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Libertyville Independent, 13 Sep 1917, p. 11

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Iwkp1md.nt - à erq t frm uBerlin status that lb. ier lait b a'u, etre chil-the bellot bhre tu li lWu, l be! mud Xie .e iity- bey old -sPI%> 1 Axousmothers arc e kl&uE a great desi 0fvoit for -offifeMt e 9 (Ireaf. LaIesNaval TftUniSg Sation aud msnY Of their leffers indîcaft$tM the wrlfters are Oing ta lbaveothei1 surprise oft f.etr livec vben "'Jae cornes psrhlng borne agou." ift7ing sic le feartul lest ber "danl-1 ing boy"-lie shotduring is enlief.-i ment luflic uavy, a mofler lu Southi- cru Illinos bas writf.en Commandant1 Moffetf .for permission fa acomPaiiY hlm f0 ýard off danger. Anoflier mot ber lu jar off Trexas bas vriff en sMggeoting thaf.lier ou be1 aliovcd ta send bis silcd clotilug ta a laundry. *11I read lunflic paper% tIat flie mil- ors lin. f0 do the len Sa lU tbe letter stated. "sudIÏvent to meli you to let my boy souci is lotlin f0 a lanndry. He.nover vras aeUs- tomed ta dong anyf.ing 111e f.bat. and 1 lnov it'II break Ise heart Iflieo bas to nov. He aivays vas so proud at borne." A ooiuiissloned ofticer. viio liu disfinunibed blm eif as s dIpioAeus ou forelgn assigumneuf, la detalied ta baudl. flils llnd of correspoudoce ta moiify snd com!forf moflers vho fail fo undergtud Just viat th. uavy la doing for boys vho botao enilaf ig were "ti.d fo f.bir apron stringe."1 VI'sIiOpa. ur slip. and olrwhva W1I. ~"Ho bas laid tb. bomb o!fbhe aIRs- 'u'uneuuînu>ilu ur munition plants and fthe boids (N îm~ wof e iOur slips. "He bas souglif fu crrupt Ourc manhood vifli a selisb dreant be - thore ln no pcace. conjgressman Èoss 9lvs Ten ""Helias deafroyed our commerce. Brif Raeos Fr Or p j H. a-.kma te rrorize us w' lb bise Brif ýRém s «, ir ad devilli poicy oai f rfuesa. In Th Conflot5"I~ iýas vioiated overy canon of Tocfliace wbo are sf111 wondoriug, internationial decencî and set af * nauglif evory *oie=u ffrcty sud lioiestly, 'Wby la Arnerica at wr» every prceep t 0f lteipafimsd layvj fthe Indlctnuf aitbe Kaiser by Cou. "He bai piuagcd 14 wriM Iinto gre.>meu George Edmnd Poss. of the mahidest orgy o' bloci, ispVine snd 'tÎnf.b Mlinci. district'le a pretty murdor vbicb hisf.ory reçor4.. complet ancwer. 1H, sad: -ne bs &Liaf.tlVi s "uamt Our "As a iýowArd. for aur e o Msu-sidI vIat ave w. rcclve at tie "e âftls tu deêfroy Our civilise cena7t vew reetsd ai tles. A"vl B tim ft "éê f Dr. Gbor'as l"leyer Wae flned $20 sud cusft toi, .mblang a cigaret on the. àoOiSh of, 27tli street, Zion City, on the. avu.ig of August 26tb. . i. Elliiîeye rasis machin.? np to the cutInh front c et eIMrst Mtet b&nui. proced f0 smgolc a cigaret and té com 'se vifSa few bystander3. Il. stood there and cotlnued t.- prnoe aud vas observed by Off icer George Srled. A purnrnous was issuod and fthe came %et for liearlng this rnornlng before Justice J. L Bisliop. A jury or six was calici! to fr> tie case and tbey retuused a verdict of gulity, asseaslng the fine as above sfated. Dr. Bilimoer's represent.ative mm bank aacouaI. 7Vers flMuezod rodues Im carm ý, '19 Ôok o tiio ntlon'msii*qya o out duTr Doeui't It nmi to bs4 bg metropeltga and golgates w *X*t ip>r.b--- aude%*a jW WI i Nu1p at ý-melàâne u4 umb.lndone-raiulug fiads orttqofaceIImagine via a putI of the pjb9 ve smg about ManYbPdy vw, Ivo yeammo umIUutd . 4u o 10b~rt for anbody? lhoy *webAveben calhd t lt mbjecta for théi pwn Iaror,*Iat Bot? And now peopl ar fanifug t* brush "iokos" 1 by the publie f rot bu im g* w Il in t0 b. i rp$14 .d.., eà l4.u ano néeo tat, t*, > l, et$ÎÎWtr$f.tli.y um »Mildo hIng vat G**~a* h ~e aits. ?befr hom troubles m u t .