta caver ft.gjgai S~rChps.ter tlnid a large territofY lna a day. lu tht. gnnst. ftom Wàkegflan sd OGiaalaka &"Y a big eVaxigihling scheme could Thuradar. be couduqted su" the acriptura.l in- Min Vot a"d Bv. A. W.Bford 1,11 IJonction l te MV b the gospel 'o Monday fai Cleago sud Wbeeton. 111. every crealure could be fulfilled by these modems Inventions in a speedy Min ll~aJamnan I Bavin ad aieffitlieat.»Mafer. Misa Inez Pollock ver@ lilîbuin viiter@ Belleviug the' lime la short la Sniaay.whcb tg a var-the nations ai Ibe Mr. and Mmr. lcDauald aud childien t mii.nlng dou.ot the'present orner 0f Wlnnalka. I. *peut Sanday Ut the0ofthinge ad th uminent returu of David Young bomne. Christ, VoliJa t.ak« the position Ibal S. J. IAVoy aud vifteuaalared to K.- a great rempamahbiliîy resta on hlm noeaa undaj mand vil.td lMr. and lire..and Zian POOpW 10tePut thme divine Viaber. command imilo action. The great Th ' et.. o ,.k..l 11H bld ir d.flu- 1lrend of Vdlla» addresses nov-a- DOUBLE_'WEIN(i Winthrop Harbor Girls Carry TWer F,îendshpt Man'iage At atura y. 300 GUEST" ATTEND. Laura Hanks, af Winthrop Harbor, mnd Earl Murray, of Kenosha, and Elrena Gibson and JameR Knight, bath af Wlnthrop Haria.. were mar- rled gaturday afternoon et the Meth- adist cburch of Zion City. Tho wedding vas one of the fIrat "double weddlugs" tlaat bas taku% place In Zion Cityr lu some lime. Mil the parties are well known lu hadred peraans altended- the ved- ding. vhiok asa icharge ai Rev. LaI.the jiastar., The Hanks-Murray euple were aI- tended by Ethek Hanks as maid. Of houai, Mayme Ânen as bridesmald. and ittpaJohnson aud Edwin Voght au buet men. The attendants for Miss Gibson and Mr. Kuight were Merceâes Glb- sou, *inter of the bride, maid'of hon- or; Lydia Abraham. bridostnaid, and A. Abraham aud Wiiliam Sandmneyer au best men. A recepUaon foflowed bu the cimurch parlais.- The way il happeued ta be a double vedding vas because the girls had heen chin ince, they vere *"kid- die," thberefare. viien each laeard the other vas about to he married. the lt a double veddlng. Bo jplans wcee arranged accorlingly. Mr. Marra> unlil receutiY rau the 6ETS WORD SON IS DYIN4i WlILE ENROUTETO CITY Anthony Leable of" Taylor',s Grove Was Bringing Daugh- ter Here for Operation. INTERCEPTED BY MESSAGE. Death of Son Occurred Satur- day Afternoon-Had Been 111 SeveralYears. Waukegan. July 14. Intercepled-by a telephonemjessage vhilb on bis way to Waukegan F1 day niglat la Uring bis young daughter ta the hoapîtaitot bave an operation performed,. AnthoW Leahie of Taylor Grave, hastened home ta find George, bie ;2-year-old mon, t the point af doath. Thie young man Pasoed away Saturday afternoon at 3 a'clock. Wben the fatimer lett home there vas little or no change in the candi- ýPOTATOUS AM FLOWI3RS REUZ IN JULY, IOI3ST! Wankegan, JIly iM Do you ever remambar hearlrg of potataca freezimgig n JuS>'? Did you ever heur of 11w,,.r çaa ing In July? Thats what happenedfflday lait as a resul ar the bal storin la Wau. kegan. It seeme that windows In the cdl lar of the Arlington hotel were otie; the bail beat lu and formed a Odt-, Ing af tee over about tour bM10148g patataes tu a blu. The result: t af the potatoes on the top g~ were frozeh, turning black and 'ei In seh condition they hâd ta la thrown away. As ta the flavera:' At the Prembl- 5crian manse, Mr. Bagacît fouud go?