Art igding Petitions,,, Br eing Crouled About the te. ,'iP1LDGE TO F18HT RASE.ý ftun9se to Havé Bas Meters Umoved and to instait kooeoStoves. à, club 1csr mon. roertul tisan artY. 5 t1t almiis hataken by tke City -eminil witi regard tu, provet-. tu tmg to rthShBioe das Conpan> -a.fream puttiug Ito ettect lse outrsg-:t ,a»ObUSerlvlce charge" o! 75 ceDta jer fas tb «e*cb consumer, large sud gtL f, b a;ngs 0,cr tise bemi of tisa beal Crporation-Slie iboycot O! *qàkesa h iousnlves! iW.nt stand for anY sucis U". mai noma decifred tu Tise Sun tu- d"ay We are peparlag te, take steps tVe h» -thesu a.comspany tisat we are ldepeudent o! tise Indfferent sarv lmtete are resdeingansd far @wh1ch tisoy alread areclarglag enougis. 1I îdrcnhated a petitiofl-anOg siof o &ny friendits aaaflernoon aud nitisin -a ver>' short ise sot 15 nousen tc, agra. wltis me tisaI lis eue tiesasg -OD» essa puie Ils prepse ua 'rates - 8te,ett aot eill aider this as met enr euoed tram Our homes ad ne VIIl put lu ail beatars. 1 know J caun ge many more signera and t ome ef tbue, nio signet my petitioei assured gaz that tlaay viii take eut petltloa' Qfet t o nu. -We o ostop wnihsOur owns uigis heshodas we lutend tg nimke a tison- eegs casvasa f et tisaty. W. feel sure tisa$t the bg pajoirtyet nomes in Waaabega.utel the »pMe a na"dOut it that néde and nIAInot aIlOtliî çgo esapmw ty t aoeu aDyp ncb usl!ai elairge agi nt tiem. Sy niaI lgit te ne mced to psaau itional 75 41nsa smbt &fier Pajing for tise ffne e ?.I bave looked tliste t t eýpetag sus oh gtove andt bae1foi tisaIbie cool la sncb les. Usg tba t ýa !s ua toeoand tise ne- t-,, sd4 lutas aatipactory. If,,tset fflcopouy thin',tlaey nl be able 2 -tffpi-tht.rais.dena tho traat. ViWlteo* vêweonhep have a day * SulrexpaUsulousa cameitaThe twu u0,a, afflafer qt nomm. Que 4el pi tstaliqbU al pt et tarleaj ýqà bKsiltbut sMi tat chiepro. ~ eqtoipe4t ber nanme dwnu as ane wwte ehi bave ber gis seter remov- * edUurAa a l store. Tise senti msent le sprsafig aud it appeau tisa' via i tlhel. nazit on iap Waukan ve iai ul irmi>' arganizeit and wii be ahi. te shonwtise gaou papy tisaI (hep are a poner th bc rqeckogsed nîti. Tiat the nomen o Uâuakega eau brns gtiesu a compas: to R# haies quicker 1155*aup otis fote. ftt mlght bus. ztied tUsea se.doutt. fiehdom bave tise nomsr ayonud as they are sie. Thiey haE etetid longunder .tise 155h of ti Iau iu tog la cot crflviig. but tii Propffu4 bost la rates »Ou tihe pasi Of u ie >gai epsap la liselat trie -'Non ub" 'are readly In tlgbt back îmu 4m- eonetiate, tieir mlltanse>. Uttle ifeh-You've gel a gaût! po VUIio.Wlaie-Pa ami noboit, but f k niant à» muais li lov~e tl Monnim Wby, lie belle,.. everptli ib0 au» about me. «Wisy don t peu cuit pour botlt lireatm, s uap more?** ý 'v.ecnrbody bStd ta ctpckensoia lepeJjokeans liapld bis illl.-Loii SeIng tiaile urten oles belle! lat i lunot laelaap lon.,Aa. rbaela. Tii. Earti, undtMau tmpasid If U stem.pssisble for a man tutacol abwt e*aglobe M feta lueibt-uau bM tb a tle e ti eight of! il odq* moutument-anil tu lit4( xff »J portion or 1l@ surface a tsasg«Wtourtblisthtire iuatri "a-dewgb ofaetma unIcha In dinmeli m* awisunaeredandssaltwentltb 'ai- inubegbt, 1l voutd cornect fU li te prorotlons muon bette tb* 4gatib$ globes.ujion niicl i*-eýbau ruinei t te Ian toý j illari risn. Tisat Lmi e*b W bd te quite a sluggand. It 4M gW use titi logafter chi gý1.