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Libertyville Independent, 9 Aug 1917, p. 3

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souk ta, have th doctom "tomflura L4UIIV~ 1531dowi," la not gettiag tin very far. SK Tise doctons expltla at one tisaiun- 25 I~X(IINU1)le:s thsemen are affit ced witis rhÇu- abtetto the Point wbere tisere la defarmlty, visere they have become To SE EXE1PTED flat-foated or knocl-kneed, thon the (Contined ramontpage One) frate rm hUa M60Mt for tise national army f;_306 mon. At b.e pufficient ta brtng exemption. tise rate exemptios are beog asked If Thi. predamuinating rosI excuse for *111 require the summonlng ai s much clailg exemption la "I bave just larger gronp tof men. thst l, provid- been marrled." or "f amn marriled and Ing ail tisa sat exemption receive fIl. have a child dependlng upeis me for Tisose called for examinallan ap*- support.' uear ln groupa eocle hour. This fi, The.u9;fcoume ara talon inta ltates the work of thse eamiiw consiâeratiaa aad the board pauss. board a"d dors not cause tise cas. -on the. monta Of the cpeciftc cases. datesto wait La lîne su long. The 0» u eaeuse ywp: «'I am ex- office of tise exemption board in opus i rusly ourvoas. but pisically 'in ffrmei8o'clack a. um. ta 0 p. um. Uli il igt." Neediesa ta uay ho wau trie lighsaad a telepisane were lu- accepted. talled la tise quarteIs toaIY. Handie Different Fatures. DRAFT BOARD IS RUSHED. Tise doctore are bandiing dîfferont foatures ut tise examination. as fol- Wasselan. Auguci 7. lova: ln thse absence of datailed 1figurs Dr. Oourley-Abdaon and extrdmn- as tu tihe umber of men acoPti, ties (legs aid af-ms). caiming exemption, etc., memsnbuco Dr. Ambrope-Chest, head. lunga. tise exemption board lote thie sitr. Dr. Brman-Head. noon gave out thse foiiowlng a*imât"a Dr. l'oley-Ste.examlnatlon or choc- wtslch they consider ueasoabiy cutis- king up examination, briti. "Onue matitcoughs admiehInlistas Ont isundsed ceventytwa isshui 'tiat il hwrts hlm then he cougha," emsincd up te 4 o'ciock today. 0f, sai Dr. l"oley ta Head Examiner tise exaniined between 20 and 25 per Kuîglit. cent sf-s alions. 1 "*Dont mater wviAie a aye; te Zighty per cent of tisi remaining base our resits on wliat we find7 have dependenta. saii thse beau examiner. FulIy cine ot of cvery ten examined, Offer Mucis Halo. dlaim exemption. 1 "We are gettig mucli hlp f ram This would Indicate that peeeubiy locai peaple nov,' saii Dr. Knlgisi oniy 29 out o th 290 mecnexsmined t<a.auig 's ant a s yerterday and today did net 'daim soclation liaifnrnlsliod up NIr. Jadrîr exemption. Iembrs of lise boar s- tu, he p an recardelis, etc.; the,. sert, iowever, tisaI il cimiming exemip. Pbi Service company bias offered tion wiii net etil. ta tend uni viaI clericai esitance te Tisat ouly a ver>' small percentage ned ad ai ayGorch fthe of tise mon examini Manday islpi 'Y. bascocme in and la an tise Job O pas&c tise phypical examinatian - riglit along. looping track of the vas thes tatement made toiay by tenmesadcllo ntemna m,,mber of tise local exemptionnu eradcsin lah mna thoîr numbers are reached." board. One buired and twenty4ve Stand in Nude State. yog men wPTP examlned dirng lise Il le a traîge Aiglit tisaI greef e courte of tise day Mandsy. Ot ai ones eyes ln tise rear room aoflis" tiI number- tifs sai that barel>' building. Thee titis their ciothes un ten will b,- relected becsuse of phy- chaire ani an>' plae there they cao ic-ai dsab1ity. A fùw mon vere re- fin rouir, are twen*ly mon aimost al Jected heeause of fiat feet, a fet he- da), long. standing ln Une. Each Is cauý J tberlar ondiionof tpirenti .rely botde, eacb la wailng for the loings and the, others for imperfpc-1 t1ý! ýlch t ws fet wuldoffr adocor 1,0 sa) "Next." Broad shauld tinov icliit ~ia1.