e ~ue ~ru TMTR11YVVfLJR NDEPENflENT. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1917. PASSINEI CHECK AND BÀCK TO HIS CELL PLEADS FOR MRERCYt ATREUIN ASYLUM, Returns $30 to George Lam-! Lu natic Committed From Here besis-Says He Signed Girl iW ho Esçaped Months Ago Frierid's Name to Check.- Once More in Hospital. CLEMENCY IS EXTENDED. WIFE BÈATER IS FINED. Lamess ee - teu .ih Stanley Rais Pays a Fine of LambesistaSes aEdxtesnuat $940 for Beating Wife- Report thie Saltor. SetNgti al P.neërk.Frank Mra'<zl. ho Pcpdf romn Panc.erikncthro0ugh fear of & the Insane slmaEgneçrl eourt martial and aiment certain menthe ago. and wiio wanderëd hack punishment, the naval station ealtr ta Waukegan on Saturday, oniy to wbc a fer day lago pasai a rarth. be pcked up bv thse police, ls back leu check for $30 on Ouutrge Lambe- in hie ccll at the slate hospital, ha'. nia. Wautegan agent for the Chicago, lng been returned there gunday.,This Noh b Sor sud Milwaukee electrics dn i hrqeto h u raimdwet t th mn w __hitthOrities at Elgin rho have conducted cAïhd te ce* W Plid ackthean unsuccesaful sarch for the feIlOw. cubai te cnhb nt epalieackthe Mrakusie vau ccmmilted 1telin ÎD81M bswflgh heaflott to te from Waukeamn nearly a Yserr go "ttoen ibteatoiisL h after h. ba beau arreated In WÉ*- Mr. labela bllees uer ar e.' ngton, D. C. He vatseesking te force lir. lanieela eleva ndreaea- hie, vay Into the White Honte, malt- tnk'tatmceucnmatanrke aaodtlaris- OZiacite extend clemency. He be- n hetnn emreaotPal heve th expriece tui erv dont Wilsaon whsn be. rai laken Into .90"1«8«te te Yung ailU an cutady by the police et Washington. he Intends te give hi, a chance tea Hac"apae eb oels U»k@good Thestoy inThe UD.one,-Asistant Chief Tyrreil asacrt- me good cf ite torychcincie n.' d today. '*He ras unable te tell un vas wha t te bauatheck senliment, rhere be has been mInce he ecaped Tae &batle mae acmlempuent. m in eaoylum, hie repiy belng tbt ofMr A mllor maeraal puhae h.Ileba vlslteil many place. We coni- anf e. tenbeeate e cintte LSO iced vlth the heads of the i- mdeu t endresd n e monec teIn «Us' asylum and thcy aaked us te mut le « o ase L on flU i hm back, who& eh edld." Afdo yst lb. he cheas ackwich Od J The lunatic ras arrested rben he drm on tite Security Savingm bank, LltPUed le SuPerviser George flair- came back. inarked "lieftun&" The «tar"'e"king far ccunty aid. rame of a Young roman ras algntcd tazn l rtany tue ndtl-sio botP 9 1 bt lntpnd:-d to mah an ,e o he SÂ FAM Y HURT maitr 1ý t1w na, l stjon .ý,thor- il.'. lri rÏ 1 r rîh _r t ;0.î MIN SAME COMPANY fault li, i. 5d bh. h t nti c ýti 0 iuîC ln titnt i It atdii grl l r, tramo of .u uauk- tan siiiig a 1 yn r siii l i i h.- h i, i1. hi 'ti, aUi .ttii turf yuini i- tai,-ivhti , r !,rii gui i fi.- anîtstîltif thtl ýI-k i l ti-r tise cir-urnutaneesl,.ruai, ,:.