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Libertyville Independent, 19 Jul 1917, p. 9

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iLEiNDE-.PENDENT >j~pffLake, County's ,Big Weekly A KG NW EL U Ocsi ~oe hfl ss WeUsi Cus C.SUN RED CROSS PIIIC AT LAI(EAREÀSE3T FOR NEXT SIJNDY Governor L-owden I4as Been Invited to Attend Sig Cath- ering in Lake Cow'ty. MAS. LOWDEN GIVES FLAG. - I Will Go to Township Making tIIintuBest Showing Warren - I Won 53 Years Ago. ln a 1ev 'xoice a man vito has s.'nv ligible to te <rafi sp.ke tIa. met- ing of men and won .thered lait R. H. Donnely of Chicago Re- week tu puai t tic woror Ithe RIed turns Mrs. Moran'ls Old *Cro t ,Ln ake couuty. xlie eaid:i Homestead to Her. gery immediate attention of thte vounded ln battle wll «ave ,90 _per MADE HER VERY HAPPY. cet Of, t1 -iWo wouly1 have _died e vvar.,1 Il cornes borne 10 ail onl te Ini- ,»as Highest Bîdder, but When Mtant itl te -Red Cross mnus ts 7"Je Heard lnside- Story, He those whose son.% are on the figiting .lUne and boy men and. atingcy and Wîthdrew Hs Bid. conempîiwle 115thte matn or worn 1 -tot o% - mghhave hle See easao arckMra ieRed Cross and dit! not. lTeoy _-ied, and bis fort>' acre ftru, n t)be are double elackeri-vilhott boys Drelaîegrivrand girls to oft'r an M -vmôzliYey or DjepsLusrie.nortb of Lýdberty- t1Il* equivalent. viticit tbey cotild Or- viewas le!. by te tera ef bis fer-lthey faiti, and titen aceept frrnt WINi. to lve heirs. ftiis nation prote'ýtIoc for theii Margaci. is wdow. iten79 um ies, their property. their lives and Margret.hie ldow th 79,andIIberI;. tp hein., as long au te Iaw alived A committet of tres vas appoint- tem, wititout forfeiting titeir rigitîs. ed et Iis meeting. oe farmer. one delayed partition ofthlie slais. so business mnan and an active, pregres- tha[ site migitt live eut her spart on $ive, valiSiti voman Red Cross wor- theoldhotesead ler, t0 narne a cormIliee of fifty In lite ld brnesead.work among the many conjmunilip% But the hoirs mariedi and one died, of te county to urge titat everyoee And the< entanglement titreatened tý attend an Immense open air mpee gel ieyond hope of an accouriting. lg th eoef alflvo nlt Lawer avitedtht he sttebcsouti id fLakes Eara at Apra, on lAwrs dvied ita Ih esate hi'Sonda>', July 3l. sol at auctIon, as required ly law, Tiis man vito *oid of te tremen- snd taIlite widow be llowed to bi! dous epporlunitlea offpred lhieRKI itlin. Il watt agrpeabie. ani Tueaday Cross for aaving Ilie and lensperIng Masâter ln Chancery MeGuffin wi eid. quffering vas a farmer. and makes ed te aletioepr* gav!.is eliving b>'yack ft a malinoue cd lt, iiriouer'agaae!.too wiliing 10 respond, and yt hlie The Sidding Open*. sle: We eau ail do eomething and Fermera fronite countryside verp i have talked Il avec uitb my vifs titere aud otiter heins and relatives and bys, and we tiirk ve eau apare of r%.