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Libertyville Independent, 15 Nov 1917, p. 9

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I Jo ~L. XXV.-NO. 44J.. e £'M 1'*Bg eby A~CGNWEEKY SUN. LIBERTYVTLLM INDLîEPeIiT, NOVEMfE1R 15,1917. POUR PAGES $1.50 PER YES&" 1 -i n. %NE ÀWAY WITli, IIoLDRIDGe TURN Pirst Meting of Fuel Admi*î- tèation: Soud Shows No Causm ê ~ai SOO LUNE' TOWN SUFFER. Alongthat foa4 ownAin« Ne.d oW C Mel ttOf Than ManyCOun"e. L.aite outy's; fuel comulttbe tet bousiels aof l P. Freinsne. churmèn ai Waukefs, auFiil MoGuMf t iberi>- ville, and Johna Griiti t aiLait.For- est heu I-them rutrlmeeting lunMr. GriltflbWeoce aItLakes Fo'cest -OS TuesdeY hvecin. They maie a cul- fui uurvey O!fte CaRI situation ln Laite County andiase a resul, ofItir canierence. the committîc eoe li t Laite ounly ln la migbty go0d situpe for 1the coming vInter l i te . otr of fuel. .Adutional cocforl anti stlsft«IOU vas atidedtû< teir eurvoy vitea-"bis moring te i; stesamer. Mntatit" carnla7.Oe0 tous o e * i Ow ilyV e t a tse Rois. COI boite. WqIte)- gam, Md- be«cIï lSIg. - F'oevngtboe meetilie oncl. Ian aof1the commutee wasxtat Lots rouuly ln very fOrun4e in lt tevig lb. bg roai dock& at Wauitegan as cou- pret vîll maay ater cilles taI are tnand and vhere Itlale cecessarY tw haul by tra or by wagon an.4cnusik aliy long distance. in speaiing ai te malter, Ciarman Ensine sali: "il may ho necesary ln same ca" à for Laite county people ta haui 1h01? rosia àose Laite r0unty but If Il vers ual for Iis big Cool dock ai Wauitegau Il mighl 1e neccssary for tem ta haul the coal arros everal gaaes before they gel it b toeir homos. In alter varda. lait ounDI> Is aery frtunale In bavicg te blIg rosi docks an te laite front liecaude It meane thetlin ona case wviii Ibere ho any real criais in te coal situa- .ilon hli te eounty." Bisul Caci Par Il happenet that Mfr. Ersitine wau valitla oyard. t o ruaidtcts 1h15 monning vben ho met a fermer vhs, vas bauIng roslinbta te country. He asitetihlm itere 1e vas trontacit > te casa replied tlitIho vas rou Mil- burt In ater varie fi e batcous trontMilîburn la Wankegsn lit rtel ta gel a wagon lbat ai coal. - A survoy by te committcc sitowed enotitor ttig, ameiy tatte townt' along te BoanlUno railroad are tite cnes vtlcb are suffering most fr00 coal famine. For Intane le ite la atian et Antbocit ia qute parallel te taI ai ther tovua along the Bau lino ralroati. Here la vhal te ram- cabtees rePortet on Anztiocit. Tbey taundt lt a/ntioch taîtibatl 1067 tons ai bard coal and 693 tan. ai soit coal turing thte pressai easan. A. liant requires for te balance aoflte vinter appraximately 1500 tans oI hart rosi anti 860 tous' of mati ceai. It viii thorefare b h ie acatmorte comite laget 'the reLelers5. 'aI Antioc in luposton vhereby lheY yjl ho able la acquine Ibat .numbes of tons oficrosInla rder. ta -upply te detmant. The cocmlittee stata istai other lovas &long te Sa. Ilieor.l noati arç entire)y out ar bard and mail coal sud taIlthe peope 'are upu hauliug front distant Pointe iu orWif to have fuel in Ibeir homes..Ina duel places, n ol on te Boa lice rallro1 te committeens t ltIt eapi bave about enangh oa n a ceO ta rua unlil .aiuary lat. Mrn. Blitne bas gatIln..cloes tond -iti thet> Relua Coal docàk W#Ilps aé-ani i t to ageltb~r'* "ecs 1 1ttr viliretw »x Libertyville BSanker la Seetod for Pott by State fo Ad& minltrator WhoeWe. WHEELER AJO IN. COIJNTY. W. E,.Webb Vis Various Food CaoOIers-CommiS- siate Mut at-Wbrtyvile. arrot Gddy of te Pit Natio>, almfti Lmtý«nuceIllla boas been .cr yltc h appaltet gegmfl foot ame5.0ifor ""ie catUty. l le ail te local adminlotmalOnfor Ubent"vlle tnshi la iMt aalpilles meut Mame lait -Wseeday algiti tram W. E. Webb. an acitant af sile 'o ASdntdnitator fWiteeier. tiat Mfr. OridleY lied bora' seiecled as a uien vio viii direct.ltsegener- ai oo tactsiUslon ili Laie oOUty. Accepta Place iWh.n acIed If 1ho bat t.eàrd liat Otiley sait: "I bave heqn offereti thi place- ant i llely 'vriliicrept If,. Mn. Wob uv e oWetuosdey îad .