Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Libertyville Independent, 22 Nov 1917, p. 13

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--t '-t. . 1. àl .... ..... .... _.............~8 lwmu bout e T.. ............... Ch" . M".~eBom P. »twilsraD lx vc. or 0 f ..............5. tu. . cwovr. M. C Ilr C.io. 8. Do 7w .COMMInt a ......... 2 ffellpCo.., - -Co . se oe............1 3i. 1. OfiaITrK 00. ,suOTVWb................ 1 O..H.* rato......... <hlo Bare. v Etipies......... 7 ou9ite.......... auppie.........tt.... séribe.. roed catfit .. PIs4lo ....... 5ry1~e ondoutflt outlt, 03ervile" rul ouit.... ServiceP" =., 00tit ..... ~ cait. -'~~f@eS eed utit. ,BlieS eloctk..... rrBS ffl ftoat.. yç,d tSerfl5c Ns4ou*tâ.... lai uc .. evgeroad out. vervif.....n.......... Serykç% 504oudotllt.... Vérimearoal o*tit.... L x7Leoile "t Il 18 i. 19 10 9.73 ifIE 380 trPaddock uuced to We etiMof ethle Board on tit Md Iuséupao"yetrs >a '-'q tmprovc ,h he "X 1 Cook ÇA .t »Z tu- Aga I'Nyvtebl~cimo~t ?411e 5te tUooocl *" $ùD«vlrPad avr*#Ofl 1 t a 8. mipo * SIIT J4 e' tonwu**u otrand Atobeie rw lOby lthéfoutg 'vote. o lamit X5t"w-w-t. Thome vtina Aye are SuPOrrleotuffopLkeln iW' e ~ ~ 109.1 i ne.e, oldridue. Monlman Paddok. l lah, St*pton, don fw» 2 OThoipn, u.Webb t)f Mtocli. Webb *1Ç MO i .:~. iWnkga, Wlt4 Speviot *e .the pripode4 lAr. loger. Marin, tafme..mex& enéUl*i~Mte ..392.g8 1mecuuioWb. RoolenliMeiVuueý.'O fRSTOW. Content Co. Sujiîr Paddock >nbuble the 1Mt> ICKB. t894 olbelil reeôlutlonm m tvèd.'I i . U4V NGDAI1L, 9, rnent Ce. adopton: ' ' Rsap 6 0sComndttee. t »et... 3.89 Be l<-nteoled. luit tue »bod ApirO1ved Y esEteumell Cernent Co. subutit te thé people «f Lae Cut Cou twy BnOm tim p of Hlghwu". I t. $4 otract . 412.,7 et a specwa eléctIcU. a proliqetido te se ' cr¶S0imoved mau l *5041.1*4 Ceuent Co. ivote a bond lmue of $»00.00 te cm #bt=lüènIt Ot* Proositions lia. Ml4- otraci ... 60.94 ront av deila labe Couty; eub1*dtte o 9I A j50,o ccerti 8Prtlau Cenent Co. $1600 e tils amaunt fo bô ued lu the Rut e Q URo".ad tbe alter IBt*t md Contrat. ... . 3.89 ltte eo»uiu.tlciet te proposed l flatfer $M5,00. te#- èother sodat ~vê~ouari oi lia'~an11W alnc4 l Iemendatton cf. *ftpirs..............15 ]RevId3er. snd tier ratinas lretout-,5 pIitif à Wrlslit, 1,. mendedby-thé Rosi sud Brida Oin' '."ý4t abélng calatfor. Repaire.............4784 aite. llteir recaeMeniatlcna- 8navl4rY motion wu lent taeched herto mnd made a Part bar* lb iite11Wle Total .............112»4.30 o0-?lbe oty are supervisera AIl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c afwll er.etul uu th Ie Honcrablo Bourd 0f Supell CAr,.ltd4 r #eRoclenbacol. Ge.