%loan.Thebidingstatedthe crop frtam one acre et aur farm.l or rs.Morn. itebidingsiatedand hiaving a gooti croit o barley 1 ln a tieuiton>' va>. offer *the Preceeda frotnee-acre" Vrien Il vas that a gray hiaired Aneter tarmer offered ite same. : -an,. le gray' tweeds and wIh lrôïToeand 1font ftTtDfirSjoii e ele yglft d t b t k r. He a quad. and t ousauds rnore vitl I gve * cetped îsace lok pareas- W ta ioement lite tL ol lobu Gifith, a kecen% ea enean shoud it spreati over bis state ~2eoperat or. and nation. Thitl ueh a' movemeut ".S,%ven tbousand dollars," said Ed. would go like wiidire-lte carpen- garHar. vtoutariei una Mc.ter giviug a veek't work sprsad garHar. Wo Mrred nna Jêi'os'er te year, te blacrarniti, te Moran's oldest dauaitter.man.leceet reliece "Seven tousand five itundreti dol- of corn, te pig or cal!, te atlorueylI la «"sId te man In gray'. .onating te tee from soute case. "Sgh thousand dollars." said Mr. te bunkuer givlng bis rnoney andi Hart andso hey.ran t u to enbelplng linte greal delaîl of carry- Hart aud50 ley au i Up e ln g on t evork. ail vould omount tousand dollars. viten add"ýd u le such a splendid Tite tarmers, vere reacbing titeir fonmd as the world has neyer yet con- Ilitil teualy ley id laI efotemplated for a charitable cause. $10.00.Thet ime lis nov. lomorrev lnay 810,200 se a Belgian battield dotted wiit 'Trn tbnusand two itundred and wounded uncared for becanse o! a sevenlive dollars." sasidte mani in lack of funds to equip ambulances gra>'.aimy pay bille. 'An th autio enêd.Thefur reDo you kuow tai Gurnee. War- And iteaucten nded Tie ta rn townshiîp, Lake count>'. flty-lbree mers., iit Edgar Hart. fled out. Yeara ago won te banner 1or te Faces are Set. largesl perceulage of Red Cross In a buggy outside te court house Worlcera. Thon te Civil var vils on setAun. Egane vte.Sit sa te enudsurgeons vitettedti ieir 'Ituives, ou Ibeir boot legs. and cul off arrns 1set faces and began tu cry. and legs. and men died. "Motter viii die if .1e ban le This ls a iorrlels ar, but il la leave," site said. vot wite. 'Ambaësador Gerard john grIi'lt, it, în anotiter mnu, said "I have seen Belgiaa uwrtz vito baut!reqtently consulted iim, itîg as slaves ln German>'."' heard Anas remarit sud staiSpedt a Sund out tliteaor>'. Tht-n GriffitI stcpped fans ard. Wedîdo't knov it vasta tit way, -said. 'We vii ltdrav out bld. ]~eand la yours ai $10,250." Te £xplanatiefl. Titen iteexpiained. "Thiis leM. Dounelit->," te aaid. "R. H, Donneile>', tht- publisiten, of Ciicago. He ovus tle 120 acres lm- mediatll> adjoiniug the Moran farm, and he vauled lb badl>' ta round out 3<.. coun<trynhome.ut ho mnitdn't CARP SLOWS JIELP STIR UP A PATRIOTIC FEELING Expressions of Paul Jones, Perry, Farragut and Dewey Displayed. turu a vidov ava>' from tehome- iTeftgitlng spîiia!oftse- 9,000t tt-ad. You eau bave il ai lite last blue Jac'esla t Great Laites btabt-en bid."1 -inapiced ta a great extent bit sogans Tht-n tht-y al vent bacit lto te ta gise.tse enîcances ta tse differ- cour boge ad fxedup te lgalet camps, aceording b ai fîcers gito court hIL adixd pttelglhavetse yauug minlucharge. ehd ui, iediffrn ap ttetann Tuesday nigt te>'gave tb it t frntUn5a it riis aid lady ounte porcit a deed and told station are Indlatet by te follov- ber aiii about Il. Ste amiled vist- iug naines aud slogans:1 Camp Paul Joes-"Il' have fit yeb tuli>. - begun