RAe leonewb ln iFraoea and thé f m À Aa l#balolor Tu&a.Iryveniirg UI<p~JLI a fe-w wepkrrago, whr'rî jrIl Ils at, j 31 AT a mîonthin ruemiug. EhItkem tihe soldiers Ibrother, andi otirar relallvem. nCmGritw,#toIi Illte. Mismes ela (iiigri harudJElla lit cen.I3N S n et iij,<r i, --tod a- rýt The Errysi Netgiborte are planning on berger eie-nt tiwre' %-ek -rd tl 'r 1"'"TALtiENTS, orl ,rrRU Tr ,'O.Rr &àa hazaar lu hi heid Duit montir. lie», Kent. who j-4 atteîîdîîîg îhio i rr> AS RES ULT n ;o:î T:at - :.r il!,, Mr. andi Mm.Carleon of Waukgati .itY et Ciansiaign, 111Trui Phn l wre ilunday guetit oblr surnd dcs. M 44eii:rg îrrz rf h.lC~ a- fl, E A E UL o r- i.,hs - lq-i - filork. Mn Kaîrîre e id îueeritcl i,%.e. j' rîil Overseer Voliva Predicts Dire r l ' >lv',j RUSSELL. n. of M.Atoltti fHereafter for Musicians in l rjliir me, peut L.....................-. .'A wlitir rirrdrcj a irrirel lu Cabarets and Caf es. - 'IH" The Ladiet' Aid, iMros. floulti'.. W&Bday ti eir rl rie jia rrir-g'rrj iXcr-r'jr. o 1(Oak Prark, totattendeti on accot of othe IMnT-OR FR OO-ldrc f. 1 j---r ais. j~rr ti hr'ti lrnaîîî-v 14tbîî weatbtrr. 15-YEAR OLD OY MUST' lji'FOi-fil> ir'. t I riiîIl fi tt'tcfqrcit thre alloween eti*lile DISAPPEARS PROM 'Tira polir old 'sorldIi l) fr ji 10',rrg 'jr ,r rA Wtuuetka, au 8faturday ulgt,Oct27. Funtorali. HOME IN ANTIOCH tresrftha tnoonue exerri i -l- o' rrilj Ura.rîî trri oftOak Park, Mr. Bartz wasaetvilned et J. Bl. Waukegan, Oct. 23 wailii of Zion krrow wlir r . u Shoîr- in ljh'. a i frii,slir iN ette c lev - o r is d oer él nd<.L-e -K b W ileu , ag ed 15, -on of* J ohntol10 k,", ays V o iva. 'r .l a, - iaimr i d nn c-u ati rrr r' lire Car" iznfomelyofRoe. i'lcox, a wr-Il known farnur resid- SundaY afternoon ire gr-i .- j sinallirox. rHjwrll ;rnd olhwr rd---r mnte Dlng rn ,laoitbe]&e lirey.Brunohn lng about trio and a tialf ties wî-a: hope for any souilon to îh' ,1j wilIb.- giiirî r., e,îry lrnsnv nin.C ville. 111 , bae D". nJoe-lfFrdy.B llwa ntîoch, rodr- 10 sciool on tue hor. ,diatresp .but thfbreturu 0f jth, n Eirntrt sjxtili i -,rr - iaî vî 'ni iree o lutir Nu Crck ernter SsrrrtayMOndai, mornin., andaftéîr 'el.rig 10 orue the nationsudo-r -i!,. ;may bIiirepîri. retîgif)il or irii a- OCTOBER 2, 1917. e-n vnr. FO""R SALE---CHEAP Five-Passenger Viehie Car-in gooci condition -Caîm de-rnonstrate at any time -A bargair. Ten-Roo-.n House and Lot -centrally licatd bou: .a i -) hm M ilwauk,- .'verue- "n rr iigood shap1e -Ail modern convenieiicrs, brdth, 4--, tric lrgi.t-, , g,, etc. For sale by owner. No ag~r, -eJ apply. Address or inquire CAR OWTER, Care Independent lues hiverf ustenttInir bs dayptriredarrl rr-fau..tire animalinrutire-stable, disappeareti îorm of go%,rni'rrt ahi' jIl r opinion un sur h niratîr r. Tht.g walitditura rnayo tr eie Mr. and r. (]sa. leFrrr@irtined mysteriouaiy. Ail efforts on rire part.flmuet auperasede ut otherr- if jr î,,, Tjh i 4t een-i,1-marde- ,n r Stari Richarson recuoivecd a four dur Company Sunday. 