- rai itci 1inàd t10, i xt-uiu l- (n d It -Y s - iLs' tio fatr a4t i... i tt i v il tir. IL, sýr mli no kithýr. FAILS TO ANSWER DRAFT SUMMONS; 15 PUT UNDER ARREST Frank Terseilic, an Austrian, Is Arested White at Work ini Cyclone Plant Troday. IS TAKEN TO CHICAGO. Registed in Chicago but Had Lived Here 2 Months-ls Wanted by -Government. Fritik T-rrt-iv. aun Ausirian restti Ing at 1114 McAislî-r avene, Wauke- gart. w.ts arresteti wile ai svîrk in tise Cylone Fenieý plant tlls uorntttg on ilu- chargi- of bing a dsi-rter. t is naintîdt1itluttaltitougit he ren- liereti for tise draft lu Chicego on 3150e 5, lest, tist he peit no attention le tise noices risicit werc sent lu Simf7;rimiagitim that he hail been calei for service In île National army. lt appeans that Tcreellc egttered In tise i7th precinct, Chicago. Tre months ega ho Mame ta Wasrooge aui bai been lIving heosever eiica. The gavertmont dlaims tha e5vOrm. notices bave beau sent ta hlm but tat ho bus peu noattlentian to temt Tersehe mates lte defonestaI he neyer recelved salci notices and id flot kuor ho bail!been irettei. Shanif Giffin naf mqus.boi h keep a walci for Terselic as Il vs. a i Fred Kalwitz of North Chicago Added to List of Those Burned by Current. PROVED FATAL TO TWO.ý Word rt-aihi-i Norths Chiucago that Fred-Kalviitz. soru of Mmc. Mintul a Kl-ý ritz anti brother of Alderman Ewait Kalu Ils, lotimet riti a serions acci- tdeît la tise Public Servic-e Coiipany's5 suiýstat51ion et Es-enston. Il ras corne flme, after lise accident eccurneti be-, fore F Kalujîz. enuployeti et Jolleti isy tt- gamrn cicany, or tise Nontis Chicago relatives cere netified of tbe accident. Aflenr wrd mas rccelvcd lb wab deéeitiativisable 10 keco tise neNs fronit iw m thler as.itwaas feer cd thei-shork weulil bsetec, greal. As wIl be recalleti. etother sots met retentlv rîtis attaccidet t nule aIse ln tii- Public Service Cempanys cm- pIe> tisat resulleti le bis deatis, andi Mrs. Kaliz never recovere fronmtise suck. Titrotugi somte mistake, ber- eser. Mrs. Kalwltz rcceivci wrof lise accident anti Inimteti upon isten. nig te tihe dside of lien son et an Evanston bospitel. Whi-n ebie arrlve s isc founi ber othen son, Ewaît. bai aririved froni Jnoliet. Tise> founîi Fretis left saie andi face biai been severel>' burneti but tisat be bai miraculetusi> escceped deatis front eilectrauclloc. Tise extent of is injuries, esiieciali'ly tolis eye, havue Col ieen ascertaineti as yet. Ht ls unable ta laite an>' but lqui cour 1ishdiecî. as lits mentis and tongnt are bail>' iurneti. This isatise Ibird accient te a mOiti bJP of lise Kalwatz famlhy, tro oI risicis proveti fatal and al in tis e cv Iceor ate sampan>', uAn NAVY LaDs SE SNOW FrTE VERY FIRST TMll Recent Fali of Snow, Brough' New Sensations to Men and Off icets at Station. beieec ie h adcomiee. A smrb revealiedthe tact Ibal a man o! that T' re rmeorof tae nan, nblci nanmeras boarding on McAliiton ave- tell a fer day ga, vas aisc the frn nue, It esoca as fauntiliIh. as ewvrsmbytmaAoflu emjuhayed t tise Cyclone plant as, a lachebe tram gouttera fstate lu trait fence meaver, Ing aI te reat Lates Naval Trait DsputySitrli Gron ont~ lI gStation. Depuy ShriffGren wet tethe Revillo, oudai pa umuel ai 6 . m plant thia monniitg andi nqirai for feuni the îauthern boys roinig a tho folor. Terselîc sememtisurpnlsod of thioîn ami i bu maigtant mian placei union areel but haeas- eoaugla (ala as usuai) autiWhsu the serled taI ho nec Innocent 0f any emengeti tram thb* utsnu5 1a1lm&, Iuîogtlonai violation. Hoemau ti- n sn*.qoreeidrai e*tothe li 10 Chicago Ioda>' b>' SherMs- *lMt -iuiprlso *aihEOt U,5~s and w vaturuci over-to the feoteral « te ais , d~om 4îi4thto athWMrts ho viii dispMos fbe i M o 10 h*u5&«)10 eu. -,?