(etlemen: T . v aie Supervleisos ~: >.ndar.Bridges tagether wtlt the Spectal 0. %tSerltel, p.Marin, Mena i SuprviorMoele moed mtiep pclnted to çonfer ulit the% lban, Miih& - gh, Paddok suevirl*eàrinie ta.the tic cionion september bIstitlngdabl, trang. ' np. tien crr b. acp5 a ditd d1917, req">mnend thaI thé PropoW 1 ion, Webb ote fleun. Wblte.-19. fflotpe1et ur V4«teoved tîli'.î d Rural Pont Rond shah tolow hie foi Vote !eçurrlfl* dute orii51 mo- ~CIpcne.Ote~u0of the Boira of 10wlng eebd rut, owva In oe uieIimePaddowik, te:in R1*vew, liceiloed $75.00 fer*ex- TelegrapIll toad train thé couth lin( arc l*ii floîg oe palace. carrled. e at oitnortborty te(lie Lk< TAIsé voti.ng reSprvmr SeperiserWel~bcf WuikeM ikeS Rma; Ieuce Easlt on the IaIU Balretôw,. BrueibW ,Burgess, Clark, Meovle aîWuebbio Waneg» Blul Roui lu te Green Bay Rosd i llger. ',1050k. ledrldge, Martn. Igo54 1», 111e Ccpuulttra e g-c a î~~~I O'1 o ou'iothu Y011. Paddock, mogoall vas teWasiîngtonl Street, titeneehait ou, Strtteniu, *Tbompsofl. VercO, wliahbttenStreette sbieridatiRosd, We40f. wbte-18. Chi. elra t hhence uoirtb on Brdin Roid te lite ýTôbo 'NOare Supcrvimos Clr lÉImn fteNorth bUne o ot kéCouty. 1Wg.r, Mt yer. MeculIeuKh, lii tii, fclelgreor:Hoever, we, suggeet taIft i t' ROCk0Ilr4b. iAntitoch.-4-. Owil t-qte SfloIlaei Hgiway Departinent de5ne Ii PrllO e .moved thtlte ai oit.sa. . adimabu«I. lorder te avotd te twc eteo! .clfainsa Mfr. Charugu andGentleenuof te EaliiMy Grade e roefiingon Teiegro*~pbIIY!y jipsdbn g~ Suera of Supervisors. litai that té route front thé. ott vip"* 0 500010 «- the Road and 550*4 cof Snpetmmr. lin. of thie Town cf Shields b.cithantdige CCiSll0uI,»d the CountySu. Ssp1rnIrT.ru, 117. te foilbw the Ridge Rond and lil peUitmOdea Your comuItton F%«suad Sol- new rond sasmailie rcvlded b he uic Ioto,"Xloll; iÈes ogl* recMrn ltht Mie sMl- Te-u cf West De aieileendng boer iPIV51.CaIiala lthet iaprobaln w" rcfIete oandcounectlng wlthh t. Tel ga tbp=Rosi u a i =CtuLee., sugb lc ourt for th.engain Ysear be Boni ln te Village 61 i)ccrfie tor tii utted hojwe (report: lid t 50,0.payable quazterîy. neettift practical point oulu cf sala O Tb»e FOeuiofa$ Board of Supervi. ltefllyeubitted. Vlabge. m T.M. CLAR. We furtiter recomniend talitIlb <itleeu: t cisumWEBB, the sense cf your Honorable Body ltai Tour-,cpi$ on Rosads and lé E au meSheidan Roel laeo cWlreW518 011, W recomteitd that ~ UT~ froi id hae* fonds wbhltU*Yrbeot"ne osmttWC4 U~'embody in ie BuporvS Cor la ev 51.1 110avaiabe tht theii. etioli af *isa net budget au eds avatlalilé le- but! cframuol P. 1 nfoSr adîs urBal Pol Road >be cliutbed seau teaIr vam tlh# n tI1of the Fo# 0600". et lie =ilom XlfPOrli..intii-rauteitehf rom the intermelO..0 7vr 1gq t Townmhip and lira te U». b0 &Uoel. Wasmhgtelt Street wltli Green "Y thbit CcuttY. 