0f tire famliY (0u Inrinaoe trace >f ram-:>. Infteai of a brigirt ra , thorilrorftan ocltj<'rr' c ýf i l ,;Iî' furuug th ltte pat o ]et eektu Mr. Carson, thet. imtkrau spetita fewa'the, boy have faiet. This ifli ruorI rir >rIe horizon, the 'ebador. . ooiied i! r#:> lwi; of lire laI;I. cone hume andi see bisa toger. wbo hl ioa nt Henry fiaurto'.. tier ailer came 10 Waulsegariandi en-irngthening, an dthe worid %,;, .> amne I' ii hoi'ttier iand thon'ica.rr bisse qut. .t.k. Tire Roward'm entertaiued omriay listet tire aid of the sheriff'ir office.aptrroaching iUs Getheemnai . .,Nto tire concltusion tIraI icirii arr. B. L. Carfield vnezaa&,blesaovitor on Suaday.Tire tailher deciares thene waa ir - 'pt for the' Saints, tirer "ulr'rI iions con trîrîl.fjr, sit;rn." i busnes th laterpat o toet eek M. and Mrto IL t1,N4ilrswere Ker.oîha Iutely rio reason, r-rfar as hé. krrîw, nothilit for'lthe mairies toi i, f,,iere tirrirt:> Rflbm mtht oterworklng inloitone mouda3 wiry thei boy abnuid liai-, gonlfe wior tand le but tire Lake of Fri, hdf,.' mnlithe question Iras îa> idjr carnr er hcg) iIis ostu accord. rellgn cf tthéanti-Christ. Pr",t'-i front Willrr i. iii t. TLe*ieranre n ear o Mrm. --and- ~ Sfarrir sirowpteieboy liaiti lîft hi lu> *ni iriwand,'said î0! , , heid cf theIt)owi( elles, oe ruf TeIttsgre nd r. n the ..,B.~14lunchr basket In Ijhe sciroothoirs. , j >eý,"r, 'ut1*11 ell you 1i tirrr M, out obetion hs a of ' Vuapaeaed taway Sna utie - -- Mieddnu rrwrp trntr.er c e Irh a> !t ho#pitJ nt Waukegan. artir pueurnmurs ntshwtpwe héëcolt glitl. L'vo .., , ubWech s have ieen vactîldar Tb4ý eniain stere tainen tiiNew Yoirk liri lilpir Il. Nrir bail iis trînètlir andi bell rang. One 1boy rtrlis of ha> jn, 1 afan ri tcl ijralliîer tire r. -liz, wij (<niltlnue r o W, r.i' Ir i burial. adriordori'r-îrived lart V. -Iiueda> run a sp fi-th i m'srrrg hoy 'rart for t, n ti trîrii'jrîrl 1 dont sant lie t matI' r whali ls rfr'i ' . u î Wni. Green,. r-tru il u oairuvîsîiter Witteî Chicago buepial lio n ! mlk uIsd'r ucar t i- i .ilroad j. îciledr'rar r> %tir tire beru-.î.r arr,.;is(njet reçuSbufer rod-ift L later art A aetr%nvon le rn at tierne of lds w tuh% ~Drcshatr- ailsirf- .' aterp rMn. E. A. Mrinî, soitnrday l.itr trr nw 0brrir-il onl'faîiepriohet l, __ tlatWeek. vrîe Ivlares fur Miei Vida jatiçrnn,rrî iis ïJ îîendotlar Inluitsris ikert .1l,, t"ii- fuThi-rlacOnirng a tir'-m lr' ç ofaM C Lep dtrang ati4 iiniiil3vsti éivcnret'd rî.