Mali:.d ~ k ILI îiý hwmm ho Floyd DixOn of Waukegan Ttn av indslarge Sum of PlYME U 'f'no Tgn~wary Lake Forest Station. Wfi l' CYP*ïài Ï1SS;TILL IN JAIL . MESSENGEN HAD LOST 1T I.G ADy~ IjAfMAN.7 'Miot Prmies ssciae e1Was tthe prop«Wt of Lake For. -romies Asociae He et NM med la W -sel. om Hlm est 8aft*nd 1POmPtIY oAg Hn m M n La beDa y f r .Returned by Finder. " Far in kea n, a Augut 4. Wblie iouesly 15 siv e abett Wauke.Sn"m-n iaveaiad thir re- i 411tr iavIng Iopent ue&rly tivent>-- polier.i lal sometinet la ratier istratloui dey--MW the vosnen are to lisare t a lb. count>- fait, William t, slou 0on. AI leasIt s la l ie ihave lielt flit-g Rnotiera. thervise kzovu as lie exporience of Floyd Digon.,0ofUbai- Tentative plant ver. mode Mon- e.Du raudas, . 13. D., vairs- began s, heday opMtert a lisNorth- day ulgit aetlthe ederatjon of'Wom- laset from; entody at 11,30 Olélock western staion et lÂke Forst. ef's -,otaistious meeting la Tels- "ii ing ous.boun tahle amouul 0 ed.dsYay IernoOiwvile Mr. ,prance temple, for the. holding of a 1.ffl avlng basa igned by Anmn-I, D = asvakingt ons thepltfcrm reffistration day for vomen nextà ?ïrpla. Loremo Fueituer. 'hersas eaIthli IkForest station, ho ob- *month. probabty durins lthe week be- VW"ster and .Joseph Olluaky. Tii. served o aiîat, package 1>-ilu aIi ls giuulng.September 17. Thisi la lins ~to secure lie relame of "Fa- feel. He klcked il slde et <irstan d with lhe movsmeul being promoted llEtU e. os b isM ie iLe l.UWie ie et- by lhe Home Doete League or!lit.a jMereyJ! A. Miller, Frida>- aflernoon. edhils office i. opeaed lie puck- mals. 'but ovins o hoeisnsv Mtute go*sun- ose sud founi- , Mrs.gB. A. Muason, preldent of their lus recagnisances lie suresse vesTon tiousan4 dollars la crisp lysa-W.kean Woman's club. addresaed sot afceasled until thus morning. ty dollar billîs. lhe meeting.,viiicii vas a very rsp- Birohers va.s ken to the office of As tieastl hiere recovering rom I resenlative on., on lie plans of theg -MaglaIrte Taylor by Sheriff Gtffn! hls surprise iie sOw a mon valuasg WoMen~s Committee et the. Home De-à obOrty aler Il o'clock thla uorning, aiong the plalform, laoklng anxioualy fate League. poinins Out tholtie1 &Md fiftn miaules ltler aPpeared on' rom aide to aide. He valke-_ _1-- th en o ri th le enlire stite are re-1 lis treet accompanied b>- is fali-' platform ogalnansd asked the man if quesled le reggter during the. veek1 an. W. H. Brothiers, aud "Brothier Pis- hie iad tot anytliing. startIn; Seplember '17..1 eld.» Tis trio Immedlatel>- vent 10 "Yft, 1 l a 1111e mone>," the. otti- At a provions meeting a committee tâts office of Attorney- Miller, viere' er rsplled. h5d been ,appointed te submil nomima- tt 4 expected lie>- viii begin making *Wel, 1 found a litUle," sld Dhon.]1 lions for chiarman of the. local com- arrangements for the reliane of "Dom end afler furthier quetloning the milIee. The. name of Mrrs. Fonnie Cyprieni." or lie 1ev. Auguatine Har' man told a stor>- of bit a omutoa- Gradle was presenled and she vas ding. whla is .1n1thlb cuslody o!fgCu rom a Lake Forest tank and of elecled by o unauimous vole. Others lise beriff.. aita dropped the package of bitta viio voie elected la make,,Up the ex- Bofore leavlng the. count>- lait&fier i. imd received il front lie el- scutive comlittee are: 1rotiers vos permiilted 10 go te bils1pes. company. Dixon promptl>- r.