ê*geiIcbal Uved, ula ta ýcoin- si«an Ld ob :4* ý#m i% «MUsa.w~a faièreama AmaiaI.isk eami um cf Waukegan. started out fo ra spm c f lads under decree oIf tem LOCAL MAN~ROUTS FQE.N1A1ITINORPliAN - IOFFMA PRAISES 1O-n the golf road, north of Waukegan. lof martgfeea and ail fees andioS John Moran, Resident of WauI Trouble wae looming up a very short shallhobepeu ont of the proctedi ô'ý kegan Until 4 Years Ago, Is MfE BOYS NOW IN BIG IMPROVEMENTS i a ii dusdtofu '> a r Prnkil an ofSuct~ atAtere hl or Attacked by Teuton. EGI O 1EU . IC U T CIO Sea ii hî. ý cl. !y i. lucrt or rfs eproceed bYl A tit ili il I1, 1- .1ml 10 ui r rî t1. hirty ilays after t salal lbe brOIiUt~ r rrnl Xii " ou DevlopsThattheLake Bluff Says Progress of 100 Years t:asinId hic sun i. Ilrt i oieta natt ehWU * lin 'î~ Institution Ha& Given a Seems to Have Been Made 'l ! 'r til ýI ti%-t lnisui tn Sa- onr;y l',i 10 Io ji e \lr5' 1 ii le provisions5 of tits ast. be 17 ,"'~'- Generous Shnre. in the Last Eight Years. ari r d '. ir r S rîn Ift -*. tîz-n inay procd by rnform~~ n e,,as adr- n O NE ut~ WOUNDED IN BATTLE.,PRAISES SUPERINTENDENT. rri l nI Ofran -si '- tIiinte oInaeos hePep1a I . a . ~u n lîifte bu i h rit r rrni i'.1 lvStteofl r i nthe sae t parts îîinown. lssc r'sAtre lb t 1 it ' an î-iraged Teuon. Robert Lemon Now in French State Suipt, li as sna he,"am , Ii omn rh Sate s Atertorey, ig ru-i-hleù n Wauegan, holding a r- France at Present. Showing Is Remarkable. represent0id the d,enîiant, Aktorney May bee eiiewed suci reana i 6«> rp.BlirinPtioan' herienantheh îiOffice pocedd edrtheth"ilo - îî,îsîîl psitonui th ofie e ti.Wel-h the slat-, for their services, la be taxai sa commandant et the Gireat liakes Na- With the Lakte fllrrfi (rpluanage That lise ity andi village scisools Miller stated the defendants woulil conte, as the court may direct, 0 Vl training >lation. lie next quai- havlng contrlbutcd 19 m ,ig min to In Lakte county have progressed fully pay hoepltal and doctor bills,settts cxceedlng ln the aggregate 20 el tifnIn he eriant ex icvepoi- te colora, Il le sery apiparent that one bundred years durlng the lost cîvic liabilitees wtth the boy in thse centum cof the amount wbich shan b tWanhingth on rn ume ntusrvIce epe h av sse le phn-etihîyprs. le the 1extremely flatter- hoaptal and Ihet the money ras ai. bld for sncb lands at an>' sncb tieecetiasen ttchetath Amn-escinlit pntyear hase- the realiza- Iflg tatement containci In the report reai>' in bis (Atty Mllelrs) banda te thereef. "anlegtio e Srtzelan. ion that ltes bave becs deing somne. vhlch U. J. l-lffman. state inspeclor be pald oven as acon as judgsnent te 3. SALE UN DER D»GOR.4'POt' Waukegan frirende of '.nI. Moran thing for lteir counftry lun an indirect of scbools. bas juat -ccmpleted andi entered lu circuit 'court OEhDS-DUTY 01P STA¶'U Tite. will rnda thé follarlnig diapatch from rer. ln fact. tiie eacnneses et these ubmllted to Fraticis G. Blair, state Nom It han since bappensi that URER. S. 3. Nu 090 Mie. ti ' Brom wilh much intereat: home in maklng thein toisa to the oupeilltendent of 1yubllc lIstruction. one of lte moborcycilt#, Wattanoff. taea-y decree entèe a Ananr Beni, Switzerland,(. tf 9-John public bave poliied out te people la is reDort Mn. Horman tells of se Lgaln ridlng &long titis sanie golf