-tl$ï gean tMeof ed te - @sUo avebet p d abut Ont oblà a dîngerous cargo. If a by lte1po<iioubamstu capt. J. W. Swahbr@ugi, st#4rter et,'11e requîit la upoptaucous Comsss>lto.wgteftion hmda the f01h Lake, Cowtty Fpolio ee ý CÀL tuti. U isppSlt o tswb sW t l un heo c atio s This ser, 0roV thé V etuôrIeAsaaile bis, or0fCotton satiirited witII nounecItil0auAttendit at chat Races nYeC, O ove ut Piai romi. - u c 0i go bolled lltid. and ly* cide, aiuicis explains wby it wi Raesaili. idCoiUy M trisg àat db hotýtoun ft the bob!, eau bie »kýn ndcot thepatient wil Tracit a Hait Ceitury Ago Vil. Draft 0B0M rd tuuêe Ulit o madci t lwmthe'd051tonso ac takon to the hospital in the. ambli __________________ Nans-NO ord!WfJ ,Y0t $tabed tai a bonab. Acide andt otiier --Mhcj IleralO. Leave -for fl<*fOQ'"-tt WID oi hndynamite. AcetY- Consiet of Siety men. lae ».ga8 .8tade rin routis sciemical AWtasPeoaî ______a ud thèe Io14 onstautly gie OT If. Even tihe wife of a uind readd Wau'ean. sept ti. eProduct la exposedta toair. Iclsi iipaan ts'ling il ta hlm-H4 Tise draft boond bas tertfe 96 more menutfromà district twO., Lake .~.- county, and ait thsa saule time the . boarnd announced It did Rt know . when thse next quota of 60 men (II pier cent of tise viole quota usider thle mýutising Underwear new ruling) will lie ordered toRok tord. Reports bave Il tit It WlIllie V-'8J18ve D0o o.display carly ln October, probably tbe 3n our complete 1 i n e of or 5th. wre sadcu .I thea list calledl Into tih, army to- men à, v ie'an chl Iday appears tise nana. of .oe Saxtoil dren"'i' f ail and winter and Roy T. Whtité. Mr. Bexote W t~~~~l D~~res ident of tise flexin sMter OU wig of 'Muning Un- ~h.eit.?e L4tOompany and son of Mrs. P. J. Se . deiWeaî. »aof Sheridan Road. Mr. White 4________IA________ *rotary of tise company and ths* .zalling of liese two men fron tthe s me f tam. a company tisey laistebeii ad wiose plans tley aloye are tain- t 4S a e o SwanbitIoh. The otcona If h ty are unable to get ________________________-exemption b> the apeal card, la harti1 to pnedit. Among ohier well knowu i 4980 William H. Hull, 420 Cinyton nt. Waukegan men Who are ln tise cal 742 Graised Katchadoman, 428 Oatk are: If you bave a fail au 64 .J osi 1 a tet8re.Charles Wisyte Drysdale. son of full, the range of choicê re 224Q H.E.Gay Kei Robert flrysdale; Wlt rff ,so fcredit for lea.ding the fa" 2249H. . Gry.117Wasslnton Shen! f Gril! in; Ruaseil Forrester. 104Nunzjo Bastivegna, 406 Marke! West sider; A. BaiXey,Bbasebalillciier 104street. wSuits at h he IremIIâfan 1242 George Petroski, North Chcago.. hoisrd wits tis wir $19..5a0 9252 W. H. Samuela, 302 Soustha JaÇk e. son sreet. It je lsteresting to note tist 1P. A. Sisa 1.0cuci 1614 John Touiczyk, Norths Chisidg Pasaabbnne, wiio was in tise auto crash Sisa 1,0crei 287 Albert ILH.Tlilie, Gule.f Wen oiay lul i aou tos 3" We'lterlbogdea. 