Stgb ame Wardmns Pleased 'WgII Suc=u That Has Mi*et Their Efforts. TIts i ICLOSED' SEASON. smi th Rroters AIIowOdta Senl ir tr I DIII TKEY Ontv Ai*~ ýi vbat aàeis tatluitii of.-BoisaoU' T. 3 J - OPaY putThe' ueraI of John Cetoena. ai fteu14v.~leRetmua.ry Wukettan washeld thlimafaitepisoan a( - JUr la IlaM Bglasd. tuera b" detenaiing parlors. hurilI at Northi m fbe 14Mgotabiae "ePUtb." tMet asSh<re cemetcry . tIi fflm e Oie eov-a»d is." vlaicb bau îMise (enevievt' Ward entetalie, a, aaotery for juagas t ram tise Janusry and Jonc committeesaoft t** >'ss 0f&Mg ulpver.The«. tise Baptiat churcli Ladies' Aid lt 218 S. ot r t dgtbanPesa s-mli. The afttenoon ai ber bomne ouiNorthiSouthn- *M *MO mo iretrou mtro- ty itreet.Seh Irg p.osaeml' 0 tobi ai'Od Nt a "fttet eaf," non lie "gold.m The place te buy 25C to 75< RISO* OOb ib=- «X Ofeauf.t' but lust mu ordtinrY Oe t t i h -Iwo *LU àa velt for cnîî. figuret ln man Intematttsg squabb 00uimte f Wb* Opepabu esu s auet lu tt. court t Police M eI4'Y &Miiunsel aho t ~~~trate Taylor tbisa tternoon. i wstm hsexw -- andtg ueeUoioei. Hower! eIl,. be squar6;,1 'v Whàwe taik aeîîerysrvî*,WA1",tu 'a, k'au - - -subit, then w* 4ou't *&ut tone11ybpoffftoT&OIltOftl Wiso &Ohm' se"ol .tises. t-oitt~ r, iiai. ion talet. l leiI9Ow '5 la alodi tise MuftisBis O tack 'beiveon Waukeia Meu MMc &ae bedlep 09a Iomacà al$ i îicii theilmin uthMprUa> i- - sen* tqléetd Feed& -Msg i.foddoltum fa t.meoien i haniei.~ lae lMIêrciW ;OtIs<gti tu ép A, radiait IOPe,- utlBota 01elm ri agoeut clilitpeas. enfflûs .tie vegetblsUnSthese e ~~pto,4 ibatom: sb. extracted tfram n is.'. Tise grisasmèntioued misy ailt1>. coOied1 uke-qpnacb or tise>' use> lieset. ill d.lltisp cao.soua.,as. tiser iv. vivea.- EO&agls sorte! gfdv lu tihe averaga vacant lot luar>' i7Cilstyt suayI $iros o cea o« chiope o re se nvutrtIorni begag. and hvison tvdlua* roib iE jet an tests. Tis.y a]-ue eau b indi tata n parte. Radia M, end-mi ua tait louve suakie a cise.p at appe listing saisi, Typisai Anunisan Liequenca, P'elieIDg la tise pereratton 01 a speech.là eftlisn Ln lnterMilegtste oori'et Ce ila Cetiral lCtuetacy, "steung upen thse liaitae.e c ,the grandeet catuu>'ever usasuffl by 'tbe filaIt of -validi.-1 tp4tatea- se ='tvitiseosla o e .woriq and 40. nooeer tuai visait b.;' saur liseAvie- 0 cas continent tormed;t; BUL#7îtise r *eit an et tua ualar sysient .g-b 1 ic * ra t " *s d les au revoiv'M 4,i lits g am i bo7In't' e umtisand iiqs= i* su" bapiem ta ail; sat 1*0 grta M W l it ii tlu a nows e n ai co mmeorce; haw blootnlng vusticthe *etii ef M;thse Istntiso! et v" s Mi ria dag; yét, lu tue vigor dunithmei aise>' et yawlis. scerint peWplun g doma, rnamttiugt oer eà t rcaîlsimuto t b, K&bCtt-Ï an qW@e. ""a »bVPPU-ý dbean, 'bat SSlW, frulit brosd, mt asd Ma"t. M ire *à , 01, OdMetutea wu mi. is ,,O ou of w.t *Wb. ut,.! tbwo*gt tbe.1s. f timklnl bot crn brad and other aubttt*. STA ?AÀYÈIOLL A pe aa naval bo rd flnishhed th e tbIr4 *baklng over the pay roil at the. tivat. Lako, Naval Training Bta- in Tu.aday ln an effort t9 place repauuibliity for the. $,000 Oharta1. Tii. iaquly vas týten piced l lnUth banda of secret zertice men. who ire cq.o*çtlfE vii tiithenaval inid. g.... buru. -C*Mt Ioftett gai& the s. apected ibsoaie. wanli»Wceve their pIsy 1taa remariable tihig tii." nutb- log of the sort bas "sPilened be'fOre." Wdi Caut. Moffett, "for vo bandie Si.