LV* nC*rI R 1n1 117. Tb@ Ou b bac elarted tu prae"t i se cFaumie Taylor, ubo va tat Jar thé owetta vhicb Uicy lntcnd to 1bthe'reabytetafl hospitiaM Cbicaoe, m f1ji, éS asD possile. 1 ihe rocait of an automobile accidieut vi»od u glad to lUtnto the . j caie i gn, bac retonsei bouse and 51. 0c.r bich Mt. Colemani reail ta ne froim 1l reported much ltitu;ved ba PIOIIT 'lbecgmotom.i aîph Lourey veili kown boe bu rillh itanieihbu besuabeut tli.Who bat been ruhig a faia near O"C4mafu t o i linete. fCeaut, Pl .ha retanxcd audndbroagbl iuagenmber of girl. gathereci Moa. vth him $Oo. peelUcis 0ai rt li t*9ltliA raitbasall ai ctIo. ral.edil he coLi.rn tael, oue car VW*oa ll@ bas reurus l o l, 5f1 abich le of the johmotou variety. Nf blug quusntined un accouaI of la.- lf iocbee la legtb, 7% luche. àu te rmesc, l-welghed 1 pound 10 The lhertvill Indeen = i anucssd auottl 18 lierf&t Iows o The beryvile ldepden bucorn Se aléo brougbt toeu.yclow fou dS rn, /ou tarenw y~n& re Jcow*i1~yc4p To- Feed,, the World and !ltsFrlends TILE ALL VOUR LAND It WIlI Puy Big Interest.WIth One P<rmnent gnvestmient OUR, STOCK IS- LAR(GE Dawa! ' the. Old Dpt Phone 47 nomehi Uic.. 0 este. E. A. Bishop, Mgr. z -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Manure Spreaders mie Beet Paying. Inplement on the Ftirm Nisco l V2 ere Ai N* Idea Good tEsiierson Ones Corne ini and look them ovçr. Priced Right . SCHANCK HAUDWAREýýS É-1O*'d%4 $beo LrqVille 0If You Know of Revu of Local Inýerest Pleffl Cali Telephone Number 1.: Treptow & Maien bave a very rattrac- tive display tii!. week. tiPi.L.oveii Drug Go. bave.alto window d1lopia ieutweek of eoldirc arleu. Mr. &Bd M U. .J.j est former reeld.nts of Waukegan, are nov reuldente of ont Christ Voon wba le a lcring front a aask of poanomia vautûa tu Wauhegan MondayIn t b. Larsen & Boiiand ambelance W. ce wherea wotauleoffouingbouee ttittene for $100 eacb. Wouid It Dot ). much better tu bey Liberty Loan bond@. Ut. sud UMm. F. Linblbody vent ta cicago Baondai ta mec thitso Watet loave for s tht-e veeko croIe. aroaad the Oreat lekec. B. cailed Undsy moru. log ai 7:80, Water va. Lbe second con tas loif t &bat bau. vithin one ve.k. We are luiformed lii Anguit Lovwel af mear Arcs tat tla epite ai tb. "Do baut- log" sigen mitboit tarai, hanter@ peralt on rosais«g over- Lblr proper: y and cituation lu the wooda and aniouïe vl.b. log te, svold trouble yUl p"a rend Lb. Dr. George T. Pauaroy. wvisc illiag irîit friemi e be.laé eek lia hic for hie beau la Olaimad, Cl. The and WUMDlatob, D. C.. an Mi ii sop et Uahy other ltte.