î u-noarîd ialulen i-le r is eii'rilrrd a t ria injg a,,'dr-r ard 'l l isaugoiS rrî ÀSE P ON S bore Siruria. yu,11adyta FraiWi sr rg rjrrr C h iago Mouîr-.prewbseran i arn a lairge n-ri wd aw- Il, r100 POuntâ is,>re fi-et ta ji andri hr d fitrei cwn onîtIeliertlJ> day. attautiane. yés ad liglît iaîir. I r' rre . 'Tbhr Sasrrisrlire judgr d rr 'IIFra u . lilbad i o o t liflour" Warîing iair given by tire ni'- Iriitansdria .lr..- î'i ele Io Clér'r'-lé r ey madei'> I -' fUND; DuI:i Paul r ant i l m -i r-la@ dr .riu 1iSt. gblrem n sd friRrlif r .t n ar.d Mnr. coar. t.lit'R Mary Jeauetter lhirv-Iiîud waël bofiralu Tdoas eveuîug-n t-r Lear-autvnur.boairtt!rYriîrr an irik,-l r'Tfrr- lii 'tiil- Hi veir' U NSSMIL O Mvou. Oct. h, 1h47, sud dueli Sunday -eeig 1 Iypiaai vnn o l( orglii is urriî.Ot2.11.Tieeharacter. W 0 #Pen t.ire Cari juL r're army tIlJI;il liocgo,.niaitfrplaire. tii rtlirltata iraiuttihe gerlur- ýrsr: W C. Mvr-Uîîiarîi i-î 'l.'à r..rîd l ray hai- rrîn aa.>, stir,,u' jr o r. irr instatice. rne maur su a a North Chicago Man Loses chiîtisu Hec îile abtr s a ýin i c.-ou ul f g'-tting ru tire rervrce or ptaityon: tire siolîn. H -c-e jI?! $59 'Ol&p' btG au alurîrt eitiry tri, t Ira nIdl i,i eteti lr r nrîl>iiii r-. i _______________ _tA lrnt for ptinig for thé -- w15 obu e a u near Round Lbre ai r e-ut t.ri'ntinrug for liiiri ,ir r (odI Iàloné ru i rible - anPeaaîdIhr slptrrr r___ ottirnsTi. of .nir'ntilts tî'anrrm'j iiiii' U i(LJI i e star lu tire cabaret. trr r lUe11 'sli tre rn aiîiir- oy-r auri pnîr'.jrîi a,.s g., ri i ir rof!mr ia> h.thi- -suitalent Iteriîî1 rSENDS THEM BY MAIL. blaeuitrstrli sîî a- un s te otunste n- Ll.>re it-nririg Itoe 1'.B O IE SH C and ire use. tis talent for cuitrvrNts enough tlierst h fnurre haes 10 pcRoy.'eut ale afrotaIgi ied POsénifor, tire ciurcir. for ruheckrs, Chec s, etc., Intact in- elb.mo n ir ieathfnir ebesandWapulpit Sunday. lIRo. ,A 1. satiocîl sili 6AN rrEE Te inr'rs .rar i trrregitimate Ii . Man's WaIIetArrives Home boai o m iens. man hesati nepba ni as ir e hornme t ud ay. iAU1EIV..Â'U nd outi r' - in-ut.For tireIiir Day After the Theft. buts o t rne tthe ume e . i Mr@.Marjuria Caur.oî: We" erîti bena.)il-__ _se or Ili,-n lni. tire latter mw l 1i Whitedaotoo. ural t r re, emv tn h bre'l.Aoerts HeU ill pBe Arrested rihi> rsiartird.ibut tire cabaret n i dyo evrha abua WtsIeteroyclt. g ura firaa e tr,- andi Mro. A. W. Saboircd r-turuedl and Brought Into Court if rual anî'd lii tîtayer for th>,jr sm-moettit t'etretry. Tu-irdy u Ibi 'sekinmn loouingou. He Can Be Found. .rid rire tir-rrni- andl ha e r ri Yl ouil answer: 'There ainit nu LÂ EVILLAÂ1). M. White anti tamîly aiti occupy ARE LOOKING FOR HlM NOW. 1si gOUis ta.r~lentr for mfusic in ar j-gril But, there i.. Mr