&"ti me la take 1the posilids aut 1 pulIllIy asaured hip .1, vouli. lI r*,h, litaIwite t vauld 1e a lot Of 1p IfIcoulti' li *1 service taite 1 uiy.I ouit be sblrklusif 1 titi 15.-Titeretore Iviinatif y )4.- rx 'WbaeIer taI 1 Wl itttket*eappoient' q"P' As t laé Uic vorthé11e rm- M e. W muy- spécial 'wo;lj-~i tov bisdliuat " l~timie.- rMm. Durand, Authorlty on 111k #M.'. Gnltiey. bas livod.ti' I Ubcfly WIlo, Sa s' Wauke--, -vUlql muot aitshi.1f e bà ut e id t 1 gates Are '4eId Up.' 1 lli* ici Wautogau. He liq rmArist __ bu&ever sine it trtet. 'ýeW me»; WILL FURNISH A TABLE. are btter tuovu titan b11eal n Li>- ertyvale andi bis apPalntment vill be Dairywoman Preparing Data regardtas oneor Importance anti!Il for Readers Showing Costs le generaliy relizedt litIc lendPrfisiiiaiy make,a gooan sal inte important. n ift tDiy vont. -"Wbat are Illeir riarging for niik Whmt Webb Piane in Wauitegan today?" asXied Mm-c. SeBrIt, Durandthteofamous tiairywons- lir. Webb I seema liassrat the j~ai Lit Blff greagter part or 1the week visltlng var- "lTweive cents a quart," was te re- .o0a &&rtea ofLaie caunty anld conter- ply of thte Dabiy Sun. ring witit the different mon vito have "rhat s aun outrage," exclalmedL ben deignated as food administra-, Mre. Durand. 111 cen produce figures t taom ln tedifferent townships. fi and Sti*4t o Ie ashow that they ouglitb develaus that te men seieoted hy nette carg *ve 10conts à quartt Mr. Wbeeler iln theo cuutry *districts for milk ln Waukegân îoday and il are mostly men vito are Inte nik ou arste.1 i wîîfurnish thon fl-d buainess. Thenefore il bat heen ane Ures fer ycu and the table showngE ori Mr. Webb&s mllesta consîden thete *cent of production and showingt nUit situation in Lakte conltia n '_ whet thei retailers should be charglng1 tila; viitltes. difertiut foodnd-MUd b.e tellfed wth a failprofit." É xpla6s1 thes.id "The Daily Sun and its readers wilil Mfr. Webb la in charge oftefodb very XI .adtt have you do this, Mr.. edinlanistration for te Ntorirn lIiiuranti," suggested te Sun man, and1 noie distriet and Io thon dirertly over accardingîy Mrs. Durand la preparing Lake countY. ln bis vistavit food tse oriedule lnt question whlrh viii sdministrMaors a ic Lue aaunty he show te retait cost of prodncing1 bas paone loto the matter. of priros tmllt anti the ratio or profit wiic vwiicitare ta bu chargedt pr fonda I n tedaessol ban ibis aounty aiter a certain lime. He bdoersiuloba. la figuring over wvitl.erceniatolthe, merritants yl ho permited 'to ma'ini liow te Chicasgo prices bave W»e,R SIU N arniveti et. The suggestion in 111 t JRJR YjflL Wauegan and ti ter lAke coimty cIt- le 185 ad>1 1the sinilar plan In te mat ftA VDC-3 A 91er ai rearhing thepecenleges ta B IP[Aà 'i ,À hob made on various tinta ef food. sbufs. Ho thinethelis Mme bais 26.e Bused la Chictago can ho used ln LI.*te * C. Franik right, Nee f oputi very satisfactorily. Thte Pev, Price, Is Vctim et Harden- ceýagaes have ta varil nturallY. l'on ing of the Arteres. e is4aàMe the perrenlage o Profit On t tOêwill bociigher tas on tl1' WELL NKOWN IN.