- aniuma and others covered vlth a coaaing of tee and even tlaough lhp broke It away, the planta ver. ira- parlure, iovever. the youug man grew The piles afile. whicb elug lU- worse and lthe fauaily physician Mho gether aller the haillbaad rua late vas called in aunouuced that thersi shaded nooka In varlous parts of li* waa no hope oai aaving bis lite-that tavu. Wr te he seen aé tlais death-was ual far away. The fear that SuindaY nring. Imagine tee wvidia death mlght occur during the absence 1.1! ith a hall atorm n oufriday laatlng of the fatimer caused members of the until Suuday. Mauy reports et the famlY 10 intercept hlm by telepimonb presence of ice la places viter@ hbW on the vay ta Waukegau. sun dld ual sîrike vere heard abolt The father plans te bring bis daugh- the city. ter here for the operation Immediate. ]y aller bis sors %funeraI . The death ar George Leabje*@ e mwsa~ f d c olh c el~ rofInt Ofi epiIe'asY. a i hch ho had been suft#Iugfer 10 'r 16 Years. The I Proom o r , Ç. Palv a'clack at the Rosecra.s church alti. inermeut inu Houait Rost cemetery. 1 Ev.ning JUIF 20&b liarch-Bmmnraof Demaevacy ..... . 'Overtnra-Taa RIve.............. Kiais Mlaegbtet, l- Rd -d. 1- -h.J --n «u--...--- -gTebisubtslèatsr Misan iJtu J ai We ne Jaa -,seEiales ......................... t -" lii. Mr. LiiasAdam & làa an gu B.ICl C i ti. besttr M»J a iuesud rennion ['rldy ais 27. dsla th le acnd cming ofChrisir loaed It ad rellred. le and lis.................... i4e i»lo ndIimAy v ln i W n as b ic dan btara d he em #llbsles the im portance Oi bride hve g ne ta T ain Lae s, W is. M arcSB »11 h -R1& ar d Guard * .... W.Iidl iainlfrsode iard, afIn n ag ril hsgen vn t i fhemeetings. ta spend three menthe; -Mr. al Mvi.()d avrte-Wben Yau a«d 1 les 1.BotUle ai Banal Preecrption. Fine for The evanglltwouid visit every Kmight veut ta Chlcaïo for a week«SJ>IR visidiag be.ha. gnoueta Pitaka 8Bu> Pettia. bueinr ow rvilg adwul ongMgie.......... BUrf fr a coupla af veake. The Deriald P. T. A. voIcI ta gir. btackheals. eczema sud ait, rougi skIan sel ouo ilg o al V YlL Ton ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h cntarIomis25tti.Bd ra d 5 0i and clear complexion. A resi akin lav Zon ftrature'a e Cpace* TV A 15 q £ M a Ppla-Lt'. Ail Be Acnericaus Nov argaln, aflu r ti ta r eial 25t.th BLord anoa5ch e t hplacedtin o gi tey oud ro ETang Ms.................... ln..... tha hml@l itnr 1IlLodJoli> Tai f ai nkfau at "r.limeeting tonte. Gel a 35c trial bottîea iebadiin1 lasthywul rb gatlom .iue _fimw akg.a us.lra .DrlgRraabk- drug store. adv ahi> hold meetings an the evening. MrhTeNrhSa ...... lmt ;:ne TZO C.aonso the maka b . ra awV.Ie vet and mddle w est. Ho bas lishing Names of Owners of INTERMISSION4 Druce Dru Co. @tate@ on te work o the RedCrOu lu -A VILLApreached In ovM ylarge 'îîy wsi of ILLNOIS1113S UYLtiodrl eots ee-TeCuvs..............ie Tha Bed re. met Tueeday abernoun England. Clytou Hamilu basu beau laid uP as a Chcago and penbaps lie is contera-~ uu~L. 1111.) AL wth Irs. OlianuaHook, thirtY îem- W. A. Whtlug @yant ilen veck larasaitî ofrouning a aîluta bis fout lmat plating a tour l ithe eatern citie, 1 Support of the mavement llended gei' cîton-Aida ..................... ve bra acre