n iu ab eeclel tirte lieu Jamieen ougone ti tirenean ____lrits- o avirrrl iehotaken froni Iim i-elsnCrcabuhî futr. antili Mn.. l% nDtaube e adcfleee laltinehicgobuthi Clicago lait wek by thte deatir o! M. tutMr. "lMt Wle [okep uMan Arersted in Lake Forest - nil îrtI Jr gilî 10 anuiren ati Inî Daube'@ mothen. - e jôThis MrigProved to Be Iior-trni. cr dastirci o r aes leunkncown., Reh att-la M. E~vans came Frlday altennourn tromu Moru % ltaukagir i>UIner i]1iiail n e -eiý iCiaomnmn a(Iia s'aston te aecomupany rIsvrilte ant itainare out fierr Il,- stddrug tot the Wrong Man. rrn rrislrouîirlélil a ititire veny î-îars ~ ~ -O JimVi amnison, dauglit.r tic . aud rithr sWhroma fétet s g adhorrche an Wiit tu t tiroi hum wbree sKlrtlanti. M ~ ~ -~AithrOuptiWilliam IBrothers, botter as-uuoî-iated and 1rcofnt s i s>i P AaDmrerot nieidion mmBoyMarIe ns. tilrt ul,-rt-i it, kuowu an iatirer Franchri.iras Iéoen oi-rhî. h-- lav,-d .Tir, sanie ruge sti: -; îrs n'-r.sddrrra VIheor sn r. nd. 1.M. htlirc --'-'r- cad-.--o baterp anthi-nhome flatundai iventu at Met> Wirr. titng msny jpeople tihireoiras a .rY'-'frIingin, for"o:' ra-rIai'-rntlrIn-l îi'- 10 bereternat.a ber blrtbday andea Wetiniday, Oct. 241lleat tirhe (if iibaniubf airar( ia hl i, ueî-y pieutant lime was $penit. Refesî- parentsr'ongratulations. distinct untierntanitlg wstritire uffiii r.iri10I'1>lr,,foir litera-> rbis pocrhé[imas,prct'o. d lie (-rr'l' men eties ered t fisirour anti ai The aîîeeîA id euclety A rl iroîr i tijr claie of Lake Connty tirat ireis nt i ne> jIl " f- r h i Irisarnetlrla - bo',rhomea nier-: rîciecleti can ftr-lina ment.wpnesrvet et aates ioia an aNoir. 21là. ta appear ur>w to furnsir tire $10,000 ie u .'n ,c urr,.o j wlebed tbeirirhuttes@ many happy retunne Tia C theu loscrol rss stlIbons ofih re asputcui-rafeof tifI5~ ofthe dey. TeC .S udyê. o aawl od he evrsptudr A *II4I m-q Inc , bil lieiii-..ofuthirpt,,r Mn. andi Mn.. W eudiaud anti chidren givi- a Halirista rnusocialfrt thîe Masrinstire grand Jurry action lntircting hmur À flI.4fL 141Ek-4'J r- 1, i- rr r>ru rin ione Iruporrari, otn eeadovfat ", t rl-hall un Satunday .'or-in, Oct 27. GanesOn tire chrge-ofrar-venu 'mal boy.," t'hïo &h~y! 0inm r Ian théir' loir tflorn.~ titres eeait da aurt etsitrclanti amusemenits ion olti anti young officiais tiiny Sncb je tire rase ftIfIJIIInnA19 O nia îrj ssrrPrise iin-'r- tIse, t nri...WlF lbr-cstEvrnybuti:>comae antihave a goodti ime. Brotirersiratsbéeenra eiling tirat his 'nr>hrir r rllostnrv iii>a vri- ,n Mn. ant tireE. h. aId.t'. B.Sur- ."rtin tstntilng' is finatietoaruosnt E mim wood anti ilsv. Suyten attenden thlie r T E SE.M cr i-tcame- iii h'noirne i-riessr- Suday sciroîrl conentitrn St Lake ~have te appeerbhie ne ucourt