-l aold 1.e red, narrot shouider.-d. ftc oen.j bar Iote, 1r iecainngherfet soi- lean men, short mon. taili-oen _al di-re. are lined up with flac eïen a carî.a N¶nbé-rs of tii. -emptioîi board ion ta decorate the-m. Each patient ?\[i(< fr1 ta pas on ail thse candidates 4)awsith hie jurai îostve.-th,- dor- tho tere examînei Monday after trpme i.>necln o tii.->'bai comiii"led their iaior, for tP h is varous orgae us aseeif i1w- s th,- dat -but ihey w'-rc.rusbed '--veli t ta fight for t'nesSain. moinuit.e ofhe timpenad tîre unablo tsamte ra fmnta r ta give dtails a- ta the number ar s a molee area>' i ntisaI 'are men-o ilad îlot ciaimed exemptloa Armeulano, biere are Turks. tisare but th(-*. iore of [he- opinion that the ore Stedes. Ansir!ans. Hungarlans. number probmbiy coli Se conied on emnadev afwCiepo the fiagers ai one bani. It tas Im-1tiselilsi, but they bave not yet au- possible aiso t) secure detals a to erereaiati.Soa amuet the number of tisose who &ait exemp- cosmapoitan crowi of men are beoua tion wv isa viibe exempted. Mai.em- ieme m& ntoso bers ai tise boaidsai 1h.>' iopai to'lise face of tise sortis. have tbis Informpation ioda>'. A large number are askhng for et- eupelan an tise grounds tiai th e>' IclIÂR5 V » Q are a&lis. Tise majriy.isavever " ,&Mfý are seekia exemption becase of ý D;II~N~I~I depeidents. ome tucm iaion Ciy UIII ~IJI8àlU ccl exemption becanie ai thir reiig- lau beliefs. Oie yauig .Man fraunl BLA ILY IS FR D tise whiste Bave Cit>' sai ie vas sa tiscologicai tuieiit aid Ibongisi le bholi lie exempted on tisat grouni. Lake Forest Mani Who Has in a fet cases exemption lu aped~e Beeli Held by Kenoaa Po- bccauee the yaung men are emploYed lice, Rleturna to His Home. b>' convertâis tsiliare maiufacturiîg suppies for the United, Sttes SoS- FIND No PROOF 0F GUILT. erèment. Memabers ai tise board ta- day assarted that tisere ba notbing ln the reguations visicis permite tisem !Kenosha Authorities Belleve ta grant exemption on Iis grauind.1 Blakely Got Articles Before sondsi tise appuycante viii bave tai Friend Was Killed. appeaIo tahIe district board thiclah ,____ mort, et Chicago. Tise samte ls ru" Fred Blakel>, et La'to Forest, an wiib re'gard ta a numlîer ofi otisersl omploye ai the Melota P arun, ovueul wlic are asklng exemption on groîînd. b>' 3. Ogien Armoar, visa vas tukett tber titan famil>' d.pendetni or bo- 1te Keneuba, chrge i tti belig a cause tise>' are allons. gisou, lise been discianîcifrtrmus- An additlonel 150 notices ver.