- Vice Charman-MrH. C. J. JusI. eornpaui's col on the. second floor j urned the. aofe lS-bils ovuer. Secretary-Mrs. R. D. Wyna. for a fev minutes. 1Theii.menner, vas profuse la i Treasurer-Mrs. L. H. Bushneil. "G'ood bye. Fatiier Cyprien,"' ho re- tiionkosud lntlrnaled liaI lie op. This cornritlee will bave charge uarked on leeving. «"i yul have you erator vould be revorded handsonle- of the regiAtraion of women la Wau- ont of bore lu a day or tvo." 1>. A aiont lime laler bu vas. He kegan. Thia rpgisîralion will bu The. arrisa of Brothers and bis Ivo recelved a viole box of fifty genuine held Ia lhe differunt election pro- e ssoelole# look place on tie nigit of Oive cent cigare. ciacîs. Tihe regisîrars wili b.c oui- Jul>- 12, visn Otite! Tyrrel accosu-_________ polutef b>- lie executive committue. Panled üi> a deteclive front 5tatls 5A>1 Wqmen iront lhe state league yl Attorniey Welc's office, mode a YJUJIliU LDSU P -more te Waukegan and drilIlb.herug- *Ptuu* adon St. Beedlctýs ln-' strars ln them dulIes.ý sttat. oe Ulghiistreet. The. asreasa Il CtANO A O ir1.plaaaed ho make tbe registre- ,of lb. trio olloved lie alleged co- 1invr-cmiee rfslue tntams et five boys vis isO attend- '/1 ad business vomen wilI be clasilfld ed tbe oimaiuesud lie tires men1 RIIF C L I Jas: eîas liose who are aile to per- vers' contlaed la' lie couty jail' fo-m orne other line of vok. Tiose. chareod vili crimes &gainat nature , Wauksgan. Auguat 7. plans are bt'lg agude go 1hat1 hei Tvo days ]taer the c5Ms agat Harold Clark, 10 years of ose and vomen con step la &ud. perforin lie "BrOtiar PlaclO." ont Of lie ciltes, au allege<l incorrigible, tecame endutient< ie ie homa>- b. 051151 vas dlsaitsed or lacek of evîdauce» mesiied lu the. nets of the 1mw Bunda>-, ava>- ho serve intearsll>. ad Brothiers and lite associaIs rd- viien e la sald te bave ield Up a Euiuurd Y. Kee, vio la arrentini tas Vers bon"S over te lis grand companlon, Warren Russell, agd 9 lite dtait, of tlis Cisutanqila vblcb IM thle su cft1$S000sud .10,080 and robbed hlm of 75 ceats. Tis lleaebu sbovn bers lhitsmonth. ad- nessvsy.youhfu bandit la said te bave knock- dresselich meeting and bic O! te AUne..>-MUiles.Wvo vU, rslaiued ed tus olier lad downansd tien nlfied toitures '.bIc ilci Ib. preseited ai bu tiMo f Brohers te defead hm is pocket4. thelia iutauquo. Me va. ogsured of bieombabem Scrps pooseiffs a Thie attention of nie police vas catI- buant>- o.oieratln ouantle' part oif fev dffl later sors, Judo dvAau'ds, Pd te, lie mater b>- Fred Russell, 229 the Fedeationý. ,WUt fe taeJI liat Irolth" bond Sprint streel. fatiier of lie youg tien- vWU reducsd troin 11.100 $$,M0. dt's0'viclli. and Chief Tyrretlluintara, el Sà o Birly &aier- Iis Keeme Addlaslou. brouil lis mtter before Assistant ths Dayor of fara Foresst,and an ar-. Stales Ateorne>- John Welci. bMr.F '- àS spporter of1lbthe 'smd eiur<ui-Welci stated Iis aflernoon liaI i. o M Malu, te slloed 10 have 101d Brother. . as net certaiu as yul viol vauld t. liait h "vas