- that bas taken pla<é. turing two yeuru under the. prlot payamoer. Lieut. n.I obtIrta.". lm 1ar4ugr âaoiet. 'lm twu t ~ ~ ~ ~ h MM~~i; 1tl asa "Il r, , - Troti as RemsmtlOflIn. With enIudfvrbeconditions Tet asmtieie yel iinfigured that fîîll>' 0,000,000 tr'out; Û,we a el owe4lk a' eMg wui b i elected in Laite Michi-ltev$e n aûmbd e el h urti1k.s t ua wk rI)dy.Tetfhwagan off Wauitegan wthin thé next 1badly âcatnd. 0f course, th* InstAant0 beror1 ay.T e é by wr.alter hli îtkuklf sbtit lac taa ILa le 1 diens wbo bave bee seou t ar bmiscta 40 o»omdkuv tl t'ee acalicot the' apawniaeio2se totl budI théas pleu.ed wilii tie résulta Ui<" thraugh bis mmii. i brve obtained up Io the Préenct lime. AnIcdn J 3ofl U68 The Smith Brothers data iug baài evn incibu6den vas 4 no ce rnerids bran c.bsrered for the' purpase. The'j ~eeigaot6ocoke iecre cainpennation *bicb tbe owner.3 ovevper, i whrOin It ecaa s btng1 pperinLslon ta SPI thet rout aft-r tbcy r~tàe .diahd"m sa.ï ti*. dMai bdowsanyIWOeo ubgio e fois bu have 'tripped hem ar the' apawfl. Un- "~ I ~lilhlff** odim e8*tiih __ %1 au ol Was lot enttie tatoVéry mucb sylo- der ordinirycnditions this would ; t a 5 V i a W-ssete att"téc8*ptyaol bYh nUd net scau muc labt riglit now l Io fmtaheaa6m0. tIi 5e'out ci thé . *1mw. but thé. UmitiJe aual stra~ ahys ion0hey theNourthhor rueed seasün. I bis eacaSan beO'm iUfuat s. g40O BU b% lge ted trlaukne ouzi. Moti ioPPe 1 ,-ecv Nvember 1. and lasta for a -thé' - -Elltigmilvn at i on. Altoert at uot. During that period fllsberflhI *** *aetvo ciahnanta of thé afoireaaid days toa 411 bOC same. gunday after- il lsos otaIL taidon fa't ifIY mnfûbiiin a atliOgi s thse caif and easci bas brougbt éang a noon mahsy en»joed auto rides thrOdab atn i aintf tsttii mtae vrises ta pcatect h lat ai dr-dozen or mare vttnesses ta prove te aourtesy of Mr&..Mortoïa..This ant a.te solliiti. àort orlm meg tue paina ueriod. * Waukeen 1Lo4iM * overh c. - a iiopà 40y, and il, Ineresit« -QraOW v Ôh iWfrm to i nesa -net tisi%ý 4tbe ouly ceastfIbo ts~M ucil.î itri mleiaare vi»ltamé tyg n 0 i2bi l 'lhix 42 nt car, tie ef sea vie tseattoeau coltet ts ** * * * * . eed, etc.. avned by John Lyons, tenir belog doge for the na-vY bays. triBue. bkth la a stibsle. «An apvu r r<atocistn; .l < oteIplace yeaterdmy at thse barnsstable The IMartisa Aid Society of thea Sac- as th*. cr start ent a totil 13141at AM5 aecuhfo isppoend prof. J. J. ialaey of Laike Forest tarin oorth of Waitegan. The' galeh- lLtéo hrhlct hus fsedtetoMlr âO can be sl by tie ilaberosen wiio aid lias been iII the pat week and hud nas weli attended. deyaftr a t 2 'lackith e ti.Par- aonte the b»419lç.titb test rutilait la thse vont of colectiisg thse sPavo. ta poatpôflo a lecture lie plassoci On ia sud tiatti e