- sent toi>', folloviag an Investigation can- ant Monda>' nîght for young men ta ductod by District Attoney' Peter appear for examlnatian next Salurds>' IMFicer aif Kenouha. Miten a careful This s a total ai 910 nolifled teaSp. Investigation ai tise faits i tuecsse fl-ar for examiatlan up ta the pros- Ma. Flalier became coavlaced ibal ent ime. Tarmrrais 150 more natifces BIakel>' vas Inocent ai tise charges wiii bo sent ot and an addililaial bronghit againsi hlm. 150 an Tisursda>' Thiss viii mal a Bialel>', ha Company' titis a fellot boalion 1,210. The local exemption empioye namei James Young, poi btoard hapes te ho able ta milke'np a visît ta Kenouba. Tise mangiei thse quota of 305 fron tiis district boi>' or Young tac faunaian the out cf tisee 1,210, burt there le. noase- elecîrie rallroad tras. Wisen surance tisat ibis viii Sbe tise case. It Bialel>' tas aken inta cuciai>' ai vît] depoili enlireiy upan te nm- Lake Forest ho iai la his poseensi bier whonare able te sectire exemption. Satattîhisîcli vas identifIiedas ho- The board le preparei la. ceil aut lbhe'icigiag te Yung and aise a larger enlire 1.301 menntisa reglslered huisent ssaof maie>' thi l as thouglt ho if necesary ta maltenp tise quel&. iai, Tise Phsicai Examiaiton. Tise Kenosa police torled on ser- -1 ihave rhsurnatic pain@u-they hurt ral bieoiesf, aiea!f vIschs vas tisai mie wisen t al or misen i move Blakely poccibi>' removei tue valu- vsry much." a*Iles ffrocm ie aftfusde cothiug cil- Tiese bave is tise predonlatini en ha hai beau 'ruia vec W' a street excuse maie b>'tise muantisa ondea- cUr. von taelaspresm tise local Medical ex- Ulkl vas qaetioei ver>' close- aminera la the federal 6-a! t astue>' 1>'but madee me admisions a!fai l> go tbrangis tie ordeail l te iteM- cnlmfnting nature. - TI dilstrict a" quartons an Madison sîreetP torere'o KeRlsha expreeffl tis The ri mci. xcse, ceastil> epnliontisaI- T«MS g oa Uabel-*t adeçted by-ao mass>ofaitise mm ois erliefourf laeWb eieeecM. Co.,Spt of R4a, Teether w ith o uny ouid Oth- ersto> tn d Meng, MEET AT STATION AUG. 11. Mr.- Russeit, epresss Hope i That New I4fgWolf Fol - low Ralroad Traoks.' Charniop Russell, couisi'$UOreitpenu- dent oi roadsin lAJa4ecoMstY, la £fore lisa pleasei ait te@agtatlai tsha beau startei for tise construction of a mlltari rad trotm Wasskegante Ciicae.Hesys thiSa road vWU eed- ed long ea but lsa eeded nov oce. tisai ever bei are. is hope la that1 tise propoaed rosd i vii hocct.Unictc along tise 'coursue et bise rahrmi lnack tuâtes«! offinatier test as be-tiDika tbat o vea ue atis easeu of 4o tise blgisvay te mrt saboe. otus. Mr. Russell today recelled auinl- vialio troin CapI W. A. Moffot ta attend tise confereico an tise mltary 1 [isgisvay materwvichais letatale place at tise Naval Station au Anut il. Fanurlsandrei nvtations have cent oui. Momber. af tise Lake cana- t>' board i o! supervipara bave recelv- od Invitations ta bc preseit t tise meeing. Tise mayor and commission- ors ai Wanloga ansd clty officiels ai allier norti shaore cilles aima bave ris- ceived hnvlttiloi.AIl tise congres- men ffrn tise sIate sud members ofi tise iegilainre froin Lake aid Cool counies aise bave been invitai ta Se pregeni. Mai>' sixte officiais and others viso voeu àb, lIarestei la tise praposed rosi are expected ta b" an liaid. One sciseme la ta mile the rosi 18 foot vide at an etilmaied cosl ai oie million dollars. Anotiser 8.