hroagi"l, thlm et- dons vlh tie lad.R TI ter ioviug looked up the evideace. Young Clark came te Waukegan BOrne lime Jeter Mike Wiai. pel vili ils melier. Mrg. Hazel Cranneb- Pictui'e of Wauikçgan Man's iMent of lie Hebes, CoUlege of cMi- er, fram Chicago about a monih ago Sister to Be FIasbed on the aso=ahie er epraess n tasW bas been iliving at 316 Grand ave- ScennTeaes kegan,an fe xrunilahe nue since liaI lime. The lad's malier en n haes opinion Ibat Brothler~sud is asi admils ber son te incorrigile, il aFiln tgidYun oa elaIes ver the vitime of a frasaeup. said-and cdaIms ie la iei'ond ber con- Failin to Mnd ng Womerair doclared 151 b, vould have Broti- trot. On the nigil oi- the alleged "iold inl C ua oi e 181515 i esaont on bonds the olowovg dey, up the boy remained away ftrai hme U. S. May et Appeal. sud furties-mere liaI h. volIdas- dunlng lie entire nîghl and did net cure lie serve" cf lie celebrated returu tahils borne untillIis mornîng. Aid o! lb. movies bas-lissa enlîsted clareace Das-ov for lie dafens, Or Iu lie meanlirne the assistant prose- b>- lie police et liaislsni. lua l tbe cinschman. He ags ilfl be rd e uar bas wired lie boys gradmth- jeffort tle gel some ltuac1If XissRuth vould hold a mass mee ing lisil>- u, Mrs. Wite, via lies. on a fa' r mA-ustrong. sioles of Seda Aruastrout "Il on Ausust 4 and tellt li o. s nean Misouri Valley, la, and vîth -f Waatkesan vio bats. -issumiaula eM-bi boy he hisuself had en a vbom tie boy bas live.d one befanu. frnm ber home for over thmre eki Victim of a almaiter plot. Hes &me Mrs. Chronacipu- blleves lie boy The, police of Havans bave 'made ob bave been frequenîl>- "vlttmtsod" vauid tare belIer a i the borne o! is arrangementas1to avs lis picture of by the police and îuis ai b ornegrand malien and bt. mare likely te mise Armstrong ýonl eut &y bis record as i. la MW t10baye mend hils ays tisa if sent te Horne screeas of &II mc P he bis '"Ma arieàedeiglnyOae nes. BoW lushlluhlon. M. Welci agreed le ai- ln Cuba lnthle iope -liaI I1055ib o««. bis du a p er-thelis en 10w lie boy la live vti ils grand- somn e oas $ose*th@liePCttUe Si "Y» e»brat Brther su whth ltier snd drop lis deiinquency secogaiis5 alkénsi55 of lie misselu * OriMW D M»B lIers sud vei-charge provldlag Mrs. Whitlela yl- younig voman end aid i ocatias li iueid l-îut. o e t ugtelaite boy. viereabonts. A fsv dm ayafovibu the preUmi- "I do net <oli heceunI>- aoutd as- In case- of a alure t0o fnd ber b churcbloen ti. lois viti on Of< Iis boY.,"' ald Ms. Welci. "His a>- buhéfolov.d of making some &p. sl$egd 10 ave npudlt st-toie- la nov emptoyed la Gît- peailireugh Moviug plture houai Ib -ofslosmd e h oieCase and hilesohier bas basa n l th in the United Statos, as tiersa ppun tu ' the oisfemois madtey., tie police elbut a ashort lime. so lia vitle 10 bu a posannUy bult lIa a m Bola ead ime tolo'. siore>-. t cne lre îing tiers at Presat i.resu>- doua be ln Cuba. Tils plan yul nol s tmeyd d.Theéves orile b ofushe 'lt lnbers." <- OllOvOd hOVeves- unti lie presto 9Wj lie dl Who'b.yu agaaluo!the n W-,,eP lhs ioy s srandmotlaer la Ptlits»Proved 10 ho aftaltum 1 -e. itoevo evs bae tisOn lu e i -iMing otlle, chargeeofthli ld, Mim" Armstrong, lie