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Libertyville Independent, 11 Oct 1917, p. 9

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>xlTY V-ILLE IDPENDENT Try pfR. >ÎMUT Lake CounW#' Bg Weehty WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN xLyQL. XXV.-NO. 41. PAUT TWO UJBERTYVILTJE INDEPENPENT, O4JTOBER 11, 1917. FOuR PAGES $150 L'Eu YEAi~ i~1 h>YW.J~. FI- - "-Thé Great Lakes NavalT 'raining Station vilI hé practIcail>' completeti this monlh. Aireati> more than 12,M00 mten are In training At Grat 1Lée. Tise full quota yl hé 17000. Great Laktes. thé largest naval canlount. consis of six camps huilt araunti thé central permanent estabiisntédpt On thé- Lake Michigan shore--Canill D)eve>'. erry, Decatur, PaulJonue,1 parragut anti Rose. --work on Iheme vas marteti Jane 15 anti in four nioniha thé facilitiés of a modem cii>' havé basa prorideti ai an cuta>' O 81,000,000 a nOnth." Tenta Dawn Oct. 20. Tt la tatet i a thé station thal thé lents nov in usé ai thé tallôn are sapposeét ta hé aken dovn b>' Oc tober 20., which means that tée bud. inga are ail expécteti to hé finisheti b>' that tinte. Autin H. ceroein '0f Lxingian. -a leader ln the Kentcky Site Anti-6a-, ioon Orgaiaati, 'vas leciti puuitid Maser of 'ieGrand Lotigé. 0f Anclent uflp*J iéelsgai ediai-Temple, Recior Gatistér viii hé ln chargea!1 thé service anti Chaplain Thompeon o! thé station vilI hé présent If po. ible. This in thé Oirsi military tuners] that bas héen bélt inta aukegan. In tact. Mr. silh's dti.tisinthé Oirsi ta olicur ln the petty ôfficers' ranis in thé naval réservés ince, they ver. establisheti at Gréai LaItes. * WON'T CONCEDE ALSACE. [Sy Unitetsdrea. - Amatérdam, Oct. 16O-Ormsany "wvill naver otcde.Franc.'. clalma on Alsace-Lorrain., Thé intogrlty o! s country cati nover b. thé aubject o! euptltio"a,;' decared Ger"mée For. elgn Secretary KIu.hlmann ln toda y& $selson of the reichstag, actiordng Io Berlin dispitches. IT8ABOY. tA ainé-poanti mon vaq bora thia morning ait'thé lake Coanty OGU"ua hompital ta, Rev. &»dMrs. ». fi. White -of 'Llbeeyrh1e. M. Wbite i toe EnOsosal «aia e 4ai Lt tnh .1 DECLARES GREAT LAKES CAN. MOT BE IXCELLED DY ANY; VISITS THE STATION. MURST AVILOIR, IS try anti riaitet Most of thé mîitar' O NI Û l I K camps antd 1 can staie thésaantary FO » V BI5 K. condtiions ai thé Gré aIt es Naval- Training Station cannol ho excelleti." A cahlegram train Raymond Bridge- Thssvas thé talement matie Titetbinan, one of théeioeitiaring meuxberm tia> by Surg-Gén. o! thé Nar>' W. o. f théeLaayetté escadrille,.vwa re- Braisteti, vho -is ln Chicago teatateid ceivet b>' his moiber lna Lobe Forest theéconvention of thé National BOard Tuesia>', ln vhich théestéty et thé of MédicaI Examinera. of vhicbhéo layoung aviatair vas assarei. lMrs. président. Britigéman salti she ban iearnéd from 'After maklng a lhoraugb lnsPéc an aalhoritativé source that thé tien of thé nev haracks vhicb yl American aviators ln 4'rance bavé houes 1700 mon. I fid tisai éer> bean notifleti b>'thie Unitd States for- précaution bas beén laken te Insurse rninént thaÉ thé>' are te héoiir"c. tbé occupants againut diseases."ho tors aI a hugé iylib~ool mmaedontlsj 4Mit. "Thé most modera sanltar>' ta- étaabiched for 10,000 Américan &Via, ilUtes