te fisht.", 11 Camp Fwagut-'Damm te tarpe- 1 Teaer'a Joya end Tribulateis. d«. Go tebd.' A teaciter of Englisitlels In lbe Camp Perry-"JWe have met te »Fiw Ilepublie oft Ns tribulations, oeeneyadte r us' et thetrnbeîng tai 'inonsit e 80. ins> nile'aeer £00 vardalite ibas passet upon In Mu Camp Decatur-ý'Taite gtet alin tent,' pspers. "stitilsIc" bas appeaaMd andi sielsean i asieeit.". fS,000 tintes i Ountsalter baud. oni Camp Dwey-'Tell Admirai Von JM hi5 plçsant memonies lli taI ot"a Dladericit sud isznpter If itêë' ant 9ueUs-titttlas vit efditutideitc a fisht ti>eaumhai Il »w" -- 'as 'Orn.*itieg tekils cta vlt' ant Il- Oftheitcampse tePaul éeW ê te t 1i-t itbr defttnioln b>'th iti largst, viterne nas'1> 6,0M monilare tinte, 'W. savete -ctanaueslhetlc." l Is ____________ ocamped tena t ff 'lga fr -NRalheand Pia. Ânotier frmueaiit tos' bit LAite II , i - e ~ i lI t s U s A u it 1> I b'ael -, rasi, p h)vx beS , tt i 5i5'ue 1t ÏMo Irelasn-. Ddifil<-L - lit4elf >'s-~~ ~ ~ 4 ~.a*~vs. It didallt redaa 0.N4~g <~ Y19J, 1917.- CALLiâlâ 6"JUNfE"9 FOUR PAGES NO LE(iAL AID TO BE (ilVIN PUISONS SEEKING EXEM4PTION. Tir Hn~, a Haw Vhe couni>' sîtîertn teîîdent fias fouud l uernssary le divide tite---a et Betnon lulo Ibret- voling precinetn bt-cause of lte auîiclpaed --)t(,' ter. Te division et precincîs foliov,,- Precinci Ont- Ail that part etftite Toof et ltfon nonti of lte cenlerc lins of Vveuîy-ninth street and soult, et Scitoot districts anc and Precinct Vvo-Vovnaitip 46-il- Te tonutf Neport. Poliing plae ..Wrelci.s hll, liospccans.9 Prectucl Vitret--Aliltai part or1 parts oftlovnship 4fý1lit anlutuded lu te Anîlocit tovnsip H. S. dislci et and al Ihat part cf tovnsip 48-9, lying lu Lakes couaty sud not lneluded ln lte Anticit township H. S. dis- trict. Polling place--Basal's hall, Laite Villa. 1 Precinci Four-Ailloftowanship 45-9 wlîbin Lake cauni> (lte tovp.ý et Glunîl. Poliig place-Town hall, tugside, Precinct Piv--Tavushlp 45.10. iPoling place-Village hall, Grays- laite. Precinet Six-'lovnahlp 44-12 ex. cept that part inchided ilu lie Deer- field-Shtelds tovwnitip H. S. district, Pallitg place-Ci>' hall, Nertit Chi- ?t Pecinct Seven-Tovusii 44-10- Te tovu ot Freinent. Pelling place -Woodauan hall, Ivanhoe. 1>mtccL Dg'it-Ttat 'part oetotev- thit 485llg lu Lake ceO,*ty (love Cube.a), t-- ltst ;-e>' lolutiet tbO» rrfngtoîi selsgo!district. 610 - . a t. ln Has Been Marked by Mauy Tragedies Thus Fan. JUNE 11, FOX LAKE. PATRICK ANTEN, Chicago, sgtý 28; aI Fox laite, boat capsizsd; tw JULY 16, LAKE VILLA. EMIL GREBEL, ot DesPli aged 24; drewrtsd aI Lakte Villa whi eitanglng a eats ln boat in mid-iakt two frends, George sud Williai Saueriand, et DesPlaines, reacue ,atter itanglng te upturned boat JULV 8, AT ROSECRANS. -CHESTER WINTER. aged 14, son ef Mma.Lena Winter, oe t»S crans;crewned in DeaPaines rît at Rosecrans. MILTON BENNETT, aget 18, oc et John Bennett, drowned -tryir te save frlend, Winter, JULV 16, LAKE ZIURICH4. ANSEL PACKERT, 65 yeara Wd well known veteran, ived for yen n te village. CHARLES VUNELINT, agod 4Sý resident 'of village &bout 111» y& *Oth5drowneck whiie fishlne. Thite" or: a TQviibs-i, T ,?