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Libertyville Independent, 26 Jul 1917, p. 5

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TNREI~WVII1LE. LAXE OOIINTY. 1LLDOIS. THUBSDAY. JITLY 26, 1917. Paige FW. -r i Boliani bIt for Kénsai Clty STRANGE CIRCUM LOCAL CONCERN INCORPORATES. Woeth Whii.. Now isthe time to put in YOUR WINTER SUPPLYE Coal-Wood-mCoke 1 OUR SUPRLY IS EQUAL To Ail Demands and Clean' Our Service The Best. D.wu by iL. OU Dup».Do B@M . 0M6 vs Phone 47 L A,.Biamnomgr. AIready we have inspected every ton of coal we offer for sale and you miay depend upon its quality Clean, Free From Dust, and Fuli of Fire là our (iuarantee Now is the time to put in your coal for the winter For Prompt Service Place your Order at Once W. F. FRANZEN. JR. Telephone_50. Libertyvilie Deerkngand McCormick Mowerse Side Deliverg Rakes, Dump Rakes. Keèstone. Dain and Deere Loaders. forks, Rope, Sections and Repairs. Largest Stock. Priced Right. SCHANýÇK HARDWARE Phono39. C(YMPýAM Y i.bertyvide. Paul G-.,,Ray Licenied Emblme r and ]MuneraI Dreto IAutomobile Hearse and Auto Car-' AVappenings IEf You Knof o!ews of Local Inter It Pissa 81 Telophono Number 1.: Murinu Howard bas axepied the pool- tiM i romés on the ludependent. Estelia. Dor a ad Florence fichlle of Mhilwaukee, are viting Mies Jennie Reru, Dr. Wmkow Amd brother wîth their familles sput atbo week end ai thé S. J. Uetnloin borne. Tb@ha bmii ros" baibeen oiued which do» Dot appeal %0 the antoiet. Who travel that waY. Iilm. Chasioto Kanffun)g ot Bérton, Win., la vwstiag berulister. M.ru. C. A. T. A. Reynolds 'oi a Cicago viitor Prlday. A. C. lime vas lu Chicago on business Tneeday. J. N. Bernard trauesced buine. lu bicego Tuuda. A; rut le a long narrOw grave wltb bath suds klcked ont. Afred Spaflord et Chicago 'oasa a ib- ertyville violfor Mdondai. George Cooper and vile @pont a fev days ibm paiS v.e.k at Joliet. Mis Reuns Crosby of Evanalon, @pet Sondaby ai W. WWmred hom.. Un. Chao. Tatnner andd blidren let Today for Detroit, Michigan. The eterm Supday atteruonhi dld cou- aiderabi. damas. te crePe in ibis ricin. tiy. 1fr. and lira, W. P. FEantnmépentflulu. day witb the latter@ parente t De. 14Plaines.. Howard Flagg and tick Tayl!or ot Fort Shberidan @pent flnnday wltb home foika bers. Lient. Guny Lawrence came over fromn Fora Sheridan ta @pend Suu)day 'itb hometoits. "Wbatdo yeuhnibof a!anu 'ho wiii consutly decive bis vite? i think lie@ a Wonder." Mns. Arthur Whtuey and daugbter viaitéd vith relatives lu Mctienry the past three wecke. John Wood, Jr., came up latin Evan- itou te @pend Sunday wlth hie parents on the Hawtburn tanm. Mir. aud Mrs W. A. Miller &nd cbtldreo et Chicago, @pet %e week-end with Mir. and lira. E. T. Lang'oorthy. The Barber Bros. of Lake Bluff. sang ome îplendid selections ai thbcI. E. ehnrcb service Suuday evening. Nit Sunday atterneon the Itamareas wiii cross bats vltb tins Fouida tilliig Company@ tesi at the tair grounde. tirs. J. W. liondee retnrned last Thurs- day from a severai vee ovis iwtb rea- tiveisud frieuda at Clieveland Ohio. E. i.. Davis was calléd ont te the Met Atkinon fartaTueoday se adjuet a small lire niototheiliburn Mtuuai insuratice Co. The Epworth League wiii iîold their mouthly business meeting aud social ai the &!P E churcb Friday eveug. Every- "" body veicaie. »' The Laeide Cemetery Assoiation will meet with Vms. EByron Colby Friday atternoon duly27. Ail memlers are u*led t,, ho prent. Aft1ermau extended viit at tbe H. K. Wilson home, Mir and irs HB. T. Wison let with their crm Tuesday tor their home in New York, W. . aizel of Sticley, Montana, l iitinu hi@ parents