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Libertyville Independent, 4 Oct 1917, p. 3

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YOMTBER 4, 19V OW- fuir. For Instance It ok six bee to finlal tise 2: 16 Pace and wvilo tise two borses visicis vent la tise last beat vero amost fagged ot, neyer- theles tise fart tisst It could't li decided ien etis an'six beata nisadn Il val Pome race. It vas thi race visercîn tise acci- dent happeacd and tise tbree driver$ vere lhrown. Hovever. botis horsea, Vernon Boy aienIesorgeacarne b.dk for the otherbeats sud Vernon Boy capturai tise haI tbroo isats. MebIslnnlg thse race. Thse sPîlI wvicis 3>. and hie driver causai evldently VAt hlm cxcted sud h. came tbrougb aheai visereas he hsd go"e le fourtis twlce, la tbe firat tvo isstse, vaw «jyea third place la the thrd buat, tise one wbsre ties plîl carne. Tisere vas smre pretty ritgln thîs cirent but tise collision naturally put s iamp- er on tise enthuiu5. Thse 2:14 trot vas a PrettY race effn If Duiblin Laâdy ddli tskoIt dovn la ons. tvo. three orier. Tisa renaingasraces. tva o! tbem ver. sxctlag and natursfly tise cmvid grvwfmanttc se tise big fild vap à,var. Bothbdies vore closel>' fought fer. Mrday's reela: 2:14 Trt--Puise 940 IlabUa iLady ............i 11 % Bin ................. 2 22 Vter imlgtanL........... 3 3 5 dsef. Jr ................443 Cicilda Dlgo ..............6 ?Tma 2:17; 2:20, 3:16 1-2. 2:26 Pao-Pura *»0. vena or .... 5 6 61 11 Dr. booe........1 14 2 3 2 MSeDong. .... à 41 54 Wl IL.... 32 2 4 2 tlba>tlB........ 443 à Tge; 2:1? 14; 2:21 1-2; 2:23 14; 2:24 14, 2:34 34; .37?12. Ir1M Taeb-Puree o0e Mae GURSa...... ....... 11 1 jeeLI ........ .......... 2 3 ....................... 421à Mlspectlu ... ........... 3 4 4 Tie-2:21- 42:32 U3-4; 2:24 14. Ore "au Mie un-4110. BanSdo=s....t.......1 CMalaw ..................... Whti 1%01 .....................3 Tlrne-.4 Seconds. sa Mite Rue-4100 Little isk....................1 JIlsWn ......................2 'lob, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tirne--1:0 3-. THE FAIR ON SATURDAY. Near-Fight Over Dispute in Race on Closlng Day of Fair Croates Sensation. The raec at tise clamans day of the coant>'far saturda>' ers botiy con- hestcd andthet ocari 58 saville proeov as gociasany>'d&Y of the tair. Tise viatI vicis hlw a gaie cght the race", on tise ptretcis Pont tise juae' àtand liat on the ba& tIk.151tCisSj -madIe up for t mai some mlgbty gooi tInte vas maie coneli.rtag the bevy blov. At lasItise race va, called and OBrien 100k tise lead and apparentlyi feit ho bad thse race von for. St tise, tura la tse home %trelcis Courson lut let out Beai. Bove aid tisevay te walked past 0'ýBrln amade tise latter looka lIse a anail. OrBtIen apparentl>' fit coutident ot vinin -aid thse final xsoisong proved that Courson vas jusl leasing hlm lanthe scondi best Cour- son refeated tise tick oul>' more epec- taeulart>' ln carrying St out He vas hehîni on tise start aithugisho isad tise pos: ho nodded for tise iguansd, traillng tise other tbree. be stayed lic- bilai util ho had paaaed tise stand thse tinst tImo. Then ho let lonse a little and on. the honte strctcis caught upi vitis 0'Breinanad &gain madIe lim looka as if ho via standing &LI. 11> agreement, because Il vas late. tis race biedbut tvo ieats aidCoureOn thus von vIts sage. Libsrtyvtlte Losses Game. A bogti>' contestai bail garne mark- ai tie lumt day o! tietahit Arliton Hielgits deestiug lbortyville 6 ta 3. It vas a good gaine tiroughoal. Summar>' or Baturdays races: 2:19 Trot-Pure. $M0. Dr. Brook> ............. 