proetudnaIeveity-týwoSolthvible, Ii. J., o u au hu.Inldn osoNwYokadPeluesa. okt ret lfte iedr oeWlt-Eead af............E& articies ai wark vas conapleted. The Brt siaon recive a bati cutlal bis C.ncluding baoston.bi Novberyrrdand Pimaa In Move to Help PatitcWr 1acel lfenml dyzn al-mrl ss..... as Dent Meting vilie i h ii.Lra. Cabie ei&.1tuam Tneaay traim a braken aPring. C ubuhla odhebme adldîhn i in State a Novel Plan Has about the Great Lattes naval training Larch-American Musicin.......HSat Taeaday July 23, at 2 oclack. As Marly Mai- Robert Pettis and daughterJean, bor ta R. Busse> aiha.ubeau, la bis E. W. CROFT. !sainadFr hrdtiwnpeg meinhera se poosîbe are requeted ttriehoMims.. lured Wbîting. ALD8 Wbalnen mplay for somne lime. and they hare ~Been Arranged. e ystaîbflt and UnatedînSas pleIna- pritv-. uiil eee.u promet sud hbe5- aong îhý gool cauto. and [luth Krcas acre the gueats o!1lrs. beau buas iuvoicing the peut yack iRONDOUT IN'SCHONed.' otrday hyIn ltel Slalomaos-Derite-A uullugS.............. ...... 1,09 Tho azz aud t li> ~ avilon.Elmer Clavey utI Hglaand Park, itedu- Mr. ald Mre.lrreWie .ilo la azbada,"YB-tnd, Oregon are bore visitinu r Wl. sl OES.to Sera buoa ther aeThouas Rert-ipolic Paade------------.. Mrs 1 qmud Lkk, iébuT&YLiiht J 11 L - ey . Along the ronds 'cich ipta the LawYland Order League. Sentgr hans a piano, cornet. trailbole, clariiiet lioors. Cbhit Wlbmau ud .Jacob Seiîg eor parent@sund other relative@sand or q~j ruîea ifeetprsa b Smrt lnugo uîcla iMarch-Flag of Humniui.......... * aId dram. :Soie riuoie. 29e1 o! Waterloo, lova, are rimatiauir et tiie friomala T 140Sr home o! Ed Wilan. Lir@. I. 1R. Mnuer vuau the citY Oun Ra.sn state wllt travol this summer strange Dames ai ovners af unlesirable re- - lia-.oii gct ouat aigi'S i.olasbu au't keep fromdancing hevben lu ntiies tout Fr111>. MODER I(NI. 0 UNTY crafî h aainglif e cincii f Nawo- 5r~ v ro e a v ' rl ieb,, u ]1kýdnyadbalheur tiat cebbrateà J azz Band e ayti> Lr. and tirs. I)nubeentortaaned induIs iifonuailDeteuse. The crafi wIll resem- ier teuoi Sanol eau-s relief .,l I Brus. Pavillon, IiamondLaLe.Sâturdaî f rom the raty over Sunday. Estimated ,Costlis $7,500- bbi prairie selîooneriw ai the wild wsa -14 bours tramn ail backactie and 01-Jj.iüilgbt, Job21. 2 The Ladiea Ad Societ>y wl have un- Bids to Be CaIledfo« Within ers, dIru eai by -orne a! the best knawu di r troublle. Snll urns other bomne bakLery s55et atLznirtro the Next Pew Days. son' t:. sonen in Illinois. rerau-de . aud $1'i a Lottle .t t!le store rext Saturday, July Is21. o__________b hoes drUl2 store. RUSSELL E. Thayer and vile entertainel rein- I OEN NEEY A.lo.ev.'r. the schooner bcas ile-. aieh QM I~ ai, u ntraulu tirs viesê IruiniOak Park Suday.--f.. f;i tuned iciaautomoabile ciîass and J. D. liurraya qSondas. tir. anIdtMr@., Wald andl luaglter sud Immense Play Room for thew il' viug ciîug ul, ta failr grotind -' w tb ' Fragrance on ar den Path&. J. F.Lvis vas present t.8uuday lMr@. (lia Barnatabbo mode an auto trip -Children to Be PIaçee< Înthe aiemibur-'o! thse-speakers' bureau aofrN ewJ O rleanls 5b oe Have ait g1rducen iuth5 vit see oolidsuna, ho viii h ith us Doit tu the it> Sainda sund @ptut the ldey t. he wornan's comuittee. wlio are goig - plants af fraigranice growlug alougmide. SuDduy s". vith