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Libertyville Independent, 9 Aug 1917, p. 11

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.-. i ,. a ~»~PENDENT, ~I~HU~BDÂY, AUGUST 9ç.1~17a ui. ti te Md red l". Roman Cathollo Order Adopis DefiniePluns fer AIding Sol - diers in War Work. WORK WITH THE Y. M. C. A. Important Decision at Chicago Convention-Denoinational Uines Are Forgottel. Delegabes o! Knightu of Columbusa ln convention aItishe Hotel LUScile. Chicago. on Tuesday, voted a $3,000.- 000 (und ta provide confort ta troops ln ffrance and at varlous campsanaud cantonientala Ite United States. One million dollars alresiiy bas been subscribed, and wbe Sieprme Di- rector, Col. P. Mf. Callaban moved tbat a furtiser $2.000,000 be mrased, tise motion was carried unaninaousty. Deasomîsat banal linos wlll be for- gotten ai ail the camps and traops of everycreed, and race wi-1lie wel- comed at &il "Y, of C." buildings. Tlsere wili be tisree builinga under the supervision of six secretarbea at eacb o? the large camps and canton- ments. two of whicb wll be devoted to recrestlon and club maomns, A large auditorium and chaqqI wlll aiao ho erected, and ln addUion ta 181 cbaplaîns aiready pros'lded by 111e war department. 200 volunteer chap- laina will pay weekly vMts ta the Scampe. The *'K. of C." confort movement .111l be ln direct charge of Suprame Director Caliaisan. who wUil work ln conjunction wth Y. M. C. A. offîci. aIS. Ail organisations regardiesu ot creed are asked bo contribute to the war fund. Contributions may be sent to Colonel Callabaui at Wasington, D. C. A SPLENDID BARGAIN. Pope matorcycle '(15-ora. power) ad aide car; ail newly enameied; engtne overbauied ad ail worn parts rpiaced wth new, A-1 condition; good tires (one brand new); new drive chaîna; machine equipped wlth lgbte. speedometer, Iuggage carrier, egtra rear seat. spare drive citain, tire re- liner tleather), vuleanlzlng outlt. etc.. ec. .lusî11e thing for merchant or truckt delivery or for pleasure pur- poses; aII1the pleamurea of autoing. ait éoe-Oifth the coat. L.oweât price ever1 ortefrKt blute lu lbe bistory of Kenosha a demand was mad. Mon- daY ilgit fer 1the reslgnation or aiu ai4ermau iecause of hi@ loyalty «to tIhe nation bas been called Int ques- dion, when Alderman Boylan called ?ti Padeberident au- lblI<m of zior. é'bàn ab~14 hnmôimce *t.bo Knllfw et Oolumbu âalithe &~aooneto uua oig*at1w ta WMdk~harsdottgolmü*~,Work. tt 'a an4fthid bg UUn, t tocefu1 asv-ilogteer one wbo~caioaë a* Wea tao quhdi iI,1t o u uao'of thisla wo. ylw*i * ë,ý ; of thWL vww"*»Irhr i0 'ut ktkeamldIsrs of Uncle Bani at their variout camps and hAWquartrs. Mil>TlUSOLDMIERS 'M11OFFICE AT .«CE uPOn thse council to request lbe res- stopplng launchee on the river aniJ 19natdon of Alderman George noscher1 searchIng them for ammunition, war of the Sixtb ward. Delarin Iliche bad tre. tîmpa been catled before tise tedergi officiai for dialoyaity, Boyian deciared hé dld flot want ta ait wltb the council witb Fscher as a member. Fischer Iater pieaded for a chance 10 show ho bad flot'been dialayal and deciared be was ta bave a hearîng before the federsi officiais and atter conlderabie debate the council de. cîded ta leave tise malter apen. Boy- Ian, is Patrlotiaim tboroughiy aoui- ed, refusPd ta withdraw bis motion tc demAnd thse reaignation but Alder- man Sullivan, wbo bad secondpd the mtiona, after a speech ln wbhi 1e decîsred that b. had no sympatby ffor dlsbioYalty. declared be would be wllllng tu, give Ficher titis chance. *«u, ha abouted, "If you are found dialoyal by the goveraiment we shahl exPect your reaigisatlon and out you go at the oeil meeting of the coun- cil." RECAPTURED MI3E Wankegsrs. Auguat 8. George Jahnke. 