311 1 lAwy Bayer ............... 146 d Clu ...... ............ 1 3 2 I.MaLky ...............2 22 3 Dick I*&v...............63 4 4 I.ev RMsua .............-5 66 5 Tie-2:19 1-4; 2:20 1-2: 2:19 1-4; 2:*19 1-4. 2:10 Pace--purse 940. Socety' Leader .............1 I.11 CoenatOith ...........-.----2 2 3 E3oeate Drier ...............4 3 2 L . .................... 34 4 Ganerai Ealvtn....... .... 6 5 d Ttme-2.*11 12; 2:12 1-2; 2:13 1-2. 2:17 Pace-Purus $M0.. Jm 1. ............... r 1 11 CIMMIoA ...... .........1 24 5 flunatta Pointer ........4 5 2 2 Male N ............... 2 458 Hoeryvo lacis....8 3 3 4 1401 Abe............. 77 7i Tei............... 36 8 6 Tne-2:17 1-4. 2:17 1-4; 2:17 1-4; 2:17 1-4. 2110 Couhuy Trt-Purse 01». IonJ. oVe .................il mis" Pectolus ............... 2 2 Boy Bell ................... :3 3 PlIot GrattonL............... 4 4 Tme-2:26 1-2; 2:28 3-4. Onqb.Half Mlle Runng-Purse 0100. Oli ie>'y..........I Oheekq'......................... 2 Lillian M. ...,M.................. 3 Tin>o-:51 1-2 Oaa Mlle Runng-100. Joe Wclcis...........4 ..........I iluiV ........................I arHamot ....................i Time-1:53 1-2. Itaeine. Win., Sept. 28-Tise 1o«a poléèe departmont han boon reque8fol b, Mec Wanisegaa. III., Police. to10 h costeoWMs.TelleCleveland. aged 27 Yeu& , vio u la aus from thaf place. FOR SALE-GHEA Five.PasseiWurV" i.Cmr-in goodcondlition-Can demonstrate at MWp tisai-A bmlgen. Ten.Room Hm» ivlad Lot-oenta raly ated, abut a block from Md""iko Avenue-House in good shape-Al uiodosp omaien'ces, bat)4 -eleçtric lights. gai, et. For usishy owne. 1No 0agent ueed, apply.Adeq< ,changer! bacl ta tise North Shsore-Gan Company tise capital vag lacreased la $3,000000. 0f tisîs amount $1,000,000 vas la preferred stock andI $2,000,000 vas commun stock. Prior to tisat lIme tisere bai iseen but one Issue of stock. In 1912 tise Ciîcago Suburban Gi> and Hlectric Conmpany,. a holding coin- pan>', vas organized vitis an autisar- Ibed capital stock of $4,000.000 prof er- red stock and $6,000,000 commun stock. This coacera ovus tise eatocks of tise Norths Shore Gai Company'. Value He* lIncreae. Altisougis It hi clalmed tisat; oni>' $100.000 vs> put trctise local gas counpafly at tIret, tise yearly caraings. Insteail o! belng pald la tis eckhold- ers, vere put into tise basines.s and tlisehas Increaseil Its value np ot $1, 000,000. la other vord" It vas tise consumera o! tise conapany. fisc rosi- dents of Waukegan and otiser cities and tovas la Lake ramaI'. viso lu- creaed tise value of tise properthes. Wbea the aev aorth Plant ot tise compan>' vas bulît ha Waaisegan on thse nortis flets a fev yenrs &go et s coan o! about $40000.,lit vas tisouis that It vonli libe ho10manufacture gaz mucis more cisaply ilad tisas ln- crease the profila of tise concera. but altisougs It la sali tisat ge> bas been manufacturai Ihere as ciscapl>' as 10 cents per 1,000 fent, tise plant noir bas beenauapayhns Inirsetment, so fer as caja leaed. Reason For Seot. Tise bead5 of theo compan>' nov sx- plain tist the>'muet lucres Omir rates lu ordor tial:t tey nia>' h able ta pay dirldends on tise capital stock. Tis. It le pointai ont la obvIetudy enfehr t. censuimera, because the Pleun tg mai ta b. over.apttJsd. Consumnere say tise>' ouli aotcoh- Iect gouranchisf tise cmpen>' mlnrply Increasci Il& rate fIroms 90 ensts te $1 par thisaud, for ail gazsi up ta à certai point, but It ia tise "peririce charte" of 76 conts Per moutis vlcl inets vils such seplrited apposItion. Tlae average consumer of gaz Sinou tise resldence usera. dues not ui>.tu excesa of 2,000 foot per montis. Undi 2tise exîstlng late tht. conta $1.90. Un 3<der tise proposai rate tiss vlI c<l 492 for tise gas 11.01! and an additloua charge of 75 cents 1c- "service" malt ing a total cOSt or $2.'76 fer tva thous and tstvblch laeattse rate of $1.31 21-2 Par tbeuand feet. It la anaerte4 3tisat there ia not a gas compan>' la thq country viîci charges sucis an ex orbItant rate. 1Uniteard 01 Rates. 