bive been Installeti." tors a fev umilea tram Paris. " Wlite'- Enamel Iron Beds; Special $,5.t)8 A hceavv Iron Bed pf the popular continuons post style. Fit ai". Attual worth. $9.50. Many other iron beds-one of a kiî'4-at bargains while they hu -At $ 17.98 -a reudaoflark 0 - At $12.65 Bodqu»ýa-I gr een mtallc finish, Trimmnet i th bras@. tin finish. ]Reg. $20. lua I »is. LImit..tam*i Kitchea Cabinets -s pecial $3625 leed-Çrriisç Napanee Dutch Cabi- Fibre-reed Carniages in nets, the most famons brovn uor gray finish. of ail cabinets, at a Easy riding; fuil iize; .close-out price without r u b b e r tired wire equal. E-mery fimprove- wheeis. Actually selling ment. Sold 4~r $45 reg.1 for $27,50 eisewhere. Ha.rtford tinalA BUSINSS r.u~ OR .4.cRAILSTATEIENT OF TH4E OWN*IP, 6MA=MENT, CSUAIP 'U M P 2'O 2*cl LETC., IREQUIREO DY THE ACT 0F C or 0FAUQU = Olr FOR Il PTO Of i.iberty'.iile Indepéndent, pîîbished weekly at Libertyvilla, Ill., for TI E O El jU Pe VUT IN tae f llnosOctobe r 1, 1917. T~ N wnIÎs1. . Cony of Lake.S. I ~ OVER JIJAJ COU I î Befo e me, a Notary Publie in and for the sBiai de o~ to law, depoaes and gy that el the 'business manager o the Liber- ID -tyville Indepéndent and tbat the foit owing in, 10 the béut of hie knaowlsdMe T~ MIH AVENOINICA LAN DRING WEEK TOTAL Washington, Oct. 1.-Wbetber thé and bellef, a true statement of the ownership. management (and if a d46117 ais AT rV Ig«0F FEELING $107,20W WTH 186 INOT RUJM ENT$ people of Illinois are ta pay 2 cents paper, the circulation), etc., of the a foreei publiain frtéd4 IN LEAST îwDOsPOsgoFLE O CR. mile paséanger tare. as i; lid by the shovn In the above caption, réqulréd by thé Act of Augspt 24. 1912, ui- _________state 1m, or 2-4 centa, now bel ng bao1ed In aection 443, Postal Lavsa and Regulationa, printed on the ré> verse ide-of tiaisform, to-wit: % UI136 CONVEYANCES MADE. chargéd by the rallroads on &Ilfuira- 1. Thot thé namea and addreaaea of thé publiser, edltor, Taafg W LH S EUN HO E taté trafflc. viii hé deterxnined by éditor. and bustiess managera are: lii t~ SR.eI Businea sot thé recorder's office for thé décision of thé Supremé court in PubIshaer: Lakte County Publiahing and Printing Ca.. Waukegan, IL1 TELL$ CIRCUMSTANCES OUP thé ekedn W 6 97 yA h caus in vhich argumenta vere Editor: W. J. Smith, Waukegan, 111. thé vék éndii Oct.6. 191. by A Managing Editor: W J. Smith, Waukegan, ME. - RUNDNO UD!N ASSNOK. Bdvés. assistant secrétary of thé hoard yesterday. Business Manager: F. G. Omith,.Waukegan, 111. LOCAL HARDWARE DEALER& RE- OF YEOMAN SMITH. MESSRS. HULSE, $MI"M, KEW -SécarIty Titis andTrUst Company: If thé court upholds thé raie ad- 2. Thot thé owners are: .(Give naines and addréases of Individual inbwm PORT HEAVY SALES; FORE. NEOY ARE SEnGEANTSe; GRADY Nabro ovyfca 3. Vence théIllinois 2-cent tare law viii era, or. If a corporation, giv its naine and thé naines and addnmeséo f stcock- Nambér of îc., iaché16. b nulliiied and the quietus put on 2- hotders owning or holding 1 Dér cent or more of the total amount of tek.I STALL RAJSE DY 0AS CO. William Walthers, the chief master AND RICHARDS, CORPORALS Nme flaî 9'Lakte Coanty Puhliabing and Printing Co. Waukegan, JILI -et arma Who accoinpanied Chiot Yéo- Total flamber 91 instruments