Yo»Uagoo* Joncetdî < Ms ofathelpimme»,taici exPeced lie assistent prouecalor Ouio. scisool leaciier, vWhouehomte i guac li orrsl < li "p-lesa,'15 'il]î b .c nao tier chice tliaie, tii,111 1»sAngeles, col,, la tie 4aU5Iti 009«fsMý la bis o4lgnl sob ýthr li nqutley petion. Tlitas ca fafre icg .sae a ue~eî ui 'ioh Iti ilauk b y a t 1a i e ar hc gor ,er baMbMa c e~la ~w ~ - ductsd, but i-ota>-oce Bd Co. de or &y ut Mr ut - kus Jr. Viotm of Y PL*$WG LIGIWTS BA4D kil nFathert 0 0Y' 1 Ü*ýeéhCar UOtat. CiaileÏ Nareibus.filve->-ear-Old pou of MUr. sudMs-s. Charte Nariiii, 101 Prospect driva, died ai lh. Jane MC-1 Ittlettbospk'tl ai 12:30 Moûday iflermoon rn s-suinjuries suifered at 7:30 oetock , ,Sanda>- nigit. viienis latbr'a sMr urued lurlîs oui lhe.Yoei H50 eiteud, ibouîtire. sund oe-bai! miles nos-lb of Waukegan. The olisf Oive1 passensof the car almopl mi- natulotiîl>-escauied rîihmînIorbrai- "I. The olier occupants o! the car vers: Charles Nareikue, Sr., 101'Prospect driva, foc.eacralchsd. Mra,; Charles NareikUS. body brui- Bl&e>-Naruikus,i Yerp Of aged, ecapéd unhurt. John Biarbatus, 1216 Marlou street7, slgil scalp voand. Joha Macbakus, Marlon streel. mi- ner body bs-aises. 'lie glarins lIghis used ou an ap- proaching macine are give se lie cause o! the. tragedy b>- the grief btrieken folie-. He dectared lIaI as lie and is par>- weu-c golag uiortl on lhe York Moase road and vans about 10 apcend a bili,thirueand ene-hat! miles north of the cil>-, Ivo other cars begahti t descend lie 111ll, the. forumost one carrylng bliadtng iead- tigila. Beli ours met at a cuIses-t, aI lie attemuted le turn ouI for lie 011.1 macine, is car îtruck lb, banlster and lurned cempletel>- oser lIe lith dith. AUt six-occupants oethle cor venu iuriud beneati lie macine sud ofler norne effort Nareikus succeeded lu exîricating bimselt rtramtle vu-ck. ose. Thi.e tier mea elso cravled frornbuneati lthe car and raiged ui tie aide of the mnachine vile Nanae kus draggud bis son from benesti one of the supports b lietop Oet lb machine. Xlrg. Nareikus and lie etk er ciild were lien ruscuud and verg found la be praclicoly-unuut. Af lur rescuins lthe boy, N*reikui dlecosercd liat tie u.adiator o! tii macinledaburst vien It struck li ditci and tiat the child vas badI scoldcd b>- tbe escaplng vatur. HM Immudlately catled Dr-. W. S. Bel tevp and lhe cild vas tlobs; 10th, Jane NIeAlîster boapitallulnite Pi> oieien's car. Olierateista vis vel pozslug bronugil lie reufainder o tie par>-te th0 l i lter. il vas tound atter the cild lha basa placed on the operaItta l.1 thaI ie iiad saffersd a <ractd «oci and Isteratinjuries. Ris lody-v aloo badl>- aoalded b>- lie 'vile- <s- the radialor and lie iuiysiclan sLf. lie examinatlou ietd 111110bo>PU f lie child'a recove>-.* Te BnfferOd UI tIlI2:30 O'ctocb ltis allUruIS .A sorrov<u1 scene 'was enocted à the. Nareîkus bomo tiiaflorno viien tie fatier-miter retus-ains <s-o lie hospîtat 4unoanced. tseduati lie1 boy. 'lis grief ofthle motier vi uiathbcic vile nelgibors hearing lhe tragcd>- allenpted lu vain 10 con fort lber. Tic macine vas of tie Ramblf type and a modet et severmi yeai ago. ut wvas comaplete> - ske tvien it struck tie ditcb sund vwas di peuto! ta a local junk dealer. th morning. 