PULL tren PEIR CEST Von ail kîîowx Doolittie & Whyte ;Shoesg. We handle onky the hst-The kinid you van depeîui on aînd now with te flcpriee of leather at the highcst mark ever know'n %e reduce thec tost a full 10 pcrecnt. We iînust have thec roo-, that 's the reason. Dlou't miss this op- portîtity-it's great. SUCCESSORS Ti ~IJ k, J. VAGER. . - We wont Cam; y Opxm~r underwear, over tuila season. 1o room for lt-7sud se we're d,étaernito swveep out every garment at this sale.'Oui stock eçQmprîs- es arMntsformonand"-oys front styles and ail fabries areê'be and'our prices -will deliglit your pocëketbook. ICore ne land aee. This i Here'sa p t of clothin news a one of ou caný I t ~i = WE MEAN TO CLE.- XR AWAY EVERY SPRING iýD SUMMER GARMENT IN THE HOUSE IN EIGHT PAYS You've seen many clearance sales in the. pazt and yo ulve secured rnany wondêi !u4 us, but NE VER bave you seen such a sweeping Cleau up as you'll ftin 'luthis mie, for ivif1in .1 fer a'v ,ia4 o'hshr no attention to Cost or Form* lW liiig Prlce8. Alniost every Suit in the Stock can be worn untîl snow Mies an4 then laid away practically as good as new for next y.ar. They're nuits from the workroom of the World'o Beat Makers-names that are knowu whereeav6r men wear cloties-therels not au old or out-of dae sty lu the entire stock. Even if you've no immnnaste, need for thee bargains DON'T MIS THE OPPORTUN ITY. Buy for nert year-for wlth Pnue of ail Rawv Materials mounting skyward lu magie leaps you wont au. such values again in many inontha. Both Men and Boys ahare thc savinga. WE ANNOUNCE TRIS SALE WITH WEEKS 0F WARY WECATHER YET TO COME, BUT WE MUST HAVE THE ROOM. OUR PLALL AND WINTI STOCKS ARE ARRIVING,, AND MAU SUMMER LIMS MUET GO I R1kemember, sale SIrts FrÎday,-August 31, and C(Nitinues EÎ~~ >y Young Men's $ 13.50 to $20 Suits aàt $9095 ____ This fis a ehoice lot of sty lish Suts in Tweecds, ('Iîev- iots andti Dxie w eaves. The ppuila Pinî h aîk- modelsthat are in stich dernand. Tht ' are suits you'il see priced at $13.50 to $'20 th ic nltixr V. Take vour choice in this sale at Here are Stylish ,,,20 to $28 Hart, Schaf f r er and Marx Suits at $49 This lot includes some.of our hcst Hart 8chaff- ner & Marx Suits. 'Ainong thein you'Il find some blue Serges and Dark Mixtures. AhI are iii fabrics- and patterns in great demand this seCilISOn istead, of $20 to $28 ehoose during flîià ' sale at MENSSUIMR CAPS AT Men's warinîwethetitiCap~s iin varions stvIes anîd fab)ries. The kind w c sto1u at $1ltand $1.'(- tnefo herst od iis sînner and al <f- 69C iîext at just . ...........é.....1................ Men's Handsomne $18.00 to $22 Hart, Scllaffuer & Marx Suits $12-95 This is a splendid lot of Suits ni assorted pat- tel-is anîd materials. Everyone is as stylish a4 you eùitiid wish for-. The sizes range fromi3à)to 44. Suitst Ilart Schaffner & Marx made to seil at $'18 to $22. Away they go at In this Lot are Suits that SoId at ,$30, Now These are short lots gathered from our best Uines. Manv of these sold at $30 anîd on today's mnar- ket are woth front $5 to $8 more, Beautifuil fabries an'd patterns. They're the biggest kind'of, bargaiîîs TAXE TOUR CROCE OP 0 ANY SUIT IN THE HOUSÈ-TVUT 801»1 AT $25 TO $35-AND PAT JUST 19.95 7 litee Ie he vçt 'Suit t t be had from the hcst makes in America. Sizes for the stout man, the thîn iman, the short man or the taîl man. The -m ii l) tîtf ul ( hi xiotsSerges and dark xorstcds. Ail are beautifuily tailored. The regular prices w'ere $25 to $35, but now ____________they_ __go- - DID YOU EVER SEE SUCI VALUES IN MEN'S PANTS? E-i 'A. Chioice Lot of nîen 's vosted Inaîîts iii plain and stripeA patterns. Ail arc cex-'. celielit qualiti . iants ilt sdi utfrom42.50 to $3.5;' In mi1e lot .ut ............ . fuee's a Lot of Me's Pants--Yo)iî 4I'tqual aiy where at less than 3.50 fo #,A. The f ah ies, ýthe tailoriî>g and thec 1attetTis art- excellent Take vouiî2 e ! 'ehoice at pair ...... ............2 Take Your Choice -of any pair (-,$ ni's dress patits in the house that sold at $4.50 to $6. The famous Ilart Shafftuer & Marx make. - The label guareiitcc4-s the qunahty. 30)5. For this sale tlnly... ....«... im PER irilNT OFFp ON ALL Boys SHORT 4 PANTS Cuocany pan you wish tutu îleduct 10 per' BOYS' WAISTS I MENS, SHIRTW, WOOL SWEATERS weil made wnists In percales An odd lot of men',a shirts sweaters carried over from lest and bine chambarys. AilsYe. wt o hu ol a i so seasor,. Ail colore and weaves; tI, o fnetn sport blouses. sport shirts with short leeves. od t$6t $ 0 adno - (lut they go at For thbis sle. worth much more.,0Or prie 49c .5-c 4&95, IAny Straw Hat. in the Store at A It will -pay you to buy a straw hat. and Iay it away foïr next summer These are ail popular.'styles*'sd You uave just... BOYS'STOOXINGS Boy banl8soekbugs. just the Kin for he growing boys. In- stea d -i35 take them away at, -25c 'WGNUM- BOYS' KACKIAWS An excellent lot carrled over f roum ]ast seanon. h wil pay ta g'$ one now. Oood $16 to .$9 val- ueat 4,9 RUN OOATO At prices WOiN lIt hardiy pay thWerês Ceet SIX TIMS Stunning silk ties lu a vart- ety of paterne. The 66e klnd; aiso 60e wasal des. Are lu noe lot ai each O9c $1 SILK TIRCS Stunnilng paters. & 'Colo" oombi'natioflU. 5yt IF YOU'VE A BOT AT Bc=E YOU'LL -AP- PRECIATI E S m e Boys, Short Pants Suits in the poptîlar browns, graYs and the like. Every suit hiastwo pairs of Pants and that means double Wear. ýa Ile regular prices are $4.50 to 3 07 $6. Take your choice at .... IBOYS, S1ORT PANTSBUITS With one pair of pants. They are ail wool suite in ail sizes and colors 'A I and seli regularly at $5.50 k9 to $8,00. dur price for this saleI 011080me y Boy's Suit in the house that sold at front $8 to$1en Some have 2 piairs pf pants, ail are in splendid fab- ries and patterns, isuits that wil ()69 5 Boys' Base Bail Suito-Consistinng of Pants, Shirt, Cap anid Bet. They were- 39c' 110w............ .................. -39 -FAq,ýý 1 MýL