flild, cent tare légialation In othér States. W. J. Smith, Waukégan. li. SIIE IH SCETI.MnMD.ISmt hnte-tu-155. -F. 0i Smith, Waukegan, Ill. efor Philadelphia luit Thuaday anER AEN _ ARAT._oa___eto jas $0,20 . That thé knovn bondboldérs. mortgagééa, and Other Security hoMel' SPIRTEDFIG TISCERAIN n~n M ILK Slthvhé thy '%~ ERM NENBWARANS. eota abutcfbans.10 0'ad Mb HÀ Oong Or holding 1 per cent or more ofttotal amnnt o! bonds, mortgagn. CITY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OFIIL LOETERvovsvt r iihve éh. quit. Ei'j £aLandéJor otherscurities are:(Ilf there are nous, 80 statu.) tpldOe ed eundt a-E The tolioving are thé more Import Tréaeioe EFFRT TOPRVEN *SER- UWE ITPN T D INTH &ntduls That the two paragraphe next aboyé, giIng the naines of the ov@e ICI CHARGE" SEING MADE. kégan Tuesday evening. C.LS APPEN TOE NTE. n a u emi:. hmso to IÀ IQI U BLIC ers., tockholdér and crt odri ncuanntol h to Mr. Wathers' arrivai enabled thée AM A TE IM.le teuthe an: n-. "dhponpaontoktockholders and security hoidera as théy.appear upbn the books of thé Cesse titI. ttth lrtacuat acoo othé herdondla A délopngteyany but su, In cases vhere the stockholder or ecurity holdér appeara upc. The attitude ot the Lithuanien Citî- fmmlly 10 gmentavthén tirs thaccokratethtactsanoas trsrts o Inriy mnhe cadu adyo enaninthh uwrouadlng thée ddden death of Mr. Fe ak nmn aévnterRoyne 1 ce oi' a acuxial considéra- Camp Grant, Itacktord. Iltl e n om e o the ro copyatrtéefor b a nyothr u ary réiuon.la théa zenis Club In declaring tisai the Litha- Smith vho bad apparently beau n x apore In the Rocktord training camp, lion. M sies athétract bought by Editor Thé Sun- ase to! the pérson or orpationtoivh insinahtrsstée lacing &ai afull anian reidents of Waakegan wili dis- cellent health vhén he left hère, and. announcement being mnade Tuesday Laurenco Wilder.' Wish y o aold thafflt th- COý-: knowledge and boîté! as tu thé circuinstances and conditions under vhieb delaé tsI énee ti btatenonvhnofiia otc1vs Eminogéns F. Bqrfeais hoaght thé merdlal Association for th* là0h W« -tockholders andi security holders vho do nol appéar apon thé 'booka oi t"é card their gas stores and Instalil lhai erd ta on rfi e.atronwezofce oiewnConolly proierty Ou thé veut ideéof boys hati there thé day ve lefI. Wé comiany as trustées, hold stock andi securities Ini capacity other then thït stoves betore they viii consent to, BO ter In bis lits. made Ibat three Wauxegan men hati North Sheridan road tram Mary M-ail appreciated Iit very mach ta thinh ot a bonsa Ode ovuer; and thi aaffiant bas no reason ta bélière tlitmtay ~he taxed an atdtianal 76 cents par month Eb.,death vas probably dus ta- an been madie sergéants, and tva corPOr- Cndin fr a n orlnsdetionar v.kgapo ple. gyvat a sen ofotplesan ssociaion, or orpoecratin bs tanyasint.éreil d b ireto nirc as a -service chargé" by thé Nrth ave faXéd heurt whlch bati bécome aie. as tollova: 9. Cremin 1h. Carl P. Wésterfield r corné out berseeéry Sandsy. Lots P. G. SMITH, Businesé Manager. Shore Ou. Company, corréct' s te bst 5t amInlry térméti '1attV'. ahé' eist- boumé on thée s i deft a! ftNorth ave- ot them find il bard la look as a>. Sworn 10 andi submeribet befare me this 301h day of'Oetober. 