u nt!]1 THE SEAAIîh u arri uwkitrhj, s-jr iarî Forait @hl Tuet conantiolnitake. -RFMj Noveurben 5tlr, Whbiis trial star-sta par onta ornuwliou t i fiaitr- FoesCapIBui" t T îrdy prrptt M. niMs ta danti sai 1163- Haei-rau wr-t sefan arr ro say iho J. W. Hunt, Who Was Trained Pcd rr hrr -nieii-orr c rhIai-n fornashrt lime taast eak it a toturer moud tfChicago. wa nt aratth!eeig cugri d t fIothChicago Station, Is arhuciIn rr-,i- ir Aleédule rnbut th ira wr Intr'hegis.atieioi iinitr ekedplasc-nrdin ari-at lucanai- Shéniff Grjf Vci fUBa Atc i ir raditor aveou talte a aill ort3o t gu,@t ut he oul fC. W. îte fin irati af-siirr-t irniria:ireé worilîl itmoU- a Aak. heéi naielngaeirtate snrl rn5) tEarl ilapper of ('hicago, and Miss (l.l ,. lr-rdii 1r-jn, car', 'rrr-- tar-el anti threcar was airantioneti Sud 1satet Bistir-rtadttoutHighlandi Park, voit irearnestei. Springfil-d, \lo - or I Il-'fi ln'. l finiIh-r'in uaitfhri-nstîr i', tirebru tiktitidira n tIbetî', tit ,-s .e t er Sna>gurts tm tirhe bonu t ofFn-d Shirff Griffu rsaye trI'. -il a asi- orn hi tif lîr Un h rt- i i-Sai> sti ilfaet i nIlI r ialrî î r r #con tîuîtouda d Irougt ai-k tirtire Beentrî.lute lie, tie raya ire iras rie inde' r nni rs' ,rir 'lie Iîr.rrî o I >rrr1tin r- "pîr o rf Ilr garni. Mc. ant irUs. EdiRitzamtnalenof Nortir- et ndiiug rwith Btrotirrs.talireé air(rlThis nu' Inn- r-Ir nmle-lonigirt n n Wlli Bnadley watta icbago passetirg- er lina.,m were guesesof tir, anti Mccê. fis deirutles are on th-e lt>for hrjm !"yiarijfn irrîr - arrrer of Mou nu 10 rijîrr worrIs l-.riî-va. an Baturday. James Fritsc h leit eek, anti that tire younug rnrrn n-lhe ar taI' 7rrreriei >h-rifr i-ehcn ia er rrr- l Mn, ant iltrns. Frank H Ba reurneti MisesHelen Setinleb as thtie greet of restet tire mintéhoreor aii rurflhs ed fti s lon ir ar- rng tios-'. If yeîrcari imagine it. tirai 1,r -r gaturday fnom a Ito seeke auto triphaluier coustn. Miss Francai&rnuoli of aidesfit i hm. rnrsiug fronrt firc ntijîn-ssia >a-rsulhre. hl' Indiena anti Kentucky, anti report Chicago. Tueâaayanti Wedneday. liicatlnrg trat IBrotherestwar, flot H-utrr-ho wa-i 21i >r -oIt, i-ir. ul In, ru-a i- ncsIlu>n mn: deigirtti seather. roasdt r itip. Mie Dons Sieltou of Higbstooti, Wall tellng tire trutir 'sheuire sailho irtait istý iIdaaoi atOlbl n il s al oa sf Mr. andi tins.Jas. Atsteill nturnuithetrsweek-end grant ot ber cousin, Sire, tire nderstauding wltthlie antiror-land tifani rpraaoytr-hrainigOclober ting aî 6 atiiy ttofry a îr i-rn sei needs.vtnour tbeir Texas anti Kanrsa Franee (arntty. itles, If hi-came kuown today tirat tire tie re rat Laites station.ta ennotirndlrjsiiI "~pmm rpot vnyplasntlIa. Mr. sut Mr@e Frank Spencer ut Iborn- Lake For-st police ou Tirsnday