-herse la ta double tise vldti asni Increase tise rosi pf-oprtoiaately. To date Itlias been suggested tisat Ir mililtry necesait>' demande tise ra the miiitary israîcb af tise aovj ernment shouli n.ot ail>'buli 1tht road, but aise provido tise meauis titis thich ta buili. Tlie bureau bas aiso sai. isowever, tisatIif tise allat- ment af funis from the gavorumnent for building ai higisvays tisatitI tonli c"-penate titis lie milfiar>' authorities. but eathile samo lIme Il opinled tisat a ioderai mii rosi muai bave 75 pcf- cent afi us mileage on a star or rural mail route. Tise promaters ai ths plan, visicis vouli mean a great Impravemeni for lise sirtherit section af tise sixte, are nov bus>' tistiese cixe officiai». Tise aliolment of mone>' for sixte *Id rosis lu one source of fud. Wouid Divide Expenue. Ir a rosi cosiing ail>' $1,500,000 lu constructed Il isu been eaggeted tisai Uic ioderai goverimenl coitri- bute $500.000, use etateof ainhaois au- other $500,000 aid tue aemalng $500,000 b>' Cooi aid Lake coanti sud tise ten towncsips tiscougis vicis tise rosd iyll pos. Cook ceuni>' is some casis leIt frmits roai bond Iesue ai $2,0,- 'ion. Pocsibly part a! tbat migist b, usai, If not, tise cnt>', b>' PrOpe ecanomical management. canld mals ci appropriation trom carrait ne- celpîs; atlieavie submit a boni le- tue la tise people. Lake couit>' aid tise tea townsis are not in se fortunste a position. Laike count>'ias been backwari la canstructing nons sand contitroas, and miglit open its packetboak more liberail>' for tisaproJect. SuaggslTwo Route. Tva rautes bave been euggest"i, one np tise Sitakie alie>' maàtue ais- ed beside tise Narlistestern railva>' track. Bath coîtempiste ihat tse ]and vouli 5e donalci lu large msse- ure for the rigit aofva>'. Ia tise meanimo e nagene>' af one ai tva tompaf-ar>'emergency var tradei. 1' eing pressed. Onue otithse 3Is tise Waukega raàan sd tise other le ta theo omt. Bath ai tisese are laid out on a msp, which W. G. His. bard viii seai bois>' or Monda>' te eacis gueci invitei tuth ie meeting. ýSKIPPJNi ROPE' KELEPS UP IIEALTJI Uncle Sam's salons St tise Naval Station have varions wvs'ofni loping lnb piyeical tf-im. Wiiis appraximatel>' -1,500 tract athietes aroong tise 12,000 -mon, sllpping rope bas become a pop. eular methsa. Aimoat an>' eveniai alt- or inili iske'yauag binejaclcetes ma b e asiten l the campai>' stneels slip- -ping rap. - Dr. John B. Kaufan, athietle offi- ko cor, says il malea lisem aiea-t, gives Le tiseu conta-cl or tleir muscles aid ln- dreSses l5icha ilg poter. it t T tg DEFEATS 6 6ERMAN Lake Forest Youth Wins Hon- ors in Aeral Sattle on French Front. WAS HIS FIRST BATTLE. Tise naine aofER>'Clafis *rigeman, son cf Prof.* Walter Bidgmmu of 1LaIe For-saiUulvero[ty, 1bU een ai- i.i tebise roll of houar, tusth La- faytte egcadrilliein France. Dis- pgtess from Parie Monýda>' lrougisi ward tisai lhe Lake Foreset yaatis bai becie oie of Ff-suces. ariai beroes aver igit. Flylng titis ailier membra ai tise American corps. Bigetuanbecaee detscbed trom iliom asud ideil>' ei- counterei six Germai ilfaet, Sin- gle haiiei ho fougisl tisenoff suc- cesaful>' until a f rienil>' cloni bank gav'e bim protection aid le made s soie returna ninijurai. Prof. Brigeman sai thie vas tise first combat bis son bai been ia 50 far asebe knew. HIesou0nibas bai mai>' narrow escapes irom tise Ger- main bulets befare. but nover bai Se engagedinb comîbat. The professer accauned for Ibis 3b>' paying the Cermnans nover attack tise alliîed planecs uniese tbey cao do se vi tis uperior farces. Tise Ger- apans turn ail and rua wnth lsesce ren -ocuai nuixb er ai alliai 'plane« ,coming, b.