tir. anIdtira. Waters. Idise. EvsLarge Basenmnt. ta cveNr the stale fairs ta the inter- v ~ __ Iu sanme gardeaus of arger ise special Tht Ladie' Aid tociety has hotu poît- Bowling returned home vilh theul. Plans ihavoe fl awn amd ail 5t. o,'patriotism. j A j D A III. fragrant pathwii>s a re imilt vieve pnella asforoewe. Il vîli meet vith Lra. J. F. Pivîrrint ai Chicago 1le viit- rangements male for tic caliag foîr I'I-.Kellogg Fairbuînkc. ,chaîranan I J A Z ZJ5B A N D tie> appeaur tu liens thraagh thickeà lie. W. J. Melville, July 2lith. Ail lu- ing lier aater Mr@. (G. Manzer. bide for the eretiou'oî the nov ane, af the speakers' bureau. ha., jUst re- reoIent with peasnnt olors. Bat tereted carliali> InvIted. _______________________________ every paib nuuy ,'asilyahave euough Ir.drlssdtnil u ll ro Lirs. Snydere doiters tfronthe cl> cvia- ruent sciooi boeuse aet Riadoul, whlim tîrned tramn Wasbington, w bore he fraogy anceth e!t spi> .ý1 S uon isa>- BIIed von lr.,sud lira. Caene Theldance giron at the hall SatarIay oru In the centuI. Tii, estimatel sinountes aplansu for getang an tauch 6 i mra,8ns.Mr ei co-niglit for *goal roads' vus vebI tieul- Cast aiflime avhooa $7; w ii irural districts livi~neais aiflime L jpaueî su ad met Mr. bager of '- prairI e schooners TIewouesiblla B o P v l o ema .1 unndspindluitainl inaeenoVtaThe 'Plana for lie nov building cary asaf 'fo LihrtyLoanaub @Pankgu n vn aGajl 0 Wm. BruIle> spent n ew Inys the have hotu turned avor ta County Bu-cryt ansasIafomLbete foa caue- The urrilamiyopes Suday ith eeolnluChcugo. periateden of Selonte T. A. Blmp- ipinsda o ltefdcner Ibm John Banner family. Frank Shrvoodsln h iyo O o i ipoal codneailt thùfairs visited. S t r a Musr. GeorgetDeFarris entertuiliol ber busines gverailaya thie week. aitb the atate law. Mr. Simpson has Thse socieiy stomen are ln training brotber and family Suas. Mr. Margaret Miller entertaîned sev- Passed oouIlle Plans and viii ad'.er- not for hbarking' for the fair.,ruany M. and Lra. Charles Beau of Toledo, ouaI relutitra itram W&akéegun Sunday. tiefor it tlabn the uext iov lay.9, ai lbem laving regsterel for public Obla. rioltel LMr. and Ife. Oeklue the M.andl Mus. Aveit open$ lmt Frilu> Itla sexpectol thal lhe actuel vork -fire1 of Iset aeck. viti. Antiaclafriands. Of ceOustriTuction yl be stàrted with speakiiig classes. - Jahn raviord andlfamîl> speut Bun- ln the next few laya. It Is exiietud thai while on tour - day ut Holci Elvurla.Do Yau gel Up at nlght? Ban1al la e passo h ulIg lie they wiil live in tiie-schooners, mak- C lirs. J. L. Pelding entertained ber soreiy the besltar ail kldney and bled- a MotIel Of moderil>. The large, loag a gypsy experience afi t. The ~I~ki<iograph mother, .ilre. Powell, SalarIa> and der troubles. Banal givea relief lni 24 rooiai, weil lighted and ll v ienC h s. D . Prtt, S ale. houri tramt ail backache anad bladmiae aeethsbe dvddi hs . Pot r trouble. Banal in a guaranteel remn- seelians, the largest ai whlch viii Y URF IV E 10 ~eîy. 35e and '&1.0 011. aI Oi te be usel as a play roam for the chat- GA~E' LKE J îrug store. aiv dren we h weather I too nce- WAS IN PARIS, SALEW rts al k ds f Clea, Laud, and Sweet as6e Tue soclilgiven lasîThu raday aveniug Meaîm aic. - nt orlughae-n e 90 t ho dsir WOULD (jIVE n3of igiiest pviçed PbcograpWh ucs ibagn tedbc.ftoilt ohc a e- fr eýedsr O L 1E$eO maIe--Use san>Neele and vs uca ihs olalnhc. James IAok, a Oaltfarntlai , le. d on thé Main flear 0f tbe building.