-COUNTY. r It . .Wobh stateti beore )lo let Weclwga ttatho ouli oil mêI- Lakte connty people viillie ahocketi tàl 'I i .1fsfciamnartl ta itr of te deatit Tuesday nigiti iiite Bert- iev qays. At that at 10:30 o'rlock.at .Libetyvinfl. ýt ms*t«iog doit. planSviiili e tonml Mr,. C. Frank Wright, vite or lte r uclittdf- 1r 4ontnollin; lbepricea cf preidentaof the Lakes tun ty Nation- tliegWate c Iý'haes qyare lits m r a l ai ansd itesd or one of the hout ,i tm te cancs ae te mrch»U tnown familieà' la that part of Laite, L cif 40i itAntiof lakée uaty !ýÙ . b1e couctY. fflUe4 ta ailers to te ,sugWsýtIOUl r Wcitlte p!leufe ABOI y t» e 4#ted Mra. Wnlgbht's deatit vas tue ta te <b*Mt*a5 t lt the e"ýof U . vMl br iat cf te aiteri ,e and vitle lx te.-g i Miler f' Ueiààh> . -Kèý ite ituW een aling for' ore.- 011Bt, ï1 'andi NOM; lCM oh,* 5 neUy bai nât beaut aie% but foi -je OlrIte food aMilitd a, ew 4*B -#ir, u -« tpoU. 1 'bd 4s1iiï4t$ , ffrIly et grava up cblîdrea mais, to spriye he i Mn. Durand aasl%~a4 tW~ aan.1 t"~ B5t8s~up *J- sur'. ticieni o the re 4.(oexcet ut the p1ulic. Si"eI î ý ., litiunder the present prCe.9' iq, la iWauke- ga and vi i»Ïruare gettlng practicaflY sesexi cents a quart from the retaler*an4 the rr- tallers ln turn inetëa4dI- lking3 cents profit on a quart âareaciw tskz- ing 5 cents profit. lite 'isclires tblî la an outrage amidUloIItk )Ïot 1betoi- erated and that unleaa rjiýet4-~g le tione to itring t he Prfoe fiowII ta where il belongo, th*-- chfItcea are seli miik at 10 cents a ,Çlmtt wbicb would gîve them a reesOnable profit. dUnder the 12-cent .bazis Ïhe decIarrta the fermer le Dot gettUng over Paidý but the retaller Is getthag ala oxhor- bitant price. lirs. Durafld wi111i have te eche. dule she refera ta rescl for th1e read- ers of thbs paper viwtthin . day or twe, and because of - ber- intimate knowledge viith detailis o! mllkpro- duction, that table shoUIsi prove vcry interesting and venr "authoritative. lire. Durand urges. however, tbt lthe public sbould flot tleisktir ht the larmers are able ta BelL liii. underý 7 cents a quart. The cost QI produe- bng it le surir, she dec4es, titat 7 cents te the fermer le oiu6wt0u4 margin for hlm ta oit Her name formerly va rZ eand bche i one of the best known wourep in Ubertyville and viflbty. -Pcv Il any familles are belter known lntitis county than the Wrigit fily ,be- cause of their long residence la Llb- erty ville. Mir. and lirs. Wright blad seyea chiltiren but aoie, Pred. lis aead. Thte living cbiidren are: Wirt of St, Leuis. Mo.; Clark o! HI{gbleed P&ft;Roy af Libertyviile. George of -Libentyvilie, RoÏbert af Washiagton.f) .," t~nd I[e.. len. f Chicago. * Mra Wrigbt'u os t htUcpaet few -days ,baa, -heen crl&ic md ' tt vas reaized she wfur eaU7 b avlng a mighsty bard tUrne c t t.ld .lilel rnot ta survive lte stta4 1%oeven, h«r healtit lid neveir bes -of the, eblaracter te inilleite fhit e did not hiavelte stredfi Ao 4ta tand an attack. the nrÏ e~it*a hat -ab* would be able te,* Ibrougit. Aë,aordlnily. neya )loi'caPefetuh haà ca40ed a hi;s inlt ?te any re- atives and ffi*nd&a tbrou~bu the tz. STATE W. C. T. U. Rt!SLUTIJs 0 Dangerous Right-Angle Turn - Northwest of Waukegan Has Been Eliminated. E-R M SCEN FIJ fFMANY .fCRASHES.MI . %Y-1 -J,'.. It% Wa vThere 1 Wher Chl es Illinois State W. C. T. U. at Itsi every memnier of our greal ate.lsr aanizilon a ure e . higteet tand Steele and High Cummings gnzto oug h ihn«sad HidCloe Ecaps. Annfuai Meeting Pleade for ard of morale.. HadCloe Ecaps.Nation-Wide Suffrage. ws e cmentte adoption aiflte servce Pana orcaergsncyvoit tdn. ila o,dotleCwar asproee*ld lnWUea ASIS C6RET b h - n 1 W .T.,U W ment. mate la U.kegn tquei Oneailit mttoawnshag ipv- IA14,l'En cco l ork aiflte vameua'. col oroats ln year-e la thai viticit b: f01 atioar dt vlgo ro. Jutbeen finiaited at the lodcn D eP ores Mve tl po d ithe 3 mmtItte In p citi corner northbv.est oai Wtuiegan. d Child La o hoLs. e e eralie obervaçn coiqo!eus Thte riglit angle rurve al, hast car- Cul- 11cLws w r ie tnoservtoance te oes- d can c 0 4 c e orea sinm at Be iw are presented ln fullte re»o- Ing 0f1 ite saloons la W ah ngto.fl .