üe«t: E rVernon. Poiling Pla.a lasir Day. r"evfr-ÂitthatËeýpwg Grey, wio motored itere fronuttrait, Te Misses i.orelta anti Mary Bunte bave ccl ucned front a ivo ,d veeka trip trougit Yeilotnepart $1.50) PER YEAR 1IX ADVMI<Z ONCLE SAM' SALIt. Edward Chambers, Formerly of Waukegan, Who Leavea for f Washington to Direct Transporta. tien of Country During the War, Seing Called te Service by the Federal Government. 1,800 Pounds of Copper Wiro Stolen From Electric Rail- road at Zion City. tTHIEVES' W AÏKE 'ESCAPE. elleve They lised Auto Truck -Hope to Trail Thefiiby Bar Association Declares Such' Assistance Unethical on the Part of Its Members. .BAR ADOPTSRESOLUTIONS. Attorneys Are Permitted to As- slst in the Draft Malter .Without a Fee. f'.rpons Peeking exemption trorn fite, draft yl have ta do vo viLitoul an' lt-gai aida. In the state of I11h- noie , ai least. A resolution rei'entty, adopted by te board of governors Of4lhe jIllinois -S$tte - Bar PA»ociallon, aftd- nov. bçing circulaled *aânou4 ie f various. memiers, declarej if uneuiî. I cali for an attorney ta accept protes. t sional emplovmnetl vicitvii luvoive boards for the purpose of eufn for clients exemption trouste draft. rTe reeolullon as adopled i1a fl lova Tiat Il la conlrary ta lbeeth- -sa te profession for te AfemIl blers of te bario accejll protef iial. -empioymenl vitich it viiinvolv Ihetle Librtvile anWh laNaedauappearàneitefore exemptionitad Libetyvile ss Wo laNsmd as - .for te purpose of aecurlng for mndi. Member of Cetrt of Ciaima sviduals or classes exemption from7 of Illiinois. tite seleclive draft for eervice dur- lug te var. DE ~ -rIEÂ1nc, tsecond paragrapitof te rt-solu- FOU -SE K T DE !D NANa 9 Î00 lon pls directed 1a lavyera wito would t ce(p tprofessionai empicymenl lu Ev urtiter te Interests of clients In MEMB RS O NON FRO I DR QOÙ Llte malter of securing for temn mil- MI3 BE S F ON F OM R.EIIJL SEiaty appoitments o rmtos H. S. DIST. BOARD ThN FOScTI3Iy a heetic C te appoaiOent 10 Office or John H. Sayrs of ion City Was Ensign Foster of Naval Station 't'"npomation ln office of members the First to File Application Brings Suit Against Wau- ofrte milllary establishtment.. forthePostio. ,Titis resolutian iv oui directedtiat _________ lian.tove pecial cases vitere a lawyP'c givps graluioua service ta is fiends T HREE ARE TO BE ELECTED. IriF.'. C1, l~riey, ont- of t, test or feîîow ilizens ln regard 10tteir -knon uPhyi4îaîîs lnWauokpgan. waiqigitîs sud liabillîies under te selec- tive conscription set or appt-ara be. Official Notices Have Been tîtade i1'l'îi'f*ndaît Ilit a $I.-.t(tiit suit fore exemption boards wititout any Sent Out-Seie ie and G~'ukeatb AIre sWi omeston direct or Indirect. -pcmnBallots 1c udGneil, of àhfmcgo, repre- 1il vas ated tat hie reaoiîttion A Iso to Be Posted. nenitng Ensîgo MVliam K. Poster of . vas îresenled te thte bar associtions thrîle vIthe Llae before beîng Vit ofiia nll-e fit ttiei.IlleUnite'd Sltate* Y"1¶i>vet 3 votcd lupon by te board of govern- Theoffcia nlIcý fr he ler 1Norih aeuWuea, n h r n u n soito elr lionof he PmIer. ofthe!)ord fitbarges t