ýllg polnte ouroabe tobl hiboe. Ut Poey la Wokt le. a6d hwBmauly fisette b» .aiemach pleseciof M ri. s tec u lt.he l. The. Belly DUy a"Il cs obodiet cbatteb Ueaday va. voll atoadl. lTh. pro- leua,.. orlycbldmrsiu ddrau- e: itesCradle Boi- Fana iLgtbody, Sept; Ibirtecia Be glanra-Mc. WyneCchiy. Sopt.; ise Piuaty-bort. rliau Jn.lsept.; Junior -1111!F. J. .More. Tlbh Junior devait- meus rmevd gald in. lort fhi atteadaucefor ans yeursa dgold ereiUm fuor tvrc, src. Moudoy muoang au fnquiry va. made ai thWaMSfl ilalemi>.4f brebarilbecu c Mascautepin advertSlatheu Lb.e.ud' columu. Tb* inquret lnformed unc hat a boy bad heen wcalng tLb. cminit and wurb. eao a ier!about Ir, tated ha l aiond n!Il sud the. lad bail heu Tadvrtlccdin t the Independont. lu tact- log lliraughcaurflice e ld naoll".on Wl Au act of thI. nature la liabie ta get on anlbailamunîte boy va. bld liy the ppersan luqulring about lb. nisitet. Ths embleus va. of no vane ta the. boy or piriape Wa hie parenseaod tb.reforc an effort aboutid b. maie tb rotura il ta 10 ovnet, via vonid b.horvMwlfing ta puy co.t sud cutable revard. A eldespreesi plot ta de.troy cars ci animunlîlon and cupplien for Lb. gavera. ment. vhkh bpase Ibrouglit th. Bondont yard@ oi the L. J. & E. railroad, hai beau fractraicil tirôuglidetectlvee lua i eupioy of Ibat roni. They arc @tilt ai vork. bcovever, lu irtetlug out thie con cç.ratorc andi a eloceguard le hein maiatalned about the e andaaltit i evideal ulien two dope fiendi werot gathetedIn lu lIre FridaS y lxth ,ruade êrnpldyeee and wete recognlzed aÀ Ithoce wbo looteci thcOGraham drux to:i ai Wauconda and w ho :ay bc e ibîor o! theSaine gang who totîthe best 01f1c Lovîl Drug Co. for a quantlry of dol and mcorne change dnrlag fait week. dey. Mr@. GNOSU . haYet Wh@ a Chicago viitor satuyday., calier satnrdiy. Dr. Qaioway made s trip to Chicago Mondi. Out uty eterli bai leucd caverai hà unt lng fIenea taecet!). MIc. Eva 'Wlllanlo le Lia attendlnir Utvrsiuy c01Il"uf. A. a. Bery Ï9 l lwoag ton, wafi ceeu on onr t mnitMondaiy. G 9. stfins n.tni Mlw:îikpc, Wac a cler lu onrtlova M(oada3 W. . RoMuan o! n.rv01 .wab a vialfor lat Our lnti a Môday, ILK LaaÈbcs$olbmctur, vwadotax bucinueseln u ooa lvaMonday. 'Cha«. Sherrer of Cilcego, mpeat Satur- day and SmndY sýUic Jeiley borne. John ltm.10 ainlu een behlad lthe counter at he po ~of bunece on - yankef vse ('harle. Bmrna4 Hubert iiowdeu and Moris Proctor fruim Camp Grant vlitd tiile orne.over Sodai. Utce. MaenC.'vàaab, wio lias been viclIlng et tic Novea bome, let for lier born aluEvamtS Sonday. Dr. J. L. TyIOfWbÀ thie week tor Mit!. Demata, t 08k a lsr ifarnng Inter. et@ lu tha 1aa. Jobt, Claude and Mica Mary Baieiy, of Waucons, vlited 8unday -ai the houe of Mr. aM u. J. kgroalci. Me.L ,Poaett r rbas eturned to fp ber hoie ati91lllnd. alter a vii tb vltb ber siater, lire. J. L. Oould.' to Wm. Brim ItAMA Kranz and con th and Mie. Btuek*vhited ynolid Krans th of do. D. 8USad Ilantfry ai loeklord, I 8andai. ,1dc Mt. sud VMec.9 f tCeveland andd e daugbter, 1lmte. W. Gmmti sud dangh- 13 ter Joy Wbul iàÏW Ouroiartland, Orea., IK Geo. Morrh,. A.ty.ylo Marrie, Gbae. oMorde sud ho ",kec athrine Morris e suo Myan léd U" lb Librtyvillie ofIe île ougtfflpm etoa crve "Our c0n»t-7" aM lbAMcSIn uthboue Sm c Pb»» mun. to- pmbttb.uvîhli s Tlia ebapler o(We.