1917. prsssth attueofa î iajztyatneyaovdthé béait ta have fat- len Smith. nué. Wiah yoa vould publlah that ail the WAYNE T. STUPVT. tpresseconhedartitudanof thbigfait, to i Minard halée. Peter B. Cook bougbt thé LavIna Waukegan boys are in thesnoe coin- (SEAL) (My coinini3e10n expire» September 15, 1921. o!he pethpte intethé acdty.r I Carry propérty ozu South Vlctory pany o ut hère and maybé il viii Theé ae anypeolevbohav1 ethr iththéexiteéntan ovr- Gordon Kennedy. Street south of! Qien Rock avenue for make It easier for some of thom to nthr wae for théopl coorpany taxat r gy roved tocn iuch. Thé' Corporel- $1,600. finitithe boys 'ampany E, 342nd. pt il"efrice chage" mPRYa o party left Waukegan Thursday marn-1 Joseph Richards. Irving G. Wagner bouglit a 34-foot OSCAR IVERSON. WANTED0-100 sales ta cry; 15 years énce in séiling Sales, and uan gi. pté bav e triecage. any sncb Iln and the afficers remainaed avaIt. Evr rd.lot an thé véat aide of South Park Co. E. 342nd foi.1 alday avenue, South of Water Street. tram xe____In__dig iv tok bhy prhaefsltll er ilatos action1 adMr. Smith, éver alert toi It go happeneti that Mi. and Mr5.Phlp heinfranonlcn!--jeprecenhndngiestk.gdhntmrie;bt at. b ucaigterDtsoe me1bs d Id nwankétak ganet b i éhrdn o oinlcn ncea: sec me héfore listing your saN; *a, L. E. Mulsesof Wuea andtis drt .Saw Mer. i machiner>' andi real estats énabiés me for terme, etc, ai<ireaaL, .. î. 9lo.n4 diatel>' and having them Installeti. LO-, b pI rd ay iev e Jé a rnea t- n wf ,A A . Hulse o! Iova, aPeer Petérsan bought a 40-foot Mrs. A.- "l îeceived an awtul frigt to knov the values anld boy tu gel W adsvorth , 11. Fuam er' téiepbo.e. > cal hardware deaers assert that the : continueti steadily friday and at 12:30' vLeéna Camp Grant, RockortIn t thé lot on the véat aide o! South Jackson yesterday atternoon.' ikra. B.- Ys, demanti for ilstoven neye a en a deraln5 henasnt a bee o aut cciock *they reacheti Philadelphiateno. cligo h omra son treétt ram Katié A. lsen for a nom-! 1 saw ber rlnging your doorbeli." them; have bad three years experit.y gow kee sI a s enfrth et1Tbey bad no breakfast, as thé dîner Mlnard. The latter hati juil starteti Emma S. Parker, Jungle M. Upham.1 - -- -- - - - -- JuRms hot phecrequontthértrainnuntil o to bis ~captain ta, ask permission Allison W. Gresa and lie Parker ok Juétvhe théréqesifor n I. laté In the inornlng. anti visn they ta shov thé party over the camp Utatt thé Emmia J. Green praperty mr-- crease in rates viii be héard b>' tgé; reacheti the Station they walketi abouit 1wecp ' h atl ethmat nthée et aide 01 North Genese Public Utilities Commission la not nov1 12 bock. bétore reaching a restaurant ,saîtpi: h atinmthm and eetO n orhc h 'AfrSe atSo ltnovn. t la known ihat the geai coin-1 In whch théy fet disposed otakeIt thé a nomninal consderattiin. Ou En reLn pa>'hs iit apéiio vi té ou Say, hére'a sameihing vbîch migl InLe .ake BioS: WI1lam tB. Smith of Stewart atw r pay a fld ptttnwih h 1mforprioners uho vere In ihéir Intei-est the folkts." toIt title' ota h.e s prapert>' on mission. aptting forth the réamons thé chargé. "Wliaî la fi?" gskéti Huus, as he the Soatth side cf SeiSnton avenue. Stoves Must be o g t 1 1 oficas !th cner hihthey, rhey entereti the restaurant andi the réachéti out tira