'SWORw aSWA1LOWING' UNDER BAN Ït THE-MESS -TABLES dFBUJJAKETS, No more "vr #iovn Iet h susse tabeqfof tie jacelesaI is-a Labes naval Iatulus station. ter at ar-me,. O teilarti f the lassa* bal,; un4eînlAkim lbe greel Job 0 oàl*111 115t ,te aeveral o sed u onsMài cous ln tranlag -t0 tiemoin Auulrs. ive asitent-s blIS blr n u vos-k and liy e>- f« <or vitI craesa ho t. zeabfls-'.ialij' yonatser lat a f1«k 51511 bethe 0.1oilesfor bits*"f00f s- > lte 1 Moit ,i, îpffld 0<« i. Okseagr' lie spoon Il t et5W ties esuaion sud reminders'10 luBie O sdes- in ()f course %samthle jecklo. cal vilh thiesnir vt,'peét b>- a .oa us t. or nota w'Orvoftuierofa - lies vioeauc 6,a O t v»i. cose baquet ~tot-mslgeoa gle tre~k l(0WU%. thoraara oliersu sa a ped* 1l0tb~dio la le ly re or1 ,r if M er a-' ât BMWO ddolion. Browu grund0d . nv Hal"s alloved but one bit ouithe 1 J gusTontia, reti ring lthe Invadiere vitti- out dlfgtyjK 'lfitlla"suan oï- r'ot, latthe eveàti conted 'Oieu. 2 Tihe score vàs lied in the. elghli. .Joye Àa~e dinkly bit by, Mog rn W j*k f Ts u nt y w ar 4 111.4 the .0ks iti T o neto nt. 1 to h m a s u t th ird , lad ça n Stafed Fluis EpmsLoyaty. OPPOrtliity tO sifile Joycesen î 1 HE I W~tL An M , .11 01 0 T 1KELO. blgh. Mrquistdoppada sy teWud Ug 'ýllobpiugged ya rouager te th rd fut~n.~pn Ik ~ 4 or abitscoring Mois and leavisbe Fau t HIdPr!e êd e thtei.basses mmA valk, to lKrm L.Iroi Atoli.sit bounded 0w rt» WauisgOfl. g*ià-tan d s5f~connted Ti vy iti the The vork of Pvttug Is tha sqrVe or the tiretsi l i acgfes theraid t'rbierua St Wuiigtoi an Oostyatustp. a lt. Benedlcta abeY, more 11."st uy n bt mak ia s lt Possibl l lb le . rth* (* r es ttheo l i regula r ylierv oeo T i . loca l e 4 M y m d a t m cars t0 runa th le cýrnty, eu l e rt &4.aýthe le b9=49aGY ti hoaita. vs omplte Patav reai~.tii bad 0of1theout puay outd tire.roues. o Utmty. sud a lare loge ut institats, wîio làsÎtison ilu heeut a»thoôanî lU 0ils on té rS4MoCDr vthe vorkmen started lits »moruing tateeiai ancm * arm o is régintUl emi lrofte son, rmoatrn up the pissent t" . On Goeaïe satuidwbV ol0. viOn t evasseet agkei5i le Bay, mlis heste ne aron sté ite itraci te t0 te replbocelliberty under 'bonds of $.000. Sevad- akls Ba, nakilb tfietstopc. by new steel and will ha *iace à aaimera onof Uthe pansu vers Rli h ee s amodv ne b O topa. littIs to 05 igdé g0fheliMs fte< isvstry alter theservies o sako lbet.locale playlngtiesnt udy rosd. so liat a seeSnd tia om oea s ocuséi e*urob4hseis jiésu md ex i1ela7Bscor: laid lu the futurs wiOut divrtu-i"S PrOs. tIll 1 ai~ lst lda 00 10 0 540 th. existint tr"x 1. Im*ttae ter aft eft» liteg &Ufn .....O2i0 0 6 3 1 0 Tie plans or lis elgotriee oo4-ay rda>- 'Ptier lfraua"began caut- Wais...a ...O1 1-1 1 O 3 1 0-8 are ee tre t aIliuable t posa1311a0%soulat&ots,"Otieadyprnm."'orislaPeNNANT W1NNERS. bIGoenst. « ai h atlieant P40e. iol.'ftiiii h er U10y 0f BlifrIffla.West Enda. AB. R. HSDSH.PO. A.ZE blemoen. Te.hi i-nt o"atl n becutoy tsere rln.Mout.Sb ....6 1 2 00 O1 SO e nov la due 10 the tact liaISufflstÉW On les.vlfg the isil aundai mOru, Cross, cf... 4 1 O 1 0 2 O00 stlCannet isscured. A tovwse«ks. Franci promised bis assistant thMaieyIl..31100200 &go Prenident Britton 1, Budd of the vould gme b Itthbat botu would bu eryi. company expreOsd leollgt5t~ enjoying tbeir liberty vithin a day or' Almaquist, lb... 4 1 0 0 0 10 O 0 te Com pany iiad sffilce t 8 "se 01on tvo. Ka va h , sr . 