co- OnIy aàr r-rk agirlitrini wrnote iris Suds nconsolation ulunliie-fao t1hi Vateir for date for the Mintrel shrow bil farniare vtiting relatives lu Comum- operathng vîti tire sherlff's office, an - atm- an ]cither in sihicir hi-tir'- there %,.rsione trilf 5r'o unike iii1 Mr. ant irMn. Carl Miller anti suritspent bue, Ohio. resteti a man antihi-id him for saneme aru-djirtrsnoanifirt"ar-avag îa'-hui-l>Irln" ibndaihet trips an tnresrontanoraws..tirerweek-end tîme.lThe took hlmp10 tir So MyetKensiean Mie@l kahar.who'Myer ttstewe-n iie hyto l atepoliceon su Anuerican transport. in a purs>' whlch wverof no %alier- Jtm dezWadBseFalerWo guest Ilrf ides Eljzabreth igare of River station virnt-aften a very caraful lu- are la tratningaie Rocktord, @paut. Sun-: Forest. vestîgatîon tirey came to tire conclu- tu le mm tersouati:>'look tie trounblé o day wth tihumore toIts. , 1 Miss Helen Sehinleirar antiMn. Etiran alun tiret ireva not tire main trspetrila fu n i-rn -jr iage tirrj Tom McKtusi 01 Chicago, @pei'SUnD. 1l,'iIhman wene iiuuJay gtesiof SMn. antid eelolgfr uo rvrs thllVOLIVA LOSES ln cnuler c. rétuîrnu11tîiu a in. dall wstti is relatives heilii, e exlracti liNre tCrist V.illnun. -wae ~not Brothers. 'fD cii" o '\r>on'-lr> "' ru g '> nr lto lie ealledito traiun g :.M. anti Mn.. Et Tirerrien ofl Higirlanti Howver, thns arr-st by thre officers FIGIIT; IULLOWIVER toainutg 1-Prk %ere tire luday guerre nf M. tLk Forest shows that tirey are- - provemnts matie tuabis 0îss nortir of anti Mrs. Eti Landau. worklug for tire sirer-iffrs office and TO B V C N TIb We Yo 'Sov ant mor bou W9 - trs. BerIt Faatnrn andi famrîy anti Sic. are tnytug tei arrest Brotirers stien TOB V CIie AUKDUHv -Ray Kerr, anotir elo Unuli Sem'@ oy anti Uns Ina Gardner veue tire gnest t ys ou____ Business to Transact lewwi rnoN.Jadepcstirey gel tirorelr onhlm._____ - l urre n TeninN. ., ur]expe Mr@n Diteirofut elaîn3esi,rSuctay. It laerrnrtirst(oo t irt tiere eason AlMna apGat nld 60nrr1 tr)h i linulss wav toFrance. He -Tifrçmas Duffy, wiru ias eçent sevrnislBrirmdestcneirakl Au- Me V CmpG aIcu-atowh elrten,--ul vieltedth ie 1D. Sugan tamlly Weats lu Milwaukee le ut honme again. Brtesds ocm bktaWu ing Zionites, Are to Be Vc i Waukegan, o hni i:?,t Phlru>-lîîihliL, Who reu n1irrel -ri nown M. anti Mn.. Et inrgiam ci Chicago, kegan nov lR ho cause ire ias bei-o cinated at Once. on a pleasure tip, don't b e [n- We athe Muas t 01r@. Icrola le > hnuaile np tb 1he-pr-i-i-et lime tO se- fail tu ral and see us at M. fni lins A. Lundi anti dnngitens Waedacr rirerîhui ton rthé '$10000 trader D har n-hjei e rashieuplcei.of coure. NE AS A SAFEGUARD. ellient lý Saînnday andi Sniday rit Tire R. N. A. gave tins. F. H. Meyerr a ____leas__npacil