îmlnctet Gulid e b ii mml eli lire. NieholicuMR# si th. firet nie.tcg 4 D. i.ailrAembers aoré reqammiteÔ tébe Iiu.t. Utc Jameum O tCý , of New Liaoi, Wi., bit for houe ie' ýmormlng. saler a veeke vriilt wlhb Sq ea-la-laand Idaugbter, Ut. snd Mjc. Juell ulnd, sud famlly. - aebo had a turiongb af#. dd ivictede bie parentsetaL Osia" suntiLibheely. bvlle fricude. Mark l wkbe Ieu dHoupi. 6 tai# Corpe st lova. el eThe lait of lb. baud conerte va. givea ou .Wedueedoy ev.uolcg 01lait ecek, and, on Wednedaj evenunof I oftible eel, a meeting vW" W4 t ladevise. plane lii vieli the organlstioun e beld togethet dorlug the -Ioter monîl, c vthout &JI the expon..failiag apon a ) Mr. W. Fendiel recived "rd4 Salut. dai of the death ai ber ai. BtyJatte Straag at Salatks, Fioricla, o« tpbotd Tfofs Mr t.sud Mec. talqbreccully niove Ibere sud have thb. sympathi of ht bele nia.>' riendc. bu Utr..Matnandsud L. c et ilii e .junior Rai ros. earker4s thelb.owa halal aext Tueuda>' evecini, ,liotuber 16. Tliey bave wotk of vatriint ilndc eaciy gamnd wonl icile as mauy 6a.'Possible to corne Teda>'even iug 10 help. la rd Arrangements are aobout comploteci rd wheteby Liertyviiie vili have a bioy@ à1bctd. Prof. N îrbole, who 16 lutruci r pe o! lthe Cittrene' baund le a&b. beai o! tbe prcpoucîî.cu. Mrn Nichois conducte a boyo band ad. weil au a girl. band in pat few Étaya lcsnng buntlng lirnuec Larnont. The boys band of tha laie Tieretore on Uionday wban a soung mon has ieen irganitedi for alrnoct tvo yeare with a @Mnl Io f.e mad aCCOMPanieil ty and atrelice piicrufitheown. It. noW a young lady cctme ioabitu office and cemepossible that LIl.rtyvllle wili ater paselag a fcv timaly remaria con. bave a boys band, s e e havetlie talent [meigeed ta tait about a licence and sud the .oungteràq are Bhov9iag greal lnqu>red about tle whreaboatc fJudge lnterest in th icater ulread.v sud cama rMorn' office. Ut. Trepiov hui econldnl iave malje arrangements fot iheir la. ecuneci ithe Judge viti a huntiong icence cîtrumento. As the boye progrece there and llnalilycame te the uconcusion Iliat viilic mau oppotunity for thea t0 enter tcucnitinz senuon vau ovet for il, cailetu tIh. Ciltene bandi. Eaci boy vwill bave It wao.Q tmatriage licenâe tleY wanled ta furululi hie owrcintraMta it utU. Hoceever, tIc'>' ote given Information Nîchule bau made artatigeï,enga-@0 that ta vLIcct.Waukegmn an tanled oun tite boys can procure theuOn- a ver>' va>' eomevlat diuappolnted oe thîe cas>' terme mcand pccy for tIli teLcy dela>' but .1111lliappy. learu. lb yoc: haro a boy whnu: pli It seema that corne hunlerseibher thlu k ouid lite 10 ate uP lb. 