0 1 0 0 _0 1 band to put in the Ivo blodis 0fr tbb Durlng lis lmPrlsonment 01 teli e MNtcMllo, b. . 4 O 1 0 4 l 0 double trock. but svidently -be vas psrior ef the lusilute. thebUUID Wade, .c... 4 O O O O 4 2 mtataken for It la asaertslDnOv Ibat hba inaIlatlbecarso!fa"Itier PI&s- ep. ...21 tiiefele steel for but OROtraOk. cls-and W.f. Br0li5f5. itheftk Barry . 2..1 0 0 0 0 0 Thes work of Puttingat intis tuaItet "palier. Fraude" vho hb issa Bou->- . I - - - O-O-O- wiii be rusiied viti al Possible SPeed worklmg aaiduously 10 dollarbiu anehudi liia lil.0 sn. se f re uin ta i- Totale... 88 5 Iô 1 1 4 14 1 avnod tre 610s1'e Ka TPiLIbO lgàmpOf n laodm pon hesit ou fatis a Wankegan. AB. R. H.BB.BH.PO.A. E. r n ton or h Counte s Ttelvliib biean so ae tiss btter Rntisiâtr 'Hobman, cf-3br5 1 1 O O i 3 1 Une n Nrth onuy sreetw1t ba@ an so hae bes btte in he&de-Mottevens. lb 3 .,2 1 O 0 120 * 1 ta's me Of al l henorti ide trat- nuncistion of thepolce is.leJaul.3b...2OI00 nc untîl tsI Urnme. a.. s larraid on lie Ntî #LfltMcCanui cf ..2 O0O0 O00 00 * Tin. ît t noîîn temoray j"abbe>-." and are bapins tie defqns41 OOO e a&bout the nwtrack, 1wbich la tebe onLte g odsat h A r é Foley, 2b... 3 0 1 0 O 1 4 O rlmbedded lu concret. and v it ' eccieslmtludl Intrigue. <On hie r us llims* r...2 0 1 0 0 0 0 "made as iuhstangtial as Possible. lîe e ndsa<id netotiglte vkat is wardee8 .... 40 1 O O 2 2 i Tii. vorimen ver. on band brlit future plana vers.,but 100k occasion Halas._p. 1 1 0 0 1 i 2 I suad sarly Iis moring and started lu lie presence of newsaPaer miena 1--0 --- wrs Orae1 remove lie brick bteesuthe denounce those viio ver. responsuble TotalK . ..32 6 8 0 0 21 13 4 ramil,. Tii. officiais of lie compan>- for hi. errent. He Included the S-truck out-by Halas. 10; b>- Joyce, oay they regret tiaI lie> cannOt Put $tate'satatorney- lu his tirade asainst 2 Dame' on balle--off Halae. 4; off i ln thie double track at oasne meas îî 1h. '"poweus liaI lie." Jovee.,'7.Thre-base hit-Hohunann. ýp wîîî necesutate a greater expense 10To Vls prosint of0the 11k. Two-base hi-Jakublk. Double play eput ln on. îrack nov sud the, second Wlb rsdula i ooCol'- 4werd- ta }oley 1< McStevpnm. Left à a little taler. lege of Chicago. did flot as yel mate- do bages-Waukegan. 8; Westl Ends, Le rlalise as far as can be learned. Mr. 6. Umpire--Broad. "-ESCAPED LUNÀTIC waga mflean:ietr> 0<_ _ _ _ _ _ _ theclrd h. c artrme a f5155 IS TÀMENIN ceux. TY ON WI3DNESDAY Paul Mehan, Who Esoape the Dunning AsyIum, Araigned in Court Here Today. HIS MOTHER. TAKES HIM. ProoeMdng Dlsmimetd and Pa- tient la Remved te Chicago by Hia Puent. Paul Mebliu, aged about 33 years. vas arraimed tu canl>-cous-I ai Wonkeg taa li ms-uls 10 bu ls-lsd for bis sail>. 