doitor 311h alleged mal- Pi cdItseif againsl lite resoltîtion. Titis eductio forthenon4lirt 1objection was ruade ou the groundq teduion or fl, trt-tîbait scitool1pravlJe ii itti lcndiog is .13 year taIlthe eMilles o! tie case sitetîd be metrrty orl olt t%0 ole eund sou, Wllard Il. Poser, snt-e ew ,lf aec Idvda ayr sent oI y lie î-nîuvîperîîttendi-~ tî .lf 0esi nîiuilwe eut t ite towu'shipttri a,trer-, anStitl ga vIl] be pateltolntorî-îw The spe< The you'sg boy, Alotfley Walker **. . . . ' ceimen balttai - ,,aI ~l: ,o frint-. sacs. as laketi .eýriotisly 111 and En- cd and viii ite posîti viit tti <no-s Ign Faster catled D)r. <Ioirit-y. The 'Waukegan Locala* lices of election. itîycýician diagîioged flie case se se- Tttere are four cunlila fes for t--lb. itre spinal meningilis. Wiile iet- ltrmeepbvlifinus. Iug a cran nto * flite paftent'as spinal* . . . . . * John il. sayrs. or zl ii. <mwa od, soate attornîey says, Dr. Gîir- Mrs. Mary Jenven, aged 34, ot thetit o il" I,-ha awas '-, ley broke te ucedie, s part of et iîi Zion City', vas lried for ber saniy In en akect nir-c li setîtt ivnov Imnbedded in flt- son* spine. couuîy «coirt titis roruing, and vas ent o:en inti. it- In w hooIafals.,rite boy iv stililu tllitelîspllal and found tlu hi nsane. Site vas remo'.- entof h-,Zlo ('l 'v shoI... la crged tai te lreakibg Of Pd ta Elgin. VTe evidence sitoweîl Jacot il. Ritzlenilalpr tifîPratirie flitereptie bas grî'ally relarded ttetitati Mca. Jenien has five chiidren, Viev, lR a r,- r.,d tarnnir.tIle 11:1. patlfi's '~rent eny. lte onîlev of whom If eleven yearv. ediwaysi n s rfatt-r.ted Dr.5Gotrtey is oul of ft(,city on bis Her bîtsbaud lefi ber trée-yenre ago itaviug iad ti- d.id -. of iigît' iau1 t o a tat(Ilttc.1tramroinlm sud site bas hita work bard t-ver scitool. snd a pact of lh-rn teing colî cîI d ont te secured. 'Te casaet sioce. Site bas worried muathsai! lege, graduitile. At cite tinte lic vas Ile Poster chlld. butievrr, bas tI- brooded over ber conditioîn. Vthc a conîr' vltol lacler f actrd moi-b attention as lte Ilecae aapstetic oe. VTheodore iorby. of Zion lily. te anfellow UbsitellfIdafad a Mse dMa Jl.Daza sdM attorney. Ile has, beep arlively as- f a,)e etda n na M.adMs .C aze n r sociated vlt sciol affairF in tat Pitab1 Condition as .11-1tote a nd IMcv. >atlhrv ialIsel of Algona. City', sersing for splierai ternis as afler elfecis nofte i-rible aliment la.. are visiting Ilseir brotitet, George preaident ofthlie board o! educaîloît viticit vas epideit--r ertoc a lime. DlInzici of Gtrue iNra. J. 1C. .Daîziel John C. ater, of Ilak iTtili, i-i a l itro .M .Pras business manu, snd bas a esponslile asvse tMn.M .Pros Posiiou vithfliclieChicago îHandware M__________________ >r. anti NIrs. W. A. Speara, of Feundry comîtaîîy. lie bas alwac'i Nort Siteridan ra(, bave iteen Ou- latin a tePln interest lu selinol a< 6 rfn ng tetainlua ibeir cousins, Mn. aund McR. taira, alltotait be bas net-en bellio6d cf VltrW irlt n M.Afe lisQ..,.a .ice. Iallere W. BacnîLaeeI sud 1.l-ns. A..e £ a 1: andotiter western points. Misa As-- I ea Simpai veuf ou taetecoast. As triefi>' sIaied ln Vuesday'4 Sîu es, J.