ùfer 1w bah.ipore of lU" in wdtwm t du ". buard Wlinlg Ger- =La toy, Ui n la*#aboiÏ 0 ailnre N o t b. tiosater ai u ée y"W Vdieu. for fredom. Anober ,yadvfor republim tmof .vamut.ld nen trou6luof a«y e Igut nl Aa =0.ulg h i olullon Tram IWOa 'b, b.UtI iatu vo»lmd not b. today. But, our.taieutm reslsd thatt., 1to vo oiff lis yak. fatoro, byjuil hadt10 Buck togethur. meUlais canot »'e Il. So, tiiuy bI. Warden Murphy of JouaI9p814nr9turned thre atter the.Ilhonor sam" bU dboen là vogue durfag bis ab- seiuce for nmre pearu bau assumed au ssslv.'Manin of bandoingf pièmers. la ut.bsr wbdau takm 'L igiro bold'ot ** oaruand itendto rule itwMt ai Iron X"sd e-4us= thelbpriomnrsbave been»- nlng the pÊm bon B 1abhe ipàsl ad 1thi e mnt trouble wui due t10 lir erefusai 10recogxulseautbority aid ~throve a deirâ t0o qpdM Ut ga Mi wordru lsé bd isud. T act is th. primonr ha"ve en petled, they bave bom -bumore th"y hae bien show» defer- eoces ad oourtesl*.wWbaO t- vet4zrzed tlir h eads. Il va lg ime thaata "1k. Uurphy hi returnhd ther. 10 utalgten hipg*out sud make il a roa prison again lnstudi 0f a reortW8 fipot whmr.crimes ver. erpe- tro$,ed inside 4Ii primpivisand,'Unbere rivilegshad coue to.,,1 ôbke upo asuî=#ersof ftut, thingu 1 b. dei~ std0 tbu liiexpecte.]RIy niaktng liiiprisons sudb da "ed.mlls,,th. state baisencouraged rathor t.anisScurag.4catmi; 'Ur. murhy ins1 changeIbnu. 11,1 10b. a 11riM»a* Notim Tbie, oor W I iy Same Genera U euP.z bat çpnlls o! euih*ed moeom ;e Chevrons of nou.comlmaloned offi. cors, snd lu many of ler places. Tbese colors ai'.: Intentvy, light bI. Cavai7y yllov. Arfillery. scarlot. .&djutsut generala, Inspecterr&ou- er-l's aud Inus eadvocaite gauerai'a pe- partraent, dan kbine. biiwiimeer corps, mosilet enf.wined wut *bite. Signai corps, orange ln'Iortvtled OMe de .ertumntmaron. Q*irumînlse«>. m. Ordmane department black Inter- ~Md dtrooe. la addibtion Il siey boai4 i VIEW WOR90 Boys, 11 And 13 Years Oit, R¶otive Picked up Y' te Police. HAD CONSOD!BLE MONEY Parents, of 1, on WilI 00 TeSqituke Ad B8 ns '& os Back. Possessed of the vanderlust, lwo amali boy* reslding on the Miwauke road norf.hvc toi Waultegan, let their horne,#lent Sunday niglit sud made' fliir vay f0 Mlwaukee. Wls.. where tbey w"Te picked up by the police today. The boys arte: Heinry Irools, Spd i11; town of Waulegau. John Hulinger, Spd 13, towWiicf Beuton. Tbe obder o!flhe fvo boys had a lit- fie liaul accoujlt iÎkb le wlthcfre on Saturday. The. pàqks boy socurid a considerabe musait of momey. With their joint '1otunW. tley started out to sce thie worqd. 1%î« bad no defit*f idea of where t e Uegolug Othce than they oxpecte40 ' ep 0ongoing until their moucy amA one. B y that Ulme tbey expeOÏOctcd fý svlslted witli gôad ludlifit makww75 alis f0 fli boy bernetsolp fot' 101. They e- pecf cd ta make . tlsi oMtnes lu, short order and refuis hWO telie the en'y~ of ail thelr boy o Oi nti. Perbaps tliey>mtli*t. ave reallztd thia dream h"d se h.minlon o MUe la vin Mlvwaulie. pffled the bulible vben ho did. Thé 1*4.sf111bad cou. siderable o mnte 5 f4er possession vbhen talon Info eciwOy. Word was, teI4>p»d fa Sberiff Grifflu and lho raoUvd assurance thut tihe parents et the yowigters ,would go te lvake. ta get them. In fact Oquool e t to Milwaukee this morulng f0 1)»k for bimsonu, thinkina lie miglt be attending thi stafe fair. Property Which lis To Have Cost Late G&éIo $65,OOO Changemeds ln court. took exception ta the Wou- kegan due's report of yesterday's smoking cases referring ta. Martin Eneacl as belng a 'fragrani violator." li. explained f0 the court that flie ai - finie vould lmply thaf imokers bsd a certain "fragrance" about tbem and itueecb being a "frequent offeuder" mlghf lie atfacbcd ta au oder Wit wns "fragrant." The word sbould bave rend *flagrant,» mesuing uotorIoueiy vicked. but by nmre menus the com- postor alipped an 'r" lnstesd of an Il", sud no if vas not lutenaed to rcf or ta smo;.ermse "frafrant viola- tors" as flic coundf vouid tuf er, ai- fliougli heu vo cou>lder fliaf Dr. Dovie cailed stokers "atlnltpotà", if la admitted liy the preacliers lunZMon tht there IsR* distinct odor aftached f0 simokors that does not "aicide wif b thie dctionary word "frsgrnf"-to- wit, "Sweet sielliig." lu