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Libertyville Independent, 15 Nov 1917, p. 2

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15k ui & P WR0 T 1 I 44- el rcmiaA su . RATE Tirs.Lii.. Aoiednt'auâd UMMI, Plat* Gises,'Lu- 3«. Mmi Before Placing Your Inurance 1"R. t--. ~Lhsstrvim HL WELL DRI LLING ,ât u MW t*.0write te as. et'EWN & DOLAN f.. BAIRSTOW "ItUPACTUAER 0F M«eube nd Granite, Mnaienis Cemstery Work of lEver., Description C.rrosp.ndience bolIcitet 116kçuesee st H. D. EOYD 1%* Wbsomsin Laad Ma. WIompFims viahand H.,Do.Boyd5. DU. . JL.TAYLOR Méla flwt 1tlDm k Dullâla ni ýrn.-Z108:80 and 710o8 p. m. o6cc n Broa.dvg, pp"tlis $ra e 4Io t o&-,4vle dlui.M - tqjm tIiotional B»ak ble *f1lý ".Phono 157-J. DL E iL SmiuI ovaLiScum N ATIONAL ra u1.-'l 1 , m md115P.n - LBstpvlil. lm ois <lA.N. STENS, &M. D PEYOCZIo sin 5101 K ou rMe bslsefor eus... cori9QuC, el010.Lienvvl Dz ,S. t 4DN oplrssirsesoi0p&" s OF OHICAqO ERY WEDNE8SDAY ONLY MSe OVER LOVU. DRUG STORE AUsse. O a. m te &W5.00 . 0L . . BUMFDD LibselpvIlis. linobs ELHANAN W. COLBY FO & thon ô1 ceino 25c ke, 4flet s. .o. .r. B.J..Gr.m.s. . 5.'. FOR SALE-R. 17.It oc san4 lud ronosr.our choe, 8200. Yonger ônes, dhsspsl' -Iarl Barron, Orajâlake,M fil. Pbone6tl. . - 46elC MORSES SOLD, boughtandexchangedk Second band harneesandE wagons.c i7asb or terme. N. B. Ladd. phono 4, LbertyvIlle. Ist FOR SALE-Durco Pges t Ple&fsat View farm, Ares, III. Phone 2z0.J 46e1 FOR SALE-P.rebred Whte W»i.ndott Cot-kruls et $L.25 each Chai. fBau., Prairie Vew. 111. Phono 274-R2., 46p2 702 LEUNT FOR RENT-4 room fiat on Broadway. City watsr, gil, lfttrlelty. $9 per1 month. 9. D. 1H*bbard. 46tf FOR RENT-My fIlliwlll b. vscatqd ct. lStwb oS oth Park Ave., lrsi toor. nquiie secood dot, Ehlloderberg. 39e FOR RENT-280acreiai'm user Uhrty- ville. Oood stock and dslry fara. Twa good harns. 8 rooni bouam; &Il igb roluigh no vaste land and aitlnl good cýonditions. Address J. D. loI Idaen. dent offce. 44tf + REAL EBTATE + jFOR RSA LL- i t U.îa *imti-î i .,r j omesfor saleor rent. Uymond &Autin, I LlhrtyvhIle. il! FOR SALE-50 acre farm 8 mles from Ares. Wonld consider a 5 or 6 roomn modern houa. lu Swedish ettlement lu or uer Chicago.- F. M. Harding, A res, Ii. 46el FOR SALE-flouseou Soth Park Ave., vihit &il modern convoniences. Cail Abany B868 Chiemcgo271f F« SALE-lu Ansa, a Dne cry Dom- pis>' M."dir 6 f0 boue, 1 are 0f tand,kagwst large* modern poutr>' bouse., varia'of fruit, fine iavn sud 46el FORSAL-158 mares ns mise eud a halluorth of Laâks Zuric; ralroad rues "hroug peias.Eecrle Ilot and' gaisd livng va er. levimei fam buidns,1 s tri 1 1 v lh ur- ehasr. aqui Pal MaOuflu.261f FOR SALE-186 cres.8 mllsfrom Ana' god b"lso socomplet dur, buildings lachudlug 411, deep .wel. mDow milk houges and olter buildings 19? correspond. Will aSepi otiter propert>' for halr or mare, Interesi aI 5%. Write me vhat you hava tu, off..' sud 1 i vi @end you an accurate desciplion of Iis properîy F. M. Harding, Ara, lU. 46c FOR »ALE-Choice resîdence lotsoni McKinley Ave. Ail iiuprovemenle. 