bond andt och a paper eat t GenaveUedUoef toecas ahouiti hé aliovedtu ta nrea ei aire for $1,636.24. Disose o rae.'Te aé tth eerngbsprIsoners seati themmlves ai thé trom thé cai4ain.Aponéat Mili.Dees Completely th ü noies y' Thendagite te ouigals .tables vhiié Messrs, Smith andi Walth- *"Lookt and eet" x'pliéd thé afficer. Alouh Anana MIS101, l ge e ro e elv e t uce i mpl e ls . c rs seateti themmselves on thé atouts Ant-Hals id! Norths avéséD*r$» ~ eelentcinapetu. In front o! the caunter. There hé tounti s commission as avenae, for a n mulial ip n. corporation Counmel Arhur BaikIey Maks Rmarit Oies. egat s dtohmb dt- . Pantins J. sincere bbu«' a lot oný bas recpielvéIinstructions te, represént "e(, utits bthrsel alh rhrgeantissueti ta l y Sit-n. thé north aide af NorIf 1A'Sité. ést m ithe City' in thé Oight vhich vlw é 'e.bti' o èe"sat mt-Ata arot aail>' igt.of Harrie avenue, frtm-.vle J ers tanSiith. Hulse turneti with a quick ste-p anti Beach for a no oinitt dentiion. ventthe ew ahédué ofraté f -Ii~ ahoauti amyfi tei-it muet hé 90 In hurriedt ie bsfoks ta viom hé proad-in leHighand Park: JélAr anti ventettheHendrichsoste of miea lot o ZgIn mbeffeci. Thot thé City viliihere, reepondeti Mr. Smith, anti as l1>' plyedthécommission 'hich thé ea edide f .IudonavnuloîhOn thé test Word paséet is alips he fell makes hlm a sergeqnt vermanentlythe f Rar Williame avenue, Southl malte evér>' effort to Vrevent te rmise torvarti Walthers grabfl ieihm, bé- not temporariiy. t ram Carlton Grant for $3110. . 1lecate r o n S d i t lt certain tromn thé attitude taken b>' I elat eeyfitdbcaf ubro mnhv evdfrtRgrR n ateieTyo u-1 chasetintthe beItlof theperty aimthé-A massve Ieater, that will do the work Siofnt mlaebersoth îty coms-lierItéhang rel onaniémpY ti ecaUa e A numb o!meInthavéservacti for age e R.an Ca eréTylor pur sic» ~ ~ ~ ~ ah AI ge htti.asé a dtheng a Itha emetyurat.masaietle tim erein thseorcarpais nortixwesr corner of Lincoln ant For- eeonomically as Stewart Heaters aire flot fair ta the smaîî consume"., for ai'at h éti hérsaln. aeeprr> egat r~roasét avenues for $6.250. -fanied fotir, at a clIose-ont price which 18 It tbrows thé hurden of the lietreaae Walihers endéavoredt t revive hm but thé appoiniménts Tuestia>' el'é Thomas J. hemn boughl a lot on thée on themn bt Ih vas apparenti> too, late although permanent warrants, givlng them lbhe north aide of Lincoln avenune rom tfar froini incomnparable. A beattul de- *'If the gaz couapan>' vére tu, point thé victim n s urriedt t an auto- positions In thé army. Catherine W. Taylor for 81M.* -n hnsmly nceed Ag moil ndrshdtote efesn er.Kendyt teyon mn William Herbert. Johumosibougis ii nd hnsml ncee ag out that thé nîcreased cosi t o aî lantid bl nirseitatéJfé'at Sr.Kend stéyagmnlot at thé noribveal corner of Maple - ire-pot. An offeriîîg cvery stove buyer > labo maks ilnecessary that thé hospital. whére filvas declareti hé hied living on Hickory street Who vwu, nt Port Clinton avenues tromi John sh ldnetgt. rates hé Increaseti. Ibère voalti not passéti avay bfr l ria.H ict bcag !téqoae 21A. Carroll for a nominal coulidera hé go mach objection," Conmlisslonér latér vas lakIn ta the naval hospital men vha le! t here Sepembiér 20 for îinLbryii;CmlsH ail Dur'tt aseerteti. "but