~ Duritant, vice presideni of Armoun __________ i & Ce.,,vas seriouisiy tnjured Vuesdày !a;lu Late Foretel.wlenisapet pou>ndy eApnle aEvr a iuSe iema nt e ar-iPefd, o55 Iir' iotdadtrw hi.Tepou>'r -an>' rt-sien e la doubi yc.a bat am, vas bili.eu ty a doit. start-d te non, Who Registred f or the Armny botter enducl au invenligs-onst cd and "Buddy' v-as turied te 1the bard Draft on June 5. once apd finti eut jour nuuiber. read. Plsysicians tound a eligiti con- _____Titers in a complote Mia et aame cussion of.titt- rain sud an Injured aud numbens in ttie pos»Mlo et tse tnt-e. Lait nigiti Suddy". vas ne- FEW KNOW THEIR NUMBER. local exemption bord idi Il HM port-d ta be lmpnoving. cm behicenaultetinli teeoticé et Drn a Aiceitoi sets te be on lte isle lF. C. Nuls-lt. If jour uunber la al- a prohiitiîve pries. Il vas $3 a gai- Unless They Learn It They WiliI moug ltes.e draft en v-ilS bava v-e tIon liss veet: Il's $465 titis veet, w W ete:r o tvin days ii inese051 visittue eama sud île saiterusu say Il la goiug t-sen Not K exempton. it euore ai awe Don hîie eyso,-They Are Drafted. adîit m exemptilen te-bous-b I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e *(î9 îl saloq)I i: oyur draft numben? tedat uaquN t: oz! tgsiaqmnK) aluaîdwai If tnot you lad btter gel bus>' DIDiptchOs frem WVýahingtoKiti. oAloadsaJ.îi ltid 'pult 5paiJpOIIIIpue itheul mono deis>', for Indications c&te taIt t itit»sse a putisuItI II itttpapiAlp 5Msoum I115a41L aiWashington are ltat lte.draft iticit yl lgive *9e t timle a.lti * dltuîoidu a,,it M v oaci O tesomaqainumbers viiil e dravu about Fnida>' vitehave dipindmnsta étbos.-vit. art5 £q 'Jasautîaisi u JO uoi;aal*~ or Satutday of titis veet, andi you ane ens-as-d lu Intuslrial ee'0,(' japun saqi14 ÏXit wuJ i 8 noto»diis et 'nov vitether or net you have lieus. -n. .uoas£q palîiu.aaas un. i AsjB bien dratled unit-sa you ituov jour Titi euly titins- itici l, de.01.# amt I91aaO J ao 1a U tiumber.te draft la lts- belt-t «>n» iii.e dt 0150eOO sliO.tdlmen1 Te itumben viticit appears on lte inatian lista tram maiori>' ili paîîJouo aiwIVuil ~ li tile bisîscard ltai vas given you iisins-sad ne Xaùoiibes- m _____________ vieti yeu.reglietereti ta net jour draft dravts tiliever>' Fred Brown, et Higitlanti Park, vas nunsitr.' The- latter are vtitte inludraaug of lte lu4t, »_. arresled Tuistia> nighlt b>' tb&w4iortit- nid luit on tht- regstratien carda lu o bi atii as "enil*ià ."Chsicago Police, chaed wvlht «n- lte possession ofthlie local exemptionut i t u. npuing biis antgmoMie* over a clised, board. q eth açtree, wvihicld usit lhe parueil . ' Ilun 1I1publithing à alia t olte liarad asa.rl ibat of viii ho citated viit dteae&ei'ly cou-destlibnierltitis districttidt ,lte 1».4 lozU Plan. îSt *În biscas-elà mm itfor tais-I tis Uja bcnpee bsvo comploteil tba Wool.. .1P t VOL. XX.O29. LfiA~ KY'~ igltpe'n undred paunda" ot cep- pf~' viler teed virrevâIted teqi .p LI>~ R4 ÀS~ovei .oo. wa t Infrn L C RfÀS ;iAT ,ýî t agè, Nantt Sitéand nnrtr'ap'a'1u~a cecfrlc raiiroad et Zien C1lyYso«î THEPR SE TIlimere Vuesday igt The aid et Tli3 Kt.EIII~EK I blodhounds aiba een enlisted te u 