26. wbo recentiy eacapedl from the asylunt at Elgin_ was picked up et Washington and! Oases treetsataI7 o'clock tis morangn by Patrolman Hicks. He rad been an tomate of the azylunt for tb. pat severai years and bas made bis escape a number of tintes. The police were notified Tuesday by the young man'a motber, Mrm. A. C. Jaisnke, 103 Low avenue, tbat te yaung man was ln tise 'cty. It ap- peara that after ntakbng bis escape b. came direct ta Waukegan and atter reaching bis honte again be- came violent. Hieîs scape front the aaylnm wauabout îwo nianths. &go and be was brooght bacit at that lima by one of tise local police. He, in now belng heid lnte county jet]. .MW nI~U~eAbc ta t#e aylunt Sec Our Porch- Furn*ute Before You Buy and Save ý25 Per C nt. Largeât DiijTý o rpd nd miSuit> <CasiniiLake Co. '3-Piece Tapes"ry 8ité, $2W -v"tue at $125:. rSupplies and ail intoxicatlng liquir. With regard te the latter item :jjr. Talcoit jokingiy asserts that wbcn 11e areturni be l% goîng t0 apply for a 0poliIon witb 1the Laike County Law and Order League. e Anotber duty asslgned to the cri-w Jof the "Dickie" la te watch for ail gthose wbo bave net secured pasaports rand te turn tbem isack. This la true esPeclally wltb regard te Canadians. Owlng te the tact that the govern- ment la very strict ln Its censorship i %r. Talcoit did neot go Ino any of the details of the routine workt. 1 eer than te say tbat lie la en)"ying It Pvery much. ACT PROSEUTION Young Girl Vrom Detroit Is Be- ing Held in 1.ake County Jaau PendingTrial. Both federai and state prosecution la te be the lot o! Charles Ellc on a charge of entlcbng a girl of 13 years f romn ber home ln Detroit ta Chicago, If United States District Attorney Chartes P. Cdyne bas bis way. The 'man and girl were arrested Monday ai aL dawn tAs'nltotel ln Chicago when the proprietor nottced the youth of the girl and rePorted ilt t the police, The Young chilai, a bsig girl for ber age. was birought 10 the Lakte county Jaal Tuesday evenîngta sebe hed as a wltness agaluet Eic at bis hearni~ lter. She is une of the most pitiable victime that bas been heid ln1the jail lu Waukegan lu many a day. When 111e case was caiied before United States Commiseluner Lewis F. Maton hp characterized lit as the worst Mann art transgression that it bas been bis lot te hear. He beld Elle la $6.000 bonds. 1 Ellceaet1the prosent tinte in under L nu charge-ltiso f .,Vlolating 1the DROWNE SO.O OL RE UN ION. J >ffj AS N Tise annual Brgwne Eichool reunlon w111 le held at ihe aid achool site, fM EI near Wadswortb. on August 16. 01 19 IP Plans are behs mède 19 have a UUPIt big gathering, sud as thse affair a]- AL vIvD Y wayp proves Important 10 former pu- plia of the achool, they are looking MrS. Ste0hfen Clarke of Zion forward ta It Wltis much anticipa- City Receives Token From lion. . Comrade of Dead Son. Letter Is Received From Man- cel Talcott Telling of the Duties of Crew. MANNED BY LOCAL YOUTHS. Are on -an. Unnamed River KeepingCIosb Watch on Al Motor Boats There. That the Waukegan yung e'j are mannlng th1e U. S. patrol bo;tt '*Dckie" of Waukegan, are havlng qute a bumy tintefia