- asseied. r To Illustrate ianecr aI iiyiig. Prof. llrldgeman sald iis son bai vriten that a fieni enrtiy relored ita the uines titis iliteen bulet baies In his machine, but wibont a voun i iîn- soif. Briigeman 1, 22 yearu aid and wap a junior et YaIî' tison be vent te France. PROPRIETOR DENIES THE- REXALL STORE HAS 6191N SOLD. Waukecai, Aagust 7. Tise rumar gîven vide circulationt on tise streeta Ioda>' ta tiseaffecitishat tise Rexail drng store sb Qeiesee and musilgon sireete bai beau soli, vas deuied tis afiernoon by )Ka. Fred D. Peler, tise owne ai tsestore. «Tisene la notiing te tise report," saii Mn. Peter. "I have' bai s do. en offert on mare, but bave nat sli tue butine»s." Tise store vas aWïgiave been sli la Mma.Druce. of Gly"ke. MOURN IJEPÂRTURE 0f FAMOUS MASCOT 'Jerry,' the Toad, Devoured Many Bug s at the Zion Po- lice Headquarters. INSULTED, THEN LEAVES. CpUnwittineSteps on 'Jer- ry', Fce LaterLeaves for Parts Unknown. EDWARD W. CR071'. "Jerry,., the toaa, bas gone. 'Ver- r>'" vaa the mascat Of tise Mon City' poilic, sud ie afforied coalai amusement for visitons Wvis sfed a thse station la tise evemlag. àAno- mer or tva ega. Sema>Wtasimiulted, sud diiat retira for menthe. A fireusu gatisemde a lot af bugs an put them et tise foot af tise braserai dovu viicitise firemen sUie la case of omergemor, and Ag sonoSOM Jrr spn»aatlhe bu h. gota su etris #bock. Thi roi coiii b echangei ai Winly > pealag a battoft. asloug- ers seau baon ot ta their sasvav, and as eoou as Jerrydivec aitishe baUM b, bit tise roid andgt cei- electroculei. He keeled aven anuis bail sud laY qulttS ilIfor 4af@e« momnent*. Tison a firemai 100k hlm aat aid laid hlm aon the gravel val §0 ap ta give hlm a cissuse 10 o sU ta. Ta isasten his respiration a Ri Inventor, Ar- Rie Mkes Com - rie: WFood Prices. Rieband Ail na, an lovent- or. ira Hoaa.Victoria. nta lia.arrreite ienCity' yepteriay. Mn, MinuersIf, a noliser Or SIlder M. J. Muntera, of Zion Cilty, and laut aight tiewe hYl ere publiai>' recolved ath ie taernacie. Àccom- pnligMi' Sttera' vore hls,.Wffe, tue- 4*0 *" a Sson agoILS TIse>'u=Ad JguPaey fraun Sydney', Au t~lal e 8. S. Niagara, ami ge Mr.,Ni.itsi 'etst, "W. met noUs. ing ami haà* t=" gi. All tise>'sas« mu tis be lêWeh aiof 0-B.visicis talc. rs~o te crou5, wu o» steamer retm$pgte Autiraiia. No ancverei 15515"Mvere permlttei at sigut om the iaer, but tisera vau uating evtbt isapçaenei sud no mae pioem9di't9hmov auYcancera about Geqtgp uliers. uxcept tvao oh ladies visa boaiui thse boat at New Zealani, aid -teeY showed ormne"r- ousiesa. Mr. 10 senla e isenventer of a combui 4.111 ami cultivator, 501h implenetscg& b. aaed b>' simpli> =ba lgtise dM,1lami it la a griot èiba poa.ije bas also lavealci à macise foueOdufg soed. Patent rigble-have e.. ieeured for tisee laspiemouta la tbo United States and tise> vilI probabl>' be manufactnred hore. Aslced s te fooi and general con- ditiolaî u AUataaaMr. Kintera sixtes tisai food pnicea are much ishs er liers. Bre f la clitisere at elgisI pence, or aixteen cents, for a four paunai 105. Wheatlal pleitfal la Australia ut there ha& hem us ocioerabie difficult>' ln gettlng l t ram tue lalani staionsf ta the oacefft tovue for sipmoît. The 1916-17 iwbeat dI-op vaa ver>' large aid ln tie Wlmmera distrit. vlioat vas pfai Up at tise depots la great stade aval l*ag shipunent. A plagne of mie* ttacked tise sackp o! grain aid tais of It was iestro>'ei lu Ibis va>'. I'oW40 ta 50,000 rmics ver. traapedln eme niglit. On oue occasion tisea ere sevon toie of mnica captarei and iestrayed. About tise anly effective va> that tise plagne la coped tits la a disease tisat at- tackite emie. A scali forma an them ndmitue>'thoes eOaci other. Tiser. le pomeflng about tise disease that causes them teasttacl and est eacb oiher. Mr. Muntera may retura tempora- rly te Ausîrsiala sfet mouIse, but Itla Ionl>' for a business trip. Ho and bis famlinilutenul ma'dng tiseir honme permanontly ln Zion City'. 