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Libertyville Independent, 22 Nov 1917, p. 5

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.. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLI.NOIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1917. -'s. - Beforee verattemptins te smut diat pui sa y.. sheuld a« if j,.. have a11y noed te iake it - Yu wiil eed Citrm *i We hae o sertclm, àualla 1v- d.egetrn, opem mad w. abo.have the qüIiWýyr" of <isi cemeat and pumpkmn fer yeur pies LA M FURISH THE TABLE I3ARL CORLETT T To hýMEATS AND OROCERIES Two PhOnea-339 and 340 .FAR-MERS It's Up to You RIG lT NOW RAISE MORE GRAIN ro Feed the World and Its Friends TILE ALL VOUR LAND lt WiII Puy Big Interest WIth One Permanent Invetment OUR- STOCK IS LARGE Dom. I1 fi*0 OU o.,.c u.s.tises.2» "aW& Ph... 47 E. X.Biehop, Mgr. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Manure spreaders The Best Paying Implement on' the Parm Nisco A New Idea Go Emerson Ones Corne in and look them over. Priced Right SCHANCK HARDWARE Pho... 39. -COMPANY ubertyvible. NON SUPPORT CHARGE FILEODWsnaMnCags AGAINST JOHN WVNN TODAV. iEr-ery man takes Care t*at- is nelgh- lior shailI not clieat hlm.- But a d Waukegan, Nov. 17. cornes when he beglns to cire t-bt ho dnes not chit i neighbor. He bas John D. Wynn, a reeldent of Wau- changeal bis market cirt itto a chariot kegîn for rnany years, wîs placed unfl thesun,-Emeronn. der aret todîy on a warrant sworn- out by i wfe, in which he la chii!ged If lits of' aiay news velue, you wil wlth non-support. The case was ciii- find it ln the Lîbirtyttile lndepenont. od for trl before Justice taon larBmer. I Becauso of the ago of the déenodant , Woman's friand fe a Large Trial s"d thle plainUff and lu the hope that Bottle of Sanol Pre.orptloj IVU #fo a recoucllation cm e b. DctOd lai the. blakeda, ecielua Mail Uiruisb e*l meautime thse cas mue ctlnuld, for jand iea. cmpluim 'A 1 M a* o we.lvWm to OttGo a Sic tW fs! lugW b iAt~U~* L~U - jlj< ~flf- - Loca Interut PlaMM Oei Teephe»N Kmer1.: Rlobert Wrght lt tu1eaday for St. Louls, Mo. lire. W. J. Welie lasvlatlng at Jofferson ths wook. John teter was a business vsitor lu Chicago Tueaday. Pd Parîburit umade a bualuea t trp tu Chicago Tuseday. A meeting of the Alpha Club was bld Weduesdey at the. home onidtrs. lFrank Dymoud. 1Bilas Wright ex pects o b ave Baturday for Calforuta, vhere ho Inteuds f0 @pendl tho vlter. Mr. andl Mrs. Chise Webb of Anti- och vlsted vît-b local relative. anal friende Thuraday. Lait Bafurday ýevenfng the Charles peterson honme vasthe scene if a Party given il MIsa Alvin Ba>Yoen. T ho St. Lawrence Gull wlt moet wtth Mirs. Margaret Whitney an Orarard etreet Friday, Nov 30, ai 2:30 p. mi. Thora wlll ho a dancei for the bfnetti nr Lake eouuity boys given ai Anfloch Opera Bouse. Thuraday eveluag, Nov. 2i*t-h. hy tle RedlCrnes.. Mir sud )ArsW.&S. MrClalnare attendl- lona a oanantou at- Springfield tliis week as dlegates rou tihe t)dd Fettowe sud Ha-hocco Loalg. Clark Wright- lipt Mondas for Tsh- lugion, 1i C.. wbcre be e 0naw lt3pataii j aving receaveal an appointruent lu t-le war departiiaent as supcrinieradcai of constructioli acri. Last Saturdar abiernuuu 11v. E. S. Whie marrled Hobart Smnih md Mie. Bertha Wilson. hlofo!Chicago The cereutouy took place at the meoim rout ni t-he t. Lawrence cungregation. Wedaosday afiornoon tirs. Veru <lerreal