1, begranted te 1111* 'Motm car" i.Raed aorthei'ly on <recu Bay Road bridge from, t ime as Couty SupiÀsralues" m«Oelte roe ho iB lftue. Xfonds are O, toi thit tpurpoee.1 ..ai T Ie o0f Y«el4Va ue We turtere mcumend tht t r i hdRePlt1t' 0. % 05 ee*alDiw'ett~11ev uIS ~yg 5fpou i a4lW» ofr115.050. Board laie ucil mction and Dm s eeMl t 55, Noir Md e olabing lel for., reolutloue mmal 'lie neeeéry taetPCU a aSIUI liagd bWBmotion vasi cair iMe eamotunt required te meet thie M I8GA iwb s bU to amomte n ý ow appeaprWaed by thc,é <14 adlaée. votate Biregiiway Depe t",..W*,fur SepervlorDl mo ~ved taI the 0 XO 01110, I lWy. MeCul. able te ccusîder ralmlgat lté maie Môlipo oarted. Rlngioli, trattan. -lime sud by te me u lmfla "lf . $oiPOTW. ,M*tI ve 11tt th -pe iReuct of DLs.continued Unes of Wonm'$ Valve- VaIsle~- t' The Chart Wili Show- STYESSIZEËS PRCES' ]Keavy TIM and Elack 2 o u,..... ...., [Tan and vici; EBut-~ .10E , I al i'iltbe~fr 65T~Thiursd4y - ttc; il r , 't, t ti arison, rmeu. tt You Iok' Mtore- row D&yg 21 ralue GNulg Wlàds Up the '24kt-- ,at jhanksivig < Int-rÉretîng thec genierous pati ouage of ty* lie asa aqualifh d ùelorsýnient of it.a poUe! > pait tweuity one, years, Wàukeg=%m gre , outtrng stoe% ii upthis balmer nfi 7> sary Sale Saturday-giving unparalle.1e8 iues, düring the rerniainder of the w.0k ai iucngy- low price onsistent wlth good n eliandising. Y 01 o ul dn't get inilast- week, corne m audi supply yoiir winter need-it *1 sy to Iay in a yéer"s suppiy. s. at-suitD Af ù1* Coats Oddsansd ends; values le 110; wlde -varlety of style s ad Col- oringe; extrr. specll49 COÂT-Lot 2 # An eegant lot; chibtus ad Colors a0~iee. .,.9pe8 00ÂT8-Lot 3 Mu extra good buY-wol ve» tours zbbalInesanad cbqvot- tur sud kerat trIn- m .............. 1. 7 1 atà- tmv ifh tUUf - tU Bi Suits tbeedaes a. ims 1.00, t .... W Matebleau value.; brouicelt yok ieour. atrje; a c» m and -d a m" 9 ~ 7 8 aY t ..... t' t Suev modtsluala ovet, breedotui »-d WtabY~uiT' sssoandcolr; baect; iCP ope7i O1$tu Laê NW tm 7icT mnk (72 inch) FuIY-bleaebed table damask of fime merceriged quality. A reuiarkable and tixnely saving. .Priced, per &Èk y ...d............ $1.5<> Linen Damask (711mu) AII-lineîî table damask at notalleý underpricîuig. Prieed at, per,.,9 yardý .................. 19 $2. Lànen Damask (7Ci i'h) ra» ,~xare value at, per' J&5% j - R~EQUl.Aft 18,/o. FL.A?*4il.t.-rTIu-47~ ,~ fi lulehI' ~eeeU' ou o<~I~ s11* ;dkdOlOtP .11 Fancy Dress Goods I SaiIple, The Season's Best Ôfferlýig Ipadba*t bt& These favorcd novelIties in plâidS in Iadvniglakt the ieadiug colora. 36 juches '. g ale ti ek unly. wide. 85e values, at ... . . . . . . . -49C u es>, t...... Tee-PiCearling 8.tà a. .... ....... Doit *bdPWtWý# or, tu e peA oý 'ta" eYakPrloe4 lie? t 5.tt& à 4bo14 Iodle 'W vue 0.74 lie 00 BLI» 44.0c, 7 lui um 70»é m 4

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