any auch raineé nan toiquet andti s l owovti.Rockford. Hé bas had somé mliary Ilion tvle enel LMdl shouiti hé on the fiat rate, whlch voalti'the helief o! the board o! inqalrY hé- training previousî>'. o or oene e t i ston éaor smliBOY. C distrilsute the Increase over ail the lng thal is death vas due ta heart Corp. Richards hati been employeti ram lRobert H. Lyon for a niominal A sm allbt ighy eaer hîh l "Hé hati ééémédtuta eel fine ail thé service. Hé is not a WauItegan man le Lîbertyvilie Tovpmahp: Charles va>'. In tact, hé vas langhing anti b>' irth. L. Harder boaght thé Miltn Galseri ('olsumfe littie fuel in its work. Novel IAITI~L'joIing anti inthé eitofspirite," éaid Cr.Gaieté o !Psia-172oracrnsinnalrtbvea tMatrsetindesign with nickeled parts. A match- REAT ~~~~~~Walthers. Who vas deepl>' afféctéi by ter Grati>'o! Waukegan anti Isvél17JornK aonl cougaide*a««itiàsLtr ttisStraypi BO S-40 0 4 1 Funeral Tomorrow. Waukegan peopleé yul hear wiih William Herbert Johnmson fqr a nomn- -Thé tuneral vii bc hélti ai 2 o'Cdock Itéen Intercat thal these Waukégan tual considération. RECRUITS S O O Ntomorrow aflernoon fram thé Christ men have recéivét the. recognition, le Grayalake: Lillian I. Coalson t wtSt wt Epizopii chrchandthé military a recognition vhich Shows thé>' havé thé east aide o! Siuaser alseet for - featurés, hécause hé vas a chié! pèttY applIeti theinséives dligenîl>' ta their 130.o.R ~ g IMPROVEMENTS ARÊ NOW NEAS. officer ai Great LaItes, provitie for new daîles. lnElia Township: Henry Uccelman R a nf ge 1NG COMPLETION-NEASLY tiis arrangement: XItva. rather a nice thing thatMi bought thé Pter J. Bockélzian 20 READY FOR 5.000 NEW MEN. Right bodybearera. anti Mrs. Hus. bappénsdtulahé at acres in thé northeasi quatrter sec- Eighi chié! pétty Officer body us,-thé camp jusi ai thé limétheir sontIon 3 faonal onhldon. uy 4l , 6 55 !'irinREg aqOC.u2.atit . recéivéti thé warrant making ima a Geai-y ogta a masterle sal the Muffleti dram.ren. section 16 for $7,50. t Sertr rteNy DneBa- Bge.William -E. Brolts bought thé Sarahi Thte Range we picture For a low-prîce range of-i noaneti yesterdaY that 5000 addition. Dtail of 32 sailora. ro 0arsi h otes ai naval recrits viliiho sent ta the Arthur Nelson o! Norh ChicagO, aquV'CTD ~Uartereton 40 r a thé ch eitwt amngeoe eigthssad e CréI ake TalnnîStation vheii énilaletman ai the station vill bien iAYI a JVRUM I. qdrer eio 4foRc8' de hrwt amn'lst, eîgtn ttd ln imrae-iitis ovhengmae i héa ol, Fae o ac. for a nominal consitiérsUon. and every Stewart lm- gnieSe atR ne Impryemntsnowbeli; mde t te a1500 ~Fce o FceleInNewport Teweshlp: Par B. DIX- station are complétedt Iis montb. Thé dlégation tram thé Station viE l oii AJIi n toochdtlléet a mastér'. mae ta th. provernent. A guaranteed only threeê of them-. o! thé Great Lakes Station thé 590- attend thé fanerai ai thée h h niLena Winters tarm of 58 acéta iszec. baker. Other high-grade regular fanu.y s"e. Whie rtar>' séi: _ . ___ accampany thé cortege lt .c eux. ,IUb àflia e> p U ITANtion, leaIet asecrans for SA 82" Iae ,+.tni I<7 .--- ---- .- -1 -9 4' --nv 2975 $1.50 PER YFUR "IN A-DVeIM , FOUR PAGES M WARr LIMY ILIMI,--UJUIY ip4o.ioj. rangeF at ciose-oui; prieeis.

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