tise gavernmntn service la the Inference gatbered tram a lettér written by Mancel Taicott, a member of the crew, to a Wauke- gan frlend. The "Dlckle," wblcis was donat#ad to the gaverntent by Charles Steele, now an ensign. bas bad lis nanti cbanged and bas been asslgned jô ani un-named river for patrol duty. To reveailuitswbereaboute wouid be lu reveal a goverument secret. Mr. "alcott in bis letter amseerîs3 that the boat la being kept quite busi meeting of exam4ulnng Ptyician, of Chicagos elgbty-slx -xemrption boards Tuenday. Surgeon Major Ernst E. Irons, commissioned by 'Najor Clipierrfid to aditress the Meeting, urfird physicIt ans to give the guvernment te bente fit or the dotibt In everx instance. This orficiaI order to "tight-n te xi r(ewx' cans at the end of a day In which the clty'a antl-siacker crusade reached .a dilmax In therretof more than 200 men. Trains are Watched. Suppiementlog thse bouse to bouse canvass belng mnade by the police, ihe department of Justice concentrat- ed Ils efforts ultofi ailroad stations, botels. cafes, saloons and amusement parkas. The gretly augmented ar- rest ist wae thse resuit. Earlier In the day the temper or th1e governImesst Wa"reveaied ln the following telegranIf received by ted. erai officiais bere from Washington: "Accept no more expianations front draft evaders. Hoid for triai ail who are eligible aniWho tailed to reg- ister.' "Yours la flot thse final dea'ilion." aaid Sergeant Major irons 10 ttse pby- sicians lu~t nlbt .."In every case where you are doubtful the thlng ta, do la to accept thse man. if the goy- erfiment later digonvers tisat be la untit for service yenu wiil neyer b. criticized for havlnq accepted hlmn, and having thereby given the goverfi. ment the oppprtumlty tb paSs On liii flîness." *Recruitlng officezs Teguiarly ac-. cePt rmen Who are tader welht." 1be sld. "Tbey are neyer critUcized for thls, beeause if the mo« are ln ail Other ways PhYsicaily lit, there tg no reason why they shouid lot make good soldiers. "Never reject a man merel>' because he talle short on any On. Ulig.Hîs general fitness is the thlnq thgt wili quallty hlm as a soldier. and ifI la your judgment on that ftnoa whlch ï,s the lnwportanîtblhng., Mann act-whlch carnies a penalty of ten years in the penitenttary. Anoth. er charge, a serions statutory one, could have been Piaced agaluet hlm, th1e penalty for which la tram one year fO life. This was POintèd. Out ta Mr. Clyne, and lio immedlateiy sapeed ta consuit wit1% States ,Attorne2' Iloyne and urge that Elle hc indlgted under that Charge as well. L~*P t-a PQCKETILLe,&RDS Waukgans Fnest Billard Room NO W IN FULL S WING Nine rnagnificient tables, individualy Iighted, which insures the1 best of seî,vice. A cordiale invitation le extended every man in tlxp city-Come in and visit us&, ThéPocket Grandî POCKET BILLIARDS 120 W.ashlogoStt We have re-.selected andr..- pricedour enutre-stocka of Tub Frooa and grôoupd thein undor attract4ve disposai figures that go into o ff ect tornorrow. Our buyer, who is, now in Nsw York, wired us that fail nferchandise will be coming forward uext week-we need. room for these nsw goods. Ws'vs got to sacri- fice! Lot No. 1 Exqîiste ii> F~uîksat a prie wliiî< i ont liai itl epsits thea v-alue of tiielir iiaterials alone. A spliîlid seltetit îî, iîîeliîding ail the popîîîlai- fabrîts in new style effeet i, 111 t>lpit. DRESSES$4.98 Aboit 100<) utw anîd clever sint- f