entertaiDeal at alner lu honor of irf.. Brt Kînder of Bsbop, Texas, anal trs. Alfredl Nelson oi Taft, Tex as. 1oers vero laid for sixtesn. Robert E. Brown anal Mise, Nelile Ifuntington of Libertyvlle wre mer- ried ai 8 ý. m, on the lit-h. The grooim 1la wel knovn t (Great-Laites, being one ni t-be football teWn. Mire. Scott Oumanal ni Lake Bluff, soid ber*crop ni 615 buaheis nifa-beat Tuesday. It- graed No. 2 nothern and aold te tha Food Administration Corporation for $215 c hushel. On Tneeday, Nov. 27tb ab 7:80 p. ut. asra o1i faphiiiued Pounîd party viii hoe helal rithe a-iurch tota, bnp ii t-e 800 Thaulacgiviag ahane a-r heete,eOltvet Instituis capt-mto tai ve aout un Thanks- givIng day. Miss Jualson uf Lake Bl1uff oriaban- age denie a report- that-site liai a few Bfelgian reiugee rhildren etiflie orpbanage. SIc admifs boaring the report but deubes there ta nythlng tù IL- _ _ The Wisconsin Condenseal MlkC. of Grayake ban purcýasos the old butter factory at Vole, hale for eev- axaI years. They bave remndeled the building aal insalleal nov machin- ery for making clseee. George ML Otoott ha& hbenau point.d nager of, th. Plant. lugea. Jiasengreen. 24 yearc onid, firei urome boy te be sent te the Great Lakes n»val uaiUnu, vas dis- charged frouxthte service Saturdtsy e. vas »trutck aven thse abdomen bY s'filUng tirnier at the. station t-lres moulu mgo and va. ln thienaval bc&e vital at- Greet Lakes until SaturdaY Eceengleen bas nt recovereal iroin- the. accident and hecaatse of hls con- dItion vas disharged. He la eligIbbe te a pension. Thse loos ni a t-e on bshie et foot, eut off by a St. Paul train at =de- brook tation, brings te enal the ce- reer ni a jacitie ai Rolandl Arthur, 24 yearscnid. Art-hum. vhn lives et 6002 Lepader avenue, Chicago, vas return. Ing on tie t-rain te the Great 1 a7ts station. A gust- of wInd lew hie bat on t-o t-lestaItion plat-mmi, and ln bis efforts t-a rerov er if, lha feul. One foot slipped under thet train, and a vbeel sevared is toi'. Ha boppad to a noir by booceanmd e doctor wae at-li. Laid Suna<mY evcraiîio Dr. J. 1,. Tailot tai hlaIstoîîrfniz ar talien irout Iu tropi of lus reeldence Marshai Ltmbcrry vas notifical anal Imuteitatpeaction vastatou çathl a resulit tat-.the car vas locateal ln C'hicago Monda! a-lion It bad beon shanaloneil. Tuesday boveven, a Part-y front Chicago a o taLihrtyvilte'ta get a cor t-bey bâd leift at-a local garage. '11 steeshat the Party hail broben tht. car anal tibou lb b thse garap . b*4 issvtumg ao vag to gsi lack hI. laens- pacfsd titisparti hlpel ihauasv 40 tbdStissr àa, *mmenof e*s Mooa vp~~ MisM, T. matGiluln aer Wnefiday fora acouple of dasaatjdalet Mir anal trs iiFrank tremin andl Mr. and Mir@,. Juhn Brrr andl family ot Grayalakp. speut unda y bere at thee borna <of Oust Kruurey- -Mr. lad gr@ John W. Colo, daugiter,à Kabryn, a"d Sumitell, vers n lu Cbicao tcdsjMm Cole aud chldr.e ta1 suit aad s e algistauhileJohn pr.6 seumabkvauret taoam William Jeunîmpa Bryas orat.. 1 uil openeup a ob oplete aho. store lq tha bulhtlug rmmssU, vacatoal by T. A. ReynoldsaàinéwaàUdSiNovemie 24.9 1 vlii carry e&ooapléio lin@ oi ladies',e ulesa and elhdre's bhues and roObheW -Ra4Y. . mh. - 47cl TheolUbertay HomeGuardm le nov tborougbly oràianlad. Those réeel vinx conudeu.sona ln the guard are: Paul 0. Bey, Cept.; Glaen0(. loaak lu, lot Lient.; Otto J. Boohu, 2ad, Lieu t ThieVeronbaauxilliary off lie Autertean Redoa rnsInvitaeail to attend a raily tf0 behl Inall Hurtkoispavli araountionday evainer, Novomar 26, at 8 o'clock. Sp*akers vill ho proseut hastertalnycu, alter whlch a enflas $clai wili be helal. Mte c ili ho furnlahed t-y Mis'RItton- thaior orchetr aend flac pavi lon wlll be beateal. No admission a ill be ciarged. but a oliver colletion %iilta4 aken Al ibis takes place et llait iay. 