catcbes o trout dur- giving lns Kenosa. The funerai of Doris Johnsoun In. l eto the Ciiurc. %ira. E. Mobel'g opon the sep bMeatis. iugtielat tv aysbasben ltte' Cly hyscin J Ç.iiéyis'-e>fant daughter of Mr. aund Mra. Andrew and ]Kra. Augugt Blomatrom villi The rot etP et the.nortii.iound be telu fwdas uben itl! iy hytla J . olyisveyJohnson, vin beldi tua afternsoon at 2 ere. limitet la Zins City. Acorimgt *M ont of mervelosis. weii satinfled vithvthe isealtis oondil- troam ber residence 'on Mott avenue. The mairriage of Minss Maia Wright tabiy Young Mens vb0- vota 11% The vok of collecting the. apavn lion as fitexista in Wauitegaa fl tucBunlal at Oàkwoodu oemetei7. ta T. 8. "loîtt cSPlace ai baflglllgpertlo9ly te the car tu tbéir 19 a Mos t I 'CsrtiflK on .. W hen thse prsent turne. He raya there bava Tenl thousand Yo unfg e n lu naval *630 ths evenîns ai tih ie oe be the déirte ta toal a rid e.-UuIOU ti.y tell spawu laaatiiped frain the fih as'been no new cases of ifnie ~ uiouMna eptLet îtr r.RynidBI-ofbieh fêiu iV tbey are reuovet trom, the.nets ILtui.ela or menlnitis andthbere la no celebrate bis ilat blrtbday. Fourt bu- tov, on Cary avenue. 1 i houi b bO4 i.n abat 4uU.qo plarant rllare cana. As mon as tbe Indîcatign that new cis% n l S- drpd vere ln tiie band vbieo-Boa One- Chbicago- mliii'dealer bas an- position ail iii.vay ta tii. city ta tii fisb tg reciiusn aiovut theavo jne ea. la training at thse Great Laites station. 1flomeec.1 il cefitâsslt. WaukeWt 4deal- nortb. The litet train riua et a ---edereftuîîy An" îIal-lnlarge Great Laites Station bad a isting *Wtht betr leader before thein tiey ers declare tiey cannot fiiui in ik .ped of troam 50 te 76 MU«esan boar imh. sffilen ie bitaattt t usbe viito taayb te pnso ~played ubeir béat ln bis bonOr. for iota tian12 cents. The viole--MWa »W boy msmin vl o atbale te mnaintain a certain tempeMlrate. Tii. Vice Admirai Riclitel of tise Russau 5ei-enteen tiiosani men vere ne- lâ e Prionta th ie Chicago dealer la bag tea &,. andraîflfor azs distaince trayaOf 0fawu thilonaimetalion tae enavy. He came ta thse station at 0000 vewed by tiseRemsanadmirai at $3.22. Wiiuketau dealers cis lises le bard te figure Ont. tt. diii bttcb.y et Spring Grave. ta inspect thse varlouis depatmenz- Great Laites this alternoon. Lieut. are payunt osucis more thais tiat - viiere uiey iam batchet. Net apring and was shwnuabaut lhe place bis ,us afae lelybhn is Ocli iige oitnati t qoaeetno Impassible tuat anYoas ti « sur d 4vii b . lnothe Laoket . Mbft ig bland, nareiing modestly. Thse ,ancre tbat bas ever boosasent trM ctl mi itsOt0 ipvs Watkgnat epsted Mii ai. Let. John Pblip Sousa returui t iu a abv ieby ai nG~tLl-Nvltatioo hebing& hart tuat Tii. D&IIIySun at Great Lit&es today aller teflday. on ecan fle avebutthe.bogy feiane du tiLX,.TueNaval Stati f- ma'meMWl P th. agent cthe *».