bers. H-e says the Webb, Luce aud Porteons familles ane getting &long ieely. A Japanese doctvsr saye It le possîbie for. ene to bave Inantile paralysie aoi nettev l. Il vo muet have It, ibat'F ibe vay vs vaut IL. "She's musical, lant ahe?" "'She thinks abe la." "Vocal or Instrumen- taiT' "Both. She singe and abe's in- strumental ln keepiog awny oew ten- ants. Want Jd TOO LATE TO CLAbSIFY FOR SALE-Nine Ancona hena and 1 roueter. W. H. jeHfinge, Llhertyvillie. FOR SALE-A quaikty of good erm for fced; rither obelod or on the ear. Price reasonatie. Frank Hotub, Prairie 'iew, Wîi peeonwhojikedulpauto cap and veilijuNt outaide of aur owu yard on' July 8, plea@e return sarnie f0 wner or my addreem. tMr@. John Bcntt. iR. F. WANTED-Lady wOîîhme jituationus housekeeper. Prelcrvoutîtm3 . i. )Box 47, Libertyville, III 3 Lak.et uwaee all., 'ry tando Lakien lgodwaket eb wigraK '. mnda ope back of wateh. wit K.lC.mnward Leavp éat Independent offlice 30p1 IFor Taxi Service, Phone 202 The Libertyville Garage STANCES SURROUNI) LOSS 0F A DIAMOND Dropped Two Hundred Feet From Auto But Is Found a Haif Hour Later. Il wouidn't happen once lu a mil- lion, ne, net ln tén million tures- Friday evening. IP. G. 5.1, mau- ager of The 8OnuaInd dpendent. wui at Lbetyviile, having drive bis. car there. wth is wiie and tmre frIenda.. Tbey sat lu front of the handstand listeuiog te the hand con- cert. PIMuallY they left thé car and walk. ed te au tee creain parier where the party wa. served. "Why, Mr. Smith, your dia.mond la gene frein yeur ring," said one of is frienda. and, lookIng. lie saw the itou. wu misiug frome eti éng. Ailluntth. cro'wd at once got up and uearched about thé floor. Tb@ itou. wamn't there. Mrs. Smith hur- rled back to the auto and iooked lu the front of the car, on tbe teuders, etc. Mrs. Smith was about te give up iu deopair'whben abe exclaimed: "ve got t-ber. It la. It wus In Bi p.s:muss:Z------------- IMont.nuu s tinsManie. m"o Hope lMestanua lisiansber1 grasdmotbsr aS Derton, Wls. Hugo1 Motusaoonpaled ber and retuniidf borne Monday.1 Cbrle Bor.rdaiMd Miss Anna ilierc loft udal for Indiana wbers tbey expeci te spoud Oa few days..William Jacobi l l to ceompany them mom UhIcaffo. On lqaturdoy Jolil 2itb t 2 P, . ni.ax Tauber wil linastpublic anction on the f Weterfld tam oiemile uorib of Hait Dsy, a cr foad o!f sb mllch cowo and apringmr. Dr. J. L. Taylor vent to tbe Presby- teian beepital tu Chic&"o and va.eope- rat..d on Saurial. Dr. Bevan bavnnat Dr. Taylor la gbttig &long olelY. Tbér wlDbe1»eno ovice et 7:30 a. mi. on thé Bundays la Augnît 11n St. 1,aw- rence's cereh. Initead theré viii 11 Evenlng Prayer o$ 7:30 P. nm. aud Moro- ing Prayer at 11. Tb@ parlîh 'oui 1e ln charge oet bm i 'Mv. .1.HEdwards uf Lake Forout. The Sunday school i 'ui meet et Il a. M. The Ir" ChaPter of Wetmluister (Iniid willi vWtiOlirot Insltute, Chicago on next Tnenday, Jeiy 31. Oiivet lseue ot thé gresi IndsuialaMissIons In Chicago and a point of great intereet. Later in the day tbey wili Picnic et Lincoln Park. Th@Y 'oil lave on 1the 7:22 train lu tihe rornlug. A@ we have men In France and wiii eud m6re te ibm var front the post ot- fice department bai lusued the tolio'olng instructions for addreming mai to thee men: i1) ns..etfaddresoee. (2) officiai desguation et modir's unit. (3) the wordi 'Ameican tExpeditilauary Forces'. To Ilustrate, John Smih, Co. X, - tntsntry, Amenicn Expeditiouary Forc- osl. Ounr dvertlsere are vitally interested iu thé upbulding aud advsncerueut of the town. Patronire 111cm and yen vili 1e hétplng lu this causé. Durlog thé courtship lover@ avemli)ak eurb other'. tankse, but