1OLMIRS OF TIE intec rte,*a zto; LIQUORLAW SUN. lrdewodgts Six Cases Wnere Saloons Op- iconder thse elel.~ erated Under Malt Licenses Psnc n hevlg e 5 X but Sold Whisky. that they stayed at thse o md~ ani operated from there nAM Fox Lake. Aug. &-Consternation partool o the boverage jm was thrown lata the hearts Of Fox Schmidt bai beeà selltg Thus tbe lake saloon keepera when it devel- people ho had es hie gueet.,s e~' oped luat week that tour detectives. ones wha were coUftcog evijumOS tw, mon and two wom. bave been agonst bleu. operatlng In Fez lAIe for the pat in ail there are elghteeu placestu week ia behallf of thse village offIci- Fox Imie where miait lICeUaW bure ait la thse endeavor ta determtne been esud andWiere tiie ope î i wbore tise saloon keepers were op- la 'woklng aider that malt lsiowLe eratlîg wlthln thee latent of the W Tbere are twenty.four places uhmo cae wd hicistise village board badIsl- t.thfull ssoo licens busa euW 'ý su& The discavery that two veal and thugsa laufleipi us o > ~ and twe men fram the R. S. Baker *e, .- Datective Ageacy. from Chicago, bai AAceording t. the;" " been cllectlng evidence for the petat *j^ tise iseeru thle wek left everybody In ioiebt untIl *eîy hm-",thq -r >C Elinday afterboon viien thse village ~10é agthse ma1 merq aùthortl» avre out warrants for '1 .aSeei e et4 the arrent of six different resort m@h mai al ceming te 0 t - 'keepors. juin-à« mueise. Be. e.in l Thoe esix persans vero charied pr*oa@1Wseg ly vsppue h in *op dw wtb baving cld wbuskeY cOntaafY tatrbslot t gr.dhluaei>ctise Niuoe the tltent of the licence whlch they kees adeug@e pt oeate th-o~ liai pld $150 for poyloacly. Tt de- Thîï, fea5Ie* «*t ths etM - velope that In Fox Laoke there are two chique ^0t. et, »4a.l kinds af licenses for handling bey- about t Pa Làiieý à tiealul erages. The $500 licence provieop cd about tisat thse détective bed isce for sale of -ail liquors and lua agen- *Inerne ti, .vg ic IMIC1 ha eral licence. The $150 liconse pro -- seftMt maNhnes mpte Md *BAUSu vides merely for the sale aofnmalt WU- th. ism tbomnue«u ' quars. Tt vas la the endeavor to de- ccesam are t AItaws. Auegpa termine whether snybddy vaé sOllnag Welch- yul act upon thea evl4oes intoxkcating lîquors 111e whiakey. etc., whchwa e oasuoi fer the 4ftag tisat the village bired a detective ta threugh these dethectves..Mdni Ni.li mile a tharough examinattiin. The wiii smen thons iut'. eust j<Wý recuIt vas tirat thse tollawing persong immeisé utus if bc den uct tij were plâced under arrest and titis a*w u e «tise, ewîues* uet * mornlng tisey vere to stand trial ho- a.s d by l*,eft teIl m It i aOI fore Police Magistrale A. H. Meyers. b@edomigslng wMthl ie, ctateusp* #» E. A. Flabtaser. maie .sceftly tWho w se mas I William Schmnit. clo-m up thieipilam orfin@o os Emma Schultz. es-lous mis, celtmachin"s ipi 1»« L.inhoix Muench. In use. William Irion. Pew Pavor Full Lises.. loi Rase Rasumusen. t w' ttie lit m Zu i n lu 3'lj' Cet Suicas. of