1917. The--ck L sSs le ~ oeo, 3 u o L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &Jwei sFhn .po .................... Odod Nui e Pet «o% pe li.. ............... Sp mad swa pot1 I .. . .. .. . . . . . . Club SbM1.pe %. . ......... ,I ~iikoa~ QY.HOIW~,? e 4 7I ..j -'p t I m p1e e~i o u (,Corne in and Pýià,%ht look j&ir this week. 1 . with m re. J. edéy. 1 S"tinu at the rna& ýn9. te the boupi. ho"y IIL bom to ûr. ýb-.y MOMIDS. iroil of Chicago, day calling ou, er'ir0rove, wm , ra one dey lut y Jordon from Cluw. Jordon Baturday sad o IIL, in *pend. -relative@ sud igveauton, visit. Mer movers over Cam. PW4 viditsd et thé Leàe F~, tble week et the MMWI wlu meet vréal et Keslock kt &My . eawrtat»d ý wtwpal of the go »day. »bmd daught« Wbok«ffl. aimé Ibb P. Novem amen rarroil Oo»" club et Chicago. eIý4& Chicago lew me', folke Sas- InoydJW end :1l-ebom a a" wm qukiW mm.'r minde, 4*eOutan and palatin*, in W*> The IR,*hecbôi)t #iIi bý elosed on Sad f«qdtjm uM o*04%",LMo Co. Pair. un'. bursdai oë"g the matter Q! au -for our fligh r wboW-*Iit biF tM«g op dqbg O-WM whool u#vttk* «dorffliaMoil -ýàU# letry blndw ooaéw tg ibi O*Cw b'? mes. 1 wm%4,oku,. am«d wèdmod" morminx, This aigt. . oeugiée go of tàè., hall 4,ud Is: me to bu gv4atW Wýtud by 90*0îlee'b. for tw#I#ýq w«*APýumd1 tué' edae& 4 à& *twtwmu. * sowa te téii èîiýý oat tlwffll. ý»000 W tboin. 4i"i*ure4w, la ý«borq@ worit Wei a dq jsjjýý am"111119 the etudon 'ho& V11140IIII Who t* »Ab ont SM L. T. a. a. se". Ir, *@ mwwgwbtâ à» nioe.te gliv, w forte m*40éloï vu »ut ho Mdui -so et" «Mo0be. Io g». f«g abitly of tbo" ebo»u. gnsion Wm FOùW Sftm: tinc - n &âlo.wb Nb ScoUTS oàcom' The V" ot' the hy«opl«Io la W «W« obj«lte ln the WMWý *04*'Ae' verso 0 stmm bu inuat- bbééma 4«biný by u«wamn ýdàn,, the Great làltoe Aviation OVA& 14ahm woum mou ha tue Mt @bout noum, for a 010t Ofer t» kke owbe gai Into a béaly $DÉ ""dam et the névm malien. »« mus %Týw ters, am ont oc mot ~ tom mbgt" r«w» 0"04 are sem Mt 1i*ý Mr tbe*4 Md sa Zab ble bée* w0*ý am 1 bour mmésige *» -$Mt by tt*#Wl là te Lwuteuu 1" I11ýw44 "ho ha> ~ te be-M. th* U. -we ý imwk. ne lumomtew mu out tkre* motor boate la ýdieulot, dbwtào». au to, àu*o »" or remedtjW bit bro- ther aviater bu igot mit, hl* p» b7d"> plane, au started -bu tu joie 4k the searre, -Uêtàtebmt »momd arme mbove, à the tes and bffl b4m,»wçhý About g two mlles sud a banaigheutý of the li î- station bc disuagüloh" a duit objOct a through the fQg. Me dl"d lower and dimmmed. wnnWtbing 3114% On th« water. itmtes Boxim Maër la bis hr » drolplâne. He vos bc Z P. un out ci gasonne. Mmmond glided Ir devra along Ode «'ý blift, lidand ut what the trouble *416 Sud In a feW »coude bad eouvee4à b*ýme*%me to s the motor bocta, Md no«fi ed them of 'I'* Blair's wbereabouts and ý f hi need t, or ge»%O. The = boasta bad 'y hardly got startod on theseareb when H-mmoad,.Sot bigk with the news of the lept avlawr. ý TYe Incident deinonstrated the aIl- vantelles et observation front the air. lieutenant HammSd declamis that ho could se@ ýhe red white aha blue *ta" be on top of the wIngà et Blair's plane aithoughhe w" six bandred feet le the air. IË»Jects are discernable un- der watiiat a depth of fitty or slUy id feet froli the air, he ML", and this W would account for the discoVerY of the Oý 1 submarines by the allied planes ln the !4 ùnle.9 "e is a decided inctenne in the cou of Production, 1 Win be " to un, - - nI& to , ray regulm commmxt for -40 CNTS -PtR QU4ÙW thus givinu dmn the base& of dir«t medwd of burn. Te; &fi 9" - LI 1 AM ,'The Prod of the Pudding ie inthe Utii pendent% CI&Wfied-Adê,h&v#ýý,boen . pMm oaffled outtomrs, A* om7ý naer éf thei mffl#ý, 'l IL ange ýdw b4i b»O ewo* la eiot,*oIe #mm hom MA@ tbe sep. otieîý , . , , ý ý 1 *ý& xmb«48e»mw ç4,c*A00ý .,«M* ýsmw«àu mou kowe 00 Mr. Md nom 0*4'týxm»Mrt 1% t4** rSot etSffl à" Novixt b.. bM- &'*pmmtWve la our towe ,i on for m 008M knit4a hm. "w mie& »mpbogoç jwO la oxpmW to bu éi4 W mrOW bl M«*Witue ore lmp& @0ýWý &M bwimm Frimi 0 ét a -ledom Z: 4q àhw Nobr om D"w Tbompoa vww m"404 IL M:d MbMr éý be »OWMW, iw» time mm w**ý ý Mow mm om 1 bOws a"d bm ý a" 17ý - Ir. WC tbo mm Kr. Blum ce", on e owabo1w M SU4 ee whk M<4 w-w MM" th* A«. »Owr at çlwé4- voé mi»W to *1M IN nom *,bu 4040 lare- lilSb 86M, H*Qm'd louffl am d@lý ta tu tb" 0 K. mg w0000"84 h» bon ro***w*looor à» WM be ploo-4 Io 4"M et é »PWS«44,0,* mvwliý ia Imm qèMélom ýMw nom t t4 la*»-Omb Pdqto 76ftmbeffliren PC& mou" in the , 4bomi6ý wqýdowtjàdB* bMàiý bai tiowd ft M a IMUw 01 MWIL bwtc« y- bWe nom Boo«14 Who toiýuvew Moutbo b" b"e ooeviloYO4 at Z otbS wSt ta AND PIG nom mm-OURPoq àid, Ù» dlubàrlp. ce bu, »W 1 dtt1w ed in YOU' 6r týý,àdvau*ffl of de lu AT, 400« )Dy ord«ing if la" wý«k on "s bQyt tbe.rowk se;ýdm 0 non letffl by ý0,y9 Cd, o» maw,»Owàu«, to bu bqp Wt*.. ' $chu cmer4l saymoed V"q4eý* tabbwd, Bwi RW-41,0-- la roponte %0 urgmt,* bons mow orayao* IL of tbo àmor"g ffl te rnwoo4 & tbbd trommué dçetm a" Un rram taow)èà» end bdow til tý@ PUI7 en: ltàôx. Jrý,, çt IF4" N&Wnbg.ýol Omtie; Dr. mm Cbti4 of P philni 4. Labbe of Port l" . Podiatries st tbe Uni Dr. MW - Lyon T«.; Dr. 1"" a P*rk, U ;Dr. Dorotby 0,4p je»ta; Dr. 0. B. Dr. augh »ont. Tbere wIll be &Wo IW . Crom , Nurm qXciallets. lut «bWtarexeMdespéotiO, ai4m*l Boit la 130W :rvb%ý, »LJOWI" to meet 6,91xw W-belp. Them mdla oot»ý i&effltion tor ninsty,ý'4gr 'Ic*ed be the. federal AM'eu Dongd Cbrl'gnyder o t" The OX&Ïdnihg phypldaii iti au-opaation would em-9 It Ira of any newç iralq8i, Rad fi In the Ubertrvl 1 lie lhÀ = peuple bave boM at * kM tO Wh" wm mder eomummen *# 7affo 4 tbe obim*m incffl -My me* aite 0, ao»v* ýWW* $bus à» *111 be nad Sur Illied by Md ai eleetri- MWtetwbff a& the top. 4Là *6 battue Itýi!M Içad loto tbe ý WARÇM tu tiie scanner, « a dicte. 6 Tbe uberw, Tbmtm lut saturd" #vq«ie«b4*a ,Iromwùmd" - the *«M &W gw - uýàum la which the peuple olosu«,OIW4 st *0 fatram Wwwd tbu Qýjý of tbe picteft. , lime *bqëw te ita, full 4 «M« fild bil Wb 'won be sood, fini. tiCbè d»Jomm brî ait 4qs las blf famb k«W Ji ',Iko«tyv9b la tbe li"ý' 1; itu*e note en thi coMW et 4j*.ý »ad L*ke St. #fou tu, uks 0,4* î et% T»dependepV4;ýýt0 »Y'sbatutP Uke Me to*nlM7-ipueb s»d 1av* buil b*ý» r«deir@dý net IOnIVIý tbiï;ne QM tbe"tpwÎ,l bit'by ill >wttl4 whoin we tidee èblmir ilà contact. W* OàW bopé»At Our future presoum vith Yeu wol be or inutolà b0DêQtý ,TIW C.Vo> 0 fiaily News 01 a récent date 8hÏ4,ýd a eut 0 ta Ilive-headed, «J>bage,,nMurWe contribution te In-, tmtlve limins. John QÀle of Cuba i.ownghtp,,bg# this cabbaze beateh bY 'tour heltdiL Ilé bas a cabba" with Mue b«ft ýmd wë contribute te Mr. (wiels àkbilay « a far-er. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -7 ----- ----------- Introducing out new Fa and Win tèKýýýn"andief- Win cQ.mvýffi FRMAY, SEPIM e 91 iýàd'l49'UnQ $WtÇMPl Mý'43f Featuring new FaU ëoatiiý âtéu Skirte, Hosiery, Shoeo,,Etc. Dùrinu this sale, we wW odèr xnaîpîk;4ý','Ç W ues in vartous Unes. We qùote the fo0ýwins m "pW; Ladie*"Silk 1800t Hoa%' in bWk and tàn; sizes, *8f auà, 9 only. Ilese 0 regular 50ýcent: voodr, cil" ap«ial at,.. Childreds Stockhagýç,-ih black and whitg-, ti=0ent, quglity for considering pr" ý lý hosieý7,vajue9. Pure White, Shaker FWmel, firmly wovet ùÀ wth fine. e fleece; an exim ne for the ýzicc;e pey" ...... OY4 Wili et War. .0 Ave., O-wear_ Washingt,14. D C., SepL. 24-A day pmy«ý itir & American milltary by prfsMon- mir is Dm . po»d-- la a ree,"w te the it SPeCtAt orw MW ý4 TO 9t. Sept. le, fflton Sud Chicago où Ùil *"I rattem, ladÈs émd-1 1 Ur