PrOceedlig brought under tA Moran of Chcago, confidentli dent generslly thst thome eho bave ne havlug Inspeced the Late cousit>' ron hen ho mas rmn lotoby am- vialana of titi. net "I hb. i hi the Mnerlcsn ~~~~~~~legation, was e thuirel t1keuwlIYOLto affen ta them scboula elghtt yeana ego. At that alter mtecceLdbsigvsae ~litdb h tachai yeterday evening by an un- country, but who have been glvîng Umne, ha aya. tbey meen a deplon- broken sait bc va. removdInt the "Me. ldentiisi German apeaking man, rho assistance to te Orpbanage ln yetre able condition, many being se dllap- ~bp ta î an.it arwile rit'Te mones' Lnd ioeiirtieL- raylald hlm nean thie legatian and puat, areIlium ulechly repreeented t ltatltaI uiey isarcels' rere lit 1cr Yvoung KavcekY.uNnM libalace, Il aMW. C t0< utruck at hlm aavagely nltb e Icaici lihe front bî tame Young men rba are 06111f ey Bach yesr, ho laysb.______h__oia wch e " bd for euch lmsp umbrella hale. laite fUXte t h iite United States bà Inapectai te acieela af the cctn- wSh g nIVi t ait lae. shaB, afler Gjag Mosan'. assailant wrn unarare Ibat hlais vai viit Gernian'. 17 a" bai acen repudt abides of prog- J5 M T. IMFI.Jand o*ts. lie miéna" ho wai ataking a former ligtrelgbl Chililusa cOhtrlbutors thus can ros,. At the preoet lime b.e sys te t e t oflaidMcort.m0 boxer and r*heu Moran promptîy de-. nli erable mWesatisfaction lu tais tbat mans' of te eh Scitools bave >iC4w(lfA>t rtiiin test day.afl40W t*0 man fle. lb la tiougl liat poosaly if te public vii. atop end reailse the admany othter achuel buildings bave AsNwita~> tSate, Treanums,c mWho hsa bM th Mora n may bave been mistaken for Importance si, cPiag nP the arphen- been orocei. He soi h, addition mm* J l! sa thlie poegrj0of *'5 o a member of bbe legation Who for- age, asuistance lent fl in the future of severai fier hlgit chool buildings l. ~ mnowa mienI>' ras shttOflOd i n niprany and nil be evon more geenraus titan Inlua -mregrablfylng. The pronems. (GeaB»eai Nro séPa 020n.)> 1t smalb.ho eiuty et th* fl rito recenlly recelved a mrning that Vie pal. made during th.e at cigil yees, he Treacurer te colect tia e v5 erti emubadeisaant On. New Wounded. mays, le progres,thon eue ordlnarliy gog. Or OthOrwlàe, oxt.ing egInst or to ho due upon such omi hlm. in côunectIon rlth thse namnes ofradepcta be accompllshed lu ucit lands et lte Urne of the cern give UWne sequitbaamceetms gt'~ the boys mita are et the front, i a10yas mencement cf sncb proceedinga. fvid, Tht au al--corl. lntcrecllng te huer that tisree of Mn. Hoffman wassnnstintei lu his Notice ta ail parties lntercshed cahbl - ineuof lhe, purcee ' uo * 'STINKIJ55' DAYtliem arenow la Preuce, two of ther naiec .A iusn ony~rbe given as uer anthorlacdinlucases eich'mande sha hob.made »a**lp- 'S I K SS À avn eni h cecý o h rlntendent of sciscols ln Lakte con- lte Peaple of the ibate 0! 1 *0*ps,1 ,7 IS SJiiS E Y past yt-ar rltb the Canadien tnoops ty. aHe sali Mr. Simpson ltetitd ln chanccny. 