'lias local rfle club le rai-ilY geinicg popultriy. About a doza-ta ieut 10 the Gireat Dake. ranwgaturdayv. Alihougla the score did't show ui, as goud as ai timea lunthe pat, a goual average a-as9 rotled up. Ont a poisil 0score of1l0i)1 t-be filtowiug pointa wcre made: Lyie9 Mgrris 87, F'. Coleman iii, J Il Aliemau k 87, S. C. Kimbail 60, E S KeelPi 7 5, Dito Buebut 84, W. Fra-7ta 7C, Harold ( Hiagerty t59, Chaa.' Auciaii 7H, doli1 ternard 88. Begluîîîng Dec. 1, ah flair. - lîaaast- itiai ageai reqiuring postage ah 25ce-lt-s or more nmuet hear Internai rî-Vta-naaa- rilj as providea lnlut-heo ar textbai.lh.' îaaeoffice departmeut aaaaaae-athat- regular postage slalas v. Illt IKtt-i vsiliallor tht. peruteat. s81 alinlaternai i revouelaetampe li la4 ifiuieaelvie. raie wiii ho 1 opus lor esea -7) 25 -entei postage ,r part thereot ciîa,îe25 cts Rbay Smith. Who for malue Unie lha ha-eu lark for T. A. epyiîlds, lias caeca the roim receuily vavaae.i by tir, Rlej nolasde viiiU open up a ehue store tir. Smtit tutonda to carry, a completel stock of sItes snd rua an up-to-date Phue store lu ovory vay. Heticyl also carry île gency for tallaS umade clot- lng 10 acommodete thoe vo bave been placing their orderes i i n the pasi. tMr. Smith le One ofiOunr havas popular saleeman anal the. nous aill ho welcomod hy ht. many ilenals, ait-h whamn the tudepandont Wnln uwlshing lin eueeeoaeln hil Dew venture. Meeting et Round Lake Satnrday. Novemhor 24,at 2.801 lu t-be alernoon, a muttang wUti bho ld la the brick ëcciîol bouse at Round Lake. &Ire. Fred Battit, oljSprlng Urove, chatrutan ut the Wouten's CCunucil oi National IDc- igiase. yl ho preseeit in organise tiy ap- pîtînting a clîairnai and committees for the local council. Alare inytteal. FINID FMR SE= 6 LIQUOR IN lU (rIY John Carlson, a Frlpnd Says Ho Gave Defendat Woney to Buy Brandy fo RiHm. Wkea, Nov.1. frIc Carson of MdAlister .&venue, engagfed ln the telloring buiness. vies arraigneal ia PolI.e Court before Po- lice Magstae Walter Taylor tIi Moraing onu a ebarglOfo! ving vin- lated the city ordinance, whlcb pro- hibîts t-be cale nf lntilcetlng fiquor. Canlson vas iound guiht-y snd wcs assesseil a fine of $60Oand Ott..He appeileil thse case. ,rMc Cîrtson's convction uns sA- cured on t-be testlnony ni a friand. John Carlson, who admIttea t-bat ha bail given Carleon 80 cent-s t-o buy humt a pint- ni brandy ln Chicagro. He salal hie calleal for t-ebramndy et Caitons homle uhen be returnial. The Court helal tht Ibis clearly conat-It-uteil -i violation af the ordinince for It- prov ' cd a sale wit-hln the confines of Weit. kegan. Corporation Councel Art bai- tt-lktey lield that it- ual not m.11,- any differenca wbetbar Cîrleon a-cul to Chicago to buy t-be tiquer for t-la" *other CarNoin or a-bot-ber bc ioÔk if jd out bis ire box, so long.,ee t-be mona'y for t wara pai over in Wankegar. ýalhn Carlson bas proveal consîd,,r-! able of a nuisance t-n Oie police uof loto, baving been arresteal