2 For tise pour familles visa eee 3tlitir consuinptlon of gaz tIova to 1 000 foot per mnonta suo that tis ecps vili not lie toc 1>1gh, thse "service charge vilI brhng tise rate te $1.75 ut 1,000, an unheard o! rate among g> compaulos. ai Local consumera lest thal. the mlbave sminerees la tise malter an 0- if theoy cannot secure Il from thse go t7 qomasa>tisey gay' tise>' yl taire othe Wiasn.vÔu bave tise backacis.h* tis lvr or alineya aie sure ta lia ont of #ar TrY Senoh lb doése onders for tie ie isiMepe.u4 bleuir. A trIal BU bqffe OIS& flas l iionviace vn. osit as il drugst Ore. AUv If. If's ciany aevs vaiue, ,YA 5111 Sud It la tho Ubertyiais I ntePeMIet. - ~~~Consderable dscussion arffl 4ftEiL~ 4 thse 2:30 coutry trot rac e bflfl i AT developed that starer dwaxbrOuals 0 ~1' F II~ ad a berse in that cirent 4SM aa P S test was made againat t becauft ho iff JD was tarter of thse races. Thse Matr- V-X drgai aloug for a long tilife andI no N R A EJI it <COBUand rom en eone) annouacemnent wau madIe that thse race - ~was S olng to lie trotta. At lait a 1 cntinue Fromt Page On.) Ordlaarliy a laut day ls,*eouhiered a, sensatonal eea looks place ln ti- $,0000 Teicru n at% out Of dean-up day and tlleshlngday ,ludgw sta~nd wlîea .. 'Trlî..u 0 d o f 1040.Tb inraolrt-, but Ltii.year th ise ami.ction pia to Sdn ocage en ae have a bs daY ýor the finale and driver andtraîsner, eftered thse Judgeîaording to cla rgpoe bIng ade byha thèJWer b crow4b bea pouigtu stand and, l14 a land vole damnai tlc thsegrounde early mis mornlng Starter Owanbrepgi, cuu" dhlm op the compmny msy pay dvidende on lis *114 COatinued ail day, untîlful tWy 1 eooscapital stocka. Oie atondansce vas sald toie éb «-elr* ~ ts tadb iesatr What The Records e. et et aiiy day 0f the tâl?. ,. rmdtb thstn rthstre, Ivsiaonfcut uercrs Thi in due a thte tact tisat the'-o Ogmsd ai;ttret t. Ikys. At 189t when IvsIaIn0 or os eod were ttres ing races. Onthse tard, the the e rowil jeared bl= a ater wornen biowtat thse, NorthiShUore Glai 00>5 2: 11 trot wItheUic bIst Iffl 4ets e>lgd tielu banda W tir ea..ft o anywuorganffl la 1900 wth a triesvr Afoaord ai *l e bu e Md bidethe ctIlas ieaW«emttlag, be Capitalpjtocla of $1,0000M. altbou$h It â. 17 pale tOw runnLng11 races auad a: tao<h i daira. la sald that thse properties et tisat > rne e*blbltlou Of thse fblijichcOfi bçse. As b.oreahed thse race tracla he irere worth ibout $100,000. Tis ecoi- ilealdea that bers wu a'spitini trOt abotaiba« stô Swanbrough that be Patay acqulrsd thse PrOPerty of the and a ail Darneibetselu bery.ieOugt to bave takensa apunch at him Wanlaegan Gao Llgbt and Fuel com. Thse exhibition oft the hIih acisoo and added: "And l111 do It Yet before PanY whtch supplied tas bore at that isorses t0d&g A"d Pidar pvOved ve" 1i gt t trough. Hse waft about Swan- time. Ths concerned was owned part- >erspeon~.th6otes, traaflailcy treu's age but tise feeling inhobet Isîly by Wankcgsa peuple. e'es psad oto is tiacklafron~tir not try It as the vetera n onia.