4. SMINTO mBuE m IS SUIR STED DY Thethidyoug5wien i ihtat large meaeure of credit for the It shall be a gond defpnse te an>' Dý ETC.S «Pqe" ï Amprican expeditlcnary forci- progrese that lbas been made. sncb preceeiing Ibat prier ta the landes e sold shall bede'Iireltel Th to enwh oiýý te a Tise sate eupertntenient. Mr. lime that Uicecatie Was commenced. snoh alien te the priaeta OVERSEE VOLIVA nadian colore wre: RoI, rt le-onsBlair. ras ". intu,sepd wllithte ru r sncb allenuitadi iecorne a citizen ef sale, rîthin ten days front anti, iW" L e d J o h H c r y a v i T i e s c m n P o r t , t h a t hi e a rs s e n t a p e r s o n a l j t t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , o r t i a t i sh e t i t i l ie ' r e m c n b p r h e s il Points Out That by Eliminating enlist(fi in Canada suii t I ter to Mr. Simson, praisuuug hlm for te sncb landsabiati benu conveyî-tiV) ehihit tetohe persan n l.pomeqsâ* Toaco orOe ayEah Ftrancirabout -a year agrr r a,'vig iK a tise wrk, andti iforming lîluuî i tai liigood fauts by sun-lt allen, médialelv thereof, if any, a dcci exacptod 1;', ekMuh sSae. en part In aUi the bit - inc u tha progress attaînëd ]S notitin short ut or inîmedialel>', te a citizen of thse the omfcer making sncb s ie *im ort if coch u aitdian lita gethenr wth a vrritlen dmn f* wvrr$ Pnag ise 'urdan ruou rmrtatedecesd prier bte l ime of tise sc au ses1u.sinot-buc A WILURS CRRCTTO. Bniare'about 21 ye. ars a I' >t~<~ui'Acommencement ofsncb prtcciing, cae rb'heaeto ,WILBUR'S CpRRECT, lOO. reant- o ag e ta-,e AIE SEIDS Àthat bis beirs or dtieuees, or any pertcae rbbsaeto tosel Bluff Orpitanage. -M MT son cisiming by, tbrough, an under--------------------------.... 'Wheatless Days and Meatless 1odbs tbt ees df0 iJ~I L ithora, are on bai become citizena oft 15. FAILURE TO TAXB V Days Must Be Followed by France, horeven. tint Lernon mas in- ~tise United States. PÂPER.S. . 6. la ail cats SmkeerpDys ire eîntliylu cne of tb bell a- A sSDE fStiticourt tssU ltax as conas ucli an allen. aftern 1ilng bis d.clm% and now la in Utceitoepltal. Jus'. hrtc es for tise States Attoruey as shall cf Intention to becorne a elthiesa Wp'r haingour heales day. etenive ie njuies re , be reasonable, net exceedilg 20 per tic Unted States, siall, for lte Our swee-tîn-s dtayit antiOunr meatlee-s known. bil lb la leanned Ihat lise hts Gea. Watkanoff, Who Helped cemttiof lise ernotnt wblcb shah blel of thnc monts after ha conhi days is~~een able te write bte rlative,, in Bek o' Lg Bek Hs t for sucit lands et any cucis sale fuli>' do on, feul te take ont is g Sa, why ot have s "astinckless" tis countîry latel>' and tbey ln tîri Oweefadbîllhwtsnbm- tday? bave cammnniceted wit thte Lake w Near Samne Spot. 1er'in cisencer>', special commission- papiesaid completse bsclUzmaýb- Tits wluat Volive asku, 3linif Orianage effIcens. Tise belul one, or other afficen naklng sncb sale aucis taiture shall ho prima tact.e And fo oceVolvais sc abo- s hatlieprbaby as et er se 1SUIT 15 AIRED IN COURT. tise terne tees as are lloreti b>'lar tdence that bie declaration Of iatW lutr-ly rigbt tisaItiseres no use foot itonsly injuneti. Tise thîrd young man WueaOt 7 omsesI hneyfrtesl in a o ael o gA, ing about it. but everyboti>sisuldi wbo le now in France la Eanl Charles- t Wyspyoetûegau. Oc2. _____________________________________ stent in and iselp conserve b>' iaving ton. He le the oee na joineti tise ~ewy ir.oewl îcv a reau "stinklese" day-ht mlghtlibe expeditionar>' force as avonte asnege ruisIssonha licter ta call a 'eimokeiess' day anti i.uer îtiithUncle S8am's treops eveutîtil lite, ho cobserve as, fan as ratiser tisse "atînckieBss'da>- because on Frenchtoeil. possible Uic speci lare rbicb tise 'h roo h udn si h aig" Te! it sounis ietten. Beiow te lisI is treenîci af those powrs-teat-he, have see fit to pas. 