for drunk- ennelsesevemal limes. He le sid to bave remarked thît hacali nut baveP t-e go far la gel bis lquor. He vie earresied agita last- Satnrtlay anal at t-St time folal of al I ad 1the mo- a" tb bis friend fer 1.11e bot-be oi IIGH SCHOOL NOIES Basket hall gaine Frida.v iglir, Nuv> 28, et 8 p. ut. L. T. fi. S. vo. Christ chureh teaus ni Waukegau. Glrlç basket bell te progrmstag rapidty aud Mlient aqude ara b'g organisât] usalar tg»esupervison of Isu andb.rg. Thoir raptinate nsd omange. iI bu el.ced Thuraday., The report carde ara ont for tb. seond il... Tbero ar e svera casse ofrlnom. plt. work and la tisaicas no grad, lo gim..tise tudeet iunesâ buor ae@ecut- ploie tise work. .11t la hoped tiha by tb. onaof n us mîtbutiai tht. vIlI prcti. maiy bavabesu llilulateal. l s tudoni tu boea la tise vork than ho or ah. ilîl bav *atuer bard til..catchiug up. Th tdont uho novor lois on. day go hy witbout baving proparelfo Inn i bt ta the. Idoal sindont. The average grade thie monih ia 84% or B- If the pupil ha. a gobde abovo tiiait any timo ho or @ho desorves praise [aor tbe fi>et. A atudout ahoulal nover ho ai aIl atialied wltb a grade of harely pasleg for that mean. thai ho or *ho yull bave a liard lme tn putlug the enljeetjuto proctire. There voretblrty-one case.out allure lu ne subjeci tht. month. Une grade out of every 17in'ID." OUnstsident out of every four fauleal lu ai ieaët anc subjeet. If a puptl'e grade je "D"'inu any subjeci ivre strongiy urge tbat the matiar lie Inve atigated @u that It will not occur Mir. Underbrink veut tu noritiera Wisconsin laei Wedtàeaday la ceaic-h of another tbicher anal rturneal Knlday. W bile there he wastî2r.îuuate in eragaging a lady wlth six jeais' experlence lu higb ocbool a-ork. li'e lelieve that elle vii please in Liberty ville Neverbefgore have 1Caimpetent teacrbere ha-eu su scarce. A uotoa abas been @peut, lu trylue l ut-ual s0mout ne to bepunsoui As atout-balf a of thîosechool s mîade up of freshaieu the nintier taking EugýIib 1 anal Latin 1iml large anal taccesilates Ilarea- clasa-sil cIa of those subjetie. The, new tearhcr vili tearla two classe. In Eugleb h IL une rlams lu Latin 1i 11.S Htet-ory, anal one elIan b Physiography and poosibly a ,laIes la Plysical Training. Laët Wedneoday there wans au unnenal allount nietatter lu the kitchen. Butih was unomal silesson anal tfas extra noise »emed allo&wahle, for t-be girls were utabiug caady. There vere soute blunai- ers, af couroe, but with nrnch &ai exercise in.beet-ing anal kneadlng roasite vhhbmght mabo the confectonuer on- viaus vere praduccal. The fondant uas wrappid proudly la olleal peper anal r.sluctanUjy ot away lu the cupbaard until next day, vhenhu wse ta lho made tubo delcioua caies. Viions of lat chocolate creuta, stuilcal datas, roa mins anal ather goodlee made tho girls. auzbons for the nexi clase. They came pouuding dovu the. bazement etap@ lu a grand rush on propage fnr vnrk. &Sce- ly was Ih Possible ta watt uuti i"le Aliyn ktouti the tondant, t-bey vero on auons ta begin on IL. But uhat a cra-ifallen look useon t-hoeIlit-leot ioaks'" face. Rler fondant roulai nut ho founaiA sysîcutatic ocarch uncaivercal ut-ber loso. Otherpeaple became avare ihat the resul t fthelr laitors ufthie previaaus day hail goune rueweeten sorte uracrupuinus persons touili. Tne auto vath wbicb the bonbons were lu ho adorucal vere hall gone. W