'mms . J. Grimes. tl7 WANTED-100 corde 4 It crd vood. WII pg cash. Cali u»jt47 Li.lbrtyvlli Lumber U .40dty: + PO&IIQN WA1~TED ~ U zILl o,ù Sensationail ammnsMade. W T HAT a ilerMn 'pe'vopfstndsle.be. ing carfttd -?lit Wabk4fRn With the k prsrrangeld dcii. to embarras@ the t' governmmnt of titis, Cotntry'w.th oes. THAT svldaceatone titis limens t' bsen proctdlU' i apelal investlgat- t ors f'or Vipt. M&ffot of Gçsst iLake*. I THAT arresta,' whoieesasrrestst ire to take place au A resuit 0f these invessligtion-- These ame the sensations] uioveop- s mente diat vere admîttid y om-N mandant Moffett of Great L.aketý sta- tion today lu an interview witlî the t Daily SUn. Cept. Moffett, when asked about aI replorted Investigation along tItis Une replle4: "There le an organizeil German.pro- i panada going on lu Waukegian; YI-I am nfot basing tbe statement on ru-( mor-for 1 have evidenco that sucit I Je ts lad." "Are yeu going 10 make auy ar- 1 reste?" vas aaked. "We're going t4 talcs tis.m sl-not i ons or *Weýbut Mi thffl that are a1 psrt of thi, orgeizsd move obebllt.1 tie thé sfforti e«t tus governmenb andi of lte Naval stationi..11 "Thase vho are ln titis organlzed effort ta barmn the natton and the sta- lion are starling alI sorts of rumors anud apreadlng it for the sole purpoce of harsnlng our vork bare. It has gol to stop and the wa>' to do il le ta (aiNe arrests. 1 have bad l iuesiga- t1. ai( Au, k and tiat t'îidê-uce jiow le in such abape th at tbere's galng ta be a roundlng up of lthe olfenderc, in tItis carnbined effort ta impîair ail: work. "The effortsi have been deliberai'- to spread treasonable talk, to beliti le the station and ls men and in order 10 protect aur goierument we miîsî have the co-operation oftlte patriotic 1public. 1 Pelople who bear thl5 xre. isonqble talPi sbould report fi ta îthe goveru- ment officiais ln order that If i ay tic ctopped. "Wby th3e minute that Chief Mas- ter ai ÀArme Golden disd, people a, once openl>' chargsd him vitit of- fenses whicb lbey bad no reasoxi Lwhatever wlth havlng a rlgbt tii aven binsînuate. Here vas a man In tbe aservice for tbree decades, a man of valor and ioyalty-yel I kpow Wauks- gan people who msde these remarks vbich. ai a lime like tbis, become un- 'ft ha& got la stop and 1 propose te stop t ln a manne.' tiat titere wili be ne furtitor unccrtsinty a tebbe govemnmen's determination to stop ail sedîblous utter5rices.. "The evidence I lýave collectedi l undiaputable lu that l shows cou- clueively that the German propegan- da le sprsadlug throughout the cily of Waukegau and thte oI>' va>' ta check k i ltto make waolesahe Sm- reiets.' WELCJI SI UI3 TUESIRVICE3 0F DADY A ND WEISS 0"ai Homo, Cook Av. Phone 163-J 4+4+ . . . . Surprise Oooasioned in Court LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. MgELANOUS + Today When He Gives the ______________ . .+.+ ..+.+ ..+.+..+.+. Names of Two Aids. MONSlE!TO LOAN. W. sourît itaeIn- LYELL IL MORRIS quir tho m ..delring ta boitow money CONTINUE BROT4ERS CASE. ÂtoaaT-AT-aAv ou Farmior aiherloproved a@ont Lbertyvhi - Illiaio i ai Esh&e. FurelNaional Bankms £ ~ i LUre Bilig. Lbertyville. Ililools. "" Attorney for Ch~urohrman ays au.. muoe.ta5-x. oaune phone x WANTED TO RENÏ -F-t'rm ofi lin 40 He Wàs Not Notlfted of This 1080 acres. Addreos, eorge Irubstorler. Step by State's Attorney. PAUL MAC GUFffN, Falrvlev, 111. 46pl WucaNv 2 ÂIWRNET AT LAW. "And the Lion and 1he Lamb @hall Uhfertyvllle. Ilinois lie down togother."1 stolre 5 jw si__ITtitIeIItbhical reference vas brought MAVTINC. DECKER 307 Waehingion sireet wAIJkzGAN, - - ILLINOIS' Offie. Phone 1848 Bo. Pitons 1860-R -~ ~ ~ I »EHBN VER 149101RIW M DSURGEON fe ~ss twoum. 