Of THE SU,»STS, ETC M "rbesve 'Revîew of'theil -Uep Ladin Upto System of Hard fod Given. -COST 15 NOT STAGGERING. Anal VIS of the Figures Shows GeatyR'duoe Tota. The popositlon tu bond the county fon the construction of bard ronds. cere into beibg upan announclng that the Otte Highway Departinent had *a»ropiated $400.000 of joint state @ad I«otgla moitéy for thé paving of a maai frie Ohicgo ta thé state line, wb" h vuld be contigucus ta, the laite mai aomnect Waukegan and ZMon Clty ta Chicago. The appropriation vwas tortheai- onLdtionéd upon Cok and là*e cennty providing for thé addi- -tIamal costtand owing ta a provielon of tise federal appropriation It vas ne- 'quinad that thé rond should hé con- ti=0s and that npproxilintelY 80 Ver cent abOuld hé rural pot rond. A fuitier nquIroinent vas that bot oantiés agroé upan n route and ise thair ahane o! thé money ré- *t 4 canfereuce o! Coo sud Laite W»ty ffidals. It vas apee t t La* oiutiy ,liuld neceive *855,000 matter wha ud of an over- g yon wafgtyo'Il o ioe1s.Su- toi.- hiin pry cogt thér overcoat aèta pamn1utort -style auiquewu osl ,'n fabc tha sa- iyour dealer and look ihe"R W"label- your protection. wn of geed umet&es6ed uscs J&readoe*m .&45nmff gsexiwald&Weil af the appropîlatioia vicli voied lee $ ý18510 .00 o ho0,1ad, Ita mal<e $510,000 the estziýted cost cf an 14 foot concrte road upon a thirty foot grade roadway from the south ta the north lines of thé county. The county vas given thé option ta rame the sec- tions t would constrlct esnd Moîectod part of Green Bay rond which Ds o post rond. In order ta reduce the per- centage ta the nequiremént and aIea selected Sheridan Road, which Io a imoposed state bond road, and any money spent thereon, in the prob&blc évent of said stato bond Isue bing succeoful, wouid be returned to the county. Theésanme l true of BelvIdero road. The supervisons docidod it wauld ho Wise aima ta provido for a main eat- Tot amsacet0f aninpj- erty ýa 1*k0 caiinty 257,387. Total aseemsed valuation of fan proprty in Lakte county for 1916.. Average tuz on 'ekch acr for let year, 4 cents Average tax on each acre for 205h year, 2 cents. Total amount of road and bridge taxes In Lakte counity fer puat 10 yearg ...... ......... Total special gravel ta% lovled in Lake county for pat 10 yearo .. Totalfor rmati andI bridges in ton years 280,8r.2.40 ad e& In Ii at ye fa bc ce le; a n U LATER s hould» be bougbt afier a eareful tudy. Our line of Je wels Geme, R. gala a4p Cole's Original Hlot Blast iz ' hè largest in Lake Count>'. Free deliver>' everywhere.3 l'gc t Os. nS!!mm r-j. -4 jATr THE GLOBE b COATSi SUITS -a vast selection of both at this speclalized rice. we mahe incompbarable cf trni style clirac- er a nd *ls 104la~w.vs and veet rond and concluded ta sub- Thé above doses nt Include county mt ta thé peoPle thé pnopostio- tO approprIatIon for ronds and bridges. vote a $500.000 bond issue ta ho paid THE C08ST 0F PLANS. f off in twenty ananual paymentm ra Hère are tacts relative to proposeda cluding Interest. This yull pravide county bond Iseue and ronde tb be im- a $311,000 for the' construction of a proved. concreto road on Belvidere rond frain Appropriation ofcfaie and Waukegan ta Véo. federal money for Lakte t When thé stato bond »sue carnies, county to buld a rural pont thé mnney provided for Belvidere road road........ ............ $25.00 wlilI ho returned and la pîedged ta Estlmated cent o!fpopoaed build a continuation o! thé Rand road rural pot rond ............ 510,000 tram thé county line through Lake Zu- Amount ta ho raised by Lake rich ta Waucondn nnd ta complets county for rural pont rosd.. 185,000 Grand avenue froma Gurnée ta Fax Eatimated c055 of pnving Bel- Wýne. - videre rond, Wnnlcegan ta It rnny he recaîled that thé proposed vélo..... ................ 