* . dagen8 aLakc raunî,y because ltîo picthyIe taer tion ofio~S o f t h e il o at i n a y , atb ee o! l o a d T . U . c o n v e n tio n re c n t y ie iti nla P e - j t e ind Iv Id u el a n tid o l t t o a - i s strtces f ighay ba lceneac ria , resolutiane vwhicb are Important f tate sud nation ronelilule lte çeuly up' biy te wldenlng of the curve. A e aI ofthe Importance ,ý lte1ratbanai solution af thes ll4uor 0ev train bas been put in wbich la varions tapirs their deai viit: lcm.id atmh o lav s d thébe rodit t about Ivice as long as 1the aid anc lPramble. stand ar ion a n. v oUns.th, a rl o rg d in il nva s p a s s i l b o m a k e u n b o u n e t i l o v e , r e v e r e n c e a n d c h i l tr e n . W e e l e v e I a t b e ç a e a e t ah 11e ar vomen are .flha; mWe, le n g. ln atongacc i tsrt wilpre- ePPre iatin . vo ac no iotge te con- places lit Industries tbc'y $hat, mu 1.0 ve t an ato ac i n the fui-, saint, tender cars and gudanceofaiout. cnive quai pay for squat o n. * 0 = ure. Heaveniy Pallier turing lte past year. beibevn t fela cbety. il coetoeuity *At Ibal turn many s car bas gonde Because oi HlI- mercy vo. te women, vith to'i!e awv, bould maintfli loto the' ditch-it vas. tbere that aof111e Woman's Chrisian Temperailc singrle 'ta trd. ai morale for qqa Chares Sade I oe tîe, Carenn IUnion of ,the state of!Illinois, rejoice and.0ei.d Cummnge t aiathr ln inhat ivo bave been pernibtedt ta'The e we vdecia'e il aur pucpàise 0ummi fnsa nte m {nrdIassemble ln Ibis. aur 44t nal cou' to-*«M duilitg irte coMlnW $ar*Wth ltranbve pluagedIbiottalhe 1venlian. anti îit a apie ai cjwe 1renevedoafoenti a'deepe-ocisemea« f enoaler taiiing ta recali the ab- cralion. pietigeoaurselves aaev lalite, lion tPr tise proaMob,aft ts t.«V upt .ur. Ilvaslitee werc anygreal principida of aut organisation.itg nlaclitlé. anti, tthe aocooeifb- Pttr.I a teeweemn Il IM vitb gratitude vo have caotd te mcentilat ailS' blilale' aima" cou,04t>f ut isa resrsu u bas stdo m ie dlt metl idd hi e unenl ofi urcoraianeIS pl '5i 1 n .ori-ec-nf. 1 el ce bat a *'bair breadlt" escape. lin the manufacture a! diatilleti uirltg. i wqon'8I4i4,#i&. : -. Anid nov lbe road commisiiners wO teeaslte protectii t Il aq glvSci We Coolq~lulte eqit aier os'." have relievedthét s ituation., An he ubyl rm abnaused~ra i~~ot oa utsl aiht the 1ls ~ *-4e; ato, rae ,s'taL lxW Ior-. - . . 7 tLtîr. Il STOVE AND HE sheuld take as much tirn acid oijetanadîwga ub mobie-Look jute the ie cf the stors. the v4efmate"s used and tihe construction, as weilIaetihe brand. WE ARE ALWAYS READY TO COMPARE À JEWEL Basé burner will eut your coal bill in 2 - all new kemi-test iron used. I miooth nickel baseburners -if other makeB9 < 2 0« 0. satisfled AICAZAR usera in suffloient proof that wi haveý the best -combine- tion rang e made. Simple to opsr&te; easy te dlean. An ornement as well as the most useful kitchen article. Do Not Fail To Sec Us Befôre You Buy. A' COLE'S Rot Blaat wiU keep Éiý 48 houra without atten-ý tion; burn anytitiu absolutely air-tik~ heavy lintige. Web' every style on4w f rtom ...... 3 MI Om.é o ~' arsOletud*t z. àà. V à e 1 «J 1 1

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