ure ~tor tic Lac. rey pleasamr4 surprise Wetlnestiay altr- ir-I r--e at rch 0Li Government Feels That Creed TI-'E REXadLL sStoE -Roy tianllett,sWho liang i Position et 'Iron Ceunir-Ilu- willt hi-placet 1i rjal pend- Cor. MdsnsdCeeaeSe Garfirnse wa- brne oir'cr SnrrdaY. Mrs. Many FrItshci l riiitirrg ber suri ng thée pnocurlng efthtei ig bond Must Be Overlooked in This SJohnrr PlullilipIi annn a Party <rt ien tIes. l'amI Ffrihut engleaooo. wil f* dito yhsfini Impotan_____ ïaroi5~ncv teRpid a serjonis anlli tics.@ Frank Baman ant i on, ;@rom@ anur rlahîveq IR leyout fis pornibili We ae Iwy glad t e a.i-r'..n r-~r- r-r-. - o Croia Plans, Ws.r i vi.îîng i ber tîesObjection of WîîlbrnGIr-nn \'e11%a.aeawys t c adda niigwhe Roeoreebt orti- e! Zion i vaitng i er nn-. dru îîBrt .horng hua o Oerold-offio tendsin bi or f meetor anyan bicsec e eingosstt-lieran aintnrlbsmu1 atir'., lio. Karcir. Accorigî,rjiesnsadolu- lhth iec ore riirg le traCt T1111!îr tatiaHaggla gave a surprise part ng îr n t hé ueopen ~rnd fot afraînî otffolowere ai 'amp lrant iociated new ones you might bring W, P badno ight andtithe@orm, nO Ssturday evsnlng for hen Cousin, Roy bcbng arestei as a eruIt of tfiea- ihat-yodan t-sailpx ang one notice tirtera. As boti tire carisn agl ig-c rreandnd i l rbi r imm ta Immunize tliragaînrat the auto tier ne lolyno oui w.. ;MleseElzabethirWh ,wbo ie attend.'i arflhiglu hcao thoser diseases. vjll i i-ill hnjrrrnoter 1.,..k et home.. continue te r - accination anti DRUCE-CLEVELAMD iRU6 CO. <'Wod vosnly ~asvst t0o0W.t. EKarirMdtiBrure Illaine o o ck-< Diligence and Gond Llirte prtast o! Voliva îil ot ire con- OM Ib e liti Ibsi e baroiebiff a tor, nn Sndietthnhme. nlUene.aboyealal, Is tira motiref sîdeTeti. The, Re=aIIStore bohÎow ,;Vm4u rons aatliv oqun. Thre Knlîtiotgclub Inerseintertaindn b ! od uk.'BnhiStIs vtvaf51Iterpusediau objection TheStore That SuaesYou Moey - Bell System THE NEW TELEPHONE DI- RECTORY is about to. go to press. Is your present listing correct? Are you contemplating moving? BELL TELEPHONE DIRECT- ORIES everywhere are the most dependable and most frequendly consulted reference books for locat- ing persons and p laces. Your co- operation will help us to keep the local issue accurate. IF THERE IS ANY CHANGE that should be made in your listing NOtiy Us by Telephone - TO-DAY CMCAGO TLEPOM C OUVA" , Idittd by F.J.DRUCE SOrders Taken for Job 4dvertirng raes on ep -C. 0. boingaiaugir of ('li Sunday t lr inotir MWiiWnlferl Coonrireot violteti retatisesif rantirieur week. tDr, anti Mire D . W. Poff c and Miss Wiilred Coomb i abtentied thelueraI of Miii land flat Tueeday. John Palmner, wbo iraihb the sebool ton boye atKnoxv bo.en imahie le inish bile ter x OCTOBER 25,1917. a