'lis charge vas dis- rnlaed. bovever, vbea il vawu ud tIh le osan ,scaped maile trous tbe Dunalas asylum for lis insane aI Cicago. He vas permitted le s- turm la Cicago vîib15 mnother sud sister. Mehan vas taken liet custody ai a point nets- Barringlon, Wednu.dody. Mis actions verno peculiar liaI a numier o! people vers fu-lgblened. A Constable vas natif led sud folloved lie fellov devis lie ratlroad lrack to a point vie-e b. 10011refuge ltaa f acter>- building. B>- asso! o ruse lie Constable succeeded la gelling lie <.11ev te Bans-laglon, vues-s lie as Iocked up la tie City- Sait. Sipes-visor Fred KLIracinu of lie lowu o! Cuba vas aotifled and is aI once nollfied the autierîties 51 Waukegan. T'lie <.- 1ev vas grougil iseesud tocked up la the couat l>-ju. Alihugi i. did net becosu, vio- lent Meban maintained au ug>- aI- titude lis-ougiout lisegos-les o! ques- tions ps-opoundd4t10 im b>- Asels- &nt Stals Attorney- Welcb. He ad- mitled vho ba vas, iovever, sud gave lie astes an« sddi'esmes of bis molgtesuad.sistss-, vio ere aotlfiod limedisl>. Tiay tegtified tliimorangnthlaI lie you«,fmai had escaped leom lie asylum it smaDntuu. udofferod 10 1taie hlm baCk tlaCicaot vlithetn. Sheis- opinion loIns liaI be vould go ,mors poaceb>- vil hem tisa viti »ryoue elsa Il. vas dectded liaI li vas titi 15.1 possible disposition teiake of *a' case and lie peUition vas dis- mlssed. u p and psomlsed te tend ever>- possi- ble &id ho , esccaaed men. He d&. clared tu o formol tatement t151 bu would bave Ps-acle ont of Jail "la t do>- or Ivo." but lhis vas donm ai day. lterthbrougb the efforts o!f tonne>- J. A. Miner, coun »I for t accasod MMn. Ne blo psoied holds a ame'eting at berI>- lhis pat Salis-day nistit, but lie also apparsatly called off. Mis promie vap 10 saurs lie gervicee Carence flarrov for lie detenss o lis ehurcimnn.but Ibis bas mol s do as far as oalie tarsd, IWÂUE*ÀN WINS JAKUBIK STRIKES UMPIREj (B>- DAN çM. cGROSSI FINAL LEAGUE STANDING. Clu b- w 1. pet. Club- v. t. pet, Waukgn 10 0 .10OIMurleY..5 7 .417 Mamond 14 2 .876 t"hgo. Hts3 6 .375 Ah>-y Pk.13 2 .866 Ildeal... 4 7 .363 Cicero ..9 6 600oo-Ji.ctlll. .l 7 .300 Cragins. 7 5 .683 iMuuals. .2 9 .181 Mr'macs 6 7 .461 1W. Rada..1 10 .083, Grand ..-. 3 4 .430IR. Bclnse-I 10 -08S' SUNDAY'S RESULTS. Waukegao, 6; West Ends, 5. Cicero, 3; Jake Stable. 2. Hamrnond. 7; Ideals. 1. Albany Park. 4: Romrees, i. Thbe Waukegan-Wesl End, gau Orunda>- vas a scune of vierd and guoesque mianeuvers. Umpire "Kid"~ Broad'a durision vas sa es-saile liaI h. vas min continual trouble, ans decis- lion. vielctooed frmisheb.bench ta b. tic pu-aper one. se mcensed "Croti" Jakublk liaI be delibera tel>- slapped lie vrlsl, vil hheresulI liaI i. vas sent 10 lie siovers. Roi- îmancarne i tramceaIes- te pI>- Ibird.vile Tommy McCaau, Jr., cov- ured centbr for lie remaluder. W&ukeganýMet-ed ho;ttitiInl' lie Os-st. Haimanu triplet! but Ibree ta- field outs lefi blai stranded. lu lie <ourli Halas vaik.d but vas 'catIeS eut ai second on a bail declaien vlueu Hoimaun groundsd. MoOlvuos va valksd sud both b. sud Hoiman reg- tstered ou Jakubiîk's IvoboeJa- bik taklng"tJird onthe lt'o* ioÉa4. $eknbtk vas calîsO out on iesattelait to. steal -home and vas banlabsdvie du wu 0 te I vos D à. uSA dar ci D' M horo ale daui N udi I ne- )d bo>b M: lae' Wbter te vs Marie 0and', Granite monumenis cemetery work of Every Dm"M80ilpt!ton