'h rou h udn si h aig" TeidD ho erereredat hependent's Classifled Ads havei been proven b>' hundredý Bunt, tbe Voliurenferu-ocu. bastd os young mec whow rae T htis fact was &gain mande evîdent t U ieonginabîon 0f tIi., wordOpiaae ho av ltuiis fan day lest weet Recn-ntly tisree BatiSfied cuStomerS. Ask any n'Mr of. thes littie saIume I stinkiiot s applying 10 umok,-rs ef ferent branches of tise service and motorcycle ridera, Oco. Walkluanoff, tebacco, Ilkes tise word abuinkless' risere tise>' are locatci. Tise nune "t oro adJmsBlfal Ibeter titan emokeics' anti, seeing teentis young man is' engeged -in CltSoni n ae iîof i starbedthel moveet tnm ran of thse service, but tise ThtncndnlaisLaeco- j ie bas tsem ouet. bicranth rhag antlai Th needn sheLk on7- , Jimgtbe well t0 have bis cay abou fiese ieopsng sntlat ty's fermera' paper. ___________________ i t. jnst weisbe laJ._____________________ 1In hie sidress Wednisday olseeing Wltb tise Orpisauage aivng con- i Vlive et Zion Vit>' urg'dti bat a tiîbuteti t9 yonng men to tise cause ttinkless niay bi- platuneti. explain- It ta ver>' apparent tisaIlit bat done ing lisat tisene ta no ri-asou c lites-en Is tsane, ln fact tise proportion s e te preventliii- nthe nali on ~mucli greater tisn tise average amati ,denying thesealves tie se ofe & 1 conîmittuit>' li Lake Caunt>' on any _______________________ e bacco mast fon a day a week tlue sainei otiseer count>'. as people are uer tating 10 tieny. Those Now serving. V themneelves vheat, engar and tmicts E-erewithis 5tise list of lte young 4on certain dayc. men rite are aerving ritit different "Il wouli seve millions of tillars rnhs xcuieo iss eerd A Sign Piost at the Oor oawde susfi for te country and ronii be e far ta aboyer " more sensible thtng to do than man>' Ie nas'y, on Atlantic peInai:__________________ of the foolles suggestians betng maied e om&alervey'. S iLVAJ uu K . ail aven thitenlad. People cculi du Win. Johnson. e'wa ts o oo b tit ad n es o ra oi. o ' âray is tobacca fon a day a rock Arttur Wlckstraitd. h m et r .b ti d-n e or a o * i e»" fer csier titan ugar aeduhrieat an WDS Carson.bi m to ne ow t .15fU ment. Wlsy net do It? Of course îî Great Laies station: ence Si m n M on swa too e ow to eô1 rouhdn't affect Ziontes becanso the> Pbl iOrni. don't une tse ilrtY eluf, but lit meuh Clyde Robertson. b. te meens of savlng a lot Of Mon Nars' Resenve, Chicag'o: S f "ea vert>sz.ng ià Of the «8ig PoSt It ay for te countrs' if te men meuld Jas (horansOn. -- do IV "Camp Lagan, lHcuston, Texam: ...ft e fêlu ,ja* Mty1the 4e 44l % *j 5 Vaive bit the nai on te bea- Walter (joManon.z..s.La ~~ bhis sugestion la eoeeniticit abouli b@ ,-but giveS no reason w hây they 11shou11111 i tadu' e&Med Boyard Griffith. lot banla.Rein. trfflch eRhaer a 50 g Klenio tit e~c a ap à- Howard GrMiesfith. b OpanNotman cmy holdepeosenifthbusiness. Hon et b E or hihe . mUe for a nuiiber a" aye SoAhi' d dWLS d0di thed 00p9c" w llta e ar obt at -s~~~~~~~~~'"" n. ?ogowyoumut orn..yoi a« theerlhtadertstg "USL 0%. »*W ILai Jajukvàjm JL J. Y JLJÀAàau J-&, JL.,ý ýýN "ýi bdàm.«.h-M