os-lIii(ilote. Net a rs ilthi eniregi îîp th ît viti he fo ess than $10 dite f Lot No. 3 t'i(ý>Illlollv asllionl l uib T' oî'ks thai. are 110W actuallv w îîtl fr( îît 50) ti 80 Per cet Iilir thlintitis finîal price. Al the îiew', leaditîg fabr 'ies ini elii liîg<I>1r comibiiiations. Big Sale S11k Dresses ~mfw ~I~hO~ -~ ~'bW. ~ the young man's neck. Thoe mother priz-s this dearly. we She was surprls-d on Mon day we she received a littie package that had been sent ber from t1h B former friend of her son who in tlî :hting at Ypree. Lt was solled scumewhat, but thie was dune Intcntlonally In urder that it miglît paes the icuttons ufficer without a 111gb duty lieing at- tached.4 "Nyson's fricnd sent thie hand- krrchief tii lut motiier in, Canada, ivitit a request that ste forward Ji to nie," Mit'. Clarke said. as shi- proudiy displayed the fineiy .embroîd- ered bit of tllk. 'You cs.nno.t imag- ine bow greatiy i prize it.j SIAMESE TWINS ARE BORN BUT DfiL' Biamese twlIns were born Tuesd ly au~iAf5 t tt. iilesueru. brance. a han.d-embroidired silk IhoCpiago t th ed rancte monPtdln handkerchief, was rec-ived front a of bIrtb. The ýwIns were girls, i ' or- young mn ic, iîoad hi-an a close. mal except tisat their walSt.swePre frlend of 1the young mari who met bis Jobned. Thpir cantltîned weight was death. Lght and three-eighthis pounds. Ac- P. H. Clarke had mny frienda cordlng ta Dr. 5. S. Nlarsh,. Sia mese lni Lakte county, particuiariy ln Zbon twlns apPear once ln 5.0,0000 irthe. City. Two or three years ago 11e wa-s Tbe mgther la 23 Yeats oftiiî;e and cmPloyed at Detroit, Nilect. The de- liano alter chiidren. sire to serve as a soldier caused hlm________ to cross t11e river to Canada where 11e enlisted Ili the Eighteenth bat- REAL ESTATE TFRA.NSPERS. lalion, Canadian expedltionary force. Atter his course of training 11e Aug. 7, 1917.-Juiius Itletners et ai., was sent ta 5Murope and took part ln In Frank Weldner, tract af land lat some of the bioodiest batties in Bel- sections 19 and 20, Vernon township. giunt. Il was In oneA of these bat- W. D. $10. ties that 11e bat bus lite. A short John Griffith and wlfe to Anton and time afterwards hie mother la ZMon Elizabeth A. Joneson, lot 47, Rose CIty received a l1111e alumlaunt iden- Terrace subdivision. Lake IPoreet. W. tlficatbon tag which had, btng abouit D .;1û. Boat Di.t for Worloeu. Followlng exhaustive refesrffia Paria scientlat bas recommended a <l equally dlvlded betwpè outetandi vegetables as the best tçr workets Thoer ýnFOU do PER DOZECN7c PER RA M, DOZiN..0c' Rubln's Dept. Store, Wauk.gan, M. Zion lnstttutions & Industrier, ZIOA City. Triggst eà Taylor, Lîbertyville. L. E. MltirIe, Ares. 1 A. L. Ys'0ald à Ge., Lake Villa. Saturday, the final. disposai Éof our entire stocks, of new at wonder fui reductions 1fW WAS .ILLED IN BELGIUM.1 So's Friend Sends FMer an Em- broidered Sfilk andkerchief -Is at Ypres Now. T14Jt!NUPON FfiV~li~d0 O fThe mails on 3londay conveyed te Physiianslr, to Pass Men .Mm. Stephen Clarke, 2317 Gi-ad av-1 When ln bt Slight enue. Mion City, a mute. but nyr Dol eot No Bar thelea stlrring reminde 'er son I .hit. ,Clarke. who lias killeil un G..eal lght.Igof ,, rgIcia IBelgunt baitlilii about a year and th1e conduct 0f the ephysicai examina. 1 tions proaaly wIiiesuitfoi ,,-a ahait ago. The token ot rermem- - 1, -- - PML» ilàeiiý, -vuz v-auly wu& remmz ironi a )w4»

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