~Ietdel AmrAa ia utte RAET ' ht of bfluesa. tlad lr, fça"t «»datif any ittudent hat ÀUA IRC FiT OIJIVALEd týty or the Naval Ruser e lis tise irevented. et tisat giiot 1,00 Young Iueo e Amint *~~~~ 1abitoimefte tributars ay c art Switchmen and ira cemen hail ativen qrders ta deiart at oMe an" for ,bomx repowivirls onbt i Anff sr4tb ptrdmlm H Cty Teday la tise G(L iniversarly hart time thia morning lu tie zll - jais a" asuT» y'moait tierea uea trisp. t an an kculthi n. OL NO Tw.nt>ýiPv Faut Wingi, W040"i.d of the baudmater'a bîrîli, wvIhitis a t ad n coi oln eayget ceuuitao the ffostncbacolitent h b ufS roport t About Tv.nty-Fiv ftu& net, as e omauy peope apfflrtr oit g Ayard l on ecioui fth ed b tii. ta get tisi aup ta mkî 1 W~all nUneth ie coasluaiOulà la ta -itiint. is eltiser Spain or Portugal, but 'ortemn ice encao M Wiienee do tie ingele derve tisunth yards visen aine treigisi car usove. Ail of tisle.MMen.It 19 siate& t.ter mointecr acis a@isi. i vings-tse anges, tsai l ta tMmy, aofinshinto, . C. vas ittracited by another in' tbaewere glven ortor. *ta go *0 cm, but oie en ot usii' paintingE and sculptural aft? Plrolo William C. Parkter sold tic Jackson itrocca. af avitching. The damaze tiseir destination was voit mate plic Tise action et ithe alors atruok t vblatsource la thie accpte madel for proporty on Iltica street. west of lb" w,38aight iedpu ~ ~ fblie.vriter as tue Most isassiten instance liai appeistageR derivod? post office, the other day, tLa Paul An Wskgn ngt f yha r Coat of 2PetcîryCook. son oviB. B*of rldetaling b. bat ever vtn.sai lisnratiier dtillcult tasay, accrt-gaaei. aioisre tavr eo xpecting ta bave a bg turem or- Interested lis hearing Liat ho vas pro- ~ti al~ a5WOVrts> ingta he isladophi PulicLener considration of $5000. It s M'. An is owatternoon and eveuing. Grand motet at Camp Grant Saturuiay r b-et talg o uu u> 0 But appare'ntly tb. vingu convention-taînly miuet bave bat lit dtue Pas- glty voasby angels are thoue o the. guda a intention te Put uP aasix flý officers are ton be bers in the ater- the positionl of corperai- ner.s, nt kin tthi e M ve*- elbatfosà. At ail évents. auaatrosa!building on the siteCin t- near fu- isoonit dHh vn, InLudlnWa-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ OintS tcorresponsd ment nearly ta the. ture. ter C. Hayes, the nov chanceler cens' pate1 David Kufeld a -tated suit in Cir- mander. Laite Forent mon vili likl. Thse albtroils veighsa about 18 cuit Court 's<iay against tht' Nants do tIse workIth ie pecond tank is tihe, frusai. ndbo Isig bas on aipea of% Westen rairoad ln the, amoufit of ,vening. A aupper la ta be servet a .oM qarefe. lba lgapetr$20,000 charglng personal Injurier. lIn coct biseudeclarateet. n iewnrelatesi 't hle waa ;c i - -ý proportianate ta alise. an angel as iveisélrto h eae h W. E. Prince. druggstiutF'îra. 11 U emèlployed ss a iahorer at Park Rldtre equippe for fligisu us tih. aibairosa lvîite aithtie Cure haine T.. 'ad:ty augit ta le i:ta fig very veil. on Juiy 5, 1917, when lie rec-iveî i evening. Ho la aeretary of Uic board 'j u The tumpeea sau. whnl thejuntes vhIciie csaYa wiit incapeitati'féuaino Poa hr r-Y o rD 1v *-.y grestest veiglt-carrler o! aU jong-dis. bitspermanently. He nas wvliit'e Cartesofedcton ot lanau. were in.ede fIaso yers, Ioui le&t'à iM»alvau- oeet in.