1421 Lun a rafLa1u it slo 80Clubs Lot lur, son o aln0!egsvlus 20"3 Roezr bah, 421 0ak street. Chil i5 cfnk cf tbe West aide- Ol1S erevlus 2211 J6.ýn Sciiwali, 21<> SouthaOGeie- Tise latest lut: seé street. 677 Robt. Emmet O'Neell, 221 South broadeloths, oxfords; al i446 Harold Richard Turk._ 328 Sac. victory street. lndwihsl u im ond street. . 195 -JocaisE. lUtz,'512 Norths Cané- lndwths-;fu.rm 2 35 4 &.C. Hayep, 522 Center etreet. 5sec md;lagetocetetut 2705 ilavId .Iolnathan Soderqaist. 5 61967 Wm. E. ueave, ZMon City. ie;lrepeec;bt NorthsJackson street. 158 Jbe Beléec,1346 Wadawortis ave. tp rm e 9 5 M;33 Eari lHorton, intlaoai, In. Julius Arthur Knsey, Winthropto'trn ed Ï27 italpi Sschantf, 75on City. Harbor,.111. Saturday . 95 !;i97 Roy Ir. White, 98Sheridan Rd. 5z Arhbur Wm. Allen. Zicu(City. . PÀ' m À.105 Alexander Stasieviez, Norths Cii- T rc iig C oat Speci CA E U0 Stvee Adamaki, 1321 Lincolnt av. IIEI>IiTLE ~ ~Coats at, $1,8.50 Coats at $À' WITII CARP.WNER 419 ELewisnaveure:,Made uof wool velours; Made' of a 1 1U75 W. H. Parlr, MnZiqsCty.lag olr utn ri- aiy of w l As a Resuit There WIfl Be No 612 Oeo Wiytê Dryadae, 225 Hick. lrecha~ utntin uLt fwo Pros6itlon,. It le Sai<I, for, 274 Henry LUmml, 2SU WlIlama je. 'td elelrg ok loth lilîed with S Damage ta Automobile. 1837 P. A.'Pangismie, 312 Westetai -948 J. A. Ihîendrcka 1000 Souths ets; comein i pretty dark made with largei a Lincon traee. 3 Thie case againat Arthsur .1angbrrflc 1621 Jue Menue, N<,tb Chicago. brown, greens, navy, toupe; lar; hlgh waiste Yand Frank .Herlod probably viil be 546 Jakaltie Apoliasayoa, 1334 Southa Park atenue.»I ieintelt vi- as tu lwi dropped for ac of prosecutiai s aa hz745 Arthusr Paul Falstaff. Crne. .<Use ith lo;,v- aso atrl a e la sald today that lie young men ar WU7 A. Belley', 429 Maran sîreet. 4ru ausa e 6ai ogttefr h 11 Benny Boxerman, 1353 Wada-.rfivaus tfef-d. Black, navy damaza etiort e daine e Worth avenue.grc;tup;a niseaitiiay wreckad au aitLimoblE 1576 Wsn. Heur> Norman, 333 JÀlîcolngee;tup;a whlcli they liesd orruwed -i en avenue., oris 4go $-, rSclloaer. 21 Geo. W. Palmer, Antlacb. I$ Lr i Each ot the young men, itis salai, 1197 James loweli Lyon, 815 Westet a. hl an pèt up $153, wicl will bi sfenill 860 Arthur Otto 3iurk. 1194f:u.ivi- making wiatcver replias are n.cce5 2746 C eteAtisr 2 5ne,<Jr naarY te tise car. Under tise cir-cum 27 ChsterIi- _Arthur______Faulkner,____________ IVstances the owuer o! the car la flot 934 Rallie M. Hanni. Zion Cul>. > inlinai tot prosecute the local men 427 Mark D. iSU., Zion City. This S im nf D e s I anad thse lusurace Company prabably .666 Dlanhi Zlazevicis, 125 Ptaaiaact St iiiig rss I j il! flot feci calleit upon ta prose 241 .ooeph.Stlevec. 721 Market et.AL ýcu because l nili not hanve t, settc 40 Harrison Hayes Stephenu, Waiis. --rOn o x e we la or any damages. north, III. Sas Atorney James G îu2663 Herbert Coineu, 711 Cumuings hssunn rtsi uyoeo aennounceci Tucnday mgriiL-ig tisatiehi 2925 Hans Syvernd, Wintisrop Harbor. tetuysatmdl hw t$65 lewould ipresent thse case laclore the Ili. -tetuysatmdl hw t$65 iegrand jury and If lise evidesice war 1692 Fred Canmaela, 312 Market je. ranedIt a oult ah isI n ~ 2768 J. B. Graaakviat. 