315,000 cste bond Issue algo provîdes for pnv- Amount propoped ta hé raimed lng froin Milwaukee avenue at thé by Lakte county by bond la- aouth lineocf thé county ta the state sud îon dct. t, j1917 ......8000 lno connecting Llbertyvilié and An- Roads ta Be ImproVed. tiach. Alma a paved rond ta cannoct 1. A Rural Pont Road-Ridgé Rond Mùnlcgton and Lakte Forest. thaough Deerfléld (Telegraph Roud an The pupervIsors met ln spécial ses- alternative route); thence Telegraph' alan on Octaber thIrd nnd passed the Rond ta itocklnnd Rond; thence tO naemary final résolutions to provde Green Bay Rond; thence north On for presenting thé proposition t the Green Bay Rond ta Grand avenue and speclal Judici4l electian ta ho held on Sheridan Rond froin Wankegan to the the 30th of October for thé final ver- staté line-approxlmate length 24 ict ao' thé people. When it l realized miles. the tax neceasry ta pay, the tirat 2. Belvideré rond frain Waulcegan yeur Instalîrnént of principal and in- ta Vola, 16 1-2 miles. teréeS viii ho 20 cents an each $100 3. Oompletiln 0f Grand avenue of amessed valuation, leua than 1-rd frain 0eliemée strée ta Fox L.ake Ronds a! the regulan annul rond and bridge ta be improved vith Maney tea rêvet tai énch own le penmtted ta mate to Laite counfy If nas bond Issue and vhich le génerally levIed, and that passes ln Novémber, 1918.. Extension each year this rate wIli decréase grad- of Rand Rond through Lakte Zurich ta uly té 10 cents for thé at yéar, on Wauconda. the hasta of présent asseesed valua, Tax Rate and ValuatIons. ion, and that for an lnvestment Of Àssessed valuation o! $600,000, Lake county vili receive IA ke county for 1916. S24251,917.00 $89,000 van{h of 366 days in th yenr tistimated asXessed valu- rond, oes It not appeal ap vortb atIon of Lakte countY Whols? for 1917 (aven) ...25,000,000.00 filgures of Interet: Asmessed valuation o! Asessed valIuation of Lke county for 197. 7,310,610.00 LaiteCouaty fr 1916.124,251,917-00 Total fanm acreage as- Probable valuation of sésséd 267,387 acres. Lakeé county for 1917, ;,kMésed valuation farta (aven)...... ......... 25,00.000.00 acreage 1916.......... 4,949»85.00 Principal and, Interest ta Total rond and bridge- pay tirât tees.......... 50000.00 tax for luat 10 yearm. -, 950.080.91 Principal and Intérest ta Total spécial gravél tax Dag Sth yénr.......... 26,125.00 for lat ton years .... 280,U2.40 Tex lévy nècespary for Total rond nnd bridges firet yena- "Oc on each for lent ten years .... 1,230,933.00 $100 assessed valu'i -lu 1916 township paid spécial gravl Tex levy necéssary for ittéen townships levléd iln 1916 2th géar 10e or lsu rond nd bridge tax ef 61 Celt-the an éach $100 sMsémed full amount alio'wed by law. WHILE OUR SELECTION IS COIZJTE W e have ail our st0T08 at the old d « selling them on the S'ame barâis-'ALÇ&ZAK~ ceMbiLation coil and gas stove la the simpinat tovo to operate; cone in and w. wiflbe glad1o explain tuie exclusive featurea. Au elegant range of coats, of ulcomnion style ealects even if so inexpensive. This isaa 6.special" flat'more attractive dise anydhing you've seen at our price. Ail sizes. c FABRIC8: COLORS: .WooI velour, keraeya, bur- PluiTi taupe, foreat green, ella, chevlots and novelty tan, beetroot, navyy.Copen., Plaid mnateriala. blackc. KNIT MOTOXSI STS at Ç4.98 Pretty cap and scarf of Angora wool. ExcÀemkn value; ideal fortmotoring or sport wear, many 'calots Of notale sye o unissesandu nen. Mays>' fi mmed in clever cf- W feets. suits tisat practiai 'com- M bine bathqualit>'fabtics andAT sman t tyleiarice brotli W" o terec f ever>' woman and misa. Sm. art suite specil 3 .0 value ~pve~l ew odeam Ve jubeen acded to dit attractiw$3.OO hue and fuidSer sbrengthen dm seiana"of!the value ogered. Al fur-tiuued and fui colhars. FABRICS: COLORS: Waal voeour, light-walght plum, taupe, brown., chest- kerseys, burulla, cheviots, i ut, humtera- green, navY, pom pom, twilled velours, 1l black- TAYIET4 'CQATS Lt 02.98 Ver>'specavlusf*i aidetaleta pettucoats in handsmedmI ors.FancY flouces Two Remparjable O0- ng i ewFoClIS -ncl,«ied are m<ny Callege Princess models for misses and junior Dr@ep, 4e -modela ini wbtch the trimming departurt* are 'nteresting oan'serges, satins, tafettas, nd, new 