20 yeclue eu» b$be*3 agkaebe thails ai sre ta 135ont oi goar fi 4oedvwon"rforlunhver Us.A telsi8kc 1, im'oeo. StlIh Brown Leather Suit Case between Wheeimg and Waukegan on Milwau- kee Avenue-road. Con- tains clothiug and other personal cff ects. $10. REWARD J. R MTHON hoint- fori-cfuil ho court attaches and spcsoslu Circuit Court this nuoru- Ing R-h-ýn Safi sAttorney' James f, Wihhiaskoît pýrînîscian of the court ho lieu Ite uaittis aIFormer Stab's Attorney R. j. Dady sud Atlai-ne>' W. F. Wtes nehr-il amhie assistanta in tbb prosecîxîlln of the William Broih- crs case. This an ion onuith- part of!theetsatei uttornsy rame as n complets surprise. Il 1001< Pace afler the Jury b" been called sud w-rt in-thie box and the attorneys versread>' to tart Ibelr examluation af veniremen. Attorney> George FlNeld, counsel for Bruters, îoaked hte surprise v*%ta tbbcstatesc attorney Made hie su- moun10cemenIt. lMe pald e lt-d noti ý 1 e>, sud John Rowland, vers 5iarmtll at the salue lime sud are belng beli ne stale vituesses. Pires Kill 9,000 Annuali>'. IChe National Pirs Pratectîve as clatIon estimates about 9,000 persans are killeti every' year lu the United States b>' fir; as n result of COnfiagim' lions or burusalbterwise ingllcled. Thte property lacs rime Intathie mlions. been served wlth any notice of euch an intention on hie partland ho asked that the case be ontinued until this afternoon eti1 .30o'clock 1n order that he migbt have lime ta confer wilh his client to seesvitether or not be was desirous of hav!flg addltliiîaY legal assistance. Ha sald that ai thiC opening of court Ibis al'ternoon lit nilghlt àsk for addIltional asgistânreP. Speculatiiin le rite as ta the cause for the act of the states attornley ho calling ln sthornî-ye who aîways hb-vo bbeen consldered ver'y bitter polt- clIf not pereonal enemles. 00ne sol- utio ta that the Good Governmeitt League, of whlch Attol'ieYs Weiss and Dady are mexubers, ma>' ha bacit of the prosoulioa oo. Brothers. and y bgVe 9akeft perMiIolI lb ender tu.e gttes attorney vhat assistance itbey cma.« TW, î4aioeé un 1Bte- of Chicago, 1the voan vo bsrsei! -ddn't have typhoid foyerbut carriedi tie jorima b aIlers. Nolw v.-baye T1iÔ.e whp délire W e ai 13013>tu, their lem 1loa'iubate beolbem s pieuse read- tetoUlovlng careluilly sud If tee sltbernselmveescts lu Ibis instance,' pieuse call aitîsubon ta the letter. .A letter firm heb Isolatian Bacul- lai etthlb.Great Laes Training Sta- tion 135e been received. vritleu b>' Indications tat thers havi beaud more tertta e rat Laites Ibsu mere euhë b#4 been jsUdcu - va î0 lb.e NorLit Cbîcago polici.Pdêpari- ment Thursda>' moruing. Bob Cudvorth vas valking uer a culvert of 1the North Western et l6tlt stl'e. Ile bappened to direct iq îkze bavard the cnlaert andt Ierolie 48w vbat apiaeared lIoh.' n box of somthîng. He vent aver and pylled l ont. Hsrra's vitl e foand: A naval station box. contanng- On. hustdr6edsiIk neektles surit as the boy* uuse; il wassln the. origîn--, pa" l5. n giicit tse tisa wre ship-1 PgW but il hO been brouter open and husband to Anna G. Nlcbolg, lot OS- ISbaw:s subdivision on FPX tlc.. e-W. H. A. Icuopt and vif e to Wleconsif IOoadeniêd MIjk CompanY, 11% surfs ln soutlrget quarter, section 16, Ver" 0. A. #.vqomb, Jr., 10 H. c. Tbomp- son atiil'-5fro Is 18 sud lit, block 61, North Chîcago. Deed $3,000. Ilats 'l'ànk Anderson ta Alfred .Huit,-lot I 1vilae of Deerfeld. Decd $150. Oct. 27, 1917.-J. A. Hameau îoTuÉ' lave Weideman sud vite, lot Il,' lu blouk 1; Lundenburst subdivision atInl. sesfide. W. 1D.860. ,Cors, A. Gray>'and buabhsute J0. . 