3U~ Northsdl and $22.50. Made of the very best t r&CdI i2ol s hta nitý403 Peter hIarr Kees, Norult il ment bie rati.rned. It la belles ed tisai cage. li wi ns cosivInced thtia a satigactary 13U G"Oea. IL l, Wadsnortth.lit grades of' French serges,.xnannish id ettuement nue s eing efected anil 2679 W.,1H. Cmour. Mon CIty. 1492 Ge0. ran'ir Garland. Antiocha. serges. on tise streugthso!fibis dit flot preuoss 98C. W. Judd, Zion City', let.esycoh hrestfea,î tise charge. U469 John Sur>', Antiochi 1. Jre lttamue afti Pangorn ha ben daîtd it',533 RusselliPerbes Forrester. 916 M ag, n ssbeudî t i Wasington street. ail tîhe new shades at $16.50 and . . 1 tise national army and expects C, 61 Wm. Peter Anderson, Aitiacis. th leave for tise catonment atitRociaional 2298 El. R. Pelons. 215 'Wasinigton gi withiln a Short uime. strdet. 16R4 Adamu Ciarzlnk, Northa Chicago. 1 -.-PLUCKY KORNIILOFF. 1892 op Il ki oris&2i e- soi a Populas. Hoie. 2447 W. ID. Leable, Wadunortls.Ill. ________________ (Jo erai Korufloif in comitderca tise 1110 Oto Pli$, 842 Liss eoi tue. plaaqkot gm"era uthse Ilusalan .oy, 177 Palmsen recli. < colored) 308 Tb setey of is canner reada 1k. a 2231-2 Bouth Caunty st , G irls' C oats9.95 Blai Short et tature. nhtb a bras lu> Ut-297 eicsaan eaaia,72 Made of wool velour, large col- Made of tahe -xoüo297W T. Tiffany, Noth Chico. lar; belted; large pocketti; xavy, trimxnedm f.tieSiera co a c fial -sIt 191 oh1.le atrpx the Marioinhcoeke na éacet 1 onIl a. Wntr 1ar, 1brown, green, uTroon; made inu or low, c& eh knatud-ug tise Rusuian rtrea lu 32 John Ptkue, 223 Seuilh Shwihdan telts i tls »bf satt te the CarPatiia"ssis 1915 Agaltit des- Rosit. teltq alsye;satt ýc perte Odie lie M~Il& eut ihS h* divi- 2Z23 Lonard W. Blishop. ZMon Ciy. special It................. 5 new suit. an "o tli l ia isait wns. takfu prison«r 964 C. à. 9EliottiVasZios ty. c -e iteTeuton&. ?or serml iuSatla 1071JohnBroks 42 onsstreet. Bo(ys' M ackinaws BlouSE or very hard imet".' -d a 2193 Frank Robnson,, 511 k.>' ethMo. Made up iund&Sk plaids, pinch' I) lu 1916 lie decdded to e e. Dia 2250 W. H. Grifflu, shrit!r uudosee backs, belted; -wonderful values Made0 ta gassed a- a peusat, nlaklng is lite on 362 fl5iiop CateWtti. 417 Oak atètu auda t$49 double wa: lie tun occasions, lie wahked liuadreds 2074 John Mletl5i, 1401 Sheridanu Rd. for audy t$49 of mlesacro th.cafltb"s uto816 Morrie Mayies, 232 Sauths gene-. to -v.. ....».. 5 vriih 0"ristr Litln.1vV, 'Ioaal.Whaunlis Onali>'atlve9a2963 Crss atrot lnNortii Cli- B y ' v rc m nlih annula lhé nasgreeted nitis unbl d cago. vlusa' ýk%§ loy by thse anauy. Ris teat al»o a0d 2774 W. B. Steel. 214 Juieln street. Made up iun ark n-iixturýes; al vlesa clibiisver' ojulr wtbtu cuSilm-a 2640 Sterak Dadalais, 670 Mrion liued, with couvertible , colar; AS idotn. This mode It posible for lis ta - treat. .f. gin the.grat honbr. lmmedlatelipiter[ 64 Geolrge L.Beailo, corner Water il large pOckets; belte 42 vs the rb0 wu$ 5lanmA er wUl otaston, wietdilay j b ti. ~stb of gypu. Sort- Ir *e<eet1b " iof Jlems.a native dycasty of women hoiding .tbe oSfciaI titi. of (%lenaS e eMsway ln lithOWIa and evec aieited the sdvance of lie- muan memOut of ttise .la -» qu~eeu vioticed IX AeteS.:27.: Whetber uy pavtndsar d*ur bai bingiusa more of happimea. or suffer- log leaIargolg beeyod o« power te de-, termine; wls.thsr ebéh dae sâtah Sia bgawlases 4rsufeMptao thers reste suces et blsradwIOsja! " edU til Etiiel>. gnduia. I>11. 