alter marage, tbey @pend xouch ot their tme l)k ever each other's tankls. Ed Mariz, who has been empiaYed in Mason's barber @hop hère for @orné tume loft Wednsday for Chicago. Hie ex pecti to again enter vaudeville. Bilis are out auinounclng au Auctioo Sale ot hosehold furiture at the rési- dence of tir Chan. 4Abord at Are& on Frlday, Auguet 10, commencing at 2 p. Thé Pieshyteriso Ladie' Aid sociéiy vi ii meet at the eburcb Thureday, Augut 2nd. tire. F. P. Dymond. Miss Edna Shatiter and tirs. Fred Suydam vili éntertain. A band conert and Jane 'oI ho given at thé Auditorium teulght Tursdsy) for the bénéit of the Llhrtyvîllé Band sud théelRed Cross soelety. Concert 8 te, 9 and dancing 9 to 12. Walter Baies, 'oho bad been toreman ou thé Independeut for semée Mme past. lett Saturday for hie hoome iu Kentucy. The Ibr ha theo riags Furneished When Desired. Purim StoeelIhos 9. Residence Phone 12 Ildayi Liertyvli, ilfinois à ru nd the r. sr neg, tort An thee stre e Sv feethrt, lnat, oo ed th atoe fewlcbbaih dar, pe frendtbe htohn, winghas tbopey vfrein havy fmom thea rnHow te ae astaother pasthegat o .a newa atdethed pn theutsoit dt hot divt 'oaathat selnat haeneftd te <Pv Ithe s takilng atea lb iay ai atnte srligtonas etthese au- expianabot igt aoeo h n At lanyabethe stestn a Aalu atleeethereoey a ré- vardea eeeth e very ulaonsi thinga that happen ln a lifetîmé. CARO 0F TI-ANKS. We wlsb to express our beurbtelt than a te the triende sud nelghboms 'oesoi klndiy asaisced ue dnring the scnsi. and hurli a 0<mm dsnghter aud @iter, Gertrude, sud alolor te foralofoterig tir. and M is. A. 0. tiers sud Famlty. Several et our yoeng ladies met nt the towu bail Tuesday te "Do their bit" iu the intereset ead Crase Work. They are vorkiug ou ""ediers BLita" during tbeir @pare moment* at homne. Al Youg ladies 'obo are iiiablq te attend the lted Cross meeting on Weduemday are ecîeqt- ed to be presen t Btibm ne%% meeting vhich viii be held etthe b ow hall n't Menday evenlug .bly 80. tirs. Dr. Miar- tin viii be present te iescb the Young ladies to knit and roll bandages. lit l@ etiriated ai Ainerican tarmers vlU hé called upon Se suppiy a billion husheis of grain tor expert during the next twelve monthe'. This wiii go ii supply the net-do ilfitieAmerican Arrny iu France, the iightlua fores oft(,ur Aillies, and te teed the womosuaudchildme-n ofth11e Allied Nations, a<ho men toits are fightiDg la thé trenches or bave sacriiiced rthéir lives in hattieý The armies muet ho led snd thé néed9 et tb. péople ut boume muet, In a larme~ meanre. be pro-i vided by the tarmemé of ible country. Christian Endaavor Ralyý The Lake County Division et thé Chics- go (Critan Kudavor Union held a ltsly at the Pr,-,lyterlé» chUrchl lét S&turday. Lake Foresti C. 9. was epre- sentéd by thé largesi entuber of dele- glatie. A social tume va.sjoyed dnrlng thé aftemnon ihîurs aed supper vas served cafaterla style ai 5.30. Thé eveing services began t 7:301. Ater thé officere hadi been oilected tbey were lnstalled hy Rv. Zabeloft A réa. J. U. Crosby sang a teautitul solo and ttev. E. L. Rhouer, SWOePrésident oi C. B. gave thé main addréss. Tiie iollowing iveré tbe oficere electéd: Preeidnt, Hnuiert Henry, North Chics. Vo.Prsdni .t.rltLbnvl. V. Preuident, Amna F rigt, LDenfll. sery., Miss Ruth Buabocil, Waukegan. Troua., %lies ti-ta McilaY. Wantegan. Prayer Meeting SuPt., Ethel Elingier, Waukegan. Lookont Supt . Hope liockeeilem, Zion City. Christian Citizeilshlp Supi., UeorgO Wright, Highland Park. Social Supt., KatherinétRobertson, bats Fores$. FIVE BILLION MORE FOR WAR. - Washlnugtofl, D. C., July 24.