referring ta detendants of lte ZMon Cty smokTug ordinsnce as 'ira- grant offouders." thc Sun uncon- acouaiy brouglif, ouf a pout tbaf le one or the main isues i lichelobat,- co question. To nmre people, ciars of s certain kiud bave s "flue odur," wile fo flic mobers ef the Zion City community tliey "trul." beuce tie word "tinîkpot" la applied ta ouec wbo >mokes cigare, or ln fact tobacco Ini any form. W. failitasnec ho-w the de fendant wbo was floed fiffy dolare yesterday for smokinjg. or lits cotineil, could tale exception to being cloe- cd ans "rgatvoao f tflInf- bacco ordinauce.ffor affer&Il fthe poinit thon lu question for flic court fa de- cide would bis siniply a matter of odar -vhofber a siWk'er lias certain Ira- grant'ether vaves flowiug frorn ie body, or wbtber lie "tUks"! The Chineoe gave gas bomb which pirates of_ thiees use Very effecfIV.elY bY :lirovJIng thein oato flic deces0of vos- sels *bidh they wiali f0 capture. ind these bomlis are called "eflL.,o,*." A petrel that patroin the. ocean saoufli 0f tlic equator la also called "atln*<- pot' uy tbe sailors. ou account of an difeusive o<ier whIcli tbeY tlrow off. sud it. le perbaïps from ciltier o! these thaf. Dr. Dowte got hie fanionsepifliet. lu etier case, lt us bope there vas no barm donc. m-m-OrAT THE- GLOBEfl -the -zultiM hboy'ilienels or your o oi a $2 medaio- mounted on mnetal with an indestruc-. tible finish. Thesïe splendid 6j x 6j in.. ur4tramed tmedal-'ý lions are conveni- ent in size for' hom~e or traveller. Can be wa8hed; wil l ot crack; will last a lifetixue. There Às someone you hold dear that should be ixmnortalized. Go, through that picture album xîow, bring one, two or more carly to insure prompt de- livery. What Thnu are-a"dlw toGe e A smallcard.which regi8ters sales up to $10, re- turned fully punched to us with a elear copy of the ubject, is alrequired. The $2 Columbia Medallion i male and delivered to you without, one cent of cost. The offer will be liinited, 80 make purchases count' froxu today on. See the many samples on display. A* about this off mi 6,,ro, no Strigs to itamue.ech purçhme a worth or more is eufttd te a n The Factory Demonstrator Here Tornorrow u n Se. How Tii,.. iudetruetibl. 8lctures Are Mude LJ More BalmyWeather In Whlich to Equ Delig*ht fui Famil Ongst Tiffw be many week of itand hn foUcwà the idéal Ji'and in- vigoratingair of the autumI ea8 n with ale beauties of natuile at tlb*W zenith, spread invitingly befor~e yoQ. Order Your Ford Now. We Can Make Prompt DClivery. WMson. & Oiîm Mst hôorzedAgenLs au So,'Ge~scSt. wsukegn, lm IS IMPOSING, IJE Chicago People Hav Taken Chate And WI The old Dr. Vincent é. *tc honme on Grand avenue, builtlu f0 tii flich 1sf. Baling Powdor Kl1g ae a COofo approxlmnafoiy $65,000, "d jet Y"a' p4lnfed ouf.as onc of the gpros lient mansions, bas licou sold 5.54 vil l e efolVerted into an Old L&as1j eg~m., *Upiediafely. Possession 0f ipop. erty viii lie takon. uext The propcrty lu quet OU blas nof besn, occupied for tfel« »t«#&eaor eit yesrs. For nmrne lni*Ébs. bec ovued b) John Wrightit oS 14aà- ails, Ind. The latter ln emW. f0ý 5v held the properfy at $25.015. Ieflr or nof lie secured hils pâte là5- nof Chicago parties are fIthesviah have put over thls big deal tIsey cou- ducted ratIer a thorou» Iliycggs tion tata varlous iocatiOIWU, fe tlusily deldod upo A a~Te foXud nothing wbib a îhei paposes no veilias the o4S.Pucae mapon. Tiere are lghtocu rooms lu,]Lic houa., au-d Ibere are abou iïr, acrim lu flic estate. it la probable f.Ii.tcetI mld1rable rernodelllng viil bM5tebeh done before fthc bouge Wviii 4 a nomi vred Intofthe borne for vh*i if.la deelgued. John Wrght lu a ltter sont b«e. rownfly assert cd that ba.rf. ire", uagotiatlng for a icanseo t O PtoOe- ty., The Chicago partie#,. q10i&1wme lide >&everai visitesfnes aMéM tbëe have purcliased flie proet oUt- Waulegan Sept g bt à,jUipen frjuw: I~£~uI l .csib e e 1 - 1 A 1

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