'own rq tlees Will Require the Calling of An-. i' vas 90 etý,ot. lte ieavecofflr other Panel of Jurors-Pres- poies aud bfcause of Its great welaht ent Panel Throuh ite belief la expressed ltai -" ths tbieves muet bave bad an auto 'ru 4 on basud la carry lil ava>. Fer tMgît Vitlpraetically te ,nitrenu r. esn il la teared ltatitilmai la ruer inav he conimcd il te trial et exînsmel>' difficult le Irac thlie trab- liictor cati-s vas thte report current bers. Te furîher belle! la expresaed abot te cout nhiouse todav. the ltaI te Iieves must bave vaited repart grev ouI of te tact ltaI unlil te cars vere trougit runuing State's Attorney James G. WelcY ta- viten te>'vers able le carryout day tiied ln court a number ut infor. tht-lt' ork wltboultsar of detection. îualions chanInig Fox LAie rt-sort The thetfl usetflite iggent ltat keepers viit violating teIliquor j bas taiten place luntitis vieinit>'. lava, ei lier viitt regard tb keeping t i tallite titiet la au expert elec- open ou Sunilay or seling vititoul a4 trician Iaoltse blet o!thie electrie licence. railroud officiai.. because te vite Mc. Weieh announeeeF bis plan or taI vas stelen-vas of lte higlatets- trying tht-me casegetathie prebeut term sian variet>'. catnylng an extremlely of court I 'nslead o! carryug tem hîgit volage. oae to te Octaben teru. Te pres- Te numereus ltefla of ceippit iti1'9WTi~l~ggl'?'Oiftt viliicm- sre have eatue pile l tva -weeita service ait te coutflut>' bbier t'i*5t end efthIis veek and lIen viii neturu titis tact te titeveas meeédM. lfa ta îîiîc ontes.Ifthliiquor <ast-a making their ttavway. A acarcit for are tu te tied immi'dialely h viii tbem liq being conduet in lute vi- be neceasan>' tu sumnmon ST least aneccinil>' of Lbeclyville.- more pane! of jttrors-pcrhaps mare, depeuding tîpon bow man>' caselte - Y" at stales attorney la desirous of trying- nov. Ailtlte aid litîur cases bhave My 11111e Miltou bas a liHile piay- teen pt ove riulite Octo!f<ic lerra mate named Arthtur, living lat eft Foliovint- lv a lîsî<f te Informa- ,had recentl>' quarreied. One day 1 lions whilc Mr. WVei ct tiled Iii court-'laid te Milton: "Yau'd lietter goove t>' court loday: j sud ses îstr triend Atur;i hier h<s IIERMAN SVANZEIl-Sclling vit-, scit."Towviicite naversi rates ont . lit-ense,. sulleul>': "Well, lie ain'tt my friésd EMIt. KAPPELLAS-Selliig on nov. lHe sitenithave got cue Sîuda'. or i"--Chieugo Tribune. MD IIOWARDI (Mîneola hoel)- i xps.îea Sciliugon Sund>'. 'fer, la ne gainsaing tihe tact tita PHut. WINKLER-Seling ounSSun- îte iorweigiand utliinne ara meu.ý daN*. I lraces. even lte veaen oft tit.. i FRED RASMUSSEN-Seling on' tiùnltlleg beitlg ottea expert gaUss Funda>'. fand, Inee, toliowint lte 8 ILeaut.- Eday. KAPING-Sellng on Sun- '11. "Ne bacitetor can uutrstaad 4 Hew te N', Mîsecabie. j vosmu." <lpç <l red rmm tnbXxaý *'If yuu vaut ii te ýmîserable. îti k i Hy, youdou' s> Slt r MW ~ 01b about y rseit suid vitpleI thlnk i kts, vît aa nrt. "Wit e aIs e I st'ou..'Exetang. p-ov n orld do you suppose rnakse aUs-8 itacltelrl"-Jute. 'Erw E ýY.M. 'Ir -ý - Il fi 0 b

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