1 DUMUgsut 55 66 lent uoth hall lot 37, Coryso addition, Waukegan. W. D. MÂRRLAGE LICE.NBES. lfenry ooak, Cllia#o; Eînvna b- vIon. <'i&aon. di"8 Kim WIech Teit of Piti- The n4 t ~rbu. aWi egan, d&dtt siinea COUnty 1insti- itltU, O i 4 ded todny by ise la Miirnntslh, a Probation Olilcer out-of 1the qoiSty Court of Lbke taoun ty àud' beeect fa detentlon horneln Waukegau. Usa Himmeirelch Baye th need of- an orphannge ln Wall- kegahla lehOouing more apparent al hea tlme sgi neyer vas needeil more ihan.atlle Ivniént lime. 1 'Affairs haiver.earhed such s potul, elho sald, "tbat we are unable to Ifro- 'ide accommaodations for ail the chu dren entrueffld b aur cars. Tho Me-ý tbodIst Deaconcss Orpbnhge at Lake Bluff la, crovded so badly tb-i. t li . Impossible far us to aend more chil- dren there nov. if 'we had an or- tixanage ln Wautkegan we would be able to rellevç the L.ake Bluff Instl- 4MW of cthe care ai aur depleudelt titilire'n and vould maîsil poseibîbe to allow 1the Lake Bluff orphalliage la care for ohîldren f ro lter localit-- les. "I1 have four children ai my home et present and vititin te next day oi LWO wii bave a total of 12 ta 15. This Je man>' more than I oan cars for aLde- quately. Wc nemi a coilnty orphan- age very bbadly.» ' MiiseHlmmeireich laid a pitîful case called to ber attention loday. lit wag Vhs ece af a Waukegan voman who had besu endeavorlug tla cars for ber six ebldren und vbo bas worked so bard Ihal ,5he'lia" brougbh oin tuhiercular trouble. Sho vas, r- movpdti 1 te tubercular depnrtment of ths count>' hospital Ioda>' snd Misse Ilinmelrelch muet ftnd temiioraix homes for lte children. the aIdatt aI whom le undor 11 n-are and 1tue youngest of whom ls ual yst eleven months. NMissHinti, il-'-ici toa-kes e pIes. for kixta bearteil cutizene of Vau- kegan to supply borna 1fr ihe,ýe it- -tic çildrsn. The mother's game la M re. Emmer. Tbe four chitdren ot Tony Malle wito vas kilîsdinb a hltnting a-cident Sunay aiea hecome charges on chlas ity. Titese children will be cnred fai teupoi5lbry Atthelhe bo f Mis Hlm melreich*. . Mise Himmelreth inkes a pla f«e saule famil>' tSad uopt t111e'%atl Miller, aged 8, vho became' an ai gitana short lime ago vien itis moti er died. Hi lebains; cared hôOr a pres eilt b>'relatives au Milwaukee Roa( but te>'havs noV the mens" o117(i for 14rn permnntly. Mies1limmPl relch saYs hè la a fins 11111e fIdiof who would bring joy la an>' home Il vhlcb he vas placsd. FRANK STOCKEY' la HELQ TO GRAND JURY IN 80,000 BONDI Frank Stocke>' vas arraigued ilui tics cour' at Highland Park ov. Iý vas bhldta the grand jury in boni Of $6,000. He la charged Ifitli tht, offenses-burglary, attempted burgli aud recelvlug stohen ProPet'tY. Tt citarged ha broke into a store ai 11il land Park on tbe ulght Of Septemixq 12 and gotaI aa>' vilot valued1 $1.000. He vas srrested aunte nil] of November 6, viten ho le charsi vitb baving lried ta enter Vhse a" gloire again. Hie brother, Tony Bloc I N. PATRONS r ~.v WAR REVENUE TAX EFFECTIVE NOVEIIBER Ist, 1917, IS THE REV- ENUE ACT APPROVED OCTOI3ER 3, 1917. SECTION 500 0F THIIS ACI PROVIDES AS FOLLOWS: (a) For a Tax of 3 per cent for the transportation of freigbt. (b) For a Tex of 1 cent for each 20 cents or fraction thereof paid for transporting ]parceis or packages by express. (c) FOR A TAX 0F 8 PER CENT 0F THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THE TRANSPORTATION 0F PERSONS, THE FARE FOR WHICH 15 IN -EXCESS 0F 35 CENTS. (d) FOR A TAX 0F 10 PER CENT OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR SEATS EN PARLOR CARS. "The taxes imposed by thie act are to be paid by tht person, cor- portation, partnership or association paying for the services or facilities renckred and the party furniahing the service shall make the collection."' THE TAX, as above provided, will be collected hy AGENTS or CONDUCTORS. 