-aec- retary McAdoo tod*Y propmred new sear estimates for congreuu, much in excetsof thnae alread y presented and bad at Palatine, MI., Auqnst 8 te n'o-tcntemplatecs w6en the senate fi- -. Thé race prPgram 'oIllattract mte eie h a je et the beat herses lu ibis part et nonce commtervidthwrta oentry. 58100 are gîven lu race bill. «The billiîrobably wili 11e furth- ,se A *1,000 lité t ors free-fer-ali <r nevised. Thse goverrnment, basing Batnrday wvIiihéeuoe of thé testueaan cutimate on the nedofdhet sr- botair. Wsdne.day vlllbeRodCreea my and navy, wiihée the -sr tax bill r'oben ue-hait ut tbm gale roceipti te authorize an addilonal $5,M.0000,- b. gfiron. hat Organiaation. Thur. 00 viii ,be, DqPlsinoeDaY. witha eaiprograi. Friaoy viii ho Palatins If it'î OfaU y eue, MM-yen 'll a"d satuiay, chicago Day. lad h lu the LUbertyvtfe ldusunt Springfilid, Ili., July 24-Piperu of Incorporation were luued hors today te the foliowing corporations: The Safety Egg Case Company of Waukegan, with a capital stock of $15,000. Incorporators are Harold G. Martin, John E. Roarden and W. C. U pton. The Great Lake* Aeronaticai Sao- ciety of Great Lakea. Not for profit. Incorporators arb: Abert B. Dewey, Jr., William M. Blair and H. Starr. Want, For Sale, etc. ide In the IN. DEPENDENT macth 15M0 porios» They teliuns that net.awuni bus ever ceaied te vlbiate, tinrOC81à fipac t.bat not a ippie bas ever been boent upon the ocein. Mucli more 10aIl ira that f t ue tinouglt.n»t BR9P» resilve, not a iovIng set ba% vo gocne forth 1.lu Bn.-ehà«e-gS D)o yoo get up t nlght? sanal la surely the bout for ail kldneY a"slnbai. der troublés. 5ai gi-veo. rlief 0 » heurs' fi'oi BU backatchO and bMidi.' trouble. Sanol in B gUiaiteed él edy. 35c sud $1.00 B bote ait &* drug store. adi _________________________ I k We own and offer for investment the unsold portion of $40OOO.OO Warren TOwnsbiplj High School 5% Bonds Dated' Junel 2th, 1917 and due $4,000.00 annually1 1918 ta 1927 inclusive. Denozninationu4$5O-lnter«st PayableSemi-Annualiy. These bonds' are secured by al the taxible property in Warren Township, have been legal'ly approved by Wood & Oakley, Attys. and bear our unqualffied reccommendations. Prices on 1Applcation. à vT~lL~' Lllli CLOSING'N T. A. Reynolds Clothing Store of Clothing and other Merchandise usually kept in a Firat Clase Clothing Store. I have been in the mercantile business over 50 years and have decided to retire. 1 wiIl locale in Florida six or eight' months of the year in the future, Everything in the store will be s6ld ai reduced prices-'will give a literal discount to parties that take the stock off my hands, or Iwill continue to close out the tnerchan- dise. . L-ibertyville is one of the best modern îowns of ils size in Illinois. 1 have been lowering the stock for two monthsasnd amn positvely going out of busi- nçss as soon as possibble.i No goods to be cbarged during tis Clossng Out Sale. LIBERTYVILL, ILLINOIS, JULY 12th, 19117 1T. A. REYNOLDS,-Propiéf -; W;U.nACF OnB CurtainMatrs We have just unpacked a big new lot of curtain goods which we will place on sale THURSDAY, JULY 19. There are many kinds and qublities ini the lot, goode to please ail tastes and all purpofles' If you need curtains now or expect ta b oy cur- tains this fait, do flot failtot sec these.. We have for your inspec4on--Mualins, Nets, Scrims and Voiles aàcd the prices will range 12 -1 540-25-30-40-45e pet si W. W. CARROLL & SONS COWMW' Phmon9 Ss~B:iOS0tS 1 - irr *1< p-I} -IH4aying Tools LIB12TYVUJZ LA OOUNn. U40OIS TRU 93DAY JULY 26,'1917. Page Five BoUMd left fur Kangas City IISTRANfiE CIRCUI

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