.2: 81917. - No~ c ~y ndS&rayEveningS re of Âo niv els Sale T ý,N!F IOR TH'ANKSGIVINGI uatythat lua a ent at firat glance anid become more pronouuced wben the gaments are exanilned wttha ÙMI8E garments have place of honor ini gamaent rom, 2nd licor, the. neit two weeks at tremie4i*on t requhred buylngnggenulty couplpd wit a villinguema toeloU wthont a profit, te launcb a sale of thtà kind. ght at the be of thpef la litbr saisn. f g the 40ty of styles v ca8no ~,fodds and énds of al and colorlng dt be, Values to ary sale price. t of coats conta of Zibbelines, self and nov- Wide range of éqiare. Lversary sale tra good buy on the coats. teriaIs, wool -velou, zib- L Pur collars and trim- mi and velvet. Leading LA. special 1 .7 sari- sale ...1 71 coats are eompoged of nd faney mixtures,. sik ,à kerarni trimrnmed and *ievariety j975Wm :ATS. You '11 fin4 one- ni ïpatty styles. Materiala mone, salts, plusb., Mot, uifféd. Trimniinkýs are of id velvT tra special.. ýtion-every style 4esir- Wls are pom-pon, êlvi lush. jïilk lineçi, tri4p- >elvet and keraffir -'Xi-ý ..... ..-29 Dre se at i For about what the serges would cost you by the yard, wre are offéri»ig a group of smartly fash- ioned frocks worth doubl tMis sale price. Charing styles beautifilly trim- med. L>t of -50 A niatchicas value and thèere ,%;Ml be only 50 wo.- men Wio ivili be able to Iget "le new faaliion- able frùdks. Materials of ser14s satin -and taffetas. Anniversary Sa1çf Trimmed Ammliery Goat and Suit Woi nd ws Of it. n acci unai orU -Coat~ $10.00o~ (iîeviO elty tri Ail size -We nmi1 in lino, nungs.- shiades, lu ring wool v~ iined..' interli4 Annivë special ASTUNI this Pon of 4 f tr, ki Annivg -Our Pr able. -tone, Iningo nivera special sUit. just rece Gaba4 Up and gab ff±eepi tics. 33 Anexquisite selection ef treet hats, reflecting tl1<latest style creations. Tue' most attrIactive value ini the city. All the lead- ink color coinbinations to bteild with ehat winter suit'-extra spècial for the Ahe4iversary Sale. ý aUse of! lb. evarlety f4 «we 014ùot accept mMgI or phoiWorders and îv ercmou snton Fanc 1Ha iffly--baii ibbon op?- 'OiL ý,Fwé"taffeta hair libbo neàypatterns. Exceptiotial Vabes EVe'y -Bay ofiliè Annivermry Sale Odd ,Skfirts '2.9 8 An exceedingly fine offering of fine wool dress skirts in an odd and end grouping. Many styles included. An excellent -value, inade possible fox "hisAn- ieravSale through a gpeçal~ pur- -A no- ct ls ih grade poplinsanhd serges, $6.50 and $7.O values-4. ........ Shoes ithe -GO fT TE '-b ) '-b of Fashion DLIÔN IRY SALE. Lot 1-Ladies gray and choc, tqn, ýuhgh-grade footwear. But- ton and lace styles. .Welt Ïés. French % heels. Alsizes and widt.W. Rg. $12.00 îalue .,4 Lot 2 -Ladies black vici and guwiffetal. Button'and lace cloth tops and leather tops. Welt and turned 46 soie. Regular $6.00 value ................6 Lot 3-Ladies pat. black cloth top with plai or tipped toc, welt or turn sole. lieguhar1 É $5.00 value ......................... 360Y Lot 4-Misses' English walking slioe. Duil leather, 2.79 heavy sole. Regular $3,50 value .......... Lot 5-Misses' duli and patent leathèr shoes. Button or lace style. A good 'substantial shoe. Made by leading Arnerican manufacturer. Ail sizes. 21 Regulai $3.00 value .....................1 Hsir! goiey! These bargains ini the hosiery Illuxtrate, in a striking way, the value gvn which this great sale brings forth throughout the store. Woemen who aim to practice economy, and who are familiar with the trend of hosiery prices, will quickly sec the wisdom of supplying needs for months to corne ini this extra- ordiùary event. 25e Values 2 Pairsfor B~st ùi~v fr~m 'I 25 OnIy 4 -pains 10 a cuatonir. :ers- Lace Trimmed This is awoeideitulbuy --4ty wowan *Ill kéenly Special At thie sasoii wbn every wom- an la wantlng one of thoe handy, umelul sweater coats. w, make this noteworthy offer: Notwitbatanding the. high COoraIyars, w. 011cr you tomorrow high grade. pure wors- ted- sweater cote for womnen at leu than w, could boy thom todgy. Tii... garment. are obawl collar moilel, trlMmed with ýtwo pbekeoa ln graY, marooo. uav>. whitt and Copen. ; anmi Ies. ape- cially prdced for ou 3MID Anniversary ale at... 1.25 and 1.50 Envelope Purseg The leading novolty Purge in new styles. Many gethuineleather -well lined and fluinhed. Each '9e Real French Kid Gloves These are in odd sizes-they are xighty good values. Formerly sold for $2.00 and $*225 .......... 1.79 1.25 Ladies' Umbreila-,89C Made of a composition of nmter.ial that inakea it rain proof. Why get wet for s0 iittlef 1lOc Bar Cuticle, Soap at $c Lay in a year's supply-this is a wonderful toilet soap). Special price of last year prevaîls., Jap Rose Soap Airniversai'y Sale special- - 'I -Sc Here's a Handful of Value 1tOc Fancy Handkerchiefs 5c Some fancy and initial. Don't miss these. 35c Breakfast Caps 19c I)ainty and enticing tiiese. Fancy I)ress Goods The Se<oson s Best Off ering These favorcd novelties ini plaids in the 5 9 leading colors. 36 inches wide. 85e value. . 9 Ail Fancy Dre.ss Trinimings -at One-Haif A big lot representing every yard of triniming in our stock . Just half of the regular price. Eanly ilection ad- .vised. QALITY, SERVLCE, STYLE, ýHONESTY. L -. IN- le a 'i Prke eductinS$ * aeSensationa in the Extrenie Cs Coats ~L o lt4l t LoteqD 3- lisA Re-seloted Z~~ : ecluuive models in, this attractive group that moents olir groatest oferfeiigkeài.t-grade Velvet, broadcloilWen4 b*mblvkm, ' Wae 1% artodk ~ oieecf ai ptcbêe Ils eent. Exclus3ive modeli.. Mateirials of glôtl4 serge, vôlourj il roe.TrbnfziM ~,l ~ef ma«iala and vèlv.t Slk lnd. Ext-: iý-)' T