& eiaranais lt ui.foursvsapelsedO tUX- Wll wbelbarçv, mkin lis f tue bigh,. "4001. ut o ne Itino *5l$is 5 ionua mu ba a ingtop et a car wben a portion af thse ~I ~ E t~ *tkgas s wt an5ntL ~ va' aln>'aistl'a h a in bstre in Havtiiporn ftseCrse - ulrat of oniy eight frai. Iatone lis bis mploy. . " - - But noanmgel or moderu baird couli aoe.aigtt aebe eei The nIght provien aithtie Naval compare as a figer vîiatii.heptoro. v.gv a aipellat' SliiiStation vili have tile chance nov. ý1 dactyl of 0,000000 years or ao ago, tht' battoua ofthle car. Tht' great oye bas been put on anr urici. welghing perhaps 25 poua. , Mise Besin e Mclde Of Ares I ia. EveCap ainigh. "T *ouiÉUVOh@0 bai a wiug apred oi 25 lfstot, li 1h0frients lis thîs cîîy today. duiy lisCmpPernl7i e Rve"Térdy MM@l00 ou nvh a. boules *ene amemnt papeiluke and lis Si.- Mangulrts OuiId viii boit asu great eye" la a big seauciiîigltt. ILt d* mean body iarily more ilion an appentage. ali éjmeetn"g h'Paî oe"vi eoperated constantly. sa0 ery .ddt,'u ta fia vings. Witis a ieat Liat as Thur~ay approaciitate station and ail renis - priuqclpaiiy a iaggcrilke léi, nt, d a wthln viii b. iigiited up at frequcat: pcîsch 11ke thnt of a Pélicmn. h fluti Ray DiSais, potinasten at Gurnev, Intonvalas.- tret millke (iaoklisg for tiali) aong tnansacted business in Chicago *t' Tise Aiez Hein Co.'s domînlanco ef thishlores of Aie Creteous aen Liat erdas'. the eayto-wear mar'kets liseè0h lis etended nortluward tramn the' present , John Page, mtiter spendlng the suaim Iianulibnovigsaeb Gulf ot MeriaoftuaInd oner bo IRe a "faine" ilger, tie"her mersh' talai sui ea sel1a iie hebundrois of spécal barge.ns of T h e1 tais" (asnturoitiats aleau hls pecies mvw bci t omen'. and cbuldron'sa apael la vith bis daugiters. t y of pieroanel); jur inoderni fling ma- which tiiey are tue largoat «usel av g i y w nt o ancra. itegan. Dow of Charles City, la., le in î hBtudyat usa, uu in busines-and we ail raritJ, 0' ___________tovo tisa veci on a viel ta bis usliy large number o! Great. Laites alv You l'inca a*« Jbrothers..sloswr netie ytevl 0 Wat aubjectsaraie best "&pied 40On. Iniret dollars cas cleatretislosvn netmie > Ievn fo eLnr' rclei nti ed o teRdCoslns the' cari pat ktus places Lat tare "m t-oni ~ Y our one big problem , s- de- tIs Eegra os - segan, oveT 60ô enoYedthtie boa-10 1 1i. Ut?' W te Iqusitvesubnter ecetl) bldai heEdwrd roi-pitallty aofithe JoUg Tai Club oan iviV y a * xa lTr of Wharton. That sort Oi tblng le donce..- -a b ge p n -a1 av o er be"irit taesn. but If yeu her a gl Mr and Mns. Mat Stecle have pur- ainsre hr hyntte hèd bt br ua a oèti ami ber tissu why lho doeWsa v. scaeitt aua rpngo itsladies Who, under the. direction a o dbuOfee aaw y octi " M es y b > ' I n v e s t i s > ' I t l u n a b uun g l o w t , a e u . T e d n i s m d y t e M n . N o r t o n , s e r v e d a s h o s i e s s e & i > àrou angt eIrf juyou nmoite oui aveue.J r ishlf.nteal asmaebyth Cake andcolline e ye.Served bwîî, To the inan, with a horse wecan-cut 1~ ,ri , ~~-M. hoe Twe - --- - - - -e--- m'