1 don't knoiv." treptled tlàee utile mise "Qbe*d be. 'lseaP 0881kt godés if .ied jet me sprefit tii jiyw.." <îeFesieng. Little JapàneSïe boys dip 41te ten leet ô0 ther kitesestings uext thse kits ln glu. g-MW theal lu broke ai 81Ws. Whea tim:Is ldry It tortauae.a rowith aibIC4 thep ht'tem tto eut the steings ofeal otieraite. Buy ymnr., gray and khaki knittlng yarn right flow, because of the great shortage in theie two par- <>v h2*,h ~ ticular eolora. We have a large supply now on hand. Fait Buy it Saturday ait, coat or drem in mmmd, buy It Saturday. The lUnes are sponds to every dei>azd. Saturday purchasers carry the dons8. Suits at $29.50 AIl the latest faîl styles -made of Bilvertot-e ClothLS, velours, broadeloth, oxtfor*g; some have fancy ining; large poekets; but- ton trimmed; Saturday, as a leader 2950Lwd ait....... " :p Suits at a$950- istinctive mnodela in a splendid variety- of sftylés developed of broadecîths, silvertone elotbs, axfords, velours, pleated baek; belted; large eolla r and pocketi; fancy ailk lining eoein latet 39. 50 fail colors, at... Lais for Saturday 25.00 1 Coats at $39.50w i beaîtifuil )lhrtad- sol satin; cape col- 'd effeet tisted ef- Y, browvn, 'oo Every womn who ap- preciates the newest eif- feets in faîl coats shouldj see these we off er; eomej ini a .beautiful quality of velours, also circular cloth known for its, high lustre and goodwearing quaity; ail new faîl shades; repre- sented at $39_U New Fal Shoes Women 's ahl black, Women's shoes in genuine kid boots; 9 patent and kid leath- inch higli qeathfer ers; button and lace; Louise heel; flexible soîne have light (loth soles; mediumi vamp; top. Nearlv all sizes; fit and %wear gulran- Queeii Quahity, sold t; es .. 0 a pair' ...3185 You %ill find at this special price a plentiful variety of fascinating niew styles to choose fro. Elascopies from exol.usive crations, -are trînxmed in a number of different styleE at ..........49 Lises $-2.49 d flaxons, hinen collars; irith white piqu'es; high onvertible, coilar; vex'y werwith that 2,49 es 3.95 to4.95' of very good, grade of arp crepede chine; cou- iigh or low collar; corne and dark shades; good $3.95 ... . -A 9 5 ticoats $3.95 al pettiooats of good ifetas with rp.ffle; form I leading shades repre- weil as <éangeable col- priced 3 5 Chlktren's »se 25 C Made in eay- ând le ribbed; black asud=whtforirls;- black for boys; this hose on today's market la würth 10e more than we ak f or tomorro w pe . ,Wormen's- ifose 29c Black aud white medium weight mercerized lishe; ql ail aizes; pair .:.g Wôomen's....t SUl Womeén'à boot gil1k hose; black, white and ail leading colors; 79e values, Saturday only 9 Phççnix Silk Hose Wéhave a, coulîte Ue of ,Phoenhx ailk hose; ail colona; eo 'black end white, at 90c, 24 $1.25, $50and ....