bat- bai prt-autted tu o e ch an en)joyatîle lession becauts a prohîcut la dIvision, wa t-bat a eh girl mtgbi have at leaut a tiny tit utf fondant ta wnrk vlîb. Sncb ruibles diorottoci ni pnnperty migbtlieho lt aalculatltod ta buall afiaute ut righteona Inudgnation. The luatructor fnrgot ber diuliand holpealte gtrls propare ana. dellcloue looklng chocolat. creeme vhlch wereIlIled vlub peppar sud peppermint. The»e vere lot bemptBagly on the deek f ir the nexi comer. He came as d ahe, sevaral oft$tem sud If snyhody ha. auj daubi as ta vba 1ke candy vhich v#as ni lntendad tor thm,sait tise blgb achuooltoachoro uhat pesona Came to lasasaTbnraaiay allernoon lbobIng very hot sud uncoafortablo sud teeling foo cia-L tW wark. 1WhoIt w"c that "---- - -------- wanted tu guoutntud gel a drink aud on whose breaila camue the pungent Odor ItefJl3 of A uow plan la beona worked outnt ai-jInterest-, sebool libat le thoe tudents are loit on »!pImame their bonor la the main routalaone. Ilf Zon could look lu upou thatrogo, Whou1----------- thoro 1 el a tomber and wtt.,the# M not jRighland Park le to ha..e a okIetmo" you whold probahly " a.vry litti. cantala. . differace la theaconduct ofni ti.oudeutea Fn j nertonwf edm*M0 01Ou? tOUV e .5are itanaoes hou bl . cnerato u»reu. re pest, nf langht.r rlrs througb the &lbo wals. bilidng«, but ln about two Sconde the .'Thie war wll end Wuesw. itWe 4 silenee i a. a lngwhieh mca,.. ibat a »cretary Baker. Tht. lade»% "( teacher bas ouddenlY Made, hîimel n fis) lu the doorwag. There are a lew limes" that you woold thînk you were la a Eoo"ar wili get vou ti ltro*,lle eblidron'. playgroutid. but the-o are fou. et the VIde. and for hoiween. Tnere are two d.oor e ways lu th. main room u@lu the front Now lot somflen. .1W a ioyiO and one ha the back and "woo lu the Christmas andlem.wbere ho gottoff1,11110 poor unturlunate setudpit awho 0oea.lno lia) im n. lia front door yelle to a Palarosa A farier ou the tlarpeugo-Haifvi therooni andl too laie dlseorers Ihere 19 rond lin. lutroduedal anoveI d.1" U a teailier lu the back door.* But laapplly bail piaal imi hie front door ya ol thi; duomsnot occur atton andl for a fow ahauk orb ad on this listefthblb w bat lie bac tu, oeil roni the tarin. Thé.. Moment a dark elaîud dosei bang ovor t.je uc t.avel airer tht, road and il. the rasoir. liko a oummer showrlt bltn pa> aaceed that h le MA*$, passesf andl the @un thines more brigbtly îahcrved. Other farmero migbt final té afterwardm.>I profitable t- foloW thpeeample. t 1' 1~ , ~ 7, - w.- SQÀMETUIG S&VEDUPR)a yOur sucess is itot alw~ esoc aeoujmaw savveà%, buf(l6efact Cym6w àýaly, u oUIJnoes1I4 h.o caD i a la ] The abeve are aome of thie exproieaia of muwwo. tien v. ane oonatantly hearinsg with regard te tba ceai we arn now »UiIng. W. Can Truth*uiy Say thtte M a m1g god daL. Oô ;eg QtJEBUPPLY WHILEmm E uA1a- W.F. FRANZEN. 'JIL. I - - -- - -- - - --- - - - -- S h o e------S h-e-- ---I u-- ANOTHER lot of fine new sboes received this week. Our stock inow mn very good chape on Ladies', Misses' and Children's goods. Ladies black ail-v ici Kid Ladies' black Gun Metal Ladies' Havana brown cloth-top High Cuts, Etc. Two Special Numbers in Misses' High gchoo1. Shoes Childrent-s Button and High-Top Button School Shoes Feit and Cretonne Stippers RUBBERS 0F ALL KINDS W.W.CARROLL &SONCQi Page

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