Evidence. tisaitise illage boc»ri wet ta a vot4 Befare thse cases were calied. iRas&. ta decide visether tii. village wfla musn taok out a fullI lcense. that la, continue lasauag malt liceausaecwlSOi h, pald tise difference butween the But twova ct against glvbgng mlt $150 and $600 license. -la order ta licenses-in other tords, but tor caver hlm for tise future. in the case members fuit tisat the- fulIl 1110011 of Fitcher, Schmidt and riai, tbey $E00, sisould b, exacted. went te trial this mornlug and the ev- Howevey. tise decisal o l.bseht Idence showed clearly wbat tic deoc- about the decleion tu inveidtete s tives bail procured St their different ceIf the unes holding naIt Beu. suitcase of evIdence, whlch theY de. 'that licous.. The detectivei oecor*d clared bai been collected ut the dif. lagly wire 'engaged wtth lastrutIt ferent pego". fto 'lad out If aaybody havies MM lu the cese of Mire. SchutiS ad license haa been nellng ahytliiig ht Muenih bot expregsed willnoae malt lIQUor!' 1 LLédmL Il -- AÀ Sign Post at the Crossroacis is usefno1te< L a traveler who knows wbm~ he wauts to go,, but it advauoes no reason td juflu- ence a. man on hie way t-o one, town to go to anothr. Some advertiging is of the "Sigupoot» variW ---it inforis the people that the storein ibu83*O,4 but gives no reason why they should trade therê.. -The test ot ukiiituI advertising la added buaineu. No man can bqgrtdge the cout il the Mvert1sing produce s umoieat tueabe ed business b pay the exPenue and leave a profit. IND EPMIDNT ÂDS will develop new ...-not ouly hold preseut business. Honest e4Wl >and fair'prices will take care of that. . To grow you muet inorease Your sabe Ti. whtMetaf<3IJ bachet a! vater vau prociireifroiD Lise veil and tiIs vas thron ove, tse unfortanate tbai. lb bail th.e of test expectei, for JerryJamped up Iwo & ashot, uhool iuuelf, saideal>' rememboreul be bai beeu n Iiste4, and ten isepPei off tits su offenied air, or as tise off icer put it, tits bis muffer open, bail fiht barnln. issaded coulis. Hea s se indignant et tues joke a( hlp expensetisat lie i nai asov op outil tis gosmmer. àacî ho c"ua a fet tecks ago sud hopped labo tise station as usual ta bout for buis. Tis e dada-l llghts iret hosties, motus, cf-faletes ad scores of auiser Unis tof ttngei crea- turea aid Jerry bai s ihuis ad bine. A black beetle vonli sonne Up againat tue ligisi and came flop ou tise station floor. Jerry vouli b, on tise job l11e greaued lgistuing. Ho vanli hop np ta titsin four ar five Incises ai bis pre>', tison out toulli shoot hie for'cOd tangue 111e as lgit- nlng flash. Thora vonli ha a short snsp lîke tis eclling ai a laiy's purse and tise bug touli vaiss aliVe dovi Jerry's cf-av. 1 have seen Jerry so buigei ont tits bugs tisai lie conid gcsa-cely crawl, aid ait4mne his pauncis vas no big Ibat It meanl>' dragged on bise floar as ise cravled lau>' off taesha oaisinennealis tue doorwa>'. But Jerry's gaie this lie. He han nat shoti op fan tva nisis ami It la pobable tisat h. vii net asowt1[ agaln. OfficerM. W. Sillon stapped au Jerry's face on Wedieudar aigut an ho vas going ta use the tléphsone, and cihslitise anbortunste toni maisged te hoap oaf lawtih ie probe. Ditsill are tsaI lic viii neyer retarD, for bis ývisage la Dot oîly aut oai ne pair, but hia dignit>' la crusaled alms b p h ti a .. h rc 1

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