____ Piy$ any maea ieRc The . L. P. C. ie planning on a pcole via Ile< lnb 18M beqaeailio th. main 51 on the main flear af tic building ord, ay ie, an>' price-NQ et Lincon Park thia veek FrIda>. ofij(10,000 for Oie erectitan of a bronze The -ibraycîoak moinm etc.ar Paris, France-, JuIy 1.-The French Extra mentsnWed-Mrsu n.J.FDrlng andchilIreil monument lu Glea.Gnte ak, -n,are nilltary authorilies bave taken con- n u ac Extra nTta nt ~~ ~ Quality is. (tee und I tile laugler of Oak Frisco, ln lionor e acisScoif~tarranged handily. Thç loais, r trot of the Ford autonmobile aasembîîng FrIl4e ccd tu the Most eXpeusive Phono- Park sud George Va Zauîlof Bau Diego, Koeathor aiet *The. tar-Spaugied chlleettire la Of tie moal .modernpatu. odauterpi hpsFr ,U e = ê graph mud il do everylbing Clvr uaaaiF-a uZnlBlBanner.' hemonument t l e nt and thebuilding vilie ho dMire lhuIalsok ! pr al hr ___aTlig)aciec d e.,wr useo Fe aZntadhlgb, l ite form of a double arch. au- thausanîs who pais& through Itamdoît and l airie tonce fprt npar ateea d alit- t-ITah gMEI Gah I a f amiiy Bandes. 1ertvhich a bronze statue ai Key l5as83It will lhe siglOt he rond. TheMELDOGdPHlnB iPauIilra.Wm. nhrefuortuuenand Healh, uto Master Maciine fator i> .$10 r n de m She etrandsestod. The nreh supports n bvsqaze awner af a Ford can abtain an>- part It spesis for, 11l. n auayfonPak[Iels ak figure representng America, wfth an Womans frienîl la a'ag rs or repaire vithout special authoîza Iflbâe . ae, (uasà 5dimasClaansd nephoa lranounfoled flag. Koy lied lu Baltimore, Battis o!lion rirmthe miitary authorities. sud Keunetb Stroug ai Chcaglo, vers Januiary 11, 18a Btte fSana! Prescription. Fine 1This lii unel hoegiron unlesa the auto- ~ miitonsro Sanuida>. ________for black heads, Eczema anul ait raui obls r hhga 1 bvr eand vvorkmiii s E. E. Manèh le aid np, the rouait of a Nothlng New Under Sun. linand cear complexion. A reai iMorblicureeasiJelny. rsev i- Compee-nsalitneeon.y lai. The h. linsof blue houle tOinthle skIi toutc. Get a 35c tilIbatIe a:! Thils auttn follotra the prohibition ain Our poutor'a1iIttle boy i it II ilh Iiph- tmodern gildons 1tavues! off bhuneiatisthfIe qidtrt e. 1a0 Iesaea arst rîuea Tbt R«1ra n th au. .D. a e mlev-elon orefilns ai the600 Yr adv ldvidqal.s on accaunt oftheit nilitary Tb 4at~soeouti. 7B OÂe.be ond hrs vorolegzdisues1o00te1requlsitian of ait arriving from the ltnu vas lai-gsi>attendol la tst Satusi- ientbaoue bus a- eep ieuseslaiUnited States or ussembled at Ber- ~iLtaa.Iil Igit.- cee u b>,ens v-Ier raOi lai. :FîTaxi Service,Phone bu. bisreîrîefn bsore.edpAac1*ngyotga a~a~~ SMre. Janme. Talia of Lako Vils, wvuas dephiSt Northa Anerican. The uni> r' eu.ri restrctionbas [Oree 1~~S[I~~~IIBtZIIY.ST - m~~~eaIe' battueet0fmorery i>wbhi2 alplciieeoî~î~ wt PO E~4*..yfJ~ I4 cariled te vard off rheumnaics ia6 ls MD U Mo0ý i i cs. t »Y-otms yfe a bales of a strauge cll . TheFads b DR CLDUOÇQ f t' i ;>nvavau, y u1 r lia 0 centurisud 71itU U% e ltinbeee t bj__________________________ Orylk,~.Su ll iOUeiyi aaedetDelly BU>Newis.______________________ a ItIý ioýIb«tvgi bd; Il.mor I 'l horeday ýj di VI VI Io bi 8 el b T