4~ N e M. L .. S.himsehia coffrer. fHere are 10 aa. eonMiod youthe Who, wbile tbey have CUdWoS'th took the hbx to thb'- eogeo.fl-er 't tbeoeelves tbe disease of spinal, lice station and l her the offictirs sent dred Winsail. Racine. melngitin, are Bo unforlu nate as to Ji baci to the caval station. Arthur Gerg. Bbaver Dam,. Wbz, be the menas etocarrying ilta others. The bfflpi la that the h. ftc Jero4m esti. Denver oib. Par Theuy send a request lut new inaga- the Package Of ties or that Jil wass Jeroe l uforon JPark.i ari zines and new victrOla records. asted ta hlm h Y sasnebody Who han- aon eonkpffrtsonllPak . l s1fie th 10nUnef of hesetel dles such articles; that it wu araro- ,nhl a glK- u lb. ln h l a n dof Ih e eo a fu ly set reted in th é c ac h e w ith lb"H u m h e , M i a k e appaaeutlybealttuPland Indemne d of p t IEdward M. Waahtok.liav.r 1u~ to Inactive service on accaunt Of dan la w o f.rt ang t atr S Raie. svr a ger O Ohet* Hep souldbe entan advantageoîîs lime and dieposinnos JYHrter evrDm gerkly an il ohrHeàly.shoul e esent oI L.The 'tien nov ar- e.rixaps Worth ibis.tland lB. Mhsh. -Waukeba, We qhulclsd &erahy o eesr 0 csnnts eacb. 1 Edna A. Walrabonsteln. Wjukbstîa thtc,Rplei be inade of me. Mhere- , thth deoryf Alfred H. Gruelamacher. hao a~ nd vha lterecorda bok as rte Ibis box Of tien may be the mpans <of Eleanor Meyer.,(Chicago. above address. t anisco v tetiattonmiar naur Thoratein S. Ravelstad, Waukegtar; u e l enesto Nbokrth Cho startlng an iver thés îon iiîc matureMaie Wright, Waukffan. Gnmotshi returnednta aiothe shacion. George W. Boit. Mlwauik-.- No -a go WedixesdaY haviDj:heen ltherated I 13rdprmnse h tto.M.OCathon. Milwaukee. On $6.00 bondi.s. On, badpaned ta Herbert Schellenberg. Milwaukt-- o0eM a second bond furulture store Ral EstaoTransfers E.ear Wègnpr. îlllIwauk-- on listte street th ld aylor b ank Nov. 9. 1917. Mlrec.ce E. Docker Arthur H. Wils4on, Great Laites~; building. lie bougot out su old stock tsnd huhsud 1t Luro n Ripas and Sera t ,jite bh Eastn Of goodi ln Hlablsnd Park and was vite, lot 43, blockt 68, Nort 8Willia.mfi. Cooke. Llverpool. Eng. m»ovlug It up the day 1e vas arreateil W. D., $M8. Mhe ,mih Evanevillie. md. and ie nov lans ta go aheail witii f. S. Hyrnan and *Ifs to f- i George A. liacker. iSouth Nlilwai- the enterprîste. ltnOrr, iots 16 and 17, hflnck 33, L.ak, ke; L.ouse Straub, Ciirrolmvilie, Wlu. Mr. Kingsley of Zion City. le erect- Igue, W..- D.. $10. Erneet P. Wllismis, Oconomowoî., lng eigbt 1eW house on South Lin- Nov. 7, 1917. N. M. Stranfiberw, snd Wli. Clara Btock, (k-onomaowac. coin street mast eouth of the Blryant vitoi Minnie C. Knox, lots 6 andl 1,Fasui Jahný Mlnneapallie.EMin.; homne.' It la stateil tbat be bas One' block 1, Harders subilivîiion. Lakc, Bonnie Kunt z. %llvau ioî- of the bousses rented alres.dy. Plort. W.-lD., $10.i William J. ilohllng, Nlilwaukf-ë :F! ____________;_-. B.D. Robinson andl wlfet- fG ýl la Hlartman, %Iilwâuk-. LIii Dog lnIngerIU. ODOper. veat 36 fpet lot 18, block AletIys.Ciao ,nv Fu 'Boul aIl de experienca some tuenCnfuue diIn1 ahîgn ~ Abr yT.thcg.Eît-Fi gltà wtt happinme." said Unele Eben. ,,~LntW, -'te tryln' ta spli it lob somebody D 10 Paul Burns, liailu.'Ma.ry lB-uit el"." oct. *28, 197.-Mary M. Shaw and Kenosba. 1 ý 1 nardnnahlê.- » 1 parclonable. 1 ; AL 1 .- 1

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