'PlaY.iag Of a tbe>' are pivilegedc laractere or "no baud Instrumient cee M. Nicbols sud liunting" csigna apply taoioe e cstàraugemeutmcc au lie made tor hisl and noute. tiFarmeti place Iliece 1ecalmito thie lboys liad. sigu. on îlîer preile.. tor reasone of LîbertYvîlie nocelime 1t.ebest cafely and othor raions andi wlen j-ande@luinltic part of the étate andi huniers enter a voods celere iuaiingt nothing iii advertiue amiovu more ia andi trespaec@lng la torblddea tliac are a good baud, aud nov Il ve cao get a vlolating the Iav andi can b. prfflecuheil. boys lband started lfi viii bet 110ual lu may instance@ lbouter@ tan a rie ofai Lb.rtyville la capItal lttera. killlng stock lauta nothing of dasîro>'. log crope tbe fatmer bas platd. It ~S u~ ~ O :: nains thstbas coon aasàlicece lea el CoirnF" «h came boua trehbuk they caubout sur »ia e ,M ec uce tbey ba e a licece. Tf e 9 0 - bou~v.rm~j el in lutroubleil ùMj~ lit lb. n buao là alggguot nd.-___________ -é___ Mr. aMd Mr* . .A. Swountviltej aKt Baveawnoddugnday. Atiarnei W. P. Wlcce, of Waakegan, iraoaacted binesa bere Tuesday. Uye. R. Jcm.. tof Raven.vciod. la vicit. log vAlu ber ulcter. Utcr. Daniiel Ut. sud Utc. Ghariec D. Niuboils en- teirtalaed ntofciown vicitore Su nda'. kit. and Mmc Jolincton whcc live on tte Sncb fsrm are rejololar over th* rarrivai of a bmnuclng b"0 itobert Nole:, aud i'rcd b. .acoba at- itetccl eel iseeond base bail gsm ofutthe wtbrid*o cerles ln Chicago Saiuday. Friday aiternoon ithe pareut.teberc' ameteiatioun .111boid heitreguier uieet. tIh&ia the. owuip l:lmb Rbool buildingt. MOM..Katblin sand Dorptby Carr, wbo werp guc.utc of Liderir '111e iriend,d ti iveek, maode a trip tuo WaukPgan Sundar.. Uembers of the lirat cand second gradec 1of ulie granîrar acbooi are planning ta mtuaitheir roome more clceerful and wili give a ciale of baed àgondi; at the go@ conipanv'n office. Saturday, the. proeeedu ta go invarlu nylog picites. On Oetober 18. st the new Tovahip 11gb echoof, L1>rtysvilie, licgirnlng at 10. ni sud contlnning Ibrougli tbe ahercoon, a centrai county imeeting of b.e Womau'aCGommitteA of the State Couacll nlDelene vii lie hlid. A ebort ime Wirl b.e peat in oraniztion work. ire. Gertrude Stewart Match fa lrained lustructor itou Chie.ago, wiii 1> ai tbtc Liliertiville meeting. iu»i iy the figlit ugfinc;t the 41hil prieeo ai l has belic: rcc:inferreel fromu the clate's attoracy'c offIce t1fliat build-* lge viere bouzsviven bave takten up th rempalgu. àMiltuien vbo, wtntun tbeir cu.tousry ron cdo bave faund the laicrd "No M111k Wauted Hers" on the douro of cmmernid celiugt. Au a .ab- etttlc cnaed lîlor cvaporated croelu sa lo b.eed outil prim .are aialuon a Formalbaslc. '*Tb@ raiela Prim i;iM maelit IL mpoWeble for masp, Otur samile.u boy .11k tbat le nemdad for bidren. W. via eau Mel alotog vitli- ont It eau do seau. good by catting lova cocuniptlon, e. lia& ocgbt 1u bring dnore ha pries. Mev. fBorne, brioge n. an acteout of the mysteuiooa lid of aftrient! 01Ihic, c C. Conte., a fumner of lit.