= n l 1908 the North Shsore Ga Coin of tic grand stand and ail dec<4ed wth fiags.and thse rider pretlty sithougis 74, would be apt te "est bin pany secured &. franchise coverlnz cowned, tisey presented a m"Ls> ny up." Wlnnetka. Tipi franchise vas pur- aPPearsace. It Prored a veii eiO55alt Starter SwanbrOUgi shsowed could. chased fromn men who batd!as yet ta<ý- feature for f'lday anl Ioda>'. Tbeerto fotieelo b>no nli en0stptaItîl lntrpu borapie are owped b>' W. C. 10tbrock oi M! fitefelwb o l Ipge osest ualapeto u Chicago. 1iDifr had ho dons 80. 0'Breiu could ln mains. Thse naine of tise coinpany FIDAY'S RACES. neyertraehere or lsewhere on thse vas thon cbsnged to tise Nortb Shsore Prlday's race card vas.about as ex- cru Iîtl e bad pasu It. Censolldated Gs Company ad thse eftng au an>' seen ln years*at tise Courson tn Fine Race. capital vas lncreasa to 12.000.000. . . . 1 la U- «tn-naie-orta. -.-, - - A Parting I Dinner Our Myarge" m014tise wlfe, bas eo n a aistake. Thse sooner a mistaise arectifi* tise bette. i amn golng te aTat ets9edea.«" nid tise 1-b-bin A Ltredotrous IbI icone suatoi, uns s breats- hgf opien t Ces*su e tgitube au che.ld ymmois rA isotnmaIIteagt Rualaittlsuic" ted mocig f "Oh I sai ~ omte v a' notiseVs oo~ or la e t b.e M a e cu nt'a isI ir.. Ùat de»ow " wlteher sad- hace vtÀm ii .n "uf sud 51e aboUt ul 7ta l e ho c h n c b S a h r a u mentlnud oep trish bak e.A Tou a be a ie I'moat- ae advins talna. ba - I'sey sisa est i ho.ent t." t "InfadY" M oeencth agi"e nWisy e? mà&ItwiUat natr e mot. Ish; e t a ong eroe- ber a dion*,*O *st Ina coursIn tes iard ta met bwâ N "Astirla e ute M itcoer ad- ment Why.J am~e.=reqbln begr _Uaybat ' "S. a aoi, ielIgbtil on me wu ltl thm k tvst the onestini seaacee veingrbaved.er i the isOusht Gt a ev Bllbut s idt a"en sei." "Wbe.e fontil 5*1*pooeede »Mne."oc Im ogt tae me.to*4ta hv n du0f tosume for 't Vu 95 lev 1 en, but yeou' te * mieenu "e@& mtm. fses.' tin t'. atI e thins t*ai -:te 4hlo yow elIItbm>Mb.sêan mno nt.yw1 J'95.sm»sming reto t.ad gy bvea aiter 1é re tat wuÀs Mo*i#ats d novlu*tain le bte Mt sern b~t mm t 1t MmW d "Tie daugst es.nt a ftuI i mBrte! B vmi 1 ur U Whu d yF«udeooe' "Notatai.I'm relvlteo& I "mjOn premIt meCta 0te uv 90% uto salt vas ale «4"a "Ver vehl. I vlmae yuvs evero POoLvu t go." a-0 f Ir etetu baye t din esbseoet arlener lacreà* "ifuppoe s v aeala~as 7lia u là,bu ' l iseisia tc . atIis w., selG voeu nearIvetl tidW~v lait Bt reae a br e bW. thesi is d y .etulel go?,*r tiseo vlnasts te.be vasùaap i vet hotia ph mon sud até'. tugens frYéý Wavyen rst et yu esse» asised mbuy. -a"Who anId wgsntlmeut etract ti ettetl Wfel, 1tiltre eJ i Mb 1 e moot h temg."sdts vn a . d Tieln>.avtie diters e xceliet r. Whaeade t ise'dravm <k no a ottâcftse tacttWtb 1 h ezehoe bto g ot isrStiera] 1w L te thrphver atieLe : 0*11 t isoinS "Nt te esLeenetataa New LUne of Grocçmi I have added a comnplote lino of GroýgIo to rny stock of Meats and 110w amrn ha positionl to serve you botter than ever before. This stock is LARCO. MEN CLOSETO TEDDYIi CliICAflO LUNCIIEON Tbrousb thse courtesy of Col. Henry Rathbione of Chicago. etgbt Lake couaty mon vers prlvileged to go tu Chicago Tburaday faion and attend thse lunceoa 9Lvea at the Morrison hetel vitis Tis4eor.Rnevelt ae guest of hoator. It v&&aIL ratiser select gatherlag be- dme tlgibn Umehere rsnot over Ise mn pussent. Accordiggiy. tise gwoes were aul dosel3' dtdle< atout the former presideat 1.4' aIl tierefore bei a gopd chance te, vatcis blm ant is e*preeslona la hi>. forceful addrsai *b$choéuceuded the ll>tcheon. Thse Labqophty mon felt that fit vasW prIvIege to -lie Invite tdo sucb. au cirent. especlaly vWhou Ihere vere so le oseS prlvllsed ta à. there. Thsas. born Col. itbisfe