2o=el combining these slko w'itli crepes. A large and attractive variety of modela for misses and women. New I.usM 4 .98 Crepe de Chine and Georgette bOuses in the re tst styles we ever olfered t 298. âii abuadBi4CCO Ç718 les 4epm- ing to misses an womneu Wool jersey, botAny mmies, fiie quality satins and taffeta mnodels in the leading colora: taupe, Cope», hunter's green. tan, btown and combinatiius. $PECIAL: Potticoa with taffeta silk flaunces and bealgousupper s. Al dhe lea ,u colora. .00*4*75 * Novelgy S S Çes, çtic mium~r fV h. Mome with La' iIr clIrgtatiltVelamgstyp as Weil as the mo<lerate -jn.tyjp~ n=t usualry F s4Çis. at G -anue o.~ta ll lpeayub button close wben neei Others wîth çle. Lro U ai l .nd mediiu shapes. çleer pocket mnd behe*dects. ethe Second Floor. r .~1 qzd ZïteB h frt o jPOed with anothet incroasein.te prion adftsa'th 0tiet etop olii-,t;.ZVà =F~10% thi 0fumlIk November 1 and for tbat rea, ed20 ye&N 6U ercent bod iltÎlon iýtiî tho > P î 0 s sn t i hlhy Imperative that t.he eseh $100 a5ee<o valuation 20 dnJ~ regulations bave boon complio &b uDply b. the purent possible.M. Tax levy r8iulred to pay prIndipab. j PveraI veoks ago Mfr. Boo'h. sfex- Wadth baigna bis inspection tour Tues- nd Inereat fqt the iOtb and lent ypty(r~~ povered by clty qrdinance, vislted #Uj day but vas prevyented train golng out istalîment o0'opse bniio n a A 1 -iw 'I TA5 dire Ae anywic upytoday because of the Inclenient weath- abis of 1910 vkluations 10 cent. u olcl<ocri.Tts¶ On he asi c 4~sse y~iaf~oi OLICEMAN SOOTti, MUALTRI IN- tMide pagsble by.jýs act tt* aÇ idtreling duiljigthe next 20 Y wîs Pý4-T0,*8,#I«r 6u52'TO T ttlg lativ4iîiiai<r Looks ès If Oppie Warden Kerl t only o0110*2lftue rate et inczesfe ALL qPtl#IeS ixCOUNtY. ýit to the egity pbyiiz a lwt cf 01191%wt nt te i» mo!n about the for ho lent SI> yeaks the rate for ma aire it. si bnes eth* nu ha l ùr nl, for cear vauld ho lésa than 5 centis. MAY REsUt! IN ARRESTS. At thattilne the ispector found the lt tho e A t GaisL,*ka sund- Average 1gte of tax on one acre cf . dainies for ibe 4ot pat wrebelp* lnq the homi' cf sLrnrisa, 14 deas aeem frm pîfîrýfor the firet yer Of WLLcaducted ,aatletactdnhy. la mornes WIf vQ7rody "»M tte cerply wlth IF kS N #IVE ases, however, ha found It necesmary the Ialw-..sfIY n excuses w(Il ho se. bond issue baeed on 1§16 valuation t COMPLlDWIV.I :Q ýI$ sue hagavihl heoii .te - h, be db' se cents. MADIR A00, t iplcs AH..ht On sme beals fôr lmet year of bond - io teniled to tImprove conditin.B 1s hpsriopfeal rie. spAue 2 cents. informod Oniryme t wu ilpt It in tnand no doulet Wll ho Policeman TXh»ia âBooth, Ilealth In* optional with them. about Malang Vwle caplsd in otheé places where thora la Prohabl M. ~ pecton of WauXegam, bas started.0on changes - they either had l>ni~ o lt of huntlén Lilllan'a father had beep traveling another tour of Inspieto fté10thë rhv hi supply of mIk ,iut forhi hfit ad te itle ir hdùl o moe gli 1es1 ouny.Asoff tram the local market. ,Flnd No Trace of Girl Who gioped »en bi nelh u t t hélittle gir hadn't orareltaof ties h e la n tyne. As 1-e In ofthe opinion thàt ail dairy. WIh Chinaman,' rends a Chicago avay pie W94 @t and pole and wors mary ta place under arrest dairymen men have liha ulfftcient Umne to a ae newspaper headline. Well, they VMdr» >ea nd a utce wi ho have not made certain Improve. the changes dohined. For tint resson ahigfcîdn"% look< for ber-a.h. deserves ilan vAS cflg ostairs and 10 otséugstd yth lcl m e w il check up anid mee boy maiiy te ho frgotten. Iobig, cisaven mn ovesr a have foilowed hlm suggestions mne ly. Weý w 'allure tao omply wlth the local reg- irasah i"e thub<llj': lations Ba l place thé respective recomniendations. o adPy ph [thfIi%.54a6f D'mn'" dairy on th# p c4à and ilu)pe- Waukegan hausewIves are contrent- Wa* Wka gt d PI orauy. ~~lack~~liat get Éi sud. a ed pa ? r. hit atthse exquisite and varied umiquely trimmned wihfur. special 1 9 75 value 4,9 4 9,85-5.,00 j Omâm& w «P ýw»mq %f ýy ýd q6àm ý -P