<larme)., uhleb la V«7y egaismca " ttaslme Mt. Curieabauvd la bic crop of cornau carjof momon coru beariug upon oie uide ut th.est rlu rcd bite" a ieufcclj ouine Rej Croc.. £Tom, tb.cornta ilS yesr tl iomteedli the lid Crase eoclty. -Sarriaglan Bevlev. JamaOi:by wbor.daon a fai m mueaprlag 0,v. eaullered alà0eIon!utver 01200 durlng tb. puât Iva creeku Iro bog choiera. Over twenty bope have <lIed trom tbf. droaded dlseau tb date sud otbera are dylng rapiliy. Itlal expeeted %bat tilrty or mors viU dle beiccre ithe dleaae l làliy eeeked, The, diceace va. finit dl.cavercd two weeke ego lu tb. Ohloby bord and Dr. Oordon of that <j.Jflgewac amnoned. On lait '1liureday Dr. Goirdoni vllb the aid of iDr. Forgueon oi Laike Geneva vacfnated the Oztoby bcd,-Antoeh News. *The memberc cf lhe rifle cl bo S t- tonded practies aL the Naval range ver. [.yell Morrie, Barry UeyemRe.Huri Bol, land Clay Hughbes, Ioilin Miller and J. Rt Allemam. Mach badtilve &ctet.:111 eacb position.,vllt' vhlch a Pocsible Swcoro i25 coald lie made. The mange f . 20M ya rd. and font poueitionc vere asolgned Itou vhich 5 @botce au vwac takten and a noeibicyceore 01 100 pointe icould be imade àTAN61NG Morris . 121 Aliemuan 22 ughies 22 Taylor . 19 KNEELINO Morrc 2 Ii ac 22 Hughesu ;24 /- Taylor 17 SQUATTINGT Morris 24 Allernan 23 Hughes 21 Tay3lor 2o0I rMorrie 25 Allemtan 21 0Hughes 1) Tbý or 21 Totani of 4-1oÏýitibmc:( M orrim fOil & lenait 88 Ifaugieb b5 Taylor T7 ~Boys', Now Belng 0 rgan ized INSTRUMENT AND TEN WEEKS' INSTRUCIOt' ONLY $30,W- $1 5.00 cash clown and 1 $.50 per weelc for ten weelcs, AMBITEOUS Boys WANTED FOR ALL INSTRUMENTS CHAS. De NICIIOLLS DIIRECTQR, LIBERTYVILLE BAND BandRoom - Over Eger's Hardwari «Dad evp um*e a fdmow 6",hiuk aON& o Tm mm f« actul ceaibwuniagwiIb*.,h. h a imfy andthi. onYU WMI wIb yh y 6?ifW ORDER TODAY WHILE YOU HAVE A CHANCE W, F. FRANZEN. JI Telephofte ri LibtyI South 14 rceyaldM 4 Corn .Flakes NrEdi eo jPer Pîc1ýge Edelweiss Frankfurters Per Pound - - - Good Rump Roast20 Per Pound 201- I51.J. DEINLEIN, ------- "Athena" Undferwear- Asz i seasons past, we will, this fall, feature the "Athena' Under- wear in our auturnu and wlnter stock. For wear, fit, appearance and irnproved special features, we believe that thf4 -&thena" la the best line we eau offtbr to our trade,, Wu- have these gioods 1ID the ' ISeparate garments, as well as' lu the union suits, and in sMveral weights and styles. Union suits in the -Athena" range in prlcoe FROM $18-25 TO $6000 * h vea_ _ _ __ltofL d es al ere', i ep r teg r m on s, have a s eial lot of )L.des' Fai U n es re ar, b epaxte au the n wilI be sold in the régu1ar way for thlé pr4ee, -thii sasuon Sorne broken lines o?Children's Fali Underwear WRI be eIogêd oMt at lette than value. It iwlll pay yon te core ne a nd seec Wtt sell the Ladie' Borne Journal M.saulue and Patterno. Tbe Journal ig 15 cents anidthe patternaîaro n(Me hliee, thau i ~W. W. CA O