extead- eise'irm U» te lacluied: Paul i XaeuMuýJ41*Dockser, IR. J. Iady, 1 Jobs Welcha, Coroner Taylor. Col. Auosn. Paul WIUlis. James Woodùaaia W. L. Smiths. '1'he addrea glven by Col. Roo>e. volt aithte Itincheon deait chlefly vîtis thse leVaestielaul situation ai t exlsted. durhng his adminstration as presi dent. Helc th ie guesta inan>' Inside facta about tisejoltuation and revealed fôr tise finist tme inan>'of thse person- al tiss that enterait tutu that very iportant cofitrere>' viîcis be handled ln sncb a satlsfactory and ct- fectve manuel'. Tise Lake count>' men will flot for- get for a long tIno tise courtesy ex- tended to thefu b> Col. Ratisbone In permitting tiseintaulie guests at thls luacheon. ROOKIS LUCKYe Te RL TILLS TUAE Fort Sheridan StudentsTold They Must fight Until W imX n. Fort Sbherdan, 111.. Sept. 27-Col- oncI Theodore Roosevelt silrred th3e training camfp routines toda>' ly a stralgbt fron tthe pisoulier talla la wici he toi tison>tirs oIr eu l e tise greaIent reeponsibillty of tbe var. Prolonged ciseers greeted Colonel Rtoosevelt asulie rose and vaved bIs hat althtie rookles. lHe saltI: "Now, inen.,you have been cisosen tu do tise greatpt vorla. tu vin tise * igbest honor and to lacur th iseuva- lent reaponsîlit>'of an> men ln tise Unted Stateu toda>'. 1 **Il la for usnviso are loft bchland tu do ail lu our puor la bock uittise tlghtlng mon aitise front, anMItukeep 9 tise sprit of this nation level vits yours. 1 hope tisat vifctory wlll comae à spoedlly, but 1 viel Yentu e, ud 1 1 wlis every minu la ti> cO>Sy t* *feel, tisat tiis war la 10 go on at no matter visat oust aud for no matter visWat Urne outil once for aul vs baie removei fron tthe world the menace of tise Pru*isill i lllarism of Gar- many sud of thse HobeusOlleus. "Wien you corne baook is of y«u bas got In go ont as sarnlseosery tu soe that our country. baving vais- ied op.doep not fall tos81»P -Plu. to uno that noter MMin are vo put ln e tise position lanvisici are novane. 4 imay Yeu eM sMd tise. 11e YOUI ln tise flut place. ma"e Ainertca ente rt by rep*y1ng the debt we Ove car a4* len for vbst tbeybave di. Lord, ow wIs v 1u Iers t gns! flrectly Stes tie speec htie col- Sonel laft on hj bIsew etran. T. A.8oI~~le~lmn. loeint enof ent aaebedla os à&". at a*- A-- p-4- ..iln.r ..-tl4u-ur I Havingjust arrived. h coutains alstand- ard brande and you know wbat the goode am. before you bny, and 7011 know jrou kiiov 7011are golng to get fair treatmeut before comIng here, so why shonI& Ion -«a#te time wben you eau corne whffe ypm ktiow you viii bé treated right and get Reilable Goods? Yon Alrfady, Have the Proof That OUR MEATS ARTHÉ.BES Cail at our store today and l9ok- our stock over je. WtEý HALFDAY M- a-~ i r ILLINI Chai. b Wviti.s aul k".sOf i FQ t aithe OrSoarlad ie uaI J atraveleor Who XnOWB ho wautti" to, nbut ut advamoes no reason t uJ once a man on hïi way to one town to go to a.nol Somne adivertisibg is of the «SigiiPost"Vert ,.'.it informa - 9w peqple that theo tore in i3,bu.m* butgi~ ,&h reason why they ehoum1d t#"stba The test of akflw sdvet lan teadded bualnem No man osa begrudge the cost if th. advertUlg produces .uuftctt i ed business 10 s tIîq expeS sud jeave a proit. INDEPMEDUWr DS will develop uew bwi- ---not only hold prosent buoinoms.Uonent se and fair pricos will takq 'Came of that. Te grov you Mn muetromUlmee !eriht advertIsIg wngw"*# 00 doold Pl 1 lu loil the name of the coucern Wall 1 Absolutely Fresh Irfw It mii*"a i 83 Ssvl&e% ou viii Riad Il la lb. Lhbeglyuil v egamt

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